Ltd., Stand 33, Hal l 5. ...... Lathe jaw type, mognetic, magnetic demognetiser, ......
Hal l 5. HARRISON 30in. x 8ill. Table all.geared plain hori zontal mill, 8 spindle ...
EXHIBITION R.A.S. Showg,ound Sydney, N.S.W. 19th - 31st J u ly, 1965 10 O.m.
6 p.m. daily.
Organised by The Machine Tool /tIerchanls' Division Sytlney Chamber oj Commerce.
The Sydney C h ..... ber of Commerce, Commerce 161 Clorenee Street, Sydney. Telephone 29·6001.
H owse.
G. S. Cla rk, President; The Han. F. M. Hewitt, M . l . e . , Deputy President; W. H. lombert, F.I.S.M., Vice· PreSident; E. A. Head. Han. Treasurer; G. M. Hostie, I mmediate Post President'' A J. Birch, Director.
Co!ol09l1o published by A,,".olio" Trode P"blicotiorlS Pty. ltd., 28 Ch.p,... Street, 5ydn•.,. ond prlntod by Publicit, Pu�n Ltd., 29 Mughc. Sireet.$rllller.
Preface ... The Machine Tool Division of the Sydney Chamber of Commerce extends a cordial welcome to all visitors to this, The 3rd Machine Tool Exhibition.
A. C. B.drock, Choirman. Exhibition Commiltee.
This Exhibition has brought together. the largest assembly of Machine Tools made by Australian and Overseas Manu/acturers ever to be displayed in Australia. Some 1,000 Machines will be seen under actual operating conditions. Many Overseas Specialists have come here so that Australian and Overseas buyers may have the opportunity 0/ discussing the latest de-velopments in the Engineering and Woodworking Industries. We do not judge the degree of success of these Exhibitions by size alone. It is inevitable that Industry will increase in size, consequenti'J if we are to do justice to the needs of these Industries, then our Exhibitions become larger. However it is 0/ particular interest to note the greater variety and numbers of Numerically controlled or otherwise Programmed Machines which are on display. Clearly Industry in Australia is adopting the more modern manufacturing techniques of more ad·vanced countries in these fields. We leel that the great advantages that come from a display 0/ this kind are the opportunities given to Engineers to see this modern equipment and to take account of trends. Conditions of competition and the need to build up exports demand replacement 0/ obsolete
A. J. Birch, Director, The Sydney Chomber of Commerce.
Machine Tools, so this catalogue has been prepared to serve not only as a useful guide to the Exhibition, but also as a reference catalogue when you are planning the installation of new equipment. Another aspect which I leel is emerging is the advantages which can be gained from problems being solved by Automatic Machines and processes which partly offset the acute shortage of skilled labour. It is our wish that not only should YOll enjoy your visit to Sydney and to the Exhibition, blLt that you should also take 'he opportunity. where possible. to investigate the development of industry in Australia. We feel sure that overseas visitors, particularl)', will be impressed with the possibilities that this country offers for inJJestment and the establishment of Industries, which can fit into the pattern of Ollr development clearly indicated by the nature of this Exhibition .
.4. C. B.4DROCK.
The Organising Commitlee of the Third Machine Tool Exhibition-
Left to right: W.S. Bubb, Sales Manager, B. Elliott (A/asia) Pty. Ltd.; C. W. Pearson, Assistant Manager, Machine Too l Division, McPhersons Ltd.; S. A. Poole, Sales Manager, Alfred Herbert A/asia Pty. Ltd.; C. A. Badrock,
Managing Director, Rockley Machinery (Chairman); D. P. Martin, Acting Secretory, Machine Tool Merchants Division, Sydney Chamber of Commerce;
K . R. Macdonald, Managing Director, Modern Too ls Pty. Ltd.; H. C. Edwards, Manager, Cleveland Machinery Pty. Ltd.; K. W. Crooks, Monaging Director, Demeo Machinery Pty. Ltd.
The l,'xhibitioll will be 0IUnletl by Col. Sir Fretl Thorlle, Kt., M.C.,
t:.D., A.iII.I.E. (Aust.), iII.l. Prod. E., at 2.30 p.m. 0" July 19th, 1965. Sir
Thorlle who
is qualifietl
engineering was honpured with a knighthood in 1952 Jor services to 'he Commonwealth nnd to industry. He tvas Director oJ Machine Tools and Ganges with the Dellt. oJ Munitions during the war, and snbseqltendy became
Committee since his retirement he has acted as a consul'ant and director lor many companies.
OF EXHIBITORS W i l l iam Adams & Co. Ltd., Stand 28, H a l l 4. American Society of Tool and Manufactu ring Engineers, Stand 108, Hall 1 (top). Austra l Engineering Supplies Pty, Ltd ., Stond 1, H a l l 1. Austra l ian Trade Publ ications Pty. Ltd., �tand 111, H a l l 1 (top). Norman N . Benson & Co. Pty. Ltd., Stand 35, H a l l 5. B l iss Welded Products Ltd., Stand 19, H a l l 3. Boh ler Stee ls Pty. Ltd., Stand 103, H a l l I (top>' British Trade & Technical Journals ( B r itish Trade Services), Stand 119, H a l l 1 (top). Brown & Dureau Ltd . , Stand 6, H a l l 1. C leveland Mach inery Co. Ply. Ltd., Stand 22, H a l l 4. Cleveland Mach i nery Co. ply. Ltd., Stand 110, H a l l 1 (top). Demca Mach inery Co. Pty. Ltd. , Stand 14, H a l l 3. The Eag le & G lobe Steel Co. Ltd. , Stand 104, H a l l 1 (tapl. Elgar Machi nery (A/sia) Pty. Ltd. , Stand 25, H a l l 4. B. E l l iott (A/asial Pty. Ltd., Stand 39, H a l l 5. Ferrocast (N.S.W'> Ply . Ltd., Stand 24, H a l l 4. Gear Machines & Tools Ply. Ltd. , Stand 12, H a l l 2. Gemca Electrara i l Ply. Ltd . , Stand 13, H a l l 3. Gibson Bottle & Co. Ltd . , Stand 9, H a l l 2. Gibson Bottle & Co. Ltd., Stand 34, H a l l 5. G i l bert Lodge & Co. Ltd., Stand 17, H a l l 3. C. G. Grais & Sons Ply. Ltd., Stand 10, H a l l 2. Hahn & Kalb (Ausl.) Pty. Ltd ., Stand 40, H a l l 5. W. J. Handel & Co. Pty . Ltd . , Stand 11, H a l l 2. John Hart Pty. Ltd., Stand 4, H a l l 1. E. J. Headland & Co. Pty. Ltd. , Stand 7, H a l l 2. Heine Bros. (A/asia) Pty. Ltd., Stand SA, H a l l 1 . Alf' Importcroft, Stand 106, H o l l 1 (top),
Japan Machines (Aust. > Ply. Ltd . , Stand 33, Hal l 5. Kenmore Instruments Pty. Ltd . , Stand 113, H a l l 1 (top). McPhersans Ltd., Stand 18, H a l l 3. McPhersans Ltd. , Stand 20, H a l l 4. Mach inery Forum Pty . Ltd. , Stand 36, H a l l 5. Mach ine Shop Equ i pment (Aust.J Ply. Ltd . , Stand 118, H a l l I (top>' The Manufacturer Pub l ishing Co. Pty. Ltd. , Stand 105, H a l l 1 (top). Cec i l E. Mayo Pty. Ltd . , Stand 112, H a l l I (top). Mechanical Precis ion Equipment Pty. Ltd. , Stand 38, H a l l 5. Modern Tools Pty. Ltd . , Stand 21, H a l l 4. N ewa l l Mach ine Tools Pty. Ltd. , Stand 29, H a l l 5. Herbert Osborne Pty. Ltd. , Stand 27, H a l l 4. Qua las Sales Pty. Ltd. , Stand 2, H a l l 1. Qualas Sales Ply. Ltd . , Stand 102, H a l l 1 (top). Austin Quinn Pty. Ltd., Stand 31, H a l l 5. Repca Mach ine Tool Co. Pty. Ltd. , Stand 32, H a l l 5. Thomas Robinson & Son Pty. Ltd . , Stand 30, H a l l 5. Rockley Mach inery Co. Pty. Ltd . , Stand 37, H a l l 5. Rockley Machinery Co. Pty. Ltd. , Stand 23, H a l l 4. Rockley Mach i nery Co. Pty. Ltd. , Stand 114, H a l l I (top). Sandv i k Austra l i a Pty. Ltd . , Stand 107, H a l l (top). Scruttans (Sydney) Ply. Ltd. , Stand 3, H a l l I. Servian Mach ine Tools Pty. ltd. , Stand 8, H o l l 2. The Sheffield Corporation of Austra l i a Pty. Ltd . , Stand 101, H a l l 1 (top). Chas. E . Skinner Pty. Ltd . , Stand 19A, H a l l 3. W. E. Sykes Ltd. , Stand 15, H a l l 3. Technical & Industrial P ress Pty . ltd. , Stand 109, H a l l I (top) . T h e Titan Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd., Stand 117, H a l l 1 (top). U n ited Machi nery Ply. Ltd. , Stand 5, H a l l 1. Wickman (Aust.) Pty. Ltd . , Stand 26, H a l l 4.
Hall No.1, Stand No.103. �.S.W. (Head Office): 146 Botany St., Waterloo. 69-5331. Branches: VIC.: 135 Buckhurst St., South Melbourne. S.A. : 7 Rosslyn St., Hilton. Agents: N.S.W.: Truflex Pty. Ltd., ) 36 Maitland Rd., Mayfield. QLD.: Demco Machinery Co. (Qld. ) Ltd., 1047-)051 Ann St., Fortitude Val ley. Hoey Fry Ply. Ltd., Ingham Rd., Townsville. Hoey Fry Pty Ltd McLeod St Cairns W.A.: I.P.A. ()964) Pty. Ltd., )2 Keegan St., O'Connor via Fremantle. TAS.: George Harvey Electric Co., 22 Patrick Street, Hobart. George Harvey Electric Co., 76 York St., Laun ceston. Representatives in New Zealand: Mason Bros. (Mescol Ltd., 29 Anzac Aven;..:!, Auckland. Mason Bros. (Mesco) Ltd., 156 Hazeldine Rd., Christchurch. Mason Bros. (Mesco) Ltd., 22 Waione Street, Petone.
WILLIAM ADAMS 6- CO. LTD. Stand 28, Hall 4.
N.S.W. (Head Office): IBM Centre, 168 Ker.t St.. Sydney. 27·5561. Bennett St., Chester Hi l l . 72·0166. VIC.: 691 Geelong Rd., Footscroy. S.A.: 157 Woymouth St.. Adelaide. W.A.: 432 Murray St., Perth. QLD.: Cnr. Stanley [;, Peel SIS.. South Brisbane. TAS.: Berriedale, Hobart. (G. P.O. Box 7934.1 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TOOL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS. Stand 108, Hall I (Top Floor).
N.S.W.: Sydney Chapter, No. 144. B. F. Donohoe, Esq., Chairman. C/· Bohler Steels Pty. Ltd.. 146 Botany St., Waterloo. Headquarters: 10700 Puritan Ave., Detroit 38, Michigan, U.S.A. AUST. TRADE PUBLICATIONS PTY. LTD. Stand 111, Hall 1 (Top Floorl.
� � 69� ?i�
NS' � H ce): 28 Chippen St., Chippen. I 1 VIC.: 386 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. 61·3894.
Stand 6, H'all 1.
�5 i� iad
NS.W.: 428 George St., Sydney. 25-4341. VIC.: Cnr. Kavanagh [;, Ire}and SIS., South Melbourne. 61-3411. S.A.: 92 Pirie St., Adelaide. 23-5155. QLD.: 454 Queen St., Brisbane. 311-901. W.A.: 170 Wellington St., Perth. 21-9211. N.Z.: Brown [;, Dureau (New Zealand) Ltd. Tas .. man Building, Anzac Ave., Auckland.
Office}: Mary St., Ermington. _o 117 Maitland Road, Islington, Newcastle. 61-5211. VIC.: 44 Punt Rd., Windsor, 5.1. 51-5351. S.A.: 78 Grange Rd.. Weiland. 46-1341. QLD.: 475 Adelaide St., Brisbane. 2-3484. 42 Perkins Street West, Railway Estate, Towns· ville. 6-782. NORMAN N. BENSON 6- CO. PTY. LTD. Stand 35, Hall 5.
N.S.W. (Head Office): 2 Morton St.. Parramatta, 630-3357. Vic.: 1056 Dandenong Rd .• Carnegie. 211-5676. S.A.: 165 Main North Rd., Nailsworth. 65-9021. QLD.: Clyde Centre, Links Avenue, Eagle Farm. 68-0151.
Stand 110, Hall 1 (Top Floor).
Stand 22, Hall 4.
N.S.W.: 317 Cleveland St., Redfern. 69-3594. DEMCO MACHINERY CO. PTY. LT�. Stand 14, Hall 3.
N.S.W. (Head Office): 267-271 Cleveland Street. Redfern. 69-4121. VIC.: Demco Machinery Co. (Victoria) Pty. Ltd., 484 Spencer St., Melbourne. c.!. 30-3901. QLD.: Demco Machinery Co. (Qld.) Pty. Ltd., 1047-1051 Ann St., Volley, Brisbane. 5-3871. S.A.: Plant Equipment Ltd., 71-73 Port Rood ' Theborton. 57-9118. W.A.: Carlyle [;, Co. (1959) Ply. Ltd. , I Milligan St.. Perth. 21-9331. N.Z.: R. C. Macdonald Ltd. ' P.O. Box 1201 , We l l ington.
N.S.W. (Head Office): 3)9-337 Horsley Rood, Milperra. 77-0361. VIC.: 67 Flemington Road, North Melbourne. 30-2954. S.A.: 40 Hilton Rd., Hilton. 57-5886. Q LD.: Bourke [;, Radford (Eng.! Pty. Ltd., Gould Rd., Herston. 5-3249. Limited, 16 Wyndham St., Auck- ' N,Z': 6 4 la
� / ���9
N.5.W. IHead Office): 23 Buckland St.. Broad way. 211-3600. Wollongong Engineering Pty. Ltd., Keiro Street, Wallangang. 2-5771. Engineers & Colliery Supplies Co. Ltd., Greenway St.. Wickham, Newcastle. 61-4801. VIC: 101-101 5turt St., 5th. Melbourne. 69-5771. WA: 111-113 Wellington St., Perth. 21-8331. 5.A.: 19-25 Hume St., Adelaide. 8-6251. QLD.: 28-36 Charlotte St., Brisbane. 2-1626. TA5.: P. B. Bryce, 28 Cunningham Street, South Burnie. N.Z.: Kidd Garrett Ltd., 141 Hobson St., Auckland.
N.5.W. IHead Ollice) : 45 Dumbartan St., North Sydney. 92·0988.
Stand 104, Hall 1 ITo
p Flaor).
Stand 13, H a l l 3.
QLD.: Warburton Franki Ltd., 13 Chester Street, Volley, Brisbane.
VIC: Jasper Coote Pty. Ltd., 11 Thistlewaite St., South Melbourne.
S.A : Parbury Henty & Co. Pty. ltd., 418 King William St., South Adelaide.
WA: Noyes Bros. Pty. Ltd., 651 Murray St., Perth. N.Z.: Singer IAust.) Ply. Ltd., 11 Cook Street, Aucklan.d.
Hislop, Kennedy, Cassie Ltd., 178 St. Asoph St., Christchurch. 50-129.
G I BSON BATTLE 6- CO. LTD. Stand 34, Han 5.
N.S.W. IHead Ollice): Gibson Bottle & Co. ltd., 535 Kent St., Sydney. 26-6661. Branch Offices: QLD.: Gibson Bottle & Co. Ltd., 36 Ross Street, Newstead. 51-1541. NEWCASTLE: Gibson Bottle & Co. Ltd., Corner Lindus Streets, Wickham, N.S.w.
ELGAR MAC H I N E RY lA/ASIA) PTY. LTD, Stand 25, Hall 4.
N.s.W. IHead Office): 90 liverpool St., Sydney.
32 Bareoo St., East Roseville. VIC.: 12 Thompson St., Abbotsford. 42-1256. S.A.: Wood Gormon & Co., 232 Victoria Square, Adelaide. WA: H. A. Mullings & Co., 196 Churchill St., Subiaco.
N S' ,
VIC: Detroit Engine & Tool Co., 120 Whitehall St., Faatscray. 68·3322. SA: Syd Osborne' s Services, 182 Whitehall St., Adelaide. 51·1451.
B. ELLIOTT lA/ASIA) PTY. LTD. Stond 39, Hall 5.
: 32 Barcoo St., East Rase
�iI' I� H.w�4?i� ce)
Stand 17, Han 3.
N.S.W. IHead Ollice): 13 Porromotto Rd , lid· combe. Ai Br m ewcastle. R � �o �'th Rd S. .: 1 6 i n QLD.: 100 Deshon St., Waollaangabba. VIC: 1048·1054 Dandenang Rd., Carnegie. W.A.: 340 Hoy St., Subiaco. N.Z.: 55 Station Rd., Penrose, Auckland 374 Ferry Rd., Christchurch. 27 Rutherford St., Lower Hutt, Wellington.
N.Z.: Kidd Garrett, Hislop, Cassie {7 Kennedy, Group. All bronches. Cory-Wright & Salmon - All branches. Morris Block & Matheson (S.U Ltd., Christ church. McEwens Machinery Ltd., Auckland and Well ington.
� � ��
FERROCAST PTY. LTD. Stand 24, Holl 4.
N.5W.: Ferrocast IN.S.W.) Pty. Ltd., 181 Burwaod Rd., Burwaod. 14-2145. VIC.: Ferrocost Machine Tools Pty. Ltd., 560 Lons dale St., Melbourne. 61·5128. QLO.: Evans Deakin (7 Co. Ltd., Charlotte Street, Brisbane. 31-0381. S.A.: Ferrocast Engineers Supplies Pty. Ltd., 55 Gilbert St.. Adelaide. 51·4543. W.A.: Ferrocast IWA) Pty. Ltd., 156 St. George's Terrace, Perth. 21·2851. TAS.: Ferrocast Machine Tools Pty. Ltd., 560 Lons dale St., Melbourne. 61·5128. N.Z.: Ferrocast IN.Z.) Pty. Ltd., 10 Boston Rd., Mt. Eden, Auckland. 41-448.
Stand 10, Han 2.
'i i (�cx;b 0llicel : 6 Grafton St., Chippendale.
1 VIC: 10 Cubitt St., Richmond. 42·1293.
HAH ' N 6- KOLB IAUST.l PTY. LTD, Stand 40, Han 5.
N.S.W.: (Heod Office) Hill. 11·0368.
2 French Lone' Summer
Vic.: 28 Houghton Rd., Oakleigh. 569-0129. SA: 19 North Terrace, Hackney. 63-3186.
GEAR MAC H I N ES 6- TOOLS PTY. LTD. Stand 12, Han 2.
QLD.: Evans Deokin & Co. Pty. Ltd., Ryan House, enr. Eagle & Charlotte Streets ' Brisbane.
N.SW.: 290 Chapel St., Marrickville. 519-1225.
N.l.: Teagle, Smith & Sons Ltd., 272-278 Wake field St., Wellington.
W. J. HANDEL & CO. PTY. LTD. Stand II, Hall 2.
N.5.W. (Head Office): 705 Parramatta Raad. Leichhardt. 56-I441. Vic.: 22 Alma Rd., St. KUda. 94-37I2. S.A.: 88 Hutt St .• Adelaide. 8-2323.
N.5.W. (Head Office): 642 Harris St., Ultimo. 2 0 r� k Rd., South Yarra. 5.E. 1. 24-4832. VIC. 5.A.: 96 Gilles St., Adelaide. 54-6135. N.l.: Joseph Nathan & Co. Ltd., Wellington, Christchurch, Auckland, Polmerston North, Dunedin.
iJ7 ;�
JOHN HART PTV, LTD. Hall No. I, Stand No.4.
(Head Office): 145-149 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne. 69-2649. 69-2704. N.5. W.: 16 Bermill St., Rockdale. 59-3321. S.A.: Hydroc Ltd., I I Coongie Ave., Edwardstown. 76-4513. QLD. Agents: Evans Deakin & Co. Pty. Ltd., 251 Charlotte St .• Brisbane. 3 I -0381.
McPHERSONS LTD. Stand 18, Hall 3.
Stond 20, Hall4.
N.5.W.: Cnr. McEvoy & Brennan Sts., Alexandria. 69-0400. 5 I-65 Bathurst St., Sydney. 2-0617. VIC. IHead Office): 546-566 Collins Street, Mel bourne. 62-030I. 2·60 Buckhurst St., South Melbourne. 69-7461. S.A.: 102-130 Waymouth St., Adelaide. 51-04". QLD.: 76-86 Commercial Road, The Valley, Bris bane. 5-0191. W.A.: 532-534 Murray Street, Perth. 23-021I.
E. J. HEADLAND & CO. PTV_ LTD. Stand 7, Hall 2.
VIC. (Head Office): 60 New St .• Brighton Beach 92-5039. N.S.W.: Scruttons (Sydney) Pty. Ltd .• 639-651 Gardeners Rd., Mascot. 67-051I. QLD.: Bourke & Radford (Eng.) Pty. Ltd., Birkrad Bldg., 1·9 Gould Rd., Herston, Brisbane. 5-3249. HEINE BROS.
Stand 5A, Hall 1.
Stond 36, Hall 5.
N.5.W. (Head Office): I I Loftus St .• Sydney 27-4857. United Machinery Pty. Ltd., 5 Gibbes Street, Chotswood. 40-3I16. QLD.: G.P.O. Box 575J. Brisbane. 26-I32, 26-I40 S.A.: 130 5turt St .• Adelaide. 51-1029. VIC.-TA5.: 473 Bourke St., Melbourne. 67-8801 W.A.: G.P.O. Box WI999. Perth. 21-7561.
N.S.W.: 67 Millett St.. Hurstville 57-4599. Vic. (Head Office): 455 Heidelberg Rd., Fairfield. MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMfNT PTY_ LTD.
Stand 118, Hall 1 (Top Floor).
N.S.W.: 143 Campbell St., Sydney. 61-3075.
N.5.W. IHead Office): Cm. Booth & Taylor Sts., Annandale. 68-4741. VIC.: Cnr. Dondenong & Blackburn Rds .• Clayton. 544-1744. 5.A.: Cnr. Port Rd. & Kinq St., Croydon. 46-2301. QLD.: 33I Montague Rd., West End. Brisbane. 4-2951. W.A.: III Stirling St .• Perth. 28-4331.
Stand 105, Hall 1 (Top Floor).
N.S.W. (Head Office): Elizabeth St., North Sydney. 92-0615. VIC.: 197 Kinq St., Melbourne. 67-9069. QLD.: 98 Bowen St., Brisbane. 2- I 729. S.A.: 238-242 Wright St., Adelaide. 3-6245. W.A.: 171 Hoy Street East, Perth.
Stand 120, Hall 1 (Top Floor!
N.5.W.: 40 Russell St. , Eastwood. 85-51I3. N.5 JAPAN MACHINES (AUST.) "V. LTD.
Stand 38, Hall 5.
1� ��e9� � �fe): 32 Willoughby 5t., Milsons i _ J
VIC.: 424 Como Parade, Mordialloc. SA: 749 Port Rd., Woodville. Q LD.: Queensland Machinery Co. Pty. Ltd., 142 Albert St., Brisbane. N.l.: Kidd Garrett Ltd., 147 Hobson St., Auckland.
Stand 33, Hall 5.
N.5.W.. (Head .office): 31 Atchison St., Crows Nest. 43-4229. VIC.: 487 Swan St., Burnley, E.1. 42- I 385. VIII
Stand 21, Hall 4.
N.5.W.: 589 Gardener's Rd.. Mascot. 67-0207. VIC. (Head OHicel: 538 Mt. Alexander Rd., Ascot Vole. QLD.: 844 Ann St., Volley, Brisbane. SA: 31 Halifax St., Adelaide. WA: 309 Hoy St., Perth. TAS.: 62 Paterson St., Launceston. N.Z.: 12-22 Wigan St., Wellington.
Stand 32, Hal l 5.
N.S.W. (Head Offkel: 414 Botany Rood. Alexan dria. 69-4327-8. 69-7192-6. VIC.: Quolos Sales Pty. Ltd .• 2 Arden St., North Melbourne. 30-2324. Specialised Machine Tools Ptv. Ltd., 644 Bur wood Rd., Hawthorn. 827-059. SA: John Low Machinery Co., 263 Fullorton Rd., Netherby. 79-1684. QLD.: Queensland Machinery Co. Pty. Ltd., 142156 Albert St.. Brisbane. 2-1481. W.A: Harris, Scorfe 6- Sondovers Ltd., Hoy St., Perth. 23-0131. N.l.: ' : Roe & Co. Ltd., Cavanagh St., Darwin. 2 5 lAS.: R. L. Milligan & Son, 60 Melville Street, Hobart. 31-443.
THOMAS ROBINSON 6- SON PTY. LTD. Stand 30, Hal l 5.
� �
N.S.W. (Head Office I : 160 Sussex St., Sydney. 29-6956. VIC.: 476 Geelong Rd., W. Footscray. 314-9539. WA: Flower Davies & Johnson Ltd., 407-417 Murray St., Perth. 21-2756. SA: William Adams & Co. Ltd., 157 Weymouth St .. Adelaide. 51-4221. QLD.: Engineering Supply Co. of Aust. Ltd., 120 Edward St., Brisbane. 31-0371. N.Z.: Mason Bros. (Mesca) Ltd., 29-31 Anzac Ave., Auckland. 20257. C. R. Sanders, 7 Coventry Street, Christchurch. 74548.
N.5.W.: 6 Barry Ave., Mortdale. 53-5000. VIC.: (Head Officel: 260 Clifford St., Hunting dole. 544-6713. QLD.: Engineering Supply. Co. of Aust. Ltd., 120 Edward St., Brisbane. 31-0371. Evans Deakin 6- Co. Pty. Ltd., enr. Eagle 6Charlotte Sts., Brisbane. 31-0381. W.A.: A.N.Z. Metaleo Pty. Ltd., 362 Newcastle St., Perth. 67-1358. N.Z.: Morris Block 6- Matheson Ltd., 9 Gore St., Auckland, C.1.
ROCKLEY MACHINERY CO. PlY. LTD. Stand 114, Hall I. Stond 23, Hall 4.
��;�:' �6�� ii 6
'1� � � p��h�
p Floorl .
N.S.w.: 445 Harris St., Ultimo 68-1164. Hicel : 2 Arden St., North Melbourne. VIC. 2 S.A : Paykel Oils & Chemicals Pty. Ltd., 818 South Rd., Clovelly Pork. 76-6986.
� ��62
642 Harris St.,
Stand 109, Hal l I (T o p Floorl . �' � H43� 2iJicel: 40 Atchison St., Crows 0 es Di7':;' 8t � 97. Wholesalers Pty. Ltd., Sydney. P. Walz, Newcastle. 52-3742. VIC. 9 �62�� k Australia Pty. Ltd., Melbourne. 5 Di �4�of31�holesolers Pty. Ltd., Melbourne. QLD' 9 �on tik Australia Pty. Ltd., Brisbane. 1_ 5 SA: 61� k Australia Pty. Ltd., Adelaide. � � 45
Stand 2, Hall 1 .
��7If. Office I :
��:2� �
�i I
Bronch Offices: VIC.: 257 Toorak Rd., South Yarra. S.E.I. 24-4832. SA: 96 Gilles St., Adelaide. 54-6135. N.Z. Agents: Joseph Nathan and Co. Ltd., Well ington, Christchurch, Auckland, Polmerston North, Dunedin.
N.S.W.: 100 Chalmers St., Sydney. 69-6526 19 Ireland St , West Melc VIC. . b QLD.: Evans Deakin & Co. Pty. Ltd., Ryan House I Charlotte St., Brisbane. i andel & Co. Pty. Ltd., 88 Hutt St., S.A.: A I d iS. Scorfe & Sondovers, G p.a. Box 092, W.A· ,
Stand 102, Hall I (To
Stand 37, Hall 5.
Stand 31, Hall S.
d OHicel: 39-45 Greek St., Glebe.
N.Z.: Kidd Garrett Ltd., Auckland. A. R. Hislop Ltd., Wellington. Peter Kennedy Ltd., Christchurch. A. L. S. Cossie Ltd., Dunedin.
8_ VIC.: 212-220 Rosslyn St., West Melbourne. S.A.: 40 Hilton Rd., Hilton.
W.A.: H. A. Mullings & Co., 196 Churchill Ave., Subiaco. QLD.: Evans Deakin & Co. Pty. Ltd., Ryan House, Charlotte St., Brisbane.
Stand 3, Hall 1.
N.S.W. IHead Office) : 639-651 Gardeners Road, Mascot. 67-0511.
Stand 109, Hall 1 (Top Floor).
Stand 8, Hall 2.
N.S.W. IHead Office): 35 Clarence St., Sydney. 29-2711. Vk.: 54I St. Kildo Rd., Melbourne. 51-6748.
N.5.W.: 247 Devonshire St., Surry Hills. 69-7410. VIC.
(Head Office): 284 Albert St., Brunswick. 38-2111.
Offke. and Agents:
VIC. IHead Off;ce): Servian Machine Tools IAus traHa) Pty. Ltd., 284 Albert St., Brunswkk. 38-2111.
Stand 117, Hall I
ITop F loor).
N.S.W.: Woodstock St., Mayfield 68-3711. Doody St., Alexandria. 67-3317. Five Islands Rd., Unanderra. 7-9421. P.O. Box 178, Coama. 21-342. VIC. IHead Office) : 476 St. Kild" Rd., Melbourne. 26-1296. QLD.: 108 Creek St., Brisbane. 31-1041. W.A. : 37 St. Georges Terrace, Perth. 23-2171. Hannons North Mine, Koigoorlie. K-26. SA: 41-47 Currie St., Adelaide. 51-1881. TAS.: Northall Park, Moonah. 80-381. NT: P.O. Box 314, Darwin. 2713.
N.5.W.: Servian Machine Tools IN.S.W') Pty. Ltd., 247 Devonshire Street, Surry Hills, Sydney. 69-7410. QLD.: Servian Machine Tools (Qld.) Pty. Ltd., c/ V. A. & J. Lucas. 36 Twelfth Ave., St. Lucia, Brisbane. 70-1283. S.A.: C/- Hydrac Ltd., II Caangie Ave., Ackland Gardens. Adelaide. 76-4513. N.Z.: C/- Plant & Machinery Pty. Ltd., Penrose, Auckland, N.Z. THE SHEFFIELD CORPORATION OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.
�tand 101, Hall I (Top F loor!.
Stand 5, Hall 1.
N.S.W.: 415 West Botany St., Rockdale. 58-0851. VIC. IHead Off;ce): Princes Highway, Clayton. 544-0231. S.A.: 21 Lombard St., North Adelaide. 6-8228. QLD.: Queensland Machinery Ca. Pty. Ltd., 142 Albert St., Brisbane. 2-1481. W.A.: Robert Cameron & Co., 31 McLeod Road, Applecross. 64-1635. N.Z.: Gilbert Lodge & Co. Ltd., 55 Station Rd., Penrose, Auckland. 594-I46.
I Heine Bros.) Stand I, No. 5A. N.S.W.: United Machinery Pty. Ltd., 5 Gibbes St., Chotswaod. 40-3116. Heine Bros. Aust. Pty. Ltd., 11 Loftus Street, Sydney. 27-4857. QLD.: Heine Bras. IAust.) Pty. Ltd., G.P.O. Box 575J, Brisbane. 26132, 26140. S.A.: Heine Bros. IAust.) Pty. Ltd., 130 Sturt St., Adelaide. 51-1029. VIC.-TAS.: Heine Bros. IAust.) Pty. Ltd., 473 Bourke St., Melbourne. 67-8801. W.A.: Heine Bros. IAust.) Pty. Ltd., G.P.O. Box W1999, Perth. 21-7561.
CHAS. E. SKINNER PTY. LTD. Stand 19A, Hall 3.
N.S.W.: 117 Day St., Sydney. 61-1398.
Stand 26, Ha ll 4.
N.S.W : 239 Great North Rd., Five Dock. 83-7226. VIC. IHead Ollke): 153 Victoria Pde., Collingwood. 41-3151.
Stand 15, Hall;!,
N.S.W. IHeod Office): 8 Rkketty St., Mascot. 67-4055. VIC.: 446 High St., Northcate. S.A.: Wood Gorman & Co., 232 Victoria Square, Adelaide.
QLD.: 5 Creswell St., Newstead. 51-5558. SA: 433 Torrens Rd., Kilkenny. 45.3620. W.A.: Engineering Supplies (W.A.) Pty. Ltd., 112 Charles St., Perth. x
LOCATION GUIDE C. G. Grais & Sans Pty. Ltd. W. J . H ande l & Co. Pty. Ltd. Gear Machines & Tool s Pty. Ltd.
Austral Eng i neering Supplies Pty. Ltd . Qualos Sales Pty. Ltd. Scruttons (Sydney) Pty. Ltd. John Hart Ply. Ltd. United Machinery Pty. Ltd. Heine Bros. (A/asia) Pty. Ltd. Brown & Dureou Pty. ltd.
Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
1 2 3 4 5 5A. 6
Stand Stand Stand Stand
101 102 103 104
Gemca Electrorai l Ply. Ltd. Demeo Machinery Co. Pty. ltd. W. E. Sykes Ltd . Alfred H e rbert (A/sia) Pty. Ltd. G i lbert Lodge & Co. Ltd. McPherson's Ltd. B l iss Welded Products Ltd . Chas. E. Skinner Pty. Ltd.
The Sheffield Corporation of Austra l i a Ply. Ltd. Qualos Sales Pty. Ltd . Bahler Stee ls Ply. Ltd . . The Eagle & Globe Steel Co. Ltd. The Manufacturer Publ ishing Co. Pty. Ltd. I mportcroft . Sandvik (Austra lia) Pty. Ltd. Americon Society of Tool and Manufacturing Eng i neers (AS.T.M. E.l Technical & Industrial Press Pty. Ltd. Cleveland Mach inery Co. Pty. Ltd. Austral ian T rode Publications Pty. Ltd. Cec i l E. Maya Ply. Lta. Kenmore I nstruments Pty. Ltd. Rockley Mach inery Co, Pty. Ltd. The Titon Manufacturing Co. Pty . Ltd. Mach ine Shop Equipment (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. .... .... .... . ... .... British Trade & Technical Journals (British Trade Services) Hydrouk..: Equipr:-.ent Pty. Ltd.
Stand 1 08 Stand 109 Stand 1 1 0 11 1 112 113 1 14 117
Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Newa l l Mach ine Tool s Ply. Ltd . . Thomas Robinson & Son Pty. Ltd . Austin QUinn Pty. Ltd. Repco Machine Tool Co. Ply. Ltd . Japan Mach ines (Ausl.) Ply. Ltd. G i bson Battle & Co. Ltd . . Norman N. Benson & Co. Ply. Ltd. Machinery Forum Pty. Ltd . Rockley Machinery Co. Pty. Ltd. Mechanical Precision Equipment Pty. Ltd. .. .... .... .... ... B. Elliott (A/asia) Ply. Ltd. Hahn & Kolb (Ausl.) Ply. Ltd.
Stand 118 Stand 119 Stand 120
E. J. Headland &. ';0. Pty. Ltd . . Servian Mach ine Tools (Aust.> Pty. Ltd. Gi bson Battle & Ca. Ltd.
Stond 13 Stand 1 4 Stand 15 Stand 16 Stand 1 7 Stand 1 8 Stand 19 Stand 19A.
McPherson's Ltd. Modern Tools Ply. Ltd. Cleveland Mach inery Co. Pty. Ltd. Rockley Mach i nery Co. Ply. Ltd. Ferrocast (N. S. W.) Ply. Ltd. Elgar Machinery (A/asia) Ply. Ltd. Wickman (Ausl.) Pty . Ltd . Herbert Osborne Ply. Ltd. Wi l l iam Adams & Co. Ltd.
Stand 105 Stand 1 06 Stand 107
Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
Stand 10 Stand 1 1 Stand 12
Stand 7 Stand 8 Stand 9 XI
Stand 38 Stand 39 Stand 40
Austr�l &g.So.rpplie:sPll.
Q\JalosSa(u P/l 'icrullonslSydrv:y)FR. JomHartPlL
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4 6
5 Sa
N'I04 110
stand no.
EJ.Headland I. Co.P/L. Servian Machil'lt. Tools (AusUAl
10 12
GibscnBatlIt&Co.Ud. C.G.(;rais&SonsP/L WJ.Handd&Co.P/l
I. Tool
Gear Machine.
11 12
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GcmcoElcClJ1)ra,il F'tyUd OmICO�yCo,F'fyLtany. Featuring Sin. spin dle, 35in. x 44in. rotatmg table, 18 speeds 2.8 to 1 ,000 r.p.m., 108 power feeds, rapid traverses a11 directions, weight 7i tons; 2iin. to 8in. spindle table 8, and floor types also available. Senrian, Hall 2.
Model � L.85: Horizontal boring machine with po�ered mdexlng rotary table 40in. x 48in. . Longltudmal table traverse 7Sin. Cross traverse 48in Dja�eter �f spindle , Slin . T:averse of spindle. Longi: tudmal 25m. Vert.leal 4010. Spindle speeds 24 ( l ?- I .200 t.p.m.) : Dlam� ter of facmg platform 201in. Sh�e tr�vel l OtIO . This heavy duty machine is ver . satile �I th c�ntrahsed cont�ol and the possibility of c ad independen tly. I ll Electrabore Horizontal Boring Machine Model BTX is the smallest of the "T" type � achines .with sta �dard table traverse and employ109 combmed facmg head and traversing spindle. Features pre-selected speeds through electro.magnetic clutches and infinitely variable feeds and rap id power traverse to all traverse movements. Traversmg sp � ndle diameter 4in., 27 speeds, 8 to 1 ,250 r.p.m. to spmdle and 18 speeds, 8 to 240 r.p.m. to facing head. M ,:)Vemen �s 37in. t :ansverse, 24in . longitudinal and 24m. verucal. HOTizontal traverse of spindle 24in., main table 48in. square, net weight approximately n t O n achining 1� 1 t t r c . st
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MEC3 Horizontal Boring and Mill ing Machine. Table capacity 36in. x 36in., maximum distance between spindle and support 74in., longi tudinal and cross tr:l Vel of table 36in., main spindle is Sin., having No. 5 Morse taper spindle, with 12 speeds from I I to 1 , 1 00 r.p.m., 9 feeds of the spindle from .000 I in. to .02in, vertical and longitudinal feeds Rapid traverse in all ranging from jin. to 40in. three travels. Main drive from 2-speed motor n1 5! h.p. with separate hydraulic motor I t h.p. Main bed is induction hardened and all feeds are operated from a special hydraulic panel. Demeo, Stand 14. Hall 3.
Horizontal with automatic cycling
Working Model of A BSWS 32/20 Hori zontal Milling and Boring Machine. The machine in actual size, would have a milling spindle of 1 2iin. diameter, a boring spindle of 7tin. diameter. Diameter of spindle quill 201in.; transverse move ment of boring spindle 47in.; transvers� movement of spindle quill 27in.; transverse movement of head stock slide 63in. The vertical movement of the head stock and horizontal movement of the column on the bed can be supplied to suit individual requirements. Spindle speeds can be given from 2 - 1 70 r.p.m. Alter natively, 23-520 r.p.m. Main drive motor is in con junction with the Ward Leonard Converter and can be supplied either 75 or 1 00 h.p. and upon special re 20, Hall 4. quest, up to 136 h.p. McPherson's.
WOTAN Model B75T Horizontal Boring & Milling
Machine equipped with digital read·out system. Bor· ing spindle diameter 3in. Spindle speeds 20. Range No. of thread 12.5- 1 000 r.p.m.; feed range 27. pitches 9 (3-48 TPI). Max. Facing dia. 22in. Table clamping area 32in. x 39in. Travel transverse and Longit. 30in. Swivelling range 360 deg. Length of bed 7 1 in. Main motor 9 h.p. Spindle taper MT 5. Machine incorporates Micr\'ith hydraulically operated table and with adjustable drillin&, centres with . 1 0 h.p _ driven motor and with electncs and hydrauhcs bUIlt into machine base. McPherson's, Stand 20, Hall 4.
0.0005 in 24in.
Acramalic 220 Solid State Numerical Control . 0.2in. per rev. P.A.V. Input . . . 200in. per min. Maximum Traverse Rate . . Absolute Co·ordinates Tape Input . I in. x 8 Track Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . 3 h.p. Drive I\'(otor This System measures every point by real number co·ordinates from a fixed point of origin . Gilbert Lodge & Company Limited - Stand 17, Hall 3. MJLWAUKEE·MATIC Series E is a single unit nu meriGdly comrolled machining centre for milling. drilling, boring. reaming and tapping operations in a single set-up. By the use of an automatic tool changing unit, 15 preset tools can be presented to the spindle in a pre·determined sequence. each indi· vidual tool change occupying only 5 seconds. All machine functions are tape controlled through an 8·channel tape and positioning of table movements in all three axes are assured by linear transducers. Table movements X, Y and Z axis. 24in. x 1 6in. x 14in., rapid traverse 2ooin. per min., feed in all axes 1-70in. per min. Wickman, Stand 26, Hall 4.
M u lti-spind le, m u ltiple heads
BERARDI VB1 1 l Z Verlical i\'l uitispindle Drilling & Tapping j\'l achine with 24 spindles iin. dia. cap acity alternating 1 6 spindles l lin. capacity. Drilling are" 30in. x 1 6tin. Automatic cycle can include skip feeds such as fast approach, feed, fast travel, feed for both down and up stroke. Tapping can be introduced within the same cycle. Modern Tools, Stand 2 1 , Hall 4. HERBERT 6 Spindle Drilling :Machine having six Type 'v' 4 speed molor top columns fitted with No. 2 or No. 3 morse taper spindles, capacity up to Itin. drilling or tapping in cast iron, hand or automatic feed with or without automatic reversing attach· ment for tapping, 106 to 1 455 alternatively 2850 r.p.m. All mounted on a six spindle base enabling components to pass from one spindle to another for possible completion in one setting, Wilh one operat or. Alternative top columns pennit drilling down to 1 / l 6in., tapping with controlled pilCh, multi spindle drilling. Alfred Herbert, Stand 16, Hall 3. SANKYO Model MD-4 Adjustable Centres. Semi Automatic Cycling, tin. Col1ets - lip to 1 0 spindles. Bench and Pedestal Type. Link Spindles, Collets and all spares carried in stock. Japan Machines, Stand 33, Hall 5. SANKYO Model MT·5. Similar to j\'fodel MD·5, with 3 / 1 6 Tapping Capacity per Spindle, Leadscrews on each Spindle for tap ping indi" idual pitches, Mach. i !le sho�\'n has 8 � pllldies. AIl·in ser�'! ce for produc tion estimates, deSign and supply of Jigs and tooling. Japan Machines, Stand 33, Hall 5.
Multi-spindle, single head
HERBERT Type 'j\,(' Spindle Drilling J\·( achine. Maximu m number of spindles 12, capacity tin. in steel, iill.. in non·ferrous, area lOin. x 6tin., minimum centres iill., maximum speed 2800 r.p.m., fine feeds to 520 c.p.i. Alfred Herbert, Stand 16, Hall 3. STEINEL ]\-Iod. GS140, vertical pedestal type. \vith 1 2 adjustable arm spindles. electric re,'erse, sensitive rise and fall table with 2iin. stroke, three-speed gearbox and 1 .0 1 1 .5 h.p. pole·change brake motor permitting 6 spindle speeds 355 to 2800 r.p.m. l\o(ach· ine drills 12 x 3 / 1 6in. and taps 12 x iin. into steel within 5! in. P.C.D. with min. distances between holes ,'arying between 0. 1 85 and 0.810in. depending on spindle size used. Hahn & Kolb, Sland 41, Hall 5. STEINEL 'Mod. GS200E. vertical pedestal type. wilh 1 2 adjustable arm spindles, electric reverse, sensitive rise and fall head with 7in. stroke, three·speed gear· �x . and l .0/ l.S h.p. pole·change brake motor per ml.ttmg 6 spmdle speeds 355 to 2800 r.p.m. Machine dnlls 12 x 3 / 1 6in. and taps 12 x lin. into steel within it in. P.C.D. with min. distances between holes varying between 0. 1 85 and 0.81 0in. depending on spindle size used. Hahn 8: Kolb, Stand 41, Hall S. WJN � 1 0 ' h.p .. Multi f!1 atic• . multi spindle driHing with adjustable spindle centres machllle - avatlable up to 14in. p.c.d. from 2 to 14 spindles. Also avail. able wlt. .h fixed cent�e drill heads. Infinitely variable hydraulic feeds, rapid approach and return, drilling speeds from 244 to 1 � 75 r.p'!D ' Maximum drilling thrust 10,000 Ibs. ThiS machme, when fitted with
Pillar type
ARB0G:A . - Mode � E.82 ? : lin. Capacity all geared head dnlhng machllle With automatic drill ejector. Morse taper of spindle No . 3. N umber of speeds 8 ( 1 00·1 280 r.p.m.) .9 h.p. motor for 3/50/415V Sup. ply Table and head can swivel through 360 deg. around column and are elevated by rack and pinion. Round, rectangular and square tables with side fix ! s ��face available. Brown Ie Dureau, Stand 6, ll �OGA - M c;>d�1 E . 1 00S. J in. Capacity Pillar Dril . Similar to E.825 but having 12 speeds hng Machme, from 200·3600 r.p.m. selected through pick off gears and t'":o speed control lev�rs. The low speed may be agam reduced through the addition of an RVS Gearbox to 60 or 100 r.p.m. thus giving a speed
range from 60-8600 T.p.m. Brown &: Durau, Stand 6, Hall I. ARB0G:A . - Model. E.83 � . I iin. Cap�city all $eared head dnlhng maclune with automatic drill ejector. Taper of Spindle No. 4 Morse. 8 speeds 80·890 T.p.m. Power Feed to Quill 2 (.0043in. ,OOBin. per rev.). Head and table may be raised and lowered by Rack and Pinion and can be swiveIJed through 360 deg. around the column . Brown &: Dureau Stand 6. Hall 1 . ARCHDALE SOin. Vertical Drilling Machine. Saddle is similar to 7ft. High Speed Radial. Drilling capacity from the solid Sin., tapping 2in. Whitworth, with 5 h.p. s indle motor, 12 speeds 40-1000 T.p.m., Ea tn i n q k e n � � � d �l: J H � , �t:d r i:�� 3. ATLAS Model AEC Ilin. Capacity Pillar Drill with automatic feed, having distance column to spindle centre l Oin., maximum distance spindle to table 27in., distance spindle to base 45in., 6 speeds 150 to 1420 r.p.m., driven by 1 h.p. motor. Demeo, Stand 14, Hall 3. CORDIA S-30V Pedestal Drilling Machine with Itin. dia. capacity, 3 M.T. spindle, 9 speeds 90-14S0 r.p.m., 3 rates of feed to spindle, machine light, electrical stops for depth control. 2 h.p. 3 speed motor driv. ing directly to the spindle. This gives smooth, silent vibrationless running and reduces maintenance. Ro tating table and side mounted drilling vice can be fitted. Modern Tools. Stand 21, Hall 4. CORONA Model I SAX Drilling Machine. Drilling capacity of l in. in mild steel, tapping c�pacity tin. in mild steel, distance column face to spindle centre 7jin. or overslung head l Oin. or 12in., vertical adjust. ment of sliding head 9iin., vertical adjustment of table 17in. traverse of spindle normal 5in. extended gin., three rates of automatic feed, maximum distance spindle to table 30in. bore of spindle No. 3 Morse, power of motor .9 h.p., spc:.:d ranges from 84 to 2940 r.p.m. Demeo, Stand 14, Hall 3. ElllOTT Model 2GS Pillar Drill tin. Capacity No. 2 M.T. Spindle 10 Speeds 36 to 2570 r. � .m . with gearbox drive on low speed range. Tilting t�ble 1 3in. x 1 3in. swivels 360 round column. Head adjust. able on column Base machined and fitted with Tee slots. Spindle trave.l 4in . . adjustable de� th stop. to base 46m. i h.p. Spindle to table 12!m., Spmdle Motor. B. Elliott, Stand 39, Hall 5. ElllOTT Model 3A High Speed pma� Drill. l !in. Capacity 5 speeds, 1 1 0 to 1,780 r.p.m. power feed, automatic disengagement, adjustab.le stop adjustment 22in. x ISin. Rectangular table, heIght by enclosed wonn and rack, tee slotted base. Spindle travel 6in. Spindle to table 23iin. Spindle to ?ase -41 lin. Electrical reverse motor 1 f h. p. B. Elliott, Stand 39, Hall 5. Eu..IOTT Model 3E Pillar Drill Itin. Capacity all geared head. 1 2 Speeds. Low range 60 to 750 r.p.m. High range 90 to 1 125 r.p.m. Two rates power Ieed
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.002 and .0045 in/rev., automatic disengagement, ad justable depth stop 22in. x ISin. Rectangular table, enclosed wonn and rack height adjustment. Base machined and fitted with tee slots. Spindle travel 6in. Spindle to table 23tin. Spindle to base 4 l fin. Electrical reverse for tapping motor It h.p. B. Elliott, Stand 39, Hall 5. ELLIOTT Model 4E Pillar Drill Itin. Capacity, heavy duty aU geared head, 9 speeds 73 to 1.065 r.p.m. 3 Power feeds, .005, .010, .020 in/rev. by ad. justable clutch drive. Automatic disengagement. Hardened and ground gears oil back lubrication, quill overtravel protection electrical reverse. Circular table 2 1 in. dia. height adjustment by enclosed rack and wonn. Machined base with tee slots. Spindle travel 7lin.. Spindle to table 26in. Spindle to base 42in. Column dia. 6in. 2! h.p. motor. B. Elliott, Stand 39, Hall 5. ELLIOTT Model 5E Pillar Drill with compound table 2in. Capacity 9 speed all geared head, speeds e S O I � ��� j s a�f�':iu c ;�!e � � � �b twin roller racks moves in all directions in horizontal plane, single lever locking, longitudinal and cross traverse trip·over stops, adjustable height by rack and worm working surface 24!in. x 14}in. Table swivels 360 deg. round column. Spindle travel 7iin. Spindle to table 2 l in. Spindle to machined base 41in. Column dia. 7in. 3! h.p. motor. B. Elliou, Stand 59, Hall 5. ELLIOTT Progress Model 4E Itio. drilling machine. Norman Benson, Stand 35, Hall 5. Ell.JOTT Model SE Pillar Type Drilling Machine with a compound table having a working surface of x The machine has a No . 4 Morse taper spindle and is capable of drilling 2in. diameter in mild steel. Travelling of the spindle either hand or Distance between spindle and automatic feed ?lin. compound table 2 l in. Nine spindle speeds either 58 to 839 r.p.m. or 38 to S5S r.�.�. Machine is com· plete with suds tank. and littmgs, splash gUOlrds and has electrical equipment including 3, h.p. motor. McPherson's, Stand 20, Hall 4. GRAIS iin. Pedestal Drilling Machine, I h.p. motor Wt. t ton. C. G. Grais, Stand 10, Hall 2. GRIMSTON Type LEC 47A "Electriska" Column Drill. Capacity l in., with precision depth stop. . 8 Speeds. 125·1 660 r.p.m. Fitted with 18in. x 18m. square table with side tee slots. Newall, Stand 29, Hall 5. GRIMSTON Type AEC 48 :'Electriska" Column Drill capacity Itm. with preCISion depth stop. 8 Speeds 36-1300 r.p.m. Fitted with ISin. x 18in. square table with side tee slots. Newall, Stand 29, Hall 5. HERBERT Single Spindle New Type "L" Drilling Machine. Hin. capacity. Available in 1, 2, 3 or 4 spindle machines and with 3 or 5 h.p. motor, 3 ranges of 6 speeds, 70·700, 50·500 a�d 150·1500. Three alternative feed ranges from .002m. to .03310_ Throat ISin., table 24in. x 24in. Type V, C. M ?r flash tapper top columns can be adaeted for use lD
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Boring Machine i s complet� w �th 5 h.p. reversing motor to spindle and translstonsed control system. Ample h.p. gives this machi �e �rilling capacity up. to 2in. dia. in cast iron and lim. 10 steeL The machme incurporates 9 spindle speeds in two ranges, 130·2000, 200·3000 r.p.m., � lso infinitely yariable spindle �eeds of O-12in. per ml' l., table workmg surface of 22m. x 30in., and travel of 1 8in. x 24in. Tape controlled positioning accura�i�s to � .OOlin. per feed . and ±.OOOSin. repeatablhty. Dlsta�ce centre o � spmdle to column 24in.; manual verttcal head adjustment 1 2in.; spindle travel 9iin.; 1 000 lbs. work load. Wickman, Stand' 26, Hall 4_ G.S.P. Model 25 ARB Vertical &: Boring Machine with crossed-motion table on run-ways, gauge-holder drums and table-positioning automatic cycle. Pre selection of feeds and speeds. Working table sur face, 3 1!in. x I Slin., S h.p. spindle motor drive. When any dimension is to be adjusted, it is sufficient to place the gauge, the length of which i� nearest � that dimension, into the groove. (The difference In length between subsequent gauges is 5mm. 0.2in.) The hundredths of millimetres (thousandths of inches) of the desired dimension are then set by the aid of the optical indicator and the stop in its fix ture brought into contact with the free end of the adjusting gauge. It then suffices to move the gauge, by turning the knurled knob of the fixed bracket in the axial direction until the optical indicator �hows the direct reading of the desired figures in mm·I·050in. The gauge, adjusted in this manner, is held in position, on the one hand, by a lug engaged underneath a small collar, on the other hand, by a spring pin attached to the barrel actuated by tension. The adjustment of the gauges on the barrels is simple and quick, and at the same time produces work of satisfactory accuracy. Performance: After attaching the barrels with their adjusting gauges on both sides of the table, the position for each is pre-selected. During the previous machining operation by actuat ing a lever which starts its rotation and fixes the pre selected operation on a drum marked with figures for the axial direction "X" and with letters for the axial direction "Y". When the lever for disengaging the table is moved, the pre-selected removal and auto matic positioning of the axial movements for x and y will be carried out. It is then only necessary to lock both movements simultaneously. The feature of the table movements of this machine eliminate drilling jigs and fixtures and allows the accurate positioning of holes and various centre lines with a minimum of effort and consequent saving of time. Headland, Stand 7, Hall 2. HUEllER Model BA40/8N "Huebomat", a unique fully automatic machine in function similar to the weB·known turret type drills, but entirely new in de sign and performance. On horizontal slideways of the fixed head, 8 completely self·contained headstocks are installed, which index into operating position and machine fully automatically the component pro cessed. The model ShOWR is equipped with 7 standard headstocks for drilling, countersinking, reaming. tap.
conjunction with the type "L" machine. Alfred Herbert, Stand 16, Hall 3. HERCUS 4A High·Speed All Geared Head Drilli�g Machine. Having a dnlhng capacity In steel of lim. spindle bore No. 4 morse taper, distance to the column (rom the cemre of spindle 1 2iin., travel of spindle Bin., end of sp.ind1e to table surface, m� . 2.3iin., min. 3tin., wOTkm,g surface at the. base 16!m. Machine has nme speeds rangmg . from 73 x I5!in. to 1065 with three feeds .005, .01 and .02. It IS power ed with a 2! h.p. motor. McPherson's, Stand 20. H.1I 4. METALEXPORT Model WKA40. Sliding head pedestal drilling �achine fo� drilling c�:)llnter-b�n�g. reaming and tappmg op�ratlOns. .Max m;lUm dnllmg capacity in 32 tons te�slle steel 2.10. D �stance from pillar guideways to sl?mdle 13.9810. . Distance !rom table guideways to spmdle face 0-29tm. 16 spmdle speeds 25-1250 motor horse power 6/8. Elgar, Stand 25. H.1l 4. NIDm Swedish-built High Quality Drilling Machine' Model NI·64. No. 3 M.T. spindle. H/ 16in. capacity in M.S. Drilling depth 4·5 / 1 6in. 8 Spindle speeds, 100·1300 r.p.rn. Geared drive. Two-speed motor. Elevating and swinging head and table. Rectangular table, machined base. William Adams. SlaDd 28. Hall 4. NIDER Swedish-built High Quality Column ?rill ing Machine! .Model N�-52 . .No. 4 M.T. spI?dle, Ii-in. dia. dnlhng capacIty, 6m. depth. 8 Sptndle speeds, 100-1500 r.p.m. pow�r feeds. �ea�ed head drive, 2 speed motor, elevatmg and swml$mg head and table with side·mounting face, machmed base. Net weight 730 Ibs. William Adams. Stand 28, Hall 4. RICHARDSON Pedestal Drilling Machine, No. 2 morse taper, motorised i h.p .• complete with guard over pulleys and belts to comply with D.L.I. regula tions, 6 sp'eeds, 400-51 00 r.p.m., slow s� eed alta�h rnent avaIlable, 100-3 100 r.p.rn. EqUIpped with square tail and depth stop. Bench models, chuck models and multi-spindle models also available. Cleveland Machinery Co. Pty. Ltd., Hall I, Stand 1 10. SAALFELD Drilling Machine, Model BS 258. Num ber 3 M.T., I!in. capacity. Featuring precision built, automatic drill ejector, available with round or square tables, box type columns or as gang drillers. Standard machine has 12in. throat depth, Stin. stroke, 8 spindle speeds, 180-2000 r.p.m. or 90-} 000 r.p.m., and 4 power feeds. Servian, Stand 8, Hall 2. YOSHIDA Model YUD-700. Available with multi spindle head. Swing 28in. Spindle No. 5 M.T. Spindle speeds 1 2 steps from 4S-ISOO r.p.rn. 6 Steps automatic feeds. Main motor 5 h.p. Fitted with com pound table. Net weight Ii ton. Japan Machines, Stand 33, Hall 5. Pillar type, programmed or automatic
(2 Axis. Solid State) "NumeriMite" Drilling, Tappmg and
GIDDINGS I< LEWIS Tape Controlled
ping ,lIld boring opera lions, and 1 hcadslOck for fine boring 10 a fit tolerance H7. HC;HtSlocks have a capacity to drill l iil�. an�1of fi,�e 2iin. dia. ill lo steel with stroke o[ 1 2illl., IIlfi nbore ilely variable feeds i to 15�in·/min., a feed pressure lip LO 1.8 lOllS max" and with lip to 16 spindle speeds (56 LO 1800 r.p.m.), with a drive Tfiling of 7.5 h.p. Hahn &: Kolb. Stand 41. Hall 5. PRATT &: WH ITNEY Tape·a.Mali