Singh, Dhananjay and Gupta, R.C (2007): Alteration in Urea and. Ammonia level
in different tissues of fresh water snail, Pila globosa under the stress of azodyes ...
Publications:1.Gupta, R.C and Singh, Dhananjay (2004): Seasonal variation in the toxicity of azodyes to a fresh water snail, Pila globosa. Him.J.Env.Zool. 18(2): 153-158. 2.Singh, Dhananjay and Gupta, R.C (2007): Alteration in Urea and Ammonia level in different tissues of fresh water snail, Pila globosa under the stress of azodyes.Him .J.Env Zool.,21 (1):125-128. 3.Singh, Dhananjay and Gupta, R.C (2007): Alteration in carbohydrate metabolism in different tissues of freshwater snail, Pila globosa under the stress of azodyes.Him.J.Env.Zool .,21(1),pp.327-330. 4.Singh, Dhananjay and Gupta R.C (2007): Alteration in the enzyme secretory active of hepatopancreas of a freshwater snail, Pila globosa under the stress of azodyes.Him.J.Env.Zool.,21(1),pp 129-133. 5.Gupta,R.C Sharma, Amit and Singh, Dhananjay (2007) : Effect of Congo-red and Chloramine blue on glycogen content in few vital tissues of fresh water bivalve, Lamellidens marginalis. Book entitled “Cell & molecular biology” Published inthe proceeding of 18th All India Condress of zoology and National Seminar on Sciaze, Lucknow Uni. Lucknow . (7-9 Dec.,2007), p. 187-191. 6.Singh, Dhananjay and Gupta ,R.C (2007) : Alteration in Phosphatase active in diffrent tissues of snail, Pila globosa induced by azodyes . Book entitled “Environmental Toxicology” Published in the proceeding of 18th All India Condress of zoology and National Seminar on Sciaze, Lucknow Uni. Lucknow . ( 7-9 Dec .,2007),p.166-171. 7.Singh, Shipra Gupta R.C and Singh Dhananjay (2007) : Impact of industrial effluents on enzyme succinic and lactic dehydrogenace in few tissues of fresh water prawn , Macrobrachium lamarrei . Book entitled “Fish & Fisheries” Published in the proceeding of 18th All India Condress of zoology and National Seminar on Sciaze, Lucknow Uni. Lucknow . ( 7-9 Dec .,2007),p.248-254.
8.Gupta, Raju., Gupta, R.C and Singh, Dhananjay (2007) : Seasonal variation for some physiochemical characterstics in two fresh water ponds ( Bahjoi fish pond block Bhajoi and Kisauli fish pond, Block Panwasa) of district Moradabad (U.P) India. Book entitled “ Environmential Monitoring & Management Published in the proceeding of 18th All India Condress of zoology and National Seminar on Sciaze, Lucknow Uni.Lucknow . (7-9 Dec .,2007),p.120-125. 9.Singh , Dhananjay and Gupta R.C (2009) : Azodyes induced change in protein content in different tissues of the freshwater snail, Pila globosa. J. Env. Bio-sci. 23 (1) : 91-93. 10.Gupta , R.C, Raju ,G.and Singh, Dhananjay (2009) : Seasonal fluctuation in phytoplankton density of two fresh pond of district Moradabad (U.P). 4th National seminar on status of biodiversity and conservation Gurukula kangri Uni. Haridwar, Feb27-28, Abs.No.16 11.Singh, Dhananjay and Gupta , R.C (2012) : Toxic effect of Calotropis giganea and Nicotiana tabacum leaf extract against freshwater snail, Pila globosa . National Conference on RTCCRB,3-4Dec. Dept. of Anim. Sci.M.J.P.R. Uni., Bareilly.