appropriately distributed: Kilocalorie (Kcal) / person/ day: 2,100. Health: Extent PoCs have access to primary health ca
Domiz Refugee Camp Profile Geographic Snapshot and Contextual Background GPS coordinates : 42.89142378 36.78232231 Region and State : Duhok,KR - Iraq Size of camp area : 1,142,500 m² Pattern in Population Change : Closed for receiving new arrivals with the exception of family reunification Areas of Origin : Majority is from Kurdish areas in Syria. Camp opened: 01.04.2012 Refugee Population: Approx 65,044 (Persons) Planned capacity: 38,135(Persons) 25000 20000
Age and Gender Breakdown as of 30 June 2014
10000 5000 0
Sector St andard Standards for Indicators Met
0-‐4 Years
18-‐59 Years
60+ Years
Analysis Registration of non-camp caseload (urban Duhok) is ongoing, along with regular registration updates for camp population.
Kcal person /day: 2100
Adquate quality and quantity of food aid provided through food vouchers redeemable in retail shops in Domiz.
Academic year ended with 6187 children taking exams
Summer school and catch up classes will run during the summer holidays
Health: Extent PoCs have 1 Comprehensive Primary access to primary health care. Health Center, 2 health posts 1 health centre for 10,000 persons. 2.0 consultations/person/year 1-4 consultations/person/year
Shelter: Average camp area per person 30 sq m; 100% of households living in adequate dwellings.
12-‐17 Years
Current Situation
Protection: 100 % of PoCs Population registered on registered on individual basis. individual basis. Food: Extent food aid is appropriately distributed: Kilocalorie (Kcal) / person/ day: 2,100 Education: 100% of children registered are enrolled in school. 100% of children enrolled receive school supplies.
05-‐11 Years
The planned average area per person: 45 sq. m.; The current average area per person: 26 sq. m.; 80% of households living in adequate dwellings.
One expanded primary health care is established with one Primary Health Centre. Two satellite health posts are established. Consultation rates are within the expected range. The area of the camp is not enough to accommodate the existing refugee population. Additional land was allocated and is being developed to accommodate some 500 families currently residing in irregular areas or hosted by other refugees in Domiz. Some 1800 families are either sharing tents with other families or live in irregular locations and are in need of settlement in proper areas of the camp which are under development.
Refugees received Core Relief Items (CRIs) kits Basic Needs: 100% population 100 % of household needs are upon arrival in the camp, including distribution of received the full CRI kits met. winterization and summer kits. UNHCR coordinated summer distributions by other agencies. WASH: Liters of water/person/day: 20; Persons per latrine: