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through the full life cycle of object-oriented application development. StP facilitates the complete .... Support for exchanging models from Microsoft's repository. ...... object modeling and development bring to desktop andserver applications.
Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento

O-O CASE Marketing Research 1. Advanced Software Technologies, Inc. http://davinci2.csn.net [email protected] 1998 Requirements: no Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML, OMT Price: These prices are for the U.S. only. For pricing outside the U.S. please contact your international distributor. NT $2,495 Unix $3,995 Includes Both C++ and Java! Price for one year maintenance 20% of floating seat price NT $499 Unix $799 1st Year Maintenance is Mandatory with Product Purchase GDPro Advanced Software Technologies Inc. presents GDPro, the software developer’s visual design and re-engineering tool kit. Features METHODOLOGIES UML • • • • • • • • • •

Use Case Diagram Class Diagram Collaboration Diagram Sequence Diagram State Diagram Activity Diagram Deployment Diagram Component Diagram Summary Diagram Implementation Diagram

Rumbaugh OMT • Class Diagram • State Diagram • Event Trace Diagram • Event Flow Diagram • Event Generalization Diagram • Data Flow Diagram • Requirements Diagram • Implementation Diagram • System Overview Diagram

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento CODE GENERATION C++ Unified • Class Diagram to C++ header files • Class Diagram to C++ body files C++ Rumbaugh • Class Diagram to C++ header files • Class Diagram to C++ body files Java Rumbaugh • Class Diagram to Java files Java Unified • Class Diagram to Java files REVERSE ENGINEERING C++ Rumbaugh • C++ header & bodies to Class Diagram • C++ header & bodies to Implementation Diagram C++ Unified • C++ header & bodies to Class Diagram • C++ header & bodies to Implementation Diagram ROUND-TRIP ENGINEERING • • • • • •

Diagrams and Code remain synchronized Header and Body code fully retained Comments Retained Macros Preserved Compiler Directives Retained No markers in code at any stage

MULTI-USER SUPPORT Team Based Controlled Design • Any number of users can work together • Shared access to models and objects • Object level locking • Model level locking Real-Time Collaborative Design • All users see changes immediately • Access controlled at object or model level • Users may have heterogeneous platforms • Users may have heterogeneous networks Internet/Network Team Support • Teams may collaborate over the Internet • Team s may collaborate over LAN's or WAN's Supported Client Platforms • Windows NT • Sun Solaris • HP HP-UX • SGI IRIX Supported Server Platforms • Windows NT • Sun Solaris Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • HP HP-UX • SGI IRIX Heterogeneous Platform Support • Clients may run on any mix of platforms • Server may run on any platform and serve any platform DOCUMENTATION GENERATION Documentation Formats • HTML • ASCII Documents Provided • Object Model Report • Dynamic Model Report • Functional Model Report • User definable META CASE Methodology Creation/Modification • Create Symbols • Create Symbol Attributes and Editor • Create Symbol Relationships • Create Methodology Model System Attribute/Object Editors • User Buildable System Level Attributes • User Buildable System Attribute Editors • Editors Can Include System Object • Custom "Active" Tables Perl Script Support • Full Read/Write Access System Data 2. Aonix http://www.ide.com [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Automates requirements discovery, with usage models to identify requirements. Standard: UML, OMT, Booch Price: Software through Pictures (StP) Software through Pictures for object oriented modeling like UML, OMT and Booch is a graphical, object-oriented modeling environment that helps everyone work together to analyze and design critical systems and business applications. Software through Pictures lets you see clearly what your system should do and helps you make it happen. Quickly. And with higher quality. Working with end-users or domain experts to develop models that mirror your real-world problem, you can faithfully capture your system requirements. StP then guides you through the remaining steps of object-oriented analysis, design and implementation, all the while ensuring that the system you develop solves the problems you identified from the start.

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento Object technology is here to stay. To maintain a competitive edge in business you need to make the transition to this powerful new software development approach. StP reduces the risk of this transition, saves you time, and in the process provides you with a library of reusable software designs for your next project. Feature List • • • • • • •

StP is a robust, multi-user analysis and design environment with a shared repository that supports a development team through the full life cycle of object-oriented application development. StP facilitates the complete expression of your application in the UML, OMT and Booch. Automates requirements discovery, analysis, design and implementation of object-oriented applications. Provides the most complete notation support, enforces the modeling language "as published", Version 1.0, 19 March 1997, and provides flexibility to evolve as UML, OMT and Booch matures. Stores the semantics of the model in an open, multi-user, shared repository built upon a commercial DBMS. Harnesses the power of this repository for correctness and consistency checking within and across all models and views. Integrates with programming environments for incremental code generation and reverse engineering for C++. Java and IDL will be added in a release very soon. Integrates with FrameMaker, Interleaf, and Word for automatic generation of documentation.

A Unique Core Architecture Makes it All Possible •

All StP products are built upon a unique Core architecture that stores and manages all application model information concurrently, giving you several key strategic advantages.

Integrated Graphical Editors Provide Full Life Cycle Support StP environment supports the UML, OMT and Booch development life cycle via eight graphical editors: • • • • • • • •

Use Case Editor - Perform high level analysis with usage models to identify requirements. Class Editor - Describe static structure of a model showing things that exist, their internal structure, and their relationships to other things. Sequence Editor - Describe real-time specifications and for complex scenarios by modeling a pattern of interaction among objects in time sequence. Collaboration Editor - Show relationships among objects and describe behavior of a set of objects that exchange messages within an overall interaction to accomplish a purpose. State Editor - Show the sequences of states that an object or an interaction goes through during its life in response to received stimuli. Activity Editor - Focus on flows driven by internal processing, represents the completion of internally-generated actions. Component Editor - Describe aspects of implementation including the dependencies among software components, including source code components, binary code components, and executable components. Deployment Editor - Model the configuration of run-time processing elements and software components, processes, and objects that live on them.

Heterogeneous Development Environment •

StPUML utilizes the Core architecture which allows your development team toworking in a heterogeneous Windows NT and UNIX environment. Chose aheterogeneous, a straight Windows NT, or a straight UNIX environment, your choice!

Reverse Engineering Support •

Since StP Core 2.4, uses brand new technology to greatly improve your ability to incrementally create or update Class Tables and generalization hierarchies. Updates to a Class Table from Reverse Engineering, now merge any changes you might have made to the Class Table with the information from the source code. From the UML, OMT and Booch Class

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento

Editor, you can create in the diagram the generalization hierarchy for the selected class from the source code. You can specify whether to draw the superclass hierarchy, subclass hierarchy, or both. You can now incrementally update your models from the source code, or do the entire model. Your choice.

Availability StP UML, OMT and Booch is available with StP Core 2.5 on these platforms: • Windows NT 4.0 (Intel Processors) • Sun SPARC Solaris • HP 9000 Series 700/800, HP-UX • IBM RS/6000, AIX • Digital Unix 4.0, and SGI IRIX 6.2/6.4 will be supported soon! StP UML, OMT and Booch is available with StP Core 2.3 on these platform: • Sun SPARC, SunOS • DEC Alpha, Digital Unix 3. Cayenne Software Inc. http://www.cayennesoft.com [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: DOORS (Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System) Standard: UML Price: unknown Object Team Version 7 It is a multi-user solution for object-oriented application development.With a state-of-the-art repository, its team modeling features enable you to manage object-oriented modeling components as corporate assets that drive the analysis, design, and construction of large scale applications Life Cycle Support ObjectTeam allows you to evolve your models from requirements all the way to system implementation. Work products from each phase are preserved to retain the history of design decisions. Changes to any phase can be propagated forward or back to keep the model consistent, and differences are reported. Technical Features OMG UML 1.1 Support (formerly known as UML 1.1) • Use Case Diagrams • Sequence Diagrams • Class Diagrams • State Transition Diagrams • Collaboration Diagrams OMT Support • Support for OMT Notation • Diagrams switchable between OMT and UML Code Generation and Reverse Engineering Forward and Reverse Engineering of the following languages is supported: Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • • • • • • • • •

+ (with Design by Contract approach developed by Bertrand Meyer)\ Java VisualBasic VisualAge C++ Ada 83 Ada 95 Delphi PowerBuilder Forte Smalltalk New Era

Additional code generators: • Corba IDL • Eiffel Individual subsystems within the same model can generate different languages to implement n-tiered applications. Code generators are written in Tcl and are customizable by the end user. Team collaboration support • Repository based version and configuration management with object-level locking • Role-based security • Life cycle support with development phases and comparison and synchronization of phases • Component reuse using Corporate Group mechanism • Close integration with leading CM Tools to manage source code Support for Co-existence of Object and Relational Models ObjectTeam models an be exchanged with GroundWorks, Cayenne's data modeling tool, using the ObjectLoad function. Integrations • Support for leading configuration management tools such as Continuus CM, Tower's Rzor, PureAtria ClearCase • Support for leading documentation tools such as Word, Framemaker, and Interleaf using DocIt and DocExpress • Support for leading requirements management tools such as Doors, RTM, and Slate • Support for exchanging models from Microsoft's repository. System Requirements Server OS: HP-UX, Solaris, Digital UNIX, AIX, and Windows NT 4.0 RAM: • WindowsNT 40 MB plus 8 MB for each user • UNIX 64 MB plus 8 MB for each user Disk Space: 60 MB Clients OS: HP-UX, Solaris, Digital UNIX, AIX, Windows NT 4.0 and Windows95 RAM: • WindowsNT 32 MB • Windows95 24 MB • UNIX 32 MB Disk Space: • Windows (all) 28 MB • UNIX 32 MB • Downloadable Version: Windows95 and WindowsNT 4.0 ONLY Processor: Pentium 100Mhz RAM: • Windows95 32 MB (40 Recommended) • WindowsNT 40 (48 Recommended) Disk Space: 55 MB Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • •

(down-loadable executable: 14 MB + actual installation: 41MB) TCP/IP network drivers

TeamWork TeamWork is a structured analysis and design solution for technical, real-time embedded software development. TeamWork supports all phases of the development lifecycle, including requirements analysis, specification, design, coding, document production, testing, and re-engineering. TeamWorks 7.1 /Unix http://www.cayennesoft.com/teamwork/teamwork70.html TeamWorks /NT 1.1 http://www.cayennesoft.com/teamwork/teamwork_nt.html TeamWork for Ada http://www.cayennesoft.com/teamwork/teamwork-ada.html DOORS DOORS (Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System) is a visual and intuitive tool that helps in the creation of high quality systems. With DOORS, users can define system specifications and generate and manage requirements documents throughout the analysis, design and testing phases of a project. Its on-screen graphics enable users to easily track the development of a system. Features • Comprehensive support for the capture, analysis, and management of system requirements • Manages defined relationships between requirements and all project documents, including Teamwork models and objects • Graphic, text, and outline views of requirements and defined relationships • Unlimited user-defined classification of requirements and target documents • Extensive filtering, sorting, and reporting capabilities • Open interfaces with an extensibility language for integration and customization • Available on SunOS, Solaris, Digital UNIX, HP-UX, IBM RS/6000 (AIX), and Windows 3.1 and higher • Users can generate requirements documents, parse existing documents and link to external unstructured documents. • Users can easily annotate requirements with comments and assign attributes to these requirements, detailing their functions, design parameters and constraints. • DOORS provides online review, commenting and approval of requirements among cross-functional departments and groups.Requirements information can be generated into documents, tree structures, matrices and back-to-back trees. • DOORS uses advanced object-oriented techniques to successfully handle the complexity of large numbers of interlinked requirements found in most projects. • Unlimited types of user-defined attributes, such as priority and design status, can be assigned to each requirement. • Interactive sorting and filtering enable project specialists to create their own views, displaying only their areas of interest. • Complete online review ensures that information is always up-to-date and easy to understand. 4. Confluent, Inc. http://www.confluent.com [email protected] 1998 Requirements: no Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: Booch, Rumbaugh, Objectory, HP Fusion, UML, Entity-Relationship, Gane & Sarson, and more. Price: Prices are United States domestic list only. International prices may vary. Confluent offers a 90-day unconditional money-back guarantee. Quantity discounts are available. Floating License: $1295 Node-locked Personal License: $695 Windows 95 & NT Personal License: $495 Annual Support Contract: 15% of list price Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento Visual Thought Visual Thought moves ideas onto the screen quickly by making it easy for the user to drag-and-drop shapes and make rubberbanding connections between objects. The tool is used by engineers, software developers, and technical professionals to draw flowcharts, software diagrams, process and block diagrams, network diagrams, organizational charts, circuit and logic diagrams, and even World Wide Web graphics. Visual Thought can be used for many applications, including software design (CASE-substitution), flowcharting, circuit and logic diagramming, org charts, network diagrams, training and documentation, and more. Key Features Software Design with Visual Thought • With its free-form, editable drag-and-drop palette libraries and rubberbanding connections, Visual Thought lets you create software diagrams using any of a variety of notations, including Booch, Rumbaugh, Objectory, HP Fusion, UML, Entity-Relationship, Gane & Sarson, and more. • Visual Thought lets you mix-and-match methodologies or even create your own custom methodologies on your own palettes. Flowcharting with Visual Thought • Visual Thought provides all the standard flowcharting shapes. Intelligent rubberbanding connections terminate exactly on shape perimeters, no matter how complex the shape. • These features, plus a palette customized for drag-and-drop flowcharting, make Visual Thought the only true flowcharting tool available for UNIX. • Use Visual Thought's flowcharting capabilities, plus the ability to export to document processors like FrameMaker, WordPerfect, and others, to document your business processes for ISO 9000 or TQM. Network Diagramming with Visual Thought • A large library of drag-and-drop shapes, intelligent rubberbanding connections, and special "bus" shapes make it easy to draw network diagrams using ring, bus, or star topologies. 5. Digital Insight http://www.csn.net/digins/ [email protected] 1998 Requirements: no Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price: Floating licenses $850/first, $395/each additional (same server) Annual support contract $300/site (up to 10 licenses) $30 per additional license. Includes free upgrades. Available in U.S. only. Major version upgrade (without support contract) ... $295/site. Includes media and one manual. Robochart ROBOCHART creates Dataflow diagrams, Entity relationship diagrams, Flow charts, State transition diagrams, PERT charts and Organization charts Features List •

Choose from hundreds of predefined object shapes, or define your own objects using vector commands or bitmap images. Predefined and custom objects can be adjusted to any size or proportions, and drawn with several line and fill styles.

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • •

• • •

Create flows from a large, customizable selection of arrow and line types. Add up to 8 extra vertices per flow to control routing using straight or curved lines. Flows are adjusted automatically to stay connected as you rearrange objects. Choose from 24 colors in 3 user-definable palettes for object borders, flow lines, object filling, and label text. Adjust the palettes interactively in RGB or HSL color space. Modify properties (shape, line type, color, etc.) of multiple objects and/or flows at one time. Label objects and flows with nearly unlimited lines of text, using multiple fonts from a configurable selection. Labels are moved automatically as you rearrange objects and flows. Each label can be centered or left-justified, and offset to any position. Edit text directly on the diagram, including cut and paste from the window manager clipboard. Find text on one level or across an entire document with optional case-insensitive and word-delimited searching, plus conditional or automatic replacement. Fill and split text lines with a reformatting command. Use the graphics clipboard to cut, copy, and paste single objects and groups between ROBOCHART windows. Drag objects singly or in groups. Optional constrained moves preserve alignment. Set the snap grid for any desired granularity. Keep any number of multi-level diagram pages in a single document file. Scroll or pan each level in a 4096x4096 drawing area. An adjustable preview window shows the complete level at reduced scale. Diagram complexity is limited only by your system's memory. Apply hierarchical object numbering manually or automatically. Export images and HTML map files for your web site, automatically linking diagram levels or referencing other web documents according to your specifications. Create editable FrameMaker objects with the MIF export format. The ASCII export format supports user-customized post-processing. Printing controls include color, scaling, margins, orientation, and 3D shadows. Print from inside Robochart or from the command line. A sample diagram output (in PostScript format) shows some of these features. Perform any custom action within your diagram (display files, play sounds, start jobs, etc.) by defining your own interactive commands. Use the Tooltalk standard interface to integrate ROBOCHART with other applications, or to remote-control Robochart from your own software. Link diagram sections together and navigate through complex documents. Create multiple customized configuration files to instantly set program defaults. Access program functions quickly with configurable keyboard and double-click shortcuts. Prevent interference between networked users with file locking.

System Requirements • SPARC • For Motif: • Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.x) with Motif 1.1 or 1.2, or • Solaris 2.x with CDE or Motif 1.2 • For OPEN LOOK: • Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.x) or Solaris 2.x, with OpenWindows 3 6. Exel Software http://www.excelsoftware.com/ [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Requirements window for requirements traceability and use case specifications Standard: UML, OMT, Booch, Coad/Yourdon, Shlaer/Mellor, Fusion or Jacobson Price: MacA&D Product : each $1995 five user $5985 unlimited $11970 WinA&D Developer Product: each $1995 five user $5985 unlimited $11970 WinA&D Developer WinA&D Developer is a software engineering tool for object-oriented, structured analysis and design or data modeling projects. It supports process models, state models, data models, class models, object models and structure models, plus adds Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento task models for multi-task design and the Requirements window for requirements traceability and use case specifications. Object-oriented designers can draw class diagrams using UML, Booch, OMT, Coad/Yourdon, Shlaer/Mellor, Fusion or Jacobson notations. Each class on the diagram has attributes and operations defined in the dictionary and detailed information like data types and function argument lists. C++, Object Pascal or Delphi interface files and function code frames can be generated from the completed design. The integrated Code, Browse and Specification windows allow doubleclick access from diagram objects. It also integrates code browsing, multi-user dictionary and code generation. The requirement window supports traceability from requirement statements to specific diagrams or diagram objects involved in the softwar development process. The tool supports capturing, allocating, tracking and querying of requirements. The requirements window supports use case descriptions which serve as a foundation for some OOA/OOD methods including Jacobson. Task diagrams illustrate the physical design of complex systems using processors, devices and interfaces. Client-server or other distributed systems can be designed using predefined or user defined icons like computers, printers or communication systems. Detailed interactions between independent threads of execution (tasks or interrupt service routines, ISRs) are shown using operating system services including queues, semaphores, mailboxes, event flags and input/output ports. The site license version of this product adds team dictionary and team requirements documents for multi-user access on a network. Documents are compatible with MacA&D products on Macintosh or UNIX/MAE. In a heterogeneous computing environment, users running on Windows 95, Windows NT, Macintosh 68K, Macintosh PPC, Solaris or HP-UX computers can concurrently edited shared team documents. Key Features • Process Models • Data Models • Class Models • State Models • Structure Models • Object Models • Data Dictionary • Code, Browse and Specification Files • Task Models (System Architecture, Multi-Task Design and Deployment) • Requirements Specification, Traceability and Use Cases • Team Dictionary and Team Requirements (Shared Network Access) • HTML System Requirements: • Windows 95 or Windows NT, 16 MB RAM and 15 MB hard disk • 5 User Site and Unlimited User Site versions available Mac A&D MacA&D is a software engineering tool for object-oriented or structured analysis and design, state modeling, data and screen modeling, multi-task design, code browsing, requirements traceability and multi-user dictionary. It combines the capabilities of MacAnalyst plus additional detailed design, code generation and code browsing features into one application. Database designers model data intensive systems with entity-relation diagrams. Attributes of the data model are added and defined using a details dialog which can be user customized. Foreign keys providing referential links between entities can be generated automatically. Once the data model is complete, ANSI standard SQL can be generated to create the database for a relational database system. User screens can be designed from information in the data model. Object-oriented designers draw class diagrams using UML, Booch, OMT, Coad/Yourdon, Shlaer/Mellor, Fusion or Jacobson notations. Each class on the diagram has attributes and operations defined in the dictionary and detailed information like data types and function argument lists. C++ or Object Pascal interface files and function code frames can be generated from the completed design. The integrated Browse window allows double-click access from diagrams to code for viewing or editing the generated software. Designers using structured analysis and design methods can add details like function return data types and function argument lists to each module on their structure charts and then automatically generate function code frames in either C, Pascal, Basic or Fortran. Code can be generated for an entire set of design diagrams or added incrementally to existing code

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento files for selected diagram objects. Customization options include user defined file headers, module headers and compiler or linker options in the generated code. Documents are compatible with WinA&D products. Feature List • Class Model • Data Model • Object Model • Process Model • State Model • Structure Model • Task Model • Specification • Code • HTML • Dictionary • Requirements • Team Dictionary • Team Requirements • Screen Model System Requirements: • Macintosh System 7 or later, 16 MB RAM and 15 MB hard disk • Solaris or HP-UX computers with MAE (Macintosh Application Environment) • 5 User Site, Unlimited User Site and Educational versions available 7. Iconix Software Engineering http://www.iconixsw.com/ [email protected] 1997 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Integrated Requirements Traceability (IRT) Standard: Jacobson Objectory , Rumbaugh OMT , Booch OOD , Coad/Yourdon OOA, Mixing Methods Price: Object-Oriented Starter Kit - Includes O-O Methods training CD-ROM, 2 OOA/D tools: ObjectModeler & FastTask, and 1 year upgrade service $3,495 Object-Oriented Advanced Kit - The OO Starter kit plus The Unified Modeling Approach CD's $3,995 ObjectModeler Supports Rumbaugh OMT through Class Diagrams, and Jacobson Objectory through the use of Use Case Diagrams, Domain Object Diagrams, Analysis Diagrams and Design Diagrams. Users can build source code in C++ and Smalltalk using built-in Language Sensitive Editors. Support for Booch includes Class Diagrams, Object Diagrams and Specification Templates; Coad/Yourdon support includes the full "5-layer" model and Class Hierarchies. Function: ObjectModeler(tm) provides an intuitive, easy-to-use, yet powerful vehicle for expressing and communicating objectoriented designs in several of today's most popular methodologies. As with all ICONIX PowerTools(tm) modules, it provides an industrial-strength solution capable of handling large projects without taking a team to make it work. Features Inputs: • System Description Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento Outputs: • Subject, Use-Case, Class & Object Diagrams • Object Dictionary • Class & Object Specifications (using Booch templates, Service Charts, or PDL) • Source Code (in C++, Smalltalk or several other O-O languages) Method support • Jacobson Objectory , • Rumbaugh OMT , • Booch OOD , • Coad/Yourdon OOA, • Mixing Methods How IRT(tm) functions within ICONIX PowerTools Once Requirements are allocated to elements of the CASE model, and the details about the requirements are specified, Traceability (e.g. find all elements of the design which satisfy Requirement X, find all nested Requirements of this Requirement) is accomplished using the standard Iconix "Entries Using" and "Nested Entries" commands available from the Edit Dictionary Dialog. Traceability Reports come in a myriad of formats. After surveying industry practice in this area (and finding no two organizations which use the same report format), Iconix elected to provide Tab-Delimited export along with enhanced subsetting capability for the Dictionary. Tab-delimited format is a universal language among Mac-based DBMSs, Spreadsheets, and Word Processors, allowing for total flexibility in report formatting. Benefits: • Supports most popular O-O methodologies. • Spans OOA, OOD and OOP. • On-screen palettes eliminate confusion between multiple methodologies. • Built-in requirements allocation and traceability. • Built-in Language Sensitive Editor facilitates transition into C++, Smalltalk, or SQL. FastTask To help clarify thinking, the analyst uses graphical notation to describe the states, events and actions that make a real-time system. FastTask(tm) creates an abstract representation of a state machine, modeling time-dependent behavior characteristics. Working with the program's graphics editor the analyst maps a State Transition Diagram (STD). As the STD is built, FastTask uses the same data to automatically construct tables and matrices. The analyst has the option to switch back and forth between all representations of the system instantaneously. Through the use of an Object Interaction Diagram (OID), the analyst is able to view how the state machines of a group of objects work together in implementing a given use case. OIDs are especially useful because they allow analysts and designers the ability to check and recheck back to the early phases of the model to ensure consistency. Inputs: • Real-time requirements • Messaging/communication requirements Outputs: • State Transition Diagrams • State tables • State/event matrices • From-state-to-state matrices • State Transition Graphs • Object Interaction Diagrams Method Support:

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento State transition diagrams are used across a wide range of development methods, including Real-time Structured Analysis (Hatley-Pirbhai and Ward Mellor), and many Object Oriented Analysis and Design methods, including Booch, Rumbaugh, Coad/Yourdon, Shlaer/Mellor, and Jacobson. In addition to more traditional State Diagrams, FastTask supports Jacobson's message-oriented State Transition Graphs, which are well suited for describing object-to-object message passing, and Object Interaction Diagrams, which are designed to describe how the state machines of a group of objects work together to implement the use case. Benefits: • Expands the logical system model to include real-time support. • Provides the analyst alternative views of the system to aid error detection. • Enforces consistency between diagrams and matrices. • Saves analyst time while improving system quality. • Provides easily understood graphical representation of complex real-time system. • Provides a convenient way of consistency checking back to the original model. Other products: FreeFlow Provides support for DeMarco Structured Analysis with real-time extensions (Data and Control Flow Diagrams, Data Dictionary, Minispecs, Consistency Checking) and several object-oriented methods. PowerPDL Supports detailed algorithm design using pseudocode. The built-in Strip utility allows automatic design generation of documentation from the comments in the code during software maintenance. AdaFlow Supports Ada-oriented design and Ada development using Buhr/Booch style diagrams and Module Architecture Diagrams for Booch OOD, an integrated Dictionary, and a Language Sensitive Editor for C++ and Ada. ASCII Bridge Enables PowerTools repository information to be merged, imported, and exported in ASCII or CDIF format and provides an Interleaf interface. The CD-ROM It provides a survey of Rumbaugh OMT, Jacobson Objectory, Booch OOD, Coad/Yourdon OOA, Wirfs-Brock RDD, Martin-Odell OOA and Shlaer-Mellor OOA/OODLE. Through on-line demos and tutorials, users are given a thorough, easy-to-follow guide to the various popular O-O methodologies. 8. IntelliCorp http://www.intellicorp.com [email protected] [email protected] 1998 Requirements: no Use of Natural Language:no Automation Degree: Standard: Use the drawing method you prefer and understand. Not locked into a specific methodology by the tool Price:

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento LiveAnalyst Overview LiveAnalyst is an object-oriented business modeling and simulation tool. LiveAnalyst users collect information within diagrams which then function as libraries of corporate-specific structures (tasks, job titles, employees, management structures, physical resources, storage, devices, information types). Objects have associated attributes such as cost and time profiles so that they can be used as the components of process models. These models can be integrated and alternative structures can be simulated. LiveAnalyst provides flexible analysis of an organization in an easy-to-use format. Corporate models are evaluated with regard to particular processes, activities or information flows. Inquiry arguments are graphically selected and freely defined. Processing times and resource utilization are easily identifiable as are bottlenecks in information flows and IT media. LiveAnalyst's process model views can be easily visualized through simulations. Features Object-oriented modeling for flexibility Based on IntelliCorp's PowerModel object-oriented modeling kernel Key business object types already defined: • Tasks • Physical resources • Information transfer media, Information storage media • People, job titles, business entities, managers Objects can have any associated attributes • Cost • Time • Process strategies (e.g., LIFO, FIFO • User-defined characteristics (e.g., quality measures) Combines process and organizational views Process diagrams include: • Associations • Attributes • Information flows • People • and many more Organizational views include • Job titles, down to specific task, if desired • Business entities • Managers • Groups Simulation Processing priority Information transport time Task execution • Starting time, waiting time, interruptions Flows • Starting point, end point, flow through resource Resource data • Who, what, which method Multiple event distributions • Normal • Constant interval • User-defined Simulation technique • Discrete-event simulation • Level-3 Petri net variant • Timed Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento •


Color-coded stochastic graphic flow animation Powerful analysis Over 40 built-in analyses • Organizational • Communication • Processing time Methodology-free • •

Use the drawing method you prefer and understand Not locked into a specific methodology by the tool

Integration with IntelliCorp's LiveModel: SAP R/3 Edition •

For processes with SAP components, can import functions from the SAP Reference Model and include them in the wider scope of your process model

9. Interactive Software Engineering http://www.eiffel.com [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: BON (Business Object Notation) Price: $595.00. EiffelCase Full lifecycle support EiffelCase is a graphical object-oriented analysis and design workbench covering the full lifecycle for software modeling, architectural design and user-developer communication. EiffelCase assists in preparing, documenting and tracking identified object-oriented system elements and their relationships from preliminary specifications to the programming phase. EiffelCase also helps to build and display multiple views: type charts, graphics, formal text. Clear, simple methodological basis EiffelCase supports the BON (Business Object Notation) analysis and design method and is based on the same software engineering principles as the Eiffel language. EiffelCase provides a clear notation and a set of methodological guidelines for high-level analysis and design in the Eiffel spirit of precision, scalability and clarity. BON uses a well-defined set of conventions. It supports semantics (i.e. assertions, contracts, class invariants) and not just structure. Textual and graphical elements can be used and manipulated. EiffelCase displays clusters (group of related classes), entire systems and selected abstractions, EiffelCase automatically propagates modifications regardless of the level of interaction and links graphical objects to system features through "drag and drop.'' EiffelCase allows various views for different project stages: • Informal chart to plan a project and to interact with managers and customers. • Graphical map to visualize quickly the effect of a system modification. • Class features to craft a precise and formal description. Chart view Represented with graphical forms to fill in with information pertaining to identified types of objects. Consists of entry forms maintained by system analysts and domain experts interacting together. Types of objects are described using format-free English text. A type of object is defined with the stable state it maintains (questions), operations changing its state (commands) consistency or management rules it should comply with (constraints). Analysis view Visualizes various parts of the system architecture concisely and graphically. Highlights the classification and the structuring of two system elements: clusters and classes. System elements are connected by classification links (inheritance Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento relationships) and dependency links (client- supplier relationships). EiffelCase underlines classes reused from existing component libraries. Design view Focuses on classes introduced at the chart or analysis level. Completes existing information in a more formal way. Relies on a simple visual language- independent notation used to define main class features and properties. Classes resulting from the design phase are precisely specified. From the design view, EiffelCase generates pre-filled Eiffel class templates which will be used for implementation. Project documentation EiffelCase handles Analysis & Design project documentation and prints it to a standardized document structure. It automates management and maintenance of descriptions and cross references. Output includes postscript files for the graphical part and various text processing formats for the written documentation. EiffelCase-EiffelBench The EiffelCase-EiffelBench combination particularly enabling you in particular to use EiffelCase to reverse-engineer Eiffel software produced with EiffelBench, and, through its version control facilities, to reconcile changes made independently in the graphical and textual representations of your project. System requirements • An Intel-based or compatible PC, 386 or higher. • Windows NT or Windows 95. • 16 MB of memory. (32 MB recommended.) • About 10 MB of free disk space. 10. Intersolv Inc. http://www.intersolv.com [email protected] 1998 Requirements: It is not designed as a requirements capture tool, but may integrate with requirements management tools Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: Price: PVCS pricing starts at £450 per user. PVCS Dimensions Version Manager The version management function of PVCS Dimensions is process-driven, enabling development, maintenance, portation and variant software building, manufacturing, release and distribution. It can be used for mission and business-critical complex software development, in conformance with imposed contractual requirements. All software development objects are registered and their evolution recorded in the metadata. Source code, binaries, documents, CASE tool data files and even hardware elements are supported by the Dimensions object model. With every object, Dimensions stores attributes and relationships, so metrics can be easily obtained, organizational data represented and impact analysis performed. Space-efficient delta storage and compression techniques are available. Objects evolution is controlled by the Dimensions process model implementing your development process. User access rights and the ability to enforce constraints provide a consistent, traceable and mature development process for high-quality software. All objects are versioned, with the ability to branch on to easily identifiable threads of development for customizations and variants. Dimensions clients support the classic checkout/edit/check-in paradigm for modification, and are available on Windows platforms, within your IDE, and from X-Windows Motif workstations. Object-specific editors are supported from all clients. Inter-object relationships and user-defined attributes provide comprehensive support for capturing business-critical data, project management information and full lifecycle traceability, as shown by the link between design documentation and source code. Features Version Manager sets your development teams free. It automates project organization and workflow tasks to make team development faster, easier and more accurate, whether for corporate applications or commercial software. Manages development projects, safeguards software • Eliminates errors by documenting changes and managing access to code Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • •

Prevents code overwrites Encourages increased code reuse—structured, efficient, automated project infrastructure makes it easy and safer

Simplifies concurrent and parallel development • I-NET client is simple and easy to use. It supports developers in many locations, working on many platforms • Organizes and references all project components graphically with a flexible, project-oriented approach • Use easy drag-and-drop to check files in and out of the system • Graphically view project history and see file differences in side-by-side comparisons • Effortlessly maintain multiple versions • Branch and merge as needed, with automatic alerts of any conflicts • Automate development processes with event triggers • Set up projects quickly with online assistants for project configuration, security and customization Platform independence protects your investment • Integrates with more than 70 leading development environments, including Microsoft C++, Microsoft Visual • Basic and Powersoft PowerBuilder 6.0 • Supports all major platforms , including hardware, software, network and development interface, with APIs to support custom development environments • Enables code sharing between developers on different platforms • A single solution for all development projects and for every developer on the team Serving the Spectrum of Development Professionals • Programmers • Project managers • Webmasters • QA managers and team members • IS managers • Software team managers • CIO and CTO decision makers and business leaders PVCS VM Server PVCS VM Server extends the power of Version Manager in your enterprise by enabling Internet-based collaboration, including secure Internet/intranet archive access, support for Version Manager’sintuitive Java-based Web client and the optimized performance of an integrated client/server architecture. Leverages the power of the Internet Extends Version Manager advantages to local and remote users via the Internet and/or enterprise intranet Easy-to-use Web browser interface eliminates learning curve, simplifies team collaboration Makes Version Manager 6.0 features available to more team members, worldwide Security Layered protection—assigned user rights, client/server protection features, and standards-based encryption for secure access via a central location or server Protects archives from unintentional updates and deletions Server-based archive ensures secure sharing of protected, centrally managed software assets Optimal performance • Client/server architecture boosts performance and minimizes network traffic • Faster LAN/WAN access—up to five times faster • Server-based processing eases load on the client 11. Lincoln Software http://www.ipsys.com/ [email protected] 1998 Requirements: no Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: HOOD Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento Price: HOOD (Hierarchical Object Oriented Design) Hierarchical Object Oriented Design is a method that addresses the development of reliable, reusable systems. It has been used extensively in Europe for development of systems ranging from small embedded applications to multi-national distributed development teams targeting heterogeneous networks of computers. Project references include mission critical and safety related systems, often with Hard real-time constraints. Key Features • It uses code generation principles for implementing Object Oriented Designs over different target architectures and languages. • Tool support is available for code generation in C++, Ada 83, and Ada 95. • In addition the HOOD method defines a Standard Interchange Format (SIF) allowing different vendors' tools to exchange design information. • HOOD is a method of hierarchical decomposition of the design in the solution domain into software units based on identification of objects and operations reflecting problem domain entities or more abstract objects related to design entities. • The HOOD method comprises textual and associated diagrammatic representation allowing formal refinement, automated checking, user customisable documentation generation and target language source code generation. • The HOOD method was developed in 1987 under European Space Agency (ESA) contract A0/1-1890/86/NL/MA by a consortium of Cisi Ingenierie, CRI A/S and Matra Marconi Space. Mark V Systems Company Products http://www.markv.com/products.html [email protected] 1997 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: Price: Object Maker Draw with one method (per method) Win Platform $295 Object Maker Draw with one method (per method) Unix Platform $295 Technical support $35/incident Yearly upgrade $125 Annual Maintenance $195 OM Single User with one method (incl database mapping) Win $995 OM Single User with one method (included database mapping) Unix $995 Technical support $50/incident Yearly upgrade $350 Annual Maintenance $400 OM Multi User with one method (included shared repository) to be decided ObjectMaker With the ObjectMaker CASE Tool you can model your application requirements and design in one or more of the most popular notations. ObjectMaker supports more than 30 of the most popular analysis and design notations for software engineering and allows you to mix and match notations to build a single model of your software application. You can choose the notations and the depth of detail your application requires. ObjectMaker also offers support for detailed design, code generation and document generation for construction, delivery and maintenance phases. Reverse Engineering tools offer you the opportunity to re-engineer applications, reuse legacy code and incorporate commercially available components into your model for design, construction and maintenance. 12. MetaCase Consulting OY http://www.jsp.fi/metacase/ [email protected] Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML, OMT, OOD, OOA+D, Fusion, MOSES, OOSA, OODLE Price: single-user license for MetaEdit+ US$ 4 500 single-user license for Metaedit+Workbench US$ 17 000 MetaEdit Personal 1.2 MetaEdit Personal 1.2 is a customizable multi-method metaCASE tool. MetaEdit has a wide and customizable method support and a user-definable report generation. MetaEdit Personal is an efficient and easy-to-use graphical CASE tool. As Windows software it supports windowing, easy data transfer to other software and all the editing and printing capabilities of the Windows environment. Pull-down menus, clipboard functions and online help with hypertext features are there to assist your work. MetaEdit automatically checks the consistency of your models as you build them. With the reports included you can enhance this consistency checking in critical models. Together these features ensure that your models are internally consistent and do not violate the method in use. The possibility of decomposition and taking different views of the models gives your modeling the flexibility you want. Selected parts of the model can be hidden to highlight relevant aspects of your design data. MetaEdit naturally distinguishes conceptual and representational data. Features List • Diagram Editor • Code and schema generation • Method customisation • Platforms: -Win 3.1x -Win NT • Supported Methods: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design -Object Modeling Technique (Rumbaugh et al.) Class Diagram Data Flow Diagram State Diagram -Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (Coad/Yourdon) Object Diagram Object State Diagram Service Chart -Object-Oriented Design (Booch) Class Diagram State Transition Diagram Object Diagram Module Diagram Process Diagram -Moses (Henderson-Sellers) O/C Model Event Model -OODLE (Shlaer/Mellor) Information Structure Diagram State Transition Diagram Action Data Flow Diagram Structured Analysis and Design, and Data Modeling -Yourdon SA/SD Data Flow Diagram Structure Chart Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento -Yourdon, Ward/Mellor State Transition Diagram -Ward/Mellor Real-Time Structured Analysis -Chen, Yourdon, Gane/Sarson Entity-Relationship-Attribute Diagram -Gane/Sarson Structured Systems Analysis -Jackson JSP JSP Data Structure Diagram JSP Program Structure Diagram -Express Express-G Business Modeling -Porter Value Chain -Goldkuhl Activity Model • • •

On-line help Installation program Manuals

MetaEdit+ 2.5 MetaEdit+ is a modern systems analysis and design equipment for current object-oriented, business and structured modeling purposes. With integrated methods, the impact of changes in business practices on the supporting software systems can be monitored and analyzed. Further, the consistency between business processes and system descriptions is maintained and enforced via the MetaEdit+ Object Repository. The underlying database together with the metamodeling features behind MetaEdit+ permit method integration. This means that you can start by modeling your business processes (e.g. business process reengineering), proceed to modeling system architectures and then go into further detail and analyze and design a single software system, before finally producing documentation and generating code: Smalltalk, C++ or SQL definitions for example. Of course, this process is not fixed - you can use the features of MetaEdit+ in whichever way and order you want. Features List • • • • •

• •

Diagram Editor Matrix Editor Table Editor Code and schema generation Platforms: Win 3.1x Win NT OS/2 Macintosh SunOS 4 Solaris 2 IBM RS/6000 Hp Multi-user Method support

Object-Oriented -Unified Modelling Language -Object Modeling Technique -Object-Oriented Design -Object-Oriented Analysis + Design Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento -Fusion -MOSES -Object-Oriented Systems Analysis -OODLE Structured Structured Analysis and Design Real-Time SA/SD Business Modelling IBM (Business Systems Planning) Porter (Value Chains & Value Systems) Goldkuhl (Activity Analysis) •

• • • • • • • • • • •

Code generation tools, -Smalltalk, - C++, -Java. Method integration Management of multiple projects Database support On-line help Installation program Manuals Tutorials Multi-method: you can link and reuse data across different methods, maintaining a seamless flow of information between different business areas, different projects, and different life-cycle phases. Multi-tool: you can view the same data as a graphical diagram, as a matrix, or as a table, changing at will according to your needs. Multi-user: MetaEdit+ uses a true client-server architecture to communicate with a 2nd generation object-oriented repository. Multi-platform: MetaEdit+ follows the principles of open systems to work on all major platforms, with full platform independence for both the environment and the data. MetaEdit+ runs on PC's (MS-Windows, OS/2, Windows NT), MacIntosh, SUN SPARC (OS 4.1.3, Solaris 2) and HP9000 (HP-UX Motif). All of the versions of MetaEdit+ present the same interface to the user. No matter what platform you have studied MetaEdit+ with, all your skills are portable to MetaEdit+ on any other platform. Hardware requirements: A standard platform for MetaEdit+ would be a Pentium 90MHz with 12 Mb RAM or comparable. The installed program requires around 10Mb of hard disk space.

MetaEdit+ Method Workbench MetaEdit+ Method Workbench provides you the metatools for you to add support for your own methods. This feature is especially useful when you have your own standard method. Also, methods for new domains such as object-orientation and business process re-engineering can be supported months before other fixed-method CASE tools appear. MetaEdit+ Method Workbench has flexible configuration capabilities that allow you to define modeling languages, their representations and operations with connections to other methods. The object-oriented metamodeling with re-use and inheritance allows you to implement an organisation specific method within a few days. Feature List • • • • • •

Diagram Editor Matrix Editor Table Editor Code and schema generation Method customisation Platforms: Win 3.1x Win NT

Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento OS/2 Macintosh SunOS 4 Solaris 2 IBM RS/6000 HP • Multi-user • Method integration • Management of multiple projects • Database support • Modification of all method components • Reuse of existing components • Safe runtime modifications • Easy-to-use form based component specification tools • WYSIWYG dialog and symbol editors for components • Symbol library • On-line help • Installation program • Manuals • Tutorials 13. Microgold Software Inc. http://www.microgold.com/ [email protected] 1998 WithClass98 Requirements: Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price: Single User Version on CD-ROM. $795 Multi-User Version on CD-ROM. Allows multiple users to access a single copy of WithClass 98 from a Local Area Network.: 5 Users: $ 3,500 10 Users: $ 6,000 15 Users: $ 8,250 20 Users: $10,000 Features New For 4.1 • Translations in German, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, French, and Spansish • Modeless dialog data entry • Corba IDL and Microsoft ODL reverse engineering into Unified Model • Drag and drop of attributes and operations from browser • Drag and drop classes and packages from the repository • Color and choose fonts for individual shapes. • Choose view properties for individual classes as well as color. • OLE Automation for class, state, and sequence diagrams. • Import Rational RoseTM Classes from Rose mdl files • Global replace for types in class diagram • Color syntax editting for Delphi, Java, VB, IDL, and C++ • Improvements in REVERSE ENGINEERING for Delphi, Java, Java bytecode, VB, IDL, and C++ Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Import/Export Rational Rose Files Reverse java *.class Files Modeless dialog entry Reverse of Delphi Properties New script variables for properties and packages Class Repository in an Access Database Reporting done through Crystal Reports Locking of classes in multi-user environment Easy PVCS integration for file locking and unlocking Flexible integration toolbar Reverse Database feature Multi-language support with multi-language editing support Improved ease of use through simultaneous tree class browser Improved interface with tabbed dialogs OLE Automation built in (including ability to automate scripting in VB) OLE Server and In Place editing Activity diagrams and full support for almost all UML models More scripting variables for relationships Script samples provided for generating codes and reports using OLE Automation Tools Menu- Add your favorite editors, compilers, and utilities to the With Class menu Ability to copy and paste classes into other diagrams Ability to label classes as belonging to a certain package Zooming to a clip region on the diagram Editting attribute and operation names with right mouse menu Alignment tools to line up your classes as well as a grid feature Auto-scrolling when dragging objects More added fields to WC file A computer tutor to guide you through some of the tricks of using With Class.

14. Object Domain Systems http://www.object-domain.com/ [email protected] [email protected] 1998 Object Domain 2.0 Requirements: Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML, Booch notations Price: unkwnown Features • Written completely in Java, Object Domain 2.0 will run on any platform that provides a Java Runtime Environment. We are also investigating various methods for providing natively-compiled executables. • Full support for the latest UML and Booch notations • Scaleable architecture: Object Domain 2.0 is architected around a powerful core with features layered upon this core. At this time, we plan to provide multiple CASE tool products varying in capability and price. • Open architected: we envision users and 3rd party developers adding many features and extensions to Object Domain. To facilitate this, we have expanded the control of the Tcl interface and plan to allow Java extensions as well. With these extensions users can expand and customize the product not only with Tcl, TK and Java, but also with other languages using Java-ActiveX bridge or a product like Tcl Blend as a bridging mechanism. Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento •

• • • • • • • • • •

We have increased Tcl support and added a integrated command console. We have significantly increased the support for Tcl allowing complete control of the model, views, and diagrams. An integrated Tcl command console allows the users to interact with the environment using a combination of Tcl commands, mouse selections, etc. This allows the users to investigate the Tcl commands and learn them interactively then paste them to a script. Also, some advanced users may prefer the console mode of entry. We plan to maintain a strong adherence to the UML specification revisions as they are released. We will also provide the appropriate extensions when necessary to meet customer needs. Currently, Object Domain 2.0 is based on UML 1.1. Code Generation is provided through customizable Tcl scripts. We plan to have Java and C++ reverse engineering in the first version. Other languages will be supported as customer demand dictates. Unlimited undo-redo of model, view, and environment modifications Powerful diagramming capabilities include live tracking, bezier curves, stereotype icons, grid settings, vertex cleanup, and extensive control of view element characteristics (color, font, etc.) We have redesigned the user interface to minimize the number of dialogs and to increase user efficiency while remaining intuitive.We have essentially eliminated modal entry and enhanced the effectiveness of the editing screens with an expanding, dual tab view approach. Analog zooming of diagrams with a slider control allows fine-grain control of zoom level Model elements and diagrams are navigated via dual tree views that provide an overview and detail perspective of the selected element Thumbnail view provides a convenient overview of the active diagram and allows 2-dimensional scrolling of the diagram viewport A tabbed workspace provides a workset of views and associated toolbars. Views are splitable to provide multiple perspectives.

15. Object International, Inc. http://www.oi.com/ [email protected] 1998 Requirements: no Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price Together/Professional New! Together/Professional version 2.5 features synchronous design-and-code editing for C++ and Delphi (Object Pascal). Object Models built for the sources on these programming languages are also supported now. Continuous, round-trip engineering is provided by a lightning-fast fuzzy parser. No proprietary repository is needed! No repository means scalability, flexibility, and workgroup support. Together /Professional works with existing standard version control systems, including PVCS and MKS. Corporate standards are easily supported with custom code & documentation templates and user-defined notations. These features provide faster, easier development and increased understanding of your code. Features List General • Single-source technology - instant round-trip engineering • Fully customizable reverse-engineering and code-understanding tool • Continuously up-to-date object modeling and C++ and Delphi programming tool Project Manager • Scaleable. Open multiple views on multiple targets.. • Automatic synchronization. Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento Diagram Editors • Copy diagrams to clipboard; save as .wmf file; or print directly • Zoom • Undo/Redo • Filters • Find and highlight Object Model Editor • Coad, OMT, and Unified notation • Drag&drop object modeling • Drag&drop to create, position, and delete classes • Drag&drop to create, move, copy, reorder, and delete attributes and operations • Automatic, semi-automatic and manual diagram layout • User-defined toolbar for creating an object model • User-defined view management filters • User-defined mapping of C++ to diagram. For example, display public variables in red, virtual operations in italic • User-defined nodes and links • Alias names for class names and member names • Diagram notes • Overview window, showing the complete diagram, all within that window • Jump to declarations and definitions in source code Scenario Editor • Drag&drop scenario modeling • Full support for Coad Scenario Views (a scenario is a time-ordered sequence of object interactions; it integrates object interaction and event-trace diagrams into one) • Automatic synchronization of classes and operations -- in object models, scenario views, and source code Parser • Fuzzy parser. High speed. Ability to skip selected directories (for example, standard"include" files). Works on subprojects (targets, nodes), for day-to-day use. • Customizable reengineering. User-defined patterns are displayed as user-defined types of links in an object model. Code Constructor • User-definable code construction blueprints • Optional automatic source code formatting • User-defined comment tags. Define your own descriptive comment tags, establishing how you prefer to document each class and its members. Corresponding dialogs are built automatically. Information Export • Automatic generation of documentation, including Windows help files and HTML. • Documentation and help file previews • Optionally write your documentation with "WYSIWYG" in any RTF word processor. Together/Professional takes your embedded query-language statements and expands them into final documentation. • You can use this high-level query language for a variety of purposes (corporate-standard documentation, government-standard documentation, metrics, source-code construction, and help-file construction). Open Architecture • Open high-level access to Object Model with Information Export query language. • C++ API to major subsystems (available under NDA only) Documentation, Help • Tutorial, Users Guide, Information Export Language guide. • Windows 95 style help General • Full 32 bit application for Windows 95 and Windows NT Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento •

Long filename support

16. Object Team http://www.softeam.fr [email protected] 1998 Requirements: Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price: Objecteering 4 OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER is a powerful UML Analysis and Design Tool. It covers UML static models (packages, classes, attributes, methods, ...) and dynamic models (use cases, state transition, sequence diagrams, ...). You define application concepts using classes and organize them into packages. Use cases help you identify actors and the interface of your system. Sequence diagrams express cooperation between objects. State transistion diagrams express object life cycles and their reactive behavior on occurrence of events. Features Modeling Assistance OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER provides modeling assistance following model consistency rules. Model input is fully assisted in order to minimize user efforts and errors. For example, when defining sequence or state transition diagrams, OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER computes dynamically the list of objects and methods authorized within the model context and that can be used for messages or transitions typing . Models Consistency Checking OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER includes a sophisticated list of more than 200 consistency checkings. Any modeling element is stored once in the OBJECTEERING 4 repository and shared by all related models. The repository thus ensures full consistency between static and dynamic UML models. OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER provides interactive verification of models all along the construction process in order to prevent mistakes as soon as they occur. All models are guaranteed to be consistent and up-to-date all the time. UML Rules and Techniques Beyond standard UML modeling, OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER gives you a methodological guide to build really good UML models. OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER‘s set of Rules and Techniques provides the rules a good model must verify, and practical techniques to achieve that goal. OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER UML Metrics help you verify your model quality. Browsing Models OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER features a powerful model browser which provides a hierarchical view of the model’s composition. This model browser allows direct access to any modeling element from the highest structuration levels (projects, packages) to the most elementary items (attributes, methods). It manages related properties such as graphical views, documentation parts, and activates graphical editors and generation processors. As with a standard editor modeling items can be created, modified, transferred. Several browsers can cooperate, being activated at the same time on different parts of the model. Navigating through Models Diagram editors provide graphical views of models at different structure levels : projects, packages, classes. From a modeling item, they provide access to other related modeling items and associated graphical representations. Users can define multiple views on model elements, by simply masking or unmasking information. This model-driven navigation principle, and the user-friendly interface style of the editors have proven to be very efficient. Documenting models Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento With OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER, documentation is part of modeling. Every model element can be documented using predefined documentation zones such as analysis, design, overview, etc. Documentation writing is easy, guided by model structuring and development process methodology. Documents generation OBJECTEERING 4/ MODELER generates complete project documentation from models. Documents are defined through templates which describe the information and graphical views to be extracted from the model and the structure of the document. The document types depend entirely on their associated templates. They can be Analysis or Design documents as well as manuals or test documentation. Document templates can be fully adapted by users, thus enforcing documentation and quality rules defined by the project manager. Targeted formats are the popular Word, Html browsers and PostScript previewers processing tools. Team development OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER is a multi-user Case Tool promoting cooperative work within project teams. Large-scale projects can be divided into several sub-projects, handled independently and distributed, if necessary, in a network. Models stored in the repository are shared according to project organization, model structure and user rights. Projects can reuse components from other projects or import them to enhance them locally. The universal identifiers strategy for any model item created with OBJECTEERING 4 / MODELER ensures the total security of model exchanges between projects or organizations. 17. Objec Time Ltd. http://www.objectime.com [email protected] 1998 Note: ObjecTime Limited and Rational Software have strengthened their strategic alliance to better serve real-time software developers Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price: Objec Time ObjecTime Developer is an object-oriented software-development tool designed specifically for event-driven, real-time applications. It is used to build and execute graphical models of event-driven systems and to automatically convert these models into high performance C++ code. ObjecTime can be used at all stages of the software development cycle--from requirements and analysis to design and implementation. The software makes it possible for developers to compile, execute, and validate graphical models of real-time systems. Its model-visualization capabilities includes animation of state machines and message flow (including message sequence charts) and debugging facilities. And, with ObjecTime Developer 5.0, the software's powerful modeling capabilities have been extended to the implementation phase of product development. For the first time, developers can build graphical models of their designs and animate these models on both development and target platforms. ObjecTime Developer 5.0 is the only tool that provides such a powerful graphical observation and control capability on the target environment Requirements We can assign requirements to virtually any model element. And any model entity can be linked to a requirement. Traceability reports check to make sure all of the requirements are assigned to model elements and that all model elements have a requirement. ObjecTime Developer is also integrated with the leading requirements management tool DOORS from QSS Incorporated (http://www.qssinc.com). The integration between the two products allows developers to input their requirements into DOORS and link these requirements to elements of their ObjecTime model. Visual Development Language The Visual Development Language allows: Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • •

The design to be clearly communicated to other team members, management and customers The effective transfer of knowledge between team members And the opportunity to leverage the experience and skills of senior personnel

The Framework based design approach allows: • • • • •

The design to be logically partitioned into components to be built by the team. That ability to "nest" structure and behaviours makes this an effective management technique regardless of the number of developers involved or the number of locations housing development teams. The complexity inherent in real-time software to be managed effectively and efficiently. Developers complete flexibility in reusing design components.

ObjecTime Developer's industrial-strength, component-based, approach to development: • • •

Promotes the effective reuse of components and major design elements by all team members Makes both teams and individual developers more productive It is effective for teams ranging from the smallest group of developers through large projects involving multiple teams spread across multiple locations

Executable Designs ObjecTime Developer's ability to generate executable designs: • • • •

Lets developer's gain a deep insight into the design early in the development cycle. A better understanding of the issues being faced translates into a high quality final product. Allows alternatives to be explored quickly and inexpensively and the best design selected. Lets developer's test the design thoroughly to eliminate design and specification defects.

TotalCode Application Generation Summary ObjecTime Developer TotalCode Application generation: • •

Accelerates product delivery. Your team spends its time building and refining the design - not hand coding it.

Improves product quality in four different ways. • First by letting you get the design right during the design phase. • Secondly because you can verify the design, design and implementation errors are found early in the process and corrected. • Lastly, because you can communicate the design effectively, the inevitable misunderstandings and short cuts that erode even the best architectures are minimized. • Reduces the cost of ongoing maintenance and product enhancement activities. And finally, ObjecTime Developer TotalCode Application Generation reduces the cost of ongoing maintenance and product enhancement activities. Because the design is the application, the design and applicatio are always in sync. You never have to deal with the disconnection that usually exists between the design and the code. Target Observability: • •

Lets you debug at a higher level of abstraction, improving productivity and reducing development times. It also ensures you have a better understanding of where you are in the design when you have to debug at a low level.

18. Parallel Performance Group, Inc.: http://www.ppgsoft.com/ppgsoft/objectif.html [email protected] [email protected] 1998 Requirements: no Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: Coad/Yourdon Price: Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento ObjectiF ObjectiF is based on the object-oriented analysis and design methods (OOA and OOD) of Coad/Yourdon.. They offer an intelligible and easily understood graphic notation for classes, their properties, and the relations between them. Features ObjectiF has contributed three basic OOA/OOD method additions: 1. An expressive tool for the description of message flow, 2. Object state transition diagrams for specifying the life cycle of objects, and 3. The new concept of a subject that forms the basis for the reuse of class definitions beyond the confines of a given project. • Thus, objectiF opens up OOA and OOD to a wide variety of application areas. Regardless of whether you are developing technical or commercial applications in large or small projects. • ObjectiF's OOP components have been specially tailored for applying Microsoft C/C++ to be able to offer you optimal object-oriented programing support. • It makes it possible to tell with a glance which classes of a subject are available for reuse. • ObjectiF enables the practical reuse of classes - even, or especially, beyond project borders. • ObjectiF is equipped with a ready-made subject designed as an efficient link to the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC). It contains the MFC classes together with their public methods. You will immediately be able to use them in the subjects of your application. Use means here, for example, developing your own user interface by creating a subclass of CDialog, or incorporating CString and CTime, as atomic types, in your attribute definitions. ObjectiF - the OOP Specialist for C++ • OOP in C++ means supplying a class declaration for every specified class, and coding function definitions for every specified method. • ObjectiF can present a class model from the perspective of C++. It can represent every graphically specified class, with its attributes, methods, and method parameters, in the syntax of a class declaration with member list. You will only have to extend the member list with those C++ declarations that were not taken into account during OOA and OOD. If necessary, for example, a data member can be completed with a pointer operation, or the member list can be extended with declarations for enumerations and friends. • ObjectiF can view the relations in a class model from a C++ perspective too. It generates two things for a structural relation between classes. For one, it generates attributes for the assignment of those instances' object identifiers with which the class objects are associated over the relation. For another, objectiF can view the relations in a class model from a C++ perspective too. It generates two things for a structural relation between classes. For one, it generates attributes for the ssignment of those instances' object identifiers with which the class objects are associated over the relation. For another, objectiF generates methods that automatically safe-guard the integrity of the relation expressed in the object identifiers. ObjectiF Stands for Accurate Specification Implementation • The graphic specification and the class declarations are simply two different views of the same modeling objects. When you modify, add, or delete a method or attribute in a class model as an after-thought, you will find that the corresponding modifications are immediately made in the class declarations. The same thing is true at the relation level: if a structural relation is modified, added, or deleted in a class model, the data and function members are modified accordingly. Interactive Modeling OOA refers to the modeling of problem-domain classes. OOD is concerned with the development of base technology classes, from which - put simply - the problem-domain classes can inherit technical behavior. The modeling tool common to both is the class model. It graphically presents all of the central aspects of an object-oriented design: 1. the classes, 2. their static properties, the attributes, 3. their behavior, the methods, 4. inheritance hierarchies, 5. message connections, and 6. structural relations at the instance level.

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A class model contains those classes necessary for realizing a common problem-domain, or technical task. Because a class can contribute to the realization of several tasks, class models will often be redundant. Still, as an objectiF user, you can always rest assured that you are dealing with the current state of a class - this is, of course, even true in a multiuser environment. ObjectiF offers a special modeling tool for the specification of this aspect: the object state transition diagram. It illustrates the connection between the following: 7. the different instance states, 8. the events that affect them, in the form of messages, 9. the methods that are thus invoked, and 10. the successive states that are reached. ObjectiF safeguards consistence between object state diagrams and class models on its own. As a user, you will be able to concentrate entirely on the modeling of the problem at hand. ObjectiFactively supports you in this with its simple, context-oriented, user interfaces. Graphic editing, zooming, navigating - objectiF provides you with enormous functionality. When, for instance, you want to see the results of your work in black and white, objectiF can reproduce your model in a poster printout in any size you want. Additionally, objectiF uses Microsoft Word for Windows as an OLE Server opening far-reaching capabilities for combining graphics and text that meet your documentation needs in targeting a specific group.

19. Platinum Technology Inc. http://www.platinum.com 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price: Paradigm Plus PLATINUM Paradigm Plus boosts IT performance and delivers strategic, multi-tiered enterprise applications — including those for the Internet and intranet — by supporting ECM. Using ECM, a strategy for rapid application delivery that utilizes object technology and component-based development techniques, organizations can identify business requirements, model and build reusable application components, and manage information systems over the long term. Paradigm Plus is an objectoriented analysis and design (OOAD) tool to offer fully integrated business process modeling, physical database modeling, and object modeling. This integration enables business managers, software developers, and database designers to communicate with each other, meet business needs, and develop enterprise-level applications. Key Features Requirements Paradigm Plus ensures that business needs are met by incorporating them into your software and database designs. By enabling business managers, software developers, and database designers to communicate and work directly with one another. Application Software Supported: • ActiveX, • Ada, • Borland C++, • CORBA, • Delphi, • Forte, • Java, • Micro Focus Visual Object COBOL, • Persistence, • PowerBuilder, • VisualAge, Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • • •

Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual Café, Visual J++, VisualSmalltalk Enterprise

Databases Supported: • DB2 for MVS and OS/390, • Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, • ObjectStore, • Oracle, • Sybase, • Versant Operating Systems Supported: • Windows NT, • Windows 95, • OS/2, • Sun Solaris, • HP-UX, • AIX, • IRIX Technical Requirements: • PC: 90 MB hard disk space, • 24 MB RAM (32 MB recommended) • UNIX: 80 MB of hard disk space, • 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended) Product Focus: • Application development infrastructure, • Component-based development, • Enterprise Component Modeling (ECM), • Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), • Business process modeling, • Physical database modeling 20. Popkin Software http://www.popkin.com 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML OMT Object Diagram, Booch Class Diagram, or Shlaer/Mellor Information Model Price: System Architet •

S/A Object Architet supports the leading OO methodologies. UML OMT/Rumbaugh Booch Coad/Yourdon Shlaer/Mellor Start your analysis using Jacobson Use Case and Ideal Object diagrams, for an easy communication vehicle with your end users.

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento •

Customize the generation of code output from any class diagramm: C++ Java Visual Basic Delphi Object Pascal Smalltalk Power Builder Power Script Cobra IDL You can also write your own SA/Basic scripts to generate the code • •

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Analysis, design and implementation is an iterative exercise. With SA/ Object Architect you can generate C++ header and skeleton files for you application. When the app changes, reverse the header files into SA/Object Architet. We’ll make sure your class model are in synch with your code SA/Object Architet lets you automatically create a logical data model from your class diagram, leaving you the option of selecting the mapping of inheritance structures to tables. Then let us automatically create a physical data model you can denormalize. Or start with you relational database, reverse it into a physical data mode, and we’ll create the class diagram Analyze your project at any time through the reports we ship with the product, or write your own using the GUI report editor. Or generate HTML output for your intranet so everybody can see how the projects is coming along. Or link with Word for Windows output that you can format using your own company standards System Architet Object's code generation and importing capabilities enable you to perform recursive analysis and design of your system using an object-oriented class-type diagram (OMT Object Diagram, Booch Class Diagram, or Shlaer/Mellor Information Model). You don't have to do all of your analysis at once; you just analyze a piece of the system, add design details to the diagram, and implement it by generating C++ header (.HPP) and skeleton (.CPP) files. You can make design changes to your code, and then import that code (.HPP file) back into the class-type diagram and let System Architect automatically update the diagram to reflect the code. You then continue adding analysis and design details to the diagram, implement it again, and continue through the cycle until you are satisfied with your design.

21. Proforma Corporation http://www.proformacorp.com [email protected] [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard:. Rummler-Brache, LOVEM, Booch, OMT, Use Case, UML, Martin/Odell, Martin/IE, and Coad Price: ProVision Workbench Enterprise Edition ProVision Workbench (PVW), winner of Object World's "Best New OT Product" award, is a business process and object modeling tool that seamlessly integrates Business Process (Re)engineering and Business Object Analysis with system development. ProVision gives business and information technology (IT) specialists a common environment to (re)define, model and automate business processes and reusable business objects. ProVision includes over 13 modelers along with a customizable methodology support, model interpreters, web-enabled publishing facility, spelling/completeness checker and much more. ProVision translates business objects into code for VisualAge/Smalltalk, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, C/C++ and SQL database schemas. In addition, it has C/C++ round-trip engineering. ProVision not only models the business and technical requirements, it also interprets them into simple, narrative statements. All ProVision models can be changed or enhanced through the model view or the interpreted view. This is to ensure that everyone (upper management, business, IT, etc.) understands the full meaning of every model and the business rules they represent. The drawing pallet will make it easy to add your own touches to any model. The ProNet facility allows Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento publication of ProVision Models and documentation on the inter/intranet in HTML format for distribution and review by business units across the globe. Features Business Interaction Model. The BIM provides a quick way to develop a strategic view of a business with respect to its processes, customers, suppliers, competitors, and major organizational interfaces. It depicts the environment of the business processes and provides a communication vehicle for developing strategic goals and direction. Workflow Model. Processes identified in the Business Interaction Model are further analyzed using the Workflow Model. This more detailed view of the activities within a business process helps to visualize and analyze how work passes between multiple departments or organizational units. The Workflow Model may be used to evaluate internal activities and "hand-offs" from one party to another. Use Case Model. People and organizations external to the business, interact with the business to receive deliverables which are of value to them. A Use Case Model simplifies analysis by logically partitioning the business into portions which service these interactions. For each interaction, the Use Case Model can specify the external «actors» who are involved, the nature of the communication which takes place, and the portion of the business supporting the interaction. Interaction Model. An Interaction Model details how a use case (or business process) is realized by communicating objects. When the business process is initiated, the Interaction Model illustrates the objects involved, the time-sequenced messages between these objects, and the methods performed by the objects in response to each communication Hierarchy Models. Hierarchy Modelers are used to document and structure Organizations, Goals, Locations, Business Domains, Activities, and many other business concepts in a decomposition structure. The Hierarchy Models organize these concepts to provide for completeness and consistency checking. Subtype Model. The Subtype Model allows for the development of object definition hierarchies (supertypes & subtypes) for business objects. Business objects are those people, places, things, or concepts that retain information and provide functionality for a business process. Object Model. The properties of business objects are detailed in the Object Model. It provides the main inventory of business components, as well as their properties and rules. The properties supported are methods, attributes and their domains, and "semantic" associations between business objects. State Model. The State Model show the lifecycle of business objects. They document the dynamics of an object during its lifecycle, and how it transitions from one state to another. Method Model. The interaction between business objects is documented via the Method Model. The message, which is the fundamental communication vehicle between objects, invokes the requested method in the target object. ProVision Workbench - Enterprise Edition integrates three powerful business modeling tools into one: ProVision BPR Enables businesses to model new or rethink old business processes. The business interaction and workflow models allow organizations to design the most cost-effective and competitive business processes possible. ProVision Business Object Analysis Enables business and information technology (IT) specialists to team up and translate business processes into business object models. Business object models contain the detailed business rules and decisions expressed in modeling notation and/or interpreted narrative statements. All the business objects may easily be reused across multiple business domains and projects. ProVision C/S & OO Deployment Enables IT specialists to translate business objects and their associated components into required automation components. ProVision automatically generates C++ and Smalltalk code for class definitions, generates schemas for relational DBMSs, Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento and provides first-cut visual prototypes. ProVision provides import and export capabilities with CASE and application development tools. Business object models can also be exported into leading application development environments, such as IBM's VisualAge, Powersoft's PowerBuilder and Microsoft's Visual Basic. Customizability. ProVision contains support for the leading BPR, object oriented and structured methodologies such as Rummler-Brache, LOVEM, Booch, OMT, Use Case, UML, Martin/Odell, Martin/IE, and Coad. In addition ProVision has extensive methodology customization and model annotation capabilities to quickly evolve methodologies to meet corporate standards and new industry innovations. Methodology customization is fast and easy with ProVision. Every methodology is predefined as a symbol set which represents its notation and terminology. The ProVision user can tailor the active methodology or switch to a completely different one. Extensibility. ProVision allows users to specify extensions to the objects in the PVW meta model. If there is a property your organization consistently uses that is not currently in PVW you can quickly add the property yourself. Compatibility. In order to provide a direct and explicit mapping of business objects to an automated solution, ProVision translates business objects into code for VisualAge/Smalltalk, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, C/C++ and SQL schemas. With the C/C++ reverse engineering facilities your models will never be outdated. 22. Project Technology Inc. http://www.projtech.com/ 1998 Bridgepoint Requirements: Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML or the existing Shlaer-Mellor notation. Price: BridgePoint consists of three main tools, the Model Builder, Model Verifier and Generator. A Model Compiler is a set of code patterns used by the generator to produce code. Briefly, the purpose of each tool is: Model Builder: • This tool is designed to correctly and consistently capture the application models. • Since it understands the Shlaer-Mellor method it can both assist the developer in entering correct models and enforce the method's rules. • It is a multi-user tool which is scalable to large project teams and gives everyone access to the same model repository in heterogeneous development environments. • Version Management creates individual workspaces within large models. Models can be managed by your existing source control system (example SCCS) or by a simple file based configuration management system supplied with BridgePoint. Model Verifier: • This tool increases final system quality through simulated execution of the application models early in the development process. • This allows requirements testing to ensure the customers needs are met. • This results in fewer errors detected at test and integration time, which can result in an average of 75% reduction of time spent in these activities. • The simulation results can be displayed either by an execution monitoring screen or by animation of a visual model for easy customer feedback. Generator: • The generator tool provides a flexible interface to BridgePoint's open repository.

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This can be used for custom reports, interfaces to third party tools (such as requirements traceability tools), or for code generation. For code generation the generator translates 100% of the application models into code via the patterns and rules in the Model Compiler. An archetype language allows full user control over the design of the source code, permitting complete code generation in any language, for any operating system without the usual overhead and performance problems associated with other code generating tools. The archetype language can be used to build custom software architectures optimized for specific performance and behavior. Alternatively, off-the-shelf model compilers (automated software architectures) allows design teams to optimize timeto-market.

23. Projexion NetSoft (Reich Technologies) http://www.projexion.com/ [email protected] [email protected] 1998 Requirements: it is designed to provide requirements engineering support Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML, OMT Price: Intelligent Software Factory for Analysis and Design The Intelligent Software Factory for Analysis and Design provides graphical notations and other model representations during the analysis and design phases of the software development lifecycle. ISF/AD ASM is designed to provide requirements engineering support and assist the derivation of a complete but minimal dictionary of objects and classes from the understanding of system behavior. Features Following is a typical workflow for the usage of ISF/AD ASM : • Describe a root model of the system using Contexts and Subject Areas; • Describe the system functionality with the Use Cases; • Formalize the Use Case narrative into a script describing the responsibilities of the system actors -- expressed as services; • Extract your object dictionary and refine it with glossaries. • • •

Use Cases provide a model-based formulation of the functional requirements of the system. ISF/AD ASM Use Cases support relationships to issues, business goals, screen definitions and informal descriptions of acceptance tests. Scripts help formalize the behavior of the Use Cases and extract the first draft for the classes and responsibilities available to ISF/AD OMT. ISF/AD OMT supports the Object Modeling Technique methods that include the Object, Dynamic and Functional models, and Event Traces. An underlying OODBMS ensures consistency between all of these views, assisting the software engineer in an "intelligent" way.

Typical use of ISF/AD OMT includes the following steps: • • • •

Create the object model to capture the essential structure of the system. (Users with ISF/AD ASM may extract the object dictionary from use cases); Examine the sequence of interactions using the Event Trace; Describe the behavior of the classes using state diagrams; Use data flow diagrams to show functional dependencies and constraints.

Repository Browsers

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento Object Model Repository Browser provides access to the objects dictionary allowing you to find, retrieve or modify any of the objects in the repository. Classes and Associations Class definitions include attributes and operations. Associations between classes, aggregations and generalizations are all represented in standard OMT notation. State Diagrams and Events Events cause the transitions between states. State diagrams capture the timing aspects and operational sequences of the system for a class of objects. Event Traces Event Traces express the interactions between objects. Message triggers (solid lines) are directly mapped onto operations. Asynchronous events (dotted lines) are also represented. This view is both formally rigorous and intuitive to the user. Use Cases Use Cases provide a model-based formulation of the functional requirements of the system. ISF/AD ASM Use Cases support relationships to issues, business goals, screen definitions and informal descriptions of acceptance tests. Scripts help formalize the behavior of the Use Cases and extract the first draft for the classes and responsibilities available to ISF/AD OMT. Jack in Java Jack in Java is a graphical, object-oriented modeling environment with which everyone may work to design critical systems and business applications: quickly, and with a higher quality. Jack in Java facilitates a complete expression of your application, with OMT/UML. Jack in Java makes it easy to navigate between these models, and automatically checks for consistency, logic, completeness and semantics within and between the models. Jack in Java improves the quality of your application, while minimizing maintenance costs. SyncCycle steadies the synchronization of your design and implementation. No data is lost, any number of changes may be made to your code and design, and any number of iterations may be performed. Through different types of diagrams, you can use modeling methodologies to clearly and unambiguously define and document processes, roles and rules (the essence of software). This will have you reach a much higher level of abstraction than code programming, your work will be much easier to communicate and understand while sustaining the necessary discipline and rigour. Features: • Integrated OMT/UML. Jack in Java provides a complete support for the OMT methodology. Its capability to blend methods allows you to retain the best of each method and gives you the flexibility to change approaches in future development. • Consistency check: saves time by highlighting inconsistencies early in the development cycle, speeds up the development and improves the overall system quality. • Open architecture: allows easy integration with other tools. • Easy data access: a repository browser allows you to easily access the information stored in the repository and provides a detailed system picture. • Integrates with programming environments, provides integration for incremental code generation and reverse engineering in Java. • Automatic generation of documentation in RTF. Integrated graphical editors: • Class Diagram Graphical Editor - Expresses classes, their attributes and operations, and the relationships between classes (structural aspects of the system controls). • State and Interaction Diagram Graphical Editor - Models the behaviors of the class, events and timing. Models how object will interact, what events will invoke the class operations and how interactions are sequenced. (represents the behavior and temporal aspects of the system). • Object Model Browser - Browses the repository for a detailed understanding of class information and system designs. Synchronization Cycle (SyncCycle) Engineering: • Automatic generation of Java code - Code generation of the classes, attributes, operations, relations and state machines. • Management of the source code Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • •

Reverse-engineering of Java code Iterative development through synchronization of the design and code generation: you can make all the necessary changes to your code within the iterative development. The incorporated diagnosis view allows strict adequacy between code and model. With Jack in Java, you can rule consistency and completeness between design and implementation. Automatic generation of your documentation: documentation generated in strict accordance to your models to facilitate system understanding and maintenance.

Supported-Platforms: • PC Windows 3.x (with Win32s), 95, N 24. Ptech Inc. http:www.intechinc.com 1997 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price: Ptech FrameWork 5.3 Our integrated set of object-oriented methods and tools called FrameWork 5.3 for Windows lets you do it all: model and modify business processes, plus develop interrelated applications that incorporate your best practices, and generate software code directly from the business models. This dynamic integration means you can prototype changes in current procedures and view the impact of the changes immediately, before your engineers write a single line of code. Features Knowledge Management • Smart integrated object repository with an inference engine and user-defined constraints • Support for dynamic typing of model objects • Visual Query Language (VQL) • All object properties and queries can be evaluated and returned as text or graphics • New instances will be committed only if they have met all the constraints imposed on the class • Links between the instances must meet all imposed constraints before being committed • Diagrams are objects that can be referred to in other models for navigation • Diagrams can be anchored to model elements and can be opened from these objects • Model Elements are connected automatically to the diagrams they are contained in • N-view graphic references to an object • Retrieve and display all containing Diagrams of an object • Retrieve and display all direct of indirect connected objects of an object • Model Elements can have any number of documents (including URL addresses for web class sites) • Find facility to find objects in the repository based on names and ypes • Team support via extensive import/export merge facilities • Auto Save • Online context-sensitive help • Output view for messages coming from FrameWork User Interface • GUI based modeling environment • Forms-based model elements and relationships entry • Graphic objects can be created through forms • Model Object Type's sensitive pull-down and pop-up menus Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Modeling Tools organized in Tool folders Customization of tips and diagram type visibility Double click object sensitive actions A Project Organizer to organize models in a hierarchy of folders Alignment and Resizing of objects relative to each other and to a grid Grid can be customized Hide/Show with user-defined levels capabilities Icons can be edited for color/thickness of shapes and drawing pens Import favorite graphics(.emf, .wmf) Modeling Elements drag & drop & duplicate Full color WYSIWYG diagram editor Zoom in/out capabilities A Document window to display model elements attached documents All Windows Dockable and (fully) Customizable Context based access to models, forms, queries, and tools Connection objects may have labels that refer to other related objects Graphics mark an object that has drill down diagrams, documents, or linked files For class icons, the ability to switch between icon mode and UML-Style compartments mode Access to external applications and documents from diagrams and model objects

Integration • API for running external programs which read from or populate the knowledge engine • Diagrams can be copied in EMF/WMF format to the MS • Windows clipboard. • A reverse engineering facility from any comma separated values (CSV) file format. • External documents and applications can be linked and invoked from any model element. Output • Abstract Output Generator lets user publish diagrams in any output format • (HTML reports, document reports, code files, spreadsheets, ) • All reports fully customizable • Extensive printing options System Requirements Operating Systems: • FrameWork Products operates under Windows NT and Windows 95. Disk Space and Memory: • FrameWork requires 40 MB of hard disk space, but we recommend 100 MB. FrameWork requires 32 MB of RAM, but we recommend 64 MB. Business FrameWork • Business Architecture/Value Chain Models • Supply-Chain Models • Business Object Models (Fully extends UML Class Diagrams) • Process/Workflow Models • Strategic Planning (Mission/Vision/Goal/Objective/Strategy/Barrier/Capability) • Requirements Modeling (Requirements/Business Drivers/Guiding Principals/Internal and External Requirements) • Business Rules Models (Graphical inference rule modeling) • Organization Structure Models • Business Relationships Models • Team, Roles, Responsibilities, and Assignments Models • Risk Management Modeling • Events Models • Use Case Models • Location Models • IT Infrastructure Models Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • • • • • • • •

IT Architecture Models Observations and Measurements Recording Effectiveness Recording - Linking Organization, Process, and Resource with a measurement Activity Based Costing Road Map and Model Navigation Models User Defined Model Types, Tools, and Navigational queries Prototyping Models (Validation of Reality/Vision versus Models) As-Is versus To-Be Process Analysis Models supporting leading BPR methodologies such as Rummler-Brache and Zachman FrameWork are Available as Extensions Fully Integrated Modeling Environment based on an intelligent knowledge engine Business Models Completely Traceable and interoperable with Technology FrameWork Models

Technology FrameWork • Distributed Class Models • C++ Class Models • Java Class Models • Corba2 Class Models • Forte Class Models • Forte Events Models • Oracle 8 Class Models • UML Class Models • UML Model Management Models • UML Statechart Models • UML Use Case Models • UML Component Models • UML Deployment Models • UML Collaboration Models • UML Interaction Models • UML Instance Interaction Models • UML Dependency Models (traceability, usage, binding) • UML Sequence Models • UML Activity, Action and Objectflow Models • Method Models • Ptech Event Models • Road Map and Model Navigation Models • User Defined Model Types, Tools, and Navigational queries • Prototyping Models (Validation of Reality/Vision vs Models) FrameWork Code Generators • Java, C++, and CORBA IDL • Forté TOOL • OrbixWeb (Application Generator*) • Orbix (Application Generator*) • VisiBroker for Java (Application Generator*) • ICL DAIS (Application Generator*) • Oracle 8 • MS SQL Server DDL • WPDL (Workflow Process Definition Language) • ILOG Rules (In Beta) 25. Rational Software Corporation http://www.rational.com [email protected] 1997

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento Requirements: yes, Point-and-click selection of requirements from within documents Use of Natural Language: no. Automation Degree: automatic loading of requirements into integrated database Standard: UML Price: Requisite Pro £1,000 Support £150 Total £1,150 +VAT Rose Visual Modeler (No Code Generation) £1,250 +VAT Support £192 per Year Rose Professional Edition (Code Gen for one Lang) £1,900 +VAT Support £300 per Year Rose Enterprise Edition (Code Gen for Java, C++ £2,850 +VAT Support £490 per Year VB & Oracle 8) Requisite Pro For management requirements. Features Unique «In Situ» Integration of MS Word & Centralized Requirements Database • All requirement-related documents & data managed by one easy-to-use tool • Point-and-click selection of requirements from within documents • Automatic loading of requirements into integrated database • Requirements entered and updated using Microsoft Word • Requirements can contain text, embedded executables, sound or graphics • Document browsing by requirements ID Attribute Fields Track Requirements Details and Relationships • Attach unlimited number of user-defined attributes to each requirement • Both structured data types and free-form text supported • Automatic generation of version number, author, date and time of edit Queries and Reports Simplify Management Reviews • Filter and sort requirements on any attribute field • Custom report generation and styling • Export in ASCII delimited files • Display or print all view Templates Speed Adoption and Encourage Consistency • Customizable document templates support your team’s process & culture • Standards-based checklists and notes to guide writers on content expectations • ANSI IEEE and other templates available • Wizards speed creation and organization of projects Automated Traceability for Fast Impact Analysis • «Point and click» relationships between inter- and intra-document requirement • «Parent/child» relationship hierarchies between requirements of the same type • Trace requirement changes through design, implementation and test • Track the impact of change with automatic «suspect» link notifications • View traceability relationships in «hierarchy tree» and matrix formats • Trace requirement relationships w/in projects & across multiple, external projects • Queries based on attributes of linked requirements Tool Integrations For Effective Modeling, Configuration Management & Testing • Integration with Rational Rose • Integration for current ClearCase, Visual SourceSafe & PVCS users • Integration with SQA Suite Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento Support for your Efforts to Conform to Industry Standards • SEI CMM Level 2 • SEI CMM Level 3 and above • ISO 9000 Rational Rose 98 For visual modeling. Features Support for UML modeling Component-based development • Component-based development has emerged as the most effective design process thus far. • Rose users can now model their components and interfaces even more effectively through component modeling. • Required components of a design can be easily reverse-engineered to explore the interfaces and interrelationships of other components in the model. • With Rose 98, this process is simple: just drag and drop components from a file system onto the component diagram. • This enables you to reverse engineer, reuse, visualize, adapt, acquire and create components for your system quickly and efficiently. Multi-language development • Rose 98 Enterprise Edition has multi-language support, letting you build components in mixed languages. • Rose supports C++, Java, Smalltalk and Ada, as well as 4GLs such as Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, and Forté. • Rose 98 generates Interface Definition Language (IDL) for CORBA applications and Data Description Language (DDL) for database applications. Round-trip engineering • Rose 98 allows you to move easily from analysis to design to implementation and back to analysis again, and thus supports all phases of a project's lifecycle. • Rational Rose 98 supports a dynamic change management process with forward engineering, reverse engineering, and model updating features that allow you to alter your implementation, assess your changes, and automatically incorporate them in your design. • Rose's support for round-trip engineering ensures that then iterative development cycle is controlled and productive. Full team support • Rational Rose 98 supports teams of analysts, architects, and engineers by enabling each to operate in a private workspace that contains an individual view of the entire model. • Multiple engineers can work on complex problems concurrently; changes are made available to others by checking them into a configuration-management and version-control (CMVC) system. • Protected workspace means that one person's changes won't affect the whole model until the time comes to share these alterations with the rest of the project. • Rose 98 integrates with major CMVC tools including Rational ClearCase and Microsoft SourceSafe and is open to other CMVC systems. Unparalleled ease of use • Rational Rose supports familiar GUI elements such as drag-and-drop and OLE automation. • Rose's proven compatibility with the Windows platform has been tested in the Microsoft usability lab. The Visual Differencing tool • The Visual Differencing tool is a graphical comparison and merge utility, which shows the differences between two models or controlled units. • Using this utility, you can merge elements of one model into another model, automatically or interactively. The merge facility is especially useful during parallel development, where a model (or parts of a model) is changed by several developers, generating several model versions, and the changes eventually need to be incorporated into a single model. Framework Wizard

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • •

The Framework Wizard Add-In is a library of frameworks that can be used as templates when creating new models. It also provides you with a Framework Wizard to create additional frameworks. A framework in Rational Rose is a model with predefined model elements that are used to model a certain kind of system. The purpose of a specific framework can be to define the architecture of systems of a certain kind, or to provide a set of reusable components. When creating a new model, you can initialize your model with a predefined architecture and a set of reusable model elements, by choosing an appropriate framework. This way, you can focus your modeling efforts on the parts that are unique to your system, instead of "re-inventing the wheel."

Rose Extensibility Interface • The purpose of Rational Rose is to enable component based software development. As you would expect, the Rose application is itself component-based, and is defined in the Rose Extensibility Interface (REI) Model. • The REI Model is essentially a metamodel of a Rose model, exposing the packages, classes, properties and methods that define and control the Rose application and all of its functions. • You communicate with the Rose Extensibility Interface through Rose Scripts or through Rose Automation. Basic Report Generation Rose 98 allows the generation of a data dictionary from a model using Microsoft Word OLE Automation objects. It is possible to: • • •

specify the report type of Logical View report with class specification specify a Component View report with component specification. customize a report to set the attribute and operation syntax (UML, language syntax..), and other report options such an inclusion of documentation fields etc.

Corba/IDL Generation • Using the Interface Design Language (IDL) Code Generator, you can produce IDL source code from the information contained in a model. • The code generated for each selected model element is a function of that element's specification, the model's properties, and the model's project properties. • These properties provide the language-specific information required to map your model into IDL. Database Schema Generation (DDL) • •

The gap between object technology and relational databases is closed by providing a mapping interface to relational databases via generation of persistent classes to Structured Query Language (SQL) Data Definition Language (DDL).

MS Repository Integration • Rational Rose allows you to exchange model information with other modeling tools by providing an integration with the • Microsoft Repository. • Rational Rose provides a command to publish a Rational Rose model to the repository, and a command to import a model from the repository. • On the initiative of Microsoft, several modeling tool vendors are providing support for publishing from and to the • Microsoft Repository. Thus, those portions of models that are common between various modeling tools and the UML type information model in the repository can easily be exchanged. • At this time, exchange of the class model (logical view) is supported. Oracle 8 Forward and Reverse engineering Rational Rose 98 Oracle8 enables you to: • • • •

create object models from Oracle8 relational schemas and extend them to exploit Oracle8's object capabilities visualize existing relational databases facilitate the discovery and composition of existing business objects enable you to preserve your investment in existing relational databases, while taking advantage of all the benefits that object modeling and development bring to desktop andserver applications.

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento 26. Riverton Software Corporation http://www.riverton.com 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price: How HOW is a component modeling tool and deployment framework for building business applications. HOW 2.0 adds support for Visual Basic and Java to the product's existing support for PowerBuilder. As you model your applications in HOW's business analysis and component design tools, HOW displays a built-in understanding of each target platform. And when you generate components or component-based applications to your target platform, they take advantage of the distributed computing capabilities of the platform you choose. HOW 2.0 enhances OpenFrame, HOW's business component deployment framework, to support a number of distributed computing technologies and middleware products, such as DCOM, Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and Jaguar CTS. As a result, HOW-generated components can be hosted in these transaction server products, letting you leverage the performance and scalability benefits that distributed component architectures deliver. Feature List • • • • • • • • • •

HOW’s analysis tools help developers to scope applications and capture detailed requirements. Developers can design and build components from these requirements, and be confident that the business needs are being satisfied. It provides round-trip engineering from modeling to development and back. It shows developers how to architect three-tier applications HOW-built components automatically support distributed computing technologies like DCOM, Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and Sybase Jaguar CTS HOW embraces the Unified Modeling Language (UML) standard HOW’s support for the Microsoft Repository allows UML class diagrams from other tools to be brought into HOW, where they can be generated as working applications It also produces data models in ERwin and PowerDesigner from business object domains. OpenFrame, HOW’s deployment framework. OpenFrame provides an architecture that automatically connects application layers, even in distributed environments It has a multi-user repository, HOW’s object- and component-level repository promotes reuse It supports Cartridges, HOW’s support for Visual Basic, Java and PowerBuilder comes in the form of Cartridges. These Cartridges include support for class generation, synchronization and capture in each of these platforms. HOW’s Plus Cartridges additionally provide OpenFrame support for the appropriate language and deployment platform.

HOW comes in several editions All editions of HOW except the Learning Edition are available in both single-user and team development versions: • HOW Modeling Edition -Component modeling and business analysis tools -Project reporting and documentation -Data model integration through interfaces to ERwin, PowerDesigner and PowerAMC -Microsoft Repository • HOW Professional Edition -All HOW Modeling Edition features -One Cartridge (Visual Basic, Java, or PowerBuilder) • HOW Enterprise Edition -All HOW Modeling Edition features -All Cartridges (Visual Basic, Java and PowerBuilder)

Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • HOW Learning Edition -Professional Edition with object limits -HOW specifications -Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 -PowerBuilder Enterprise Edition, version 5.02 or higher, or version 6.0 or higher; -Visual Basic Enterprise Edition, version 5.0 or higher; or -Java development of choice -Microsoft Transaction Server, version 2.0 or higher; -Sybase Jaguar CTS version 1.1 or higher -Logic Works ERwin version 3.0 or higher; -Sybase PowerDesigner, version 6.0 or higher or -PowerAMC, version 6.1 or higher -Microsoft Visual Source Safe, version 5.0; -Intersolv PVCS, version 5.2; -Sybase ObjectCycle, version 2.0 -32Mb or more RAM 27. Scientific and Engineering Software, Inc. http://www.ses.com [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: Price: SES/objectbench SES/objectbench provides a complete environment in which analysts can create and verify object-oriented anlaysis models of software applications. Unlike OOA products that are concerned only with class definition, Objectbench supports full specification of object behavior, of the application's initial state, and of a collection of build and test scenarios. The analyst can fully test the OOA model and experiment with "what if" scenarios using Objectbench's powerful and convenient simulator. Objectbench has been successfully applied to large, complex software systems in areas from telecom to productivity software. A companion product, SES/Code Genesis™ generates 100% application code from Objectbench analysis models. Features The Objectbench tool suite is made up of these major elements: Smart Graphical Editor -- Information entered once is automatically propagated to relevant diagrams and can be automatically checked for semantic consistency. • Workspace • Browse & Critique Utilities • Configuration Control for Multi-User Teams • Timers • Work Products • Workbench Linking • Query Intepreter: Documenting the Design Animated Simulator -- Test analysis models and explore what-if scenarios with interactive animation. Run batches of simulations to gather statistics on performance and test varying scenarios. • Animation Window • Animation Controls • Break and Trace Features • Inspectors Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • •

Batch Execution Simulation Trace Grapher Execution Paradigm

Code Generator -- After you create the model, this product turns it into finished code. • Code Generator Tool Suite • Architectural Inheritance • Template Language • Template Organization Model • Utility & Template Library 28. Select Software Tools Ltd. http://www.selectst.com [email protected] [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes. Integration with Caliber-RM™ and SELECT Estimator™ ensures applications are meeting the needs of the business by tracing user requirements. Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price: SELECT Enterprise SELECT Enterprise is a dedicated modeling toolset for building scaleable client/server applications. Designed for enterprise-scale distributed systems development, SELECT Enterprise provides integrated business process modeling, use case and object modeling, multi-tier architecture generation and application development process support. SELECT Enterprise allows organizations to model complex components that will interface and interact with other components across the enterprise. SELECT Enterprise is part of the company’s component-based development product line—SELECT Component Factory™ (SCF)—an integrated product suite focused on enabling the rapid development of multi-tier component-based systems that meet evolving business needs. Features Component modeling using industry standards (UML 1.1) Component (or object) modeling with SELECT Enterprise provides a better understanding of a project’s complexity, resulting in more scaleable and maintainable systems. Using an industry standard notation, UML, reduces training time and implementation costs. Open, multi-user, enterprise-class repository SELECT Enterprise’s open repository provides a central location for the storage of models, source code and components. It allows components to be located and re-used across multiple, distributed development teams in a rapid and consistent manner. Integrated component management Components built in SELECT Enterprise can be published in SELECT Component Manager . This allows distributed development teams to catalog, store and retrieve components across the enterprise or Web. It also provides communication capabilities between different development groups as a standardized way to identify and re-use components for true enterprise-scale development. Flexible, easy-to-use windows standard user interface The toolset’s standard interface allows development teams to work in a familiar, consistent environment, helping new users get up to speed quickly. This leads to a reduction in training time and cost, and improved productivity. New SELECT Synchronizers

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento By providing a single, integrated view of the contents of the class models in SELECT Enterprise and the target language or design environment (i.e. Forté, C++, PowerBuilder®, Visual Basic®, Java™) SELECT’s new synchronizer technology allows a more iterative development process. The result is that systems design and implementation can be consistently maintained throughout the project lifecycle. Integrated business process modeling (BPM) BPM enables business requirements to be traced throughout the development lifecycle, ensuring applications meet and reflect business needs. On-line hypertext guide to The SELECT Perspective The SELECT Perspective is SELECT’s pragmatic approach to CBD. It gives developers access to a knowledge base of ‘best practices’ that can significantly improve the quality of their work and ability to deliver projects on time and to budget. RDBMS support—data mapping and SQL generation SELECT Enterprise allows for definition and automatic generation of SQL database schema. Developers can combine standard business process, component and data modeling techniques in a single toolset, increasing return on investment. Bi-directional bridge to SELECT SE For extended data modeling capability, a bridge from SELECT Enterprise provides users with integration to SELECT’s enterprise-class data modeling tool, SELECT SE. This integration improves productivity by allowing iterative component and data modeling on a project or team basis. Automated generation of consistent documentation and reports SELECT Enterprise provides customizable report and documentation templates, which allow diagrams and repository information to be documented through an open OLE interface to MS Word. Project estimation and requirements traceability Integration with Caliber-RM™ and SELECT Estimator™ ensures applications are meeting the needs of the business by tracing user requirements and estimating resources necessary to make the project successful. 29. Seer Technologies, Inc. http://www.seer.com/ manca 1998 Seer*HPS 5.3.1 da finire, sito in costruzione Description: The Seer*HPS Environment is a suite of software development tools that meets the challenge of developing, implementing and managing mission critical distributed applications on multi-platform environments. Seer*HPS generates advanced applications for distributed, client/server computing systems. Using Seer*HPS, developers generate state-of-the-art graphical user interfaces (GUIs), communications control, database access, transaction management, and multiprocessing application logic for networks of workstations, midrange computers, and mainframes. Seer's repository-based architecture integrates all development activities, from object-based design enabling extensive reuse, to intelligent code generators shielding developers from platform complexity. In addition, Seer*HPS seamlessly integrates easy-to-use, graphic-oriented tools and services for the entire system life cycle. In short, Seer*HPS helps developers build and deploy modern, client/server information systems for a variety of target systems, including 3270NPTs, that provide far richer functionality than ever before possible. Platforms supported and dates: Future - 3Q95 - MVS/ESA, VSE CICS/ESA, AIX/6000, OS/2, Microsoft Windows Services Provided Industry applicability: All

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento 30. Sema Group http://www.sema.be/ [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: Clyder Method Price: Price 1 - VAT not due (see above - outside EU or inside but VAT number supplied) Clyder for Windows single licence 40.000 BEF Additional documentatio set 5000 BEF Price 2 - VAT due (see above - inside EU and no VAT number supplied or in Belgium) Clyder for Windows single licence Additional documentation set 5.000 BEF

(around 1200 US $)

48.400 BEF

Clyder Clyder is a formal object-oriented requirements engineering method, developed by Sema Group in the context of a collaborative research project (Icarus) funded by the European Community, under the ESPRIT programme. The Clyder method is particularly tailored for dynamics-intensive applications, ranging from process control to business modelling, though it is quite usable for data-processing applications. Clyder is a different kind of analysis methodology. It starts with an investigation of the environment which the proposed system will have to integrate into, and derives from this the essential way in which the system will operate. The approach is an object-oriented one, which involves identifying agents - active objects that interact through communication events and act on passive objects. This methodology is both highly disciplined and applicable in the context of industrial software production. It consists of a formal, defined design language - which is also easy to use - and a set of methodological recommendations, backed up by a powerful analytical tool for composition and validation. Clyder uses graphical notation and enables analysts to use informal as well as formal expressions, according to requirements. Clear documentation guides the use of the language. And this powerful tool is available for UNIX workstations or PC. 31. Softsys http://www.softsys.se/ [email protected] 1998 Requirements: no Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: OMT, also supports a subset of the (UML) Price: The price is 25 USD for a single user license. ObjectPlant 2.0 The ObjectPlant is a shareware program for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. The notation used by the ObjectPlant is based on the Object Modeling Technique, OMT but also supports a subset of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The ObjectPlant is only available for the Macintosh. Features • Class diagrams (Object Models) • State diagrams • Event Trace diagrams (Message Trace diagrams) Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Use Case diagrams Diagrams can be exported in PICT or EPS format. Code generation (C++ and Java) Document generation (Word 5.1 RTF format) 25 USD for a single-user license Java and C++ parser to be able to reverse engineer old code (10 USD extra) Navigation Services support (PowerPC only) New Project Window to replace the old Page palette (floating window). Correct a few serious bugs that could cause files to be corrupt. Code generation tag USERCODE can be used more than once inside an operation and also outside operations. Better line drawing for generalizations (you can choose between rectilinear or not). Some preferences will be moved from application to document, for example code generation template files. Operations that are not abstract will not be display in italics. New Java code generation templates Corrected a bug related to code generation start and end comment.

System requirements: • 68020 or better • System 7.1 or later • 3 Mb free RAM 32. Sterling Software http://www.sterling.com [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Easy-to-use diagrams describe business requirements, logic, data and execution environments. Standard: Price: COOL:Gen Allows developers to model and generate 100% error free code in a structured, iterative and repeatable manner. High level specifications can be driven forward into dynamic, scalable applications, targeting multiple platforms. COOL:Gen uses structured techniques to develop business objects and models-from which it generates both mainframe and client/server applications. It can be used to design and construct software components, deliver Web-enabled applications, and wrap legacy software for inclusion in new systems. To learn more, follow any of the links on the left. Features Business Requirements to Executable Code • Easy-to-use diagrams describe business requirements, logic, data and execution environments. • Generates 100% of the COBOL, C, SQL. DDL and install code for an application’s logic, communications, database access, TP monitor interfaces and displays. • Builds and installs complete executables for online and batch systems. • Efficient 3GL code processed and optimized by native compilers. • Application logic and behavior is maintained in the model-the application code stays in sync-with the model editing of generated code is never needed. Expert-Quality Generated Code • Generated code is 100% syntax-error free. • Repository checks each application component for completeness and consistency before generation, applying knowledge-based best-practices. Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • •

Supports national languages, dialects, multi-byte character sets, cross-platform code page translation and regional presentation formats. Year 2000-safe database interaction and explicit control of Year 2000 display field conversion algorithms. Generates 100% of both an application’s client and server interfaces to IBM’s MQSeries API’s. Generates 100% of both an application’s client and server interfaces to OSF’s Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) API’s.

Team Development and Coordination • Repository provides sharing and reuse of an application model. • Simplifies project management through version control of models. • Multi-tiered distributed repository provides flexibility and scalability. • Ensures model integrity and protection in multi-developer environments. Rapid Development and Testing • Wizards and patterns promote higher productivity by quickly replicating frameworks and complete applications from commercial templates. • Both client and remote server logic can be developed and tested at the workstation. • Remote server executables can be debugged from client workstations using on-line trace. • Applications can be repartitioned-without rewriting-for testing and development. Open Architecture • All repository information is directly accessible via API for manipulation and reporting by third-party and custom tools. • Public interface enables import/export and reporting of model information. Web-enabled Applications • Remote server operations are presented to NT Web Servers as COM/ActiveX or Java proxies via industry-standard interfaces. • High-performance multi-threaded proxy architecture supports heavy browser traffic Windows Desktop Integration • GUI clients can consume and present ActiveX/OCX controls. • Clients are OLE Automation Servers available to Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Excel or any other OLE container. • COM/ActiveX proxies make remote servers directly available to desktop applications and programs as ActiveX objects. Component-based Development Support • Provides tools, methods, and standards for interface and behavior-based development of reusable business objects and services. • Supports parallel development of interfaces and implementations. • Provides interface specification publishing and exchange via the Microsoft Repository. • Exchanges interface specifications with Sterling’s component interface analysis and modeling tool, COOL:SpexTM. Parallel Development of Interfaces and Implementations • Provides interface specification publishing and exchange via Microsoft Repository. • Exchanges interface specifications with Sterling's component interface analysis and modeling tool, COOL:Spex™. Support, Training and Documentation • Full-coverage international Hotline support • Customer Support Web site. • Provides contextual help, how-to guides, demonstrations and examples through a fully-indexed information base. • Methods, courseware, training, project management and consulting assistance available via global Sterling Software and alliance partner Services organizations. Strategic Platform Support Operating Systems: • IBM , MVS , OS/390, OS/2, RS6000 AIX • Microsoft Windows NT, 95, 3.11 • Hewlett-Packard HP-UX • Digital Open VMS, Alpha NT Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • • •

Tandem D40 Sun Solaris Sequent Dynix/Ptx NCR UNIX SNI SNIX

Databases: • DB/2, DB/2/2 • DB/2, DB/2/2 • MS SQL • Sybase • XDB • Informix • CA-Open Ingres • Rdb (Oracle) 33. Synon Corporation http://www.synon.com [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: Price: Silverrun A PC-based upper CASE workbench for modeling and designing information systems, SILVERRUN is used jointly with Synon Gateway/SR to provide developers with bi-directional, design-level integration of data model specifications. This integration enables developers to exchange design information between Synon/2E data models and the SILVERRUN RDM dictionary to automate the transition between analysis and design. Synon Gateway/SR is the bi-directional bridge between SILVERRUN RDM and Synon/2E providing synchronized import and export of complete design specifications. Full inter-tool synchronization yields complete design specifications in either direction, including support for the following Synon/2E Design Objects: • • • •

Files: REF, CPT, STR Fields: Field Attribute Types (DTE, STS, VAL, etc.); Domain (REF) Relations: Has, Known by, Qualified by, Owned by, Refers to, Extended by, Includes; Virtual Fields; Redirection (key, qualifier) Narrative Text

Features Product Modules The Synon SILVERRUN CASE Tool Workbench includes the following modules: • Synon Gateway/SR • SILVERRUN RDM (Relational Data Model) is a relational data model design tool which provides full support for creating integrated Synon Data Models. • SILVERRUN ERX (Entity Relationship Expert) is an entity-relationship model analysis tool with an embedded expert system. • SILVERRUN DFD (Data Flow Diagrammer) allows analysts to create data flow diagrams utilizing Yourdon, Gane & Sarson and Merise diagramming conventions. • SILVERRUN WRM (Workgroup Repository Manager) is a multi-user project repository manager. Technical Specifications* Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento OS/2 Users: • OS/2 • 386 PC, 8 MB memory • VGA color graphics display adapter • At least one 3.5" diskette drive • 1.5 MB DASD per SILVERRUN Module Windows users: • DOS • Microsoft Windows • 386 PC, 8 MB memory • VGA color graphics adapter • At least one 3.5" diskette drive • 1.5MB DASD per SILVERRUN module AS/400 Requirements: • OS/400 • PC/Support (DOS or OS/2) • Synon Gateway/SR • Synon/2E Benefits of Product Use Using SILVERRUN and Synon/2E jointly provides AS/400 developers with an unprecedented level of integration and automation throughout the application analysis, design, prototyping and development cycle. As developers are not limited by ESF constraints, the environment FULLY supports Synon/2E data modeling objects. Important benefits are associated with the simultaneous use of these integrated tools, including the increased performance and greater accuracy that results from fully automating the application life cycle. And the bi-directional interface means that there will be no loss of design specifications between SILVERRUN and Synon/2E. By combining the graphical user-friendly environment of CSA's SILVERRUN upper CASE workbench and the robust design features of Synon/2E, we offer an integrated product line which fully supports all data modeling features of Synon/2E - without work-arounds or manual adjustments. With Synon's Integrated CASE Environment you have all the tools you need to architect industrial strength applications and graphically represent them for real-time presentation to decision makers in your organization to make sure requirements are accurate before you build the application. 34. Trident System Inc. http://www.tridsys.com [email protected] 1998 Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: yes, RECAP ( requirement Elictation, Capture, and Analysis Process Automation Degree: semiautomatic capture elicitation analysis and the use of requirements data Standard: UML Price: A commercialization effort has begun and should result in the release of a commercial Object-oriented repository for Systems Engineering during the forth quarter of 1998. Main tools • Requirement Capture and Analysis • Functional Design Analysis • System Design Environments • Intelligent Object Oriented Data Repositories • Resource Captur

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Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento The Requirements Elicitation, Capture, and Analysis Process (RECAP) prototype tool provides automated assistance in identifying, capturing, analyzing, and using requirements. RECAP combines recent advances in natural language parsing, requirements specification, and knowledge-based rules to support semiautomatic capture elicitation analysis and the use of requirements data. The RECAP prototype was developed using an object-oriented design and consists of over 45,000 lines of C++ source code. RECAP uses requirements and domain-specific rules to help the user analyze and maintain the requirements data throughout the system life-cycle. RECAP has been successfully used in several military projects to include the LPD-17 (Amphibious Transport Dock), the SC21 (Surface Combatant of the 21st Century), and the AAAV (Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle). For the LPD-17 project Request for Proposals (RFP), ten Integrated Product Team (IPT) members provided search rules to identify statements in their areas of interest, e.g. manning, communications, C4I, ship control, testing, etc. 35. Tendrill Software http://www.tendril.com/content/sbhome.htm [email protected]. 1998 Requirements: You can currently use SB in the requirements capture phase for early class design, but if you are looking for Use Case diagrams, SB does not currently support this. Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: UML Price: $495 for a single user, with quantity discounts at 5+ users. Structure Builder Structure builder is composed by three tools. Visual Model Editing, Round Trip and Accurate Code Generation. Visual Model Editing StructureBuilder's a side-by-side design and code windows simultaneously represent two views of the same underlying data. The object design window can be tailored to display your model in UML diagrams or tree diagrams, providing ultimate flexibility and readability. StructureBuilder uses working sets to manipulate virtual representations of the objects in your application, as well as a File View window, which allows you to interact directly with the packages and class files in your hierarchy. The Auto Parser function parses edits automatically, whether you change the model or the code, and immediately reflects the changes in both places. Round Trip Engineering StructureBuilder can read any standard Java code, regardless of whether the code was generated by StructureBuilder. You can load existing code and let StructureBuilder parse it and create an object model to represent it. If you make changes to the code, those changes are immediately reflected in both object model and code, keeping both representations in lock-step with each other. You can even edit the source code in your own editor - when you reload the class, StructureBuilder will be able to read and represent those changes accurately. In addition to being able to read in existing source code and changes made to it, StructureBuilder can also load compiled Java classes, providing full re-use capabilities. This feature allows you to share standard components between project teams and individual team members without having to copy raw source code and re-compile it. Code Generation StructureBuilder generates more lines of code and more kinds of code than other Java code generators, reducing your development life cycle by relieving you of the tedium of hand-coding large quantities of code. StructureBuilder can generate the structure of your application based on your object design and can reflect changes to the design by providing real-time code updates. The powerful code generation feature increases the quality of your application by generating errorfree segments of code and providing immediate feedback on your manually-entered code via a pop-up console window. 36. Visible System Inc. www.visible.com [email protected] 1998 Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento Requirements: yes Use of Natural Language: no Automation Degree: Standard: OMT Price: Visible Analyst Is a feature-rich, high-quality, medium-cost, multi-user application development tool that automates data, process, function, state-event and object modeling (Rumbaugh OMT class notations) in one integrated product through a central repository. Reverse-engineer existing databases. Generate SQL, Cobol and C code. Supports multiple methodologies through support of industry standard techniques. Visible Analyst has a powerful multi-user repository for storing and documenting data, processes, and objects used by analysts and developers throughout an organization, thereby eliminating redundant development efforts. Enables IS managers in client/server environments to merge individual software development projects into a single strategic repository that captures a company’s accumulated business knowledge providing a corporation with a mechanism to control enterprise software for quality, consistency, and reusibility in business applications through the managed sharing and reuse of meta-data. For Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT. Two versions of Visible Anlayst are available: the Professional edition and the Corporate edition. The following features are in the Corporate Edition but not in the Professional Edition: • • • • • • • • •

C code generation COBOL code generation SQL Reverse Engineering AS/400 DDS Reverse Engineering ESF Export Excelerator Export IEW/ADW Import/Export AD Little IRMA Import Application Browser Import (COBOL Reverse Engineering)

Enterprise Modeling Features: • Integrate departmental and enterprise databases • Allows tracking of Enterprise information across the information architecture • Builds and protects enterprise information • Meta-data defined to enterprise project becomes "Enterprise" meta data • Enterprise meta data is dynamically shareable with "satellite" projects • Satellite Meta Data can be merged into the Enterprise project • Improve application portfolio management and tracking • Create true object (and class hierarchy) reusability • Improve the management of the development process through review of Enterprise meta-data usage • Improve communications with end users and mangement OBJECT and DATA Modeling Features: Class Modeling • Provides class definition including attributes, methods (with parameter lists), type of visibility, relationships • Seven class types: Standard, Structure, Elemental, Union, Fundamental Entity, Associative Entity, and Attributive Entity • Verifies aggregation and inheritance relationships; verifies "pure" virtual methods in "abstract" classes • Visible Analyst supports Rumbaugh/OMT and UML (Unified Modeling Language) notational constructs for visual representation of object relationships and class diagrams • Class diagrams (CLDs) provide display options including: all data, or public and/or private methods and/or data only • Automatically adds and maintains metadata in integrated, open Repository for classes' attributes and methods Data Modeling • Supports enterprise models via entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs); choice of IDEF1X, Bachman, and IE notation styles • Supports multiple entity types (including associative and attributive), with supertypes/subtypes as options Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • • •

Derives ERDs from OO class diagrams (persistent classes represented as entities); checks via Repository and rules Auto-generates ERDs from Repository information; generates multiple process views Automatically generates entity cluster diagrams; automatically synchronizes foreign keys Interactively checks and resolves normalization and syntax problems; provides key analysis Balances data elements and entities against process models; provides automated relationship-description walkthroughs

BEHAVIOR (OMT Dynamic Model) Modeling Features: State Transition Modeling • Provides dynamic modeling using Rumbaugh/OMT notational constructs • Checks state-transition syntax via integrated, open Repository and rules engine • Populates and maintains Repository with state and event objects • Links state transition diagrams (STDs) to class definitions, showing attribute values and methods affecting them PROCESS (OMT Functional Model) Modeling Features: Structured Design Modeling • Supports techniques/notations of Yourdon/DeMarco and Gane & Sarson methodologies • Automatically numbers processes and data stores (Gane & Sarson) on data flow diagrams (DFDs) • Supports either/both "top-down" and "bottom-up" analysis and design approaches • Automatically balances data flows; interactively checks and resolves balancing, leveling, syntax, and completeness • Automatically populates integrated, open Repository; supports splitting of data flows from Repository definitions • Automatically generates current decomposition diagrams • Allows use of customized symbol sets Other Structured Development and Modeling Features: Structure Charting • Supports Yourdon/Constantine and Page-Jones methods; automatically populates integrated, open Repository • Integrates automatically with data flow models; includes syntax and completeness checking • Supports use of Modules, Macros, Library Modules; allows both control couples and data couples • Allows multiple invocation techniques: direct, in-line, decision, and pathological • Measures design complexity and structure of structure charts (SCs) • Supports information clusters and interface tables Functional Decomposition Diagramming • Supports the modeling of business functions and system processes • Fully integrated to support of FDDs through and integrated Repository • Auto-generation of DFDs from FDDs, with automatic process balancing • Validation of completeness and consistency of functions and processes • Full support for functional decomposition techniques of IE (Martin) methodology • Supports automatic connection of functions and processes to subsidiary functions and processes Repository, Platform, and Engineering Features: Unified Repository, Networking, and Integrated Interfaces • Extensible Repository permits user-defined objects/attributes, concurrent access, simultaneous update, file/record locking • Multi-user workgroup capabilities; single-user variant also available • Uses NetWare or other popular LAN schemes that support generic DOS locking protocols • Interfaces with RAD, CASE, and other system engineering tools, including: • PowerBuilder, KnowledgeWare ADW/IEW, Gupta SQLWindows, Intersolv Excelerator, ADL IRMA, Unify VISION, Compuware Uniface, • CSP-ESF (plus SAA support), Synon (using ESF format) • Code generation interfaces for DBMSs and SQL/DDL dialects, including: • Oracle7; NetWare SQL; SQL Server (System 10 and 4.x); Informix; DB2, DB2/2, DB2/6000; OS/400 DB/DDS; Gupta SQLBase; dBase IV; • Watcom; Rdb; XDB; Datacom; Ingres; Unify 2000; ANSI 92 and user-defined SQL • Partner DBMSs supported for direct connection as full-function Repository hosts, including: • Oracle7 Server, Gupta SQLBase, Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server (System 10 and 4.x), Btrieve (fully relational) Forward Engineering Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • • •

Auto-generation of database schema (both data definition and program procedure) Direct-connection capability for database generation with Repository host partner DBMSs Various database dialect or program text generation options Generation of full ANSI COBOL or C-language 3GL source code (selectable options for diverse environments) User reports on any incomplete or ambiguous specifications

Reverse Engineering • Creates correct ERDs from SQL DDL (or AS/400 DDS), populating Repository attributes/keys and physical information • Accepts database schema (from partner DBMSs) as direct input, without expansion into SQL code • Accepts COBOL code (requires Visible's Application Browser) for Repository population and model generation Visual Basic Interface: Version 6.2 of Visible Analyst provides an export mechanism for generating Visual Basic forms from data models defined in the Visible Analyst repository. For every entity or relationship defined, a Visual Basic form can be created based on the physical characteristics of an entity's definition. Informix Support Support for the Informix family of relational database products has been enhanced in several areas: • • • • •

Physical storage characteristics can be maintained, including dbspace, extent size, lock mode, fill factor, and clustered indexes. The Trigger Wizard has been extended to generate referential integrity triggers for Informix. An Informix database schema can be generated directly from the Visible Analyst. Data models can be reverse engineered from an Informix database. Project repositories can be stored in an Informix database.

Connection to an Informix database is accomplished through ODBC drivers. DB2 Support: Support for the DB2 family of relational database products has been enhanced in several areas: • • • • •

Tablespace information can be maintained for tables and indexes, including tablespace type, management type, containers, extent size, overhead and transfer rate. The Trigger Wizard has been extended to generate referential integrity triggers for DB2. A DB2 database schema can be generated directly from the Visible Analyst. Data models can be reverse engineered from a DB2 database. Project repositories can be stored in a DB2 database.

Connection to a DB2 database is accomplished through ODBC drivers. ODBC Support ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) can be used to create project repositories, generate database schemas, and reverse engineer data models. There are four varieties of ODBC support: • • • •

Informix. This driver should be used to access Informix databases. DB2. This driver should be used to access DB2 databases. ODBC Compliant. This driver should be used to create projects if the ODBC driver supports ON DELETE CASCADE. ODBC Entry Compliant. This driver should be used to create projects if the ODBC driver does not support ON DELETE CASCADE.

Note: In order to create projects using either the ODBC Compliant or ODBC Entry Compliant driver, the ODBC driver that connects to the native database manager must support OUTER JOINS. Business Rules Report A Business Rules report has been added to the standard reports supplied with the Visible Analyst. It will list all entities and their attached relationships in the form: entity1 relationship name cardinality entity2 Note: Entities can be sorted either by name or by type. System Requirements Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento • • • •

Visible Analyst is available as a 16-bit or 32-bit application. The 16-bit product does not support UML or IDEF1X and is available for Microsoft Windows 3.1 (or later), Windows 95, or Windows NT 4.0. The 16-bit product requires a minimum of 4MB RAM and will run on a 386 processor better and requires a 4MB disk space. The 32-bit product is available for Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0. The 32-bit product requires a minimum of 8MB RAM and will run on a 486 processor; a Pentium processor is recommended and requires a 6MB of d

EasyER/EasyOBJECT Supports data modeling and database design using entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) by Martin, Bachman, IDEF1X, Shlaer-Mellor, etc. Plus, it supports data modeling using class diagrams for the following object-oriented methods: CoadYourdon, Rumbaugh OMT, and UML (Unified Modeling Language). Supports database schema generation and reverseengineering of a wide range of desktop and client/server databases via ODBC or SQL DDL scripts including: Access (JET mode also); Visual FoxPro; dBASE; Paradox; InterBase; Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server; SQL Anywhere; Oracle; Informix; DB2, etc. In addition to tables, also supports columns, indexes, primary and foreign keys, cardinality, referential integrity, constraints, domains, triggers, stored procedures, etc. NEW Features in EasyER/EasyOBJECT 2.0: Database views, compare & alter database tables, easier reporting with Crystal Reports 6.0 which allows you to export charts to HTML, reverse-engineer SQL DDL scripts, enhanced class definition and generation, increased performance and improved reliability, enhanced user interface, and more. Features: • Data dictionary, • Extensive reporting, • Full-featured diagram editor, • Object browsers, • Model export, • Schema generation, • Reverse-engineering, • Logical and physical data model modes, • RI trigger generation, • On-line documentation, • Tutorial. Includes: • SQL Anywhere 5.5 run-time database engine, • Crystal Reports 6.0 run-time reporting engine. Available Summer 1998.

Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento

O-O CASE Marketing Research _______________________________________________________________________ 1 1. Advanced Software Technologies, Inc. _____________________________________________________________ 1 GDPro ________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2. Aonix ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Software through Pictures (StP) ____________________________________________________________________ 3 3. Cayenne Software Inc. __________________________________________________________________________ 5 Object Team Version 7 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5 TeamWork ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 DOORS _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 4. Confluent, Inc. _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Visual Thought _________________________________________________________________________________ 8 5. Digital Insight _________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Robochart _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8 6. Exel Software _________________________________________________________________________________ 9 WinA&D Developer _____________________________________________________________________________ 9 Mac A&D ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10 7. Iconix Software Engineering ____________________________________________________________________ 11 ObjectModeler ________________________________________________________________________________ 11 FastTask _____________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Other products: ________________________________________________________________________________ 13 8. IntelliCorp ___________________________________________________________________________________ 13 LiveAnalyst Overview __________________________________________________________________________ 14 9. Interactive Software Engineering ________________________________________________________________ 15 10. Intersolv Inc. ________________________________________________________________________________ 16 11. Lincoln Software _____________________________________________________________________________ 17 ObjectMaker __________________________________________________________________________________ 18 12. MetaCase Consulting OY ______________________________________________________________________ 18 MetaEdit Personal 1.2 ___________________________________________________________________________ 19 MetaEdit+ 2.5 _________________________________________________________________________________ 20 MetaEdit+ Method Workbench ___________________________________________________________________ 21 13. Microgold Software Inc. _______________________________________________________________________ 22 WithClass98 __________________________________________________________________________________ 22 14. Object Domain Systems _______________________________________________________________________ 23 Object Domain 2.0 _____________________________________________________________________________ 23 15. Object International, Inc. ______________________________________________________________________ 24 Together/Professional ___________________________________________________________________________ 24 16. Object Team ________________________________________________________________________________ 26 Objecteering 4 _________________________________________________________________________________ 26 17. Objec Time Ltd. _____________________________________________________________________________ 27 Objec Time ___________________________________________________________________________________ 27 ObjectiF _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29 19. Platinum Technology Inc. _____________________________________________________________________ 30 Paradigm Plus _________________________________________________________________________________ 30 20. Popkin Software _____________________________________________________________________________ 31 System Architet _______________________________________________________________________________ 31

Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998


Nicola Chiocchetti – Luisa Mich Università di Trento 21. Proforma Corporation ________________________________________________________________________ 32 ProVision Workbench Enterprise Edition____________________________________________________________ 32 22. Project Technology Inc. _______________________________________________________________________ 34 Bridgepoint ___________________________________________________________________________________ 34 23. Projexion NetSoft (Reich Technologies) __________________________________________________________ 35 Intelligent Software Factory for Analysis and Design __________________________________________________ 35 Jack in Java ___________________________________________________________________________________ 36 24. Ptech Inc. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 37 Ptech FrameWork 5.3 ___________________________________________________________________________ 37 25. Rational Software Corporation _________________________________________________________________ 39 Requisite Pro__________________________________________________________________________________ 40 Rational Rose 98 _______________________________________________________________________________ 41 26. Riverton Software Corporation _________________________________________________________________ 43 How ________________________________________________________________________________________ 43 27. Scientific and Engineering Software, Inc. _________________________________________________________ 44 SES/objectbench _______________________________________________________________________________ 44 28. Select Software Tools Ltd. _____________________________________________________________________ 45 SELECT Enterprise ____________________________________________________________________________ 45 29. Seer Technologies, Inc. ________________________________________________________________________ 46 30. Sema Group _________________________________________________________________________________ 47 Clyder _______________________________________________________________________________________ 47 31. Softsys _____________________________________________________________________________________ 47 ObjectPlant 2.0 ________________________________________________________________________________ 47 32. Sterling Software ____________________________________________________________________________ 48 COOL:Gen ___________________________________________________________________________________ 48 33. Synon Corporation ___________________________________________________________________________ 50 Silverrun _____________________________________________________________________________________ 50 34. Trident System Inc.___________________________________________________________________________ 51 35. Tendrill Software ____________________________________________________________________________ 52 Structure Builder _______________________________________________________________________________ 52 36. Visible System Inc. ___________________________________________________________________________ 52 Visible Analyst ________________________________________________________________________________ 53 EasyER/EasyOBJECT __________________________________________________________________________ 56

Draft version – Aggiornato a Ottobre 1998