Faculty of Architecture, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy ..... excellent gothic style remains visible. ..... Romanesque style in Abruzzo Region and was.
2001 ASME-PRESSURE VESSEL AND PIPING CONFERENCE 13th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SEISMIC, SHOCK AND VIBRATION ISOLATION July 22-27, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF THE INNOVATIVE ANTI-SEISMIC TECHNIQUES: (2) NEW ACTIVITIES IN PROGRESS AT ENEA, ITALY, IN THE FRAMEWORK OF NATIONAL COLLABORATIONS A. Martelli Chairman, GLIS and TG5 of the EAEE Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ferrara, Italy Manager, Seismic Analysis and Design Team, ENEA, Bologna, Italy M. Forni, M. Indirli, G.-B. Arato and A. Poggianti ENEA & GLIS, Bologna, Italy A. Marioni Chairman, ALGA & Member of GLIS Board, Milan, Italy A. Bertocchi and C. Capelli Faculty of Architecture, University of Ferrara, Italy A. Procaccio Faculty of Architecture, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy
ABSTRACT New activities are being performed by the Italian Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment (ENEA) on the development and application of the innovative anti-seismic (IAS) techniques, in the framework of both national and international collaborations. With regard to the national collaborations, the ongoing activities are being performed within new projects partially funded by the National Research Council, the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research, the Italian Working Group on Seismic Isolation (GLIS), Regional Institutions and ALGA Company. They aim at the development of suitable IAS systems for the protection of high risk components and cultural heritage in highly seismic areas, production of a series of films on the development and application of the IAS systems and development of electromagnetic dissipators. The main features and so far obtained results of these projects are shortly presented. A separate paper deals with the new activities in progress at ENEA in the framework of international collaborative projects and reports some remarks on the 7th International Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures, which will be held at Assisi, Italy, on October 2 to 5, 2001, and is being jointly organized by GLIS and Task Group 5 on Seismic Isolation of Structures (TG5) of the European
Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) with the collaboration and sponsorship of ENEA and other Italian and non-Italian Partners.
INTRODUCTION As stressed by Martelli et al. (2001), large efforts are going on in Italy, in particular at the Italian Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment (ENEA, “Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente”), on the seismic protection of structures through innovative anti-seismic (IAS) techniques, namely seismic isolation (SI), passive energy dissipation (ED) and semi-active control (SAC). This work is being performed by ENEA in the framework of the Program RITA (ENEA, 1999). It consists of both new projects partially funded by the European Commission (EC) and national projects partially funded by: • ALGA S.p.A. manufacturing company; • the National Research Council (CNR, “Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche”), based on the recommendation of its National Group for the Defense from Chemical, Industrial and Ecological Risks (GNDRCIE, “Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dai Rischi Chimico-Industriali ed Ecologici”); • the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research (MURST, “Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica”) and Regional Institutions; • Institutions and industrial companies represented in the Italian Working Group on Seismic Isolation of the Italian National Association for Earthquake Engineering (GLIS, “Gruppo di Lavoro Isolamento Sismico”). While the EC-funded projects aim at the development of floor SI systems, SAC systems and systems formed by ED devices in conjunction with cables (Martelli et al., 2001), the national projects (ALGA-DECS, ISI, PROSEESM, MUSICA) aim at the development of: • electro-inductive dissipators; • SI and / or ED systems for the protection of high risk components in highly seismic areas; • suitable IAS systems for the seismic protection of cultural heritage; • a series of films on manufacturing, R&D and application of the IAS systems. In addition the aforesaid R&D activities, the 7th International Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures, which will be held at Assisi, Italy, on October 2 to 5, 2001, is being jointly organized by GLIS and Task Group 5 on Seismic Isolation of Structures (TG5) of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) (see GLIS and TG5 / EAEE, 2001). The main features of the above-mentioned national projects and results so far obtained by ENEA are presented in this paper. A separate paper by Martelli et al. (2001) deals with the activities in progress at ENEA in the framework of international projects and reports some remarks on the Assisi Seminar.
DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRO-INDUCTIVE DISSIPATORS New R&D work on the development of IAS systems at national level began at ENEA in March 2000 to support the development and qualification of electro-inductive ED devices on behalf of the Italian ALGA S,.p.A. manufacturing company (ALGADECS Project of ENEA, 2000), in the framework of a four-years research project funded by MURST to this company. These devices, called DECS (“Dispositivi Elettroinduttivi per il Controllo Strutturale”, namely “Electro-inductive Devices for Structural Control”)
were conceived by Marioni et al. (1998). The great interest in their development had been stressed by the very promising results of preliminary studies performed by ALGA with the cooperation of the Polytechnical of Milan (Marioni et al., 1998): in fact, these results had shown that the DECS behavior may be assimilated to that of a viscous dissipator for which the exponent of the velocity is nearly equal to zero at excitation levels typical of the design earthquakes, but the applied force tends to zero for very small velocities. This means that DECS can compensate slow movements of the structure due to temperature, creep and shrinkage, by reacting only in the case of a significant earthquake. These studies had also shown that the response of DECS is practically independent of temperature and that ageing does not affect their behavior. In addition, the heat generated by energy dissipation is localized in the massive steel stator; since this part is not subjected to relevant mechanical stresses, very high temperatures are permissible without any alteration of the behavior of DECS. Finally, the dissipated power per unit mass was found to be comparable to that of other devices, like hysteretic dissipators (which means that the sizes and manufacturing costs will also be similar), while, due to the absence of complicated parts, the maintenance needs of DECSs should be nearly zero, contrary to other already available ED devices. DECSs are electromechanical dissipators, essentially consisting of two relatively moving parts, which are separated by an air gap. The part generating the magnetic field is the inductor, while that subjected to the action of this field is the armature. The relative motion between the two DECS parts may be of rotational or translational nature: in the first case the DECS is of rotating type, while in the second it is of linear type. During the relative motion between the inductor and armature, mechanical actions are applied through the air gap, which may be used to perform work on a structure and control its seismic response. This control may be of active or passive type. In the first case the armature consists of multiphase wires fed and controlled by external circuits, able to modify the force generated by the device and suitably transfer it to the structure. In the second case, no connection exists to the outside of the device, which, thus, behaves as a regular energy dissipator.
Rotating DECSs are obviously characterized by a higher manufacturing and functioning complexity. In fact, the seismic motion leading to the device deformations is initially translational and must be transformed into a rotational motion by mechanical elements. Similarly, the active DECSs are also more complex than the passive ones. In the first research step ENEA and ALGA jointly judged appropriate to develop linear passive DECSs, which join the guarantee of a correct working independently of external factors to manufacturing simplicity. The contribution of ENEA to the research consists in both the development and validation of numerical models of DECSs and structure mock-ups provided with them, and performing experimental tests on shaking table of such mock-ups. Numerical modeling of the single devices is already in advanced progress at ENEA and already provided good results: Figure 1, for instance, shows a measured hysteresis loop of a DECS subjected to dynamic tests at the Laboratories of the Polytechnical of Milan and the related non-linear numerical model implemented by ENEA in the ABAQUS code. Numerical activities are going on and shake table tests will be soon performed at the ENEA Laboratories of the Casaccia Center (near Rome). To this aim, the MISS structure mock-up (Figure 2) will be used, according to the results of preliminary numerical analyses of Forni (2000), which showed its adequacy for ALGA-DECS tests. MISS (“Model of Isolated Steel Structure”) had been designed, manufactured and used for shaking table tests at ISMES (now ENEL.Hydro-ISMES) in the framework of a first EC-funded Project of ENEL et al. (1993), aiming at the development of optimized High Damping Rubber Bearings (HDRBs). Then, it had been suitably modified (by adding diagonal braces to allow for the installation of ED devices) and had been successfully used in shaking table tests also at ENEA-Casaccia in the framework of the ECfunded REEDS Project of ENEL et al. (1996), which aimed at the development and optimization of hysteretic, viscous and viscoelastic ED devices and shock transmitters for hydraulic coupling (HC) (see also Martelli et al., 1999 & 2000). Finally, it will also be used for tests planned within the EC-funded SPACE Project (Martelli et al., 2001). For both SPACE and ALGA-DECS tests, the ED devices used in the REEDS experiments will be replaced by those being studied in these new projects.
During the aforesaid numerical analyses, ENEA will provide ALGA with the data necessary for the design and manufacturing of the four DECS devices which will be installed on MISS.
R&D ON EARTHQUAKE PROTECTION OF CHEMICAL PLANTS In June 2000 ENEA, ANPA and the University of Rome “La Sapienza” completed the first step of a joint study on the evaluation of the applicability of SI to the seismic protection of industrial plants, in particular high risk chemical components, in the framework of a first project funded by the CNR (ANPA et al., 2000). Some first results of ENEA were presented at the 2000 ASME-PVP Conference by Forni et al. (2000a) and more complete results, also including those of the other partners, were later presented by Forni et al. (2000b) and Ciampi et al. (2000) at other conferences. After the identification, in 1999, of the component to be considered in the study (an existing spherical storage tank for butanes located in a highly seismic Italian area), numerical analyses were performed to design the SI system (Forni et al., 2000a). The main difficulty for the SI of this component type is that its mass is subjected to considerable variations depending on the quantity of the liquid gas which is present inside it. ENEA proposed a system based on coupling of rubber bearings, to ensure recentering to the structure, and sliding devices (SDs), to provide ED proportional to the isolated mass. On the contrary, ANPA limited its study to the effects of a systems only consisting of HDRBs (but it performed the analyses for the definition of site specific seismic input) and the University of Rome “La Sapienza” evaluated the effects of using elastic-plastic dissipators (EPDs) (Forni et. al., 2000b, and Ciampi et al, 2000). A summary of the results corresponding to the best solutions proposed by the three Partners, in terms of total shear force at the base of the columns supporting the tank and tank displacement, is reported in Table 1, where they are compared to those related to the present fixed-base structure. In addition, Figure 3 shows the time-histories of the relative displacements computed by ENEA between top and base of the tank supporting columns, for both fixed base and seismically isolated configurations: it
is worthwhile stressing that the SI system leads to a reduction of the maximum vertical displacement by a factor 10, namely from approximately 100 mm to approximately 10 mm. Table 1 stresses that the most promising solutions are that proposed by ENEA, formed by 3 HDRBs (acting as isolators, energy dissipators and recentering devices) and 8 SDs (acting as isolators and energy dissipators), and that proposed by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, formed by 11 EPDs. The mixed SI system provides a sufficient restoring force and an ED related to the fluid mass inside the tank, but leads to an absolute displacement of about 200 mm during the earthquake. The SI system formed by 11 EPDs entails a lower displacement during the earthquake, but causes a small residual displacement after the earthquake (about 40 mm). Both systems offer a strong reduction of the forces transmitted to the structure during the earthquake. At any rate, the benefits of the SI systems being confirmed, it was concluded by Forni et al. (2000a & b) and Ciampi et al. (2000) that they may be used to really retrofit the considered tank. This was proposed to the tank owner. Based on the important and very promising results achieved, in December 2000 the ISI Project of ANPA et al. (2000), which is second and final step of the previous study, was funded by CNR to ENEA and the other partners, as recommended by its GNDRCIE. The new ongoing activities concern: • the choice of the most adequate SI system for the selected component, by comparing those previously developed by ENEA and the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, and its detailed design; • analysis of the isolated component, with evaluation of the SI effects on seismic resistance, functionality, layout and costs; • collection of data for generalization of results to other components; • possible design of a pilot application of retrofit of the tank using SI (should the owner agree). Should this pilot application be carried out, it will be the first of SI in Italy to a high risk chemical component and may lead to an extensive application of SI to such industrial plants. It is worthwhile stressing that the ISI Project is fully consistent with the recommendations of the 6th
International Post-SMiRT Conference Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures held at Cheju (Korea) in 1999, where the importance of application of the IAS techniques to chemical plants had been stressed (Martelli et al., 2000). Based on the experience gained in the ISI Project and the previous CNR-funded Project and the so far achieved results, ENEA intends to considerably extend the studies concerning the seismic protection of chemical plants. In fact, this is an extremely field, which is, however, still quite insufficiently studied, at least in Europe. To this aim, a proposal for a new project was prepared by ENEA and other Partners and submitted to the EC for funding in February 2001.
R&D FOR THE SEISMIC PROTECTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE Main Issues The seismic protection of cultural heritage is a very important field in a country like Italy, which is characterized, at the same time, by many ancient (and frequently precious) buildings and by non-negligible seismicity in a large part of its territory. Ancient buildings are usually rather weak from the seismic resistance point of view. In fact, all earthquakes occurring in Italy, even those which have a moderate intensity, usually cause the collapse or heavy damage of many of them: the series of earthquakes which struck the Italian Marche and Umbria Regions in 1997 and 1978, and before it, that of even less violent earthquakes which occurred in the Reggio Emilia and Modena Provinces in 1996, are significant examples of this behavior. Several existing still standing ancient Italian buildings, even those which were not yet severely damaged, have been at least weakened by previous earthquakes. In addition, their earthquake resistance has been lowered by other factors, like chemical attacks to the masonry materials due to air pollution and traffic induced vibrations. Thus, there is the urgent need for many of them to be seismically rehabilitated or at least, “improved”, in order to make them capable to withstand future earthquakes without collapsing or becoming affected by severe damage. An additional issue concerns the reconstruction of collapsed or severely damaged ancient villages: in
the past, the politics in Italy was very frequently not to reconstruct such villages at their original site, but to move them to a different site and to reconstruct them there using modern methods and materials (e.g. reinforced concrete). By going on in this way, however, more and more parts of the Italian cultural heritage will by fully lost forever. Thus, there is the need to find ways for reconstructing these villages where they are, using the original methods and materials (masonry) as much as possible, but, at the same time, making them capable of resisting violent earthquakes. However, the problems of reconstruction and especially, rehabilitation of ancient buildings in a way that makes them capable of resisting violent earthquakes are much more difficult to solve than those related to modern reinforced concrete or steel structures. In fact, there are specific conservation constraints applicable to cultural heritage (like low invasivity and full reversibility of the intervention), which are not very easily compatible with the seismic requirements. An additional extremely difficult problem for seismic rehabilitation of existing ancient buildings is that their characteristics (material properties, construction aspects, state of integrity) are very frequently not very well known, so that, for instance, a localized intervention (e.g. of strengthening) might cause even more severe damage to other parts of the structure in the next earthquake. This and other factors make each ancient building different from the other ones, which makes it necessary to undertake the design of its rehabilitation in a specific way, without much possibility of adopting standardized procedures. For the above-mentioned reasons, considerable efforts have been devoted by ENEA for several years for the development of IAS techniques capable of improving the seismic protection of cultural heritage by satisfying, at the same time, its aforesaid specific conservation requirements. These activities have been carried out in the framework of both national and international projects (Martelli and Indirli, 2000). Development and Application of SMA Devices As partly already mentioned by Martelli et al. (2000 & 2001), the EC-funded ISTECH Project of FIP Industriale et al. (1995), which concerned the development of shape memory alloy (SMA) devices for improving the stability and in particular, seismic protection of cultural heritage, was completed in
1999, by leading to the first three (and so far only) applications in the word of this technology for the seismic rehabilitation of cultural heritage, namely to: • to the world-wide known “Basilica Superiore” of St. Francis at Assisi (Perugia) in October 1999; • to the Bell Tower of the St. Giorgio in Trignano Church (San Marino in Rio, Reggio Emilia) in November 1999; • to the St. Feliciano Cathedral at Foligno (Perugia) in July 2000. The first and third structures had been severely damaged by the Marche and Umbria earthquakes of 1997 and 1978, while the second had been cut into two pieces (which, luckily, remained superposed) in the Reggio Emilia and Modena earthquake of 1996. The St. Giorgio in Trignano Bell Tower was the pilot application of the ISTECH Project; its rehabilitation was completed, under the supervision of ENEA and based on its analyses and support to the design and restoration works, after that of the Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi only because restoring the latter was more urgent. It is noted (Martelli and Indirli, 2000) that this bell tower did not suffer any damage at all during the new earthquake which struck again the Reggio Emilia and Modena Provices in June 2000 (contrary to other structures which had been restored with conventional techniques). Studies for the Reconstruction of Heavily Damaged Ancient Villages Using the Original Materials and SI New activities for the development of IAS techniques applicable to cultural heritage are now in progress at ENEA. In particular, in June 2000, based on a previous proposal of Parducci (1998) for villages in Umbria Region (in particular, close to the city of Nocera Umbra in Perugia Province) and the results of a preliminary study of Bertocchi (2000), ENEA proposed, to the Marche Regional Government, its Technical-Scientific Committee, the concerned Local Institutions and the owners, a feasibility study concerning the use of IAS techniques, in particular base SI, for the reconstruction of the historic village of Mevale di Visso (Macerata Province) by means of the original masonry materials. In fact, masonry constructions, if in good conditions, are the structures for which SI provides the best behavior (since they are the most stiff) and
the largest protection advantages (since they have no ductility). Mevale di Visso had always suffered severe damage during the numerous earthquakes which had struck its area in this and the past centuries; in particular, it had already been partially destroyed by the 1979 Valnerina earthquake. The 1997-1978 earthquakes nearly completely destroyed it, including buildings which had been reconstructed or rehabilitated after 1979 (Figure 4). The aforesaid Regional and Local Institutions accepted the ENEA proposal of Indirli (2000), according to their new politics of possibly reconstructing the village in its original site and to the purpose of bringing the village back to its original appearance as much as possible, by also taking the opportunity for reconstructing parts of it collapsed during prior earthquakes and getting rid of some illegally built modern constructions. Thus, the feasibility study is now in progress, in collaboration with the Faculties of Architecture of the Universities of Ferrara and Naples “Federico II” (see Figure 4 and Procaccio, 2001). This study already demonstrated the applicability of SI for the reconstruction of the village, by satisfying the conservation requirement of low invasivity. Should the ongoing seismological and geological detailed investigations confirm the existence of the particularly adverse site conditions that had been anticipated by preliminary studies, the use of SI will be indispensable for the on-site reconstruction with the original masonry materials. In fact, preliminary seismological and geological studies had shown a quite significant local amplification of the seismic motion, which, if confirmed, based on the requirements of the Italian codes for building construction in seismic areas, would make it impossible to reconstruct the village in its original site using the original masonry materials, and thus (if advantage is not taken of the IAS techniques), could lead to the decision of moving the village reconstruction to a different site. To avoid this need and keep the possibility open of on-site reconstruction of the village by means of the original materials, the ENEA feasibility study is including: • on-site investigations and observations; • design of the SI system and buildings’ response calculation for a significant part of the village (such as to be easily extended to the entire
village); • evaluation of the decrease of seismic risk with respect to more conventional reconstruction (reinforced concrete structures or steel reinforced masonry); • quantification of costs related to the use of SI and the possible kinds of conventional reconstruction leading to at least an adequate (if not equal) level of seismic protection. Studies for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Heavily Damaged Cultural Heritage by Means of SI In the framework of the collaborations with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, ENEA also cooperated to a proposal for seismic rehabilitation of the village of Colle, near Nocera Umbra, which had also been nearly destroyed by the Marche and Umbria earthquakes of 1997 and 1978. In particular, the feasibility of seismically isolating the tower (“Mastio”) of the castle (Figure 5) was analyzed by Capelli (2001). This castle, built in the 9th century for military purposes, was later transformed into a group of flats. The inside consists of a large square room, only partly covered by two constructions, one of which is the “Mastio”, namely a lusty lonely square base tower with sighting functions. This tower is still keeping its marvelous barrel vault and the original walls, which are one meter thick at the base. Although the tower is still original as regards its essential structures, in the past centuries it was subjected to some heavy alterations. Among these, the most important was the considerable decrease of tower height, which is now only about 10 m. Other later alterations, probably going back to the years 1480, concerned the opening of the ground floor portal and construction of the external flight of steps leading to the first floor. Originally, the access to the upper floors of the tower was most probably through a door, which is now closed, although the border of excellent gothic style remains visible. This door allowed for entering a room located just above the vault: this room was certainly accessible through a drawbridge, which, when lowered, connected the tower with the peripheral buildings. In the rehabilitation project, reconverting the whole castle from flats into a beauty farm has been planned. In particular, the ancient part should become a hotel, while the real beauty farm should be located into a new building to be erected at the foot of the
castle. The tower, which is also now being used for living purposes, should be subdivided into multimedial rooms, where the hotel guests may listen to music, see movies, sail on Internet or simply read a book. The philosophy of the project aims at bringing the “Mastio” back to its original volumes, so as to make its feature of sighting tower (which, unfortunately, is now lost) evident again. The new interventions will exhibit esthetic features which will be fully different from the original ones, so as to well distinguish the historic parts from the new ones. The new part will be characterized by a steel frame which will make use of masonry formed by Assisi stones as a kind of foundations and from which it will stand out thanks to a wooden panels’ covering. A detailed FEM of the tower, including both the present masonry walls and the designed upper steel frame, was implemented in the ABAQUS code and several non-linear dynamic analyses were carried out using synthetic acceleration time-histories developed according to Eurocode 8 for soil type B (mediumstiff). The base SI system (Figure 5) is formed by four HDRBs with 0.8 MPa shear modulus, 10% equivalent viscous damping, 600 mm diameter and a total rubber height of 100 mm, equal to the assumed design displacement. The results showed that a reduction of 60% of the deformation of the upper steel frame (and 80% of top acceleration) is achieved with base SI. It is worthwhile noting that the abovementioned intervention of rehabilitation would not be possible in the case of conventional retrofit with fixed base. In this case, many bracings would be necessary in the upper steel frame, with heavy consequences of the new architectural appearance of the tower. The PROSEESM Project To assess methodologies for the application of the IAS techniques to cultural heritage through the indispensable wide-ranging studies, Impresa Pouchain et al. (2000) proposed the PROSEESM Project to MURST, which approved it in 2000 (its funding was very recently finally approved by the San Paolo IMI National Financial Institute). PROSEESM is at the same time a R&D and training project, coordinated by the “Impresa Generale di Restauro Pouchain” (a well known Italian building company specialized in restoration of cultural heritage). The technical coordination for R&D has
been entrusted to ENEA; other partners are the Company ENEL.Hydro-ISMES, the engineering companies Studio Croci and Tekno In, and as far as training activities are concerned, the Universities of Basilicata, Perugia, and Rome “La Sapienza”. External support is provided by “Istituto Centrale del Restauro” (Central Restoration Institute) and the Superintendences for Cultural Heritage of Marche and Umbria Regions. More precisely, PROSEESM aims at the “development and application of integrated innovative technologies and assessment of comparison methodologies to optimize the interventions of seismic protection of cultural heritage by respecting the safety and conservation requirements”. Some pilot applications of both IAS and more conventional techniques, even to cultural heritage buildings damaged by the 19997-1998 earthquakes, have been planned in Marche and Umbria Regions in the framework of the project. The project activities already began. Two churches heavily damaged by the aforesaid earthquakes have already been identified as possible candidates for rehabilitation by means of subfoundation and SI, namely the Santa Lucia Church at Aggi, near Nocera Umbra, and the San Giovanni Battista Church at Apagni, near Sellano (Perugia Province). Both churches had been damaged by previous earthquakes, including that of Valnerina in 1979, after which they had been restored with conventional methods. These restorations, although correctly performed, were clearly insufficient as to protect both churches against even moderate earthquakes: in fact, the 19971978 earthquakes (which may be classified as moderate) damaged them again in the same positions where they had been damaged in 1979. For this reason, the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage of Umbria Region approved the proposal of the PROSEESM partners, provided that funding to cover the extra-costs are found. In addition, R&D at ENEA for on-site reconstruction of ancient villages using the IAS techniques and related pilot applications (including the activities in progress for that of Mevale di Visso), is part of the PROSEESM Project. Finally, further new methods, like the CAM method for “active sewing” of masonry of Dolce and Marneto (2000), will be considered in PROSEESM. In fact, this system, which consists of pre-
tensioned metal strips sewing the structure through suitable holes in the walls, appears to be much more reliable than electro-soldered netting, is much less invasive and has a comparable (if not lower) cost (it has already been successfully applied not only to the static restoration of some buildings but also for the seismic improvement of a three-story apartment building at Sigillo, Perugia Province). Finally it is noted that ENEA and other Partners, including “Impresa Pouchain” and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, proposed further projects to MURST, in particular one related to the “development of advanced diagnostics methods and numerical and experimental methods for identifying innovative solutions for the protection and restoration of architectural structures, aiming at reducing the effects of earthquakes and other natural disasters”. These activities, if approved by MURST, will be complementary to and synergic with respect to those of the PROSEESM Project.
THE MUSICA PROJECT Purpose and Main features In addition to performing R&D work on the IAS techniques and promoting their application (Martelli et al., 2000), ENEA is going on devoting particular attention to information and training. Information is being addressed not only to specialists but also to designers, representatives of the National, Regional and Local Institutions and the regular public. Thus, the used information / training tools are not only publications and organization of Meetings for experts, but also the organization of conferences addressed to non-experts, students and regular public, as well as publication of articles in magazines and newspapers and speeches at the radios and TVs. These activities are also part of the purposes of GLIS, which has now more than 220 associates and is still being coordinated by the first author of this paper, besides also keeping the responsibilities for the technical secretariat and external relations. To further contribute to information and training on the IAS techniques towards all the abovementioned parties through a better use of media (so as to also more incisively contribute to the promotion of the wider application of these techniques), in May 2000 ENEA and other GLIS Partners undertook the MUSICA Project. This consists in the development
of a series of films on the manufacturing, R&D and application of the IAS techniques (ENEA and GLIS, 2000). More precisely, the main Partners of MUSICA (those providing the largest funding) are, in addition to ENEA: • Joint Research Center at Ispra (JRC) of the EC; • the University of Basilicata; • “Impresa Generale di Restauro Pouchain”; • ALGA, FIP Industriale and TIS manufacturing companies; • INSO building company. In addition to these main Partners, the Project is being also funded (with lower contributions) by: • the Universities of Ancona, Catania and “Roma Tre”; • “Studio Mancinelli” at Fabriano; • the engineering company Tekno In; • IERP (“Istituto per l’Edilizia Residenziale Pubblica”) at Perugia, namely the Public Building Institute for regular apartment houses in this Province. MUSICA is being jointly developed by ENEA and GLIS in cooperation with the Film Company Giotto Film, taking advantage of the skill of the film director Enrico Bellani, who already directed the film “Il Cantiere dell’Utopia” (The Yard of Utopia) on the restoration of the Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi (by also filming the installation of the SMA devices): this film was shown by the Italian national TV “RAI UNO” on the day of the reconsecration of the Basilica (November 28, 1999). Several structures provided with IAS systems (bridges, viaducts, strategic, public and regular apartment buildings and industrial plants), including the most important in Italy and some also in the San Francisco area and Turkey have already been filmed, together with production processes of the devices and their testing in the Italian Laboratories (filming activities should be completed in May 2001). The filmed test laboratories, engineering and research centers, manufacturing companies and structures provided with IAS systems are outlined below, following the scenario of the films. From Conceiving to Applying the IAS systems Test Laboratories and Engineering and Research Centers. Filmed were the following test laboratories and engineering and research centers, where IAS systems and structure mock-ups provided with them
have been tested using specific equipment (SE), shaking tables (ST) and the pseudodynamic method (PsDM): • ALGA (Montebello, Pavia Province, Lombardia Region) (SE); • ENEA (Casaccia Center, Rome Province, Lazio Region) (ST); • ENEL.Hydro-ISMES (Seriate, Bergamo Province; Lombardia Region) (SE and ST); • FIP Industriale (Selvazzano, Padova Province, Veneto Region) (SE); • JRC Ispra (ELSA Laboratories, Varese Province, Lombardia Region) (SE and PsDM); • TIS (Civita Castellana, Viterbo Province, Lazio Region) (SE); • University of Basilicata (Potenza, Basilicata Region) (SE, ST and PsDM); • University of Bologna and ENEA at Montecuccolino (Bologna, Emilia-Romagna Region) (SE). Italian Manufacturing companies. Filmed were the factories of the following manufacturers of IAS (SI, ED, HC and SMA) devices: • ALGA (Montebello) (SI, ED and HC devices); • FIP Industriale (Selvazzano) (SI, ED, HC and SMA devices); • Metalgomma (Monzambano, Mantova Province, Lombardia Region) (SI rubber devices); • TIS (Civita Castellana) (SI, ED, HC and SMA devices). Applications already Completed or Susceptible of Wide Ranging Extension in Italy Italian Bridges and Viaducts. Filmed were the following Italian bridges and viaducts: • the “Somplago” viaduct (Carnia, Udine Province, Friuli Region), provided with FIP Industriale EPDs, which was the first Italian application of IAS devices (1975) and survived the Friuli earthquake in 1976 (while all other bridges in the same area collapsed); • the “Ponte nelle Alpi” (Belluno Province, Veneto Region) and “Ponte Giulio” bridges (Maniago, Udine Province), which are again relatively old applications, equipped again with FIP Industriale ED and HC devices; • a more recent viaduct equipped with TIS ED and
HC devices near Urbino (Pesaro Province, Marche Region); • the “Coltano” viaduct, on the Cecina - Livorno freeway (Tuscany Region), which is probably the longest viaduct in the world (more than 9 km) being provided with IAS devices (EPDs and HC devices of ALGA and FIP Industriale); • a recent viaduct in the Napoli-Bari freeway (Campania Region) provided with TIS ED and HC devices; • a new viaduct under construction near Livorno (Tuscany Region), during installation of TIS ED and HC devices. New Italian Strategic or Industrial Large Buildings. Filmed have been the following new strategic or industrial large building provided with IAS systems in Italy: • two buildings of the new Fire Management Center at Naples (Campania Region), which are the first Italian application (beginning of the years ‘80s) of the IAS techniques and are provided with HC devices, SDs and rubber bearings (the latter manufactured by TIS); • the five isolated buildings of the TELECOM Italia (former SIP) National Telephone Company at Ancona (Marche Region), which are the first large Italian application of base SI (beginning of years ‘90s) and are equipped with ALGA HDRBs (as mentioned by Martelli et al., 2000, they were subjected to forced- and free-vibration tests, the latter to 110 mm base displacement in 1990, and they are provided with a seismic monitoring system which recorded the March 1998 aftershock of Marche and Umbria earthquake); • a base isolated building of the Italian Navy at Ancona, to be used for emergency management during natural disasters, including earthquakes, which is equipped again with ALGA HDRBs; • the two twin towers of the Administration Center of ENEL (National Electricity Board) at Naples, each of which consists of a central core suspended at the top from the two external towers and is provided with FIP Industriale EPDs to limit its rotation; • a small isolated hospital in the Navy Base of Augusta (Siracusa Province, Sicily Region), which is the first example (beginning of years ‘90s) of application of SI to an Italian medical structure, being provided with ALGA HDRBs.
Other Important Italian New and Retrofitted Public Buildings. Filmed were also the following further important public buildings, which were provided, during construction or rehabilitation, of IAS systems in Italy: • five new buildings of University of Basilicata, erected in the middle of the years ‘90s, which are provided with TIS HDRBs; • the “La Vista” and “Domiziano” schools at Potenza, which were just retrofitted by means of TIS dissipative braces; • the “Gentile Fermi” school at Fabriano (Ancona Province), an historic monument which was being seismically improved by means of FIP Industriale viscoelastic ED devices. In addition, should the retrofit works begin on time, filmed will also be, during cutting of the existing supporting columns and installation of ALGA HDRBs: • the Polyfunctional Center of Soccavo (Naples), the fixed-base construction of which had just been completed before the 1980 Campano-Lucano (Irpinia) earthquake, but which had never been approved for use because it did not satisfy the new seismic requirements imposed by the seismic reclassification of the site after the aforesaid earthquake. Applications in Other Countries Examples of non-Italian Applications in the USA. The following structures of different kinds applying the IAS techniques, both new and retrofitted, were filmed in the San Francisco area (California), USA, in order to provide a few examples of what has been and is being done in countries other than Italy: • the New Emergency Management Center of San Francisco, a new very strategic reinforced concrete construction which was base isolated by means of rubber bearings to ensure its protection to extremely violent earthquakes; • the Berkeley Civic Center, an important public and historic reinforced concrete structure, which was being retrofitted during filming by cutting the existing foundations and installing rubber bearings; • the San Francisco City Hall, an important public and historic masonry structure, the retrofit of which by cutting the foundations and inserting rubber bearings had been recently completed;
• the San Francisco Asian Art Museum, a mixed masonry and steel structure which was being retrofitted during filming, according to the architectural design of the Italian Gae Aulenti, again by cutting the foundations and inserting rubber bearings; • the Market Street Branch of Wells Fargo Bank, which was seismically rehabilitated using dissipative braces similar to those used in the Potenza schools; • a three story apartment house at Marina, San Francisco, which was seismically retrofitted by means friction pendulum IAS system after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, which had broken its foundations. Examples of non-Italian Applications in the Other European and non-European Countries. Until now, the only filmed structures provided with IAS systems manufactured outside Italy are those mentioned just above. In the future, should further important partners join the MUSICA Project, filming further structures, both in Europe (for instance in France or in Greece) or outside Europe (for instance, in Japan, P.R. China, etc.) will also be considered. The Presence of Italian Manufacturing Industry Abroad Filmed have already been some structures, both in the USA and Turkey, where IAS systems manufactured in Italy have been or may be installed. Should further important partners join the MUSICA Project, filming other structures provided with Italian IAS systems, both in Europe (Portugal, Greece, etc.) and outside Europe (Chinese Taipei, Bangladesh, Venezuela, etc.), will be considered. Applications in Turkey. Filming concerned the viaducts of the Bolu-Ankara freeway, equipped with EPDs manufactured by ALGA and other IAS devices manufactured by FIP Industriale, which had been struck by the August and November 1999 earthquakes, being the first structure in the world which did not collapse in spite of being located in the epicentral zone of a very violent earthquake and in spite of the fact that the earthquakes largely exceeded the design values (Martelli et al., 2000). Applications in the USA. Filming concerned the main bridges and viaducts of the San Francisco Bay
area (Bay Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, San Rafael Bridge e Carquinez Bridge), which were being seismically retrofitted or might be retrofitted partly using SI, or ED or HC devices manufactured in Italy (the Carquinez bridge was filmed during installation of ALGA HC devices). In addition, filmed was the Marin County Civic Center – Hall of Justice of San Rafael, which had to be seismically retrofitted by means of FIP Industriale HC devices. The New Bounds of Research and Application in Italy Filming concerns three key application fields for ensuring the success of the IAS techniques in Italy, the montage of which will be in following order, taking into account that regular people are more interested in their health and safety, than in the protection of cultural heritage. Cultural Heritage. Filming concerned: • “Il Cenacolo”, a Foundation of “Impresa Pouchain” for restoring activities; • the “Basilica Superiore” of St. Francis at Assisi, which, as already mentioned, is the first cultural heritage construction that was retrofitted with SMA devices (manufactured by FIP Industriale), in 1999, and had been filmed by the Film Director E. Bellani during installation of such devices; • the Bell Tower of the St. Giorgio in Trignano Church, which was also retrofitted using SMA devices of FIP Industriale in 1999 (see above); • the St. Feliciano Cathedral at Foligno, again an application of SMA devices of FIP Industriale (see above), which was filmed in 2000 during their Installation; • the Church of St. Giovanni Battista at Apagni and that of Santa Lucia at Aggi, which are considered for rehabilitation with SI in the framework of the PROSEESM Project (see above); • the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio at L’Aquila, which is the most important example of Romanesque style in Abruzzo Region and was seismically improved using special non-invasive EPDs; • the worldwide famous Bronzes of Riace, which have been seismically isolated using ALGA multistage HDRBs in the Museum of Reggio Calabria (Calabria Region); • the Temple of Vesta at Rome, which has been seismically improved using a TIS IAS system;
• the “Fori Imperiali” at Rome, which were filmed to also cite the issue of protection of cultural heritage from traffic induced vibrations; • the village of Mevale di Visso, which is being considered for reconstruction using the original masonry materials and SI and for which R&D is in progress at ENEA in the framework of the PROSEESM Project (see above). Regular Apartment Buildings. Filming concerned the still very few Italian apartment buildings which have been provided with IAS techniques, with the purpose of stimulating a wide extension of the number of applications in this field, following the example of Japanese and now, especially, Chinese, namely: • a reinforced concrete apartment house at Squillace (Catanzaro, Calabria Region), base isolated by means of ALGA HDRBs, which, as mentioned by Martelli et al. (2000), had also been subjected to forced vibration tests and provided with a seismic monitoring system (this house withstood a moderate earthquake shortly after its construction, without suffering any damage, contrary to a twin non-isolated house, which was slightly damaged); • three reinforced concrete isolated apartment buildings at the Nave Base of Augusta, isolated by means of ALGA HDRBs, which were erected, together with the already mentioned Medical Center, just after an earthquake that had caused significant damage to Augusta; • a reinforced concrete isolated apartment building at Rapolla (Potenza Province) which was also recently subjected to on-site tests, together with a twin fixed-base building, with different SI systems; • a reinforced concrete apartment building at Città di Castello (Perugia Province), which will be filmed in May 2001 during installation of ALGA HDRBs; • the already mentioned masonry apartment building at Sigillo and two similar buildings at Rome, which were filmed during the seismic / static improvement works performed by means of the CAM system of Dolce and Marnetto (2000). Industrial Plants. Although there are no industrial plants provided with the IAS systems in Italy (there are only some industrial buildings, provided with such devices), filmed were also some industrial
facilities, both in the North of Italy and in the South, in particular high risk chemical plants, which are susceptible of a significant improvement of seismic protection, if constructed or retrofitted using SI and / or the other IAS techniques.
high risk industrial plants and regular apartment buildings: this will contribute to largely increase the protection of human life, in addition to economy, in seismic countries like Italy.
Montage, Projections & Distribution of the Films Montage of both films lasting approximately 20 minutes and a longer film (approximately one hour long) should be completed within September 2001. The first projection of the latter is scheduled at Assisi on the evening of October 3, 2001, during the 7th International Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Seismic Vibrations of Structures” (Martelli et al., 2001). Finally it is noted that contacts began with further partners, in particular, TVs, to extend filming activities to other countries and for optimizing the use and distribution of the available very large filmed documentation.
REFERENCES ANPA, ENEA, and Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, 1998, “Valutazione dell’Applicabilità dell’Isolamento Sismico alla Protezione Sismica di Componenti di Impianti Industriali (Evaluation of the Applicability of Seismic Isolation to the Seismic Protection of Industrial Plants)”, CNR-ENEA Research Contract N. 98.00569.PF37. ANPA, ENEA, and Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, 2000, “ISI - valutazione dell’applicabilità dell’Isolamento Sismico alla protezione sismica di componenti di Impianti industriali (ISI - evaluation of the applicability of seismic Isolation to the Seismic protection of Industrial plants)”, CNRENEA Research Contract N. 00.00633.PF37. Bertocchi, A., 2000, “Tecnologie, Tecniche di Controllo e Materiali Innovativi per la Progettazione e la Riabilitazione Antisismica: Indagini TeoricoSperimentali e Casi di Studio (Technologies, Control Techniques and Innovative Materials for the AntiSeismic Design and Rehabilitation: Theoretical and Experimental Investigations and Case Studies)”, MSc Thesis prepared at ENEA, Bologna, supervised by C. Alessandri and A. Martelli, co-supervised by M. Indirli, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ferrara, Italy. Capelli, C., 2001, “Progetto di Riuso e Adeguamento Antisismico del Castello di Colle di Nocera Umbra (Design of Reuse and Seismic Rehabilitation of the Castle of Colle near Nocera Umbra)”, MSc Thesis prepared at ENEA, Bologna, supervised by G. Trippa and A. Martelli, cosupervised by M. Forni, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ferrara, Italy. Ciampi, V., Martelli, A., Forni, M., Poggianti, A., Sanò, T., Pugliese, A., and Addessi, D., 2000, “Un Caso Studio di un Sistema di Isolamento Sismico per un Serbatoio di Stoccaggio di Gas Liquefatto (A Case Study of a Seismic Isolation System for a Liquefied Natural Gas Storage Tank)”, Proceedings (CD-ROM), National Congress VGR2k (“Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio negli Insediamenti Civili e Industriali” – Evaluation and Management of Risk in Civil and Industrial
CONCLUSIONS The main features of the new R&D, information and training activities being performed in Italy by ENEA within national projects have been shortly presented and some first results of the studies have been shown. All this stresses the importance of the work which is going on at ENEA not only in the framework of international collaborations, but also at national level. Particularly important are the studies concerning the development of extremely promising new devices like the electro-inductive dissipators and those of suitable IAS systems for improving the seismic protection of high risk chemical plants and allowing for that of cultural heritage, as well. Finally, to be stressed is the MUSICA Project, which will soon make films available on the development and application of the IAS techniques that should be easily understood not only by experts, but also by the regular public. The authors of this paper are confident that these films will significantly contribute to a wide information on the IAS techniques, by demonstrating that these techniques are already fully reliable and not excessively costly and that what is only needed now is to apply them. Thus, the authors are also confident that these films will significantly contribute to a wider extension of the application of the IAS techniques not only to important public buildings and bridges and viaducts, but also, as necessary and now fully feasible, to the
Structures), Pisa, Italy, p. 108 (Summary Volume). Dolce, M., and Marnetto, R., 2000, “Metodo CAM - Cucitura Attiva delle Murature (CAM Method: Active Sewing of Masonry)”, Patent, Rome, Italy. ENEA, 1999, “Aggregato Progettuale RITA: RIcerca, sviluppo e applicazione di Tecniche Antisismiche innovative (Program RITA: Research, Development and Application of Innovative AntiSeismic Techniques)”, ENEA Document, Rome, Italy. ENEA, 2000, “ALGA-DECS Project”, Contract between ALGA and ENEA in the framework of the four-years MURST-funded Project “DECS – Dispositivi Elettroinduttivi per il Controllo Strutturale (Electro-inductive Dissipators for Structural Control). ENEA, and GLIS, 2000, “Progetto MUSICA MUltimediale per lo sviluppo di Sistemi Innovativi per Costruzioni Antisismiche : Realizzazione di una Gamma di Filmati sulle Tecnologie Antisismiche Innovative (MUSICA Project - Multimedial for the Development Innovative Systems for Anti-Seismic Constructions: Development of a Series of Films on the Innovative Anti-Seismic Techniques)”, Contracts of GLIS and ENEA with Giotto Film, Bologna, Italy. ENEL, ALGA, DYWIDAG, ENEA, MRPRA, SHW, and STIN, 1993, “Optimization of Design and Performance of High Damping Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation,” EC Contract BR2CT93-0524, Project BE7010, Bruxelles, Belgium. ENEL, ALGA, BOUYGUES, ENEA, FIP Industriale, GA, ISMES, IST, LIN, JRC, and TARRC/MRPRA, 1996, REEDS: “Optimization of Energy Dissipation Devices, Rolling Systems and Hydraulic Couplers for Reducing Seismic Risk to Structures and Industrial Facilities,” EC Contract BRPR-CT96-0141, Project BEE1031, Bruxelles, Belgium. FIP Industriale, IST, UROM, AUTH, ENEA and JRC, 1995, “ISTECH - Development of Innovative Techniques for the Improvement of Stability of Cultural Heritage, in Particular Seismic Protection, EC Project PL950852, EC Contract ENV4-CT950106, Bruxelles, Belgium. Forni, M., 2000, “Verifica dell'Applicabilità di Dispositivi Elettroinduttivi sulla Struttura MISS per Prove su Tavola Vibrante (Verification of the Applicability of Electro-inductive Devices to the MISS Structure for Shake Table Tests)”, ENEA
Report, SIEC LT SCH 00007. Forni, M., Martelli, A., Poggianti, A., Spadoni, B., Pugliese, A., Sanò, T, and Foraboschi, F.P., 2000a, “Studies Performed in Italy for Seismic Isolation of Chemical Plant Components”, Proceedings, 2000 ASME-Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, PVPVol. 402-1 ASME, New York, pp. 185-192. Forni, M., Martelli, A., Poggianti, A. Spadoni, B. Pugliese, A., Sanò, T. Ciampi, V., and Foraboschi, F.P., 2000b, “Development of Innovative AntiSeismic Passive Systems for the Protection of Industrial Structures and Components”, Proceedings (CD-ROM), 2nd European Conference on Structural Control, Champs-sur-Marne, France. Impresa Pouchain, ENEA, ENEL.HYDRO, Studio Croci and Tekno In, 2000, “Progetto PROSEESM - Sviluppo e Applicazione di Tecnologie Innovative Integrate e Messa a Punto di Metodologie di Confronto, per Ottimizzare gli Interventi di Protezione Sismica dell’Edilizia StoricoMonumentale nel Rispetto dei Requisiti di Sicurezza e di Conservazione (PROSEESM Project Development and Application of Integrated Innovative Technologies and Assessment of Comparison Methodologies to Optimize the Interventions of Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage by Respecting the Safety and Conservation Requirements)”, Project funded by MURST / IMI, PARNASO Program, “Area Conservazione, Tema n. 2 - Nuovi Sistemi di Intervento” (Conservation Area, Topic Nr. 2 - New Intervention Systems), Rome, Italy. GLIS, and TG5 / EAEE, 2001, “Seventh International Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures - First Announcement, Call for Papers for the Poster Session, Invitation to Participate in the International Exhibition”, Bologna, Italy (see also the GLIS site on Internet, Indirli, M., 2000, “Proposta di Studio di Fattibilità per l’Applicazione delle Tecnologie Antisismiche Innovative nell’Ambito della Ricostruzione del Borgo di Mevale di Visso (Proposal for a Feasibility Study on the Application of Innovative Anti-Seismic Technologies in the Framework of the Reconstruction of Mevale di Misso)”, ENEA Proposal to the Technical-Scientific Committee of Marche Region, Bologna, Italy. Marioni, A., Silvestri, A., and Ubaldini, M., 1998,
“Development and Application of Innovative Energy Dissipation Systems in the EC Countries - Part 2: Electro-Inductive Dissipators”, Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Seismic Vbrations of Structures - Proceedings of the International Post-SMiRT Conference Seminar, Taormina, Sicily, Italy, August 25 to 27, 1997, A. Martelli and M. Forni, eds., GLIS, Bologna, Italy, pp. 331-342. Martelli, A., and Indirli, M., 2000, “L’ENEA per la Protezione Sismica dei Beni Culturali (ENEA for the Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage)”, ECOENEA, Supplement to ARCA, 151, 21-22. Martelli, A., Forni, M., Bettinali, F., Bonacina, G., Bergamo, G., Castellano, M.G., Medeot, R., Marioni, A., Sanò, T., and Pugliese, A., 1999, “New Activities Performed in Italy on Innovative AntiSeismic Techniques for Civil and Industrial Structures,” Proceedings, 1999 ASME-Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, PVP-Vol. 387, ASME, New York, pp. 311-326. Martelli, A., Forni, M., and Koh, H.M., 2000, “An
Overview on Recent Application of the Innovative Anti-Seismic Techniques and Needs for Further R&D Activity”, Proceedings, 2000 ASME-Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, 12th International Symposium on Seismic, Seattle, Washington, USA, PVP-Vol. 402-1, ASME, New York, pp. 157-172. Martelli, A., Forni, M., Arato, G.-B., Poggianti, A., Spadoni, B., and Welponer, A., 2001, “Development and Application of the Innovative Anti-Seismic Techniques: (1) New Activities in Progress at ENEA, Italy, in the Framework of International Collaborations”, Proceedings, 2001 ASME-Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, ASME, New York. Parducci, A., 1998, “Seismic Isolation of Buildings”, International Meeting on New Technologies for the Seismic Protection of Buildings, Nocera Umbra, Italy. Procaccio, A., 2001, MSc Thesis on the Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage, under preparation at ENEA, Bologna, supervised by A. Martelli et al, cosupervised by M. Indirli, Faculty of Architecture, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy. 300 200
100 0 -100
-100 -200 -300 mm “VISCOUS” COMPONENT
Figure 1: Prototype of rotating DECS devices during ALGA tests; comparison between the experimental hysteresis cycles and those computed by ENEA.
0.000 0
Spostamento (m)
Spostamento (m)
Figure 2: MISS mock-up with viscous and viscoelastic devices on the shake table of ENEA during the test campaign of the REEDS Project (1999), in the configuration to be used in SPACE and ALGA-DECS.
0.00 0
Tempo (s)
Tempo (s)
Figure 3: Time-histories of the relative displacements computed by ENEA between top and base of the columns supporting the butane storage tank being studied within the ISI Project, for both fixed base and seismically isolated configurations. Table 1: Comparison of the different design solutions for the butane storage tank studied in ISI Project Total Shear Force (kN) Displacement (mm) Full Empty Full Empty 14400 3890 90 32 Fixed Base 2900 1000 243 80 11 HDRBs 1260 470 187 71 Mixed 1195 961 144 41 11 EPDs
Figure 4: Historical village of Mevale di Visso (Macerata, Italy) and study for its reconstruction with SI.
Figure 5: Tower of the Colle di Nocera Castle, for which a rehabilitation intervention with base isolation has been designed in cooperation with University of Ferrara.