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May 23, 2006 - 617.253.0261; Fax: 617.253.5202; Email: ... by the use of automated microscopy to follow inclusion format
[Cell Cycle 5:14, 1477-1480, 15 July 2006]; ©2006 Landes Bioscience

New Directions for Neurodegenerative Disease Therapy Extra View

Using Chemical Compounds to Boost the Formation of Mutant Protein Inclusions ABSTRACT

Original manuscript submitted: 05/23/06 Manuscript accepted: 05/24/06







Huntingtin polyglutamine Huntington’s disease Parkinson’s disease 5-[4-(4-chlorobenzoyl)-1piperazinyl]-8-nitroquinoline

A common feature among neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases is the excessive accumulation of “misfolded” proteins. Two examples are mutant Huntingtin (Htt) with expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) in Huntington’s disease (HD) and α-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease (PD). As new proteins are made, cells must make triage decisions. Mutant proteins that fail to fold properly are either refolded by chaperones or destroyed by the proteasome.1-3 In neurodegenerative diseases, these quality control mechanisms are overwhelmed, possibly partly due to natural declines in function as neurons age.4,5 Ultimately, misfolded protein accumulates and disrupts cellular function, resulting in neuronal degeneration.


Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, neurodegenerative diseases, aggregation, inclusion body, misfolded protein







Previously published online as a Cell Cycle E-publication: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/cc/abstract.php?id=2929


*Correspondence to: Ruth A. Bodner; Center for Cancer Research; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; E18-505; 77 Massachusetts Avenue; Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA; Tel.: 617.253.0261; Fax: 617.253.5202; Email: [email protected]


2MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease; Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Charlestown, Massachusetts USA


1Center for Cancer Research; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, Massachusetts USA

Htt polyQ HD PD B2

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases are marked by neuronal accumulation of toxic misfolded protein. Developing therapies for these misfolding diseases requires finding chemical compounds that can either clear toxic misfolded protein, or can protect neurons from their impact. Such compounds could not only provide the starting points for potential drugs, but could also provide valuable research tools for untangling the complexities of the disease process. Until now, chemical screens for these diseases have focused on finding compounds that prevent aggregation of mutant protein. We recently published a compound, B2, which promotes the formation of large inclusions by mutant Huntingtin and α-synuclein, while rescuing some of the toxic effects of these proteins. As inclusions were long believed to be toxic to cells, this contradicts previous therapeutic approaches. At the same time, the results support growing evidence for the protective effects of inclusions. In this review, we discuss these results, and place them in the context of ongoing therapeutic discovery efforts for Huntington’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.


Ruth A. Bodner1,* David E. Housman1 Aleksey G. Kazantsev2





Ruth Bodner is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Hereditary Disease Foundation. Aleksey Kazantsev receives gift support from Discovery of Novel Huntington's Disease Therapeutics, MIND-MGH



While we know that misfolded protein accumulates, it is unclear which conformation of mutant protein is most toxic. Misfolded proteins can adopt many conformations and assemblies, including monomers, small aggregates, fibrils and large inclusion bodies that contain many aggregates.6 These large inclusions are a striking feature of multiple neurodegenerative diseases, and at first seemed toxic, as their presence appeared to correlate with pathology.7-10 However, further studies have dissociated inclusion formation and pathology, in cell culture models, animal models and even human brain samples.11-16 Studies in cultured cells have supported the idea that inclusions are not merely irrelevant for pathology, but actually cytoprotective.17,18 More recently, these cell culture studies were elegantly extended by the use of automated microscopy to follow inclusion formation and cell viability; inclusion formation appeared to extend survival for cells expressing a mutant Htt construct.19 Possible beneficial effects of large inclusion bodies include decreasing the amount of available toxic surface area or directing mutant protein for destruction, perhaps by macroautophagy.20,21 Thus inclusions are increasingly thought to be either irrelevant or even protective for cells. It is possible that monomers or oligomers are the toxic species, but this has not been definitively determined.22,23 Despite changes in our conception of the toxic species, drug discovery efforts have focused on breaking up large inclusions of aggregated protein.24-29 Cell Cycle


Chemical Promotion of Inclusion Formation

APPROACHING DRUG DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT KNOWING THE TOXIC CONFORMATION Traditional drug discovery involves finding chemical compounds that bind to and alter the function of well-understood target proteins, such as receptors, channels or enzymes. Drug development for neurodegenerative diseases has been stymied by our lack of understanding of the drug targets involved. Despite much data on the identity, properties and toxic consequences of the mutant proteins involved in these diseases, we continue to struggle with functional understanding, structural conformation of the toxic species, and order of pathological events. Because large inclusions of aggregated Htt are easy to visualize by microscopy, and because they were considered the prime toxic suspects, numerous compounds have been isolated that act as aggregation inhibitors in models of HD.25,26,28,29 However, due to the complexities of the proposed aggregation pathway for mutant Htt, aggregation inhibitors could act at very different points in this pathway and with divergent consequences.30 For example, suppose that oligomers or other folding intermediates are indeed the most toxic species, and that their sequestration into inclusions is protective (Fig. 1). In that scenario, an aggregation inhibitor that prevented the creation of oligomers would be beneficial, yet one that prevented oligomers from ultimately forming inclusions could be quite harmful. Alternatively, if monomers are most toxic, an aggregation inhibitor might be beneficial if it promoted clearance of monomers, but harmful if it merely prevented monomers from aggregating. Without understanding the mutant Htt misfolding pathway or knowing the most toxic species of Htt, it is risky to base therapeutic efforts solely on aggregation inhibitors. Aggregation inhibitors still hold much promise, and may ultimately result in effective therapies. However, complementary approaches are needed: compounds that rescue particular pathological phenotypes, compounds that promote other conformations of mutant Htt and compounds that promote clearance of toxic species.


The new data on inclusions calls into question whether disrupting inclusions is an appropriate therapeutic strategy for neurodegenerative diseases. We have focused on instead finding chemical compounds that block downstream pathological effects of misfolded mutant protein, regardless of effects on inclusions. In exploring this we came to a surprising finding: compounds that promote inclusion formation could attenuate pathological features in models of both Huntington’s and Parkinson’s diseases.31 Thus, creating larger clumps of aggregated protein could be therapeutic for affected neurons. Our research started with compounds that increased the size and number of inclusions of mutant Htt protein, which is the culprit in Huntington’s disease. These compounds were originally isolated in a screen of 37,000 compounds for their ability to increase the levels of a polyQ-GFP reporter. We considered that these compounds could either alter Htt conformation by acting directly on the mutant Htt fragments, or by interacting with an entirely distinct target. To answer this, we tested the effects of the most potent compound (5-[4-(4-chlorobenzoyl)-1-piperazinyl]-8-nitroquinoline, or “B2”) on a distinct neurodegenerative disease protein, α-synuclein. We reasoned that any effects on α–synuclein would support the target of B2 being a protein other than Htt. Cells were transfected with 1478

Figure 1. A model: different points for therapeutic intervention. Mutant proteins can adopt multiple folding conformations and assemblies. It is not known which is the most toxic species, but current evidence points towards monomers or oligomeric assemblies. Sequestration of these toxic species into inclusion bodies may be protective for cells. Thus, in this model, cytoprotection could arise from pharmacological interception at different points in the folding pathway. Aggregation inhibitors such as C2-8 that prevent the accumulation of toxic intermediates would be beneficial for cells.29 However, once toxic intermediates had formed, compounds like B2 that boost inclusion formation would be most advantageous.

α-synuclein and treated with B2 or DMSO, then examined by immunofluorescence for α-synuclein. In DMSO-treated cells, most cells had many smaller cytoplasmic aggregates, while a subset of cells had a large inclusion. When treated with B2, the large-inclusion phenotype doubled in frequency. Thus B2 appears to promote the formation of inclusions of multiple neurodegenerative disease proteins, and it is unlikely to act by binding Htt directly. The isolation of B2 provided the opportunity to test whether pharmacologically induced inclusions could protect cells from the harmful effects of mutant Htt or α–synuclein. We began by testing the effects of B2 on proteasome dysfunction, a pathological feature seen in many neurodegenerative diseases.32-38 The proteasome is a garbage disposal for the cell. When overwhelmed by an abundance of mutant protein, the proteasome loses its ability to destroy cellular garbage, with devastating effects for the cell. We tested the five inclusion-promoting compounds in a cell-based assay for Htt-mediated proteasome dysfunction. This cell line is stably transfected with both a reporter of proteasome function (GFP fused with the CL1 degron,39 which directs the GFP for proteasomal degradation) and an ecdysone-inducible fusion of the first exon of mutant Htt (with 97Q) and monomeric red fluorescent protein. Thus, when mutant Htt expression is induced, GFP accumulates in cells instead of being degraded. When treated with the inclusion-promoting compounds, fewer cells were GFP-positive, consistent with the relief of proteasome dysfunction by B2. As in the original screen, B2 was the most potent compound. Thus inclusion-promoting compounds relieve at least one pathological consequence of mutant Htt expression. Confirming the specificity of the effect, analogs of B2 behaved similarly in both the screen and the proteasome assay; structural modifications of B2 that lowered or eliminated activity in the screen also did so in the proteasome assay. Thus in a model of HD, driving more inclusion formation by Htt is protective for cells. Since B2 also promotes inclusion formation by α–synuclein, we decided to test if B2 altered toxicity of α–synuclein in a model of PD. Alpha–synuclein accumulates in Lewy bodies in PD, and one

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hereditary form of PD is caused by a triplication in the α-synuclein locus.40 Alpha–synuclein overexpression is toxic to cells. B2 treatment partially rescued toxicity in cells that were transfected with SynT, a tagged version of α-synuclein.41,42 This is consistent with inclusionpromotion being protective in a second neurodegenerative disease model. Because B2 does not seem to act directly on Htt or α-synuclein, we speculated that it might alter the activity or levels of chaperones.43 Induction of a heat shock response (which results in the upregulation of several chaperones) has been shown to affect aggregation of multiple neurodegenerative disease proteins. However, B2 treatment did not cause an increase in the levels of Hsp70 or Hsp27, which would be elevated in the case of a heat shock response. B2 was also tested in an in vitro assay of chaperone activity, and failed to show any effects on chaperones. Thus, we do not believe that B2 directly acts on refolding of mutant proteins by chaperones.


This research on B2 has several important implications. First, the results bolster the idea that inclusions are protective for cells. Second, promoting inclusion formation is an entirely novel therapeutic approach, with implications for many neurodegenerative diseases. Finally, the discovery of compounds that promote inclusion formation or block aggregation provides tools for new insight into the Htt aggregation process. Each of these compounds produces its effects by interacting with a target protein, and affinity labeling of the compounds will allow us to discover the identity of these targets. The identification of the targets may provide surprises about the biology of the aggregation process. It may also provide new drug targets for future drug discovery efforts. However, finding the target of B2 will require discovering a more potent analog through structure activity relationship analysis. Once more potent analogs have been determined, we would like to test their effects in animal models of HD. The results of this study could have implications for preclinical studies of other potential HD drugs. If promoting inclusions is shown to be beneficial in animal models, then it may be more prudent to focus on other outcome measures, such as survival, motor function or brain weight, and not to give much weight to aggregate load.


Ultimately, the therapeutic strategy for protein misfolding diseases must involve lowering the levels of toxic species, either by preventing them from forming in the first place, or by clearing them from the cell once formed. Aggregation inhibitors that act early on the aggregation pathway may prevent toxic species from forming, and allow cells to clear the mutant protein before it can do much damage. Alternatively, once toxic conformations have formed, chemicals that help cells sequester toxic folding intermediates into inclusions might be most helpful. Once the pathological species are trapped into inclusions and thus unable to inflict further damage on cells, cells may be able to recover and slowly degrade insoluble precipitates. We cannot predict which of these strategies will be more therapeutically effective. Complicating factors might include the nature of the disease proteins, the age of onset, and the duration of disease. Initial animal model studies suggest that aggregation inhibitors may not be therapeutic, even when these compounds reach high levels in the brain.27 To test if chemically induced sequestration of mutant proteins in inclusions is a viable therapeutic strategy, analogs of B2 www.landesbioscience.com

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2006; Vol. 5 Issue 14