At present David Palmer is Treasurer, David Irwin is Field Officer, John Allen is Records. Officer, Mark Evans is Chairm
Bowmen of Lyme. Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at Jean Martin’s House on 29th January 2008 The Meeting was attended by; Jean Martin David Irwin
Robert Hadfield David Palmer
Anne Alsop Mark Evans
Apology for Absence - John Allen The Meeting was opened at 8.00pm 1. The 2008 AGM is to be held at the club hut on Sunday 9th March @ 10.00am. Robert and Anne give their apologies as they are unable to attend. 2. Have a Go’s The following Have a Go’s were put forward for approval at the AGM Easter Weekend – Sunday 23rd and 24th Easter Monday afternoon (either one or both depending on available Members) 1.00pm - 4.00pm Rangers Evening – mid July - date to be confirmed. One Company Day – to be discussed. 3. The following dates have been put forward for the Club Championships; Clout – Sunday 30th March (Cows in pasture date unknown as yet). Indoor Champs – Tuesday 18th March Field Champs with Barbecue afterwards – Sunday 20th July. Outdoor Champs – Sunday September 14th Working parties will be required on the Saturday before both the Clout and Field Championships. In each case the field should be available for the work party from 10 am onwards – anybody wishing to shoot on those days should arrange to shoot after the work party is complete. 4. Subscriptions. It is likely that the subscriptions shall remain the same as last year providing we have the support of the members at the “Have a Goes”. Ground Rent – charge to be confirmed for this year. 5. Elections of Officers. Anne Alsop will continue as Secretary if there are no volunteers. Anne has also been nominated for a membership status of ‘Fellow’. All Officers were happy to continue in their posts but reiterated that these positions are elected positions and should anyone wish to apply for a post, they are free to do so.
At present David Palmer is Treasurer, David Irwin is Field Officer, John Allen is Records Officer, Mark Evans is Chairman AGM Agenda – The Agenda includes extras of :-Constitution Changes, Website and New Hut. 6. Beginners Lessons. It was suggested that Beginners Lessons continue to be held alongside the regular Sunday Morning Shoot, so as to include the Beginners into the club from their very first day. Under 18’s would still need to be accompanied by an adult. The minimum age for Beginners is to remain at 13yrs. There are 11 people on the list for the courses and 2 potential new members. There are two courses planned in April and May. Cost to remain at £25 for 4 lessons - to be paid before the course starts. Mark will have application forms printed in readiness for the Easter Weekend. 7. Competitions. It was proposed that the club should continue in its participation with the Frostbite and Portsmouth. A Record Status Clout Competition will be held if members wish it. The Record Status shoot will be discussed at the AGM. 8. Constitution changes. Members will be sent the proposed new Constitution in the post along with the AGM Agenda. 9. Website. A new form of Website (.Net) would enable members to have their own section for adding contributions after logging in with a password. It would also enable updates to be more automatic and therefore less work for Mark. It is likely that it would attract Corporate Sponsorship in return for advertisements. Google would show the importance of the site to prospective firms by logging the number of hits. The hosting cost would be approx £80 for 2 years. 10. Replacement Club House & Funding. Mark has researched plans for a new hut. The Park is currently reviewing the plans with the National Trust. Our current agreement with the park allows us to replace the hut but we are also asking for an extension and this is why approval is needed. The figure of approx £10.000 needs to be raised for the hut and a “sit-on” mower. Mark has been in discussion with a company who will build transport and erect the hut on our behalf. Suggested ways to raise the money are:Corporate sponsorship, Lottery Grant, Monthly draw, Donations. Alternatively, we can continue to patch up the present hut.
11. AOB. It is proposed to deny the use of our Loo to visiting clubs, thereby needing a proper loo break within the shoot time. The Park are to be asked if it is possible to have a key to the gate leading through the gardens to the toilet block by the volunteers car park. A rota of helpers is needed to ensure the proper maintenance of the club loo. Club members are asked to play their part in the smooth running of the club by undertaking key tasks. Jean was thanked for her hospitality. The meeting closed at 10.10pm. ARA 31.01.08