Vertical Dispersion Process of Oil Spills Hanifeh Imanian*, Morteza Kolahdoozan, Amir Reza Zarrati Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran, Iran E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract—Oil spills in marine waters undergoes different processes including advection, surface spreading, evaporation, emulsion, dissolution, bio-degradation, photo-oxidation, hydrolysis and natural dispersion in the water column. Due to environmental effect on marine ecosystem and determining spilled oil lifetime, vertical dispersion has a great importance. Despite, the complexity of the process not much attention has been paid to this phenomenon till now. In the present article, analyses of experimental data cited in the literature have been carried out and variations of oil concentration distribution in water bodies have been investigated. According to the above analysis it can be concluded that oil concentration distributions follow a nearly parabolic curve both in time and space.
addition, water emulate in oil, oil dispersed in the sea depth and heavier elements settle on the sea bed. Besides, photochemical and biological changes happen slowly. Consequently, the oil penetrates into coastal, estuaries and living areas and causes a lot of damages [4]. For the management of sea area, prevention of the pollutants penetration, control of its spreading and removal of oil pollutants, it is required to identify the transport and fate processes of oil. Dissemination of oil spill in water body is carried out by physical, chemical and biological processes which depend on the oil and sea properties. These processes can be classified into three branches: (1) transport, (2) fate, and (3) shoreline or ice interaction (Fig. 1) [5].
Keywords- pollution; oil spill; vertical dispersion; oil concentration distribution; environment
A great deal of fossil fuels is acquired from the reservoirs in the sea, transferred through waterways and may be exposed to the environment [1]. Oil dispersion in water bodies is too harmful and causes long lasting serious damages to the environment. One liter of oil can pollute up to 10’000 liter of water [2]. Owing to such a danger, attentions have been focused on the destructive effects of dispersing oil and scientific investigation in this field has a great importance. One of marine environments which are at high risk is Persian Gulf. Two important events of oil pollutants happened in this area only at the end of 20th century. About 1.45 million barrels of oil spilled in Kuwait coasts in 1991 and 600 thousand barrels spilled in Iranian coastal zones due to the explosion of Nowrouz oil fields in 1983 [3]. Oil dispersion in marine environments can be studied in two parts: (1) oil dispersion on sea surface which occurs due to the accidents of oil transferring ships or crashing of oil storage tankers, and (2) oil dispersion from the sea bed rising to the surface that can be due to cracks in oil transferring pipes on the sea bed, explosions of subsurface oil extraction wells, or sinking of oil tankers at sea bottom. In the event of spilling oil on water surface, the oil will be distributed on the sea surface and spreads on the water as a thin layer. Sea currents and wind are the main causes of moving this layer and unbalance between gravity forces, viscosity, surface tension and oil- water interfacial tensions affect on the movement direction. Light components of oil evaporate and soluble parts solve in water, therefore the layer becomes thinner. In
Natural dispersion of oil is surface oil breakage, its conversion to sub-surface oil droplets, and transferring and dispersing these droplets at the water column [6, 7]. Oil droplets size distribution, stability of dispersed oil in water column and re-entrainment to the surface should be considered in dispersion process. Dispersion moves oil from water surface. Natural dispersion is just mixing oil droplets with water and entering into the sea body. Hence, the oil droplets properties are not different from the spilled oil. Dispersed oil drops in water column will mostly expose to fate processes and their chemical properties will be changed over the time. Oil Spill Processes
Shoreline interaction Ice interaction
Advection Spreading
Evaporation Emulsion Dissolution Natural dispersion Bio-degradation Photo-oxidation Hyrolysis
Sedimentation Re-entrainment
Figure 1.
Physical, chemical and biological oil spill processes
In addition to the sea conditions, natural dispersion rate depends on the oil characteristics including: density, surface tension and viscosity. Dispersion usually increases dissolution and bio-degradation and decreases evaporation. Wave breakage through shear velocity has an important role in its spread in turbulent currents. Spilled oil dispersion, scattering and drowning of surface oil slick and splitting in droplets depends on the flow turbulence structure. Turbulence has a great role in vertical mixing of oil drops in water column [6, 8, 9]. The spilled oil in marine environments is exposed to the natural dispersion in water column by waves. On the other hand most of contamination removal methods just eliminate the surface oil or displace it from sea surface to water column and/ or sea bed. Hence, calculating the dispersed oil is required for estimating spilled oil lifetime [10] not only on the surface, but also in water body. Dispersing an oil spill can reduce the environmental impact if the water volume is large enough for effective dilution. In most cases, rapidly oil dispersing into the water column at open sea will be cheaper than mechanical shoreline clean-up from an economic standpoint [9]. Therefore, one of the important issues in the field of oil slick transport is to estimate the amount of oil which enters into the water body due to the dispersion processes. III.
dispersion rate is as a function of energy dissipation due to wave breakage at water surface, oil type and fraction of sea surface covered with oil. Also, entrainment rate of oil droplets per unit area equals to multiplication of oil droplet size, energy dissipation rate per unit surface, fraction of sea surface covered by oil and a coefficient depending on the oil type [12]. The achieved dispersion rate is for each event of wave breakage. For obtaining general entrainment rate, it should be multiplied to a fraction of sea surface which is subjected to wave action. Moreover, it is recommended to integrate the answer on the smallest size of oil drops up to the largest one. Since components of the last relationship can be easily calculated, this method is widely used in research and commercial models. From comparing and analyzing empirical relationships for oil dispersion rate into water column, especially Delvigne and Sweeney (1988) or Mackey et al. (1980) formulas, it can be concluded that most of relationships have only considered the surface dispersion rate. In other word, one just can estimate how much oil is reduced from the surface slick and is entered into water column. Until now no relationship can predict oil concentration in water column as a function of space and time. IV.
To obtain the variation of oil concentration in the water column over the time, a number of experiments have been carried out and reported in the literature. Page et al. (2000) performed an experiment to study efficiency of dispersants in surf zone. Some other tests were designed by Li et al. (2008, 2009) for evaluating effect of chemical dispersants in a wavy channel [8, 9, 13]. Data obtained through experiments can relate oil concentration in water column (c) to time (t), water depth (h) and distance from the spilling location (d). According to Page et al. (2000), measurements were collected at two points (just below water surface near beach and depth 30 cm far away from beach) in four time section (midday, 1, 4 and 10 days after spilling). From experimental results it can be concluded that at both sections, oil concentration decreases over the time (Fig. 2). According to Li et al. (2008), measurements were collected at 10 points (at distances of 1.5 and 4 m from spilling location, in depths of 5, 20, 40, 60 and 110 cm from water surface) at 10, 30 and 60 minutes after oil spilling.
A number of studies have been performed for modeling oil spill and its components in the past few years. First researchers studied the relationship between dispersion and turbulent energy in 1950s [11]. They found that oil viscosity and oil- water interfacial tension are the most important parameters in this process. Later, they attributed dispersion to the turbulent energy domain. A great number of oil spill models calculate dispersion by simple relations which obtained originally based on experimental measurements. In these types of relationships the oil type, sea condition, wind speed and time are the important parameters in the dispersion process. One of the empirical relationships which is used by many researchers in their numerical model over a long period of time is introduced by Mackey et al. (1980). According to their hypothesis, the oil slick divided into thin and thick parts. The dispersion rate was suggested as a multiplication of sea surface (which is exposed to dispersion) into oil droplets volume (which their size are small enough to be dispersed in water column) [10]. Afterward, Delvigne and Sweeney (1988) conducted some laboratory experiments for relating oil dispersion rate, dispersed oil droplet size and penetration depth of oil droplets in the water column. They recognized dissipation of turbulent energy due to wave breakage as the most important parameter in the oil dispersion. The obtained relationship introduces dispersion rate at the unit surface for each group of oil droplet size. In his relationship the 2
oil concentration (mg/l)
Probably, during maximum oil dispersion time, oil slick moves on water surface and reaches above water column of that section. In small scale test of Li et al. (2008), from Fig. 3 it can be concluded that maximum oil dispersion time is more than the time of the experiment, i.e. 60 minutes. This is since at all points, oil concentration increased with time. On the other hand, in large scale experiment of Page et al. (2000), from Fig. 2 it can be seen that maximum oil dispersion time is less than time of this experiment, i.e. 12 hours, and as a result oil concentration decreased with time. This finding is confirmed with Li et al. (2009) oil concentration data at a point in a depth of 75 cm from water surface and 10 m from the spilling position. Fig. 4 shows that concentration has first increased with time; and then had a decreasing trend. It means that at each point, immediately after spilling time, oil concentration increases until the maximum oil dispersion rate is achieved and then concentration decreases. Besides, oil concentration increases at any point away from spilling location, for both breaking wave type, at all times and depths in small scale test of Li et al. (2008). The distribution curve of oil concentration can be considered as parabolic, ascending first and then descending. These hypothetical parabolic curves of oil concentration distribution could be seen in Fig. 5.
25 20 15
d=13m d=21m
10 5 0 0
100 time (hr) 200
Figure 2. Experimental results of Page et al. (2000) at different sections
h=60cm h=110cm
0 0
oil concentration (mg/l)
oil concentration (mg/l)
time40 (min)
h=20cm h=40cm h=60cm
2 0
8 6
t=10min t=30min t=60min
4 2 0
0 20
time40 (min)
d (m)
10 8 6
t=10min t=30min t=60min
4 2 0 0
oil concentration (mg/l)
2 1.5
0 20 40 60 time (min) Figure 4. Experimental results of Li et al. (2009) in depth of 75 cm 10
oil concentration (mg/l)
oil concentration (mg/l)
Tests were performed for both spilling and plunging breaking wave. Fig. 3 shows that oil concentration increases for two wave breaking types with time, for different sections and depths. Since experimental results of oil concentration changes do not confirm each other, it is necessary to analyze the results to achieve a general trend for oil concentration distribution. Looking into these tests setups, the first test can be classified as “large scale” and the second one as “small scale”. In small scale test of Li et al. (2008), oil concentration increased with time, while in large scale model of Page et al. (2000), it decreased. From available data of Page et al. (2000) and Li et al. (2008) experiments, it can be seen that oil concentration increases till a certain time and then decreases. This is due to oil transport by wave action to some distances from its source. Later, combination of flow and wave cause dissipation of oil in that location and oil concentration decreases. It seems that the time at which oil concentration is maximum (maximum oil dispersion time) is a function of oil advection in water body as well as oil slick motion on water surface.
d (m)
Figure 5. Experimental results of Li et al. (2008) at total water depth at different times and hypothetical curves A) Spilling B) Plunging breaking wave
Figure 3. Experimental results of Li et al. (2008) at 1.5 m from spilling location at different water depths A) Spilling B) Plunging breaking wave
oil concentration (mg/l)
This finding is approved with data of Li et al. (2009), in which oil concentration at 6 points in distances of 2, 6 and 10 m from the spilling location at depths of 75 and 140 cm has been reported. It can be concluded from Fig. 6 that the curve of concentration distribution is also parabolic. In other words, oil concentration has been increased initially and then decreased. Moreover, the considered parabolic curve is confirmed with measurements of oil concentration in water depth as a function of distance from spilling location according to Li et al. (2009) experiments (Fig. 7). It should also be noted that considering velocity of flow and oil dispersion in water, selected sampling locations and time sections in oil spill tests should be accurately selected. Experiments should be designed so that the sampling period covers both ascending and descending parts of concentration curves.
oil concentration (mg/l)
1 0.5 0 5
d (m)
Figure 7. Experimental results of Li et al. (2009) at total water depth and hypothetical curve
[3] [4]
[6] [7]
[11] [12]
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 d (m)
2 1.5
In this article, vertical dispersion phenomenon and its position among oil spill process is described. Some applicable empirical relations for calculating oil dispersion in water column were reviewed. In numerical models, oil dispersion rate has been calculated by experimental relationships and less attention is paid to oil concentration distribution in water column as a function of space and time. Therefore, in future models, it is required to focus on oil distribution trend in water column. Oil dispersion experiments have been studied and laboratory results were analyzed. After comparing results of different tests and observing their non-conformity, a hypothesis was presented for describing the trend of oil concentration changes in water column. Based on this hypothesis, oil concentration distribution is a parabolic curve in place and time. It means at any point in water body, after the spilling, oil concentration increases until a maximum dispersion time and after it, concentration will decrease. Also away from spilling location, oil concentration first increased and then decreased. These hypotheses have been confirmed by other test results.
3 2.5
Figure 6. Experimental results of Li et al. (2009) at depth of 140 cm and hypothetical curve
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CICC 2011 Contents Vertical Dispersion Process of Oil Spills Hanifeh Imanian,Morteza Kolahdoozan,Amir Reza Zarrati
A Reformulated Simplified iBM Algorithm and Architecture for BCH Decoder Albert Rizaldi,Kevin Jonathan,Taufiq H. Tawab,Trio Adiono 012 Construct the Secure Shell Transport Model and Analyze Its Security Performance Xiaoqiao Huang,Hongbin Guo 022 Research and Design Based on Distributed Firewall Log Server Lu Chang,Xu Guangming 042 Research and Implementation of File Encryption and Decryption Lu Chang,Xu GuangMing 043 Performance and Application of Computer Technology in Interior Design Chunmi Zhang,Jiaying Hu 047 Embedded System Design for Speed Measurement and Timing of Vehicles Cao Yong,Zhang Yu,Shao Si jie,Xiong Wei 052 Quality Evaluation Model Study of B2C E-Commerce Website Zhiping Hou 053 Enterprise Mergers and Acquisitions in the Light of the Value Chain Optimization Congzhi Di 058 Recovering Stroke Order from Multi-Stroke Character Images Hiroyuki Fujioka,Takayuki Nagoya 059 Research on Fire Distance Education and Training System Based on Multi-Agent Wang Wei 060 Programming Options for an Optical FPGA with Clockwise Dynamic Reconfigurability Fumihiro Matsusaki,Fuminori Kobayashi,Akio Nagino,Minoru Watanabe 067 NoC Router Power Macro-modeling at High Level Fang Zhou,Ning Wu and Ying Zhang,Xin Ge 069 Research on Customer Relationship Management Based on Web Mining Wei Jianping 070 Improved delay-dependent stability criteria for systems with interval delay Dongsheng Xu,Junkang Tian 072
Numerical Simulation Investigation on Flow Field of Axial Blood Pump Lu Zhang,Yuemei Jia,Wei Zhang,Yuxuan Wang,Qiuxia Zhao 073 Design and implementation for the node of wireless sensor network based on ZigBee protocol Dai Chen,Shihui Jin,Yong Zhou,Runtong Geng 074 The improved location algorithm of APIT based on midline segmentation for wireless sensor network Fanrong Meng,Xiaocui Li,Yong Zhou 075 Research on Computer simulation of Mining Subsidence Mechanism with FLAC Ji Hong,Yu Xueyi 076 Intelligent Optimal Control In Aluminum Electrolytic Chengliang Wang,Juanjuan Chen,Lianwei Wang 078 A New Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on NSCT and SVD Xiong Shunqing,Zhao Yong,Zhou Weihong 081 Optimization of Harris Corner Detection Algorithm Xiong Shunqing,Xia Wei,Zhou Weihong 081(163) Mathematical model study of porous media with multi-branched wells Xiaoqing Wu,Xiao Guo,Yi Zhang,Lijuan Wang 082 The study on mathematical model for double porosity medium with well of curves Rao Xiaotong,Xiaoqing Wu,Xiangjun Liu,Fang Yang 082(284) Research on Individual Tourism Service System Based on Web mining LIU Xiuhua 084 A Static-error-less Phase Detector For Delay Locked Loops Gang Luo,Xianjun Zeng 088 The Segmentation of Dermoscopy Images by K-Means Thresholding Sookpotharom Supot 090 An Object-Oriented Software-as-a-Service Jyhjong Lin 091
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Discussion on Computer Network Base Course Reform Yin Tang 102 Development and application of Chinese hamster information management system Kou Bing,Liu Tianfu,Song Guohua,Chen Zhaoyang 103 Face recognition Technology Based on Eigenface Yan Xinzhong,Cui Jinjin 104 Management System Design Based on Mobile Terminal for Fire Supervision and Inspection Zhang Hui 105 Analysis and Design of Third-Party Logistics Information System Jiang Ying,Zhou Li-jun 110 Research on Enterprise Competitiveness Based on E-commerce Qin Dian-jun,Zhou Li-jun 111 Research on the Existing Problems and Solutions on China’s E-commerce Logistics Distribution Zhou Li-jun,Li Hua 112 Research on customer perspective-oriented Web integrated service ontology modeling method Donglin CHEN,Qiuyun LV 119 The Evaluation and Empirical Research on Government Website Station Based on Information Architecture Huizhi Wang,Qiong Yin 122 Using Information Theory to Study the Efficiency and Capacity of Computers and Computer Networks Boris Ryabko 126 Emphasis on open laboratory work to improve the innovation ability of students Cuixia Zhang,Yunzhong Shen,Yonghong Zhang,Huidong Xu 127 Analysis of a Ka-Band Phase-Shifter Using Distributed MEMS Transmission Line Structure Zhen Kelong,Lv Shanwei,Zhang Yan 128 Accelerating 3D Ocean Model Development by using GPU Computing Bingrui Chen,Jianrong Zhu,Lu Li 130 Study on A Multi-objective Decision Model Based on Fuzzy Logic and Applying in Environment Evaluation of Highway ZHU Jiaxiang,TAN Qingmei 132 BGA Device Detection System Based on frame integral Reducing Noise method Zhang Wen,Zhang Xin Long 133
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Search-Location Mechanism Based on Redundant Super-nodes Jianying Chen 282 Modified D-S evidential theory in hydraulic system fault diagnosis DONG Zengshou,ZHANG Xujing 285 The Improvement of Fastness for a Kind of Uncertain Networked Systems Based on the Stripping Principle and Optimal Control Wei Wang 286 Interface Implementation of Manufacturing Industry Agile Supply Chain Nodes Based on Service Agent WANG Ji-peng,XIONG Jing,WANG Tian-lin 287 Music Emotion Retrieval Based on Acoustic Features James Jie DENG,C. H. C. LEUNG 291 A Survey Study on Consumer Perception of Mobile-Commerce Applications Zhi-shuang CHEN,Rui LI,Xi CHEN,Hao XU 294 Improving Test Pattern Generation with Implication Learning Liu Xin 295 Design of Digital Systems Experiment Platform Based TCP Yu Chen,Hong Li 296 The Design of a Portable Intelligent Nose Ji Wang,Hong Li,Hualin Zhu 297 An Outlier Mining Algorithm Based on Attribute Entropy Ming-jian Zhou,Jun-cai Tao 298 A Remote Mutual Situation-aware Model by Detecting Entrance and Exit Behaviors in Smart Home Mengqiao Zhang,Junbo Wang,Zixue Cheng,Lei Jing,Yongping Chen,Kaoru Yamagishi,Song Guo,Anh T. Pham 299 Extraction of Oil-Spilled Information at Sea Based on the Satellite Image Yu-hui Fu,Long-hui Gang 300 A Real-time Face Recognition System based on BDPCA plus BDDLDA Jing Li,Zehong Yang,Yixu Song,Quan Yang,Fangwen Zhai 302 Comparison of Calculation Methods of Motion Response of Deepwater Semi-submersible Platform Li Chenfeng,Ren Huilong,Wang Sheng,Fu Dianfu,Ma Junyuan 303 A SOAP-Based Communication Protocol for Networking and Control in Home Network
LU Yiqin,ZENG Yanhui,DENG Lianyong
An Implementation of Embedded Geographic Information System Based on Cloud Computing LU Yiqin,YU Kanghua,LIU Yuan 304(308) Research on Landscape Pattern Change of Land Use in Lianyungang Coastal Zone Based on Remote Sensing GUO Yan-you,XIE Hong-quan 305 Multi-level Semantic Characterisation and Refinement for Web Image Search Yuanxi Li,C.H.C. Leung 306 Design and Implementation of Digital Control of Photovoltaic Power Inverter Huanqi Tao,Suyi Liu 307 Comparative Study of Several Intelligent Algorithms for Knapsack Problem Jing Zhang 309 The Design of the Module Exchange Measuring Head Based on 112-System QIAO Hai-ye,DENG Chao 310 Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Heavy Machinery Based on HLA MENG Xiao-jun ,WANG Guo-fa, WANG Jin-hua ,AN Li-qian 316 Application of MATLAB Software for Linear Algebra Jin Lihong,Bi Chongrong 1005 Strong Threshold for the Coverage of the Unit Square Bhupendra Gupta 1007 Resources Allocation in Virtualized Systems Based on Try-before-buy Approach Ritia Yu,Congfeng Jiang,Xianghua Xu,Hui Cheng,Jian Wan 1009 Geometric Rectification Using Feature Points Supplied by Straight-lines Tengfei Long,Weili Jiao,Wei Wang 1010 Research on Image Retrieval Based on Scalable Color Descriptor of MPEG-7 Wen Yong-ge,Peng Sheng-ze 1011 Improved Retinex Image Enhancement Algorithm Ling Tang,Shunling Chen,Weijun Liu,Yonghong Li
A Improved Method of Discretization of Continuous Attributes Shunling Chen,Weijun Liu,Ling Tang,Yonghong Li 1015 An empirical analysis on the relationship between IPO waves and market timing on the basis of product market competition in China
Zhiqiang Hu,Lina Han,Xiaolin Guo
Research on SLM Algorithm for PAPR reduction in MB-OFDM UWB Systems Wenwu Meng,Zuoming Feng,Li Yu,Qi Song 1018 The Error Performance and Fairness of CUWB Correlated Channels Wenwu Meng,Zuoming Feng,Li Yu,Gan Liu 1018(1019) An Opto-electronic Measuring Method for the Height of Burst Point of the Bouncing Projectile Tian Hui,NI Jin-ping 1020 Change Detection Using Change Vector Analysis from Landsat TM Images in Wuhan SONG Xiaolu,CHENG Bo 1021 Analysis of climatic change from energy perspective Zhe Yin,Yun-fei Guo,Mao-sheng Lai 1028 A Bandpass Sampling Design in Multi-channel Radio Receiver Weijun li,Zhenyu Liu 1033 A method of SVM with Normalization in Intrusion Detection Weijun li,Zhenyu Liu 1033(1034) Confident Recovery for Lost Motion Vectors in Video Transmission Weijun li,Jing Xu 1033(1035) A Self-adapting Dynamic localization Algorithm for Mobile Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks Jun Wang,Tao Han 1040 Distribution Network Reconfiguration Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm Liu Jidong,Wang Xihuai,Xiao Jianmei 1046 High-dynamic Bridge Amplifiers with Generator for Piezoelectric Actuator Changhai Ru,Zhenhua Wang 1049 Analysis and Optimal Design about a kind of Bearing Beam with Sleeve Joint Structure Jiazhi He,Yibao Chen 1050 The (2,1) -Total Labeling of Double Graph of Some Graphs Qiaoling Ma,Jihui Wang 1058 Space-Aware Data Integration for Ocean Observing Systems Longzhuang Li,Anil kumar Nalluri,Lirong Ai 1060 A Web-based Software Framework for Aircraft Design Modeling,Analysis and Multidisciplinary Optimization Feng Haocheng,Luo Mingqiang,Liu Hu,Wu Zhe 1061
Numerical Simulation of Three-dimensional Flow Field of a Vertical-type Liquid-continuous Impinging Stream Reactor (VLISR) Xia YANG,Tao ZHANG,Jia GUO,Yu-xin ZHOU,Yuan WU 1065 Geomatrix model as new tool for improving oil spill surveillance Michele Cocco,Sara Colantonio,Mario D’Acunto,Massimo Martinelli,Davide Moroni,Gabriele Pieri,Ovidio Salvetti,Marco Tampucci 1068 An Improvement Apriori Arithmetic based on Rough set Theory Chen Chu-xiang,Shen Jian-jing,Chen Bing,Shang Chang-xing,Wang Yun-cheng
Walking Goal Line Detection Based on Machine Vision on Harvesting Robot Gang Wu,Yu Tan,Yongjun Zheng,Shumao Wang 1076 A New Low Leakage Power Flip-Flop Based on Ratioed Latches with Power Gating Xiaoying Yu,Jianping Hu 1077 An Improved Implementation of Debit-interleaving Zeng Wenwen,Li Jingzhen 1085 Automatic Left Ventricle Segmentation with K-means Clustering and Graph Searching on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Image Hyun-Wu Jo,Hae-Yeoun Lee 1086 Design and Implementation of an Optimum Multi-Path Inquiry System with Graphic Show on City Rail Transit Houqin SU,Wenli CHENG 1087 An Application Study in WEB Development Combining J2EE with AJAX Houqin SU,Zhiqiang ZHAO 1087(1088) Dielectric Parameters and Wave Propagation Characteristics in Multilayer Media Qianzhao Lei 1091 Performance Evaluation of A Infiniband-based Lustre Parallel File System Yuan Wang,Yongquan Lu,Chu Qiu,Pengdong Gao,Jintao Wang 1098 The Intersections between Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering and Their Development Trends Xinjian Qiang,Guojian Cheng,Hong Xiao 1103 Analysis and Comparison on Wind Load of Long Span Girder Bridges with High Pier Ye Zheng-wei,Xiang Yi-qiang,Ye Zheng-wei 1105 Empirical Research on Influence of Mission Statements on the Performance of Nonprofit Organization WANG Yazhou,LIN Jian 1106
A Hadoop-based Efficient Economic Cloud Storage System Lin Weiwei,Liu Bo 1108 Improvement of Anti-interference ability in indoor location system LI Peng,WANG Mei,Xian-kui DENG 1115 Data Management Trust System in Pervasive Environments Hu Zhao,Sangen Wang 1119 Selected Insurance Issues in Relation to Piracy Tumaini Shabani Gurumo,Wang Xin 1120 Adiabatic Two-Phase CPAL Flip-Flops Operating on Near-Threshold and Super-Threshold Regions Zheming Xin,Jianping Hu,Qi Chen 1131 A Genetic Algorithm Based on Combination Operators Xunbo Shuai,Xiangguang Zhou 1135 Design of Power Parameters Monitoring System for Shipyard Jiawen Hu,Sheng Chen,Yulian Zhang 1136 The remanufacturing reverse logistics management based on Closed-loop supply chain management processes XIA Wen-hui,JIA Dian-yan,HE Yu-ying 1142 The Pollution state in 31 Provinces and Regions in China Yang JiQing,Yang Shuo 1145 The Theoretical Predicament of China’s National Image Promotion: an Analysis of Sino-U.S. Relations Liu Hu 1146 Performance Evaluation of Airport Construction Energy-saving based on DEA:Network Design and Performance Analysis Guo Xiao-yan 1147 Research on Impact of Ground Control Point Distribution on Image Geometric Rectification Based on Voronoi Diagram YANG Guang,JIAO Weili 1147a A Method of Fast Module Location Test Based on Requirements Changes Guo Xuepin,Chen Huandong,Wu Shulei,Zhong Sheng,Zhan Jinmei 1148 Sales Forecasting System for Chinese Tobacco Wholesalers Dianjun Fang,Weibing Weng 1151 The Research and Design of An Interpolation Filter Used in an Audio DAC Chang-Zheng Dong,Tie-Jun Lu,Zong-Min Wang,Liang Zhou 1152
Transportation risk assessment of chemical industry supply chain based on a dual model Li-ping Liu,Ti-jun Fan,Shu-xia Li,Xiang-yun Chang 1153 Research on Otsu and Application in MMW Imaging Manipulation Zhao Zhiqiang,Su Pingang,Sang Li 1155 Practical Image Contrast Enhancement Quality Index Wen-Ta Hsieh,Lei Wang 1156 Frequency spectrum analysis of 252Cf source neutron pulse signal based on FPGA Wei Biao,Fang Kun,Feng Peng,Liu Siyuan,Jin Jing,Mi Deling 1159 AI in Geology Teaching Application Sanhua Liu,Yun Liu 1167 Present Research Situation and Trend of Temperature Measurement and Control Technology for Dry-type Transformers Feng Jian-qin,Kang Guo-ping,Chen Zhi-wu,Zheng An-ping,Wei Yun-bing,Cui Guang-zhao 1170 Consumer Perceptions of E-Service Convenience: An Exploratory Study Ling Jiang,Nan Jiang,Shixiong Liu 1171 Vision Based Aircraft Detection using Dynamic Programming and CAMSHIFT Jeongho Kim,Daewoo Lee 1172 Intent-driven Analysis of CQA Information Soungwoong Yoon,Katsumi Tanaka 1175 Determination of Quartz Crystal Resonant Frequency by a Novel Multi-Sinusoidal-Signals Approach Kui Han,Yong J. Yuan 1177 The Parameter Optimization of Gaussian Function via the Similarity Comparison within Class and between Class Hong Peng,Linkai Luo,Chengde Lin 1183 Method of real-time assessing of life of HP heater tube-plate in Power Plants WAN Jianfeng,MENG Fanmao,LIU Junli,BI Wenyan 1184 IR-UWB Indoor-positioning Receiving System Pulse Rising-edge Detection and Pulse-broadening Circuit Research Gong Le,Wang Mei,Li Ang,Wu Zheng 1185 A Generation Method of a ZCZ Set of Real-Valued Periodic Orthogonal Sequences from Huffman Sequences Takahiro Matsumoto,Shinya Matsufuji,Tetsuya Kojima,Udaya Parampalli 1193
By-example Synthesis of Compactly Stored Textures Kun Zou,Xiang Xu,Rong Li,Yueqiao Li,Zan Li 1194 The Study of Second-degree Professional " Police Information System Application" Based on Course Teaching and Reform Wu Shaobing,Cui Ying,Zhao Qingshan,Jia Xueming 1198 Exact Solutions of Homogeneous Partial Differential Equation by A New Adomian Decomposition Method Bingquan Zhang,Jun Lu 1199 Research of Oracle Bone Inscriptions Ontology Construction Based on Relational Database Xiong Jing,Liu Yong-ge,Gao Feng,Wang Ji-peng 1201 Development of UAV System using Velocity Vector and Vision-based Reconnaissance Dong-in Han,Jong-hun Kim,Chan-oh Min,Jeong-ho Kim,Dae-woo Lee 1203 A Study of Automatic Parallel Parking System- from the viewpoints of user and manufacturer Ruixiang Ruan,Ruicheng Yan,Zhixuan Chen 1204 A Trust Model Based on Cloud Model and Bayesian Networks Bo Jin,Yong Wang,Zhenyan Liu,Jingfeng Xue 1205 The universal report system in the power system with similar to the EXCEL Li Yong-bin 1207 A Billiards Track and Score Recording System by RFID Trigger Jenn Tang,Chao-Yu Chen 1208 Study on Science and Technology Input-output Efficiency of Chinese Large and Medium- sized Industrial Enterprise Based on DEA Zhou Ning,Qiu Jingwen,Zhang Xiaowei 1209 Vehicle Interior Sound Quality Prediction Based on Back Propagation Neural Network Gang-Ping Tan,Deng-Feng Wang,Qian Li 1210 A Secure Server Switching Architecture for DNS Service Li Bo Wen,Wang Lei 1211 Numerical Simulation on Flow Fields of the Blockerless Thrust Reverser Yun-Hao Zhang,Eriqitai,Xiao-Xing Li 1212 A FAST AND SCALABLE SERVICE DISCOVERY PROTOCOL FOR CPS-BASED WARSHIPS Jeman Park,Wooyeob Lee,Sungmoon Chung,Inwhee Joe,Won-Tae Kim,Seung-Min Park,Jae-Hyuk Kim 1213 Image Magnification Based on PDE Involving Directional Diffusion and Gaussian Heat Diffusion and Gray Fidelity Item
Changxiong Zhou,Wenlin Tao
Queuing theory based service performance evaluation under H2H and M2M blending traffic arriving Xue-fen Chi,Jia-sheng Zhang,Li-jun Ma 1217 Bottom Topography Measurement using RTK-GPS and High Precision Echo Sounder Kazuhiro Yamamoto,Hashentuya,Yoji Otani,Masaji Watanabe 1218 Surface plasmon resonance detection of Saxitoxin: An alternative to in-situ monitoring red-tide toxins Ji Li,Yong J. Yuan 1219 Assessment about the Fluence on Ecological Environment by Typical Regional Development around Bohai sea area Ma Fang,Hu Rijun,Wen Guoyi,Du Ming 1220 Flow field Numerical simulation of the ECM machining gap on square holes based on COMSOL Qingming Fan,Geng LIU,Zhijian FAN,Yaqi HU 1221 Vision Based Estimation of the Position of the Target for Target Following Guidance/Control of the UAV Jong-hun Kim,Jae-won Jeong,Dong-in Han,Jeong-ho Kim,Dae-woo Lee 1222 A Efficient Indexing Maintenance Method for Grouping Moving Objects with Grid LIANG Ye 1223 RF Power Analysis for Mobile Sensor Nodes in Indoor Environments Yong Kuk Park,Kyung Kwon Jung,Min Goo Lee,Jun Jae Yoo 1224 Throughput Model of IEEE 802.11 DCF Considering Multi-Rate Fan WU,Bihua TANG,Yuan’an LIU,Lijia ZHANG 1225 Multi-Platform Mobile Thin Client Architecture in Cloud Environment Wei Tang,Jun-hyung Lee,Biao Song,Md. Motaharul Islam,Sangho Na,Eui-Nam Huh
Built-In-Self-Test Methodology for Hardwares of Dynamically Reconfigurable Computer Qizhong Zhou,Yongle Xie,Xiaojun Fu,Su Chen 1227 An Improved Construction method of QC-LDPC Codes Based on the PEG Algorithm Liqun Huang,Yuliang Wang,Ping Gong 1228 On Deficiency of Super Edge Magic Labelings for Complete Bipartite Graphs Chih-Hsiuan Liu,Tao-Ming Wang,Ming-I Char 1229 An efficient hardware implementation for deblocking filter of AVS decoder Huang You-wen 1233 Applying a Mobile Harbor System to Port Surabaya in Indonesia Byung Kwon Park,Jae Joong Kim,Hyung Rim Choi,Ho Joon Lee,Joong Jo Shin,Jae Un Jung
An ECA-based Control-rule formalism for the BPEL Process Modularization Bang Ouyang,Farong Zhong,Huan Liu 1235 Optimization Design of the Conductor Section Selection in the Transmission Line Yanrong Song,Hubiao Zeng 1236 Improved Detection Approach for Distributed Denial of Service Attack Based on SVM Xiang Xu,Ding Wei,Yuelei Zhang 1237 Dynamic Control for Secure Server Switching System Chen Yu-Hong,Wang Lei 1238 A novel channel equalization method for MC-CDMA in HF channels Kan Chun-rong,Chen Dun-peng,Wang Cheng-gui,Zhang Zhe 1239 An Efficient Dynamic Route Optimization Algorithm for Mobile Ad hoc Networks Liang Huang,Fubao Wang,Guoqiang Yan and Weijun Duan 1240 Vertical Product Innovation and Process Innovation in Markets Exhibiting Network Externalities Mingqing Xing 1241 Research on Predictive Method of Cache Hierarchy Reliability Anguo Ma,Yu Cheng,Zuocheng Xing 1242 Research on Logistics Enterprises Electronic Commerce Risk and its Assessment Model Wang Xiaoguang,Wang Liangyusheng,Ju Yanbing,Guo Hubin 1243 1244 Study on Damage of Cylinder Ocean Structure under Underwater Touched Blast Zhao Cunsheng,Zhu Shijian,Wang Lu 1246 Analysis of Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Electromagnetism Exciter Flexible Suspension Zhao Cunsheng,Zhu Shijian,Wang Lu,Yan Zhengtao 1246(1247) On building a regional telemedical network Wielkopolska Center of Telemedicine platform Michal Kosiedowski,Cezary Mazurek,Maciej Stroinski,Jan Weglarz,Krzysztof Slowinski 1250 Binary ZCZ Codes With a Good Aperiodic Autocorrelation Property Tomohiro Hayashida,Shinya Matsufuji,Takahiro Matsumoto,Pingzhi Fan On Spreading Sequences for ASK/SS Systems Ainiwan Abudoukeremu,Shinya Matsufuji,Takahiro Matsumoto
Application of Speech Recognition for Mobile E-commerce Security Yang Wujian,Wu Yangkai,Chen Guanlin 1254
Research on Federated Kalman Filter for Integrated Navigation System Tianlai Xu,Minqiang Xu 1256 The Development and Flight Test of Auto-landing System Using X-Plane Simulator Young Jun Seo,Chan Oh Min,Dae Woo Lee 1257 An Interactive Information System for Elementary Autism Students Huay Chang 1258 Analysis on Research Framework of Corporate E-learning Yonghai Zhu,Shuyu Zhang,zhuming Nie,Shugang Chen 1259 Dynamic Modeling Method Based on Support Vector Machine Shuzhou Wang,Bo Meng 1260 Parameter Selection Algorithm for Support Vector Machine Shuzhou Wang,Bo Meng 1260(1261) ApproximateData cube Aggregation via histograms in P2P networks Srikanth Koduru,Katari Bharath,Sanagapalli Rupesh,Shyam Teja Kona
Investigation of Airport Environment Visualization System for General Airplane Design Wu Bo,Liu Hu 1264 The Research On the General Aircraft Flight Simulation Device Yixin Wang,Chenxiao Zhang,Hu Liu,Zhe Wu 1265 Research on the Improved SVM Model for Intrusion Detection of Transportation Information Security Systems Yonghui Shi,Hui Li,Jun Bao,Zhongzhen Yan,Shengping Jiang 1270 The Research on the Measurement of Electrolyte Density Based on RBF Network Shi Wei 1271 Prediction of Fuel Consumption using On Board Diagnostic Data in Vehicle Min Goo Lee,Kyung Kwon Jung,Yong Kuk Park,Jun Jae Yoo 1284 Smart Plug: Wireless Electricity Monitoring System for Smart House Min Goo Lee,Kyung Kwon Jung,Yong Kuk Park,Jun Jae Yoo 1285 A Novel Helper Caching Algorithm for H-P2P Video-on-Demand System Li Xia 1286 The Research of Information Filtering Technology Based on Bayesian Network Zhao Qingshan,Wu Shaobing,Cui Ying,Jia Xueming 1291
Thermal control of communication satellites Kien Fan Cesar Hung Sam,Deng Zhongmin ICEE1588 The Study Of Regional Economic Differences In Poyang Lake Basin HongXiong,ZengJu-Xin,Zhong Ye-Xi CICC Hong Efficient Loop Selections Using an Energy Function Based on Bayesian Theorem SHI Xiaohong 1196
2011 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication and 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Technology and Ocean Engineering (CICC-ITOE 2011) Macao, China, March 5-6, 2011
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