Mojito/caipirinha canes Cactus margarita Conifer Americano/mandarin Blackcurrant and grape matcha with eucalyptus Pomegranate wine Whisky horchata Elderflower bellini Snow-‐fizz Gorgonzola balloon Sweetcorn scarf Mimetic peanuts Black and white sesame biscuit Hibiscus flower Parmesan crystal Strawberry and wasabi biscuit Vanilla chips Whisky flavoured sweetcorn leaf Osaka biscuuit Raspberry encerradito with tarragon Umeboshi cherries Macadamias Mini-‐potato tempura with kimchee Flower and nectar Soursop powder-‐LYO with coffee and capers Frozen rose Electric Carissa Nori cornet with raspberry and soy sauce Matcha tea and finger lime biscuit Raspberry and vinegar biscuit Coconut-‐air Montjoi lentils with Madras curry Soya milk with soya beans Osmanthus water-‐oil with macadamia nut ad umeboshi
Deep-‐fried brains with lemon Ham and ginger canape Truffle surprise with fig chips Prawns in two textures Veal marrow and oyster tartare Tea-‐flavoured baby shrimp with sea anamone and caviar Fried roe with yuzu Scallops with jasmine flowerd and melon Miso soup with sake albondiga Coco/cala with stuffed Padron peppers Mimetic almonds Mimetic pistachios Tomato/blackcurrant with basil Custard apple with eel, coffee and capers Soya tiramisu with dashi tea Yuzu with coconut shavings, black garlic and mastic Game consomme with Armagnac and autumn leaf Roe Persimmon salad with bottarga ravioli and lettuce juice Lettuce/tomato/argan/bottarga/osmanthus Squash, almond, and summer truffle/apple and walnut sandwich Mushroom-‐CRU with hazelnut, spicy redcurrant and brown tuning fork weed Caesar's mushroom cannelloni with its jus Monkfish liver tart with grapes Sea anemones with tea and caviar with velvet horn seaweed jelly Roses/Artichokes Frozen Mandarin and green olive vinaigrette Yuzu, green olives, cockles, and vermouth Parmesan ravioli with coffee and gold nugget Cooked jamon iberico with watercress, seaweed, osmanthus, and potato gnocchi Trout roe risotto with yogurt, yuzu, and ginger Soya Earth Fin Vanishing Ravioli Sea Cucumbers 2009 Hot raspberries with kimchee, cabbage, and avocado Llenega mushrooms with osmanthus Chicory/asparagus with sorrel, ham, and mini-‐egg yolks Sweetcorn risotto and veal marrow with sea urchin Chicken skin and breastbone canape with borage and yuzu Canape of rabbit with its offal and white caviar Kid's kidneys with sherry, ham, and sorrel Consomme gelee of hare with swa urchin Hare's brains in civet
Hare ribs ala royale Hare loin with duck foie gras ravioli and cocoa and red berries Cartilage with Cantonese-‐style mini-‐ravioli Wood pigeon with soursop raviolini Thrush canape with bacon and oyster Tucupi pasion Black Strawberries Santini sweet potato spherical-‐I gnocchi Mentholated pond Passion Fruit marshmallow with praline Yogurt lady fingers Leaves "After Eight" 2009 Picotas Pineapple pastry Shellfish Blackcurrant rose with yogurt Cocoa Raspberry/Hazelnut Wild strawberry-‐CRU/chocolate Chocolate spring Mandarin with praline Citrus Black sesame rocks Soy sauce wafer Pineapple Rocks Lemon Zest with cocoa