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Practice Questions from R.D. Sharma – Mathematics Class IX. Exercise 2.1 Page
G. D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL HOLIDAY HOMEWORK - 2010 Class IX ENGLISH To quote Philip Adams “When people say to me: ‘How do you do so many things?’ I often answer them, without meaning to be cruel: ‘How do you do so little?’” Multitasking is the need of the hour! It is our ability to do so many things at one time that enables us to cope with our responsibilities and pressures. This summer, the English assignment will help you to learn, enjoy and enhance your vision. Make a folder of about 12, A4 size sheets. Include the following in the folder and make an attractive title page, entitled: ‘The Journey of Life’. 1. An essay of about 250 words on how Travel has been of educational value to you (You may relate meeting people, learning customs and traditions, discovering art treasures and natural features, increasing general awareness) 2. A pictorial collage on ‘The India of My Dreams’ (A4 size sheet only). 3. A film review on one Hindi and one English movie that you watched during the holidays. The review should be original: it should include your comments on the story, cast, direction, script, music and special effects. 4. Use 2, A4 size papers and choose any 2 poets and quote from their famous poems. You can refer to Enjoy the assignment as you ‘multitask’ your way through the summer holidays. The talents that you have are sure to shine through. We can use some of the outstanding works in the Goenkan Yearbook.
MATHEMATICS Topics: a) Methods of Calculation from Vedic Mathematics b) History of Mathematics: Research and prepare a project on how the people of following civilizations – Egyptians, Babylonians and Chinese – performed measurements in their early history. Guidelines for the project: Each student will prepare and submit one project from the above mentioned topics. Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation: Pg 1 of 6/ Holiday Homework 2010 – 11/Class IX
a) Total length of the project report will be 10-12 pages (atleast). b) The project will be hand-written and credit will be awarded to original drawings, illustrations and creative use of materials. c) The project will be developed in this sequence: i. Cover page showing project title and student information ii. List of contents iii. Acknowledgement iv. Introduction v. Description vi. Bibliography
Practice Questions from R.D. Sharma – Mathematics Class IX Exercise 2.1
Page 2.12
Q.3. Parts i, ii, iii Exercise 3.2
Page 3.13
ii, iii, iv
ii, iii, iv
Exercise 4.2 Q.I
viii, ix
i, ii
Exercise 5.1
Page 4.11
Page 5.9
Q. 15, 31, 32 Exercise 5.2
Page 5.13
Q. 10, 12, 14 Exercise 5.4
Page 5.22
Q. 6, 10 Exercise 6.5
Page 6.32
Q. 11, 13
Pg 2 of 6/ Holiday Homework 2010 – 11/Class IX
SCIENCE PHYSICS I. Make a power point presentation (on any one) (i) Newton’s laws of motion (ii) Effects of force (iii) Free fall & weightlessness in space (iv) Conservation of momentum II. Do the following (in yellow coloured HW notebook)
Speed (km/hr)
(a)Figure below shows the speed-time graph of a bus
60 40 20 0
Time (hours) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
In which period is the bus accelerating? In which period is the bus decelerating? What is the distance covered during its acceleration? What is the distance covered during its deceleration? What is the average speed of the entire journey?
(b) A car moves 100m due east and then 25 m due west. What is its distance covered and displacement? (c) An object moves through 400m in 2 minutes and next 800m in 3 minutes calculate its average speed. (d) A car moves through 20 km at a speed of 40 km/h and the next 20 km at a speed of 60 km/h. Calculate its average speed. (e) A bicycle increases its velocity from 10km/h to 15 km/h in 6 second. Calculate its acceleration. Pg 3 of 6/ Holiday Homework 2010 – 11/Class IX
(f) The brakes applied to a car produce an acceleration of 6m/s2 in the opposite direction to the motion. If the car takes 2s to stop after the application of brakes, calculate the distance it travels during this time.
Make a power point presentation on any one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Water purification system in a city. Separation of components of air. Evaporation and its applications in daily life. The fourth and the fifth states of matter.
II. Q1.
Define the following terms:
(a) Diffusion (b) Latent heat of fusion (c) Latent heat of vaporization (d) Sublimation. Why does density vary in the three states of matter?
Why is butter kept wrapped in a wet cloth when no refrigerator is available?
Why do you feel uncomfortable when humidity is very high?
Write one main characteristic of solids which make them resemble liquids.
BIOLOGY 1. Prepare a power point presentation of 15 slides on any one of the given topic a) Cell structure and functions b) Pisciculture (types, organisms involved, uses, what is its future) c) Apiculture (types, organisms involved, uses, what is its future) 2. Do questions 1 to 9 given on pages 66 – 67 of NCERT book in homework notebook 3. Answer the following questions in your H.W. notebooks a) Explain the phenomenon which helps fresh water unicellular organisms continuously gain water in their bodies. b) Give at least two examples in plants where similar phenomenon is used to gain water. c) Why does the plant cell, placed in a hypotonic solution, not burst? Pg 4 of 6/ Holiday Homework 2010 – 11/Class IX
What happens when a fully turgid plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution? Name the phenomenon. d) Draw well labelled diagram of an animal cell as shown under an electron microscope. e) Differentiate between exosmosis and endosmosis. f) Explain division of labour in unicellular organisms.
SOCIAL SCIENCE For enhancing the understanding and awareness about various concepts and principles in social sciences, CBSE introduced an alternative mode of learning i.e. Project Work. This helps the students to tap their creative potential, assimilation of facts and synthesize knowledge. The project work makes learning interesting, participatory in nature and above all scoring. The students are expected to do two projects from the given lists. Part I (Any one of the following) 1. Pastoral Economy 2. Clothing: A Social History of Development 3. Women’s Role in History. 4. Conservation of Natural Resources 5. Water Resources 6. Human Rights PART II Disaster Management (Any One of the following): 1. Managing Disasters – The Role of Students 2. Preparedness for a Disaster.
Pg 5 of 6/ Holiday Homework 2010 – 11/Class IX
French Make a project on France: A center of culture and art.
German Make a project on Germany. Cover the following topics: o
Food Cuisine
Pg 6 of 6/ Holiday Homework 2010 – 11/Class IX