2010 Wings over the World Program - Ventana Wildlife Society

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Oct 18, 2008 ... Blissfully soak in the hot tub formed from a large ... This Giant “Trance 4” mountain bike ... This 3'x3' richly colored painting portrays the mood.

Wings Over the World - Condor Release Auction Saturday - October 18, 2008


Ventana Wildlife Society 19045 Portola Dr Ste F1 Salinas CA 93908 831-455-9514 www.ventanaws.org


A Special Thank You… Through Chalone Vineyard's generosity, you are able to enjoy this exclusive wine today! Ventana Wildlife Society has partnered with Chalone Vineyard to create a special Estate Syrah blend to honor the California Condor at the Pinnacles. The future of this partnership with Chalone Vineyard is dependent upon the results of the sale of this wine.

Our mission is to conserve native wildlife and their habitats. Ventana Wildlife Society works in four program areas: Species Recovery, Education and Outreach, Conservation Ecology, and Habitat Restoration. Ventana Wildlife Society began by rehabilitating and releasing wildlife at a remote field site in the Ventana Wilderness: Prairie and Peregrine Falcons in 1982, Bald Eagles in 1986, and the California Condor in 1997. Our vision is to see the wild condor flock grow and prosper so it becomes permanent, self-sustaining, and no longer endangered! The Wings Over the World event was created in 2006 to bring awareness to condor recovery efforts and raise money to support these efforts. Ventana Wildlife Society is the only nonprofit organization releasing California Condors in California. Since 1997, Ventana Wildlife Society released 45 California Condors in Big Sur and another 21 in collaboration with the National Park Service at Pinnacles National Monument. Ventana Wildlife Society’s Wildlife Biologists monitor the wild population and lead eco-tours for youth and the public. In addition to releasing and monitoring condors, Ventana Wildlife Society is working to recover the condor in the wild through research and advocacy.

Chalone Syrah blend is... x x x

a great gift a meaningful addition to anyone’s wine collection another way to support Ventana Wildlife Society Help keep this partnership with Chalone Vineyard alive and strong by purchasing Chalone Syrah blend in honor of the California Condors at the Pinnacles!

Chalone Vineyard is donating $5 per bottle to aid in the survival of the endangered condor To Order,Chalone contact Vineyard 831-678-1717 or w ww.chalonevineyard.com. “order wine” Contact at (831) 678-1717 or www.chalonevineyard.com

2008 Big Sur Fire and its effect

Save the Date… May 2 2 and and 3, 3, 2009 2009 May

Ventana Wildlife Society Open House Come and Come andexperience experienceour our

new Discovery Discovery Center Center

Interactive and educational displays, discovery activities, gift and coffee shops! Located just inside Andrew Molera State Park, Big Sur - Two dates to choose from: Saturday and Sunday, May 2 and 3, 2009 - Lunch will be provided - Fun for the entire family! - More More details details will will be be availab available in early early 2009 2009 le at at www.ventanaws.org, www.ventanaws.org, in

• 9:00 am – 3:00 pm • Learn from biologists on guided nature & bird walks • Visit the bird banding lab • View California Condors

Contact 831-455-9514 831-455-9514 for for more more information information Contact

on the Condor Program

Lightening struck Big Sur on June 21, igniting several wildfires that combined to become the Basin Complex Fires. Seven young condors, awaiting their release to the wild, and an adult mentor, were being held in our remote Big Sur rearing pen. The fire grew so rapidly, the US Coast Guard assisted with an emergency helicopter rescue. After five ATV trips from the facility two and a half miles away, all captive condors were evacuated just before the fire burned through the sanctuary. The Basin Complex Fire has finally burned itself out, but not before leaving a path of destruction behind it and consuming almost 163,000 acres. Unfortunately, two free flying condors, #278 and #377,perished due to the fire. Our last radio signals for these two condors were on June 25th at the condor sanctuary and we presume these two condors perished in the fire that consumed the sanctuary on June 24th and 25th. Condor #278 was a six year old male and #377 was a three year old female. While very sad for the loss of these two condors, we still feel fortunate. If we had not rescued the eight condors held at the sanctuary, the number of condor lives lost would have been much higher. We have finished the clean-up effort and have begun to rebuild our condor pens and continue on to our goal of restoring our capacity to monitor and release condors in Big Sur.

A sincere thank you to everyone who made a gift to the Condor Emergency Fund!

Wings Over the World Event COMMITTEE MEMBERS

Kathryn Hart, Co-chair Janet Shing, Co-chair Virdette Brumm, PhD Stephanie Hall Adriana Hayward Barbara Baldock Jackie Craghead Brandi Katz

Ventana Wildlife Society BERS W i n g s OSvT Ae Fr F tM h eE MW orld Event Kelly Sorenson - Executive Director O M M- Species I T T E E Recovery E M BCoordin E R Sator Joe Burnett Sayre Flannagan - Species Recovery Kathryn Hart, Co-chair Cathy Keeran Executive Assistant Janet Shing, Co-chair Jessica Koning Virdette Brumm, PhD- Species Recovery Stephanie Hall Alena Porte Adriana Hayward Barbara Baldock Education Coordinator Tyner - Species Recovery Jackie Mike Craghead Brandi Katz



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Kathryn Hart, Co-chair Mark Dedon – ChairDirector Kelly Sorenson - Executive Janet Shing, Co-chair Barbara Ba rcy Morgan ldock Coordin Joe Burnett - Species RecoveryMa ator Br phanie Hall umm, PhD Ste Virdette Brumm, Janet Shing Sayre Flannagan - Species Recovery Baldock Adriana Hayward Barbara Sandy Decker Jerry Stidham Cathy Keeran - Executive Assistant Jackie Craghead Brandi Katz Brandi Katz Koning - Species Recovery Jessica Alena Porte - Education Coordinator H o p e f o rMike w i lTyner d l i f e- Species a n d pRecovery eople to thrive

Ventana Wildlife Society F MEMBERS V e n t aSnTaA FW ildlife Society Kelly Sorenson - Executive Director

O A R-DSpecies OF D I R E CCoordin T O R Sator Burnett Recovery JoeB

Sayre Flannagan - Species Mark Dedon – ChairRecovery Cathy Keeran Executive Assistant Barbara Baldock Marcy Morgan Jessica Koning Species Recovery Virdette Brumm, PhD Janet Shing Alena Porte - Education Coordinator Sandy Decker Jerry Stidham BrandiMike Katz Tyner - Species Recovery

nial d lW l i fpee oSpol ectioe tt hyr i v e H oVpee nf ot a r w i f ei ladn d BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mark Dedon – Chair


captured last spring and held at our holding pen because he was interfering with a breeding pair in Big Sur. Now that the nesting season is coming to a close he can be reCalifornia Condor #251 Release released back to the wild.

C ondor #251 is a$2,000 seven and a half STARTING BID: year old male hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo. He was released in Big Sur on Dec 12, 2002. He was captured last spring and held at our LOT 8 holding pen because he was interfering with a breeding pair in Big California Condor #251 Release Sur. Now that the nesting season is coming to a close he can be reCondor #251 is a seven and a half released back to the wild. year old male hatched at the Los LOT 9 Angeles Zoo. He was released in Big All BID: Day$2,000 Eco-Experience & STARTING Sur on Dec 12, 2002. He was captured last springCondor and heldRelease at our 2009 California holding pen because he was interfering with a breeding pair in Big Release a condor, similar to today, but as a private tour for you and three that the nesting season is guests. This full day experienceSur. to theNow remote base camp and rearing / release coming close dirt heroad canand be view re- the facility includes lunch and snacks. Travel to on a a private feeding slope, take data, tour base camp and taketo in the viewswild. of the ocean 2,800 released back feet below! Wild birds often perch near the cabin and are frequently seen on STARTING BID: $2,000 the feeding slope. The condor release L OT 9 will occur in Big Sur in 2009. . All Day Eco-Experience &


2009 California Condor Release

Release a condor, similar to today, but as a private tour for you and three guests. This full day experience to the remote base camp and rearing / release facility includes lunch and snacks. Travel on a private dirt road and view the feeding slope, take data, tour base camp and take in views of the ocean 2,800 L OTbelow! 9 Wild birds often perch near feet the cabin and are frequently seen on All Day Eco-Experience & the feeding slope. The condor release will occur in Big Sur in 2009. 2009 California Condor Release .


Release a condor, similar to today, but as a private tour for you and three guests. This full day experience to the remote base camp and rearing / release facility includes lunch and snacks. Travel on a private dirt road and view the feeding slope, take data, tour base camp and take in views of the ocean 2,800

3HARETHISGIFT AND!DOPT ! #ONDOR4ODAY Go to www.ventanaws.org or contact 831-455-9514 In 2007 we had two successful breeding pairs and two successful wild hatched chicks, a first in Central California in over 100 years! In 2008, we had three breeding pairs and three successful wild hatched chicks.

11:30 am Champagne Brunch Served Easy Street featuring Lee Durley Silent Auction Begins

12:30 pm Welcome by Kelly Sorenson Awards and Recognitions John Moir, Return of the Condor

12:50 pm Live Auction Begins Condor Release

1:30 pm As the number of successful wild g pairs increases, so does our breeding need to monitor the health and safety of each one, many of the chicks are in remote terrain. Ventana Wildlife Society needs $600 per month, per condor, to conduct current levels of monitoring and restoration.

Raffle Drawing Silent Auction Winners Closing Remarks

Raffle Prizes

TICKETS: 1 for $20 4 for $60 7 for $100 Raffle Package #1

Raffle Package #5

(Total Retail Value: $345) - Kayak Connection half day Rental - Vortex 8x42 Diamondback Coyote Binoculars - El Palomar Gift Certificate

(Total Retail Value: $535) - Orchid and Gift Basket - Steinbeck House Gift Certificate - Thomas Fallon Portrait Sitting with 12” Custom Portrait

Raffle Package #2

Raffle Package #6

(Total Retail Value: $322) - San Juan Oaks Golf for two - 2009 Wal-Mart First Tee Open Tickets (2) - From Scratch Gift Certificate

Raffle Package #3

(Total Retail Value: $420) - Case of Chalone Vineyard’s 2006 Estate Syrah Blend produced in honor of the California Condors at the Pinnacles

Raffle Package #4

(Total Retail Value: $300) - Homescapes Orchid and Gift Card - Lula’s Chocolate Tasting for Ten

(Total Retail Value: $235) - Whale Watching Passes (2) - Old Fisherman’s Grotto Gift Certificate - Willy’s Smokehouse Gift Certificate - Elli’s Gift certificate - Local Color Gift Certificate

Raffle Package #7

(Total Retail Value: $350) - Framed Oak “Wedding Tree” Silver Gelatin Print (7.5 x 7.5)

Ventana Wildlife Society 6ENTANA7ILDLIFE3OCIETY Exclusive Bronze Art %XCLUSIVE"RONZE!RT Purchase Purchasean anexclusive exclusiveunique unique3-D 3-Dwildlife wildlifebronze bronzeplaque plaque They are provided by Decker Studios and They are provided by Decker Studios and 100% 100%ofofyour yourcontribution contributionisistax-deductible! tax-deductible! Available Availablefor forPurchase Purchase $250 size: 3 5/16 $250 - size: 3 5/16xx447/86 7/86 $500 $500- -size: size: 445/8 5/8XX885/1 5/1 $1,000 $1,000––size: size:775/16 5/16xx997/8 7/8

Available AvailableWith With - -California Condor California Condor - -Bald BaldEagle Eagle

The TheArtist: Artist: AAnative nativeofofsouthern southernCA, CA,Ramon Ramon Velazco developed an Velazco developed anearly early passion passionand andnatural naturalability abilityfor for sculpture. sculpture. InIn2003, 2003,he he collaborated collaboratedwith withDecker DeckerStudios Studios totocreate createaafull-size full-sizereplica replicaofofan an adult male California condor in adult male California condor in full fullflight. flight.The Thesculpture sculpturewas waspart part ofofan exhibition at the Pacific an exhibition at the Pacific Grove GroveMuseum MuseumofofNatural NaturalHistory Historyand andisisnow nowon onpermanent permanentdisplay. display. With Withthis thisplaque, plaque,Velazco Velazcohas hascombined combinedboth bothhis hisartistic artistictalents talentsand and concern concernfor forthe theenvironment environmentand andits itswildlife. wildlife. Decker DeckerStudios Studiosisisaafine finearts artsatelier atelierthat thatprovides providesaacomplete completerange rangeofof casting castingand andfabrication fabricationservices. services.Their Theirprofessional professionalstaff staffworks worksininaavast vast range rangeofofmaterials materialsincluding includingbronze, bronze, stainless stainlesssteel, steel,silver, silver,gold, gold,and andaluminum. aluminum. By combining their creative talents By combining their creative talentswith withthe the use of modern materials and advanced use of modern materials and advanced technologies, technologies,they theycan canefficiently efficientlyexecute executeaa complete completerange rangeofofprojects, projects,especially especiallythose those that thatare aretechnically technicallychallenging challengingoror monumental. monumental.

LOT 5 Private Wine Tour for up to 14 People You begin this adventure with a unique and unforgettable drive in a 1936 convertible bus to local wineries to taste wonderful Monterey County wines with hosts Bill and Adriana Hayward. The bus was originally used at Yellowstone National Park. Enjoy private tours of each winery along the way and learn more about the regions rich viticulture. This memorable day will end with appetizers and cocktails at Valera Lyles’ gorgeous home in Carmel with breathtaking view of our magical coastline. Also receive a double magnum of Chalone Vinyeard’s Condor Syrah blend.


LOT 6 Six-day Transatlantic Cruise aboard the Queen Mary 2 The Cunard Queen Marybuilt 2 was the sophisticated mind, Queen Mary 2 was withbuilt the with sophisticated traveler traveler in mind,in and offers just about you can imagine that will help you and and offers everything just about everything you can imagine that willrelax, help rejuvenate, you relax, rejudicover new perspectives. This trip for two begins in two Newbegins York City andYork ends venate, and discover new perspectives. This trip for in New in Southhampton, England (you are responsible forall airline travel). City and ends in Southhampton, England (you are responsible for all Must airlinebook with CruiseShip Holidays by December travel). Must book with CruiseShip Holidays 31,December 2009. by 31, 2009.


LOT 7 Post Ranch Inn Getaway Treat yourself or a loved one to a luxurious stay in Big Sur. Nestled on the cliffs of Big Sur, the Post Ranch Inn provides the ultimate romantic getaway! You will stay one night in a Cliff House at Post Ranch Inn. An enclosed courtyard beckons to a secluded glass walled bedroom and out to terrace suspended 1,200 feet above the sea. Blissfully soak in the hot tub formed from a large granite boulder or dream in the warmth of the bedroom fireplace. Accommodations include an elaborate breakfast at the exquisite Serra Mar Restaurant and daily guest activities.


3PONSORSAND$ONORS 2008 Sponsors and Donors Ventana Wildlife Society and the Event Committee thank the following:

Ventana Wildlife Society and the Event Committee thank the following:

Charlie C. Abildgaard A Moveable Feast Charlie C. Abildgaard by the Sea AAdventures Moveable Feast Annieglass by the Sea Adventures Anthropologie Annieglass Asilomar Conference Center Anthropologie Black Bear Diner Asilomar Conference Center Bonny Doon Vineyard Black Bear Diner Bountiful Basket Bonny Doon Vineyard Café Stavaganza Bountiful Basket California Academy of Sciences Café Stavaganza Cantinetta Luca California Academy of Sciences Chalone Vineyard Cantinetta Luca CruiseShip Holidays Chalone Vineyard Cypress Inn CruiseShip Holidays Decker Studios Cypress Inn Deetjen's Big Sur Inn Decker Studios Douglas Steakley Photography Deetjen's Big Sur Inn Dublin Cyclery Douglas Steakley Photography Eagle Cyclery Optics Dublin El Palomar Eagle Optics Elli's Restaurant El Palomar Exploratorium Elli's Restaurant From Scratch Exploratorium HahnScratch Winery From Adriana & Bill Hayward Hahn Winery Healthsource Salinas Adriana & Bill Hayward Heller EstatesSalinas Healthsource Katy'sEstates Place Heller Kayak Connection Katy's Place Kelly Productions Kayak Connection KowaProductions Kelly Laguna Seca Golf Ranch Kowa Adam Licsko Laguna Seca Golf Ranch Sherry Litchfield Adam Licsko Sal & Ada Lucido Sherry Litchfield Lula's Chocolates Sal & Ada Lucido ValeraChocolates Lyles Lula's Marita's Boutique Valera Lyles Mike Keeran Golf Instruction Marita's Boutique Monterey Bay Aquarium Mike Keeran Golf Instruction Monterey Bay Whale Watch Monterey Bay Aquarium MontereyBay Peninsula Monterey Whale Foundation Watch Shirley Nootbaar Monterey Peninsula Foundation Old Fishermans Shirley Nootbaar Grotto Old Fishermans Grotto

Pac Rep Theatre Pacific Pac RepTweed Theatre Parker-Lusseau Pacific Tweed Pastries Robertson Parkman Parker-Lusseau Pastries Pasadera Parkman Country Club Robertson Passionfish Pasadera Country Club Pat Areias Sterling Passionfish Patagonia Pat Areias Sterling Pebble Beach Co Patagonia PebbleBeach BeachCo Foundation Pebble Photoflex Pebble Beach Foundation Portobello's Photoflex Post Ranch Inn Portobello's QuailRanch LodgeInn Resort & Golf Club Post Rappa's Restaurant Quail Lodge Resort & Golf Club Ridgemark Golf Club Rappa's Restaurant San Francisco Ridgemark Golf Zen ClubCenter San Juan Oaks Golf Club San Francisco Zen Center Sanctuary RockGolf Gym San Juan Oaks Club Sardine Factory Sanctuary Rock Gym Shadowbrook/the Sardine Factory Crow's Nest Shreve & Co Shadowbrook/the Crow's Nest Simon & Bull Shreve CoGalleries Star Market Simon Bull Galleries Swarovski Star MarketNorth America, Ltd Pamela Takagawa Swarovski North America, Ltd The Steinbeck House Pamela Takagawa Thomas Fallon Fine Photography The Steinbeck House Twin Creeks Golf Course Thomas Fallon Fine Photography Valley Spokesmen Bicycle Touring Twin Creeks Golf Course Club Spokesman Bicycle Touring Valley Ventana Inn & Spa Club Willy's Smokehouse Ventana Inn & Spa Willy's Smokehouse Zeph's


LOT 3 Experience Carmel

Passing the Test, Oil Painting by Adam Licsko

A perfect getaway for locals and visitors alike! Begin your Carmel experience with tea at the famous Cypress Inn. A shopping spree with a $250.00 gift certificate (valid on regularly priced merchandise) await you at Pacific Tweed. You’ll dine at Cantinetta Luca, named the 2008 “Best Restaurant in Carmel” by Monterey County Weekly readers. Then it’s off to PacRep Theatre to enjoy a world class performance by the only professional Theatre Company on the Monterey Peninsula. Complete the perfect evening with an overnight stay at the historic Adobe Inn, with breakfast brought to your room, you can enjoy a late morning or take a dip in their heated pool. A wonderful lunch awaits you at Katy’s Place, a carmel treasure - sure to get your next adventure off to the right start.

This 3’x3’ richly colored painting portrays the mood and effects of the Basic Complex fire that burned through Ventana Wildlife Society’s Condor Sanctuary. The painting encapsulates our work with the California Condor – the return of this endangered bird to the Central Coast and the return home after this summer’s wildfire. Adam Licsko’s paintings have been featured in many magazines and newspapers. Corporate collectors include Nissan, Amgen, Seagate Technologies, and State Farm.




LOT 2 Mountain Bike This Giant “Trance 4” mountain bike features Maestro 6 pivot rear suspension, 4” rebound adjustable and pro pedal by Air Adjust, and 27 speeds. If you prefer a different bike or perhaps his and her bicycles, Dublin Cyclery will be glad to exchange this bike for another of equal value. This bike retails for $1,700.


Dinner and Overnight Stay at Ventana Inn Nestled on a hillside overlooking Big Sur’s dramatic coastline, Ventana Inn offers the ultimate in accomodations for those seeking a romantic getaway or relaxing vacation. - What better way to show your support of the Big Sur community than by supporting its residents and businesses. The Basin Complex fire and a structural fire closed the Inn in July and August 2008. The Inn is rescheduled to open October 31, 2008 and the award-winning Cielo restaurant is scheduled to reopen April 1, 2009.