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Interpreters with Deaf Parents Member Section of RID, Inc.
Meeting of Officers and Regional Representatives June 15, 2011 8:30p.m. EST
Council Members in Attendance: Chair – Laurie Nash Vice Chair – Holly Miles Treasurer – Leo Yates Jr. (left early) Secretary – Karen Lefebvre Region I – Amy Williamson Region II – Susan Leitson and Angie Nielsen Region III – Sue Nace Region IV – Janie Powell Region V – LaVona Andrew (left early)
Chair: Laurie began the meeting with introductions and a brief discussion about the structure of RID, Inc. Member Sections and possible changes down the road proposed by the national office Committee Work Group. The purpose and result of this discussion was a ‘heads up’ in thinking and preparing of what changes may be happening in the future regarding restructuring of the present member sections. The national liaisons presently are: Lewis Merkin, BOD and Ryan Butts, Director of Membership at the national office. Updates: ¾ IDP PreConference – Sunday, July 17th from 1:00 – 6:00pm. Sue Nace and Holly Miles reported on the national pre‐conference workshop led by Molly Wilson, “Inside, Outside, & Around the Edges” –Working together to end oppression. The flyers went out and registrations are coming in. There is a double room at the hotel available for this event. The national conference committee will provide the AV equipment. Molly’s invoice for her fee of $700.00 is to be submitted to Leo Yates, Jr. our treasurer. A discussion was held regarding the provision of food or snacks during the break time. A decision in this regard is forthcoming. Paperwork for the ceus has been submitted to national for this event. Publicity for the pre‐conference went out through the new Face book Web site, IDP‐Google Site, RID IDP Member Section Region lists‐serves and is posted on the IDP‐RID web sites. All RID members are welcomed to this workshop. ¾ Community Forum Framing Session Monday July 18 1:003:00pm led by Lynnette Taylor and Facilitator Training Session Tuesday July 19, 4:00pm led by Janice Cole & “Community Forum’ Thursday, July 21, 2:30 – 7:30pm. A discussion was held regarding the offering of paying, and approved by the council, a ‘stipend’ i.e. the registration fee for the national conference for these two individuals who organized and are working at the IDP/Deaf Caucus ‘Community Forum’ Events. Publicity for the IDP/Deaf Caucus ‘Community Forum’ went out through the new Face book Web site, IDP‐ Google Site, RID IDP Member Section Region lists‐serves and is posted on the IDP‐RID web sites. All RID members are welcomed to the ‘Community Forum’. ¾ IDP Member Section Meeting – Tuesday, July 19th – 9:30am12: 30. Pam Snedigar will be facilitating a discussion about Codas in interpreter training programs. Ceus will be offered for this presentation. Elections for IDP Council Representatives and Officers will be held during the member section meeting. A ‘Call for Nominations’ has been posted on the RID‐IDP Web sites, sent out through Face book and Google as well as to
the RID IDP Member Region List‐Serve lists. The dead line for these nominations is June 30th. A short Bio for the Nominee to the IDP Council is to be sent to either: Janie Powell
[email protected], Region IV Rep. or Karen Lefebvre
[email protected], Secretary. Voting members of the RID, Inc. are eligible. ¾ IDP Members Section Social – Thursday, 8:30pm – Midnight July 21st All RID members are invited to the ‘Luau’ at ‘Trader Vic’s’, in the Hilton Hotel, across the street from the Marriott. Celebrating the theme of ‘Aloha Spirit’; wearing of a lei, or grass skirt is encouraged. Live Entertainment, Story Time and more will be provided. Food and Beverages will be available for purchase reported the coordinators of this event, Holly Miles, Council VP and Angie Nielsen; Region II Rep. Flyers have been sent and posted to all the RID members. ¾ Fundraising efforts for events at the national conference: The council discussed the finances of the RID IDP Member Section. Leo Yates Jr. will be preparing a financial statement of income, donations and expenditures for the upcoming conference events. A general balance as of January was reported at $9,000.00. Since then there are conference calls, and donation to GVRRID, etc. The council discussed and voted it is necessary to maintain at least $1,500.00 in the IDP treasury for the next council to be up and running. For the council members who do not have organizational backing for the conference, it was agreed their conference fee will be covered. Additionally, the council members were asked to submit a request along with receipts to Leo in order to secure a reimbursement. Lynnette Taylor and Laurie Nash sent a letter to RID Friends and Colleagues requesting monetary support for not only the ‘Community Forum’ but for the invitation to ‘Signmark’, Marko Vuoriheimo, entertainer from Finland. He is the representative for the Foreign minister of Finland on Global Human Rights. This gentleman is invited to participate on the IDP/Deaf Caucus panel as well as performing his ‘Silent Shout’ immediately after the forum. He participated at the Congress of the World Federation for the Deaf and WASLI this summer in South Africa. This letter is posted on the RID web sites and was sent through Face book, Google IDP Group to include the RID IDP Member List Serves. The Council Chair along with the Secretary sent out and posted requests for donations for these events through the RID, Inc. Member Renewal Process as well. It was suggested the IDP Member section pins are a source of donations for this conference also.
Windell Smith has offered his services pro bono to video document the Community Forum.
Another possible fund raising event could occur if a DVD was created of’ Sign Mark’ and the IDP events for selling to RID, Inc. members, etc. Fundraising efforts thus far: $2,000.00 Sorenson 1,000.00 Gallaudet Ohlone 250.00 NYC Metro 250.00 LIRID 60.00 PARID ¾ Miscellaneous – Exhibit area – Staffing Tables – IDP items to be done: Laurie created a ‘post card’ sample of IDP events that can be placed in the registration bags and/or placed on the Exhibit Hall Table for folks to be aware of what is happening with IDP at the conference. A possible order could consist of 500 cards. Karen will create the signs needed for all of the IDP events and will send them to Holly who will print and carry with her to the conference. The council discussed and decided to have an IDP Banner overhanging the table in the Exhibit area. It was suggested Vista print is having a special offering to include banners and we will take advantage. The secretary will be responsible for the ordering of the banner for the council. It was suggested to set up ‘Memorial’ Poster Board in the Exhibit area for those Codas who contributed much to interpreters and our profession over the years. I.e. Gary Sanderson, Alan Champion and others. Individual interpreters can write condolences, expressions of their memory and experiences with these pioneers to our profession. Holly will create this poster.
In conclusion for additional information on the RID IDP Member section, go onto: www.idp‐ sign on to our Google Mail out IDP Members Section Group‐center/sig The meeting ended at 10:15pm Respectfully submitted, Karen Lefebvre