סב. "ד. 2011- 2012. JUDAIC BOOK LIST. Grades 1-4. Grade. Text. Publisher.
Comment. 1. Siddur Chinuch Chaim. Shlomo. Art Scroll. Do not buy! Will be given
Do not buy! Will be given in school later in the year (see supply list for fee) Bring back from last year or buy in bookstore
Feldheim Publisher
Bring back from last year or buy in bookstore
Art Scroll
Bring back from last year or buy in bookstore Bring back from last year or buy in bookstore
Feldheim Publisher
Shay Lamora
JUDAIC BOOK LIST 2011- 2012 Grades 5‐8
Text Your own personal siddur
Chumash שמות Shmot Chorev – Rashi script with Nekudot Navi ‐ Shmuel Aleph/Bet‐ 'ב-'שמואל א Your own personal siddur Navi ‐ Shmuel Aleph/Bet‐ ב-שמואל א Chumash במדבר Bamidbar Chorev –Rashi script with Nekudot Your own personal siddur
Chumash ‐במדבר Bamidbar מקראות גדולות Navi – Shmuel Aleph/Bet‐ ב-שמואל א Talmud Masechet Brachot ‐ פרק תפילת השחר Your own personal siddur
Chumash – Devarim‐ דברים מקראות גדולות Navi – Melachim‐-'מלכים א Mikraot Gedolot with Malbim Dinim‐ The Concise Code of Jewish Law Volume 2 הלכות שבת by Rabbi G. Appel Talmud Masechet Bava Metzia ‐ פרק המפקיד
Feldheim Publisher (Artscroll recommended) המאור small edition Shay Lamora
Comment Bring from home Bring back from last year or buy in bookstore Buy in bookstore Bring from home Bring back from last year or buy in bookstore Buy in the bookstore Bring from home Buy in bookstore Bring back from last year or buy in bookstore Will be sold in school office New: $40 Used:$25
** see note below Bring from home (Artscroll recommended) Buy in the bookstore המאור small edition Buy in the bookstore Meirat Eynaim Ktav Publishing House
Buy in the bookstore or at Barnes & Noble Will be sold in school office
New: $40 Used:$25
** see note below
While supplies last‐ we have enough copies for all students but limited amounts of either new or used