2011 Code Development Hearing Schedule - International Code ...

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separately, with the IGCC code changes to be posted by March 25th and the ISPSC code changes to be posted by. April 15th
2011 ICC CODE DEVELOPMENT HEARING SCHEDULE IGCC and ISPSC May 16 – 22, 2011 Sheraton Dallas Hotel The 2011 ICC Code Development Hearings will consider code changes to PV 1.0 of the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) which were due March 1, 2011 and code changes to PV 2.0 of the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) which were due January 3, 2011. The code changes are processed and published separately, with the IGCC code changes to be posted by March 25th and the ISPSC code changes to be posted by April 15th. The hearings will follow the typical two track system used for ICC’s Code Development Hearings. The two tracks will be: •

Track 1: ISPSC followed by IGCC – Energy and Water (Chapters 6 and 7 and Appendices B and C)

Track 2: IGCC – General (Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Appendices A and D) *

Code changes to the definitions in IGCC Chapter 2 will be heard by the applicable IGCC committee based on the application of the definition in the IGCC. See also Note 5 below. Unless noted by “Start no earlier than X am/pm”, the hearings for each Chapter of the IGCC will begin immediately upon completion of the hearings for the prior Chapter. This includes the hearings occurring the day before or after the day indicated based on the progress of the hearings. Actual start times for the various Chapters cannot be predicted due to uncertainties in hearing progress. The schedule anticipates that the hearings will finish by 3:00 pm on Sunday, May 22.

Monday May 16

Tuesday May 17

Thursday May 19

Friday May 20

Saturday May 21

Sunday May 22

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

Start 8 am



IGCC – Ch 6

IGCC – Ch 6

IGCC – Ch 6

IGCC – Ch 7

IGCC – Ch 7


Start 8 am

IGCC – Ch 6 (Start no earlier than 8 am)

IGCC – Ch 7 (Start no earlier than 1 pm)

IGCC – App B, C

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 3 pm

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

Start 8 am

IGCC – Ch 1

IGCC – Ch 4

IGCC – Ch 4

IGCC – Ch 5

IGCC – Ch 5

IGCC – Ch 8

IGCC – Ch 9

IGCC – Ch 8 (Start no earlier than 8 am)

IGCC – Ch 9

IGCC – Ch 10


Wednesday May 18

IGCC – Ch 5

IGCC – Ch 4

IGCC - Ch 11 IGCC – Ch 12 IGCC - App A, D

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 9 pm

End 3 pm

Notes: 1. The hearings for IGCC Chapters could occur earlier or later than the day indicated based on hearing progress, unless noted by “Start no earlier than X am/pm”. 2. Due to uncertainties in hearing progress, start times indicated as “Start no earlier than X am/pm” are conservatively estimated and are not intended to be scheduled hearing progress targets. 3. Daily start and end hearing times are subject to change based on hearing progress. 4. Morning/afternoon breaks and lunch/dinner breaks to be announced. 5. Consult the published Cross Index of Proposed Code Changes and Tentative Order of Discussion for code changes to be heard with a Chapter other than the Chapter under which the code change is designated.