2011 Halloween Camp - Camp Kern

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2011 Halloween Camp Weekend Details! If you miss your Summer Camp, and want to experience Camp Kern in a different season, with your favorite counselors from the summer, come join us for Halloween Camp!

Halloween-specific activities (pumpkin carving, caramel apples, hayrides) will be offered, along with summer camp stand-bys (archery, rock climbing, arts and crafts).

Activities include:

Rock Climbing




Costume Contest

Pumpkin Carving


And more…

Ages 7 to 15!

Scary activites will have non-scary options for younger campers.

Questions? Call Mike Costlow at 513-932-3756 ext. 1530 or email at [email protected]

Cost and Payment Information Camper’s Last Name, First Name Address


Female City

Parent/Guardian’s Name


Tee-Shirt Size: Youth: M L Adult: Adult S M XLL

Age at camp

Birth date (MM/DD/YY)


Home Phone

Business/Cell Phone

Email Address


Circle One: XL

Halloween Camp : $140 Halloween Ranch Camp : $160

Payment Options Bill me for the balance (Please use this option if filling out online.) Check (Make checks payable to YMCA Camp Kern.) Credit

Balance Due $____________

Bill my credit card: Visa MasterCard Discover Exp. Date: _______________

Cardholder’s Signature __________________________________________

Account Number __________________________________________

***Please note: Schedule is subject to change. Activities may be changed or removed at any time.***

Halloween Camp Packing List ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Sleeping Bag or Two Blankets Pillow 3-4 Shirts 2-3 Pairs of Pants 3-4 Pairs of Socks 3-4 Pairs of Underwear 1 Towel and Washcloth 2 Pairs of Shoes Sweatshirt Jacket Toilet Articles Rain Gear Hat Waterbottle Flashlight Disposable Camera Halloween Costume A great attitude!

Check-in will begin at 6:30pm on Friday, October 21st at Elk Lodge. Check-out will be at 6:30pm on Sunday, October 23rd at Elk Lodge.

Halloween Camp Schedlue Friday

6:30 Check-in and meet your cabin 7:45 Campfire 8:45 Night Hike 9:15 Evening Snack


7:15 Rise and Shine 8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Activity I 10:30 Activity II 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Activity III 2:30 Halloween Scavenger Hunt 3:45 Snack 4:15 Big Game 5:30 Dinner 6:30 Pumpkin Carving 7:30 Hayride 8:15 Costume Contest 9:15 Evening Snack 10:00 Night Hike


7:00 Rise and Shine 8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Activity IV 10:30 Activity V 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Activity VI 2:30 Gourd Chunkin’ Contest 3:45 Snack 4:15 Pack-Up and Clean 5:30 Dinner 6:30 Check Out ***Please note: Schedule is subject to change. Activities may be changed or removed at any time.***