Jan 31, 2014 ... your profile. Each profile includes a personality overview and forecast ... should
set up your workplace as the principles of Feng Shui are.
Author: Peter Gianoli, General Manager, Investor Assist.
In 2014, Adelina Pang is joining forces with Investor Assist to deliver an exclusive event in Perth to explore Feng Shui and how it can be used to activate wealth and harness positive energy in your life.
Adelina is a Feng Shui expert, consultant and author based in Singapore. This resource outlining your horoscopes for 2014 has been provided to you by Adelina and comes in preparation for her visit to Perth in early 2014. Adelina will show you that in order to get a better understanding of your own Feng Shui, you are required to analyse your own birth data which is linked to the zodiac. The following 2014 horoscope document will assist with this process. You are encouraged to use your year of birth to identify and review your profile. Each profile includes a personality overview and forecast information relating to your career, love, wealth and health. You will also learn how your gender and your date of birth will help
you tap into ways to improve your luck and well-being, as well as determine various factors such as which direction you should face when you sleep, where to locate your bed and stove or how you should set up your workplace as the principles of Feng Shui are completely different for everyone. Whether or not you follow the principles of Feng Shui, every property investor should understand the basics and recognise the important role it plays both in Australia and overseas. Being wealthy isn’t just about money – it’s also about happiness, health and well-being. This is a key fundamental of Feng Shui and something we believe in strongly at Investor Assist. Stay tuned for further details on our special event for 2014. You won’t want to miss this exclusive opportunity to listen to Adelina Pang in person.
Financial Security Through Property
For more information on financial security through property: visit: investorassist.com.au email:
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Reg No. 200410939W
Horoscope Forecast Wood
Horse Year 2014 “Having peace and joy in your heart does not depend on who you are, where you are, or what you have. It’s all about what you think you are!”
Adelina Pang CEO & Principal Consultant
Winner of Honoree Award for Spirit of Enterprise 2007
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Actual start of a Year
Li Chun 立春 is the actual start of a year in traditional astrology. The 1st day of the Solar calendar is Li Chun 立春, the “Beginning of Spring” which is on 4th or 5th February of the Gregorian calendar 阳历. Hence, 2014 Wood Horse Year starts at 0605hrs on 4 Feb 2014. NOT, the 1st Lunar New Year Day, 31 Jan 2014. Newborn are considered under the horoscope of this year only on or after Li Chun. Be sure of your own horoscope. Many folks mistaken the 1st day of Lunar New Year to determine their horoscope.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this e-book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAMER The information provided is only a general analysis and not intended as professional advice. You are advised to consult a professional Metaphysics consultant to have a personalized analysis based on your situation. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless, and our affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any third party claims, liability, damages and costs (including without limitation attorney's fees) incur resulting from the use of or inability to use this material.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Rat 鼠 Birth Year Actual Age
2008 6
1996 18
1984 30
1972 42
1960 54
1948 66
1936 78
1924 90
Personality Being a good advice provider is a characteristic of people born under the Rat sign. But these same advices when applied to their personal lives are not necessarily observed. Integrity and consistency becomes a question. They often desire power and can be petty and greedy. On the other hand, they are witty, sociable and very ambitious. The rat person is an opportunist and who will stop at nothing just to reach the target. They are also prone to gambling and wild spending spree. The rat person could sometimes be straightforward and honest in their opinions yet they do this in a manner that people they interact with find themselves captivated by the person’s charm. They are amiable, hardworking and frugal. Yet, they are generous only to those they are affectionate. Despite their parsimonious ways, admirers often surround them because they exhibit a hard-to-ignore personal appeal. Once people are trapped, they may find it hard to disengage from them. Compatible Horoscopes: Dragon, Monkey, Ox Career: Stop building castles in the air. Be realistic and don’t waste unnecessary time & efforts to achieve goals. Put your wisdom and talent to good use to assist you in your career advancement. Love: You seem to be on an emotional roller-coaster. The most important thing to remember is to cast away anger and hatred in your heart and replace this with love and understanding. Learn to be more tolerant and calm. Wealth: There is a lot of unnecessary spending, overspending beyond one’s means. Stop speculation and gambling to avoid major financial losses. Learn to manage your cash flow. Control yourself from buying things that you do not need and want. Health: You are more accident prone. Be more careful when moving around. Take care of your personal safety.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Ox 牛 Birth Year Actual Age
2009 5
1997 17
1985 29
1973 41
1961 3
1949 65
1937 77
1925 89
Personality The ox persons are characterized as hardworking, self-assured, smart, slow to anger, regimental and helpful. They thrive on rigidly following systems and procedures which people misinterpret as being stubborn and traditional. They are very attached to their families and know their responsibilities to them. His steady and dependable character delegates him positions of influence and power. He is always up to the task, but may be too overly involved. The high expectations placed by people on persons born under the ox sign will not be wasted. They will perform their duties as expected. But caution must be observed unless they are restrained. They may take this responsibility too seriously to the detriment of everybody and to their well-being. Their resourcefulness is the result of their ambition. The future is bright and wide open for them. However, they have a hard time taking criticisms from people. But they are wise beyond their years and exhibits foresight and very adept at interpersonal skills. Compatible Horoscopes: Rat, Snake, Rooster Career: Lucky stars bring career advancement, recognition & wealth luck. You have the power to negate negative situations into good tidings. Influential and respectable people will take you under their wings. Love: Loving couples will be ready for marriage. Stay cool and rational in your relationships with loved ones so as to avoid undesirable attention. There’s a Chinese saying ‘do not pluck wild flowers’. Be faithful to your partner to avoid loss of fortune. Wealth: Unlucky star brings financial losses through friends or associates. Don’t lend money or indemnify any loans unless you’re prepared to lose it and not get it back. Handle your finances with caution. Nevertheless, you do have wealth luck this year but manage your finances well by being prudent. Otherwise, it will be difficult to accumulate wealth. Health: Don’t tire out yourself. Relax. Control your emotion to keep the blood pressure down. Make time to relax. Some pampering and self-indulgence would help. Take a vacation and ‘recharge’ yourself.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Tiger 虎 Birth Year Actual Age
1998 16
1986 28
1974 40
1962 52
1950 64
1938 76
1926 88
Personality A tiger person is a natural leader who likes activity and action in what they do. They are also very much independent and like to do things on their own. They can be restless especially if born at night. They are also rebellious and dynamic. They are warriors who always like to be at the center of attention. Quick tempered but considerate. His dynamic personality is not welcomed by everyone. The Tiger’s spontaneity and exuberance are infectious. He stimulates emotion in people and captivates the attention of many. They can bring out every sort of emotion in people except indifference. Being the active person that he is, the tiger person thrives in situations where that person is always at the center of everything, taking charge and being noticed for it. Their vigour and love of life are stimulating. Compatible Horoscopes: Pig, Horse, Dog Career: You will find it stressful to deal with backstabbers and petty-minded people. You are a magnet to gossips Stay away from gossip mongers. Work may not be smooth for you. Tendency of competition at work. Love: This year brings good romance luck. For singles, that special someone may come into your life. This is the time to go mix around and open up your opportunities. Loving couples will be ready for marriage. Wealth: You should to be cautious in not getting entangled in legal lawsuits against you. Read the fine prints before you sign any deal. Do not be overwhelmed by greed. Health: This year may brings obstructions & accidents. Take care of personal safety. You may be susceptible to minor illnesses if you do not watch what you do and eat.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Rabbit 兔 Birth Year Actual Age
1999 15
1987 27
1975 39
1963 51
1951 63
1939 75
1927 87
Personality The rabbit personifies the peace loving qualities of the human being. They are gifted in business with an innovative mind, although he is sometimes apathetic. They have generally good manners and enjoy a quiet life. The Rabbit is said to be one of the most fortunate of the twelve horoscopes. In Chinese mythology, Rabbit represents peace and longevity. He enjoys a serene life in a pleasant environment. He is reticent and artistic and has accurate judgment. People born under this sign are also very gracious, kind, they provide good advice and has a strong appreciation for beauty and finer things in life. Compatible Horoscopes: Goat, Pig, Dog Career: Lucky stars will neutralize calamities and brings benefactors into your life. You are a magnet for gossips, disputes and bad mouthing. This affects your moods and you have a sense of insecurity. You are said to be in conflict with The Grand Duke, Tai Sui. To avoid trouble, keep a low profile and be humble. Don’t be a nosy-parker; stay out of other people’s problems. Love: This year brings you happy events, good love luck and interpersonal relationships. You will have a blissful marriage if you plan to tie the knot this year. But having the bad Peach Blossom Luck, you should stay cool and rational in your relationships with loved ones so as to avoid undesirable attention. Wealth: This luck is established and in full potential, resulting in an increase in the resources of income. But be prudent and invest wisely. Health: Because of your hectic schedule, you’ll be tired out. Make time to relax. Do not work into the weeee hours. Spend time with friends and family. You may have some minor health issues…but of no concern.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Dragon 龙 Birth Year Actual Age
2000 14
1988 26
1976 38
1964 50
1952 62
1940 74
1928 86
Personality Persons born under the sign of the dragon are very magical. He is sharp, instinctual and creative although he may be easily offended, headstrong and hasty in making decisions. Displaying a shrewd personality coupled with a little bit of a sleight-of-hand skills, they can make things done in an instant. They can also be rather sophisticated and hard to get close to. The advantage of the dragon person lies not on their scales but because they are proud, a perfectionist, rather materialistic and difficult to form a close bond with which others find very attractive. Legend often ascribe to the dragon mystical abilities that are astounding, awe-inspiring and jaw-dropping. Arguing or even attempting to contradict a dragon person will be met with futility. Their enchanting personality makes it hard to do so. He is not one to go against. He will intimidate the people who provoke him, and not give up until he finishes them. Also he possesses fiery emotions, he is insensitive and takes love and romance for granted. The Dragon is a forgiving person after he gets over his tantrums, and the reciprocity principle is expected by the dragon person. Compatible Horoscopes: Rat, Monkey Rooster Career: Benefactors will help you in your career advancement. This star neutralize calamities will help you pull through all difficulties at work. DON’T QUIT. Every difficulty is an opportunity in disguise. What your mind can conceive, you can achieve. Love: You may have some communication issues with women. Manage any relationship conflicts with love, patience and understanding. You feel neglected…lonesome. Wealth: The lucky stars may not be on your side this year so exercise caution in whatever you do, and avoid taking unnecessary risks. Humbleness and prudence will ensure a peaceful year. Health: You are prone to accidents or injuries by sharp objects Avoid dangerous activities (e.g. bumpy jump, rock climbing, deep sea sports etc.) Caution on the road. Be a blood donor. This year brings health issues. Try to unwind and you should seek early treatment for any sickness. Avoid indulging in smoking and alcohol and engage in activities that bring rest to your mental and physical state.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Snake 蛇 Birth Year Actual Age
2001 13
1989 25
1977 37
1965 49
1953 61
1941 73
1929 85
Personality The Snake is sagacious, smart, restful and sensitive to those around him but often indecisive and narcissistic. He can become mercenary if offended. They are also elegant to the point that some may find them pompous and showy. They can behave selfishly if threatened. He is a critical analyst and specializes in philosophy and theology. He is gifted with an impenetrable wisdom. He is a graceful creature who enjoys the aesthetics in life. Persons under this sign undertake decisions often without consultation from others. Communication with others is not their forte. He can be extremely religious or totally epicurean. He trusts his own instincts and is not easily influenced by others. People might find this habit unattractive but most of the time what they have decided are often correct. Compatible Horoscopes: Monkey, Ox, Rooster Career: There is excellent academic achievements and creative minds at work. Do watch out for backstabbers. This year may bring legal issues. Mind your own business and take care of your belongings. Love: You shall experience mood swings, anxiety and be on an emotional turmoil. It is important to start the year by establishing good rapport with others. Learn to be more tolerant and calm. Love conquers all. Wealth: Curb unnecessary spending, and do not dabble in speculations and gambling. Learn to manage your finances your cashflow. Health: Don’t be overwhelmed by stress as it can take a toll on personal health. Relax and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Engage in activities that allow your mind and body to rest and recharge.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
HORSE 马 Birth Year Actual Age
2002 12
1990 24
1978 36
1966 48
1954 60
1942 72
1930 84
Personality People born under this sign are characterized as happy and have a positive outlook in life. These people are also very independent, well-liked, and bright. with an amazing ability to manage wealth. He is insightful and chatty and has an alluring personality. He may be fiery-tempered, impulsive and stubborn at times due to his capricious nature. He is highly unpredictable and is indecisive when it comes to relationships. They are a very decent people but sometimes their stand on certain issues can make them very inflexible. His swift and elegant body movements and quick speech make him stand out from a crowd. He possesses quick reflexes and can make decisions instantly. Being a nonconformist, he is able to compensate for his possible insecurity by being highly adaptable. Mental and physical exercises are what stimulate horse people. Running, prancing, galloping not only their legs but also their brains make them quick on their toes. His swift and elegant body movements and quick speech make him stand out from a crowd. People born under the horse sign is very independent and does not like to be bound by any social restrictions. Compatible Horoscopes: Tiger, Goat, Dog Career: Opportunities are limitless for you to fulfil your dreams. It brings promotion and salary increment for you. Stay motivated and accomplish more at work as this will bring about favourable attention! However, in 2014 you are said to be in conflict with The Grand Duke, Tai Sui. Be cautious of all matters. There can be some turbulence. Plan carefully to ward off obstacles. Stay strong and not let setbacks affect you. Be conservative and not invest in any high risk investments. Think far and don’t carry negative thoughts. Failures can be put to good use. What your mind can conceive, you can achieve. To avoid trouble, keep a low profile and be humble. No worries, you will have noble people coming to help you. Love: Control your mood swings and learn to cherish your loved ones. Communicate tactfully to avoid disputes. Be tolerant as family disharmony is not good for your luck. Wealth: This year brings you good wealth opportunities. Wealth luck is established and in full potential, resulting in an increase in the resources of income. Get a good fund manager to help you manage your funds. However, do not let greed overcome you. Health: Unlucky star indicates injuries and physical injuries by metal. Don’t drive like a F1 driver. Cautious when driving. Possible health matters that may need surgery. Have a medical checkup, do blood donation. Or visit the dentist and have your teeth cleaned.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
GOAT 羊 Birth Year Actual Age
2003 11
1991 23
1979 36
1967 47
1955 59
1943 71
1931 83
Personality People born under the sign of the Goat are generally characterized as gentle, compassionate, amiable and generous. They are nice to their friends and loved ones. Because of their alluring personality, they just attract people to help them wherever they go. Goat is the 8th zodiac sign. The Chinese believe number 8 brings prosperity and good blessings. They will marry well. They are not only cherished by their spouses but also their extended families. They are close to nature, love animals and kids and are generally homebodies. The Goat is creative, artistic and has a great sense of fashion. They are also indecisive, gullible and dislike criticism. They find it hard to work under duress. They can and easily are taken in by sad stories. He is more likely ruled by his heart but his head that often distracts them from the truth. Because of this subjectivity brought about by their emotionality being objective is hard for them. As regards their professional and personal lives, they often mixed these up and in the end make them confused. Yet they have incredible luck in their life. They have an extravagant spending habit. Goat people are intelligent to the point of gnawing at knowledge most of the time. They are also good at running a business. They have an artistic inclination that also tends to be pessimistic. Their worst personality can come in the form of being filled with emotions that often distracts them from the truth, pessimistic and can be withdrawn from time to time. Compatible Horoscopes: Rabbit, Horse, Pig Career: 2014 outlook is good. Your professional and personal wealth will be stable and will continue to increase. This year is a great opportunity to expand your network and strike business deals with others. Love: Love life is good. You shall have a happy fulfilling relationship with your partner. However, there is some communication issues with women i.e. daughters..mother-in-laws etc. Learn to communicate tactfully to avoid disputes. Manage any relationship conflicts with love, patience and understanding. Wealth: Your wealth luck is good, and you can look into doing some investments. But do not be rash and ignorant in your decisions or actions. Health: Watch your health. As a result of overworking fatigue will often be experienced. To avoid this however, physical exercises can be a big help. You also need to relax and stay healthy. Let your mind and body rest. Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Monkey 猴 Birth Year Actual Age
2004 10
1992 22
1980 34
1968 46
1956 58
1944 70
1932 82
Personality The monkey persons are extremely intelligent, witty, fast learner, manipulative and competitive. Challenges are what make the Monkey person motivated to move along the path of greatness. No challenge is too great from them. They exhibit good interpersonal and social skills but oftentimes their bad side like being selfish, cunning, jealous and egoistic surfaces. They often think too highly of themselves and have little respect for others. People born under this sign are overflowing with talent and wealth. Compatible Horoscopes: Snake, Rat, Dragon Career: You shall be busy with business travels, success from faraway, or emigrating. Learn to maximize your contacts and networks. Opportunities will surely be waiting for you. Love: Don’t be too focused in your career that you neglect your loved ones. Control your emotion, don’t let it upset your relationship. Make time to enjoy the company of family and friends. It is important to start the year by establishing good rapport with others. Wealth: This luck is established and in full potential, resulting in an increase in the resources of income. But be prudent and invest wisely. Health: Due to the extensive travelling, you may not be having enough rest. Insomnia and migraines may be a manifestation of work stress. Take things at a slower pace and make time to pamper and indulge yourself.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
ROOSTER 鸡 Birth Year Actual Age
2005 9
1993 21
1981 33
1969 45
1957 57
1945 69
1933 81
Personality Just like the real rooster, these people born under the sign of the rooster are very routine, regimental, self-assured and hardworking. He has no lack of admirers as he is outspoken and emits alluring appeal. They like to judge the book by its cover and are risk-taker. Never share your deepest secrets with them. They are not good at keeping secrets. At times, they behave like weirdos. Rooster persons know their responsibilities to their families and are good at managing resources especially the financial ones. He is sharp and critical often with little regard to the feelings of others. His opinions may cause uneasiness to people willingly or unwillingly the subject of the opinion. The need to be identified, like to brag about themselves and be at the center of attention. A career that allows the person to interact with as many people as possible is very suitable. Compatible Horoscopes: Dragon, Snake, Ox Career: Lucy Star brings support from female mentors to help you in your endeavors. It’s also a time that may bring about promotions and salary increments. Be motivated and do more than you are expected to! This will bring favorable attention to you! However, you are said to be clashing with Tai Sui causing a lot of impediment in your life...2014 can pose a challenge. Problems may be encountered along the way. Be cautious of all matters and think carefully before making decisions. Stay strong and not let setbacks affect you. Love: This year brings happy news to singles; This is the time to fall in love; wedding bells may ring. Wealth: Your wealth luck is good, and you can invest in properties. However, do not make hasty & ignorant decisions. Be mindful and conservative. Health: This year denotes accidents & injuries. Do not engage in dangerous activities (e.g. bumpy jump, rock climbing, deep sea sports etc.) Caution on the road. Don't neglect your health. Get a medical checkup. Be a blood donor. Visit the dentist and have your teeth cleaned.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Dog 狗 Birth Year Actual Age
1994 20
1982 32
1970 44
1958 56
1946 68
1934 80
1922 92
Personality A person born in the year of the Dog is smart, honest, straight-forward and has a strong sense of justice. Just like the canine animal that person will always champion equality in everything they do. They are likewise willing to give in to reason. They can be depended upon to lend a shoulder to cry on and provide a listening ear to friends in trouble. They will not render judgment for these acts. They will be there as a friend and not to castigate. For no matter how much he or she complains, scolds feign indifference, he or she will not turn away from a friend in need. The dog person can adjust to any circumstances even if the person discovers the weakness of the others. Compatible Horoscopes: Tiger, Horse, Rabbit Career: Lucky Stars are shining on you. Bring promotion and salary increment for you. There’ll be a boost of your academic achievements. Literacy talent; let your creativity flow. But beware of gossips, unscrupulous people, monetary problems & possible legal matters. Watch out for backstabbers. Vet all legal contracts carefully before you sign on it. Fear not. Lucky star will offer blessings to neutralize calamities and protects you from danger. Your effects shall be recognised and a promotion is planned ahead. Stay motivated and accomplish more at work as this will bring about favourable attention! Love: Peach Blossom Luck. For singles, that special someone may come into your life. But Stay cool and rational in your relationships with loved ones so as to avoid undesirable attention. Wealth: Lucky Stars will help you to achieve more and pull through any difficulties. Health: Because of your hectic schedule, you’ll often experience fatigue. Relax and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Engage in activities that allow your mind and body to rest and recharge. Don’t be overwhelmed by stress.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Pig 猪 Birth Year Actual Age
1995 19
1983 31
1971 43
1959 55
1947 67
1935 79
1923 91
Personality Compared to the dog person, understanding what others think is not in the realm of the pig person. They are contented to eat, sleep and having a good time. They are no calculative, scheming has an attractive personality. Pigs are regarded as symbols of affluence and wealth and people must take advantage of this. Being honest and frank is one of the characteristics of the pig people. However, they are stubborn, very dependant and hasty in decision-making. They may appear unsociable but until they become your friends, you’ll appreciate their positive side. People must understand people born under the pig sign in order to appreciate them better and cast them in a better light. Compatible Horoscopes: Tiger, Goat, Rabbit Career: This year brings benefactors to help you in your career advancement. Lucky star shall neutralize calamities to help you pull through all difficulties at work. You will be blessed with benefactors who will come to help when timely. Love: Singles fall in love and you may find someone special in your life. A great time to socialise and extend your social network. Wealth: This year may bring about loss of valuables, thefts or financial losses through friends or associates. Don’t lend money or indemnify any loans unless you’re prepared to lose it and not get it back. Health: Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Make time to relax and have fun. Take a vacation and ‘recharge’ yourself.
TO NOTE: The above horoscope forecast is a general view. Your fate is determined on your individual's birth data (BaZi). A clash in set of your elements may not always necessarily be bad.
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com
Reg No. 200410939W
Use the Gua Calculator on our website www.adelinapang.com to find out of your personal favorable directions to enhance your wellbeing. Have fun! Find out what you can do in your home to bring in good fortune (and avoid the bad ones) by doing a 2014 Fengshui Luck Analysis! Call us at (65) 6430 6766 or email us at
[email protected] for a booking now! I would also like to share with you the 2014 auspicious date/time to start work during Chinese New Year : 4 Feb (Tue) clash Rat 11a-1p, 1p-3p 12 Feb (Wed) Clash Monkey 9a-11a, 1p-3p
5 Feb (Wed) clash Ox *9a-11a,11a-1p 14 Feb (Fri) Clash Dog *9a-11a,11a-1p
7 Feb (Fri) clash Rabbit *11a-1p,*1p-3p 16 Feb (Sun) Clash Rat 11a-1p,1p-3p
8 Feb (Sat) clash Dragon *9a-11a,11a-1p To note: **best time
“May you be richly blessed! Good health, joy & prosperity to you & your family!”
Adelina Pang CEO & Principal Consultant Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd www.adelinapang.com
Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334
[email protected] www.adelinapang.com