2011 New York City Intuition Boot Camp with Laura Day

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2011 New York City. Intuition Boot Camp with Laura Day. Are you ready to listen to your inner voice to guide you? Are you ready to revolutionize your life?
2011 New York City Intuition Boot Camp with Laura Day Join New York Times Bestselling Author Laura Day at an Two Day Intensive Intuition Book Camp October 15-16 Are you ready to listen to your inner voice to guide you? Are you ready to revolutionize your life? Everyone has an inner voice...but we don’t always listen to it. Laura Day teaches you to use your intuition to predict problems, create your future instead of waiting for it and how to apply intuition to create the best outcome in your everyday life. She’ll show you how your gut instinct is always your best guide once you learn how to use it! This intensive workshop will show you how Intuition and Healing to provide direct, accurate knowledge of situations and people, future and past events. The path to goal achievement becomes uncomplicated that when your innate skills are developed and create a solid base for change.

“Intuition isn’t mystical,” says, Dr. James Dewey Watson, Nobel Laureate and co-discoverer of DNA. “It’s sort of background sense of how things should work; it’s facts hidden in the brain. Intuition is logic. Laura Day guides you step by step through a systematic approach to getting in touch with this important faculty.” By performing intuitive readings throughout the weekend you will be learning to use your ability to receive and send information intuitively for yourself, your company and if you wish, as a professional skill. Following this weekend workshop you will be trained to give intuitive readings even if you have never used your intuitive skills before. Everyone will be giving and receiving readings all weekend so come prepared with your personal and professional challenges. Together we will create dynamic change in our lives while learning to read for others. Cost is $825 for the two day workshop. To register, email infomration about yourself to “[email protected]” with the Subject “2011 NYC Boot Camp”.

Laura Day has spent three decades helping individuals, organizations, and companies use their innate intuitive abilities to create profound changes in their lives. Laura’s work has helped demystify intuition and demonstrate its practical, veri�able uses in the �elds of business, science, medicine and personal growth. Her books include the New York Times Best Seller “Practical Intuition”, “How to Rule the World from Your Couch”, “Welcome To Your Crisis” & “The Circle”. Actress Nicole Kidman says Laura Day helps people “take fate and put it in the hands of anyone who has the courage to dream.”

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