College, came back home to the Valley where she received ... accounting. She will ... Fenselau, Bethlehem Business Forms
CMS Mission:
“Providing the best possible music instruction for all regardless of race, creed, gender, physical or mental challenge, or financial status.” Inspiring….educating…and transforming the lives of students through quality music education since November 9, 1981. BOARD OF DIRECTORS CMS welcomes new board member, Linda Kay Gardner, who was nominated to serve during the September 27 meeting of the Board of Directors. About Mrs. Gardner: Linda Kay Gardner grew up in the Lehigh Valley and, following graduation from Elmira College, came back home to the Valley where she received her MEd. while attending Lehigh University. Shortly after returning home Linda married the Honorable James Knoll Gardner. Together they raised four daughters; Christine, Andrea, Victoria, and Stephanie. Linda is very active in our Community serving on various non-profit committees. Among them: Valley Youth House, the Allentown Symphony and Muhlenberg College Piano Series. Linda is a musician, and continues to play the piano. She is a former organist and choir director. Linda believes that music and the arts should be an important part in all family life. All four of the Gardner daughters play multiple instruments and have participated in choral, instrumental and dramatic activities throughout their formative years. ‘Community Music School, CMS, is a valuable asset to the Allentown and surrounding communities. It needs
the support of its citizens. If the community can provide a solid music background for its youth, the prospects for a healthy, happy society are very promising.’ Congratulations Linda, we look forward to working with you in the future. We extend our wishes to Judith Ruhe Diehl for a full and speedy recovery from a fall in November. George Schermerhorn shared some sad news. Dianna Pickering, a former CMS Board member during the mid-1980’s passed away in early fall 2010. George received news from Dianna’s husband Tim. George remembers Dianna fondly; she was a big advocate for CMS during the schools early years. We send our condolences to her family. STAFF We welcomed Office Manager, Dolly Czarnecki, back to work in September after a lengthy stay at home due to a fall she suffered in July while doing yard work around her home. FACULTY NEWS Welcome! CMS welcomed Rebekah Ruth, piano, vocal coach, to CMS this past October. Rebekah completed her Masters of Music in Collaborative Piano from Houghton College, Houghton, New York (Greatbatch School of Music). She holds a Bachelor of Music in Church Music from Palm Beach Atlantic University. Welcome also to William ‘Bill’ Washer, guitar, who joined the faculty in January 2011. Bill began his study of guitar at the age of thirteen from Donald Ames. In High School Bill led several bands that performed in local functions in Rochester New York, his home for many years. Several of his summers were spent teaching guitar at Duke Spinner’s music store and playing in Father George Wiskerchen’s jazz band at the Eastman School of Music where he also studied music theory. Bill attended the Berklee College of Music in Boston where he majored in performance and composition. Mr. Washer has quite a performance record that spans working with music greats such as Stevie Wonder, Whitney Houston, Stan Getz, Ray Barreto, Frank Sinatra and others including Liza Minnelli currently. He has worked with the Joffrey Ballet Company in New York; worked on Broadway in musicals such as West Side Story, Starlight Express and Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat and has recorded under the “Arista” label. We are pleased to welcome Bill to the CMS faculty. We wish Pamela Taylor our very best wishes on her future endeavors; it has been a true pleasure to work with you. Pamela, flute, piano, early childhood, resigned her teaching activities in September. We also send our thank you to retiring cello teacher, David Moulton. Congratulations to Ian Holmes, II, piano, voice, who was guest artist at the 38th Anniversary Gala on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 for SOBRO, South Bronx Development Corporation at the Grand Hyatt, New York City.
We extend our wishes for a complete recovery to Sandy Maury, wife of Jon, percussion. We extend our condolences to Greg and Henry Guzevich and family members on the loss of their mom in November. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. STUDENT NEWS Former student of Irmgard Smits, Ali Karch, piano, contacted Irmgard to say hello. Ali is attending Hofstra University on Long Island where she is majoring in accounting. She will complete her studies and earn her CPA in December 2012. She shared with Irmgard for her 21st birthday her parents purchased a Casio keyboard for her to use at school. She is thrilled to have access and to be able to play. So much so that her dorm mates refer to her as ‘piano girl’ and when she is playing, they knock on her door and ask to come in and listen. It is great to hear Ali is continuing to pursue her love of music! Speaking of former students, another former piano student, Alex Kovacs, was contacted. Dr. David Saturen and I were wondering were Alex was. Alex was such a talented jazz pianist and we often wondered what he was doing. Well, we tracked him down, in LA, and found he is doing quite well. He is the assistant to the Composer for CSI; and in June 2010 joined the composing team of Sonic Legends where he is helping to create soundscapes for video games. There are many more great things happening for this talented young man this year. For more information visit his site. Two current students of Dr. Saturen, piano, also share some news. Genesis Nunez is in the Strive Program at Lehigh University. This program helps prepare high school students for college. …Austin Grace performed at St. Joseph the Worker School on December 22. Good job! CMS MONSTER CONCERT
CMS extends our sincere thank you to sponsors Fred Fenselau, Bethlehem Business Forms; Atty. Jerome & Sally Frank; Joan Miller; John J. Zeiner & Sons; Barnes & Noble, The Promenade; Clear Channel Radio and MC, Bobby Gunther Walsh and advertising executive, Brion Yarnell.
It was a grand afternoon. The sun was shinning, the temperature, cool, but it was hot inside Barnes & Noble between noon – 3:00 pm. CMS’ annual Monster Concert was keeping the store alive with great music. As MC during the afternoon, Bobby introduced the students and spoke on behalf of CMS programming. Studios of Cliff Tracy, Dr. David Saturen, Carole Houghton, Ruth Maletz, Linda Kistler, Kate Uhler, Mary Schatkowski, John Schwartz, Henry Guzevich, Lou Czechowski, and Dr. Nora Suggs participated. Students to perform included Impressions Jazz Ensemble: Jacob Adamcik, Andrew Auvil, Daniel Bauer, Matthew Fainor, Tom Fritzges, Christopher Geosits, Joseph Hall, David Hall, Andrew Kanas, Paul Peng, Zachary Schatkowski, Audrey Yuhas, Elysia Trapp and Jimmy Lotz. Piano students: Autumn Puello, Niki Bottoni, Alex Gallagher, Isaiah AlbertStein, Laura Lievre, Madison Donchez, Katelyn Wang, Kara Wang, Lydia Yuhas, Yaidilice Lopez, Michelle Diaz, Hudson Peck, Katie Keller, Logan Vitalos, Kristin Cornish, Tom Nguyen, Krystal Hall, Johnathan Singley, Matthew Dubov, Maggie Gallagher, Leila Stoll, Theo Stoll, Prathysha Kothare, Valmiki Kothare, Esther Pena, Elizabeth Pena, Michael Rodriguez,Travis Nguyen, Tyler Nguyen, Julie Sizer, Albert Nelthropp, Megan Greloch, Julian Lovas. Violin students: Marianna Cardenas, Lucy Zhang, Caitlin Gallagher, Kelly McMahan, Morgan Richardson, Kristie Budihardjo. Clarinet student Venus Molony. Flute student Sabrina Sizer. Thursday Players Flute Ensemble: Kristin Koze, Sabrina Sizer, Alyssa Karounas. Silver Winds Flute Choir: Kaela Bitting, Brenda Heisler, Taylor Mielnicki, Julia Nagle, Adrienne Scott, Becca Walton; Chorus Kids Choir: Indira Alvarado, Lisa Rojas, Marianna Cardenas, Guadalupe Rivera, Johnathan Singley, Logan Vitalos, Michelle Diaz. We thank accompanists Dawn Gallagher, William McMahan, and Dr. David Saturen. An added attraction to the performance: dancers from Repertory Dance performed with Impressions. One of the selections highlighted the Nutcracker (an annual performance with the Allentown Symphony Orchestra each December). The other, certainly timely, two dancers performed to Thriller played by Impressions. Thanks to Repertory Dance Theatre for working with CMS to promote both organizations. Some of the other music performed during the day included Autumn Leaves, Russian Sailor Dance, Piano Playin’ Chocolate Eater’s Blues, Take Me Out to The Ball Game; Indian War Dance Rock, Etude, Alla Turca, Ode to Joy, House of the Rising Sun, and more. We also take time to thank Martha Maletz, founding director, for attending and for speaking about the many benefits of a quality music education. So too, thanks to Larry Johnson, Board President; Fred Fenselau and Joan Moran, members of the CMS Board of Directors for attending and lending support to our faculty and our students. Fundraising dollars collected during this event support the CMS student scholarship program.
CMS held the annual Thanksgiving Recital on Sunday, November 21, 2010 in the Rodale Community Room. Students to perform included: Tyler Nguyen, piano; Isaiah Albert-Stein, piano; Emmanuel DeOliviera, piano; Sreya Halder, piano; Victoria Halkias and Zachari Halkias, piano. All students of Carole Houghton and Dr. David Saturen. Thursday Flute Players: Alyssa Karounos, Sabrina Sizer, and Kristin Koze. Thursday Players are under the direction of Dr. Nora Suggs. Among the music performed: Gypsy Rondo by Haydn; Autumn Leaves, Kosma; Music Stars, Barden. CMS Impressions Select: Andrew Auvil, flute; Daniel Bauer, baritone saxophone; Matthew Fainor, alto saxophone; Audrey Yuhas, also saxophone; Zachary Schatkowski, clarinet; Justin Rodriguez, clarinet; Tom Fritzges, bass guitar. Select is under the direction of Clifford Haltzman Tracy. CMS asked Repertory Dance Theatre to perform with the Select Ensemble as a preview for the upcoming Nutcracker at Allentown Symphony Hall in December. The Dancers: Samantha Fruhwirth Sugarplum and Jamie Shive, Chloe Sipp, Taylor Dowd, Melissa Kropf. Two of the pieces performed: Sugar Plum Fairy, and Marzipan by Tschaikowsky. Great job everyone! Thank you.
The annual CMS Holiday Recital was held on Sunday, December 19 also in the Rodale Community Room. And, what a performance it was! Students to perform included
(in order of performance) Sabrina Sizer, flute, performed The Holly & The Ivy; Thursday Players Flute Choir: Alyssa Karounos, Kristin Koze, and Sabrina Sizer. Silver Winds Flute Choir: Kaela Bitting, Brenda Heisler, Melanie Kennedy, Taylor Mielnicki, Julia Nagle was unable to perform but is a member of the Winds, Adrienne Scott, Rebecca Walton, Sarah Yeates. They performed three holiday songs. An assortment of music including, Deck the Halls, Greensleeves, Silent Night, The House of the Rising Sun, Sakura, Polonaise from Sonata in Bb, Sicilienne, and Deep River & Swing Low, and others were performed by students. Piano: Kathryn Keller, Mohana Chavan, Indira Alvarado. Violin student Kelly McMahan accompanied by brother William. More piano: Briana Perez, Hudson Peck, Jonathan Singley. Guitar student Lila Mangino. Guitars and bass: Alexandra Moore, Rudy Nunez, Elizabeth Pena and Evelissa Pena. Piano: Autumn Puello, Kristen Cornish, Krystal Hall, Beangi Hidalgo. Violin: Stephen Wroge and Katherine Purtell. Piano: Emmanuel DeOliviera Yaidilice Lopez. Darien Sellers, flute performed solo and with brother Deshawn Sellers, violin. Piano: Giulia Ruozzi, Daniel Bauer, and Thomas Nguyen. The CMS Chorus Kids: Indira Alvarado, Mariana Cardenas, Michelle Diaz, Guadalupe Rivera, Lissa Rojas, Johnathan Singley and Logan Vitalos were a hit as was Ian Cunninghan, saxophone who performed the first time at CMS during this recital. He was followed by Impressions: Jacob Adamcik, Andrew Auvil, Daniel Bauer, Nate Draklellis, Matthew Fainor, Tory Figueroa, Thomas Fritzges, Christopher Geosits, David Hall, Andrew Kanas, Paul Peng, Justin Rodriguez, Zachary Schatkowski, Elysia Trapp, and Audrey Yuhas. Impressions Select: Andrew Auvil, Daniel Bauer, Matthew Fainor, Thomas Fritzges, Justin Rodriguez, Zachary Schatkswski, Clifford Tracy, and Audrey Yuhas performed with RTD Dancer, Samantha Fruhwirth. The finale, Silver Bells by Impressions. WOW!...If you arrived without the spirit of the season, you certainly left with it. There were over 200 family and friends to attend; it was awesome! And a super job by all performers! Studios represented included those of James D. Craig, Henry Guzevich, Carole Houghton, Linda Kistler, Robert Kuntz, Dr. David Saturen, Mary Schatkowski, John Schwartz, Dr. Nora Suggs, Clifford Tracy, Kathryn Uhler. We thank so many to attend our annual Holiday Recital. AROUND THE COMMUNITY In August, Impressions performed for the Bill Sugra Memorial Golf Outing Reception at Green Pond Country Club. Thank you to the Sugra’s for inviting us and for supporting CMS…On October 7 the Silver Winds and the Thursday Players performed for a Donor Thank You Reception at Brookside Country Club for Phoebe Ministries…On November 14 three CMS piano students,
Alex Gallagher, Julian Lovas, and Paul Peng, performed during the Crate Expectations Closing party at the Allentown Art Museum….Wednesday, December 8, the CMS Silver Winds Flute Choir was invited to perform once again at the Parkland Library. Several players were unable to perform due to a last minute rehearsal called at Parkland High School, thus the performance was touch and go for several hours Wednesday morning, but with the help of Mackenzie Keller and Alethea Khoo in addition to Taylor Mielnicki, Adrienne Scott, Mary Yeates the performance went on as scheduled. They did an outstanding job! …Tuesday morning, December 21, the Silver Winds and Thursday Players were once again performing, this time for Kiwanis Club of Allentown annual Holiday Breakfast meeting which was held at the Brew Works, Municipal Golf Club on Tilghman Street. We extend our thank you to Dr. Nora Suggs, flute and Clifford Tracy for the outstanding direction and to piano teachers Lou Czechowski and Dr. David Saturen…Once again CMS was generating music for the community. This time it was Tuesday, January 4, 2011, Henry Guzevich, trumpet, Jon Maury, percussion, and Dr. David Saturen, keyboard, performed during the opening ceremony of the Veterans Sanctuary. It was our gift back to our Veterans and it was a bit of a homecoming for CMS. The Sanctuary is located in what was our home until 2004, at 32 South Fifth Street. The facility is looking great and will, when fully up and running, be home to 60 Veterans. Thank you for asking CMS to provide music for this occasion and for all the other opportunities during the season. Thank you to our educators/performers for the wonderful music program! ROTARY CLUB OF ALLENTOWN WEST IS HOST TO A CMS BENEFIT On Saturday, November 6, 2010, over 90 guests gathered together at the Da Vinci Science Center to enjoy a Reverse Raffle, a wine and cheese with desserts reception, great fellowship and wonderful music. Rotary Club of Allentown West literally rolled out the red carpet for guests. Music was performed by CMS Silver Winds Flute Choir and Thursday Players under the direction of Dr. Nora Suggs, and the CMS Jazz Ensemble, Impressions, under the direction of Clifford Tracy. Great job everyone! And a special thank you to Rotary Club of Allentown West for hosting this event. Thanks to members of Rotary and members of the CMS Board for participating. Proceeds benefit student scholarships. Thank you to anonymous sponsor who paid for the Da Vinci Center facilities that evening. Thank you to the Da Vinci Center for allowing our guests to enjoy the entire facility– awesome! Proceeds from the event, over $4,000, were presented to CMS by Rotary Club of Allentown West on Wednesday, January 5, 2011, during the first meeting of the Club for the new year.
PMEA District 10 Several current and former students of CMS made district Orchestra and Band. Congratulations to: Joe Coco and Ellen Choi, current CMS clarinet students of John Schwartz. Ellen is the current holder of the Muriel I. Frank merit-based scholarship for CMS. Students of Dr. Nora Suggs, Mackenzie Keller, flute; Sarah Yeates, flute; and Camile Campion, flute. Mackenzie and Camile were members of Silver Winds and Sarah is a current member. Former piano student of both Dr. David Saturen and Mary Shatkowski, Erica Dickson was a winner for oboe. Greg Gennaro, former CMS student of Linda Kistler made district in violin as did current CMS student of Linda Kistler, Kristie Budihardjo. Kristie is also a current Dexter F. & Dorothy H. Baker merit-based scholarship student at CMS. HOLIDAY BASKETS This season CMS faculty, staff and students were encouraged to place their names into the drawing for a holiday basket – one for faculty and staff and another for students. Baskets were filled with an assortment of goodies, not the least of which was CMS logo shirts and hats. The winning entries were drawn on Friday, December 17 at 4:00 pm by student Albert Nelthropp, voice student of Rebekah Graver and piano student of Carole Houghton. The winners: new faculty member Rebekah Ruth, piano – voice; and new student, Alisandra Alzaghtiti, violin. Congratulations! GRANT AWARDS The Dexter F. & Dorothy H. Baker Foundation awarded CMS a Grant in the amount of $10,000 for student scholarships; we continue to thank the trustees for their funding support. Rotary Club of Allentown West Foundation awarded CMS $4,135.25 for student scholarships; it was proceeds from the November Reverse Raffle held at the Da Vinci Science Center. CMS extends our thank you. An anonymous donor awarded CMS a matching $10,000.00 Grant for student scholarships. CMS so very much appreciates the support! CMS Administrative Staff Carolyn G. Clarke, Director, Administration & Development; Dolores (Dolly) Czarnecki, Business Manager; Amy Erney and Dawn Reuber, Administrative Assistants. Endowment Trustees Lawrence Johnson; Robert Knauer, Esq.; Markowitz; John Stanley, Esq.; Vance Powers.
Board of Directors Lawrence Johnson, President; James Klunk, Vice President; Dr. Ann Williams, Treasurer; John Weber, Secretary; Frederick ‘Rick’ Bachl, Dorothy H. Baker; Robert J. Breslin; Allan Cole; Alvaro Diaz; Gail Farnham; Fred Fenselau; Jane Friedberg; Jerome Frank, Esq.; Linda Kay Gardner; Judith Johnston; Alexander Masetti; Joan Moran; Robert Nagle; Barbara Platt; Jack E. Payne, Jr.; Donald R. Sillivan, Jr.; David Voellinger; Gloria Zimmerman; Martha Maletz. Daniel K. McCarthy, Lehigh County Commissioner, ex-officio. Jon Maury, Faculty Representative to the Board. CMS Faculty James Craig, Lou Czechowski, Meg Deak, Catherine DeBoeser, David Golden, Gregory Guzevich, Henry Guzevich, Suzanne Hastie, Ian Holmes, II, Carole Houghton, Linda Louise Kistler, Robert Kuntz, Ruth Maletz, Jon Maury, Dr. Richard Metzger, Katherine Purcell, Rebekah Ruth, Ed Rollin, Hector Rosado, Dr. David Saturen, Mary Schatkowski, George Schermerhorn, John Schwartz, Dr. Nora Suggs, Clifford Tracy, Kathryn Uhler, William Washer, Stefan Xhori.
RECITALS Faculty & Student Recital Sunday, February 20, 1:30 pm Students and Faculty members will be featured in this first of its kind recital. We do hope you will attend! Spring Recital Sunday, April 10, 1:30 pm Flute-A-Thon & Student Recital Saturday, April 30, 1:30 pm End of Session Recital Saturday, June 11, 1:30 pm GALA Recital Sunday, June 12, 1:30 pm Scholarships Awarded All recitals are free and open to the public. We invite you to join us at one, two or all of our programs. A brief reception immediately follows each performance. All recitals, except where noted, are held in the Rodale Community Room, 23 North Sixth Street, 3rd floor.
EVENTS February SATORI Chamber Ensemble Competition Saturday, February 19, 2011 1:30 pm Snow date: Feb. 20, 10:00 am. To register: 610.435.6036 Hosted by CMS
CMS STUDENTS GALA Auditions Saturday, June 4 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Ask your teacher about details of auditioning before an independent panel of judges.
May *Brunch * Auction *Music Move Music Forward Sunday, May 1, 2011 - Noon Lehigh Country Club So. Cedar Crest Blvd., Allentown $70.00 per person Chair: Linda Kay Gardner Committee members: Connie Cowen, Jerome Frank, Esq., Patricia Hudson, Betty Jean Killgore, Susan Phillips, Barbara Platt, Dr. Ann Williams. CMS is currently seeking sponsors – advertisers and underwriters for this event. Please call 610.435.7725 for details.
MAKING A DIFFERENCE One student at a time Did you know CMS distributes approximately $40,000.00 annually in financial aid, scholarship assistance, multi-family member discounts and multi-music discipline discounts? Did you know CMS does not cap the annual distribution of assistance? Did you know that you can sponsor music lessons for a student for only $30.00 per lesson? To find out how you can be of support to a youngster this year and every year, simply call the Office for details (610.435.7725). Scholarship Assistance may be donated throughout the year, designated toward the CMS Scholarship Program or by making a donation in perpetuity through the CMS Endowment Fund. PLANNED GIVING Leaving a legacy for future generations… your continuing gift! CMS asks you to consider including CMS among your charitable bequests when planning your Estate. By doing so you can help make a lasting and significant difference
in the lives of music students at Community Music School for generations to come. The simple gift of quality music instruction to youngsters and adults in our community through private, and group instruction has continued since CMS was founded in 1981. Our programs have directly touched more than 12,000 members of our community. Indirectly, CMS programming has touched the lives of twice that many as they are family, friends, and audience of our students. It is possible for YOU to help insure that the gift of quality music education continues to be available to everyone in our Greater Lehigh Valley for a very long time to come by making a provision in your WILL for CMS. A gift can make a lasting and significant difference in the life of a student at Community Music School far into the future. And, it is so easy to do. Simply make a gift to the Endowment Fund. CMS does accept checks and credit cards. For additional information, please contact the School Director.
GIFT GIVING TODAY Would you consider making a gift today? CMS programs continue to inspire, educate, and transform the lives of students of all ages. Tuition covers only a portion of the actual cost of providing quality music instruction. No gift is TOO small. ___Annual Fund ___Special Programs
CMS extends our sincere thank you to the many individuals, foundations, corporations and government agencies that generously donated to CMS so that quality music instruction may continue in our community. GIFTS IN MEMORY To Mrs. Carla Stevens and family in memory of husband Harry from Milton and Jane Friedberg. To The Chodash Family in memory of dad, Dr. S. Chodash, by Milton & Jane Friedberg. To Greg & Henry Guzevich & family in memory of mom, from Carolyn & James Clarke. To Jerome & Sally Frank in memory of Jerry’s brother from Carolyn & James Clarke. IN-KIND GIFTS July – December 2010 CMS has received gifts from individuals and companies throughout the Greater Lehigh Valley this season. Gifts included creative services, instruments, magazines, a backup server and some food/beverage for recitals and meetings; we thank everyone for their gifts. Allan Cole; Carolyn & James Clarke; Klunk & Millan Advertising; Andrew McGregor; Sandforms; SATORI, Gift of Music Program; Neil Schwab; Irmgard & Friedolf Smits; Judy Stoner; Mark J. Speigel; Barbara Pearson. Gifts to the CMS Endowment Fund Evelyn Brown GET WELL WISHES To Dolores Czarnecki from Milton & Jane Friedberg.
___Financial & Scholarship Assistance ___Endowment Fund Name _______________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City, State, Zip _______________________________ Credit Card # ________________________________ Expiration Date ______________________________ Amount of Gift $ _____________________________ CMS accepts Am. Express, Master Card, Visa, Discover. If paying by check, please make your check payable to CMS. CMS is a 501 ( c ) (3) organization. Your gift is tax deductible. Thank you
OVATIONS SOCIETY The Ovations Society year differs from the fiscal year. Gifts received January 1 through December 31 qualify toward Ovations Society Membership. 2010 Calendar Year Anonymous Fund; Anonymous Family Foundation; Hazel Baer; The Dexter F. & Dorothy H. Baker Foundation; Ross J. Born Family Charitable Trust; Robert J. Breslin; The Century Fund; James & Carolyn Clarke; Atty. Michael Carr & Pat McPeake; Allan & Mary Jean Cole; Gene & Diane Dickison; Frederick & Nanci-Jean Fenselau; Atty. Jerome & Sally Frank; Dr. Milton & Jane Friedberg; James J. Fronheiser; The Honorable James & Linda Knoll Gardner; Katherine Harris; The Holt Family Foundation; Dr. Howard & Pat Hudson; Lawrence & Debra Johnson; James & Mary Klunk; James Lampe; Charles & Ruth Marcon; Steven & Ann Marie Markowitz; John & Brenda McGlade; Joan Moran; Robert & Angeline Pearce; Jan & Susan Phillips; The Honorable Arnold C. Rapoport; David & Judy Roberts; Samuels Family Foundation; John Servis; Donald R. & Susan Sillivan, Jr.; Bill Sugra Memorial Fund; David Voellinger & Dr. Lona Farr; Dr. Ann Williams; Gloria Zimmerman.
Donations July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 6 months of the new fiscal year Composer: $ 5,000+ Air Products & Chemicals; Allen Organ, Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Steven Markowitz; Anonymous Family Foundation; Anonymous Fund; Dexter F. & Dorothy H. Baker Fd.; The Charles Hoch Foundation; The Century Fund; Klunk & Millan Advertising, Mr. & Mrs. James Klunk; Harry C. Trexler Trust Conductor: $ 3,000 - $4,999 County of Lehigh; National Penn/KNBT Foundation Prodigy: $1,500 - $ 2,999 Holt Family Foundation; Old Allentown Preservation Association Virtuoso: $ 500 - $ 1,499 Allentown School District; Ms. Hazel Baer Mr. Robert J. Breslin; Atty. Michael Carr & Pat McPeake; City Arts; Mr. & Mrs. Allan Cole; Atty. & Mrs. Jerome Frank; Dr. & Mrs. Milton Friedberg; The Honorable James & Linda Kay Gardner; Dr. & Mrs. Howard Hudson; Mr. James Lampe; Lincoln Leadership Academy; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Marcon; Ms. Joan Miller Moran; Rider-Pool Foundation; Mr. & Mrs. David Roberts; Ross J. Born Fam Charitable Tr; Samuels Family Fund; Mr. John Servis; Bill Sugra Memorial Fund; United Way of the Greater LV; Dr. Ann Williams; John J. Zeiner & Sons; Ms. Gloria Zimmerman Concertmaster: $ 250 - $499 Barnes & Noble The Promenade; Mr. Ravi Baines; Campbell, Rappold, & Yurasits, LLP; Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Fenselau; Mrs. Lois B. Miller; Atty. & Mrs. Anthony Muir; Mr. & Mrs. Jan Phillips; The Honorable Arnold C. Rapoport; Mr. & Mrs. George R. Schermerhorn; Dr. & Mrs. Friedolf Smits Solo: $ 100 - $249 Ms. Dawn Anderson; Baum School of Art; Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Bramfitt; CMS Boutique; Ms. Audrey Cherney; Dr. & Mrs. Mark Choi; Mr. & Mrs. James Clarke; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehninger; Ms. Carol Feller; Drs. Peter Fisher & Kathryn Zimmerman; Drs. Robert & Alla Gordon; Mr. & Mrs. John Habiak; Mr. & Mrs. George W. Hartzell; King Spry Herman Freund & Faul, LLC; Ms. Ruth A. Kistler; Mrs. Dorothy Kostenbader; Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Krepelka; Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce; Ms. Ulla Martz; Ms. K.G. Matthews; Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Schatkowski; Ms. Patricia Schneider; Ms. Patricia Shoemaker; Dr. Elliot Sussman; Dr. & Mrs. C. Burke Swan; Dr. & Mrs. David R. Taschler; Dr. & Mrs. Clifford F. Wright
Section: $ 50 - $ 99 Atty. & Mrs. Mark Aurand; Mr. & Mrs. Steven Auvil; Mr. John Berseth & Ms. Carol Dorey; Dr. & Mrs. Klaus Bowers; Ms. Dolores Czarnecki; Dr. & Mrs. Percy Dougherty; Dr. Alan Greenberger; Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jennings; La Gracia de Dios; Mrs. Martha Maletz; Mr. Charles R. McAnall; Mr. Al Miller; Mr. & Mrs. George Mowers; Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Munger; Parkland Library; Mr. & Mrs. David Paul; Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Peiffer; Mr. & Mrs. Lee Phillips; Phoebe Ministries; Mrs. Selma Roth; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vincent; Mrs. Carolyn Volk; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Weinrach Orchestra: $ 1 - $ 49 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Bachl; Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Brooks; Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold L. Brucker; Italian-American Bocce Ball Association; Mr. & Mrs. John D. Jones; Ms. Jane King; Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kushner; Mrs. Betty Lomicky; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McDermott, III; Mrs. Ruth Meislin; Ms. Winnie Melinsky; Ms. Marlene Merz; Mr. & Mrs. Edwin T. Miller; Mr. & Mrs. Morton J. Miller; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Molnar, III; Ms. Shirley Nylund, Mr. Mark Osborne; Mrs. Sidney Parmet; Mr. & Mrs. Xiang-Dong Peng; Mrs. Margureite F. Peterson; Ms. Alida Phillips; Mrs. Linda Rosenfeld; Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ruth; Mr. Albert Skeath; Dr. G. N. Russell Smart; Mr. & Mrs. George F. Southworth; Mrs. Max J. Stierstorfer; Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Thompson; Rev. & Mrs. Harold S. Weiss; Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Zinnes
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