Suzanne, our Council Chair, is looking for some IDP volunteers to scope out places where IDP may host a. Social to be he
Interpreters with Deaf Parents Member Section of RID, Inc.
Meeting of Officers and Regional Representatives
October 17, 2012 8:30 – 9:44 pm E.S.T.
Council Members in Attendance: Chair – Suzanne Nace Vice Chair – Laurie Nash Region I – Kelly Decker Region II – Angie Nielsen Region IV – Larry Barnett Region IV Darlene Ensenat Agenda and Tele‐Conference access information e‐mailed prior to meeting Mission of IDP To promote greater understanding and awareness of the values of the Deaf Community as well as the skills, dedication and sensibilities that interpreters with Deaf parents continue to offer to the interpreting profession. Motion “E” ‘Move that the Board of Directors charge the Bylaws Committee, in consultation with the leadership of the IDP Member Section, to develop by law amendments that establish a position on the Board of Directors to represent RID members who were raised by a Deaf parent or Deaf parents, together with appropriate qualifications and duties for this position.” The By Laws Committee is to present the bylaw amendment to the RID membership for a vote no later than December 15th, 2012 but no earlier than the conclusion of all the 2012 Regional Conferences. As a result of the time frame for the vote on the above motion, one of the goals of the IDP Member Section meetings at the Regional conferences is to rally support prior to the December ‘on line’ votes. ********************************************************************* ¾ Secretary’s Report: National office sent an updated IDP Member ship list. It was dissected according to Regions and mailed to each Representative for ‘Outreach’ and contact as needed. A note of appreciation of contributions made in support of IDP was sent out to members through a general mailing, the Facebook Page and IDP Google Group list serve. ************************************************************************ ¾ Region I It was reported, the collaboration between IDP and Deaf Caucus on the recent retreat was successful. There were approximately 50 individuals in attendance and a profit of $1,908.76 for each of these two Member Sections was earned. Kudos!! are sent to Eileen and Kelly ¾ Region III Suzanne, our Council Chair, is looking for some IDP volunteers to scope out places where IDP may host a Social to be held during the 2013 National RID, Inc. Conference, August 9‐14, 2013, at the JW Marriott, 10 S. West Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204 from Region III.
There was a CODA Retreat in Indianapolis held during the month of October. ¾ Region IV: Josh Evans moderated the IDP Member Section Meeting held in Colorado, Friday, August 3, 6:00pm ‐ 8:00pm. ¾ Region V: Tom Satterlee reported through an e‐mail communication, Hawaii‐ IDP Member Section went pretty well. Additionally, he stated, there was a good turn out for the IDP/Deaf Caucus community forum of about 100 individuals participated. It was facilitated in the way as Atlanta, using the same topic. Unfortunately, he felt, we didn't have that same enthusiasm that we had in Atlanta. Tom explained, Sean Furman, Co‐Moderator, Deaf Caucus collected the notes from the discussion groups. It was nice getting that exposure out to new Interpreters who may not participated in a Community Forum before. Feedback Tom received regarding IDP was some RID, Inc. members thought they had to be a Coda in order to join IDP. I informed them, the IDP Member Section is open to all members. These questions gave me, he reported, the idea of doing an IDP‐Friend campaign to help IDP.
******************************************* Presidents Report: Suzanne received a note from the national office regarding the status and language of Motion ‘E’, CM 2011‐ 04. There will be a Phone Conference with the members of the national board and Matthew O’Hara on November 2., Noon. Laurie Nash will be representing IDP on this call. Interpreter Service Managers (ISM) Member Section, Nancy Berlove, Rochester, NY, inquired if IDP member section council will collaborate and support a workshop on the topic of ‘Referral Agencies’ offering in a “Town Hall’ format. Kelly Decker will be in touch with her and further discussion on this support will continue. Preston Bass Scholarship will allow IDP’s in ITPs to attend conferences. Amy Williamson will be the liaison on the project with Preston Bass. 2013 National Conference Plans: Lynette Taylor has requested a phone conference with IDP regarding the Community Forum being held at the conference. The Community Forum submission of the Deaf Caucus/IDP Member Section needs a correction from 2014 to 2013. A plan for an IDP pre‐conference workshop sponsored by VRSii is underway. The discussion of how it can be a fund raiser, topic for presenting to our member section group and outreach will continue. Meeting closed at 9:43pm Respectfully submitted, Karen Lefebvre, Sec.