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Welcome to Warrior Elite Allstars Cheerleading program! We are a competitive and ... We are excited about your interest in becoming a part of the Warrior Elite.
2012-2013 Handbook and Registration Packet

Warrior Elite Allstars 2012‐2013 Handbook and Registration Packet Welcome! Welcome to Warrior Elite Allstars Cheerleading program! We are a competitive and performance based cheerleading program that serves the entire Maui County. We are excited about your interest in becoming a part of the Warrior Elite Allstars `Ohana. Enclosed you will find: • Explanation of All‐Star Levels and Teams • Expectations and Policies • Practice and Event Schedules • Program Tuition, Expenses, and Payment Contract • Participant Medical & Waiver Release, Practice Drop off and Pickup Agreement, Registration Agreement (Must be completed to participate) Warrior Elite Allstars Season runs from May 2012 through the end of April 2013. Our Mission Our mission at Warrior Elite Allstars is to provide a strong program to enrich the lives of children and encourage the love of the sport of competitive cheerleading. We strive to instill in our athletes the values of Character, Courteousness, and Commitment. Our athletes will work hard; learn self confidence, leadership skills, good sportsmanship, and team work. Most of all, they will make new friends and have fun! To Start To secure a spot on a team, attend our tryouts (May 14-16, 2012), please complete the forms enclosed; turn them in along with a copy of your child’s birth certificate, recent report card and your first payment calculated on the Payment Contract. Copies of these forms can be provided at your request; otherwise, these will stay in your athletes file with our Board of Directors. Any remaining parts of this packet should be kept as a reference throughout the season. Welcome! Warrior Elite Allstars `Ohana

Cyn Los Banos, Warrior Elite Allstars*Cheer Director [email protected] * 808-344-7789 Chant’e Diaz, Warrior Elite Allstars*Co-Cheer Director/Event Coordinator [email protected]* 808-205-7657 Warrior Elite Allstars * 384 Kapanui Place * Wailuku, HI 96793 * [email protected]

Warrior Elite Allstars 2012‐2013 Explanation of All‐Star Levels and Team USASF Warrior Elite Allstars adheres to the guidelines set by the USASF, the governing body for all‐star cheerleading that sets all major policies, competition guidelines, and divisions that impact our program. This is the industry standard. Ages An athlete’s eligibility for a team is determined by their “competition age,” for that entire season. The 2012‐2013 seasons’ cutoff date is August 31st. The age of the athlete on the aforementioned date will be their “competition age.” Levels This season we would like to perform at 3 different levels. The “level” refers to the difficulty of stunts, pyramids, and tumbling that a team can SAFELY perform. The levels are numbered 1, 2 & 3 with increasing difficulty. Tumbling skills are an important aspect of how teams are separated by the USASF, and the guidelines for levels 1, 2 & 3 tumbling are as follows: • Level 1 - forward rolls, backward rolls, cartwheels, round‐offs, front and back walkovers • Level 2 - all of the level 1 skills plus single standing back‐handsprings and running series back‐handsprings. • Level 3 – all of the level 1 & 2 skills plus running round-off back tuck and round-off back handspring back tuck. The skill levels we choose will be depending on the majority of the cheerleader’s skills. Meaning we will only have a level 3 team if half of the team plus one can safely execute a specific stunt or tumbling skill. Please note: There may be athletes on any given team that tumble at a different level than the rest of their teammates. We try to match up the athletes by levels as best as we can, however, please remember that stunting, pyramids, jumps, dance, motions, and age are huge factors as well. It simply is not feasible, nor desirable, to base team selection upon only one of these factors. EVERY ATHLETE IS ON A TEAM FOR A REASON. Please trust your coaching staff. Warrior Elite Allstars Team tryouts Everyone makes a team Warrior Elite Allstars’ team will conduct a tryout separated by ages. This will be more like an evaluation than a tryout, because everyone will make a team. All teams will compete at a local and/or national competition. Out of state travel will be required for the senior, junior and youth teams, while the mini team will be required to travel to O`ahu for the Aloha International Spirit Championships in April. Senior, Junior and Youth teams may also have the opportunity to travel to O`ahu as well, if competition scheduling permits. See attached breakdown for details. Warrior Elite Allstars 2012‐2013 Expectations and Policies Attendance and Punctuality The success of a team relies greatly on the attendance of ALL its members. Good attendance and punctuality are essential for a safe and well‐practiced team environment come competition time. Athletes will be provided a calendar with all important dates during the season. Practices may be added or cancelled at the Coaches and Board of Directions discretion. Athletes are expected to attend all practices. An athlete must arrive on time and may not leave early from practice or performances unless this has been approved by a coach. For absences and planned late arrivals or early dismissals, a request should be made with a coach with at least a 1 week notice or should an emergency arise (hospital visit, death in family, etc.), those instances will be treated on a case by case basis, and should be reported via telephone (808-344-7789 or 808-205-7657). School functions that require participation for a grade will be excused. Missing a practice within the two weeks prior to competition may result in the athlete’s spot being filled for that particular event. Unexcused absences, habitual excused absences, excessive tardiness, or missing a competition may result in immediate removal from the program, at the coaches and Board of Directors discretion. Team Rosters & Divisions Team rosters will be finalized on June 30th. The coaching staff reserves the right at any time to change the roster of a team by adding, re‐arranging, or removing athletes to and from teams for a performance, practice, or the entire program. Every attempt will be made to make these changes as infrequently as possible and with as much warning as possible. Athletes may be removed from the program at any time for any reason that include but are not limited to: attitude problems,

absences and/or tardiness, lack of interest, lack of financial responsibilities, fitness level of athlete, parental issues, and personality conflicts between athletes and/or coaches. There will be no refund of tuition or other fees in the event of removal from a team. Any athlete wanting to join the team after the finalized roster date will be subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Competition and Travel Policy The competitive teams will travel for competitions, and will participate in both local and/or National events throughout the season. Parents, family, and friends are encouraged to attend these events to help show support for all of our Warrior Elite Allstars teams. ALL team members are expected to be present and show support for all Warrior Elite Allstars teams at competitions and may not arrive late, leave early, or miss any team performances without prior permission. Athletes must participate in both days at any given two day event, no exceptions. • All travel arrangements must be made as a group. All team members must be on the same flight and staying at the same hotels unless cleared prior to the trip with the Head Coach or Board of Directors. Situations as these will be handled on a case by case basis. • Parents are responsible for their team athlete during “free time” at competitions and events. If a parent cannot attend an event, you MUST make prior arrangements for another family member or team parent to supervise their child for the duration of the event. • Coaches will not be responsible for athletes at any events or competitions if a parent cannot attend. Please make sure your athlete has supervision such as a designated chaperone at all times. This includes travel to and from the events; hotel stays, and “free time.” There will be NO exceptions. • Under NO circumstances should anyone other than the coaching staff contact the hosting companies with questions or requests for information. We will attempt to provide you with everything you need to know at the appropriate time. Logo and Merchandise Policy The name “Warrior Elite Allstars” and its logo are property of The Non-profit Organization, Warrior Elite Allstars. No one may produce ANYTHING with the word Warrior Elite Allstars or the logo without the permission of Board of Directors. Fundraising Policy Fundraising opportunities will be available throughout the season to help offset the costs of competition fees, clothing, travel expenses or monthly tuition. There will be 1 mandatory club fundraiser every quarter. 4 total throughout the season. All money raised for the Club fundraiser will stay with the club. Safety Policy Team members will not attempt any tumbling or stunting without proper instruction, adequate equipment, or supervision of spotters. Team members will not use any equipment without a coach’s supervision. Injury and Liability Policy While Warrior Elite Allstars strives to provide the safest environment for our athletes, injuries may occur. Warrior Elite Allstars is not liable for any expenses due to injuries or illness resulting from participation in the program. Each athlete must have their own insurance coverage to defray medical or other expenses. Clothing Policy Jewelry is NOT permitted for any practices or performances. Fingernails must be groomed at all times to prevent scratching other team members, and all polish must be removed for competitions. Hair must be pulled away from the face and in a ponytail. Do not wear lotions on shoulders or legs, as this will cause the girls to slip during stunting. ONLY Warrior Elite Allstars practice gear can be worn at practice. Cheer shoes are to be worn for the duration of all practices as well as competitions (unless otherwise directed by a coach). Team members are required to wear full uniforms for all competitions and award ceremonies. Team members are required to keep their uniforms laundered and their shoes clean for all performances. Competition tops and skirts must be fully zipped at all times while in public. Team warm‐ups will be required to and from competitions in cold weather. Lost or damaged clothing is the responsibility of the parent and must be replaced or repaired at your own expense.

Conduct and Sportsmanship Policy Warrior Elite Allstars is a positive place for kids. Team unity and sportsmanship are very important to our organization. All team members are highly visible representatives of the Warrior Elite Allstars program and should conduct themselves with good character and sportsmanship at all times. Gossip, negativity, and drama have no place in our program. Any issues that arise should be brought directly to the attention of your athlete’s coach at the appropriate time, and if not resolved, to the attention of the Board of Directors. Please be courteous and considerate of all teams and athletes, including other all‐star programs. Do not speak negatively about any person, decision, or result. This includes the internet (Facebook/MySpace) and message boards! We strive to teach our athletes respect and sportsmanship. Anyone who behaves in a manner in or out of the gym that we view as inappropriate may be asked to leave our program. NOTE – Athletes whose parents are excessively negative or obnoxious will be removed from the program. We are trying to create a positive and pleasant learning environment for our athletes. Individuals and Stunt Group Policy Individuals and stunt groups will be allowed at the discretion of the Coaches. They will ONLY compete at specific local designated competitions throughout the season. Choreography and coaching for these performances MUST be done in‐house. Team members MUST be in good financial standing and attend all team practices and functions before they will be granted permission to participate in an individual or stunt group routine. Any stunt group routine will ONLY consist of members from the individual’s team stunt group. Communication Policy It is the parent’s responsibility to know what’s going on! Occasionally, there may be a need for last minute announcements, schedule, or practice changes. Please get in the habit of checking your email on a regular basis. Please feel free to talk to your child’s coach about anything. If you need to speak with them, please do so before or after practices. Approaching a coach as they are heading into practice is not the appropriate time, as it disrupts practice for others. If you have an address, phone number, or email change, it is your responsibility to let the membership committee know. Scholastic Verification All athletes with Warrior Elite Allstars will need to maintain a grade point average of 2.0/70% or higher throughout the entire season. Please have a report card turned in with your registration information. Failure to provide documents or maintain grade point average will result in a probationary period and will not be able to participate in Warrior Elite Allstars events until proper documentation is received or grade point average meets the requirement. Warrior Elite Allstars 2012‐2013 Practice and Competition Schedule Listed below are the team’s general practice schedule and their competition schedule for the 2012 – 2013 season. Practices Mandatory practices will be on Mondays through Saturdays. (Tumbling classes are mandatory as well.) Practice schedule: Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Jr. 330p-6p Youth 330p-6p Jr. 330p-6p Youth 330p-6p Mini 4p-530p Youth tumbling 9a-11a Sr. 5p-730pm Sr. 5p-730p Sr. 5p-730p Jr. 5p-730p (M) tumble 530p-630p Jr. & Sr. tumbling 1130a-130p Tumbling classes will be required at least once a week. Tumbling classes will be with Maui Tumblers, LLC. Tumbling classes are $15 for two hours for Sr., Jr. & youth teams and $12 for 1 hour for the mini team, payable to Maui Tumblers, LLC the day of the class. Warrior Elite Allstars 2012 – 2013 Competition Schedule th th (Mini team)-Aloha International Spirit Championships-March 29 & 30 2013, Honolulu, HI. rd (Senior, Junior and Youth teams)- Contest of Champions March 3 2013, Disney’s Wide World of Sports Complex, Orlando, Florida.

Warrior Elite Allstars 2012‐2013 Program Tuition and Estimated Expenses Registration Fee All teams $100 This fee insures your athlete with Warrior Elite Allstars for the entire season. Tuition

Monthly $65 Senior team $60 Junior team $55 Youth team $35 Mini team

1st Sibling 15% discount Additional Siblings 40% discount Team tuition does not include tumbling classes. Tumbling classes

Quarterly 5% Initial & thereafter st nd rd th $154.36 1 pmt $185.25 2 , 3 & 4 pmt st nd rd th $142.50 1 pmt $171 2 , 3 & 4 pmt st nd rd $130.63 1 pmt $156.75 2 , 3 & 4th pmt st nd rd th $83.13 1 pmt $99.75 2 , 3 & 4 pmt

$15 Sr., Jr. & Youth teams $12 Mini team

DUE DATES Due on May 18th

Annually 10% $672.75 Pro-rated $621 Pro-rated $569.25 Pro-rated $362.25 Pro-rated


Due on May 18 th Due on May 18 Due on May 18th th Due on May 18 Due on May 18th th Due on May 18 Due day of class Due day of class

Choreography & Music At this time choreography and music will be included in Tuition and mandatory fundraisers. Practice Uniform Tank top, Shorts and Bow

Approx. $25 a set

Due on May 18th

Competition Uniform & Bow Mini Team All other teams (Tax & Shipping Included)

Approx. $120 Approx. $265

Due on July 1st Due on July 1st

Embroidered Warm up suit

Approx. $55

Due on July 1st

Competition Fees *See attached trip breakdown for your team* Other Expenses Shoes, Warrior Elite Allstars Travel Bag, Briefs, Makeup, etc. Warrior Elite Allstars 2011-2012 Payment Contract – TUITION ONLY Please choose one: Monthly payment: Due May 18th and every 1st of the month thereafter st



Quarterly payment plan: Due May 18 , Aug. 1 , Nov. 1 , & Feb. 1 Annual payment plan: Due May 18th


$____________ per month__________ $____________ per qtr_____________ $____________ annual_____________

Terms: * Once the member contract is signed, tuition and fees are expected in full (quarterly and annual payments receive a discount), and are non‐refundable; we also have monthly payment plans available. If your child leaves the program, fees will not be pro‐rated or forgiven. * Tuition that is paid monthly is due on the FIRST DAY OF EACH MONTH. If tuition is not received by the 5th of the month you will receive a warning for the first month, second month late membership will be suspended, 2 months consecutive nonpayment may result in termination of membership. * NSF payments (returned checks) will be charged a $25 service charge as well as any bank fees incurred by Warrior Elite Allstars as a result of the NSF. If this happens more than twice, tuition for the remainder of the season will be due in full. * All payments are to be paid with cash or check payable to: Warrior Elite Allstars Name of Athlete: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Printed Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Warrior Elite Allstars 2012‐2013 Medical & Waiver Release Form Athlete’s Name________________________________________________ Age: _________ Date of Birth: ________________ Parent/guardian Name: ________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City/Zip: ___________ Home Phone: __________________ Dad’s Work: _______________ Dad’s Cell: _____________ Mom’s Work: _______________ Mom’s Cell: ________________ Emergency Contact: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ (IF PARENT/GUARDIAN CANNOT BE CONTACTED) List all known allergies: _____________________________ Important Medical History: ______________________________ Name of Primary Medical Insurance Company: ________________________________ Policy Number: _________________ Membership Number: __________________________ Name of Primary Insured: ___________________________________ Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement and Release 1. As a parent or legal guardian of the participating person, I give my consent for him/her to participate in the Warrior Elite Allstars cheerleading program. I understand that any sport is dangerous and training in any sport can be dangerous. With that being said I also understand the risks that come along with the above named sport. I also understand that by participating in gymnastics, stunting, cheerleading, dance, strength training, sports training and related activities may result in unavoidable injuries due to the sport, heights, and motions involved. Injuries such as muscle strains, pulls, and tears, bruises, dislocations, and broken bones are just a few small injuries that might occur more than once in the course of a season. Severe injuries, such as permanent paralysis or even death could occur as well. I am fully aware of the risks and possibility of injury involved. 2. As a parent or legal guardian, I agree to provide health insurance for the participant and pay any medical expenses incurred as a result of training, performing, or participating in activities of the Warrior Elite Allstars cheerleading program. 3. In consideration for allowing the below named person to participate in the activities of the Warrior Elite Allstars cheerleading program. I waive any or all rights or causes of action against Warrior Elite Allstars, its officers, directors, coaching staff, and Warrior Elite Allstars cheerleaders for any injuries or death suffered to my child. I agree to hold Warrior Elite Allstars, its officers, directors, coaching staff and Warrior Elite Allstars cheerleaders harmless against any such claim growing out of or resulting from any injury or death to the above named person in connection with the above named activity, and to indemnity reimburse and make good any loss, damage or cost that Warrior Elite Allstars may have to pay if any litigation or claim arises from injuries or death including cost of court and attorney’s fees. 4. I further agree to hold harmless and indemnify The Limo Company, LLC; including without limitation, all representatives, all staff personnel, and all administrators. I further release The Limo Company, LLC from any medical and/or legal costs which may arise due to any injury and/or illness sustained. I also give permission for photographs and videos of my child to be used in print or broadcast media as deemed appropriate for the promotion of any Warrior Elite Allstars activities. 5. My parents, legal guardian, and I have read and agree to adhere to the rules, guidelines, and procedures set forth by the team handbook and the hold harmless and indemnity and agreement form. We understand that any violation of these rules or guidelines will result in punishment decided by the coaches and Board of Directors or even dismissal. Neither my parents, legal guardian, nor I will hold Warrior Elite Allstars, its officers, directors, coaching staff, and Warrior Elite Allstars cheerleaders responsible for any injuries or death I may obtain in the season. I waive any and all rights or causes of action against Warrior Elite Allstars, its officers, directors, coaching staff, and Warrior Elite Allstars cheerleaders for any injuries suffered by my child if he/she or a member of my family and/or guest(s) is injured or has a complaint while on the premises. Athlete Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Parent/guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Warrior Elite Allstars 2012‐2013 Practice Drop off and Pickup Agreement Athlete Information: First Name: __________________________ Last Name: __________________________ Date of Birth: __________________ School and Grade: _________________________________________________________ Please choose an option below in both sections, initial and sign to verify completion and understanding of the Drop off and Pick up agreement materials. Drop off options: ____ I will drop off my child to practice every day no later than 10 minutes before practice time and no earlier than 20 minutes before practice time, unless scheduled to ride on the MEO bus. ____ My child will be using the MEO bus services provided. Pickup options: ____ I will pick my child up every day from practice no earlier or later than their scheduled practice end time. ____ I give permission for my child to get a ride home with another team member’s family. ____ I give permission for my child to walk home after practice and will let my child know that once practice is over he/she needs to leave practice location promptly and to head straight home. I will not hold Warrior Elite Allstars, its officers, directors, coaching staff, and Warrior Elite Allstars cheerleaders responsible for my child once practice is over.

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Parent/Guardian Printed Name: ______________________________________________

Warrior Elite Allstars 2012‐2013 Registration Agreement Athlete Information: First Name: ____________________________ Last Name: ___________________________ Date of Birth: _______________ Address: ______________________________ City/Zip: ____________ School and Grade: _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________ Home #______________ Parent/Guardian Cell #: ______________ Parent/Guardian E-Mail: _______________________________________________ Grade Point Average: ____________T-Shirt/Tank top Size: _____________ Short Size: _______________ Please initial each section below and sign to verify completion and understanding of the registration materials. Initial: ____ I have read the Warrior Elite Allstars Expectations and Policies and understand the responsibilities. I have discussed these policies with my athlete, and they understand the responsibilities of being a Warrior Elite Allstars team member. Initial: ____ I have read the Estimated Expenses and understand the costs involved in being a member of the Warrior Elite Allstars program. Initial: ____ I have read, understand and signed the Warrior Elite Allstars Medical and Waiver Release Form. Initial: ____ I have read, understand and signed the Warrior Elite Allstars Practice Drop off and Pickup Agreement Form. Initial: ____ I understand this is a commitment to a team through the end of April, 2012, and all monies incurred for fees, tuition, and expenses are non‐refundable and non‐transferrable. I also understand that this is a 12‐month contract, and th if we choose to leave the program after June 30 , I am still responsible for all fees throughout the duration of the contract. Initial: ____ I have turned in a copy of the Payment Contract, Medical & Waiver Release Form, Drop off and Pickup Agreement Form and registration form. Initial: ____ I have turned in a copy of my child’s birth certificate and report card with these registration forms (new members only). Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Parent/Guardian Printed Name: __________________________________________________ To secure your spot on a team, attend Warrior Elite Allstars tryouts May 14-16, complete and turn in this form with all required forms listed above and the first payment figured from the 2012‐2013 Payment Contract. All items are due on May 18th. Please note: Athletes will NOT be able to participate in any Warrior Elite Allstars event after June 30th without all required paperwork and payments made.

Contest of Champions Disney World Orlando Florida March 3rd 2013 Travel dates February 27-March 6, 2013 Warrior Elite Allstars Senior, Junior and Youth competitive teams Estimated breakdowns: Cheerleader: $1000-airfare priced on the higher end (based on February 2013 online flights, still checking on group rates.) $639-6 night Competition event package (see below for package details) $154-Coaches fee (divided amongst 45 cheerleaders. This price could go up or down depending on how many cheerleaders sign up.) $16-Travel T-shirts $1809-Total trip cost $226.13 Monthly trip payments starting July 1st 2012 and ending February 1st 2013. (8 months) *airfare deposit of $85 will be due as soon as soon flights are confirmed and are non-refundable. This mount will be deducted from your total trip cost.

Parent: $1000-airfare priced on the higher end (based on February 2013 online flights, still checking on group rates.) $606-6 night Competition event package (see below for package details) $1606-Total trip cost $200.75 Monthly trip payments starting July 1st 2012 and ending February 1st 2013. (8 months) *airfare deposit of $85 will be due as soon as soon flights are confirmed and are non-refundable. This amount will be deducted from your total trip cost.


6 Nights Lodging at Disney’s All-Star Resort 5-Day Park Hopper Admission to the Walt Disney World Theme Parks of your choice (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disney’s Animal Kingdom) & Disney Waterpark or Disney Quest 1 Planet Hollywood Breakfast at Downtown Disney 2 Meal Coupons for use at the Walt Disney World Theme Parks & Selected Disney Hotels Participation in the Contest of Champions Admission to ESPN Wide World of Sports Complimentary Shuttle Transportation to and from a Disney Resort to Competition & Awards Commemorative Souvenir Gift for Gym/School Commemorative Gift for Each Participant Participation Plaque for each Squad Routine Complete Recap Sheets for All Events Contest and Tour Escort Staff with 24-Hour Emergency Service $2,000,000 Liability Insurance Coverage All Applicable Taxes

Aloha International Spirit Championships Waikiki, Oahu March 29 & 30 Travel Dates March 29-31, 2013 Warrior Elite Allstars Mini competitive team Estimated breakdowns: (We will know a better number when we are able to book flights and rooms) Cheerleader: $180-airfare priced on the higher end (based on February 2013 online flights, still checking on group rates.) $55-Competition fee (2011 price) $51-Hotel room (2011 price) $25- Shuttle service Airport to hotel and back (2011 price) $51-Coaches fee (2 coaches divided amongst 10 cheerleaders. This price could go up or down depending on how many cheerleaders sign up.)

$16-Travel T-shirts $378-Total trip cost $47.25 Monthly trip payments starting July 1st 2012 and ending February 1st 2013. (8 months) *airfare deposit of $85 will be due as soon as soon flights are confirmed and are non-refundable. This amount will be deducted from your total trip cost.

Parent: $180-airfare priced on the higher end (based on February 2013 online flights, still checking on group rates.) $51-Hotel room (2011 price) $25- Shuttle service Airport to hotel and back (2011 price) $256-Total trip cost $32- Monthly trip payments starting July 1st 2012 and ending February 1st 2013. (8 months) *airfare deposit of $85 will be due as soon as soon flights are confirmed and are non-refundable. This amount will be deducted from your total trip cost.