so we offer a full three-day approval privilege to enable you to try anything in
stock - show it to your teacher and your ..... Scale length: 650mm. Width at nut: .
52mm ...... The legacy that Merle Travis, Chet Atkins and Jerry Reed have had on
Dream Fulfillment Center © "Best Acoustic Instrument Shop." – The Village Voice
"One of the world's foremost dealers in new and vintage fretted instruments."
– The New York Times
EST. 1971
“One of the Best Guitar Shops in the World.” – The Boston Globe
“The Best Guitar Store in New York.” – New York Magazine
2012 Catalog
629 Forest Ave., S. I., NY 10310-2576 • (718) 981-8585 • Fax: (718) 816-4416 •
[email protected]
Welcome to Mandolin Brothers
If you need product information, you may call us at (718) 981-8585 or 981-3226, Monday through Saturday. Our showroom is open from 10:00 am until 6:00 p.m. Eastern time, and during those hours, we can be reached by phone to answer a question about fretted instruments or to accept an order. Our showroom contains many of the items in our catalog as well as a large number of other fine instruments that are not listed here but can be found in our monthly publication, The Vintage News. If you have any questions, or requests, please feel free to call, fax, email us at
[email protected] or visit our website at
Illustration by Marian Berntsen, (colored by Lou Russo)
on the cover
Our illustrious Staff – (see bios on next page)
“The Catalog section of our website shows nearly every instrument
that each manufacturer makes, and should not be construed as representing what we have in stock. What we actually have in stock in fretted instruments is found in the main section of this Web site, under “Instruments,” “Builders,” “Featured Instruments” and “What’s New” or through the Search Engine. If you find something in the “2012 Catalog” that you might wish to order, just email us and we’ll let you know about its availability and/or the waiting time, and what the exact price is, as well as what’s required to place it on order.”
on the BACK cover Our shop – photo taken
PHOTO taken by CHRIS Reilly
Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 STAFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 What's it Worth? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 GUITARS, Banjos. Mandolins & UKES Beard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Benedetto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Big Muddy Mandolins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Breedlove Mandolins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Chasson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Collings Mandolins & Ukes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Cordoba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Deering Banjos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Michael Dunn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Eastman Guitars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Eastman Mandolins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Fluke Ukuleles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Galloup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Goldtone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Huber Banjos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Huss Dalton Banjos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Kamaka Ukes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Loriente. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Morgan Monroe Mandolins & Banjos . . . . . 130 National Reso-Phonic Ukuleles . . . . . . . . . . 121
Some pages may not reflect the very latest prices, but we are in the process of updating them. All prices subject to change without notice; some prices may have already changed but have not yet been updated here. Please email or phone us to obtain or confirm our own selling prices which may be different than the prices shown in the catalog.
OME Banjos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Ovation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112-113 Phoenix Mandolins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Rain Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Renaissance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Reiter Banjos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Stelling Banjos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Summit Mandolins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Voyage Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Walker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Weber Mandolins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127-128 AMPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136-138 Hohner Harmonicas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 ACCESSORIES (all types) Mando Apparel, (Shirts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Cases (Calton Cases, New Guardian Cases, TKL, Martin, Ameritage), Gig Bags (Reunion Blues, Mandolin Bros), Covers (Small Dog). . . 139-142 General Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-147 DVDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148-152 Video and VHS tapes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Books and CDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-160 Vintage News Subscription Form. . . . . . . . . 161 Directions and General Info. . . . . . . . . . . 162 Order Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164-165
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
(Front row): Janet LaFata, Showroom Manager; Stanley Jay, President; Lou Russo, Art Director; (Second row): Bea Jay, Webmaster Emeritus; Bonnie Cohen, Bookkeeper/Office Manager; Rachel Cohen, Shipping/Accesories Manager; Alison Jay, Customer Service Manager/Webmaster ; Gil Rosado, Repair specializing in bass; (Back row): Rocco Monterosso, Head of Repair Dept., Leroy Aiello, Consultant; Eric Jay, Showroom Assistant; Adam Rella, Repair Assistant.
Stan Jay, PRESIDENT; Our president came to Staten Island (Sharon) from Penn State University to buy himself a Masters Degree in Education/English from Wagner College and then, deciding that this was an unusually comfortable place to live, stayed on for more years of higher learning as a Columbia University Teachers’ College doctoral candidate for what became an Ab.D. (All but Dissertation) in the College Teaching of English. At various times in his youth a mail carrier, part-time salesperson at Rondo Music in Union, NJ, temporary typist, musician, accompanist, writer of magazine articles, record producer, and college teacher of guitar and the arts, at age 28 Stan co-founded this company (that would have been December 14, 1971, in the evening, actually) and, later on, in Dec. of 1980, co-founded Steinberger Sound Corp. Music is his life. Bonnie Cohen, OFFICE MANAGER; I was born a fairly long time ago and relatively far away and, after many years doing other things, I woke up one morning and found myself at Mandolin Brothers. I can’t play guitar. I tried – I was planning to be the next Joan Baez when I was a junior in high school, but it didn’t work out. I do sing although my kids complain about the vintage music, and I did play saxophone in high school. We won’t discuss how well I played. I am, however, a very good bookkeeper–watching our pennies carefully. Bea Jay, Webmaster, Emeritus; Our Webmaster from 1996 through 2008, making her one of the earlier Web maintainers on record. She retired from Verizon after a 28½ year career humoring New York City telephone customers by allowing them to constructively deal with adversity. In addition to her Web duties she plays piano and organ at several Staten Island churches, and, is learning violin, viola and cello.
Alison Jay, Customer Service MANAGER/Webmaster; the eldest of Stan and Bea’s progeny, is in charge of clerical and customer service (dream fulfillment) work. She has worked at Mandolin Brothers for a dozen years as a fulltime employee but started here when she was a little girl, stuffing envelopes when she was only 10 years old (please don’t tell the authorities). She intends to become as well-versed in the history and evaluation of musical instruments as her father is today. Rachel Cohen, SHIPPING /ACCESSORIES MANAGER; is in charge of packing/ shipping/receiving instruments, cases, books, apparel, DVDs, small goods display, and accessories purchasing. In 2005, Rachel took over for her dad (Steven Cohen) who was our former accessories manager. Someone from the Cohen family has held this position for, let’s see, 165 years now going back to Ebenezer Cohen in 1843. Lou Russo, ART DIRECTOR. As well as being a striking, original commercial artist, Lou is also a singer/songwriter/guitarist whose CDs are available on Amazon, and whose songs are played on local independent radio stations such as WFMU-FM. Our Art Director has a background in both graphic design and fine art and has done both sales promotion and editorial design with major advertising agencies; he has also been an illustrator for Business Week, Thomson, Doubleday and others. Speaking of Abner Doubleday, Lou’s painting of Ebbets’ Field, called “First Game,” is on display at the Brooklyn Gallery (Brooklyn Dodgers’ Hall of Fame) at Keyspan Park in Coney Island and, if you’re interested, signed/numbered prints are available on eBay. Eric Jay, SHOWROOM ASSISTANT. Rocco Monterosso, HEAD OF REPAIR DEPT.; Specializing in Setups and Custom Wiring and all other aspects of repairing stringed instruments. Leroy Aiello, CONSULTANT; Expert in all types of repairs and restorations. Gil Rosado, REPAIR; Specializing in Bass, Mandolin and Banjo.
PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Since We’re Here and You’re There What’s it Worth? In our catalog we try very hard to provide you with the information necessary to make an informed choice, even though you may be far away. We can send you emailed or printed photographs of the instrument you are considering purchasing, provide you a complete hands on description over the phone, and even play it for you and compare it to other similar pieces. We maintain an extremely large and varied selection including many unique or difficult-to-find brands and models that are seldom available from your average music store. We are in constant contact with the manufacturers so we can secure any item for you that we may not have in stock, or get you a price quotation on a special order or custom instrument. We understand that there’s nothing like having the guitar (or bass, banjo or mandolin) in hand, so we offer a full three-day approval privilege to enable you to try anything in stock - show it to your teacher and your friends. If you don’t like something you received just let us know within the first three days that you are going to return it and all you pay are the shipping charges, both ways. Even the most expensive instruments can be purchased this way, including one-of-a-kind vintage pieces. And speaking of vintage pieces, we offer a bi-monthly newsletter called (reverb please) The Vintage News, which our subscribers tell us is a hoot to read. This is only $20 a year (6 bi-monthly issues) domestic, and includes our vintage inventory as well as featured descriptions of the coolest collectibles. See subscription form towards back of Catalog. This catalog is our introduction to you, so you can get to know who we are and a little about the things we do. Each person on our staff is able to answer your questions about a specific aspect of your inquiry. If you need more detail about a particular product, if you need to know the date that your instructional video tapes were shipped, if you have any questions about the value of your own vintage instrument - we are happy to give you advice. When you have something you would like to sell, or to have us sell for you on consignment, just send photos, or describe it by phone. We’ll let you know if it is the kind of thing we can use and what you can net from it. We wish you can all come visit with us. Perhaps you will. Sooner or later everybody has a reason to visit the New York Metropolitan Area (we’re only around 20 minutes from Newark Airport by car). If you find that you are unable to come to Staten Island to buy yourself, say, a mandolin, you can, with the help of this catalog, your telephone and the postal or United Parcel Service, shop from the warmth of your very own living room. A catalog is not as good as a personal visit, but we’d like to think that we can make your mailorder experience with us as close as possible to your actually being here.
Our Guarantee: Every new item is new & warranted by its manufacturer. You have a three [3] day approval privilege on any item shipped to you except for custom or special orders. [Approval is not offered on new instruments which are not normally in stock or which have pickups or strap pins added, or are personalized for you. Items ordered by us especially for you are shipped on a final sale basis.] Please notify us within 3 days after receipt of your order if, for any reason, you are not 100% satisfied with the merchandise received. We will exchange the merchandise or refund the purchase price, at your option, excluding freight. After 3 days, all sales become final. (See instructions for ordering on the inside back cover.)
To “Hold” an Instrument: You can phone us and we will hold the instrument of your choice, pending the arrival of funds, for 0NE [1] WEEK. This is especially important when ordering vintage or one-of-a-kind instruments which are subject to prior sale, or new instruments which are in exceedingly short supply. After one week from the “hold” date, the instrument is put back on sale. If during that week, you wish to remove the hold, please call us and let us know.
Pricing: Most items show three prices: manufacturer’s suggested list, our discounted price for payment by any means you choose, and our best price for payment by cash at our showroom, bank check, money order or wire transfer of funds. Some manufacturers ask that we do not print discount prices, whenever “List Price Only” appears or when the word "MAP" appears, please call or e-mail us to find out if a further discount is available (sometimes yes, sometimes the MAP is the price—definitely call us). All prices are subject to change without notice. We make every effort to ensure accuracy but we cannot be responsible for typographical errors or manufacturers’ price increase.
Guitar Brands Which Are Missing From this Catalog: Having failed to put a damper on direct mail merchandising by petitioning the federal government (without success) to force mail order merchants to collect sales tax from out-of-state purchasers, there now seems to be a trend among musical manufacturers to prohibit dealers who might also happen to be mail order merchants from advertising their products in national catalogs such as this. We are concerned about this new direction in the music industry, and for good reason: since you can no longer read about these guitars and acoustic amps in our catalog you are unlikely to contact us to find out which models we have in stock, or to ask questions about materials, appointments, size, tonal capabilities, options and prices. We can only advise that if you have seen a particular brand listed in our catalog in past years, but it’s not in this issue, and you wonder whether we still sell that product you should phone, write, fax or e-mail us at mandolin@ and find out. Credits & Copyright Notice: Some items are verbatim, condensed or facsimile reproductions of previously copyrighted materials, used with the copyright owners’ permission, including some manufacturers’ sales literature. All other text © 2012, Mandolin Brothers®, Ltd., Staten Island, New York. All rights reserved.
If you own or if you have been offered a vintage American guitar, a banjo or mandolin or electric bass and wish to know its current market value, just call and ask us for advice. Widely known as one of the largest dealers in the world of vintage and new American fretted instruments, we are frequently recommended by Gibson Guitar Corp., Nashville, TN, when they receive inquiries about vintage and used instruments. We have appraised the contents of the C F Martin museum for Martin five times, the estate of C.F. Martin Ill, Roy Smeck, Merle Travis and the personal collection of George Fullerton. We are recommended by many local music stores around the country and by other manufacturers, libraries, museums, magazines and news paper columnists. In business since 1971, we service the needs of over 200,000 players and collectors of American fretted instruments. Visiting Mandolin Brothers showroom is like no other retail store experience you have ever had. It’s as comfortable as being home, if your home were stocked with many hundreds of exceedingly high quality, original condition fretted instruments. Your questions are answered accurately and completely - our greatest goal is to educate our customers to the differences between brands, models, styles, woods and appointments, so that they can make up their own minds based on having the information required to do so. When we handle the sale of an instrument for an owner we do not complacently wait for buyers to walk in, we market it by actively sending out color photographs and complete descriptions to those, from our client base, whom we know will be interested, reviewing it in The Vintage News & posting it with color photos to our Web Site on the Internet. We treat every customer like a friend of the company. People tell us that our performance is exceedingly reliable, the quality of the merchandise received is even better than anticipated. We’ve been called “old fashioned” in the way we provide personal service, including offering free verbal evaluation of vintage fretted instruments to callers world wide. Mandolin Brothers, Ltd. is widely known for its high level of professionalism. This, plus our outstanding reputation for reliability, are good reasons why you should consider placing your instrument with us for consignment sale, or shipping it for trade/purchase. In fact, we have been called “a toy store for guitar players” and it’s easy to see why: the place is wall-to-wall acoustic, electric and archtop guitars, banjos and mandolins. We’ve supplied instruments to William Ackerman, Mike Agranoff, Eric Andersen, Kenny Ascher (co-author “Rainbow Connection”), Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgwick, Roma Baran (Kate McGarrigle), Chef Mario Batali, George Benson, Chef David Bouley, Vito Bratta (White Lion), Edie Brickell, Marshall Brickman, Chris Browne (cartoonist), Jimmy Buffett, Jonathan Byrd, Tom Chapin, Marc Cohn, Judy Collins, Harry Connick, Jr., Rich Cornetto (Uncle Floyd Show), Marshall Crenshaw, Holly Dunn, Bob Dylan, Elliot Easton, Esteban (student of Segovia), Gloria Estefan (Miami Sound Machine), Raoul Felder, Bela Fleck, Mary Flower, Fr. Stan Fortuna, Levon Helms, J. Geils, Mike Gordon (Phish), John Gorka, Boris Grebenshikov (Russian recording artist), David Allen Grier, David Grisman, Christopher Guest, Lauryn Hill (repair), Hall & Oates, Colin Hay (Men at Work), George Harrison, Janis Ian, The Indigo Girls, Chris Isaak, Huey Jones, Jonathan Kalb, Faye Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, David Patrick Kelly, Diana Krall, Lenny Kravitz, Gary Larson, Cyndi Lauper, Chris Leslie & Ric Sanders (Fairport Convention), John Levanthal, Lyle Lovett, David MaCallum, Russell Malone, David Otero Martin of El Canto Del Loco band (Spain), Eddie Martinez, Dave Matthews, Paul McCartney, Sara McLachlan, John McLaughlin, Don McLean, El McMeen, John Cougar Mellencamp, Pat Metheny, Steve Miller, Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, Kevin Nealon (Saturday Night Live), Conan O’Brien, Graham Parker, Robin Quivers (Howard Stern Show), Vernon Reid, Maggie and Terre Roche, Richie Sambora, Seal, Paul Siebel, Paul Simon, Michelle Shocked, G.E. Smith, Peter Stampfel (Holy Modal Rounders), Leni Stern, Stephen Stills, Billy Squier, Jill Sobule, Hans Thessink, Russ Titelman, Randy Travis, Tony Trlschka, Suzanne Vega, Jimmy Vivino (Conan O’Brien Show), Martha Wainwright, Peter Watrous (NYR and NY Times), Doc Watson, Toby Walker, Robert James Waller (author), Eric Weissberg, Steve Winwood, Vinnie Zummo (Joe Jackson Band), and many other recording and non-recording customers.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
1778LX Elite
Please e-mail, fax, or call for our discount prices.
CVT Crossweave Carbon fiber top Deep contour non-cutaway 1687-2 . ..............4,099 Deep contour non-cutaway 1687-8 . ..............4,099 Deep contour non-cutaway 1687-5 . ..............4,099 Mid Depth Cutaway 1581-2 . ..............3,999 Mid Depth Cutaway 1581-8 . ..............3,999 Mid Depth Cutaway 1581-5 . ..............3,999
2,899 2,899 2,899 2,799 2,799 2,799
Melissa Etheridge Sig models Mid Depth Cutaway 1581-KK-5 .........3,999 2,799 Mid Depth Cutaway W597-MEII-WP .3,569 2,499 Mid Depth Cutaway 12 Str. 1598-MEII-4G ...3,799 2,649
Deep Contour 6-str. A/E
2078-LE 6 St. ....2,849 1,999
CUSTOM LEGEND C779LX-5 ..........2,899 C779LX-CCB . ...2,899 C2079LX-5 ........2,899 C2079LX-CCB . .2,899
1,999 1,999 1,999 1,999
AL DI MEOLA SIGNATURE MODEL (pictured below) Deep CA 6-string A/E 1769-ADII-4........3,099 2,149 Deep CA 6-string A/E 1769-ADII-5 ......3,099 2,149
PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
1,699 1,699 1,699 1,699 1,699 1,699 1,749 1,749 1,749
C778LX-BCB .....2,899 C778LX-RTD .....2,899 C2078LX-5 ........2,899 C2078LX-RTD ...2,899
1,999 1,999 1,999 1,999
1778LX-4 ...........2,449 1778LX-5 ...........2,449 1778LX-BCB . ....2,449 2078LX-4 ...........2,449 2078LX-5 ...........2,449 2078LX-BCB . ....2,449
1,749 1,749 1,749 1,749 1,749 1,749
Mid Depth Cutaway Mid Depth Cutaway Deep Contour Deep Contour
Mid Depth Cutaway Mid Depth Cutaway Mid Depth Cutaway Deep Contour Deep Contour Deep Contour
1777LX-4 ...........2,399 1777LX-5 ...........2,399 1777LX-RTD . ....2,399 2077LX-4 ...........2,399 2077LX-5 ...........2,399 2077LX-TPB ......2,399 6756LX-4 ...........2,499 6756LX-5 ...........2,499 2056LX-5 ...........2,499
Mid Depth CA 6-str. A/E Mid Depth CA 6-str. A/E Deep Contour 6-str. A/E Deep Contour 6-str. A/E
Mid Depth CA A/E Mid Depth CA A/E Mid Depth CA A/E Deep Contour A/E Deep Contour A/E Deep Contour A/E Mid Depth CA A/E 12-str. Mid Depth CA A/E 12-str. Deep Contour A/E 12-str.
Deep Contour Cutaway Deep Contour Cutaway S/Shallow body Cutaway A/E S/Shallow body Cutaway A/E Deep Contour C/A 12-str. A/E
2778AX-5 ...........1,249 2778AX-NEB .....1,249 6868AX-5 ...........1,249 6868AX-5-NEB ..1,249 2758AX-NEB .....1,399
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
874 874 874 874 979
Ovation, continued MODEL
Mid-depth Cutaway 1778TX-5 ..............959 Mid-depth Cutaway 1778TX-PW .......1,029 Mid-depth Cutaway 1778TX-GSM .....1,049 Deep Contour Cutaway 2078TX-5 ..............959 Deep Contour Cutaway 2078TX-PW .......1,049 Super Shallow Cutaway 1868TX-5 ..............959 Mid Deep Contour C/A 12-str. 2058TX-5 ............1,049
Mid Depth cutaway Mid Depth cutaway Mid Depth cutaway Mid Depth cutaway SS Cutaway 6-string SS Cutaway 6-string SS Cutaway 6-string SS Cutaway 6-string
1771AX-5 ...........1,099 1771AX-CCB .....1,099 2771AX-5 ...........1,099 2771AX-CCB .....1,099 1861AX-5 ...........1,099 1861AX-CCB .....1,099 2751AX-5 ...........1,249
769 769 769 769 769 769 874
Celebrity Bass Mid Cut CC2474-5...............769. Elite 4 String Bass Mid Cut B778-4 ...............3,239. Elite 4 String Bass Mid Cut B778-5 ...............3,239. B7878-TX . .........1,129 4 String Bass Mid Cut String Bass Mid Cut NSB778-GFT .....3,649 4 String Bass Mid Cut NSB778-RFT.......3,649
538 2,259 2,259 790 2,549 2,549
Longneck Mid Depth Cutaway A/E DS778-4 ......2,799 A/E 6774LX-4 ....2,749 Folklore (Wide Neck Steel) Deep Contour Cutaway A/E 2774LX-4 ....2,749 Country Artist (Narrow Nylon) A/E 6773LX-4 ....2,749 Artist Contour Cutaway (Nylon) A/E 2773LX-4 . ..2,749 1773LX-4 ...........2,749 Classic LX (Nylon string) Classic LX Deep Contour Nylon 2073LX-4 . ..........2,749 Celebrity Deluxe Doublenk 6/12 A/E CSE225-8TY ......1,589 Mick Thomson Ltd. Ed. MT37-5 ..............1,029 iDea CC54i-PL-5 .......1,029 iDea CC54i-5 .............1,029 iDea CC24Si-5 ..............929 iDea CC544Si-CCB . ..1,029
1,949 1,899 1,899 1,899 1,899 1,924 1,924 1,112 769 720 720 650 720
Mandolin Celebrity DLX MCS148-RRB ..... 849 Mandolin Elite MM68-CCB ..... 2,149 Mandocello (SPECIAL ORDER) MC868-4 . ........ 2,899
CC44-5 ............599.50 CC44-8T ..........599.50 CC44-8TQ .......699.50 CC44-SM .........699.50 CC48-5 ............599.50 CC48-8T ..........599.50 CC48-RRBY . .....699.50 CC48-PD . .........699.50
Mid Depth Cutaway CC24-4,5,RR . ..499.50 Mid Depth Cutaway CC24-4Q . ........599.50 Mid Depth Cutaway CC24-NBM ......599.50 SS Cutaway CC28-5 ............499.50 SS Cutaway CC28-RR . ........499.50 CC28-HBY .......599.50 SS Cutaway SS Cutaway CC28-TBBY .....599.50 SS Cutaway CC28-AWFB ....599.50 Mid Depth Cutaway CC24S-TTB . ....549.50 Super Shallow Cutaway Nyl. Str. CC059-4C . ......699.50 Mid Depth Cutaway 12-str. C245-HB . ........629.50 Lefty Mid Depth Cutaway LCC047-HB .....769.50
Sunburst Red Reverse Burst Natural Natural Cedar Natural Graphite Natural Quilt Black Black Gloss Spalted Maple Reverse Blue Burst Blue Transparent Blue Transparent Quilt Blue Flame Maple Adirondack Spruce Amber Waterfall Bubinga Black Cherryburst Cherry Burst Cobalt Blue (Adamas) Cherry Cherry Burst Figured Koa
429 429 499 499 429 429 499 499
349 429 429 349 349 429 429 429 399 479 449 549
RFT Red Flame Top fkoa Figured Koa GFT Gray Flame Top HB Honey Burst HBY Honey Burst Flame NBM Nutmeg Burled Maple NEB New England Burst NWT Natural Woven Top P Paduak PL Platinum RR Ruby Red RRBY Ruby Red Burst Flame RTD Red Tear Drop SB Sunburst (VXT) SM Spalted Maple TBBY Trans Black Burst Flame TPB Trans Burgundy TTB Tuscan Tan Burst WP White Pearl
The Truly Modern Mandolin.
671 720 734 671 734 671 734
STANDARD BALLADEER A/E Mid Depth Cutaway Mid Depth Cutaway Deep Contour Cutaway Deep Contour Cutaway Super Shallow Cutaway Super Shallow Cutaway Deep Contour Cutaway 12-st.
594 1,499 1,999
The Ovation Mandolin. The first designed from scratch as an acoustic/electric. Plugged in, the special design pickup and OP-24+ electronics truly make this mandolin sing.
Unplugged, the Ovation Mandolin and Mandocello (right) are rich, throaty and have plenty of punch.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Each stunning Loriente guitar is created from handselected wood and then detailed with a unique rosette, purfling, and headstock. Final touches like French polish and lightweight construction accentuate traditional building techniques with the modern requirements of intonation, volume, and balance. CLARITA features marbled cherry wood binding, which is reminiscent of the simpler yet charming guitars of Domingo Esteso. Although less elaborate in detailing than the other models in the line, Clarita is a true concert guitar with great warmth, sustain and presence. Perfect for both the concert stage and recording studio. LIST MAP Clarita CD/IN (Classical) $2,200 $1,899 Top: ........Spanish cedar Country: ..............Spain Back & Sides: .Indian rosewood Finish: ............ Lacquer Scale length: . ... 650mm Width at nut: . ..... 52mm CARMEN SP/CY (Flamenco)– An aggressive flamenco with quick attack and bite, Carmen has the gypsy flare of the great Barbero and Santos flamencos. Easy, low action and a very punchy sound make Carmen the ideal instrument for both the accompanist and the solo performer. Top: ............... Spruce Country: . ........Spain Back & Sides: .Cypress Finish: ........Lacquer Scale length: .650mm Width at nut: . 52mm
MARIETA SP/IN (Classical) – A step up from Clarita (in detailing and selection of materials), Marieta is a tribute to the second epoch of Torres. The cedar-top Marieta features a chain-link motif in the rosette very similar to Tarrega's favorite Torres: SE 114. The other rosette option is another of Torres' classic motifs - the meander pattern. Sound is bold, clearly pronounced and very responsive to the touch. Top: ............... Spruce Country: . ........Spain Back & Sides: .Indian rosewood Finish: .French polish top Scale length: .650mm Width at nut: . 52mm
ANGELA SP/MP (Classical) –Angela is the only model featur-
ing flamed European maple for the back and sides. The tone has a warmer glow and a more delicate voice than her rosewood counterparts. Many of the old masters used this wood to obtain these qualities (for centuries, maple has been used for other stringed instruments including violins, violas and cellos). So although very clear, with plenty of concert volume, the sound is more intimate and romantic - perfect for 19th century and early 20th century repertoire.
Top: ............... Spruce Country: . ........Spain Back & Sides: .Flamed Maple Finish: .French polish top Scale length: .650mm Width at nut: . 52mm
LIST $3,950
MAP $3,199
ISABEL features stunning Pau Ferro (South American rosewood) for the back and sides and elegant detailing in the rosette, headstock and purfling. Isabel, along with Sofia, is one of the top Loriente models. The French polished soundboard allows the top to resonate with greater freedom, producing a harmonically rich and complex tone. Isabel CD/PF (Classical) Top: ........Spanish cedar Country: ..............Spain Back & Sides: .Pau Ferro Finish: .All French polish Scale length: . ... 650mm Width at nut: . ..... 52mm
SOFIA SP/MR (Classical) – Identical to Isabel in workmanship and detailing, Sofia has beautiful, figured Madagascar rosewood for the back and sides. Tone is magnificent and rich, with plenty of volume for the concert artist. Sofia is Loriente's answer to the discriminating performer seeking the absolute best in workmanship, materials and quality of tone. Top: ............... Spruce Country: . ........Spain Back & Sides: .Madagascar rosewood Finish: .All French polish Scale length: .650mm Width at nut: . 52mm
PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Córdoba Guitars was founded in 1997. Building on a tradition of expert
craftsmanship, Córdoba is a leader and innovator in nylon-string acoustic guitars.
(You must call us for prices.)
Includes Córdoba Gig Bag
C9 solid Canadian Cedar or European Spruce top, solid Mahogany
Includes HumiCase
back/sides, Rosewood fingerboard, Mother of Pearl “Esteso” rosette,
Solista solid Red Cedar or German Spruce top, solid Indian Rosewood
high gloss poly-uro finish.
back/sides,natural lacquer finish. 650mm scale length, 52mm nut
C10 solid Canadian Cedar or European Spruce top, solid Indian Rosewood back/sides, Ebony fingerboard, Mother of Pearl “Esteso” rosette, high gloss poly-uro finish.
(2.04 inches).
Solista Flamenca solid German Spruce top, Spanish Cypress back/sides, natural lacquer finish. 650mm scale length, 52mm nut (2.04 inches). Thinner flamenco body w/flat neck angle/low action.
Solista CE solid Red Cedar or German Spruce top, solid Indian
Includes HumiCase
45R solid Red Cedar top, Indian Rosewood back/sides, natural lacquer
Rosewood back/sides, natural lacquer finish. Spanish cutaway w/BBand
finish. 650mm scale length, 52mm nut (2.04 inches).
A2.2 Blend electronics. 650mm scale length, 50mm nut (1.96 inches).
45F solid German Spruce top, Sycamore back/sides, natural lacquer
Solista CE-M solid German Spruce top, solid flamed Maple back/
finish. 650mm scale length, 52mm nut (2.04 inches). Thinner flamenco
sides, natural lacquer finish. Spanish cutaway w/BBand A2.2 Blend
body w/flat neck angle/ low action. Available w/Ebony Peg tuners
electronics. 650mm scale length, 50mm nut (1.96 inches).
45MR solid Red Cedar or German Spruce top, Madagascar Rosewood back/sides, natural lacquer finish. 650mm scale length, 52mm nut (2.04 inches).
FCWE Gypsy Kings Reissue solid German Spruce top, solid Spanish Cypress back/sides, natural lacquer finish. Spanish cutaway w/ BBand A2.2 Blend electronics. 650mm scale length, 50mm nut
45FCE solid German Spruce top, Sycamore back/sides, natural lac-
(1.96 inches).
quer finish. Cutaway\ w/4Band electronics, 650mm scale length, 50mm nut (1.96 inches).
55RCE solid German Spruce top, Indian Rosewood back/sides, natural lacquer finish. Cutaway w/Fishman Pro Blend electronics, 650mm scale length, 50mm nut (1.96 inches).
55FCE solid German Spruce top, flamed Maple back/sides, natural lacquer finish. Thinbody cutaway w/Fishman Pro Blend electronics,
650mm scale length, 50mm nut (1.96 inches). MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
(Also See Eastman Mandolins)
Handcrafted Guitars
Premium tonewoods and meticulous craftsmanship form a harmonious relationship that has made Eastman’s name in the archtop guitar market. The choice of woods and the time honored processes followed to craft these guitars create an organically acoustic tone that is unrivaled. Custom Kent Armstrong pickups compliment the sound of the wood and deliver a smooth balanced tone. List
Uptown Guitars
The Uptown series of guitars put Eastman on the archtop map. Gotoh tuners with ebony buttons, gold Kent Armstrong pickups with adjustable pole pieces, and volume and tone controls are standard on Uptown guitars. Each guitar is handcrafted of solid spruce and flamed maple. Uptown guitars are available in classic, sunburst, and classic/sunburst finishes. Blonde guitars are available at a 20% upcharge. Hardshell case included. AR803CE-16........ 16” F-hole archtop with cutaway Spruce/Maple Single set pickup.. $2,395 AR803CE-16D..... 16” F-hole archtop w/cutaway Spruce/Maple Double set pickups... $2,495 AR804.................. 16” oval-hole archtop Spruce/Maple None...................................... $1,995 AR804CE............. 16” oval hole archtop w/cutaway Spruce/Maple Floating pickup.... $2,395 AR805.................. 16” F-hole archtop Spruce/Maple None........................................... $1,995 AR805CE............. 16” F-hole archtop w/cutaway Spruce/Maple Floating pickup........ $2,395 AR810.................. 17” F-hole archtop Spruce/Maple None........................................... $2,095 AR810CE............. 17” F-hole archtop with cutaway Spruce/Maple Floating pickup.... $2,495 AR810CE-7..........17” 7-st. F-hole archtop w/cutaway Spruce/Maple Floating pickup. $2,695
Uptown Deluxe Guitars
Eastman Uptown Deluxe archtop guitars include upgraded features such as the finest AAA spruce and maple, wood binding with inlaid purfling, and a five piece neck. Each guitar features a gold Kent Armstrong pickup with adjustable pole pieces, as well as a volume and tone control hidden beneath the pickguard. Uptown Deluxe guitars are available in classic, sunburst, classic-sunburst, and blonde finishes. Hardshell case included. AR905CE...........16” F-hole archtop......... with cutaway floating pickup............. $3,395 AR910CE...........17” F-hole archtop......... with cutaway floating pickup............. $3,495 Options - Kent Armstrong pickup alone - $200.00 left hand model - $200.00 List
The John Pisano Signature Series
World renowned jazz guitarist John Pisano personally designed his signature model from top to bottom, with all of the features he ever wanted in a guitar. The 600 series is available in classic finish only and the 800 series is available in classic, sunburst, or blonde. Hardshell case included. AR680CE...........16” F-Hole archtop........ with cutaway select spruce top/mahogany single set pickup.................................................................................................... $2,695 AR880CE...........16” F-Hole archtop........ with cutaway select spruce top/highly flamed maple single set pickup.......................................................................................... $3495
The El Rey Series
Eastman partnered with Otto D’Ambrosio to design the El Rey. These completely handcarved 14” electric guitars are for the player who demands tomorrow’s cutting edge instruments, today. Lightweight and versatile, these hand-crafted guitars come in five finishes: classic, sunburst, classic-sunburst, black, and custom red. Hardshell case included. ER1........... Acoustic/Electric - Standard Jazz Spruce/Mahogany Single set pickup..... $1,695 ER2........... Acoustic/Electric - Deluxe Jazz Spruce/Maple Dual set pickup................. $1,995 ER3........... Acoustic/Electric - Deluxe Rock Maple/Mahogany Dual set pickup......... $1,995 ER3F......... A/E w/F-hole Maple/Mahogany Dual set & acoustic pickup w/stereo output ........................................................................................................................................ $2,495 EROE........ Acoustic/Electric with oval hole Spruce/Maple Fishman archtop pickup.. $1,995 ER7........... 7-string Acoustic/Electric Spruce/Mahogany Single pickup...................... $1,995
The Thinline Series
Eastman Thinline guitars measure 1 3/4” in depth and feature exceptional tonal qualities. 180 series guitars are available in classic, classic-sunburst, sunburst, red, and black finishes. 140 series guitars are available in classic, classic-sunburst, and sunburst finishes. Hardshell case included. T184MX... 14” double cut.-semi-hol. archtop..... dual set pickup maple mahogany... $1,895 T185MX... 15” double cut.-semi-hol. archtop..... dual set pickup maple mahogany... $1,995 T186MX... 16” double cut.-semi-hol. archtop..... dual set pickup maple mahogany... $2,095 T146SM... 16” single cut. - hol. archtop.......... single set pickup spruce maple.... $2,395 Options - Kent Armstrong pickup alone - $200.00 left hand model - $200.00 PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
As Robert Benedetto enters the fourth decade of his career, he is at the pinnacle of his craft, a peak that is Everest-high. He has ultimately redefined the nature of that quintessential American instrument, the archtop guitar. Benedetto guitars define the continuum that runs through the instrument’s history to the present, and provide exciting glimpses into the future of the archtop guitar.
Benedetto Model Electrics
PROFESSIONAL SERIES BAMBINO — As its name implies, the Bambino is a baby in size... but with a big voice. Six string, single cutaway hollow body, laminated maple: top, back & sides, ebony 12" fretboard, chrome tailpiece, adjustable ebony bridge, Benedetto® A-6 pickup. Colors ~ Expresso, Antique Sunburst, Lime Sorbet, Tibetan Red, Denim..................................... 2,360 (also available in the Deluxe Model, $4,400, or the ELITE model (2 1/4" deep) $14,800)
BRAVO — Six string, single cutaway hollow body, spruce top, maple back & sides, ebony fretboard, lacquered brass tailpiece, adjustable ebony bridge, Benedetto® A-6 pickup. Colors ~ Claret, Antique Sunburst, Honey Blonde .....................................................................4,400
(also available in the Deluxe Model, $6,000, or the ELITE Model (2 1/2" depth)....................... $14,800)
BENNY — Carved Sitka spruce top, chambered solid mahogany body, mahogany neck with ebony fretboard, Benedetto pickups. Colors ~ Black, BRAVO ELITE Natural, Claret, Antique Sunburst, (also available with seven strings)......................................................................................4,800
(or the Deluxe Model, $8,000)
Benedetto Model Archtops ANDY – The Andy is a ¾ scale archtop electric guitar that is perfect for either travel or serious youth guitarists. Not a toy, the guitar’s 23” neck scale features a solid carved spruce top and a solid carved maple back, with laminated maple sides. The guitar incorporates the same design features of its big brothers with an ebony fingerboard, fingerrest, tailpiece and bridge. A mini-humbucking pickup with volume and tone control is built into the top. Colors ~ Antique Burst/ Expresso, Natural............................................ 1,980
CREMONA (17") Venetian Cutaway Acoustic Carved Top w/custom appointments. Wood or traditional ABS fine line binding, custom color options, X-bracing, optional S-6 suspended pickup, select European woods,–..............................................24,000 LA LA VENEZIA – The essence of an acoustic VENEZIA archtop guitar, hand- graduated, tuned, very select, aged European spruce top, handcarved, highly flamed European maple back and sides, ebony finger-rest and fretboard, 25” scale. Colors ~ Violin Burst, Honey Blonde............................................. 21,200 MANHATTAN — A masterful statement of what a jazz guitar can be, hand-graduated, tuned,very select, aged European spruce top, hand-carved, highly flamed European maple back and sides, ebony finger-rest and fretboard, 25” scale, Benedetto model S6 suspended pickup, fine lined binding throughout. Colors ~ Antique Sunburst, Honey Blonde, Opulent Brown (also available with seven strings).............................. 19,600
PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
AMERICANA — The Americana is one of his most affordable carved archtops ever! Designed by Bob specifically to take advantage of his vast inventory of fine musical instrument grade tonewoods, he has produced this master grade model with an extraordinary acoustic voice and perfect amplified qualities. Its unique La Venezia headstock shape, Deluxe binding, singular abalone and pearl inlay on a black faceplate, and hand graduated top and back with one built-in pickup will give the jazz guitarist the ultimate full sized gigging guitar. Ebony: fingerboard, fingerrest, tailpiece and bridge. 1 Benedetto A-6 Gold pickup with volume and push/pull tone coil tap. Colors ~ Antique Burst/ Opulent Brown .........................................................9,600
BRAVO ELITE (17")– If you love the size and feel of a 16" archtop with a slightly more shallow depth of 2 ½”, but must have a solid carved guitar, the Bravo Elite is the perfect guitar. Comfortable, ideally balanced, and stunning to behold, it borrows La Venezia’s violin styling. Available only in Violinburst finish, the Bravo Elite is free of binding and fretboard inlay. ............... 14,800
FLAGSHIP SERIES SINFONIETTA– The Sinfonietta is a 16" x 3" deep, non-cutaway acoustic guitar with a symmetrical Benedetto tailpiece and a 25" fingerboard scale. From there, Bob puts totally unique appointments and materials into ever y instrument ...................................................... 32,000
FRATELLO — Elegant traditional jazz guitar styling, hand-graduated, tuned,very select, aged European spruce top, hand-carved, highly flamed European maple back and sides, ebony finger-rest and fretboard, large block mother of pearl inlays, 25” scale, Benedetto model S6 suspended pickup. Colors~ Antique Sunburst, FRATELLO Honey Blonde, Opulent Brown ..................................... 19,200
16B – It is the most gigfriendly carved guitar in our line, remarkably responsive and feedback resistant. Affordability and pedigree all rolled into one ultra-comfortable guitar.................................... 9,600
GYPSY ELITE– Handcrafted from select European Flamed Maple (back, sides and binding) European Spruce (top) and an American flamed maple neck, this instrument has a 15 3/4" X 3 1/4" body and Bob’s traditional 25" fingerboard scale....... 19,600 GYPSY– Our new GYPSY offers amazing Benedetto traditional archtop guitar craftsmanship – X-bracing, ebony bridge, cello-style tailpiece, and 25” scale. But Bob has given them a Gypsy voice and Bohemian vibe....................................................... 9,600 BAMBINO ELITE 14 1/2– This captivating guitar has a master grade, hand carved spruce top and features a flamed or quilted maple hand carved back with matching sides. At 14 ½” wide and 2 ¼” deep, the Bambino Elite is small in stature but huge in tonality and flexibility............................................. 14,800
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
LIST • The RF Model Round neck............................................................... $3900 Solid mahogany, open brace body design with arched back, R-body, 25" scale, ebony fingerboard, curly maple binding on neck and body, chrome parts and deluxe hardshell case.
• E Model Square neck......................................................................... $3700 Round neck............................................................................................. $4050 Select figured solid maple, mahogany or walnut. Open braced body design with arched back, 4" thick E-body, 25" scale, ebony fingerboard, curly maple binding, chrome parts and deluxe hardshell case.
Each of the distinct models offered are designed with a specific combination of features required to meet the exacting needs of the most discerning musicians. Every instrument includes their exclusive coverplate screw inserts, which eliminate the common problem of stripped coverplate screw holes. For enhanced play-ability and ultimate tone, a higher palm rest is incorporated on the coverplate. In order to ensure the highest quality possible, Beard Guitars manufacture their own tailpieces, soundscreens and resonator coverplates of solid brass. And to complete each instrument, the finest quality German tuning machines and a strap security lock 6/09 system are added. R-Model
R-Model The Beard R model has an open soundwell construction combined with the Vintage model's most desirable features. Their improvements in materials, construction, finishes, appointments and technical innovation, create a traditional instrument that has a perfectly balanced, full bodied sound.
• Mike Auldridge RESOPHONIC™ Guitars features: LEGEND TONE™ - MA-6: 6-string model, MA-8: 8-string model........... $3700 Tuned design vintage Finland Birch™ top, back and sides having a 25” scale. These two models generate the distinctive Mike Auldridge signature sound. E-shaped body with a square neck. Both instruments produce a huge warm low end and a sweet crystal clear bell like high-end, being perfectly balanced in between with awesome sustains. Other features include an ebony fingerboard and peghead, MOP inlays, ivoroid bindings on neck & back, black gloss finish, chrome parts and deluxe hardshell case. • Jerry Douglas Signature Edition Model Figured Sapele top with mahogany back and sides, Open brace body design with LEGEND TONE Tuned Construction, E-body, 25" Scale, Ebony Fretboard with "Wave" inlay, Jerry Douglas signature inlay and curly maple binding on neck and body. Custom "Spinning Palm" cover plate, chrome parts, Deluxe Waverly tuners, the distinctive Jerry Douglas sound. Custom signature case. Each guitar is played, approved and signed by Mr. Douglas. ................................................................................................................ $5250 • Jerry Douglas Limited Edition Model Production limited to fifty guitars. Solid figured Sapele top, back and sides. Open brace body design with LEGEND TONE Tuned Construction, E-body, 25" Scale, EbonyFretboard with "Wave" inlay, Jerry Douglas signature inlay, Douglas Crest on headstock and curly maple binding on neck and body. Custom "Spinning Palm" cover plate, chrome parts, Deluxe Waverly tuners, Fishman transducer "Nashville" pickup installed, the distinctive Jerry Douglas sound. Custom "Limited" case. Each guitar is played, approved and signed by Mr. Douglas. ........................................................................................... $7500
E & RF-body The Beard Contemporary E & RF Models redefine the resonator guitar for the needs of modern players. At the heart of these models is an exclusive top-mounted, specially treated resonator system®. This feature along with the open brace body design and arched back, creates a tuned body cavity that generates exceptionally brilliant treble and a bass that is rich and full.
• Road-O-Phonic, Square neck . ........................................................ $1500 Lap-Style-Travel resonator guitar: Figured maple or mahogany construction, dot inlay, ebony fretboard, 9" Spider bridge resonator, 23" scale string length. Finish sunburst satin with Fishman pickup and Lace Magnetic pickup, chrome parts. Padded gigbag included.
• The Vintage R-model, Square neck................................................ $2000 Vintage Birch veneer top, back and side construction. Open soundwell construction with R-body, dot inlay with rosewood fretboard. Scale 25" with Chrome parts. Vintage sunburst satin finish or satin cherry finish. Includes deluxe hardshell case. • R-Model Mahogany Square neck................................................... $2700 Solid Mahogany top, back and sides, R-body, slotted diamond inlay, binding on fretboard and body, 25" scale, chrome parts. Finish - Mahogany sunburst gloss. Includes deluxe hardshell case.
• Jerry Douglas Signature Edition Model
Options Slotted Diamond Inlay
Mother of Pearl frets
24k Gold plated parts
Bound Fretboard
Bound Peghead
Locking tuners
24 fret fretboard
Lace Magnetic pickup
McIntyre pickup
Engraved parts
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
BI-WS1000N2 - 6-string Full Body CUTAWAY, N2 NECK...........3295.......... 2499 Every soundboard is individually conceived so every guitar is unique in design and in tone.
WS3000 Twelve-String Model 9/09
Made in Woodinville, WA We are proud to be a leading dealer of the most practical, durable high-end electrical-acoustic guitar on the market. If you haven’t played a RainSong please come to our showroom and try one, or phone us to arrange a 3-day trial in your home. All guitars come with the Fishman Prefix Plus-T electronics, all graphite construction, and hard shell cases. These guitars are impervious to humidity and temperature changes.
CLASSIC SERIES DR1000 The Dreadnought Model: The Dreadnought is the traditional workhorse of acoustic guitar music. With a large, deep body and wide waist, RainSong’s DR1000 has the powerful bass and ringing treble of a great rhythmic guitar, but still maintains a wonderfully balanced sound, with clear distinction among individual notes. From rhythm to lead, the DR1000 makes its presence known. Capable of cutting through admirably in any acoustic setting, the DR1000 is loud enough to compete with banjos, mandolins and other traditional volume hogs, plus it has a superb pick-up & pre-amp built in ............................................... 2,795......... 2,099
JM1000 The Jumbo Model:
DR 1000
The Auditorium Model: 6-string deep-body acoustic electric cutaway. The shapely curves and light weight make the WS a comfortable guitar to cradle or stand with. The extra deep cutaway encourages playing up the fretboard. All graphite construction using Projection Tuned Layering™, including a sophisticated preamp. ...............................................2,995.........2,249
CO-WS1000N2 6-string PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
How do you describe RainSong’s JM1000? Three words: loud, loud, and loud. This is the largest body RainSong builds. The sheer size, combined with the attributes of Projection Tuned Layering™ make the JM1000 one of the loudest Jumbo guitars, but the JM1000 is not just about power. The narrow waist and some layering refinements specific to the Jumbo soundboard give the JM1000 some real fingerstyle grace. The guitar is strong, but impeccably balanced, with bass, mids and trebles distinct, clear, and dare we say it again? - loud............2,995.........2,249
WS 3000 12 String
CO-WS1000N2 - 6-string Full Body CUTAWAY, N2 NECK...........3195.......... 2399
BI-WS1000N2 6-string
JM3000 (Same as WS3000, but jumbo size body in a 12-string - non cutaway.)...........3,195.........2,399
The concert Series has the lightest soundboard built by RainSong. Unidirectional carbon mimics the tight grain of a fine spruce soundboard. Thus it is not surprising that this line produces a warmer tone.
The deep-bodied, cutaway twelve-string features all-graphite construction, superb electronics, a slim neck and RainSong’s patented construction process of Projection Tuned Layering™. Graphite as a material is extremely beneficial in the construction of a twelve string due to the added structural demands placed on the guitar by six extra strings. The stability and strength of graphite compared to wood is very high. As a result, RainSong is able to set its twelve-string action low and design its necks to be thin, comfortable, and easy to play without fear of structural failure. Additionally, the RainSong twelve strings will stay in tune far longer than conventional wooden twelve string acoustics. The graphite sound of RainSong is only brightened and made more intense by the complexity of sympathetic overtones specific to a twelve string. Rich, loud, clear and balanced. Element On-Board System by L.R. Baggs............3,195.........2,399
WS 1000 Cutaway
The Orchestra Model: The RainSong OM1000 cutaway is the smallest and most refined of all RainSong shapes. It is RainSong’s most comfortable and intimate guitar. It has an immediacy of presence that makes it a favorite with the coffee house crowd. The treble, already a breathtaking attribute of RainSongs and the carbon sound, is simply sublime in this little guitar. A crystal bell clarity, balance, superb separation of individual notes, and an expansive dynamic range, make the OM1000 one of their most individually expressive guitars.....................................2,995.........2,249
The N2 Neck design is based on a modified "U" profile that has been popular in guitars since the 1950s. While the N2 has a more substantial feel than the original Rain Song 6-string neck, it is ergonomically sound and actually results in better transfer of string vibration energy to the soundboard. The N2 features a truss rod that is accessible from the headstock. Graphite does not warp or box with changes in humidity and temperature. All 6-string models are available with either the original neck or the N2 neck.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
JM 1000
OM 1000 Cutaway
[email protected]
style with long scale and a beautiful soundboard of Adirondack red spruce. The Big Mitten replicates the power and tone of some of the greatest guitars ever recorded. Specs: bridge spacing 2 1/8”...........................................................................$4,000 Northern Light (Available cutaway only) Developed for professional recording. “I’ve spent countless hours working with professional players to develop a solid knowledge of the guitars they need for concerts and studio work,” says Bryan Galloup. The Northern Light’s Made in Big Rapids, MI 5/09 slightly smaller body bouts and tighter waist focus its tone to effectively cover Bryan’s Song 2 a larger variety of musical styles. From bluegrass to jazz—or fingerstyle to Bryan Galloup started his luthier career delta blues—many performers today consider the Northern Light to be the working with guitar builder, repairman and best sounding, most versatile guitar they’ve ever played. Specs: body width author Dan Erlewine in the early eighties. 15.875”, bridge spacing 2 3/16”............................................................... 4,500 Together they pioneered lutherie techniques Hybrid (Combines Eclipse neck with Solstice body) and tools, which have become standard A true mid size guitar. If you’re looking for a fingerstyle guitar with a little in the business today. Bryan took over the something extra in the lower register, this is it. Scale length 25.5"...........4,500 Guitar Hospital in 1986 when Dan moved Solstice (Available cutaway only) to Ohio to become the head of research "My goal in designing the Solstice was to meet several needs. The voicing is and development for Stewart MacDonald Guitar Shop Supply. In 1988, Bryan built slightly higher than traditional bodies, and it makes the Solstice excellent for on what Dan had created and founded the vocal accompaniment. Tonal balance was the next goal, and that’s where the Galloup Guitars’ School of Lutherie. He Solstice shines: full, clear, well-rounded tone with a sweet chimey high end.” – took the knowledge of lutherie he acquired Bryan Galloup. The Solstice’s nicely articulated highs are ideal for recording, Solstice Eclipse and the 25.7" scale length is perfect for finger style and drop-tunings. Specs: from restoring and used these principles to pursue excellence. Producing a line of prewar copies was not what he had in Body width 15.50”, bridge spacing 2 1/4”......................................................4,500 mind. He designed and redesigned until each model was unique in style. With Eclipse Parlor the exception of frets, strings and tuners every part of the Galloup Guitar is built The Eclipse is Galloup’s answer to the wonderful small body guitars of the early in-house. '20s and '30s. Very comfortable to hold and play, the Eclipse projects a big, The finishes used on Galloup Guitars are the result of years of testing. Bryan balanced sound. The sculpted edge on the lower body bout is a treat for your worked with the coating companies to formulate a nitrocellulose lacquer that picking arm; it’s an uncommon comfort that makes you want to play for hours. would offer a premium high gloss finish that would not dampen the instruments’ Some say this is an ideal fingerpicking guitar. Its big sound makes it a great acoustic performance or sacrifice wood protection. professional performer, too. Body width 14.5”, bridge spacing 2 1/4”...........4,500 Each handcrafted Galloup guitar is designed to cover a specific acoustic Sonorous range. This gives the performer an option to choose an instrument that suits his A baritone guitar, whether you tune it B-to-B or C-to-C, the Sonorous is clearor her style. All models come with a nut width of 1 3/4". List prices are shown, voiced and well-balanced. Scale length 28.75".............................................4,500 please call or email for our discount prices. Select Grade wood is the standard high-quality tone wood that is always The six models currently offered by Galloup Guitars are – offered at no extra charge. Choice of one: Tops - Bearclaw Sitka spruce, Big Mitten Dreadnought Jumbo Adirondack red spruce, European spruce or Western red cedar. Back & sides A full-bodied powerhouse that’s ideal for traditional music. During twenty-five years of Indian rosewood, flamed maple, flamed Koa, quilted maple or mahogany. restoring vintage acoustics, Bryan Galloup has studied and documented every detail. You also have a choice of Master Grade or Reserve Using their specs as a starting point, he developed the Big Mitten: a jumbo (16” body)
Solstice back
Stock tone wood, call for price and availability.
VOYAGE-AIR GUITAR –The Future of Guitar Travel
TM 5/09
Introducing the Voyage-Air Guitar. The world's first acoustic guitar that FOLDS IN HALF!
Their revolutionary design makes traveling with a guitar a breeze. Simply loosen the strap button and easily fold the guitar in half for easy storage
inside the custom backpack carrying case. When you're ready to play it, unfold-tighten the bolt and it's nearly in tune! LIST MAP
PREMIER SERIES– VAD-1 Dreadnought, non-cutaway, solid African Mahogany back & sides, solid Sitka spruce top, scalloped x-bracing, tortoise binding, gold finished high-ratio mini-machine heads with ebonized tuning buttons, rosewood fingerboard & bridge, 1-11/16" nut width, and Deluxe "Voyager" carrying case with laptop accessory included. $1,595 $1,355 VAD-2 Dreadnought, non-cutaway, solid East Indian rosewood back & sides, solid Sitka spruce top, scalloped x-bracing, ivoroid binding, abalone rosette, gold finished high-ratio mini-machine heads with ebonized tuning buttons, rosewood fingerboard & bridge, 1-11/16" nut width, and Deluxe "Voyager" carrying case with laptop accessory included. $1,895 $1,610 VAOM-1C Orchestra model, soft-rounded cutaway, solid African Mahogany back & sides, solid Sitka spruce top, scalloped x-bracing, tortoise binding, gold finished high-ratio mini-machine heads with ebonized tuning buttons, rosewood fingerboard & bridge, 1-3/4" nut width, and Deluxe "Voyager" carrying case with laptop accessory included. $1,695 $1,440 VAOM-2C Orchestra model, soft-rounded cutaway, solid East Indian rosewood back & sides, solid Sitka spruce top, scalloped x-bracing, ivoroid binding, gold finished high-ratio mini-machine heads with ebonized tuning buttons, rosewood fingerboard & bridge, 1-3/4" nut width, and Deluxe "Voyager" carrying case with laptop accessory included. $1,995 $1,695 SONGWRITER SERIES– Voyage-Air proudly announces the release of its newest series of guitars. Constructed with the utmost attention to detail and equipped with select grade tone woods, the new VAG-06 models bring you the ultimate guitar for traveling at an unbelievable new price. $749 $599 VAD-06 Dreadnought body style, African Mahogany back & sides, select solid spruce top, scalloped x-bracing, hand inlaid 3-ring soundhole rosette, chrome plated die-cast Schaller style tuners with removable metal buttons, rosewood fingerboard & bridge, 1-11/16" nut width, 25.5 scale length, colored pearl dot inlays of diminishing size, and deluxe "Songwriter Voyager" carrying case included. (Note: laptop accessory available at extra cost) $899 $749 VAOM-06 Orchestra Model body style, African Mahogany back & sides, select solid spruce top, scalloped x-bracing, hand inlaid 3-ring soundhole rosette, chrome plated die-cast Schaller style tuners with removable metal buttons, rosewood fingerboard & bridge, 1-3/4" nut width, colored pearl dot inlays of diminishing size, and deluxe "Songwriter Voyager" backpack carrying case with laptop accessory included.
$1,895 PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Note: All guitar models (except Resolectrics, ResoRockets & Style 'O' 14 fret) are available in Square neck at no additional charge; Lefty guitars available at no additional charge. Antique Brass Plating upcharge is $1,000, Koa upcharge is $600. 12-Strings and Baritones are available at a $300 increase in price on most guitars.
STYLE 1.5 - WRIGGLE TRICONE: Mirror finish, hand engraved double cut lines enveloping a wriggle stroke along the front, back, side and coverplate edges. The mahogany neck is topped with a slotted headstock, 3-on-a-plate tuners and ivoroid bound ebony fretboard. Nickel plated. ............................................................. 4,200
National Resophonic Guitars Inc. must have a time machine because they've found a way to make late ’20s/early ’30s guitars today! All models now have adjustable truss rods, and their metal and wood bodies excel in volume, tone, and appearance. All acoustic instruments have spun aluminum resonators, nickel-plated brass tailpiece and nickel-plated coverplates, unless otherwise noted. Each one is made by hand in San Luis Obispo, California. Prices include hard shell case.
List STYLE O: National’s reproduction 1929 Style O is made of brass, etched with the traditional Hawaiian motif front-and-back, and then nickel-plated. The f-holes are rolled. The hand-carved hardrock maple neck with slotted headstock has an ebony fretboard which is bound in cross grain ivoroid. It has been acclaimed as having a louder and more sparkling sound than the originals of sixty years ago. Nickel plated. .......................................................................................................................... 3,000 Style O 14-Fret Single cone NEW................................................. 3,200
STYLE O DELUXE: The Hawaiian motif of the Style O is framed with engraved double cut lines enveloping a wriggle stroke along the front, back, side and coverplate edges. The maple neck features slotted headstock with 3-on-a-plate tuners, a diamond inlay in an ivoroid bound ebony fretboard. Nickel plated...................................................... 3,500 STYLE 3 SINGLE RESONATOR: Same body as the Style O, but having “Lily of the Valley” hand engraving. The figured maple neck features a slotted headstock which has an ivoroid overlay, engraved 3-on-a-plate tuners, a diamond inlay in an ivoroidbound ebony fingerboard. Nickel plated. ......................................................... 6,200 REPLICON: The Replicon is an intentionally aged Style O that looks like it had been around since the 1930s. The brass body has been etched with the traditional Hawaiian design then nickel-plated and then antiqued..................................................... 3,500 ResoRocket: Sonically, the ResoRocket steel cutaway guitar has increased openness. The string definition is more pronounced. Features: cutaway to the 17th fret, hard rock maple neck topped with ivoroid bound rosewood fretboard, solid headstock with engraved pearloid, 3-on-a-plate closed gear tuners.
STYLE 2 TRICONE: The old-fashioned Wild Rose pattern is hand engraved on the front, back, sides, coverplate and tailpiece of this guitar. The mahogany neck is styled in the same manner as the Style 1 tricone............................................................................ 4,600 STYLE 3 TRICONE: Same as the Style 1 with Lily of the Valley engraving. .......................................................................................................................... 6,700 STYLE 4 TRICONE: Same as the Style 1 with Chrysanthemum engraving. .......................................................................................................................... 7,500 VINTAGE STEEL TRICONE: This steel tricone has a plated nickle/chrome satin finish, mahogany neck and slotted headstock. The Vintage Steel finish on this guitar will age with use and the passage of time, making each instrument unique. .......................................................................................................................... 3,000 VINTAGE STEEL TRICONE Cutaway:....................................................... 3,500 AGED BRASS Tricone:.............................................................................. 3,400 NATIONAL - NRP Tricone NEW............................................................2,300
WOOD BODIES M-2 MAHOGANY: ........................................................................................ 2,500 ESTRALITA DELUXE: The body has walnut back & sides, figured laminate top triple bound- Ivoroid/Black Ivoroid, neck is walnut, bound rosewood fretboard, diamond inlay, 25” scale length, headstock is white Pearloid overlay with engraved logo, heelcap is white Pearloid, with tuners closed gear “Kluson” deluxe, 3-on-a-plate. .......................................................................................................................... 2,700 ESTRALITA DELUXE KOA:....................................................................... 3,200 EL TROVADOR:............................................................................................. 3,200 EL TROVADOR 12-STRING..........................................................................3,500 EL TROVADOR BARITONE.........................................................................3,500 MODEL D (SQNK, MAPLE TOP w/SPIDER CONE & SB FINISH ).......2,700 MODEL D (SQNK w/WALNUT TOP & SPIDER CONE)...........................2,700 MODEL D WESTERN (SPIDER CONE)......................................................4,500 NATIONAL - NRP (12-fret) NEW..................................................2,100 TRIOLIAN WOOD BODY (12-fret) NEW..................................................2,100 M1 TRICONE NEW..................................................2,900
ResoRocket - VS (Vintage Steel)................................................... 3,200 ResoRocket - N (Brass/Nickel)....................................................... 3,500 TRIOLIAN.............................. NEW...........................STEEL..........................2,300 NATIONAL - NRP............... .NEW . ........................STEEL..........................2,300 TRIOLIAN - 14 fret............... NEW . ........................STEEL..........................2,500 NATIONAL - NRP 14-fret NEW . ........................STEEL..........................2,500 TRIOLIAN POLYCHOME NEW . ........................STEEL..........................2,700 TRIOLIAN TRICONE NEW . ........................STEEL..........................2,700 VINTAGE STEEL DELPHI: Same steel body as a Delphi, but nickel-plated........2,600 VINTAGE STEEL DELPHI DELUXE:........................................................ 2,900 ANTIQUE BRASS SINGLE CONE:............................................................. 3,000
ResoLectric Jr.:...................................................................................... 1,400 ResoLectric Jr. Sunburst:................................................................ 1,700
Style N 14-Fret ............................. German Style N . ......................................... German Style 1-Tricone NEW .......... German Style 1-Don. ................................... German
Silver......................3,700 Silver......................3,500 Silver......................4,000 Silver......................6,901
NATIONAL TRICONES STYLE 1 TRICONE: A replica of the renowned Style 1 with nickel-plated brass body, mahogany neck and bound ebony fretboard. Nickel plated............................................................... 3,500 STYLE 1 Cutaway.......................................................................................... 4,000 STYLE 1 BARITONE Amplifing the rich, low tone is the extended scale length of 27" from nut to saddle, along with fatter strings (.016-.064), and easier reach at the 13th fret. Available Nickel-plated Brass............................................................ 3,800 PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
ACOUSTIC ELECTRIC GUITAR RL-HP ResoLectric: The ResoLectric is a resonator instrument playable either as an acoustic (unplugged) or an electric guitar. Made of solid maple with an amberto-walnut sunburst finish, a 14-fret-to-the-body maple neck, its active electronics combine the Highlander pickup in the saddle and a Seymour Duncan P-90 on the body. Each pickup has its own volume control and there is a toggle switch to turn on one or the other or both of the pickups. . ..................................................................... 2,400
RM-1 Mandolin: Maple top, neck/Walnut body (Aged Brass parts)............... 2,201
UKULELES Concert neck available @ $30 increase in price. (price quoted for soprano) WOOD BODY Mahogany and Maple.............................................................. 1,500 KOA BODY..................................................................................................... 2,000 VINTAGE STEEL BODY Satin nickel finish................................................. 1,700 STYLE O......................................................................................................... 2,200 STYLE O DELUXE........................................................................................ 2,500 STYLE 2 ........................................................................................................ 2,700 TRIOLIAN UKE NEW.................................................................................1,500
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
The Renaissance “Ampli-Coustic” guitars are designed and built by Rick Turner to fill a specific need. They serve an obligation to reproduce full-frequency acoustic tone in electronic recording and performance settings - a job that, ironically, true acoustics are not cut out for! The thinline body is built like a fine acoustic guitar, but with an added mahogany center block to cut feedback. A Turnerdesigned piezo bridge pickup feeds full-spectrum signals to an 18-volt Highlander pre-amp. All model prices include gig bags.
Standard Semiacoustic Guitars
RS12-STD 12-string Guitar.................. List: 2,660 RS12HB-STD Steel String................. List: 2,710 RN6-STD
Nylon Classical 6-string.............................. List: 2,450 The RN6 Nylon Classical features a Honduras mahogany neck with hand-rubbed oil finish and 21-fret rosewood fingerboard.
RN6H Hybrid Nylon 6-str...................... List: 2,510 Features a 2 1/2” and 1 13/16” nut width, a gently arched fingerboard, 24 frets and Thomastik-Infeld Rope Core flatwound strings. Studio Special Guitars Includes all standard features except: Walnut top, back & sides, Satin finish, Unbound top.
Steel 6-String.................................. List: 1,975
The RS6 Steel String features a bolt-on maple neck with hand-rubbed oil finish and a 24-fret rosewood fingerboard, Walnut top with clear poly finish, .008” film thickness. Back and sides are walnut finished with oil-modified urethane, New Zealand Paua shell dots and side markers, full faux tortoise binding, faux tortoise headstock trim, Kluson-style tuners and dual-action truss rod, 24 1/2” scale, nut width 1 11/16”, Thomastik-Infeld Spectrum Bronze strings and low-noise volume and tone controls.
RS6-STD Steel 6-String........................ List: 2,385 RS6B-STD Steel String Baritone......... List: 2,435
Nylon Classical....................... List: 2,025
Hybrid.................................. List: 2,075
"High" Renaissance Includes all standard features except: highly figured Walnut top, back & sides, optional AAA Cedar or Spruce top (no additional charge), All Gloss finish, Bound top, Hemp pattern Rope purfling, matching Headstock Overlay, Planet Wave Auto Trim tuners.
RS6-HI Steel 6-String............................ List: 2,585
RS6B-HI Steel 6-String Baritone.......... List: 2,665 RS12-HI 12-string Guitar...................... List: 2,835 RS12B-HI 12-String Baritone.............. List: 2,915 RN6-HI Nylon Classical 6-string........... List: 2,700 RN6H-HI Hybrid Nylon Classical........ List: 2,750 Custom Options: Body: Wood upgrade options for back and sides include Walnut-$100, High Figure Walnut-$200, Sycamore-$160, Cherry-$100, Medium-$100 or High Flame Maple-$200, Medium-$150 or High Quilt Maple-$250, East Indian Rosewood-$200 and figured Hawaiian Koa-CALL. All wood upgrades include rope top purfling; abalone purfling (with matching headstock) is also available. Finish upgrades include vintage sunburst or solid black with white Corian bridge. Back & Sides: High Figure Walnut-$300, Sycamore-$200, Cherry-$140, Medium-$140 or High Flame Maple-$275, Medium-$200 or High Quilt Maple-$320, East Indian Rosewood-$250, West Coast Myrtle-$250, High Figure Myrtle-$250 and figured Hawaiian Koa-CALL.
Finishes & Options: All Gloss Body-$200, All Gloss Neck-$180, 2-Color Sunburst Top-$120, 2-Color Shade Burst Back & Sides-$150, 3-color Sunburst Top-$150, 3-color Sunburst Back & Sides-$180, Matching Shade or Burst on Neck-$100. Electronics: Roland GK-2 pickup for RS6 series-$600, RMC synth pickup for RN series-$800, Deuce Duncan Magnetic pickup-Dual out-$190, Deuce Duncan Magnetic pickup-Blended out-$240.
ARCHTOPS EXCEL MODEL– Mother of pearl and abalone torch and banner inlay on ebony peghead, mother of pearl Walker logo, ebony fingerboard w/fancy split blocks of mother of pearl, bound front, back and sides in traditional 8-ply black, white and ivoroid, hand carved select Sitka spruce top, flamed American maple back and sides, ebony pickguard, bridge and tailpiece, black, white & ivoroid bound peghead, fingerboard, pickguard & f-holes. Grover Imperial tuners.
Excel Model
fine handmade guitars
CREMONA MODEL– Kim Walker's goal with this guitar is to pay tribute to the Cremona masters of the past. Kim uses aged European cello wood for the top and American curly maple for the back, sides, and neck. He binds the fingerboard in ebony accented by curly maple purfling. The supple yet durable varnish is applied to these guitars in multiple thin coats, building up the color, resulting in subtle shading, and sheen. This varnish not only looks beautiful but also has a great effect on the tone. The standard trim appointments for this guitar are made of ebony. For the front headstock veneer, tailpiece, and pickguard he uses a contrasting curly maple veneer underlayment and accents it with a beveled edge. Machines are Schaller Minis with the large ebony buttons; a pickup is an option for this guitar.
All Walker guitars are individually hand made by Kim Walker in his shop. Walker flat top guitars are finished with gloss varnish which is very durable, sounds great and has a beautiful glow. All guitars are braced with prewar style scalloped bracing. All guitar necks have an adjustable truss rod that is accessed from inside the body. Each Walker instrument comes with a lifetime warranty against defects in materials and workmanship from the manufacturer to the original purchaser. Made in North Stonington, CT. All prices determined at time of shipments.
FLAT TOPS STYLE A: Extra-select Sitka spruce top, East Indian rosewood back & sides, ebony fingerboard and bridge, slotted diamond abalone fingerboard inlay, abalone & wood rosette, Walker script logo w/floral abalone and mother of pearl, ivoroid bound fingerboard and headstock, gold Waverly tuners, diamond headstock volute. STYLE A DELUXE: Same as above with deluxe flowering vine peghead inlay and deluxe curly maple purfling on the sides and back.
STYLE A SPECIAL: Same as above with style-40 snowflake fingerboard inlay, curly maple purfling on fingerboard & diamond headstock volute or classic headstock shape.
STYLE B SPECIAL: Same as Style B Deluxe with style-40 snowflake fingerboard inlay, special wide curly maple purfling around the top, Brazilian peghead overlay & diamond headstock volute or classic headstock shape.
STYLE B DELUXE: Select Sitka spruce top, East Indian rosewood back & sides, ebony fingerboard and bridge with dot inlay board, curly maple purfling on the sides & back, MOP logo & nickel Waverlys.
STYLE C SPECIAL: Select Sitka spruce top, with select ribbon stripe mahogany back & sides, small dot inlay & birdseye side dots, Brazilian bound body with curly maple top purfling, Brazilian peghead overlay, diamond volute.
The “Style” A, B, C, etc. describe the trim packages available. If you combine a “Style” with a size designation, then you have a complete model description, i.e. “Style B Special OM.” Sizes are: 0, L-00, 000-12, OM, SJ (small jumbo), D (dreadnought), Jumbo. PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
1/10 Common features on all models include: ebony fingerboard, Honduras mahogany neck with adjustable truss rod, Spruce or cedar soundboard, brass tailpiece, French polish finish, 1-7/8” neck width at nut, 2-3/8” string spacing at bridge, optional slotted peghead. Price includes hard shell case. Neck width and string space at bridge can be altered to suit, at no extra cost. Made in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. FLECHE D’Or: Michael Dunn’s guitar is called Fleche D’Or, which is the title of a Django Reinhart tune and means "Golden Arrow”. The design is the same as the Belleville but the back and sides are made from Mediterranean Cypress and the fret board is yellow cedar which some people refer to as Alaskan Cypress. This instrument has a real flamenco guitar style fast response because of the cypress. Inquire DAPHNE: This is the D-holed model, which does not have the internal sound box and reflector. Has a good mid-range response for all your rhythm needs. String Length: 640mm (25 3/16”). Spruce or Cedar soundboard with Rosewood or Satin wood back and sides. Inquire
Fleche D’Or
Mystery Pacific
MYSTERY PACIFIC: Fitted with an internal soundbox and reflector, this D soundhole guitar was developed from the original 1930 patented design. This instrument has unsurpassed top-end projection. The higher up on the fingerboard a musician plays, the more the volume increases. Rosewood back & sides, cedar soundboard, and a 25-1/4” scale. Inquire STARDUST: Great balance throughout its range, made with Padouk which is a reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain, or similar medium density tropical hardwood for the back & sides. Inquire BELLEVILLE: This guitar has a long scale, combined with very light gauge strings. Medium to light density tropical hardwood back and sides. Vertical oval soundhole. Inquire WEISSENBORN HAWAIIAN: This guitar model is built entirely from yellow cedar (Alaskan Cypress) with a Mexican wood, Chakte-Kuk, used for the trimwork, fingerboard and bridges. The string length is 640 mm. The thin Weissenborn body Inquire is hollow all the way to the neck block.
PATENOTTE: A Gypsy guitar based on the design of a Patenotte guitar from France. It has back and sides of mahogany with a cedar top and a 660 mm string length. Striking in its appearance, it has a 12-fret body (cutaway to 15) and slotted head with Schaller tuners. Its purfling and rosette edges are trimmed in herringbone. It has a solid, machined brass tailpiece with wood Inquire overlay matching the colors & style of the guitar. ULTRAFOX: This is a long scale (670mm) -(26 3\8"), and has the exterior dimensions of the Belleville. This is where the likeness ends. Inside this guitar sits an interior sound box and reflector, the likes of which have never been seen before. This instrument has the long string length preferred by many guitarists coupled with the quick and loud response of the Mystery Pacific with its interior box. Its back and sides are of Honduras rosewood with a spruce or cedar soundboard. The parallelogram purfling around the top is optional. Inquire HARP-UKE: Michael Dunn’s time-warp harp-ukulele was designed by Chris Knutsen, the famous harp-guitar designer from turn-of-the-century Townsend, Washington. Includes a special plush-lined Datt brand rectangular case. Inquire
Prices The base price for most models is currently $4,400. Jumbo model is $4,600. (All guitars include an Ameritage case). Tops Backs/Sides • Sitka Spruce • Claro Walnut (add $300-600) • Brazilian Rosewood • Engelmann Spruce (add $80) (add $800-2000) • Black Acacia (add $300-600) • Western Red Cedar • East Indian Rosewood • Cocobolo (add $300-600) • European Spruce (add $100) • Honduras Mahogany • Koa (add $400-800) • Wenge Classic (Shown Left) This is a steel string guitar in a classical body. Small and very comfortable to play but it delivers a suprisingly large sound. Only available with 12 frets to the body.
Grand Auditorium
This is a very versatile guitar and works well for many styles of playing. About the size of a Dreadnought but with a pronounced waist. Available in 12, 13, or 14 frets to the body.
Mostly thought of as a flatpicking guitar but this traditional body style is quite capable of multi-tasking too. Available in 12, 13, and 14 frets to the body.
Jumbo This body can support deep, rumbling bass while maintaining balance. A huge sound.
Florentine Cutaway $500 Abalone Back Purfling $400 Bound Fingerboard $150 Venetian Cutaway $400 Bound Peghead $150 ($350 with abalone purfling) Abalone Top Purfling $400 ($350 with abalone purfling) Pick-up MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
The Magic Fluke Uke is the hottest new design in a nylon string, 4-string instrument since Arthur Godfrey was touting Tetley Tea. Made in Connecticut, in the U. S. of A., of fiberglass on the back and Australian Hoop Pine on the top, these ukuleles not only stand up by themselves when placed on a flat surface, but they sound louder, fuller and with more volume and projection than most of those old fashioned wooden, tiny guitar-shaped critters.
1/10 (PRICED WITH GIG BAG) LIST Solid colors M10 Concert Fluke Uke ............................................................................... 199 M20 Tenor Fluke Uke.................................................................................... 219 Designer Soundboard M10 L laser Concert Uke . ........................................................................... 238 M10 D Concert ............................................................................................. 238 M20 D Tenor Uke........................................................................................... 258 M30 - Soprano Flea....................................................................................... 179 Pineapple design..................................................................................... 218 Tiki design................................................................................................ 218 Surf Flea................................................................................................... 218 Mahogany Flea Soprano Uke...................................................................... 289 Mahogany Flea Concert Uke....................................................................... 299 Mahogany Fluke Concert Uke..................................................................... 309 Mahogany Fluke Tenor Uke (rosewood fretboard, walnut neck)............. 329
OPTIONS Peg head geared tuners for Fluke and Flea................................................. 69 Rosewood fretboard....................................................................................... 79 Fluke Hardshell case...................................................................................... 72 Flea Hardshell case ....................................................................................... 65 K&K Pickup..................................................................................................... 75 B-band w/ volume control............................................................................ 179
COLORS: Poiple, Mango, Uke-alyptus Green, Natural, Lava Black, Hibuscus Red, Bubblegum, Blue FLUKE Patterns: Bamboo, Tie Dye, Cowboy, Red Cowboy, Surf, Tiki Mug, Island Laser, Batik, Kente FLEA Patterns: Pineapple,Tiki, Ivy, Denim, Camp, Surf, Bark Cloth, Batik.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
UKES The Collings MT and MF models have a fully carved top and back and are crafted with a seasoned select spruce top and maple back and sides with tone bars. A radiused fingerboard extends to the 22nd fret with a graceful extension that compliments the headstock. The adjustable Collings ebony bridge is custom made in their shop. Mother-of-pearl Collings logo adorns the headstock, which is fitted with Gotoh tuners. Matte finish with classic sunburst, single-bound top with tortoise binding. Collings custom onepiece tailpiece.
The MT (A-style) with the hard shell case. The MF (F-style) with the hard shell case.
MF-5 F-style - The work is flawless, but we expect no less from the obsessive Austinian, Mr. Bill Collings. The contour at the scroll, the arching of the back, the V-shape of the neck, the golden, new style tailpiece with the eight quick access posts, the hand-carved two piece bridge, the double fine-edged points, the smooth and even frets, the honeysuckle head-plate frill, the golden engraved gears. The two-piece, heavily flamed, maple back and one-piece flame maple neck are there to be worshipped on a pedestal, but do not think for a moment that this mandolin is one to be seen and not touched. It is a lacquer finished F-5 mandolin that sounds like it was made 80 years ago and finished in varnish. The bridge and fingerboard are jet-black ebony, with gold-plated saddle lifters, matching gold plated new Collings tailpiece - the tailpiece that nearly restrings itself. The headstock is inlaid with a small but important Collings script pearl logo, and flourish of vertical vine between the 8 gold-plated capstans and their mostly submerged ferules. Back and sides are highly figured maple - maple you can stare at all night. Bindings are grained ivoroid with a crème-black border around back (including heel), top, side, fingerboard and headstock. 8000 7423 7200 MF-5 V - Same appointments as the MF-5, but with a varnish finish. 10000 9279 9000 MF-5 Deluxe V (F-style) - This is the deluxe version of the MF-5V, featuring a triple bound top/back (extra black/white purfling), with a fancier hand-etched "flowerpot" peghead inlay, hand-engraved tailpiece and Waverly tuners (gold or nickel with pearl buttons). 12900 11970 11610 PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
UT1 Mahogany. ...................... 1200..............1113.......... 1080 UT1 Koa................................ 1450............. 1345.......... 1305 UT2 Mahogany. ...................... 1600............. 1485.......... 1440 UT2 Koa................................ 2100............. 1949.......... 1890 UT3 Mahogany. ...................... 2600............. 2413.......... 2340
In 1879, Portuguese master instrument makers Manuel Nuñes, Joao Fernandes and Augustine Dias arrived in the Hawaiian Islands. Together, they invented the Hawaiian Ukulele. A few years later, young Samuel Kaialiilii Kamaka apprenticed under Manuel Nuñes. Kamaka began the Kamaka Ukulele and Guitar works in Honolulu in 1916. Since its 1968 incorporation, Kamaka Hawaii, lnc. has used the trademark Kamaka Hawaii. All prices include hard shell case. 10/09
List Disc Best $2,400 2,227 2,160 4,450 4,129 4,005
MT-2 A-style - This model has a twin f-hole with the longer neck length of 13 frets to the body, a standard scale length of 14”, and a combined total of 19 full length frets and 3 stumpy ones. MT-2 has a sound that is full and strong, which is partially due to its having gold-plated, extensively engraved Schaller tuners with pearloid buttons; bindings are grained ivoroid which is two-ply bordered on the top, each side as well as the back, fret board and headstock. The ebony bridge is a two-piece adjustable, the slide-off tailpiece is gold and shiny; the back, sides & neck are curly, the fingerboard pearly with 6 dot markers of progressively smaller size. 3500 3248 3150 MT-2 V - Same appointments as the MT-2, but with a varnish finish. 4700 4361 4230
UC1 Mahogany....................... 1200..............1113.......... 1080 UC1 Koa................................ 1450............. 1345.......... 1305 UC2 Mahogany....................... 1600............. 1485.......... 1440 UC2 Koa................................ 2100............. 1949.......... 1890 UC3 Mahogany....................... 2600............. 2413.......... 2340
STANDARD MODEL HF-1: Hawaiian Koa, polished lacquer finish, 12 frets, excellent tone. Traditional “Figure 8” or HP-1 pineapple shape. Also available in the Artist Series. Dimensions: 20 1/2” x 6 3/4” x 2 1/2”. CONCERT MODEL HF-2: Intermediate size, between standard and tenor uke. Koa wood. Sharper tone with the ease of action of the smaller standard ukulele. Dimensions: 26 1/2” x 8” x 3 1/4”. TENOR MODEL HF-3: Koa wood, 18 frets joining at the 14th fret. Fine tonal quality & handsome appearance. Dimensions: 26 1/2” x 8 1/2” x 3 1/2”. TENOR 6 STRING MODEL: The pride of the Kamaka line, this model has 6 strings on a tenor body, first & third strings are doubled & tuned in octaves to standard tuning. A unique instrument in sound, played with standard ukulele fingering. Made of select Hawaiian Koa wood with lacquer finish. 14 frets free of the body. 18 frets total. Dimensions 27” x 8 1/2” x 3 1/2”. BARITONE MODEL HF-4: A fine addition to the Kamaka line, the Baritone measures 29 1/2” x 10” x 3 3/4”. Select grain Hawaiian Koa, 14 frets free of the body. 18 frets total. Disc. Best STANDARD UKULELES HF-1 Standard..............................................................$672 652 HP-1 Pineapple..............................................................672 652 HF-2 Concert .................................................................850 825 HF-3 Tenor...................................................................1,030 999 HF-4 Baritone..............................................................1,199 1,163 HF-36 Tenor 6-string......................................................1,109 1,075 HF-38 Tenor 8-string......................................................1,187 1,151
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Big Muddy is dedicated to making a very simple and functional musical instrument at a reasonable price. Their products are designed for the beginner who would rather have a “made in America” instrument. Starting with all solid woods, these mandolins are hand-crafted from start to finish of solid mahogany, maple or rosewood sides and backs, and solid Englemann spruce soundboards. Prices include gig bag. List prices are shown. Please call or e-mail for our discount prices. 3/10
Made in Columbia, MO
Mini-Mo - Even less frills, still no plywood.
Mandolin scale length is 13 7/8 inches. Nut width is 1 1/8”. All mandolins feature a non-adjustable steel truss rod. LIST MW-O: Walnut back and sides, solid spruce top.
M-11: All Mahogany with ebony fretboard, bridge and peghead veneer.
M-2: Solid maple back and sides. Solid Engelmann spruce top. Honduras mahogany neck, rosewood fretboard and bridge.
M-3: Same as their standard mandolin with walnut back & sides, Ebony fretboard & bridge, gold Grover tuning gears & tailpiece, Herringbone back & side center strip.
M-4: Solid Bolivian rosewood back and sides. Solid Engelmann spruce top. Ebony fretboard and bridge.
Mini-Mo scale length is 13 7/8 inches. All feature a Sitka spruce top, walnut back and sides, rosewood fret board and bridge, and a laminated hardwood truss rod. Mini-Mo: All solid woods: Walnut back & sides, Sitka spruce top, Rosewood fretboard & bridge, electric guitar style bolt on neck, 13 7/8” scale, body depth 1 1/2”. Available in 8 (MM-8) or 4 (MM-4) string neck.
MM- 8 MM- 8 R
408 454
WIDE NECK MODELS Series scale length is 13 7/8 inches with a 1 1/4” nut width. All mandolins feature a non-adjustable steel truss rod. MW-OW: Walnut back and sides, solid spruce top.
M-2W Maple with spruce top
M-3W Walnut with spruce top
M-4W Rosewood with spruce top
M-11W All Mahogany
Hard shell case (Mandolins & Mandola)
Mandola scale length is 15 1/2 inches. All mandolas feature a nonadjustable steel truss rod. M-14: Solid Honduras mahogany back and sides. Solid Engelmann spruce top. Honduras mahogany neck. Rosewood fretboard and bridge.
M-15: Solid maple back and sides. Solid Engelmann spruce top. Honduras mahogany neck. Rosewood fretboard and bridge.
M-16: Solid Morado rosewood back and sides. Solid Engelmann spruce top. Ebony fretboard and bridge.
Ebony Fretboard- Standard on M-3, M-4, M-11
Chrome Grover tuners
Gold Grover tuning gears/Tail piece
Extra Gig bag (Mandolins and Mandolas)
Extra Gig bag (Mini-Mo)
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Breedlove mandolins are hand built in Tumalo, near Bend, in the mountains of central Oregon, by a small group of skilled craftspeople. Each Breedlove mandolin has an ebony bridge, fingerboard and peghead. Lightly oversized frets and a subtle fingerboard radius combine for fast, accurate fretting. Each instrument has Breedlove playability, aesthetics, tone and many options to match your distinctive tastes.
AMERICAN SERIES NEW -MAPLE/SITKA SATIN American Oo 1,339.00 999 American Of 1,469.00 1,099 American Ko 1,729.00 1,299 American Kf 1,869.00 1,399 American Fo 1,869.00 1,399 American Ff 1,999.00 1,499 American Oo Burst 1,529.00 1,149 American Of Burst 1,669.00 1,249 American Ko Burst 1,929.00 1,449 American Kf Burst 2,069.00 1,549 American Fo Burst 2,069.00 1,549 American Ff Burst 2,199.00 1,649 THE SPIRIT: By popular demand Breedlove has introduced a value package mandolin that is ready to be plugged in and played out. This Quartz OF has contrasting black binding, a McIntyre Feather soundboard pickup and is complete with a gig bag 1899 1519 and extra strap button. BLACK GOLD: There is a special power in the contrast of a black satin finish joined with the aesthetic of Master Class gold hardware. The Black Gold is an upgraded version of Quartz KF value package and includes the heavy-duty gig bag. 2249 1799 PREMIER MANDOLINS: Appointed with tasteful black binding, Monteleone style tailpieces, chrome tuners, high gloss finish, highly figured maple sides and back, the finest Sitka spruce tops, with ebony peghead veneer, fingerboard and bridge. Includes a deluxe hardshell case. CASCADE: Modeled after Breedlove’s award winning CM body shape, the asymmetrical Cascade mandolin has the volume and projection demanded by the modern bluegrass and country picker. Unique tone and a striking appearance PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
List MAP allow today’s players to fully express their individuality. Blonde gloss 2699 2159 COLUMBIA: Sister to the Cascade, the Columbia sports the same body shape, but incorporates an oval soundhole with x-shaped top bracing. The warm, full bodied tone of the Columbia mandolin makes it a great choice for today’s classical, folk and Celtic musician. Blonde gloss $2699 $2159 OREGON: Continuing in the tradition of fine American mandolins, Breedlove offers the ageless appeal of the Oregon mandolin. Teardrop shaped, with parallel bracing and elegant f-holes, the Oregon stands as a wholesome and toneful tribute to Breedlove’s home state. Blonde gloss 2399 1919
OLYMPIC: The balanced voice and deep resonance of the Olympic mandolin are the result of an x-braced top with an oval soundhole. The graceful, tear drop body harkens back to the Golden Age of Mandolins, while the rich tone serves as a voice for the future. Blonde gloss 2399 1919 MASTER CLASS SPECIAL EDITION MANDOLINS ORCA: Black glossy finish, K-shape, oval hole, master class appointments in ivoroid, Breedlove fret markers, chrome hardware. 5499 4399 ALPINE: O-shape, F-hole, individually voiced, Master Class appointments in black, gold hardware and Alpine inlay pattern. 4999 3999 ROGUE: K-shape, F-hole, McIntyre MT-100 pickup, Master Class appointments in walnut, glossy blonde finish and Rogue inlay. 5499 4399
McKENZIE: Glossy Sunburst Finish with contrasting Master Class Appointed Ivoroid binding, powerful and daring sound with inlay elements from Oregon’s McKenzie River. Its X-braced top is individually voiced and powerfully rings through F-holes. 5499 4399
Satin Sunburst or Satin Black finishes upgrade on Quartz Glossy finish upgrade on Quartz Glossy Sunburst finish Glossy Black finish w/Satin neck Nickel Premier Class hardware upgrade Gold Master Class Hardware upgrade Black binding upgrade on Quartz
Master Class Appointment Package for Mandolins Shertler C-DYN-M Pickup Breedlove Synergy system
$200 400 400 600 400 600 300
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
650 300 600
List prices are shown; call, e-mail, fax or write for our discount prices. All prices include shaped hard shell case, except for Y2K4 and the Sweet Pea (Baby). 1/10
model ** Options now standard
CELTIC STYLE (FLAT). Sweet Pea.Travel Mandolin ...BAG.................375 Aspen #2 Mandolin.................HSC..............1,299 Alder #2 Mandola....................HSC..............1,499 Sage #2.Octave Mandolin.......HSC..............1,799 Tamarack #2.Mandocello.......HSC..............1,999 CELTIC 'A' STYLE Hyalite ** Tapered peghead –**MOP Weber Logo **Maple Body Mandolin..................................HSC............. 1,599 Mandola...................................HSC............. 1,799 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC............. 2,199 Mandocello..............................HSC............. 2,599 Bridger **Tapered Peghead Mandolin..................................HSC............. 3,499 Mandola...................................HSC............. 3,699 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC............. 4,099 Mandocello..............................HSC............. 4,499 TWO-POINT CARVED TOP Bighorn Mandolin..................................HSC............. 3,699 Mandola...................................HSC............. 3,899 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC............. 4,499 Mandocello..............................HSC............. 4,799
375 1,169 1,349 1,619 1,799
1,439 1,619 1,979 2,339 3,149 3,329 3,689 4,049
3,329 3,509 4,049 4,319
Bitterroot 'F'
CARVED TOP "A STYLE Gallatin 'A' **Tapered Peghead - **MOP Weber Logo - **Natural or faded leatherMandolin..................................HSC............. .1,599 1,439 Mandola...................................HSC............. .1,799 1,619 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC............. .2,199 1,979 Mandocello..............................HSC............. .2,599 2,339 Bitterroot 'A' **Tapered Peghead - ** MOP "Weber" & Knot, Very Customizable Mandolin..................................HSC............. .1,999 1,799 Mandola...................................HSC............. .2,199 1,979 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC............. .2,599 2,339 Mandocello..............................HSC............. .2,999 2,699 Yellowstone 'A'.**MOP "The Weber" Script & Flr Pot -**IB accent line on body & Peghead -**Bud Markers - **Single cutaway Mandolin..................................HSC............. .2,599 2,339 Mandola...................................HSC............. .2,799 2,519 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC............. .3,199 2,879 Mandocello..............................HSC............. .3,599 3,239 Custom Vintage 'A'. **Fancy flower pot -**IBI binding on Body & Peghead - **Single c/a Fng. bd. Mandolin..................................HSC................ 3,499 3,149 Mandola...................................HSC................ 3,699 3,329 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC................ 4,099 3,689 Mandocello..............................HSC................ 4,499 4,049
Gallatin Mandocello MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Fern 'A' **Red Spruce Top Mandolin..................................HSC................ 3,499 Mandola...................................HSC................ 3,699 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC................ 4,099 Mandocello..............................HSC................ 4,499
Custom Vintage 'F' 3,149 3,329 3,689 4,049
CARVED TOP "F STYLE" Gallatin 'F' **MOP "Weber" **F-style Peghead & Trad. Bridge **Nat. or Faded Leather Mandolin..................................HSC................ 2,279 2,051 Mandola...................................HSC................ 2,579 2,321 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC................ 2,979 2,681 Mandocello..............................HSC................ 3,479 3,131 Bitterroot 'F'. **MOP "Weber" & Knot **Trad. Bridge, Very Customizable Mandolin..................................HSC................ 2,999 2,699 Mandola...................................HSC................ 3,399 3,059 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC................ 3,799 3,419 Mandocello..............................HSC................ 4,299 3,869 Yellowstone 'F'
**MOP "The Weber" Script & Fir Pot ** IB accent line on body and PH **Bud Markers** Single cutaway - Very Customizable
Mandolin..................................HSC................ 4,399 Mandola...................................HSC................ 4,699 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC................ 5,099 Mandocello..............................HSC................ 5,599
3,959 4,229 4,589 5,039
Custom Vintage 'F'.** IBI Binding on Body and Peghead Mandolin..................................HSC................ 5,299 Mandola...................................HSC................ 5,599 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC................ 5,999 Mandocello..............................HSC................ 6,499
4,769 5,039 5,399 5,849
Fern 'F' ** Red Spruce Top Mandolin..................................HSC................ 6,599 Mandola...................................HSC................ 6,899 Octave Mandolin.....................HSC................ 7,299 Mandocello..............................HSC................ 7,799
5,939 6,209 6,569 7,019
Sage Octive Mandolin
Fern 'F'
Yellowstone Traditional PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Phoenix Mandolins List prices are shown. Please call or e-mail for our discount prices.
Rolfe Gerhardt, builder of the legendary Unicorn mandolins in the '70s, has spent the last ten years applying new musical instrument technologies to the 8-string American mandolin. Using the finest tonewoods and thirty years of luthier experience, he hand-crafts the professional musician’s dreams. With one model specifically designed for bluegrass music, another for classical mandolin music plus jazz and Celtic music, and another geared toward all kinds of folk music, there is a Phoenix mandolin that will enhance the playing of any musician. Made in Thomaston, ME.
Mandolins The luthiers at Eastman Strings are recognized worldwide as the creators of some of today’s finest violin family instruments and archtop guitars. They are now applying their knowledge and expertise to the handcrafting of vintage style mandolins. All Eastman Strings mandolins are hand-carved for this Maryland-based manufacturer/importer in, um, China. Don’t let that stop you from trying them out. You will be amazed at how fine they sound and how nicely they play. Having aged tonewoods and available in both the Eastman Classic Style finish and their Rich Lacquer finish. The experience and knowledge of Eastman Strings luthiers ensure that these instruments have the best materials and craftsmanship available anywhere. Players will search far and wide without finding a handmade instrument with the tonal brilliance and ease of playing that these beautiful woodcrafted instruments exhibit.
The Phoenix Jazz Mandolin Phoenix has created a model of special interest to jazz players. It is built to combine the low action and superior up-the-neck playability of the Phoenix design with Thomastik flat-wound heavy strings for strong bass in a balanced sound. Higher and wider frets allow the jazz player to easily bend the strings and note cleanly with pronounced sustain. The Jazz is built with premium-grade European spruce tops, with the acclaimed Neoclassical design. Highly-figured soft red maple in the back, sides, and neck help keep the tone warm and dark. To set this model off, striped Macassar ebony is used for the headstock overlay, fingerboard, bridge saddle, tailpiece overlay and finger rest. Custom Kent Armstrong pickup and the McIntyre Feather piezo pickup wired stereo to the end pin jack, with hard shell case included................................ List: $4800
The Standard Carefully engineered as an all-around mandolin with graduation and tone bar sized for all styles of playing. Features: * 24-fret fingerboard with abalone dots on front and side * Nickel hardware with engraved Rigel-style tailpiece * Pearl nut for best tone * One-piece hand-cut headstock inlay * No plastic bindings; ebony binding on fingerboard sides * Snakehead style headstock * Traditional sunburst stains under the hybrid varnish finish * Custom hardshell case........................................................... List: $3600 The Phoenix NeoClassical Mandolin The Neoclassical is unique for an American mandolin, built more like a fine violin, designed for single-note projection and sustain with a warm, full sound using extra-light gauge strings — it comes with the exceptional Dr. Thomastik lights — on a radiused fingerboard and includes a built-in finger rest. The same woods are used as in the Bluegrass but without plastic bindings, and a 20-fret fingerboard has abalone position dots on the side only. A varnish finish, black tailpiece and dark fossil ivory nut complete the classical appearance. The custom case is the same as the one provided for the Bluegrass model.......................... List: $3600
F-hole Mandolins
Oval-hole Mandolins
F-Style Mandolins handcrafted in the same manner as the classic F-Style instruments of the twenties, these fully hand carved mandolins are crafted with solid flamed maple back and sides and a solid aged spruce top. The maple neck is finished with a solid ebony fingerboard, features an ebony fronted headstock and with their authentic F-Style “Bark”.
Modeled after the classic A-Style instruments of the twenties, these fully carved mandolins are handmade with solid flamed maple back and sides and a solid aged spruce top. The maple neck is finished with a solid ebony fingerboard and features an ebony fronted headstock.
The Phoenix Bluegrass Mandolin The Bluegrass model is designed for the sound after which it is named, having great projection and a “cutting chop” but also adding volume and clarity on the E-string, clearer single noting and superb balance between strings. With a radiused fingerboard, its playability and chording up the neck are remarkable. It is built for medium to heavy strings and delivered with .011”/ .016” /.026”/ .040” strings. Ivoroid binding sets off the headstock, fingerboard, and body. The hardware is nickel-plated; the tuners are Schaller. A professional custom case is provided and the body has a varnish finish......................... List: $4800
The Phoenix Deluxe Mandolin: The Deluxe model is as all-purpose as a mandolin can be, but with the special traditional sound of red spruce. It can also be custom-built with the Englemann spruce top. It features new McIntyre Feather pickup, custom reworked for Phoenix Mandolins, with gold and black chrome parts and black buttons. The Deluxe also comes with a black aluminum Price tailpiece and a finger rest. The finish color is a lightly sunburst, violin brown varnish, with red varnish optional finish..... List: $4800 The Phoenix Ultra Mandolin The top is the finest quarter-sawn fir or red spruce with a hand-planed joint and hand-graduated for maximum flexability and tonal response. The tone bars have been redesigned and laminated with graphite epoxy. The f-holes are Amati pattern. The back, sides and neck are highly figured Western Pennsylvania maple. The extra-sturdy case is plush-lined form-fitted, custom built for Phoenix............................................................................List: $10,500 PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
Mandolin 600 Models: Features: fully hand-carved, solid flamed maple back
and sides, aged spruce top, 3 piece binding top, and 1 piece bound back. Available in Classic or Sunburst finish.
Mandolin 800 Models: 3 piece binding Mandola: spruce top, flamed maple
top and back, Bound fingerbd.& headstock, back/sides, F style body w/F holes upgraded wd. selection, flamed back/sides. Mandocello: spruce top, flamed maple back/sides, A style body w/F holes Classic or Sunburst finish.
MDA815 Mandola
MDC805 Mandocello
Mandolin 900 Models: Features: AAA quality highly flamed maple, handbound multi-ply maple wood binding on headstock & body, veneer on back of headstock, Gold-plated hardware. Available in Blonde or Sunburst finish. MD905 A Style
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
MD904 A Style
[email protected]
Model & Description
MCM-CB Collector Solid spruce top "F" cherry finish 1185 860 mandolin Hand selected F style solid carved spruce top, solid carved maple back and sides with a quilt overlay, in a cherry finish, exclusive “Wandering Ivy” fingerboard inlay, gold hardware, classic pearloid tuners and fully bound from top to bottom!
MCM-TB Collector Solid spruce top "F" Mandolin
Traditional hand selected F style solid carved spruce top, solid carved maple back and sides with a quilt overlay, exclusive “Wandering Ivy” fingerboard inlay, gold hardware, classic pearloid tuners and fully bound from top to bottom! Legend has it: generations ago in the hills of southern Indiana, lived a man named Morgan Monroe, (Yeah, right?) who was a musical craftsman that shaped the local hardwoods into the finest stringed instruments around. After he hand-selected the perfect timber, the aroma of sawdust permeated the air and the sounds of his hand tools could be heard emanating from the valley as each instrument was shaped and formed until it was unique and one-of-a-kind. Ol’ Morgan Monroe combined quality and pride in his work and never let an instrument leave his workshop until he certified that it was “perfect”. Then, and only then, was an instrument worthy of the name Morgan Monroe. Today when you pick up a Morgan Monroe instrument you can tell from the first note that the high standards he established long ago will never go out of style. This is what legends are made of... But remember, it's only a legand! ...this is Morgan Monroe. All models have dovetail neck joints.They either have bone nut or pearl nut. Please phone or e-mail for our discount prices. Prices include a hard shell case. MMS-3 Deluxe Carved Mandolin joined at the 14th fret! List MAP MMS-3L same as MMS-3 in lefty and MMS-7L same as MMS-7 in lefty. 989 714
MMS-3 Deluxe Carved Mandolin joined at the 14th fret!
F style with carved spruce top, solid carved maple back & sides, extended rosewood fret board, pearl dot inlay and chrome hardware. Other features: Pearloid tuners, Bound Body, Neck and Headstock. MMS-4 Phantom of the Opry Deluxe Carved Black Mandolin
Florentine "F" style with solid carved spruce top, solid carved sycamore back & sides, rosewood fretboard, pearloid inlay and gold hardware. Other features: Pearloid tuners, bound body, neck, headstock, 3-ply pickguard, and a black finish. MMS-5 All solid mandolin quarter Sawn maple
F Style with solid carved spruce top, solid tiger maple back & sides, extended ebony fretboard, inlay and gold hardware. Other features: Pearloid tuners, fully bound and ebony bridge. MMS-6W All solid mandolin with lacquer finish 1385 1064 F style with solid carved spruce top, solid tiger maple back & sides, extended ebony fretboard, dot inlay and nickel hardware. Other features: Pearloid tuners, fully bound, pearl nut, cast tailpiece, ebony bridge and nebbed frets in a satin finish. MMS-8W All solid mandolin - Vintage Satin Finish 1385 1064 F Style with solid carved spruce top, solid carved maple back & sides, pearl nut, ebony scooped fretboard, nebbed frets, cast tailpiece, pearloid tuners. MMS-7 All solid mandolin - Marble Finish 989 714 F Style with solid carved spruce top, solid carved maple back & sides, bone nut, rosewood fretboard, herringbone binding, pearloid tuners and gold hardware.
Prices include hard shell case. Artist Model F-5 Mandolin: The peghead is striped ebony and is entirely triple bound (including the scroll); “Summit” and the single flower pot are colorful abalone and the truss rod cover itself is engraved abalone (or pearl) with two wreaths Made in Nashville TN and the word “Artist.” Fingerboard is bound in grained ivoroid and dot inlays begin at the fifth fret and continue to the 15th fret, with a total of 19 frets and no fingerboard extension. The body is triple bound on top & back and the woods are remarkably flamey tiger stripe on sides, back and neck, the back of headstock has a flawless Engleman spruce top with X-bracing. The coloring is likewise perfect sunburst stain. The bridge is two-piece, adjustable ebony, with gold plated small thumbscrews & the slide-on tailpiece is engraved with the word “Summit” and four floral squiggles. Tuners are gold plated & engraved in a fancy pattern with pearloid buttons that look a lot like real pearl. Lacquer finish List $5800 Varnish finish List $6800 Summit F-100: - Big leaf maple for the back and neck, tighter, more conventionally tiger-striped maple for the sides, & Engleman spruce top of the highest quality with X-bracing. The mandolin is finished in a two-tone tobacco sunburst (in gloss lacquer finish) which imparts a shimmering three-dimensional affect to the woods it protects. The peghead overlay appears to be striped ebony & bears the Summit logo in multicolored pearl. The fingerboard is black ebony with six mother-of-pearl dot inlays starting at the fifth fret, with corresponding List $3500 side dots. Summit F-200 -gloss lacquer finish Summit A-200 -gloss lacquer finish MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
List $4700 List $2700
Banjos - All banjos have Ashton Bailey Planetary tuners. Call for discount prices. List MAP MRK-1000 Riverking Deluxe Banjo - Brass Banjo $4500 $3150 MAD-1000 Admiral Deluxe Banjo - Gold-plated hardware 4500 3150 MFB-1DX Everest Deluxe Banjo - Flame maple neck and resonator, mother of pearl inlay, 3-ply solid maple rim and deluxe gold-plated hardware. 1899 1295 MFB-5DX Cascade Deluxe Banjo Maple Neck, rosewood fingerboard, mother of pearl inlay, solid maple rim, onepiece chrome flange, nickel-plated hardware. 999 699
Rocky Top Series
The hand carved headstock and deluxe neck heel, mahogany rim, 1 piece flange, 14” curly maple resonator, rosewood fretboard, rosewood tipped maple bridge, nickel frets, frosted/clear Remo head, gold-plated hardware. MGB-2 Collector Series Gold Banjo with frosted head 1039 765 MGB-2C Collector Series Gold Banjo with clear head 1039 765 MGB-1 Rocky Top Gold Banjo with frosted head 989 714 MGB-1C Rocky Top Gold Banjo with clear head 989 714
Rocky Top Bluegrass Series
MNB-2 Deluxe Chrome Banjo Bell brass tone ring 889 666 MNB- 2L Deluxe Nickel Banjo Bell brass tone ring 889 666 MRHB-1 Deluxe Chrome Banjo with raised head 18 hole bell brass tone ring, mahogany rim, 1 piece flange, 14” curly maple resonator, rosewood fretboard, rosewood tipped maple bridge, nickel frets, frosted Remo head, nickel-plated hardware. 989 714 MNB-1 Deluxe Chrome Banjo - 24 bracket, rolled brass tone ring, mahogany rim/ resonator, rosewood fretboard, 1 ½” and 1 5/8” rosewood bridges. 640 464
MOB-1 Ol' Smokey Open Back Banjo - All maple travel companion List: 410 629 FOREST AVENUE, STATEN ISLAND, NY 10310 FAX: (718)816-4416
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
For over 26 years, Geoff Stelling and Stelling Banjo Works have been making top quality, limited production banjos. Each instrument is hand-made by trained craftspeople using only the very best woods and hardware. Two highly prized characteristics - the sheer, bone-rattling power and the crystal clear, ringing tone - are a direct result of Stelling’s patented wedge-fitted tone ring, rim and flange configuration. Other unique features include the compensated nut, trademarked peghead and flange hole designs, registered inlay patterns and pivot-pin tailpiece. Each Stelling Banjo is a work of art. Limited lifetime warranty. All instruments include a hard shell case. List prices are shown, please call, fax or e-mail for our discount prices. Made in Afton, VA. 6/10 List BELLFLOWER: Made of Virginia black walnut, the Bellflower boasts the natural beauty of unstained wood. A simple, yet elegant floral inlay pattern combined with tasteful ivoroid/black/ivoroid binding on the neck and resonator make the Bellflower the choice of many.............................................$4750 SUNFLOWER: By modifying the Bellflower inlay pattern and making the neck and resonator out of curly maple instead of walnut, Stelling created the Sunflower. The shaded Cremona sunburst staining on this model highlights the quality of the wood used ...................................................................... 4750 RED FOX: Inspired by master banjoist Bill Emerson, the Red Fox has outsold every other model over the past three years. The fancy curly maple used in this model enhances the reddish stain. The red fox in the peghead and the abalone maple leaves in the fingerboard make this a striking model. .........4750 RED FOX DELUXE: Curly maple (shaded), matte gold.................................................................8083 CRUSADER: Stelling’s first mahogany model since 1978, the Crusader features a new peghead profile, a new script logo, and a longer scale (26.428 vs. 26.25). .....................................................4750 CRUSADER DELUXE: The Deluxe version has bead-blasted gold-plated parts with special engraving. . ....................................................7333 GOLDEN CROSS: The Golden Cross was named for Tony Golden, who rode motorcycles with Geoff and bought the First Golden Cross. This model was also played by the great Don Reno for the last ten years of his life and was featured on many of his recordings with Bill Harrell. Made of sunburst stained curly maple, with purfling inlaid along the neck and resonator binding........................... 5250 MASTER FLOWER: Has the Sunflower inlay pattern, but in figured Claro walnut with peghead binding, and purfling rings in the resonator..... 5500 MASTER’S CROSS: Special features of this model include: Fancy Claro walnut neck and resonator, and an inlaid quilted maple cross surrounded by a ring of purfling on the resonator back. The same purfling is inlaid next to the ivoroid binding along the sides of the neck and resonator......................6667 MASTER’S CROSS DELUXE: Highly figured walnut banjo. Ornate peghead inlay. A ring of purfling surrounds the inlaid cross on the back of the resonator. Gold-plated & engraved metal parts.............. 10000 STAGHORN: The figured Claro walnut Staghorn, with blonde maple staghorns in relief on the back of the resonator, has remained one of the most desired banjos in the world and has become the trademark model of Stelling Banjo Works........................7000 MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
THE VIRGINIAN: This model features the Virginia state bird, the cardinal, on the peghead, and the Virginia state flower, the dogwood blossom, on the fingerboard. The abalone shell used for the cardinals is selected for the most striking colors to reflect the natural beauty of these lovely birds.................7000 NEW THE VIRGINIAN DELUXE: Curly Maple, goldplated and engraved.......................................9833 SWALLOWTAIL: At the request of virtuoso banjo player and noted Irish stylist Tom Hanway, Geoff Stelling, with much inspirational help from Tom, designed the Swallow Tail, a truly Celtic banjo from stem to stern. The swallow, oak leaf, acorn, and closed knot inlays relate to the sacred Druid and Celtic traditions of the past. The neck and resonator are made of curly maple and stained with a sunburst Cremona-style finish similar to the Virginian. Both the Standard and the Deluxe models feature an inlaid abalone and mother-of-pearl swallow in the center of the resonator that matches the peghead swallow inlay...................................................5833 SWALLOWTAIL DELUXE: The Deluxe version has the same as above with these added features – bead-blasted and subtly engraved metal parts, and chrome plating................................................9167 All models feature the Tony Pass 600TS Old Wood Rim and a deluxe TKL emerald green crushed velvet plush lined case. Left-handed, tenor, or plectrum versions of most models are available at 10% surcharge.
New Banjo Options and Accessories Plating Nickel is standard except for models that come with other plating as listed. Gold over a nickel base . ..............................$1000 Chrome over a nickel base . .............................600 Black Chrome over a nickel base . .................1000 PVD Titanium Nitride Coating over nickel (guaranteed 10 years) available in Gold, Nickel, Black, or Rainbow . .............................1200 Engraving Standard scroll pattern as seen on many Stellings for the last 30 plus years . ..................600 Armrest only with 8 letter name and simple scroll pattern (add letters at $10 ea.)................ 175 Radiused Fingerboard...................................... 400 Archtop Tonering ..............................................200 ACCESSORIES and REPLACEMENT PARTS Polishes Simichrome Polish for nickel................................ 8 Glyde-Cote Polish for finished wood surfaces $8 per bottle or 12 bottles................................... 60 $50 minimum dealer order Bridges Standard replacement 11/16” old wood birch............ 30 Compensated any size (for banjos without a compensated nut).................................................................. 50 specify 5/8. 11/16. or 3/4” Radiused top, 16” radius, any size bridge . ...............40 OPTIONS ORDERED WITH BANJO Arm rest with Stelling logo, nickel plated.................... 35 Tension Hoop w/ Stelling logo, nickel plated ...........50 Individual hooks or nuts, nickel plated.................. 1 Set of 24 hooks and nuts, nickel plated.............. 36
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
DAVID HOLT (continued) maple rim, bound neck & pot with purfling, spur & saddle engraved, chrome-plated. ......................... Inquire
Golden Wreath
2/12 Handmade in Lemon Grove, California, Deering banjos are available at every price point. Models include resonator and open back longneck, 5-string, tenor, plectrum, 6 & 12-string guitar-banjo, left-handed resonator 5-string, and electric 5-string. Other models are available by special order. Limited lifetime warranty. All banjos include plush lined, form fitting, *hard shell case (except Crossfire and Golden Honey Crossfire with Delta case & Goodtime with no case).
please call us for prices.
*Any Goodtime model can be specially ordered with the antique mahogany satin stain option. GOODTIME BANJO: Maple openback, weighs only 4 lbs. sounds great.......................................... inquire Tenor....................................................... Inquire GOODTIME 2 BANJO: 5 string Resonator banjo........................... Inquire Tenor....................................................... Inquire GOODTIME SPECIAL Open Back with a tone ring................... Inquire Tenor....................................................... Inquire GOODTIME 2 SPECIAL: Resonator banjo with a tone ring........... Inquire Tenor....................................................... Inquire GOODTIME CLASSIC BANJO Maple openback, weighs only 4 lbs. 5-string.................................................... Inquire Tenor....................................................... Inquire GOODTIME CLASSIC 2 BANJO: Resonator banjo..................................... Inquire Tenor....................................................... Inquire GOODTIME CLASSIC SPECIAL Openback with a tone ring.................... Inquire Tenor....................................................... Inquire GOODTIME CLASSIC 2 SPECIAL: Resonator banjo with a tone ring.... ...... Inquire Tenor....................................................... Inquire GOODTIME PARLOR: Open Back 5 string, 19 Fret................... Inquire Resonator 5 string, 19 fret..................... Inquire PICKUP installed in any Goodtime model. Inquire Gig bag for any Goodtime Banjo:........ ...Inquire BOSTON Specify Mahogany or Maple, geared fifth tuner. The steel rim rings like a tone ring, providing exceptional tone. 5-STRING ............................................. Inquire LEFTY ................................................... Inquire LONG NECK OPENBACK . ................ Inquire 4-STRING TENOR OR PLECTRUM... .. Inquire 6-STRING............................................... Inquire SIERRA 3-ply maple rim with sandcast bell bronze tone ring. Mahogany neck & resonator have satin lacquer finish. Planetary banjo tuners, black peghead veneer with white Deering logo on the neck & a dot inlaid rosewood fingerboard. 5-STRING ........................................... Inquire LEFTY .............................................. Inquire 4-STRING TENOR OR PLECTRUM.... . Inquire DELUXE Hard rock maple 3-ply rim, mahogany neck, ebony fretboard, mother of pearl inlays, sand cast bell bronze tone ring & zinc alloy flange. Headstock has distinctive black face with white eagle line art. PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
5-STRING ................................................Inquire 6-STRING.................................................Inquire 4-STRING TENOR OR PLECTRUM...........Inquire 12-STRING...............................................Inquire
Electric guitar shape and electronics with plastic banjo head. Special neck and bridge position pickups in the solid body under the head give the power and drive of an electric guitar. 3-way pickup selector plus tone and volume controls allow a wide variety of sounds, including a good banjo tone. Black finish. All Crossfires come with a specially priced Crossfire Delta case. . ............... Inquire GOLDEN HONEY CROSSFIRE: Same as Crossfire with natural Alder body in gloss finish........ ...Inquire BLACK DIAMOND Hard rock maple 3-ply rim, mahogany neck, ebony fretboard, m-o-p inlays, headstock inlaid with Deering banner logo & 5 m-o-p diamonds set in a 5-point star pattern. 5-STRING............... Inquire LONG NECK OPENBACK . ................. Inquire MAPLE BLOSSOM Maple neck & resonator stained dark walnut color with white binding & a decorative black stripe, ebony fretboard with flower shaped m-o-p Inlays. 5-STRING............................................... Inquire 6-STRING............................................... Inquire 4-STRING TENOR OR PLECTRUM........Inquire GOLDEN ERA Mahogany or Cremona sunburst maple neck & deep resonator with angled interior walls, 20 hole bell bronze tone ring, 3-ply hard rock maple ring, zinc alloy flange, Presto tailpiece. Traditional hearts & flowers inlays in Brazilian rosewood fretboard, script m-o-p Deering headstock inlay. Mahogany resonator has concentric rings, maple does not. 5-STRING............................................... Inquire GOLDEN CLASSIC: Golden Era gold-plated & engraved with 24K gold Deering inlay........................................... Inquire GOLDEN WREATH: Mahogany Wreath inlays, deep Resonator, 20 hole bell bronze tone ring and resonator has two purfling inlaid. 5-STRING.................................... Inquire CALICO - Honey stained maple. Natural flame maple neck and resonator, with interior angled walls & ivoroid binding and purfling, ebony fretboard with m-o-p inlays. It also features a bound peghead, 3-ply hard rock maple rim & zinc alloy flange. Sunburst stain optional. 5-STRING............................................... Inquire DAVID HOLT Tree of Life The David Holt Tree of Life Model, an open-back, features a stained rich warm brown curly maple neck and hand carved heel, Hartford tone-ring, 4" deep 3-ply
JOHN HARTFORD The John Hartford Signature Model features a dark stained curly maple neck & resonator with satin finish, m-o-p inlays, bound ebony fingerboard, Paramount-shaped, ebony veneered peghead and heelcap.The resonator has tapered sides and white & black binding. The 3-ply maple rim has a grenadilla tone ring, a one-piece cast zinc flange, brass tension hoop & nickel-plated hardware. 5-STRING................................................ Inquire 24-Fret..................................................... Inquire GREG DEERING LIMITED Abalone inlays and ivoroid binding around figured walnut neck and burled walnut resonator. Abalone & m-o-p inlays on ebony fretboard & bound peghead, m-o-p “Deering” peghead inlay, G.D.L. engraved banner at 19th fret, nickel plated tuners & zinc alloy flange. Options include maple neck & burled maple resonator with cremona sunburst stain & chromeplated metal parts.................................... Inquire TENBROOKS BANJOS The Tenbrooks is a new breed of banjo named after the famed Kentucky Derby winner who beat, by an overwhelming margin, the ever-popular Mollie McCarthy in the most memorable race in the history of the Kentucky Derby. The Tenbrooks banjos have a purity of tone, a deep, low bass that supports all the other harmonics of the banjo — a combination that makes a golden, warm, sparkling sound with a foundational solidity that allows the player the ultimate freedom of expression. LEGACY Curly maple neck & resonator, dark red mahogany stained V-shape Neck, Jens Krüger tone ring, 3-ply maple rim, zinc flange, nickel-plated and gloss finish. New also available Tenor................Inquire SARATOGA STAR Dark red tropical mahogany neck & resonator, V-shape Neck, Jens Krüger tone-ring, 3-ply maple rim, zinc flange, nickel-plated and gloss finish.............Inquire Jens Krüger MODEL - Radiused Fingerboard Red stained curly maple neck & resonator, arched fingerboard, V-shape neck, Jens Krüger tonering, 3-ply maple rim, zinc flange, nickel-plated and satin finish. ....................................Inquire VEGA LITTLE WONDER Maple open back w/ebony fingerboard, 3-ply maple openback rim. Including gig bag........ ......Inquire VEGA OLD TYME WONDER Maple with ebony fingerboard and scooped neck, Openback with fiberskyn head. Including gig bag ........ ....Inquire VEGA BLUEGRASS WONDER Maple with ebony fingerboard, 3-ply maple rim and resonator. Including gig bag .................. Inquire VEGA NO. 2 - NEW Light Amber Stain Maple openback w/Deering’s Tubaphone tone ring & brass bracket band. Including gig bag. Inquire LONG NECK VEGA Including hard shell case ........................ Inquire VEGA SENATOR.................................... Inquire THE "PROFESSIONAL" Vegaphone Tenor
Pickup Installation Pickup Installed.................................. Call for price Cases Padded Deering Gig Bag........................... .Inquire Traditional Deering Hardshell Tenor Case.. I.nquire Traditional Deering Hardshell Case............ I.nquire Deering/Vega Openback Case................... I.nquire Deering/Vega Longneck Case.................... I.nquire Goodtime Planetary Tuners.............. I.nquire
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Banjos Huss & Dalton is a company renowned for its acoustic guitars, which come close to replicating the beauty and sonic beguilement of the vintage pieces of the 1930s. The partners, Jeff Huss and Mark Dalton, each once worked for an established, high-end banjo maker and it came to pass that first one luthier, and then the other, started having recurrent dreams about banjos. Because there are only 2 dream-interpreting psychiatrists in the entire state of Virginia, they decided that it was less expensive to just start making them and they chose to use the Jim Stull early 1930s reproduction tone ring in order to achieve the much-desired traditional, pre-war tone. They say “Both of our models, the Owens Mill Bluegrass and the Single Tree Open-Back, combine the classic look, feel and tone with our commitment to quality.” Soon after they debuted the banjos, the dreams stopped.
Bluegrass Banjo List The Owens Mill (Mahogany) . .................................................................................. $3,965 The Owens Mill (Maple and Walnut) . ........................................................................ 4,055 Standard features: Early '30's style sand cast flat head tone ring, 3-ply maple rim, one piece cast flange, nickel plated pot hardware, "Majestic" fingerboard and peghead inlays, maple binding, 2-way adjustable truss rod, Waverly tuners and Kershner tailpiece. The Old Time Banjo Singletree OT............................................................................................................. 1,745 Standard features: Dowel stick construction without tone ring, 12" 3-ply maple rim, Indian rosewood cap on bottom of rim, dowel stick, and heel cap, 17 fret fingerboard with frailing scoop, nickel-plated grooved tension hoop, Leaf inlay on peghead, Five Star Planet tuners and two-way adjustable truss rod. (w/Tubaphone & Whyte Laydie tonering, add......... $500) Options Burl walnut resonator...................................................................................................... 175 Rings in resonator........................................................................................................... 160 Sunburst on Mahogany or Maple.................................................................................... 175 Gold Platted Hardware................................................................................................. 1,000
Bart Reiter Open Back & Internal Resonator Banjos, built in the tradition of the ever-popular prewar Vega, Fairbanks & Bacon banjos, are among the finest we offer. Each instrument is made in Haslett, Michigan and meticulously hand-crafted to exacting specifications. Only the best materials are used. The result is a banjo with great sound, a comfortable neck & delicate, precise traditional inlays. All models feature: 5/8” thick, 11” diameter, 3-ply laminated maple rim with notched tension hoop and 24 L-shoe brackets; hand-rubbed lacquer finish, 3-ply maple neck with adjustable truss rod, maple dowel stick, traditional peghead shape, neck contour, pearl inlay designs and veneer laminated in center of neck; 22 nickel silver frets; 4 Five-Star planetary tuners; geared fifth peg; bone nut, Fibreskin 2 head and 5/8” ebony-top bridge. One-year warranty. Prices include plush lined arched top, hard case. Additional TKL cases are available for $150. 1/06 List Disc Best
Standard models: Rolled brass tone ring, Ebony fingerboard and peghead veneer, Mahogany neck - stained brown, Dot position markers, Pearl star in peghead, Satin lacquer finish, Five Star head, 5/8 inch ebony top bridge, No Knot tailpiece, 26 1/4” scale neck. List Disc Best STANDARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,620 1,336 1,296 STANDARD FRETLESS (w/scoop). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,486 1,226 1,189 ROUND PEAK (12" HEAD & SCOOP AT END OF FINGERBOARD)........... 1,754 1,447 1,403 SPECIAL: Rolled brass tone ring, Ebony fingerboard and peghead veneer, Hard maple neck, Dot position markers, Pearl star in peghead, Five Star head, Rosewood cap on bottom of rim, Satin lacquer finish.. . . $1,754 1,447 1,403 REGENT: Whyte Laydie tone ring, Ebony fingerboard and peghead veneer, Hard maple neck, Pearl star peghead inlay, Dot position markers, Five Star head, Rosewood cap on bottom of rim, 5/8 inch ebony top bridge, Waverly tailpiece, Satin lacquer finish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,020 1,666 1,616 MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
BACOPHONE: Bacon tone ring, Ebony fingerboard and peghead veneer, Mahogany neck, Pearl star peghead inlay, Dot position markers, Five Star head, Bottom of rim stained black, 5/8 inch ebony top bridge, Waverly tailpiece, Satin lacquer finish and brown stain.(w/scoop). . . . . . . . $1,886 1,556 1,509 New GALAX: Whyte Laydie tone ring, Ebony fingerboard and peghead veneer, Mahogany neck, Pearl star peghead inlay, Dot position markers, Five Star head, Stained black bottom of rim, 5/8 inch ebony top bridge, Waverly tailpiece, Satin lacquer finish and brown stain (w/scoop). $1,886 1,556 1,509
Custom Options Vega-Style Armrest ................................................................................. 10 Single Leg Armrest .................................................................................. 40 End Of Fingerboard Scooped................................................................... 50 Tkl Case (Banjos Priced Above With This)............................................. 160
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Stock Models Lancaster. ....................................$4050 Berkshire......................................$4135 Kalamazoo . ..................................$4135 Roanoke .......................................$4250 Sammy Shelor ..............................$4425 Lexington . ....................................$4950 Jim Mills .......................................$5150 Ron Block .................................. $5150 Pandolfi . ......................................$4425
custom options Speed neck.................................... $85 Antique binding............................. $85 Wider fingreboard... . .................. $95 Vintage lacquer finish .................$125 Radiused fingerboard . ................$125 Antique metal finish (complete banjo)*...$225 Deluxe engraving .........................$325 Lexington engraving ....................$325 Gold plating (complete banjo)*..............$425 * Does not include tuners
Call us for more details and options. All prices are subject to change.
PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
VINTAGE SERIES JUBILEE & WOODSONG Open Back....................................................... 1,995
JUNIPER & CELTIC Open Back....................................................... 2,325 Full Resonator................................................. 3,325
Artist Models Open Back....................................................... 6,825 Full Resonator................................................. 9,325
SWEETGRASS, SUNDANCE, TRILOGY, MONARCH & SOUTHERN CROSS Tung Oil Speed Finish Models Open Back....................................................... 2,750 Full Resonator................................................. 3,750
GRAND ARTIST RENAISSANCE, MOGUL, SPRING, MILLENNIUM, HUMMINGBIRD & WILDFLOWER Open Back..................................................... 10,950 Full Resonator............................................... 15,750
Lacquer Open Back....................................................... 3,150 Full Resonator................................................. 4,150
CUSTOM BANJO STYLES Guitar, Tenor/Plectrum, Long-neck, Left-handed, Classic & Megavox styles...................................295
METAL PLATING & ENGRAVING SILVER Models (Chrome Plated) Open back..........................................................195 Full Resonator....................................................295 GOLD Models (Gold Plated).......................... Open back..........................................................495 Full Resonator....................................................695 SUNBURST Metal Engraving Armrest & Tailpiece only.....................................175 Open Back models.............................................395 Full Resonator models.......................................595 FLORAL Metal Engraving Armrest & Tailpiece only.....................................250 Open Back models.............................................495 Full Resonator models.......................................750
ODYSSEY, CELTIC STAR, PHOENIX, BRIGHT ANGEL, JUGGERNAUT, PRIMROSE & COLUMBINE Open back....................................................... 3,650 Full Resonator................................................. 4,650 ARTIST SERIES RENAISSANCE, MOGUL, SPRING, MILLENNIUM, HUMMINGBIRD, MAGICIAN & WILDFLOWER Zen Artist Models Open Back....................................................... 4,950 Full Resonator................................................. 6,325 MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Acoustasonic™ Ultralight Stereo Enclosure 2271700000 The Acoustasonic Ultralight Stereo Enclosure is the companion of the Acoustasonic Ultralight Head, offering two 8” Eminence® low-frequency drivers with lightweight Neodymium magnets and two 1” high-fidelity dome tweeters. The patented magnet docking system allows secure attachment of the head to the enclosure. Together, the combination delivers pristine reproduction of acoustic-electric instruments in a beautiful, compact and easily portable package.
LIST MAP $1,860 1,490
Jazzmaster™ Ultralight 112
UltraSound Amplifiers is a division of a company that has been in the business of electronic manufacturing since 1985. One of their chief engineers, Greg Farres, has been designing and producing musical instrument amplifiers for the past 12 years. It is Mr. Farres’ desire to build and market a unit that surpasses, by a wide margin, musicians’ needs in the acoustic-electric arena, an arena in which the UltraSound name has been lionized. Jazz players for their clarity of tone and extraordinary affordability especially revere ultraSound Amps.
Enclosure 2277700000 The 250-watt Jazzmaster Ultralight 112 Enclosure is the companion of the Jazzmaster Ultralight Head, offering a single 12” Jensen® speaker with a lightweight Neodymium magnet. The patented magnet docking system allows secure attachment of the head to the enclosure. Together, the combination delivers swinging tone perfect for everything from jazz to funk to Motown, all in a smart-looking, compact and easily portable package.
Call us for prices MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
LIST MAP $1,660 1,330 FAX: (718)816-4416
The sounds of the harmonica can be heard in all styles of today’s music, whether it be rock, country, blues, pop, jazz, folk or classical. For over 130 years, Hohner, the largest manufacturer of harmonicas in the world, has played an important part in popularizing this universally accepted instrument. Made in Germany. List MARINE BAND: Internationally recognized by players for its simple beauty and resonant tone. The pearwood body, solid brass plates and patented cover design produce a musical quality that, when first heard in 1896, brought the Marine Band immediate popularity. 10 single holes, 20 reeds. Nickel-plated convex covers. Length 4”. . ...............................$27.50
Custom Series Guitar Amps Vibro-King Custom
'57 Twin List MAP Lacquered tweed, 40 watts, 2 12" Alnicomagnet speakers......................... $3000 $2100
'64 Vibroverb Custom Blackface, 50 watts, 15" Eminence speaker, stock and modifier switch and rectifier switch............................................................................... 3000 2100 Vibro-King Custom Blackface, 60 watts, 3-10" Jensen speakers, '63 Tube Reverb...... 3000 2100
Professional Tube Series
Pro Reverb Amp 50 watts, 1-12" Jensen speaker, channel switching, FX loop....... 1500 1050
Vintage Series Guitar Amps
'65 Twin Reverb 85 watts, 2-12" Jensen speakers.................................................... 1500 1050 '65 Deluxe Reverb 22 watts, 1-12" Jensen speaker..................................................... 1140 798 '63 Fender Reverb Brown/Wheat, adds Tube Reverb to any amp.................................580 406
Hot Rod Series
Hot Rod DeVille 212 60 watts, 2-12" Eminence speakers, black, footswitch and cover. .1072 750 Hot Rod Deluxe 40 watts, 1-12" Eminence speaker, black, footswitch and cover.....858 600 Blues Junior 15 watts, 1-12" Eminence speaker, black........................................570 399
BLUES HARP: Reeds are set higher for greater action and longer life. 10 single holes, 20 reeds. Length 4”. . ......................................................................29.95 SPECIAL 20: The genuine brass plates are embedded in a synthetic material body making this instrument exceptionally airtight. Synthetic body material will not swell from moisture. 10 single holes, 20 reeds. Length 4”. .................28.50 GOLDEN MELODY: Curved cover plates extend the entire length of the harmonica, providing increased resonant capacity. This harmonica has enlarged channels and is ideal when using the overblow technique. It has curved ends for extra holding comfort. Nickel plated covers fit securely over plastic comb. 10 single holes, 20 reeds. Length 4”. ...........................................................30.95 Hohner Harmonica Holder: Fits around neck. Adjusts to any position, can be taken on or off with ease. For harmonicas up to 7 1/2” long. ....................16.95
Acoustic Instrument Amplifier
LOUDBOX PRO™ Delivering more than twice the crystal-clear sound and ample headroom of the original Loudbox, the Loudbox Pro produces 600 Watts RMS (cumulative) of pure power. The triamped system with active crossover features 12” low frequency driver with a dedicated 380W amplifier, a 6” cone Midrange driver with 160W amplifier, and a tri-amped tweeter array with a 60W amplifier to power them. For those wondering if it lives up to its name, the Loudbox Pro produces 122dB SPL @ 1 meter! Channel 1 of Loudbox Pro’s extensive control section includes: shelving bass and treble, resonant-style midrange and brilliance, phase switch and notch filter for feedback control, and a mute switch. A third channel provides an auxiliary stereo input with level control. Other features include five types of digital reverb, two effects loops, a balanced XLR DI output, and a unique adjustable kickstand that tilts back 40, 50, 60, and 70 degrees. Amp weighs in at 77 lbs and measures ~19.25”Hx ~25”Wx ~11.75”D. Loudbox Pro ...................................................................... ...... List: 2,769.95 Loudbox 100 ......................................................................... ...... List: 929.95 Loudbox Performer ........................................................... ...... List: 1,229.95
PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
Call us for prices
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Features: •.60 Watts with Master Volume • Two channels: instrument & microphone • .Digital Reverb and Chorus •.Auxiliary input (1/4” and 1/8“) • .D.I. output: balanced XLR output
Loudbox Mini Acoustic Instrument Amplifier The award-winning Loudbox family has a new little brother. Fishman’s lightest and most portable amp yet, Loudbox Mini delivers the tonal quality that has made the Fishman name the standard for great acoustic sound. The Loudbox Mini packs 60 Watts of clean acoustic power, and has two channels featuring Fishman’s legendary preamp and tone control designs, plus digital reverb and chorus for the instrument channel and reverb for the microphone channel. The Loudbox Mini sports an MP3 input and balanced XLR D.I. output – a must for jamming along and capturing your performances.
Instrument Channel •.1/4” input for active or passive pickups •.Feedback-fighting Phase switch •.3 band EQ: low, mid, high tone controls • Reverb level •.Dual-function Chorus Microphone Channel • .XLR input for dynamic microphones • 2 band EQ with low and high tone controls • Reverb level Specs: • Power: 60 Watts • Drivers: one 6.5” Woofer and one 1” tweeter • Speaker Baffle: 10º built-in tilt • Dimensions: 12” H x 13.7” W x 9.7” D (30.5cm) x (34.9cm) x (24.7cm) • Weight: 19.7 lbs
If you’re looking for great sound to inspire your PRO-LBX-500 Loudbox Mini practice sessions, or just need a big, yet porAcoustic Instrument Amplifier table voice at the local open mic night, come in and check out the affordable Loudbox Mini. OUR PRICE: $299.95 MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Let’s face it, the case or bag your instrument wears (sleeps in, travels in, etc.) is important to its health and longevity. We’ve put together a selection of the finest cases and bags available today. Cases are also listed in the various instrument sections. Please call for information and assistance.
CASES The Martin guitars we sell include a hardshell case. These 300 and 500 Series cases have plywood arched tops with black vinyl exteriors. 600 Series molded cases feature an extremely rugged impact-resistant exterior and top-quality hardware. 600 Series cases are form-fitted with thick plush interiors, and a tasefully embossed Martin logo on the face of the case. All cases are Archtop hardshell unless otherwise noted.
320 340 412 413 414 416 425 533 540 545 570 610
Classic Dreadnought Standard Uke ConcertUke Tenor Uke Baritone Uke “A” Mandolin OOO 12 Fret “D” Vintage Dlx 12 Fret "D" Vintage Dlx 14 Fret Grand Auditorium or 0000 (was M) O, OO, Classic, Baby D
$136 136 136 145 145 145 145 225 250 232 160 169
Started in 1984 by Tom and Donna Dougherty, TKL Products Corp. was founded to provide high-quality cases and bags, to domestic and international musical instrument manufacturers and distributors. From a rented 640 sq. ft. section of a building in Farmingdale, New York, the company has grown steadily. Today, with over 63,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing, R&D and distribution space in Virginia and numerous domestic and international joint ventures and strategic alliances, TKL is positioned to respond to the needs of the itinerant fretted instrument player. Tweed case models are a special order.
Prestige Series™
cases include the following features: • TKL’s Contoured, Thickly-Padded, Soft Plush Interior • TKL’s Providence Forge® Steel-Plated Hardware • TKL’s Multi-Ply, Hand-Laminated Wood Shell • TKL’s Traditional Neck Support System™ • TKL’s 24/7 Protection® • TKL’s Limited Lifetime Warranty • TKL’s Arch-Top Reinforcement System™ • TKL’s Comfort Grip™ Molded Handle • TKL’s Heavy-Duty Durahyde™ Covering • TKL’s Spacious Accessory Compartment
TKL 8500 TKL 8800 TKL 8801 TKL 8802 TKL 8805 TKL 8815 TKL 8816 TKL 8820 TKL 8851 TKL 8852
Pro-Form classical guitar case.................................... $119.00 Prestige™ Arch-top classical guitar case.................... $168.00 Prestige™ Arch-top square-neck Dobro® guitar case... 150.00 Prestige™ Arch-top round-neck Dobro® guitar case.... 150.00 Prestige™ Arch-top grand concert guitar case.............. 129.95 Prestige™ Arch-top dreadnought 6/12 string guitar case.............................. 129.95 Prestige™ Arch-top small jumbo style-175 guitar case.139.95 Prestige™ Arch-top jumbo 6/12 string guitar case........ 169.95 Prestige™ Arch-top A-style mandolin case................... 125.00 Prestige™ Arch-top F-style mandolin case................... 139.95
*All TKL cases can be specially ordered in tweed. Please call for prices. MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
(cont.) Musicians agree: Reunion Blues’ (Imported) trademark-branded instrument bags set the standard for excellence. The special design of a Reunion Blues bag distinguishes it from all others. Each case, carefully constructed to meet the specific needs of practicing musicians, offers a more convenient way to carry the instrument, superlative protection and years of durability. All bags have leather handles & trim, accessory pockets & hanging rings, which are permanently attached to the bag. Call for our discount prices.
ACOUSTIC GUITAR BAGS The Reunion Blues Acoustic bags feature form-fit sizing and sidewall construction for the best instrument protection. Each style uses their unique foam system, which offers snug cushioning next to the instrument and firmer foam for structure and impact resistance. Leather handles are placed in convenient areas for easy and safe transport of your instrument.
600 Denier Black Polyester Gig Bag with 1/2" foam padding.
39" x 15"
42" x 16"
38" x 15" x 21/2" Deep
29" x 14"
Electric Bass Guitar
47" x 16"
Electric Guitar
40" x 15"
Acoustic Bass Guitar 49" x 18" Made by Levy’s in Canada
RB Continental
All the acoustic bags feature: Adjustable backpack straps, Front zipper pocket, Leather string guards, Velcro neck strap, Double zipper pulls, Brushed steel hardware, Hanger ring, Protective feet on bottom. Fabric Leather 253 Classical (40”x15”)....................................................... $239............. $543 254 Dreadnought (42”x16”)................................................... 255............... 559 255 Jazz/Western (43”x17”).................................................. 255............... 559
ELECTRIC GUITAR Reunion Blues Electric Guitar and Bass bags are offered in two distinct styles: binding or gusset. Binding styles feature trim around the outside of the bag and a closer fit to the instrument. Gusset styles feature sidewall construction similar to traditional cases. Both styles offer their triple-layer protection, leather string guards, wide pockets with zipper closure, adjustable backpack straps, double zipper pulls, and brushed steel hardware.
206 217 214 205 241
Reunion Blues introduces a new rugged, refined RB Continental guitar case, designed to outperform common wood and plastic cases. The RB Continental is made with a water-resistant ballistic exterior that surrounds a new, lightweight Flexoskeleton™ protection system of high-density foam and EVA impact panels that offer enough protection to survive a 40-foot drop without so much as a nick or scratch. Inside this new case, a velvet tuck interior lining, solid-cell neck brace suspension system and thick Softmesh-lined side panels cradle the instrument in a cocoon of scuff-proof luxury. And its roomy exterior pockets, Zero G palmcontoured handle, and hideaway backpack straps are designed for getting around in the real world.
Classical Guitar
Other bags available on request PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
317 314 324 340
Solid body Electric, Gusset.......................................... $231............. $463 Solid Body Electric, Sonoma.......................................... 319............... 543 Semi-hollow body Electric, Sonoma . ............................ 319............... 559 Semi-hollow body Electric, Gusset................................. 239............... 479 Double solid body Electric.............................................. 287............... 527
Bass, Electric 46" Sonoma........................................... $335............... 575 Bass, Electric 49" Sonoma............................................. 335............... 575 Bass, Electric, Gusset ................................................... 303............... 543 Double Electric Bass - Two 46" ..................................... 303............... 567
BANJO & MANDOLIN BAGS Heavily padded; no zipper contact, shoulder strap on the case's spine, large wide front pocket on leather version. All banjos feature: Adjustable backpack straps, Front zipper pocket, Leather string guards, Hanger ring, Protective feet on bottom.
402 Open Back Inside dimensions: 38 1/2” length x 13”diameter ............................................... $215............. $383 405 Resonator Inside dimensions: 41” length x 15”diameter ....................................................... 207............... 391 406 Tenor Inside dimensions: 36 1/2” length x 15”diameter, Leather ................................... 207............... 383 Mandolin A (410) . ................................................................ 204 . ............ 322 Mandolin F (411) .................................................................. 204 . ............ 324 Reunion Blues will repair any bag showing their
Material Codes: trademark brand, usually without a charge; zipper 15 = Classic Full-Grain Leather replacement and repair for damage not due to 59 = Performance 1680 Ballistic Fabric defects require a nominal charge to the customer. Color & Accent Codes: 21 = Black w/ Creme Stitching & Matte Silver Hardware 29 = Black w/ Dark Grey Stitching & Black Chrome Hardware 34 = Chestnut Brown w/ Brown Stitching & Antique Bronze Hardware 35 = Chestnut Brown w/ Creme Stitching & Antique Bronze Hardware 71 = Grey Fabric w/Chestnut Brown Leather & Accent Hardware 72 = Blue Fabric w/Chestnut Brown Leather & Accent Hardware 73 = Beige Fabric w/Chestnut Brown Leather & Accent Hardware
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Featherweight Cases CG-010
CASES & COVERS Small Dog presents a line of high quality case covers which are tailored specifically to the needs of Bluegrass, Folk, Classical, Jazz and Country musicians. A case cover, in addition to a hard shell case, provides additional protection for acoustic instruments. Small Dog Case Covers also act as an insulated waterproof covering, especially desirable during winter months.
MODEL 5-string resonator banjo, fits Gibson, Deering. Stelling, Calton and others.
Deluxe Hardshell Case CG-022-SGG
PRICE $126.00
Open-back banjo case. 126.00 Fits most standard dreadnought cases, including DG- 1 126.00 Taylor cases. Fits pre-1991 Martin dreadnought older style DGM-1 126.00 thermoplastic case. (about 6” wide at headstock) DGM-2 Martin dreadnought current style. Fits Martin 140.00 Dreadnought 640 case. (about 8” wide at headstock) SP-15 Jazz guitar; 17” archtop (L5 style guitar) 131.00 SP-16 Jazz guitar; 18” archtop (Super 400 style) 131.00 Taylor Jumbo (Leo Kottke model & jumbo 12, model SP-17 131.00 555 and up) SP-18 Taylor Grand Concert, model 512 and up 131.00 SP-24 16” archtop case. 131.00 SP-27 Martin style 630 case (000 & OM size). 131.00 SP-29 Calton deluxe dreadnought. 131.00 SP-30 Calton OM model. 131.00 SP-35 Calton Super Jumbo Guitar model. 131.00 AM-1 Fits shaped A-Style mandolin case. (Harptone) 85.00 Fits shaped A-Style mandolin case. (TKL, Superior AM-2 85.00 and Canadian case) Fits shaped A-Style mandolin case. (prewar Gibson/ AM-3 85.00 Calton) Fits Calton “teardrop” Mandolin cases. Leather added CM-2 93.00 at wear points. Fits shaped F-Style mandolin case. (note: for FM-1 85.00 Harptone 5-ply order FM3) Fits shaped F-Style mandolin case, slightly larger FM-3 85.00 than FM-1 (TKL, Superior and Canadian case) Rectangular Mandolin, fits Superior brand cases. RM-1 (approximate dimensions are 29.5” by 12.75” by 4.25” 117.00 deep.) Rectangular mandolin case. (approximate dimensions RM-2 117.00 are 30.5” by 1 3.5” by 4.25” deep.) For solid color front cover with no gray pocket add $15.75. (Special Order) Custom made covers are an additional $50.00.
Available in other sizes MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
Guardian makes bags and cases, which offer a handsome exterior, plush interior, good protection and easy transportability. The Deluxe Hardshell series of Guardian cases comes in over 16 different sizes. Most of the shaped cases come with an arched top, for added fortification. These cases are built with high quality materials. Guardian featherweight cases use AxeGuard high-density polystyrene interior for excellent protection that remains lightweight. The interior is lined with plush, non-scratch lining that protects the guitar’s finish. The exterior is made from DuraGuard nylon that is well-secured to the foam interior. These cases include an outside music pocket and an interior accessory pocket. The shaped electric case can fit both double cutaway and LP-style guitars!
Deluxe Hardshell Cases
Features: • Extra Archtop Protection • Black, Plush Interior Lining • 5-Ply Wood Construction • Nickel Plated Hardware • Leather Covered Handle • Lifetime Warranty.
* CG-022-C * CG-022-D CG-022-E CG-022-HS CG-022-HD * CG-022-LP * CG-022-000 CG-022-SQ * CG-020-MA * CG-020-MF
Classical Guitar............................................................ 79.95 Dreadnought (Acoustic) Guitar....................................... 79.95 Electric Guitar............................................................... 79.95 Hollowbody, Shallow..................................................... 79.95 Hollowbody, Deep......................................................... 79.95 Les Paul-Style.............................................................. 79.95 OM/000 (Acoustic) Guitar............................................... 79.95 Resonator, Squareneck................................................ 79.95 "A" Mandolin................................................................. 65.00 "F" Mandolin................................................................. 65.00
Vintage Hardshell Cases
Features: • Ultra Strong Archtop • 7-Ply Cross-Grained Wood Construction • Black Tolex Exterior • Crushed Emerald Velvet Interior • Leather Handle • 20mm High-Density Padding • 6 Latches and 1 Lock • Accessory Compartment • Lifetime Warranty. * CG-044-D Dreadnought (Acoustic) Guitar........................................ 105.95
* CG-044-C Classical Guitar............................................................. 105.95 CG-044-000 OM/000 (Acoustic) Guitar................................................ 105.95
Featherweight Cases
Features: • High-Density Foam Padding • Nylon Cover with Zipper • Black Plush Lining • Padded Shoulder Straps.
* CG-010-J Banjo............................................................................... 75.00 CG-010-JO Banjo Openback.............................................................. 75.00 CG-010-B Electric Bass.................................................................... 75.00 * CG-010-C Classical Guitar............................................................... 75.00 CG-010-S Electric Guitar, shaped.................................................... 75.00 * CG-010-MA "A" Mandolin.................................................................... 65.00 * CG-010-MF "F" Mandolin.................................................................... 65.00 * Models we typically stock.
Carry your hard shell case as a backpack- Fits all cases- Electric, Acoustic, square or contoured. Available in 2 sizes: small-Mandolin & large-Guitar................ $49.95
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
We generally do not stock these cases. They are availbale by SPECIAL ORDER ONLY List MAP
AME-10..... Classic Guitar Case.......................................................468........... 398 AME-11."OM" Martin Guitar Case.....................................................468........... 398 AME-17.Classic Guitar w/ In Line Wheels.......................................516........... 439 AME-20.Dreadnought Guitar Case..................................................468........... 398 AME-20MG.Martin Dreadnought Guitar Case.................................468........... 398 AME-27.Dreadnought Guitar Case w/In Line Wheels....................516........... 439 AME-30 Archtop Guitar Case..........................................................516........... 439 AME-31 Flat Top Jumbo Case.........................................................488........... 415 AME-32 Small Jumbo Case.............................................................468........... 398 AME-40.Les Paul Style Guitar Case.................................................426........... 362 AME-41.Electric, Semi-Hollow Guitar Case....................................474........... 403 AME-42.Contoured Solid body Electric Guitar Case.....................442........... 376 AME-50E.Electric Solid Body Traditional Style (end sewn)..........380........... 323 AME-50L.Electric Solid Body Traditional Style (Perimeter sewn)..... 380........... 323 AME-60E .Bass Solid Body Traditional Style (end sewn)..............396........... 337 AME-60L.Bass Solid Body Traditional Style (Perimeter sewn)....396........... 337 AME-70.Banjo 5-string Plectrum......................................................478........... 406 AME-73 .Banjo 5-string Plectrum w/In Line Wheels.......................530........... 451 AME-7511 .Banjo 5-string Open Back (11" Pot)..............................446........... 379 AME-7512 .Banjo 5-string Open Back (12" Pot)..............................446........... 379 AME-80.Mandolin Rectangular Style (fits both A & F)...................394........... 335 AME-82 .Mandolin Contoured Style (fits both A & F).....................370........... 315 AME-100 .Ukulele - Fits Standard/Soprano Model..........................338........... 287 AME-101 .Ukulele - Fits Concert Model............................................342........... 291 AME-102.Ukulele - Fits Tenor Model...............................................342........... 291 AME-103 Ukulele - Fits Baratone Model..........................................402........... 342 AME-BRFC .Hard-shell Briefcase.....................................................182........... 155
AME-30CB .Archtop Guitar Case Cover...........................................108..............92 AME-31CB.Flat Top Jumbo Case Cover.........................................108..............92 AME-32CB.Small Jumbo Case Cover..............................................108..............92 AME-40CB .Les Paul Style Guitar Case Cover................................108..............92 AME-41CB.Electric, Semi-Hollow Guitar Case Cover...................108..............92 AME-42CB.Contoured Solid body Electric Guitar Case Cover........108..............92 AME-50ECB .Electric Solid Body Traditional Style (end sewn).......108..............92 AME-50LCB.Electric Solid Body Traditional Style (Perimeter sewn). .....108..............92 AME-60ECB.Bass Solid Body Traditional Style (end sewn).........108..............92 AME-60LCB .Bass Solid Body Traditional Style (Perimeter sewn)........108..............92 AME-70CB .Banjo 5-string Plectrum Case Cover...........................108..............92 AME-73CB .Banjo 5-string Plectrum w/In Line Wheels Cover......108..............92 AME-7511CB.Banjo 5-string Open Back (11" Pot) Case Cover.....108..............92 AME-7512CB .Banjo 5-string Open Back (12" Pot) Case Cover..... 108..............92 AME-80CB.Mandolin Rectangular Style Case Cover....................96..............82 AME-82CB .Mandolin Contoured Style Case Cover.........................96..............82
.AMERITAGE ACCESSORY ITEMS AME-CTRL .Complete Retrofit Humidity Control System (2 compartment)......94..............80 AME-CTRL1.Complete Retrofit Humidity Control System (1 compartment)......88..............75 AME-SHD.Shoulder Strap Assembly.................................................30..............26 AME-DRIN.Shoulder Strap Brackets & Rings...............................9.60................8 AME-GHUM Humidifier........................................................................10................9 AME-HGRO .Digital Hygrometer-Thermometer Unit........................55..............47 AME-NMPT.Personalized Nameplate................................................48..............41
New Ameritage Silver Series Cases Ameritage announced their
. tandard Exterior Option Upgrade...........................................................52 S .Case Trim Options (allowed with Exterior Upgrades only).............. 11.30 .Standard Interior Option Upgrade............................................................53 .Specialty Exterior Fabric change..............................................................76 .Specialty Interior Fabric change...............................................................76 .Interior Custom Fitting of Instrument.......................................................76 .Shell reconfiguration & Interior Custom fitting of Instr............. call for price .ATA Style Case incl. Humidity Control System..................... call for price
newest case line at Summer NAMM 2009. This new line boasts superior construction at a comfortable price. If you liked the original Ameritage Case, but did not want the humidity control system this is for you!
AME-10CB.Classic Guitar Case Cover............................................108..............92 AME-11CB."OM" Martin Guitar Case Cover...................................108..............92 AME-17CB.Classic Guitar w/ In Line Wheels Case Cover............144........... 122 AME-20CB.Dreadnought Guitar Case Cover..................................108..............92 AME-27CB .Dreadnought Guitar Case w/In Line Wheels...............144........... 122 PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
GENERAL ACCESSORIES Tuners - Cables - Straps - Stands - Picks - Etc.
Mandolin Brothers stocks the best & most popular of the available accessories & replacement parts for fretted instruments. Items not listed here may indeed be in stock, or we may be able to order them for you.
PT-10 Clip-on Automatic & Chromatic
TUNE TECH TT501 Clip-on Chromatic Tuner
HAMILTON MUSIC STANDS 400N 1 height adjust lever...............................15.00 600N 2 height levers.......................................21.00
KORG TUNERS GA-30 Guitar/Bass
CA-1 Chromatic
GA-1 Guitar & Bass Solo Tuner
FENDER TUNERS AX 12 Chromatic Auto Tuner
AG 6 Automatic Guitar Tuner
LX 12 Chromatic Tuner
INSTRUMENT STANDS HAMILTON KB-38................................ 35.95 The KB-38 is our personal favorite single guitar stand. It is hard to tip over and does not require a rubber band to keep the instrument from falling out.
FAST FRET GHS..............................................5.50 Fender Ultimate Wipe, Microfiber Cloth.........9.95 GIBSON Guitar Polish, pump spray..................4.50 High Gloss Polish, 1.5 oz..................................2.95 Fretboard Conditioner, 1.5 oz............................2.95 String Lubricant & Cleaner, 1.5 oz.....................2.95 MARTIN Guitar Polish, pump spray..................5.00 MARTIN Polishing Cloth...................................5.50 DUNLOP WINDER ..........................................1.50 PLANET WAVES PRO WINDER ....................8.99 MANDOLIN BROTHERS Polishing Cloth.........3.00 DR. DUCK’S AX WAX (Contains no wax, ironically)........5.95 SWIPE STRING CLEANER..............................6.50 Planet WAVES Fret POLISHING SYSTEM.........5.99 ERNIE BALL WONDER WIPES Fretboard conditioner..6.00
CABLES FENDER CABLES Tone Master 6" Patch Cable
SQS1 - Silencer Anti-feedback soundhole cover...9.95 FEEDBACK BUSTER™ FBR2 - Reduces feedback from acoustic/ electric guitars ................................................6.99
California Cable 10’
California Cable 18’
Vintage Voltage 10'
Vintage Voltage 18'
Planet WAVES VARIGRIP hand & finger exerciser.... 11.95 EAR PLUGS 2/package.................................. 2.25
HUSH III: 10 Foot cable
HUSH III: 18 Foot cable
HUSH III: 25 Foot cable
SHUBB, NS, BEARD, PAIGE, KYSER, Call for prices
Pro Series: 10' right angle cable
Pro Series: 15' cable
Pro Series: 15' right angle cable
Pro Series: 20' cable
Pro Series: 20' right angle cable
SHUBB, BROZOPHONIC, DUNLOP, PEARSE, Call for prices SILICA, glass w/thickened end ...................18.00 NUNWELL, handblown glass.......................40.00
PICKS We have many different variations in color, style and type. Please call for more information.
METRONOMES MR800 Matrix Quartz Metronome...... 27.95
CASE HANDLES OHIO TRAVEL, Black, Right Angle . ..............15.00 OHIO TRAVEL, Black, Straight.......................15.95 D'ANDREA, 6H/Black, Straight.......................13.95 D'ANDREA,ELH65BEN,Brown,Right Angle...15.00
GRABBIT KB-40............25.95 ON STAGE Flip-its Single Stand......................................29.95 Flip-its Triple Stand . ....................................49.95 QUIK LOK GS-430 Guitar stand for 3, convenient locking casters allow easy mobility when loaded....... 61.95 GS-450 Guitar stand for 5, convenient locking casters allow easy mobility when loaded....... 71.95
MANDOLIN BROS. IMPRINTED PICKS, - Picks in 6 gauges in colors: red-extra light, orange-light, yellow-med light, green-medium, blue-hard and purple-extra hard. .............................................. .25 FLAT PICKS: Fender, Gibson, Dunlop, Cool Music, Alien, Clayton, Dawg (the mandolin pick David Grisman uses), & Herco. THUMB PICKS: Gibson, Dunlop, Herco, Golden Gate, John Pearse. FINGER PICKS: Dunlop, Alaska, D'Andrea, Gibson, & National................................................. Prices Vary
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Beatles' Guitar Straps from
PLANET WAVES-- $29.95 Item # Product 25LB01 . Beatles Strap Collection - Meet the Beatles 25LB02 .Beatles Strap Collection - Hard Days Night 25LB03 .Beatles Strap Collection - Help ....... 25LB04 .Beatles Strap Collection - Revolver .......... 25LB05 .Beatles Strap Collection - Sgt. Peppers . .. 25LB06 .Beatles Strap Collection - Yellow Submarine 25LB07 Beatles Strap Collection - Abbey Road . ...
in 10
k c a ap B
eatles Guitar PICKS from PLANET WAVES-- $4.95 From Love Me Do to Revolution, the Beatles were arguably the most creative, diverse and influential band in pop music history. Planet Waves honors the Beatles’ legacy with a unique collection of guitar picks and straps, featuring iconic album covers and timeless images which capture the enduring spirit and essence of the “Fab Four.” Quantity Product 10-Pack Beatles Picks - Albums - Thin, Medium & Heavy 10-Pack Beatles Picks - Meet the Beatles - Thin, Medium & Heavy 10-Pack Beatles Picks - Revolver - Thin, Medium & Heavy
There are many different variations in color, style and type not listed, please call for more information. Reunion Blues
LEVY’S GUITAR STRAPS PM20: Full grain “English Bridle” harness leather guitar strap with 2” x 12” moveable pad. Black or brown.............................................................................. 31.95 PM22: Same as above with 2” x 12” foam pad covered in soft black garment leather........................................... 39.95 M25: Leather guitar strap with pad............................................... 24.95 (black, cherry, burgundy, brown, natural, walnut) Sun: Backed with leather 2" (Red,Blue,Black)................................ 27.00 M7G: 2" leather guitar strap....................................................... 27.00 MS61: 2 1/2" leather padded guitar strap................................... 49.95 MS63: 2 1/2" suede w/piping leather guitar strap.............................. 35.00 LEVY’S BANJO STRAPS M-9: 2" Leather Black, Brown w/ metal clips................................ 19.95 M-10: 2" Nylon Black, Brown w/ metal clips................................. 12.95 M-12: 2" Leather with hooks....................................................... 18.00 PM-14: Cradle Banjo Strap......................................................... 28.95 PMB-42: 2" Padded Leather....................................................... 37.50 LEVY’S MANDOLIN STRAPS (leather) M-19 PR: 1/2" leather .................................................................. 13.95 M-19: F-style loop Black, brown................................................... 13.95 M-19C: Cotton Webbing in Black................................................. 10.00 PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
Marino Wool Guitar Straps in black or brown..40.00
LONG HOLLOW LEATHER STRAPS SOFTY STRAPS Quality soft leathers designed for extra comfort with ends lined for strength. Black, brown, tan & burgundy. LH71070-Mandolin Softy Leather Strap.............................................. 17.95 LH71040- 2” Leather Softy Guitar Strap.............................................. 29.95 LH71030- 3” Leather Softy Guitar Strap.............................................. 34.95 LH71050- Deluxe Padded Leather Softy Guitar Strap...................................... 49.95 LH71060- Banjo Softy Leather Strap.................................................. 29.95 LH71065- Banjo Softy Deluxe Leather Strap...................................... 49.95 LH71080- Dobro Softy Leather Strap.................................................. 32.95 LH71085- Dobro Softy Deluxe Leather Strap......................................... 49.95 PREMIER STRAPS Premium domestic tanned bridle leather. Features classic tooled patterns in black, brown, tan, and burgundy. LH70070- Mandolin Premier Leather Strap........................................... 19.95 LH70065- Banjo Premier Deluxe Leather Strap........................................ 59.95 LH70085- Dobro Premier Deluxe Leather Strap........................................ 59.95
DGS15 Quick Release System - Planet Wave: This item is used to attach a guitar strap to the head stock of an acoustic guitar or bass............4.95
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Classical, Steel String, 12-string, Electric, or Banjo Deluxe with their roller system C6B DOBRO® Type capo JOHN PEARSE - G7th
$16.95 29.95 29.95 45.95
6-String Guitar 12-String Guitar
16.95 16.95
• Made of chrome-plated brass • Cutaway tip • Precise balance SP1-S Shubb-Pearse™ Original Steel Tone Bar SP2-S Shubb-Pearse™ II Steel Tone Bar SP3-S Shubb-Pearse™ III Steel Tone Bar SP4-S Shubb-Pearse™ IV Steel Tone Bar
STEVENS Steel guitar bar
• The professional choice • Chrome plated steel 384SS Stevens Steel™
Chromed Steel 220 medium, medium gauge Brass 222 long, medium gauge 223 knuckle, medium gauge 224 long, heavy gauge 228 med/short, x-heavy (brass) Glass 201 Small regular 202 Medium Regular 203 Large Regular 210 Medium size ( medium weight) 212 Short (heavy weight) 211 Small (heavy weight) 213 Large (heavy weight) 215 Medium (heavy weight)
6.00 6.00 10.00 11.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.00 6.00
Axys Shubb bronze reversible guitar slide - SM/M/L/XL
The ancient process by which these are made involves taking a small quantity of glass from the furnace whose color is applied while it’s molten - the color is fused either to the surface or is trapped between two clear layers. The glass is reheated and blown into its cylindrical form and then is transferred onto a rod called a punty so that the finger opening can be finished. No molds are used, each is freeblown, hence each is an individual, having been sized by just using hands, eyes and breath. All are individually numbered, signed and dated. They have unique designs, and in themselves are miniature masterpieces, however words will not do them justice. Made in Warren, Connecticut. 40.00
New SILICA SOUND™ - Hand-blown glass guitar slides. Get a comfortable
SHUBB 5th String - nickel plated SHUBB Fretboard capo KYSER MB Banjo/Mandolin
BANJO BRIDGES 40.00 30.00 6.00
BANJO HEADS 11” X-Thick Stelling Medium crown 11” Waverly Fibreskin low or high 10.15” Waverly Fibreskin High
20.00 25.00 25.00
11” 5-Star - Smooth White, Frosted or Clear
Stainless Gold Plated
200.00 240.00
(4) Gold (4) Nickel Plated 5th String Peg (Gold-Plated)
120.00 100.00 25.00
V-2 Nickel tuning peg (4) V-2 Gold tuning peg (4)
160.00 200.00
BANJO TAILPIECES Waverly Nickel Plated Kershner Nickel Plated Presto Nickel Plated Presto Nickel Engraved No-Knot
20.00 32.00 24.00 78.00 12.00
AcoustaGlide® Guitar Slide: Patent-pending. Tapered heavyweight slide
MANDOLIN BROTHERS T-SHIRTS: Fruit of the Loom, 50% cotton, 50% polyester T-shirt in black or gray, navy blue, dark green, purple or maroon. S, M, L, XL, XXL: $15.00
weighing just over 1.4 pounds. It was designed for Leo Kottke by Jeff Roberts, the founder of Latch Lake industries. Perfect for acoustic guitars. Small, medium, large, X-large. 17.50
Broz-O-Phonic™: An expression of the Sol Hoopli-type Hawaiian steel bar, the standard of excellence for lap steel since the 1920’s. Bob Brozman, recording artist, author and ethnomusicologist, has faithfully reproduced the dimensions, weight, tone and extended sustain of the original. It is made from select stainless steel alloy that is difficuit to machine, but provides a super hard silent surface. The rounded “bullet” end facilitates perfect pitch on minor augumented and diminished half-slants. The cupped end fits the inside index finger knuckle for maximum control of slant movement and intonation....19.99
$29.95 16.95 16.95
Snuffy Smith - 5/8", 3/4", 11/16" Stelling: 5/8”, 11/16”, 3/4” Generic: 1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4”
tapered fit, better sound & original Art. These slides combine a passion for guitar with fine artistry in glass. Thickening of one end creates a snug fit. Colored glass is added for artistic appeal & is integral to the special thickening and tapering process. Sizes: 2.5" long - Fatty Long (30 mm), Medium Long (28mm), Skinny Long (26mm) and Skinny Short (26mm, 2" long) 18.00
$24.00 22.00 21.95 21.95
MANDOLIN BROTHERS LONG-SLEEVE T-SHIRTS Fruit of the Loom, 50% cotton, 50% polyester Long-Sleeve T-shirt in black, blue or green. Medium & Large: $15.00
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Congratulations on having purchased a fine guitar or mandolin. To keep your instrument healthy and in top shape (if not actually in “new” condition) we offer the following tips: A fine guitar usually is made a bit thinner than the average mass-produced instrument That’s why it sounds so good, but it does mean that you should take better care of it than you would with something made out of laminates (plywood). A guitar’s wood will forever react to changes in the surrounding humidity, which may initially affect the action but later on can threaten the instrument’s integral stability. YOUR GUITAR CAN CRACK IF IT DRIES OUT!!!! To keep these changes at a minimum we suggest a few precautions for the winter time (which actually runs from the day the heating goes on to the day you turn the heating off and open the windows).
but not dripping wet. We suggest holding the open holes under the tap and, when you feel that it is entirely wet, then squeeze ALL the water out of it, wring it into a towel, dry the outside of the humidifier off.... and insert it into the soundhole. You don’t want water dripping from the humidifier inside the guitar. (You also don’t want the black cap on the “green snake” to come in contact with the finish on the outside of your guitar.) This is better than keeping the guitar out of the case, in a room, with a room humidifier running. Room humidifiers may not alone do an adequate job of keeping the instrument from drying out.
A guitar’s worst enemy is dryness. When you are not playing your instrument it’s a good idea to keep it in its case with a slightly dampened humidifier inside the instrument, with the case closed. You must refill the moisture in the humidifier about once a week. During extremely dry days (such as in midwinter) you might want to refill it every five days. When we say “refill” we actually mean keeping the sponge inside moist
A guitar is generally made in an environment in which the relative humidity is maintained between 40% and 50%. In your heated home the relative humidity can sometimes go down to 15% to 25% for days at a time. When this happens, the instrument’s wood loses more moisture than it had when it was made, and can, therefore, warp or crack. Properly humidifying your instrument can balance the humidity between the dryness of winter and the high moisture content of midsummer. You can take the humidifier out of the guitar in summertime, since at that point there is usually enough moisture in the air. When you perform these minimum maintenance procedures the string action is not likely to change dramatically due to dryness.
Prices shown are list, please call or e-mail for our discount prices.
KYSER LIFEGUARD: Humidifiers are available in 2 sizes & fit into
the soundhole of your instrument. They claim it continues to function longer between refills than some other types of humidifiers. DREADNOUGHT SIZE ................................................................ List: $18.95 CLASSIC/000-42 SIZE . .................................................................. List: 18.95
DAMPIT: The original “green snake” humidifier. Convenience and performance have recently been improved. The humidity indicator & green snake are now connected to a clear plastic soundhole cover. GUITAR.............................................................. 14.95 SUPER GUITAR.................................................. 15.95 MANDOLIN.......................................................... 11.95 ARCHTOP/CELLO ............................................. 11.95 F-Mandolin / Violin ....................................... 7.95
The Abbeon Hygrometer Model HTAB-176, was recommended to us by Bob Taylor of the Taylor guitar company. We use them in our showroom, repair shop & all storage rooms. Its 5” dial (6” overall diameter) is easy to read & shows the relative humidity & the temperature in both Fahrenheit & Centigrade. It’s easy to mount, requires no calculations, & is certified accurate within 3% from 32-230 degrees Fahrenheit, by the manufacturer (at around 200 degrees you may want to remove your jacket). Polished brass exterior, completely self-contained, no batteries or other power supply needed. ................. $149.95
This compact unit runs for a very long time on two camera batteries. It instantly reads room temperature from 32 degrees Fahrenheit to 122 degrees Fahrenheit, with a switch to convert to Centigrade, and relative humidity from 2% to 98%, showing minimum and maximum during the periods you were asleep. Ultra cool! ........................................................................ List: 155.00 PW-HTS (Planet Wave):
The Humidity & Temperature Sensor Model PW-HTS is a precision-designed hygrometer that digitally indicates accurate relative humidity levels in your instrument case, ranging from low (under 20%) to 99%. Temperature is displayed in either Fahrenheit or Centigrade, ranging from -32°F to 122°F. The HTS includes a programmable set point as well as a memory feature that indicates date/time of the highest and lowest temperature/humidity levels the instrument has been exposed to. Battery included. . ..........................................List 36.00 PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
Bonjour, Michael: I would like to thank you for the great time I had buying a guitar at Mandolin Brothers. I had the occasion to try the guitars I had selected on your web site and listen to you playing them. All three (Collings 0-1A, Martin Norman Blake and Muldaur) were great and the choice was tough. The Geoff Muldaur Martin, which I chose, is great and nicely complements my OM-28V, the former sounding loud and clear while the second having a mellower sound. I must admit that if I had more space at home I would probably buy many more guitars from you when coming to New York (which I do more or less once a year). Your shop is a guitarist’s dream. Best wishes to you and your colleagues. Michel in France
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
[email protected]
Oasis® Guitar Humidifier - OH1 and Oasis® Plus+Guitar Humidifier - OH5 The huge success of the original Blue Oasis® "soundhole" humidifier has brought many inquiries about ways to provide humidification for other instruments including violins, violas, cellos, mandolins, ukuleles, jazz guitars and guitars with flat top cases. While the original Blue Oasis® provides sufficient humidity in many environments, it is not effective everywhere. The humidity demands of the desert, mountain states or frigid north exceed the humidification capacity of the device. For this reason, we have developed the Oasis® Plus+ humidifier. The Plus+ is the same size and shape as the original Blue Oasis®, but is made of a different material which provides 50% more humidity output. Because the Plus+ is the same size as the original Blue Oasis® and it has 50% greater humidity output, it will be necessary to refill the Oasis® Plus+ more frequently than the original Blue Oasis®.
Oasis® Case Humidifier - OH6 After careful consideration, we decided that the best approach to solving this challenge was to develop a humidifier that attaches to the inside of the instrument case. Finding a secure way to attach the humidifier to the inside of the case, and still have it easily removed and re-attached, was no small challenge. Starting with our proven technology, the Blue Oasis® humidifier, we inserted two neodymium magnets in the seam of the humidifier*. The magnets then attach to the instrument case using either a steel belt style clip or a stainless steel strip with adhesive backing. The belt style clip fits over the side of the case and provides a flat vertical surface for the magnets to adhere. The adhesive backed stainless steel strip allows for either vertical or horizontal attachment anywhere there is a flat surface inside the case**. An advantage of this type of humidifier is the flexibility to position the humidifier in a wide variety of locations within your instrument case.
Oasis® Case Plus+ Humidifier - OH14 The Oasis Case Plus+ humidifier uses the same evaporative membrane as the Oasis Plus+ humidifier, providing 50% more daily humidity supply than the Oasis Case humidifier. This humidifier is designed for use in drier environments where the relative humidity is below 25%. The Oasis Case Plus+ humidifier, like the Oasis Case humidifier, uses two powerful small magnets, which are embedded in the seam of the humidifier, to attach to either a small sticky backed piece of stainless steel or a metal clip (both are provided with the humidifier). The Oasis Case Plus+ humidifier can be used in woodwind and stringed instrument cases such as clarinet, violin, cello, guitar or mandolin.
Mandolin Brothers carries the: Oasis® OH1, OH5, OH6, OH14 and our price is $15.95 each.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
special guest appearance by Doc Watson. Produced by Smithsonian/Folkways and Homespun Video. 60-MIN. • Includes tab • Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95
LEARN TO PLAY AUTOHARP Artist: John Sebastian - HL00641841 A step-by-step learning guide to the autoharp – one of the most beautiful (and easiest) traditional instruments. Includes detailed instruction on holding it, proper use of the chord buttons, strumming and fingerpicking techniques and how to pick out melodies and play instrumentals in the styles of the great traditional players. DVD 60-Min • Novice Level. . . $29.95
BANJO ANYONE CAN PLAY BLUEGRASS BANJO by Paul Hayman - MB94350DVD This DVD is designed to teach the basics of bluegrass banjo playing to the beginning student who has no previous music experience. It includes a broad discussion of Scruggs-style banjo playing with a brief introduction to melodic-style playing. Bluegrass standards such as Cripple Creek, Lonesome Road Blues, Little Maggie, Bury Me Beneath the Willow, and many others are taught in the lessons. Free instructional booklet included. Beginner, 60 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95
OLD-TIME BANJO STYLES Artist: Mike Seeger - HL00641790 Taught by Mike Seeger with special guests Doc Watson, Kirk Sutphin, Greg Hooven, Etta Baker, and Joe and Odell Thompson. Mike Seeger’s expertise in two-finger and threefinger picking, clawhammer, and other old-time styles comes across clearly in this instructional session. Special workshop performances by some of the country’s top traditional players give banjo students rare insight into the subtle beauty of this uniquely American music. Produced by Smithsonian/ Folkways and Homespun Video. 90-MINUTE DVD • Includes tab • Early Intermediate Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 YOU CAN TEACH YOURSELF BANJO Author: Janet Davis, MB 94429DVD In this straightforward, easy to understand video for fivestring bluegrass banjo, Janet Davis teaches tuning, how to read tablature, roll patterns, chords, licks, and other basic information needed to play bluegrass and melodic-style banjo. Janet explains the first 22 lessons from the book of the same title and demonstrates examples both slowly and at regular speed. This 60-minute video can be used by itself to learn by ear, or with the tablature found in the companion book, which may be purchased separately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95
BANJO ARRANGEMENTS OF THE KINGSTON TRIO: Learn to Play Nine Classic Folk Songs Author: George Grove - HL00641775 A fun and easy lesson for those who love the signature sound of the Kingston Trio and want to sing and play their songs on the banjo. Veteran Kingston Trio member George Grove teaches classic folk hits Tom Dooley; M.T.A.; A Worried Man; Three Jolly Coachmen; Hard, Ain’t It Hard; Corey, Corey and more. 90-Min. DVD • Beginner Level • Includes tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95
ANYONE CAN PLAY ELECTRIC BASS by Scott Miller (Bassist & Vocalist) - MB94216DVD This video course is designed for people who want to play bass in a small group or ensemble and presents all the most common musical forms. You will learn bass techniques for rock, country, pop, and other popular music styles. No musicreading ability is required. After mastering this method, you will be ready to start playing with other musicians regardless of what type of music you choose. Free instructional booklet included. Beginner, 30 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95
CLAWHAMMER FROM SCRATCH Vol. 1 & 2 Combined Set by Dan Levenson - MB5003DVD An instructional video that starts from the beginning! Clawhammer From Scratch begins as though you really have NO knowledge of how to play the five string banjo clawhammer style. Based on Dan’s innovative Meet the Banjo(TM) program where Dan brings 15 banjos and teaches players who may have never held a banjo, this video assumes no prior experience. Using one tune, Spotted Pony, you are guided through the chords, the scale and then the individual notes of the tune. If you have been looking for that one instructional recording to get you started, this is the one for you. Picking up where Volume 1 left off, in Volume 2 you will learn to capo up to D tuning, review the basics of the Double Thumb Pony, then head off into the banjo world by learning to drop thumb, hammer-on, pull-off, and slide your way into the Full Blown Pony. Just as in Volume 1, you are guided through the chords, the scale, and then the individual notes of the tune as well as each of the techniques that make Old Time Southern Appalachian clawhammer banjo music as exciting as you have heard. Each technique is taught, then applied to the tune and repeated in easily learnable segments. This video even gives you a chance to play banjo with the fiddle and guitar just like in a real jam session. Booklet included. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95
BEGINNING BLUEGRASS BASS Author: Mark Schatz - HL00641787 Mark Schatz teaches basic patterns and scales, fingerings, passing notes, chord progressions, arpeggios, chromatic scales and other important subjects, applying them to several classic bluegrass songs. 75 minutes. . . . . . $29.95
FUN WITH THE TENOR BANJO By Joe Carr, MB93260DVD Beginning Tenor banjo players of any age will appreciate this excellent video. Joe Carr teaches simple chords, strums and songs. (30-minutes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95 HOW TO PLAY THE 5-STRING BANJO Artist: Pete Seeger - HL00641713 America’s most beloved banjo picker teaches his playing techniques and more than a dozen songs. Features a MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
INTERMEDIATE BLUEGRASS BASS Author: Mark Schatz - HL00641788 Mark explores rhythmic and tonal variety and more advanced bass technique, including waltz time, walking, slap bass, syncopations, hammer-ons and pull-offs for bluegrass, rockabilly and novelty tunes. 60-MIN. DVD • Early Intermediate Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 BEST OF LENNON & MCCARTNEY FOR BASS GUITAR Signature Licks Composer: Bob Efford - HL00320334 Artist: John Lennon, Paul McCartney Hosted by in-demand L.A. session man and U.K. native Bob Efford, this DVD takes players note-by-note through McCartney’s masterfully composed bass lines in these eight Beatles classics: All My Loving • Come Together • Day Tripper • Eight Days a Week • Hey Bulldog • I Want You (She’s So Heavy) • Nowhere Man • and Paperback Writer. $19.95
DULCIMER YOU CAN TEACH YOURSELF DULCIMER by Madeline MacNeil - MB94304DVD Madeline MacNeil brings her considerable expertise in teaching the dulcimer to this video companion to the book of the same title. The format is both comprehensive yet easy to understand. Ms. MacNeil covers such areas as tuning, scales, strumming, fingering, chord studies, alternate tunings, use of the capo, and the “noter.” In addition, she demonstrates a substantial number of fine dulcimer arrangements. Beginning, 95 minutes. . . $14.95
GUITAR - BLUES ANYONE CAN PLAY BLUES GUITAR by Vern Juran - MB94733DVD This course is a fun, easy way for a beginning to intermediate guitarist to learn how to play the blues. You’ll learn blues chord progressions as well as a variety of blues strumming and picking patterns. This course also presents basic blues scales, lead guitar techniques, and combination rhythm and lead playing. The basics of slide guitar and open tuning are also covered. No music reading is required for this course, but the student should understand basic chords and strumming as taught in Mel Bay’s Anyone Can Play Guitar Volume 1 video. This method was created and is taught by Vern Juran, who has an extensive background in teaching and performing blues music. DVD Beginner, 60 minutes. . . . . . . . . $14.95 COREY HARRIS - TEACHES BLUES Author: Corey Harris, HL00641924 Corey Harris teaches songs that bridge the gap between Mississippi country blues and African guitar styles, exploring the similarities and differences in each approach to the guitar. He teaches classic and original fingerpicking and slide guitar pieces as well as two songs he learned in Mali: High Fever Blues • C. C. Pill Blues • Jack O’ Diamonds • Special Rider Blues • King Cotton • Bajourou • Sundiata. Booklet includes music and tab. 2 hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 DAVE VAN RONK IN CONCERT AT THE BOTTOM LINE By Dave Van Ronk - V13093 Dave Van Ronk played the sort of music he liked, with small regard for the boundaries that normally separate jazz and blues and country and folk. He proved in practice that those distinctions don’t mean very much. His performances were stripped down to the essentials: emotional and musical honesty. In the Spring of 2001 Dave asked Stefan Grossman to organize the filming of his New York City Bottom Line performance. Eight months later Dave passed away. He was sixty-five years old. Titles include: Down South Blues,You’ve Been A Good Old Wagon, Nobody Knows You When You’re Down & Out, One Meatball, Don’t You Leave Me Here, Jelly, Jelly BONUS TRACKS: Dave teaches Green, Green Rocky Road and Cocaine Blues, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 LEARN TO PLAY BOTTLENECK BLUES GUITAR DVD 1: The Basics Composer: Bob Brozman - HL00641598 Filled with exercises and songs to get someone started in bottleneck blues style. Beginning and experienced slide players alike will benefit from the powerful licks and runs, rhythm techniques, use of vibrato and harmonics, and other ways to get the true Delta sound. Songs: Walking Blues • Can’t Be Satisfied • Cross Road Blues. 90-Min. DVD • Includes music + tab • Level 3. . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 LEARN TO PLAY BOTTLENECK BLUES GUITAR DVD 2 and 3: Advanced Bottleneck Composer: Bob Brozman - HL00641599 This two-DVD set provides a complete toolbox to dramatically increase repertoire and enhance blues arrangements and improvisations. Brozman provides historical background and a technical analysis of the styles, innovations and techniques originally created by Robert Johnson, Son House, Charlie Patton, Skip James, Tampa Red and other Delta slide masters. Songs: Come On In My Kitchen • Delta Memories • Rollin’ and Tumblin’ • Jitterbug. • Includes 2 DVDs • Combined running time: 2 hours and 25 minutes • Level 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49.95 THE ACOUSTIC GUITAR OF JORMA KAUKONEN DVD One Artist: Jorma Kaukonen - HL00641751 Jorma teaches his solid fingerpicking blues style through some of his favorite traditional and original tunes: West Coast Blues • Hesitation Blues • Crystal City • Embryonic Journey. Includes tips on picking style, slide technique, open tunings and a demo with Jefferson Airplane/Hot Tuna partner Jack Casady. 100 Min. • Includes music + tab • Level 3 . . $29.95
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
DVDs THE ACOUSTIC GUITAR OF JORMA KAUKONEN DVD Two Artist: Jorma Kaukonen - HL00641752 Jorma continues his examination of blues-based fingerpicking, taking apart favorites from his repertoire and teaching runs, chords, picking and other techniques. Songs include: I Know You Rider • his original Water Song • and the perennial favorite San Francisco Bay Blues. 90 Min. • Includes music + tab • Level 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 THE ACOUSTIC GUITAR OF JORMA KAUKONEN - DVD Three Artist: Jorma Kaukonen, HL00641753 On this repertoire-building lesson, Jorma delves into seven of the traditional and original guitar pieces that have become his trademark, taking them apart lick-by-lick for intermediate players. 80 Min. • Includes music + tab • Level 4 . . . $29.95 THE BLUES GUITAR OF KEB’ MO’ Artist: Keb’ Mo’ - HL00641538 Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Kevin Moore (aka Keb’ Mo’) takes students on a powerful journey into the world of traditional and contemporary blues guitar. He begins by showing how turnarounds and harmonized scale passages can be the basis for developing fluid phrases in a Robert Johnson-style blues tune. Keb’ then teaches two originals, both employing a rhythmic alternating bass style as well as some jazz-oriented chords that add spice and interest to the songs. Switching to his National steel guitar, he then discusses the basics of slide technique, rounding out this exciting blues lesson. Songs: Delta-Style Blues • Perpetual Blues Machine • Angelina • Henry. 75 min. DVD • Level 3 • Includes tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95
GUITAR – JAZZ & CELTIC CELTIC MELODIES & OPEN TUNINGS by John Renbourn - GW908DVD John Renbourn is well known for his recordings and performances of Celtic music. In this lesson he discusses and teaches his approach to arranging Celtic melodies using a wide variety of open tunings. All receive the special touches of John’s unique playing, and are explained in detail with the help of split-screen techniques. Intermediate, 80 minutes. A detailed tab/music booklet is included as a PDF file on the DVD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 Legends of Jazz Guitar Vol 1 V13009 - Featuring: Wes Montgomery, Joe Pass, Barney Kessel & Herb Ellis Titles include: Wes Montgomery Twisted Blues, Jingles and Yesterdays(1965) Joe Pass Original Blues In G (1974), Do Nothin’ Till You Hear From Me (1976) Barney Kessel Basie’s Blues, The Shadow Of Your Smile (1973) Herb Ellis Medley: It Might As Well Be Spring and Things Ain’t What They Used To Be , Sweet Georgia Brown (1986) Herb Ellis & Barney Kessel A Slow Burn (1979). Bonus Tracks: Wes Montgomery in Belgium, 1965: Impressions, Twisted Blues, Here’s That Rainy Day, Jingles & The Boy Next Door...............................$24.95 LEGENDS OF JAZZ GUITAR VOL. 2 V13033 - Featuring: Wes Montgomery, Kenny Burrell, Joe Pass, Barney Kessel, Grant Green & Charlie Byrd Titles include: Barney Kessel, Kenny Burrell & Grant Green Blue Mist (1969) Wes Montgomery Full House, ‘Round Midnight (1965) Joe Pass Original Blues In A, Prelude To A Kiss (1976) Kenny Burrell Lover Man, My Ship (1987) Barney Kessel BBC Blues (1974) Charlie Byrd Jitterbug Waltz and Isn’t It A Lovely Day? (1979) . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 LEGENDS OF JAZZ GUITAR VOL. 3 Featuring: Jim Hall, Pat Martino, Tal Farlow, Barney Kessel, PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
Herb Ellis & Charlie Byrd - V13043 Titles include: Jim Hall I’m Getting Sentimental Over You (1964), Valse Hot (1964), My Funny Valentine (1986) Barney Kessel Medley: Manha De Carnaval and Samba De Orfeu (1969) Tal Farlow Fascinating Rhythm (1981) Barney Kessel & Herb Ellis Oh! Lady Be Good (1979), Flintstones Theme (1980) Pat Martino Do You Have A Name (1987) Barney Kessel, Herb Ellis & Charlie Byrd Medley: Nuages, Goin’ Out Of My Head and Flying Home (1980). . . . $24.95 THE WORLD OF FINGERSTYLE JAZZ GUITAR Featuring: Martin Taylor, Tommy Crook, Jim Nichols, Duck Baker & Woody Mann - V13064 Records by Charlie Byrd, Lenny Breau, George Van Eps, Laurindo Almieda, and Joe Pass have set a very high standard for solo fingerstyle jazz guitar, and it is from this vantage point that the solo flights of Taylor, Crook, Nichols, Baker, and Mann take wing. Each player has developed a distinctly different approach to interpreting and writing jazz for solo guitar by listening intently to numerous other musicians and composers. Their performances not only demonstrate their technical brilliance and imagination, they are a testament to the enduring power and beauty of jazz guitar in its current evolution as a major instrumental force in American music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95
GUITAR - COUNTRY & BLUEGRASS LEGENDS OF COUNTRY GUITAR Featuring: Chet Atkins, Merle Travis, Mose Rager & Doc Watson - V13070 Titles include: Mose Rager: I Am a Pilgrim, Cannonball Rag. Chet Atkins: The Entertainer, Jerry’s Breakdown, Beatles Medley, Black Mountain Rag, This String, Rainbows, Kentucky & Until It’s Time For You To Go. Merle Travis: Travis Medley, Mutual Admiration, Mus’rat, etc. . . . . $24.95 MERLE TRAVIS RARE PERFORMANCES 1946-1981 By Merle Travis - V13012 Merle Travis (1917-1983) was the fountainhead of a blues/ jazz tinged country guitar fingerstyle since dubbed “Travis picking.” This DVD captures thirty-five years of rare film and television performances. A 36 page booklet is included which presents an interview and biographical essay, as well as many rare photographs of Merle Travis. Titles include: No Vacancy, Nine Pound Hammer, Mus’rat, I’m a Natural Born Gamblin’ Man, Too Much Sugar For a Dime, Spoonin’ Man, Lost John, Dark as a Dungeon, Petticoat Fever, Sweet Temptation, John Henry, I’ll See You In My Dreams, Midnight Special, Cannonball Rag, I Am a Pilgrim, Sixteen Tons, Smoke Smoke That Cigarette, Barbeque Rag. . . . . . $24.95 MERLE TRAVIS "SIXTEEN TONS" More Rare Performances 1946-1981 By Merle Travis - V13034 This second Merle Travis dvd collection presents more rare footage from 1946 the year of Travis’s first hits on the fledgling Capitol label. The 1950s saw Tennessee Ernie Ford’s recording of Travis’s Sixteen Tons become an international pop hit, and its creator performs it here on a 1957 clip from the Tex Ritter hosted Ranch Party. Titles include: Silver Spurs, Texas Home, Why Did I Fall For Abner, Old Chisholm Trail, Catalog Cowboy, Night Train to Memphis, Lost John, Nine Pound Hammer, etc. . . . $24.95 TONY RICE: THE VIDEO COLLECTION By Tony Rice - V13058 Featuring: Ricky Skaggs, Sam Bush, Mark O’Connor, Jerry Douglas, Bela Fleck, Wyatt Rice, Jimmy Gaudreau, Rickie & Ronnie Simpkins. This video presents Tony in three different settings recorded at the 1992 Merle Watson Festival playing a wide variety of music all stamped with his personal approach and sound. Titles include: Tony Rice All Star Jam: Red Haired Boy, Blue Railroad Train, I Wonder Where You Are Tonight, White House Blues; Tony Rice & Friends: The Old Home Place, Bluegrass Breakdown; Tony Rice Unit: Dusty Miller, etc. . . . . . . . $24.95
GUITAR - FINGERPICKING & FLATPICKING: ANYONE CAN PLAY FINGERSTYLE GUITAR Author: Paul Hayman, MB 94327DVD Paul has taught for the past 15 years - not only guitar but also banjo, resonator guitar, hammered dulcimer, lap dulcimer, and autoharp. The lessons he presents are derived from his own easy-to-learn method which doesn’t require the student to read music. Basic accompaniment patterns will be learned. The student will then progress to the alternating bass styles while learning fingerstyle classics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95 EASY STEPS TO GUITAR FINGERPICKING VOL. 1 Author: Happy Traum, HL00641546 For many aspiring players, the ability to maintain a rocksteady rhythmic pulse with their thumb while picking out off-the-beat melody notes with their fingers represents a “holy grail” of country, folk and blues playing. Drawing on four decades of teaching experience, Happy Traum has devised this nearly foolproof method to help them get off to a great start. The simple children’s song “Skip to My Lou” helps teach the basic concepts before getting into fingerpicking standards such as: Spike Driver’s Blues • Green, Green Rocky Road • Staggerlee • Nine Pound Hammer • Hobo’s Lullaby. 100 min. DVD • Level 2 • Includes Music & Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 EASY STEPS TO GUITAR FINGERPICKING VOL. 2 Author: Happy Traum, HL00642042 In response to numerous requests, Happy Traum has taken his “Easy Steps” course to the next level, adding songs and techniques that will bring your playing firmly into intermediate territory. You’ll learn how to play in the versatile and useful “dropped D” tuning, with its rich, booming bass notes and easy chord shapes. Five classic songs are taught, each one rich with possibilities for creating exciting arrangements: The Colorado Trail • My Home’s Across the Smoky Mountains • Fishin’ Blues • The Blues Ain’t Nothin’ • John Henry. 60 min. • Level 3 • Includes Music & Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 EASY STEPS TO GUITAR FINGERPICKING VOL. 3 Author: Happy Traum, HL00642043 Back in standard tuning, you’re introduced to the songs and styles of Merle Travis, Doc Watson, John Hurt and other masters of traditional fingerpicking. You’ll learn to move freely around the fingerboard and will be playing licks, slides, hammer-ons and bass runs while maintaining the steady thumb rhythm that gives this style its ear-catching appeal. By the time you’ve completed this course, you’ll be picking: I Am a Pilgrim • Deep River Blues • Louis Collins • Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out • Step It Up and Go. 60 min. • Level 3 • Includes Music & Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 FINGERPICKING GUITAR TECHNIQUES A Two Volume DVD Set by Stefan Grossman, GW967DVD This two DVD set is for the beginner and intermediate guitarists who want to start fingerpicking. You will explore how to master the alternating bass style. Each tune is taught phrase by phrase and then played again slowly on a splitscreen so that you can closely observe what both hands are doing. A detailed 60 page tab/music booklet is included. As well, you will see footage of some of the great fingerstyle players such as Rev. Gary Davis, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Mance Lipscomb, Merle Travis, Brownie McGhee, Elizabeth Cotten, John Jackson, Pink Anderson and Doc Watson. Volume One: Oh Papa, Shake That Thing, Death Come Creeping, Nobody’s Dirty Business and Make Me A Pallet Of Your Floor 88 minutes. Volume Two: Coffee Blues, Crow Jane, Oh Mary Don’t You Weep, Delia, Old Country Rock and Will The Circle Be Unbroken 82 minutes. Beginning-Intermediate, total of 170 minutes with both DVDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.95
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
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DVDs FINGERSTYLE GUITAR: NEW DIMENSIONS & EXPLORATIONS VOL. 1 V13006 - Featuring: Steve Howe, Adrian Legg, John Fahey, Bert Jansch, Jorma Kaukonen, Will Ackerman, John Renbourn, Stefan Grossman, Larry Coryell, Martin Simpson, Bob Brozman, Duck Baker, Brad Jones, Pat Donohue and others. Volume 1 includes: Peter Finger: A Trip Through The Pyrenees · Bert Jansch: One For Jo, Black Waterside · Adrian Legg: Cajun Interlude, Midwest Sunday · Jorma Kaukonen: Man’s Fate, Hesitation Blues · Brad Jones: Wild Turkey, etc. BONUS INSTRUCTIONAL TRACKS: Buster B. Jones: Sitting On Top Of The World John Fahey: Some Summer Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 FINGERSTYLE GUITAR: NEW DIMENSIONS & EXPLORATIONS VOL. 2 V13007- Featuring: Leo Kottke, Steve Howe, Adrian Legg, John Fahey, Bert Jansch, Jorma Kaukonen, Will Ackerman, John Renbourn, Stefan Grossman, Larry Coryell, Martin Simpson, Bob Brozman, Duck Baker, Brad Jones, Pat Donohue and others. Volume 2 Includes: Dave Evans Stagefright John Renbourn Rosslyn, Little Niles Stefan Grossman Tightrope, Bermuda Triangle Exit Pat Donohue The Mooch, High Society John Knowles Waltz Forever, Coastin’ Duck Baker Blood Of The Lamb, ‘Round Midnight Marcel Dadi Saturday Night Shuffle, etc. Bonus instructional tracks: Stefan Grossman Diddie Wa Diddie Pat Donohue High Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 FINGERSTYLE GUITAR: NEW DIMENSIONS & EXPLORATIONS VOL. 3 V13018 - Featuring: Leo Kottke, Steve Howe, Adrian Legg, John Fahey, Bert Jansch, Jorma Kaukonen, Will Ackerman, John Renbourn, Stefan Grossman, Larry Coryell, Martin Simpson, Bob Brozman, Duck Baker, Brad Jones, Pat Donohue and others. Volume 3 Includes: Martin Taylor Medley: Dixie/Old Man River Martin Simpson Medley: The Banks Of The Bann/Bantry Girl’s Lament/Jock O’Hazeldean, Charlie’s Boogie Bob Brozman Man Of Steel Blues, Subtropical Stomp Larry Coryell Julia La Belle Steve Howe Clap, Second Initial Martin Carthy The Siege Of Delhi, etc... Bonus instructional tracks: Martin Taylor Just Squeeze Me and Martin Carthy Old Tom of Oxford. . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 LEGACY OF COUNTRY FINGERSTYLE GUITAR VOL. 1 by Buster B. Jones, GW962DVD The legacy that Merle Travis, Chet Atkins and Jerry Reed have had on Country Fingerstyle Guitar has influenced generations of guitarists. They have left an impressive body of work encompassing various styles, techniques and arrangements. In this unique video lesson, Buster B. Jones presents tunes from the repertoires of all three of these giant musicians. Buster also explores the differences in how each of these giants might have approached arranging and playing a tune. A detailed 48 page tab/music booklet is included. Intermediate, 68 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 RUSS BARENBERG - A FLATPICKERS GUIDE TO BETTER PLAYING Author: Russ Barenberg, HL00641986 Russ shows guitarists at all levels how to achieve good tone, keep solid time, compose solos, improvise and play with more assurance, better control and stronger technique. Tunes include For J.L., Old Joe Clark, Dominion Reel, Prince Charlie, Oh! Susannah and Cowboy Calypso. Includes tab. 1 hour, 30 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
TOMMY EMMANUEL LIVE AT SHELDON CONCERT HALL by Tommy Emmanuel , MB20064DVD Grammy-nominated fingerstyle guitar virtuoso Tommy Emmanuel has toured in Europe, Asia, South America, and the United States, bringing his music from the Australian outback to the rest of the world and creating legions of new fans in the process. None other than the incredible Chet Atkins has referred to him as “One of the greatest guitarists in the world,” and Tommy is quick to acknowledge Chet as his principal inspiration. Modestly referring to himself as “an entertainer who happens to play the guitar,” Tommy captivates his audiences with his humor, charisma and musicianship, delivering knockout performances around the globe. Tommy’s energy and the ideal acoustics of the Sheldon Concert Hall make this a video performance to be cherished. This DVD features nearly two hours of performance, including all of the material from both of the VHS volumes entitled Tommy Emmanuel in Concert! Live at the Historic Sheldon Auditorium. 114 minutes. . . $39.95 TRAVIS PICKING FOR BEGINNERS by Fred Sokolow - GW412 Travis picking is a very complete use of the guitar: when you play steady, alternating bass notes with your thumb and pick melodies with your fingers you’re playing lead, rhythm and bass all by yourself. Fred makes it easy for beginners or intermediate guitarists by breaking it all down and taking each song step by step. First you learn the melody, then add the bass, then add the syncopation that makes it swing. Split screen versions of the songs with closeups of both hands will help you learn Travis style, and the booklet that comes with this video has all the tunes written in tablature and music ... it’s a great introduction to fingerpicking! DVD Beginning-Intermediate, 92 mins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95
GUITAR –GENERAL AN INTIMATE LESSON WITH TONY RICE Artist: Tony Rice - HL00641772 Tony Rice slows down his fabulous picking style as he demonstrates his hard-driving flatpicking solos, accompaniments, intros and licks. 60-Min DVD • Includes music + tab • Early Intermediate Level . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 ANYONE CAN PLAY GUITAR VOLUME 1 By Vern Juran - MB94120DVD Vern Juran has played and taught guitar professionally for over twenty years. His course presents beginning acoustic and electric guitar students with a practical, easy-to-learn approach. No previous knowledge of music is necessary. In the first video, Vern teaches tuning, the parts of the guitar, how to hold the guitar and pick, and proper right and left hand positioning. Using numerous close-ups and diagrams both on-screen and in the accompanying booklet, this video lesson teaches the student to strum basic chords for four folk songs and two blues progressions. By following this method, you can enjoy a lifetime of guitar playing, no matter what style of music you choose. Includes free instructional booklet. Beginning, 60 Minutes. . . . . . $14.95 BEST OF LENNON & McCARTNEY FOR ACOUSTIC GUITAR Signature Licks Composer: Andrew DuBrock - HL00320333 Artists: John Lennon, Paul McCartney On this DVD, Acoustic Guitar magazine music editor Andrew DuBrock explores the softer, yet no less brilliant, side of the legendary lads from Liverpool. He teaches the acoustic styles and techniques used to create the Beatles classics: Across the Universe • And I Love Her • Blackbird • Dear Prudence • Julia • Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) • Rocky Raccoon • and Yesterday, etc. . . . . $19.95 BEGINNING GUITAR VOLUME ONE Composer: Tom Kolb - HL00320326 In this info-packed DVD, parts of the acoustic and electric guitar are described. Viewers will also learn: how to tune up, how to get good tone with an amplifier, how to hold the pick, left- and right-hand positioning, open chords, power chords, strumming patterns, string muting, soloing and more.
Features rock, blues and country rock styles, a jam session with a live band, and a detailed booklet. 44 minutes. . $9.95 DOC’S GUITAR JAM Featuring: Doc Watson, Tony Rice, Dan Crary, Steve Kaufman & Jack Lawrence, V13055 Recorded at the 1992 Merle Watson Festival in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, this incredible jam session brings together five masters of flatpicking guitar -- Doc Watson, Tony Rice, Dan Crary, Jack Lawrence and Steve Kaufman. Together they harmonize, improvise and burn the strings on a set of fiddle tunes, country classics and hot guitar instrumentals. Two bonus tracks are also included of Doc playing with his friends David Grisman, Mark O’Connor, Tim O’Brien, Roland White, Jerry Douglas, T. Michael Coleman and others. All in all, an amazing 60 minutes of great picking. Titles include: Doc Watson, Tony Rice, Dan Crary, Steve Kaufman & Jack Lawrence: Ragtime Annie, Blue Ridge Mountain Blues, St. Anne’s Reel, More Pretty Girls Then One, Walk On By, Little Sadie, Black Mountain Rag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 CHET ATKINS RARE PERFORMANCES 1955-75 By Chet Atkins, V13027 The much travelled “Mr. Guitar” is seen playing in this video collection everywhere from Nashville to Norway. His signature Gretsch Tennesseean guitar, on which Chet made exquisitely effective use of its Bigsby vibrato bar, is heard in all its sweet, reverb-laden glory on many of these clips. But Chet, whose versitility embraces all styles of guitar, is also seen playing a classical model and a Martin dreadnaught. Titles include: Purina Show 1955: The Poor People of Paris, Side by Side, Makin’ Believe · Ozark Jubilee 1958: Villa, Say Si Si · Norway 1963: Levee Walking, Wildwood Flower, Yes Ma’am, Malaguena, Medley: Greensleeves/Streets of Laredo, Peanut Vendor, Tiger Rag · Norway (Nashville Cavalcade) 1973: Alhambra, Black Mountain Rag, Medley: The Three Bells/I Can’t Stop Loving You/Java. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 CHET ATKINS RARE PERFORMANCES 1976-95 By Chet Atkins, V13091 Chet’s tonal palette draws varied colors from electric guitars, nylon-strung classics, and even a resophonic guitar. Foremost in this collection are his traditional strengths as a tasteful soloist, but we also see him swap licks with the fiery Jerry Reed and Larry Carlton. Titles include: Pop Goes The Country, 1976 I’ll Say She Does Pop Goes The Country, 1977 Hawaiian Wedding Song Soundstage, 1978 Cascade, Don’t Think Twice It’s All Right, Kentucky, Stars and Stripes Forever Pop Goes The Country, 1979 You Needed Me, Dance With Me Pop Goes The Country, 1980 Malaguena Pop Goes The Country, 1982 Sukiyaki, Me and Bobby McGee Austin City Limits, 1987 Knuckle Buster Austin City Limits, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 ELIZABETH COTTEN IN CONCERT By Elizabeth Cotton, V13019 This DVD vividly demonstrates that there was far more to Elizabeth Cotten and her music than Freight Train. This DVD presents three concert performances by Elizabeth Cotten recorded in 1969, 1978 and 1980. Recollections of her life and music are prompted in the 1978 concert by interviewer Mike Seeger, who played a major role in recording Cotten’s repertoire. Mike is also close by in the 1969 and 1980 performances. From 1969: Freight Train, What a Friend We Have In Jesus, Ruben, Vestapol, Washington Blues, A Jig and Spanish Flang Dang. From 1978: Freight Train, Wilson Rag, Georgia Buck, Rattler, Spanish Flang Dang, Judy’s Got a Rambling Mind, etc... Running Time: 103mins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 FENDER® PRESENTS GETTING STARTED ON ACOUSTIC GUITAR Artist: Keith Wyatt - HL00320294 By far the most comprehensive DVD ever offered for the beginner guitarist – well over 3 hours long! Over 50 Interactive Lessons! Step-by-step lessons incorporating clear, easy-to-follow 3-D graphics and unique play-along tracks teach the viewer the essential chords, scales, and techniques used
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Shenandoah • Danny Boy • Little Sadie • Jerusalem Ridge • Salt Creek • I Am a Pilgrim. 2-DVD set • 140-Min. • Level 3 • Includes music + tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59.95
DVDs by acoustic guitar players in every popular style, including rock, blues and country. This DVD is separated into two major sections: The First Step: tuning up • string names • essential chords and scales used by all players • music reference section (notes, rhythms, chords and scales) • practice tips • frettinghand technique • picking-hand technique • backing tracks for play-along • animated 3-D fretboard graphics. Play Acoustic!: rhythm technique (bare finger/thumb, bass/chord, fingerstyle, etc.) • soloing technique (chord embellishment, open-string chords, using a capo) • electrified acoustic • rock, blues and country styles • rhythm and solo technique in each style • backing tracks in each style for play-along • tips on caring for your instrument from the Fender Custom Shop. Special DVD Features include: • Bonus footage, including a Fender Factory Tour! • Looping function • Web links, including a web site specifically designed for beginning guitarists • Multi-language feature so you can hear the DVD in English, Spanish, German, French, or Japanese • Universally encoded for playability worldwide. Total running time: Approximately 225 minutes. . . . . . . . $24.95 THE GUITAR OF CHET ATKINS Taught by Chet Atkins , MB96018DVD This DVD offers you something unique and powerful – a guitar lesson taught by Chet Atkins. Addressing intermediate and advanced fingerstyle guitarists, Chet performs and describes in detail, phrase by phrase, the playing of nine of his classic arrangements. Split-screen techniques allow you to carefully study both his left and right hand movements. Your teacher for this lesson is one of the foremost fingerstyle guitar masters in the history of the guitar. Have fun! 84 minute DVD IntermediateAdvanced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 PLAY GUITAR TODAY! ` Composer: Doug Boduch, HL00320353 Use this DVD as a supplement to the Play Guitar Today! Level 1 book, or alone as a great intro to playing the guitar. Simply follow along with the songs in the booklet as you watch the teacher on the DVD. This complete guide to the basics teaches: songs, chords and riffs; picking and strumming patterns; and helpful playing tips and techniques, and includes standard notation and tab. Learn at your own pace and open the door to the world of guitar music! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95 PIERRE BENSUSAN IN CONCERT By Pierre Bensusan, V13045 The evocative and exciting music of Pierre Bensusan is presented in its full glory in this 75 minute concert recorded at the Freight & Salvage in Berkeley, California in 1995. His diverse influences yield a sound and style that confounds classification and has thrilled and captivated audiences around the world. Pierre’s name has become synonymous with contemporary acoustic guitar genius. Tunes include: La Femme Cambrée, Wu Wei, Bamboulé, Au Jardin D’Amour, Cordillière, Slow Air, The Last Pint, Awali, Agadiramadan, etc. DVD BONUS: Pierre talks about his life, music and influences. Running Time: 90mins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 THE TONY RICE GUITAR METHOD Artist: Tony Rice -HL00641536 Here, at last, is the definitive lesson by one of the greatest guitar flatpickers of all time! In a wide-ranging and detailed session, Tony Rice demonstrates his world-famous technique, gives invaluable advice, analyzes some of his best-known pieces and discusses his style, influences, guitars and favorite players. This exceptionally rich two-part set is filled with fascinating conversation and the amazing playing we’ve all come to expect from this master picker. Songs: The Last Thing on My Mind • Bury Me Beneath the Willow • Wildwood Flower • Nine Pound Hammer • Stony Lonesome • Billy in the Lowground • PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
TOMMY EMMANUEL - UP CLOSE by Tommy Emmanuel - MB2026835 Up Close is a 2-hour personal lesson with Tommy. It features detailed and “slowed down” demonstrations of many of Tommy’s songs, including Stevie’s Blues, Precious Time, and The Hunt. He explains in detail his amazing harmonic technique, and shows you step by step how to play thumb and finger styles. There are rare insights into some of his more complicated arrangements and featured throughout the DVD are “up close” performances of Classical Gas, Day Tripper, Lady Madonna, Imagine, Since We Met, Gollywogs Cakewalk, Amy, Country Wide, Up from Down Under, Michelle and so much more! For any guitar player, whether beginner or pro, this DVD is a priceless gift of knowledge, experience and good music-forever! 120 Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.95 TOM RUSH – HOW I PLAY MY FAVORITE SONGS Author: Tom Rush, HL00641983 Tom Rush teaches nine of the songs that made him both a legend and a lure to audiences around the world. He includes originals (No Regrets, Rockport Sunday, River Song), traditional blues (Drop Down Mama, Panama Limited), Joni Mitchell hits (Urge for Going, Circle Game) and more. 110 min • Includes music & Tab • Early Intermediate Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 YOU CAN PLAY GUITAR A Complete Course for the Beginner Composer: Happy Traum, HL00641559 With this two-DVD set, anyone can make music on the guitar – even if they have never strummed a note before! Happy Traum makes it easy with his unique step-by-step method, honed by forty years of teaching experience. He provides the skills needed to play the chords, strum and sing literally hundreds of songs in a wide variety of styles. Two DVDS: 3 Hours and 20 min. • Level 1 • Includes Chords, Music & Tab. . . . . . . . . $49.95
GUITAR – SLIDE & STEEL AN INTRODUCTION TO OPEN TUNINGS AND SLIDE GUITAR Artist: Roy Book Binder - HL641540 Roy Book Binder has given us another terrific look at his unique brand of fingerpicked blues guitar. On this DVD/video, he covers the basics of open tunings and the use of the bottleneck, teaching essential techniques in a way that will be easy even for newcomers to this style. Roy introduces beginning players to the slide through an exploration of open D (“Vestapol”) and open G (“Spanish”) tuning, demonstrating songs, licks, techniques, and the sounds of bottleneck blues. Songs: Never Drive a Stranger from Your Door • Cigarette Blues • Electricity • Palm Trees Shaking in the Night • She Did You a Favor • Baby Don’t You Do It No More • Tired of Being Mistreated. 80-min. DVD • Level 2 • Includes Music & Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 JERRY DOUGLAS - DOBRO TECHNIQUES Author: Jerry Douglas, HL00641646 One of the world’s top Dobro players shares some of the secrets of his great playing, demonstrating hand positions, right-hand rolls, bar pull-offs and hammer-ons, forward and reverse bar slants, string pulls and lots more. Includes note-for-note breakdowns of tunes such as: Fireball Mail • Cincinnati Rag • Banks of the Ohio. Intermediate Level. Bonus! Includes new introduction and interview recorded in 2004. 90 mins. . . $29.95 SLIDE GUITAR FOR ROCK AND BLUES Artist: Ray Rogers - HL00641806 With special guests The Delta Rhythm Kings One of today’s hottest slide guitarists shows how to get the sounds that drive the best electric rock and blues bands: vibrato, dynamics, intonation, slide-hammer technique, damping strings and much more. Includes sizzling versions of: Look Over Yonders Wall • The Sky Is Crying • Walking Blues • Tip Walk • Black Cat Bone to illustrate turnarounds, endings and complete solos in several styles. 90-min. • Includes Music & Tab • Level 2/3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95
YOU CAN TEACH YOURSELF DOBRO by Janet Davis, MB95227DVD In an easy-to-follow lesson format, this dvd presents several of the most popular styles used in playing the Dobro, including bluegrass, old time, blues, country, and Hawaiian. No previous musical knowledge is needed. Tunes included are: Good Night Ladies; Dark Hallow; Jon Henry; Dixie; and many more! Presented in G tuning with tablature only. It is highly recommended that the companion book be purchased with this DVD. Beginning, 85 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95
GUITAR – ROCK & ELECTRIC BEST OF LENNON & McCARTNEY FOR ELECTRIC GUITAR Signature Licks Artist: John Lennon, Paul McCartney - HL00320332 Composer: Tom Kolb This outstanding DVD teaches the trademark electric guitar riffs and solos behind rock’s most influential songwriting duo. Features in-depth instruction and close-up demos professionally presented by Musicians Institute instructor and Guitar One columnist Tom Kolb. Featured Beatles songs: Birthday • Day Tripper • Drive My Car • Get Back • A Hard Day’s Night • I Feel Fine • Paperback Writer • Ticket to Ride, etc… . . . . . . . . $19.95 ERIC CLAPTON - THE EARLY YEARS A Step-by-Step Breakdown of Guitar Styles and Techniques Author: Doug Boduch - HL00320264 Artist: Eric Clapton Learn the riffs and solos of Eric Clapton’s early years with The Yardbirds, John Mayall’s Blues Breakers, Cream, Blind Faith, and Derek and the Dominos! Eight classic songs are taught note-for-note: All Your Love (I Miss Loving) • Bell Bottom Blues • Can’t Find My Way Home • Cross Road Blues (Crossroads) • I Ain’t Got You • Layla • Sunshine of Your Love • White Room. Bonus features include: guitar techniques section • jam-along songs • practice tips. 63 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.95 ERIC CLAPTON - THE SOLO YEARS A Step-by-Step Breakdown of Guitar Styles and Techniques Author: Doug Boduch - HL00320263 Artist: Eric Clapton Riffs and solos from 8 classic Clapton songs, including: After Midnight • Cocaine • Forever Man • Lay Down Sally • Motherless Children • Pretending • Running on Faith • Wonderful Tonight. DVD bonus features include a guitar techniques section, jamalong songs, and practice tips, 73 minutes...................... $19.95
MANDOLIN ANYONE CAN PLAY MANDOLIN By Paul Hayman - MB94849DVD This course is designed for beginning mandolin students. It teaches the fundamentals of mandolin, chord strumming, singlenote melody picking, and explains tablature. This method does not require any previous musical experience or note-reading ability. You will learn several well-known bluegrass songs in both strumming and picking styles. Includes free instructional booklet. Beginning, 60 mins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95 BUTCH BALDASSARI - BG MANDOLIN Author: Butch Baldassari, HL00641783 This comprehensive, user-friendly mandolin method takes a beginner from bare-bone basics to solidly intermediate material in a single two-hour lesson. Includes 20 great repertoire tunes. 120-min DVD • Includes Music & Tab • Beginner Level . $29.95 CHRIS THILE ESSENTIAL TECHNIQUES FOR MANDOLIN Author: Chris Thile, HL00641545 Here’s a lesson that will thrill and inspire mandolinists at all levels. Chris Thile, mandolin virtuoso for the hit band Nickel Creek, shares his own successful formula for developing right- and lefthand dexterity, improving speed and accuracy, and playing with heightened musicality. He provides numerous exercises that will make all the difference as aspiring players learn: Ode to a Butterfly • Hop the Fence • Red Haired Boy • Swallowtail Jig. As a bonus, you’ll hear astonishing performances of Chris’ original
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DVDs tunes “When Mandolins Dream” and “Raining at Sunset.” 85-min. DVD • Level 3 • Includes Music & Tab. . . . . . . . . $29.95 FUN WITH THE MANDOLIN Author: Jor Carr, MB 93258DVD This video teaches the material found in the book of the same title, including 22 songs to be enjoyed on the mandolin. Tuning and hand positions are briefly discussed. By the time you finish this book you will be comfortable playing 4/4, 3/4 and 2/4 rhythm chord accompaniments in three major keys - C, G and D. All chords are shown in picture diagram form. Very easy to comprehend, even for the absolute beginner. So pick up your mandolin and have fun! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95 JOE CARR - MANDOLIN CHORD DVD Author: Joe Carr,MB 96846DVD This great new mandolin chord DVD makes it possible to learn all the essential chords. Learning becomes much more interesting when you can see and hear each chord. Joe Carr teaches the chord shapes and positions that are used by all leading professionals. Watching Joe’s hand positions and listening to each note in the chord will improve your ear and enable you to learn at a faster pace. Every major, minor, seventh, diminished and augmented chord is demonstrated and systematically taught. Keep this DVD close whenever you are working on new material and need to learn the correct chords. It will make learning the chords a lot more fun. . . . . . . . . . . $9.95 THE MANDOLIN OF BILL MONROE DVD One: One-On-One with the Master Artist: Bill Monroe, HL00641732 The legendary “Father of Bluegrass” plays 25+ tunes from his repertoire, demonstrating the amazing technique that’s made him world-famous. A must for his fans and all mandolinists. 90 Min. • Level 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 THE MANDOLIN OF BILL MONROE DVD Two: A Detailed Analysis by Sam Bush Artist: Bill Monroe - HL00641733 Veteran bluegrass musician Sam Bush dissects 16 pieces as played by Bill Monroe. Split screens, closeups and replays of Monroe’s demos make this DVD the ultimate learning method for bluegrass mandolin. Produced by Smithsonian/Folkways and Homespun Video. 90 Min. • Includes music + tab • All Levels. . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 THE MANDOLIN AND BOUZOUKI OF TIM O’BRIEN: Playing Celtic, Bluegrass and Contemporary Songs Artist: Tim O’Brien - HL00641661 Tim O’Brien’s course will be a boon to mandolin and bouzouki (octave mandolin) players who want to improve their technique, develop ideas and learn new repertoire. Tim brings his brilliant musicianship to bear as he teaches Celtic, bluegrass and original songs, including: Down in a Willow Garden • The High Road • Lay Down Your Weary Tune • One Girl Cried • More Love • The Kid on the Mountain • and Travellers. One Hour, 55-Min. • Includes music & tab • Level 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95 THE SAM BUSH MANDOLIN METHOD By Sam Bush - HL00641585 This brand new two-and-a-half hour course covers all aspects of the mandolin style and technique of one of the world’s greatest players. Sam Bush performs and slows down traditional fiddle tunes and original instrumentals, giving detailed instruction on pick technique, rhythm playing, speed building, warm-up exercises, improvised soloing, equipment and much more. 2-DVD Set • Includes music & tab • Level 3. . . . . . . . . . . $59.95
YOU CAN TEACH YOURSELF MANDOLIN By Dix Bruce - MB94331DVD You Can Teach Yourself Mandolin is written as a teach- yourself text with play-along examples and tunes on the companion recording. In the author’s words “It is aimed at helping you get started immediately on your way to mandolinhood by giving you the basics of the mandolin and mandolin playing.” With this informal, often humerous text, Dix Bruce will guide you step- by-step through the basics of learning this versatile instrument. Learn all about accompanying yourself and others, common chords and useful strums, reading simple melodies, playing a colorful assortment of mandolin folk songs, and more. All musical examples and tunes are written in both standard notation and tablature. Diagrams of all the principal chords used on the mandolin are shown in the Chord Appendix, making this book a particularly useful study aid for the beginning mandolinist. Beginning, 100 minutes...............................$14.95 Mandolin Chords Made Easy by Joe Carr, MB21636DVD Guides the mandolin student through all the basic mandolin chords and some advanced chords also. Chords are shown in all keys. Featured chords include: major 7, minor 7, 6, minor 6, 9, diminished, augmented and many more. Each chapter presents a chord by type. DVD format makes navigating easy......... $9.95
UKULELE FUN WITH THE BARITONE UKE by Mel Bay; taught by Joe Carr - MB93266DVD This excellent beginner’s DVD is designed to accompany the book of the same title. In the video, Joe Carr introduces the beginner to the joy of accompanying songs with the baritone uke with basic chords, strumming patterns, and folk songs. Information on tuning and positioning is also included. Even an absolute beginner should find this course very easy to comprehend. Beginning, 30 mins....................................$14.95 FUN WITH THE UKULELE by Mel Bay; taught by Joe Carr - MB93270 Fun with the Ukulele is an excellent beginner’s dvd featuring Joe Carr teaching simple chords, strums, and songs. An ideal beginner’s course for ukulele in C tuning. Beginning, 30 mins. ........................................................................................$14.95 THE COMPLETE UKULELE COURSE By Ralph Shaw - UKECOURSE This DVD is perfect for anyone who wants to improve his ukulele playing technique. Even if you have never played a ukulele before you will discover that Ralph Shaw (the King of the Ukulele!) will lead you through the basics and beyond so that you will learn tips, tricks and techniques that will have you sounding like a ukulele maestro! Just some of the things you will learn in this 1 hour lesson include: Beginners uke - including tuning, strumming & basic chords • How to use ‘ornament’; notes • Play chords up the neck, etc. In short this one DVD will set you up for a lifetime of fun and music with the world’s greatest little instrument, the ukulele!..............................$29.95
THE JOY OF UKE - VOLUME 1 A Basic Guide to Playing Ukulele Author: Jim Beloff - HL00641626 Here’s a DVD for anyone who loves the uke! It’s instructional, entertaining and educational all at once. Jim Beloff teaches the basics, showing the strums and bringing the starting player quickly from the simplest songs to old-time pop standards. Guest strummers perform and demonstrate their techniques, and, as an added bonus, Jim takes you into his home for a fascinating look at his rare uke collection. Songs include: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands • When the Saints Go Marching In • Daisy • Give My Regards to Broadway. 70 min. DVD • Includes Chords & Music • Level 1. . ...................$29.95 THE JOY OF UKE - VOLUME 2 Moving Beyond the Basics Author: Jim Beloff - HL00641627 In this long-awaited follow-up to Volume 1, Jim teaches chord shapes and progressions, complex strums and accompaniments to some of the most beloved songs in popular music history. With his usual warmth and good humor, Jim guides you through each song, slowing down the tricky parts and sprinkling the lesson with wisdom gleaned from his deep knowledge of the instrument. Before long, he’ll have you singing and playing: Under the Boardwalk • That Hawaiian Melody • You Made Me Love You, etc. Jim’s special guest, Lyle Ritz, is a legend, known throughout the world as one of the “masters” of the ukulele. He shares his ideas about the instrument and demonstrates some of his most requested instrumentals: Dream • Lulu’s Back in Town • Fly Me to the Moon • and Ritz Cracker. 90-Min. DVD • Includes chords + music • Level 3...................................$29.95 YOU CAN TEACH YOURSELF UKE taught by William Bay - MB94809DVD William Bay teaches you all of the basics of playing the uke. You will learn to hold the uke and strum in different time signatures. You’ll also learn to play 58 all-time great ukulele songs in the keys of C, G, D, F and Bb. Step-by-step instruction provides hours of fun and enjoyment. C tuning. Beginning, 70 mins . .................................................................................$14.95 Ukulele Chords Made Easy by Joe Carr, MB21635DVD This handy video takes the Ukulele student through all the basic uke chords then moves into some advanced voicings. Chords are shown in all keys. Chords include major 7, minor 7, 6, minor 6, 9, diminished, augmented and many more. DVD format makes navigating easy......................................................$9.95
HARMONICA ANYONE CAN PLAY HARMONICA DVD Author: Phil Duncan, MB 94229DVD......................................... Phil has been a professional educator and performer for over 20 years. His method is designed for anyone who would like to play the harmonica. Different techniques and styles are taught including folk, gospel, country and blues. To play along with this video method, you will need a ten-hole diatonic harmonica pitched in the key of C.....................................................$14.95
THE COMPLETE UKULELE COURSE FOR KIDS By Ralph Shaw - UKEFORKIDS Kids love music and the small size of the ukulele makes it the perfect instrument for children to develop their innate musical abilities. From tuning the ukulele in GCEA Ralph then guides the student through 12 carefully prepared lessons. Soon the young student will be able to: Play four chords in the key of C that provide access to hundreds of popular and folk songs, Develop strumming and rhythmic abilities, Play in four different keys (C,F,A and G), Play in 4/4 and 3/4 time, Understand simple transposing. 15 songs are taught including: He’s got the Whole World in his Hands, She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain, When the Saints Go Marching In, etc! Along the way Ralph’s young students from Wondertree Learning Centre will demonstrate the songs for you to play along with! 90 minute DVD!! Ages 7 to 13, 28 page Song Booklet included..............................................................$29.99
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Blow out sale! VIDEO CASSETTES Instructional VHS Tapes Clearance Sale/ While Supplies Last! Limited to stock on hand – first come, first served. Our Price Sale Price
$5 each
Our Price Sale Price
HL00641122 Learning Tenor Banjo- Buddy Wachter-----------------------------------29.95
MB94891VX Basic Guitar Chords 1- John Hartin---------------------------------------29.95
HL00641123 Learning Plectrum Banjo- Buddy Wachter------------------------------29.95
MB94892VX Basic Guitar Chords 2- John Hartin---------------------------------------29.95
HL00641120 Branching Out On Bluegrass Banjo 2- Pete Wernick----------------39.95
MB95082VX Anyone Can Play Classic Guitar- Mel Bay------------------------------19.95
MB95408 Jammin’ Bluegrass Banjo Video----------------------------------------------19.95
MB94894VX Important Bar Chords and How to Use Them- Tim McCasland-----29.95
HL00641080 Intermediate Bluegrass Bass-----------------------------------------------29.95
MW6903 A Musical Journey with John Carlini-----------------------------------------29.95
HL320236 Best Of Lennon & McCartney For Bass Guitar--------------------------13.95
HL00641017Hot Guitar Techniques From Folk to Jazz- Bob Brozman----------39.95
HL00641079Beginning Bluegrass Bass- Mark Schatz--------------------------------29.95
HL00641018Hot Guitar Tech from folk to Jazz Vol 2- Bob Brozman--------------39.95
MB94216VX Anyone Can Play Electric Bass---------------------------------------------19.95
HL00641309Bottleneck Blues Guitar 3- Bob Brozman--------------------------------39.95
HL00641148 Hammer Dulcimer- John McCutcheon------------------------------------39.95
MB94976VX Pedal Steel Guitar- Tim McCasland----------------------------------------29.95
MB94965VX Melodic Autoharp- Carol Stober--------------------------------------------29.95
MB94977VX Pedal Steel Guitar 2- Tim McCasland-------------------------------------29.95
MB94964VX Learn the Mountain Dulcimer- Dennis Lee------------------------------29.95
HL00641071Get That Classic Fender Sound- Jim Weider---------------------------39.95
MB94903VX Traditional Irish Fiddle Tune - John Reid--------------------------------29.95
HL00641067The Electric Guitar of Jorma Kaukonen----------------------------------39.95
UKE COURSE V The Complete Ukulele Course- Ralph Shaw----------------------29.95
HL00641058Slide Guitar for Rock & Blues- Roy Rogers-----------------------------39.95
MB94895 Bluegrass Guitar- Joe Carr-----------------------------------------------------29.95
MB94723VX Rock Guitar A Guide From The Greats------------------------------------24.95
MB94904VX Nashville Electric Guitar- Joe Carr-----------------------------------------29.95
HL00641147 The Mandolin of Bill Monroe 2-----------------------------------------------39.95
MB94907VX Western Swing Guitar Styles 2- Joe Carr--------------------------------29.95
MB94979VX Bluegrass Mandolin 1- Joe Carr--------------------------------------------29.95
PP172 Guitar General Videos------------------------------------------------------------------9.95
MB94980VX Bluegrass Mandolin 2- Joe Carr--------------------------------------------29.95
HL00641369All*Star Guitar Night- Muriel Anderson-----------------------------------24.95
MB94981VX Hot Mandolin Styles- Joe Carr-----------------------------------------------29.95
HL00641051An Intimate Lesson With Tony Rice----------------------------------------39.95
HL00641420The Joy of Uke- Jumpin’ Jim-------------------------------------------------29.95
MB94120VX Anyone Can Play Guitar-------------------------------------------------------19.95
HL00641076Learning Pedal Steel Guitar VHS- Bruce Bouton----------------------39.95
MB94564VX Anyone Can Play Guitar 2-----------------------------------------------------19.95
MB95012VX Professional Guitar Adjustment---------------------------------------------29.95
MB95002VX Anyone Can Play Note Reading---------------------------------------------19.95
MB94978VX Hot Pedal Steel-Lloyd Maines------------------------------------------------39.95
MB95435VX Anyone Can Play Guitar Chords--------------------------------------------19.95
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BOOKS etc. AutoHarp Fun with the Autoharp by Sue Banks, MB93289 A great beginner’s autoharp book containing basic technical instruction plus melody lines, chords, and lyrics for 48 folk favorites. Includes information on playing positions, fingering, strumming, glissando playing technique, and more with helpful photographs. Lyrics are placed above the music to make reading easier while playing chords. 32 pp............................................ $5.95 Complete Autoharp Songbook by Meg Peterson, MB93694 A comprehensive collection of Autoharp or Chromaharp arrangements for melody and accompaniment playing. Songs are included in the categories of folk, bluegrass and hoedown, children’s songs, cowboy and Western, patriotic, camp and campus, hymns, spirituals and gospel songs, blues and jazz, ragtime and the Gay ’90s, sentimental ballads, songs from foreign lands, and songs for special occasions. The songs in this book are chorded to accommodate all playing styles from simple strumming to melody picking. The majority of arrangements are for the 15-chord model, the most commonly used Autoharp. Some arrangements include chords found only on 21 or 27 chord models, with simple rules for alternate chords. 280 pp. Discontinued, while supplies last........................ $15.00
Banjo Complete Banjo Book MB93723 This comprehensive book contains 139 solos for the 5-string banjo. Arranged by Neil Griffin, Mark Barnett, Karl Kurth, Carl Jackson, and Bob Forrest, this book is the perfect resource to expand your repertoire of solo pieces. The Complete Banjo Book contains no text and should not be considered a method book, but rather a superb collection of intermediate to advanced solos. These pieces reflect contemporary concepts of both Scruggs style and melodic/chromatic styling. While most of these tunes are written in both standard notation and tablature, a few are in tab only. 184 pages..$19.95 Complete Bluegrass Banjo Method by Neil Griffin, MB93345 One of the very best G-tuning five-string bluegrass banjo methods available! The book teaches how to pick out tunes single-string style (one note at a time), how to play chord accompaniment, and how to play solos in the full three-finger, bluegrass style. Topics include note and tab reading, chord background styles, traditional bluegrass techniques, fills and endings, use of the capo, rolls, slides, hammers, pull-offs, choking, harmonics, and up-the-neck playing. In notation and tablature. The stereo recording includes acoustic bass, acoustic guitar, and a rhythm track as well as the 5-string banjo. All songs and most exercises are included in this teaching recording, performed at a tempo that the student should be able to maintain in short order. 244 pages. .. $24.95
Complete Tenor Banjo Method by Mel Bay, MB93236 The finest tenor banjo method available, this text represents Mel Bay’s own approach to fundamental musicianship for those desiring to play tenor banjo. This book is the standard by which others are judged. Easy-to-understand and thorough in its approach, this method addresses both melody playing and chord strumming. Through numerous studies, folk songs and several duets, students are systematically introduced to the various notes and positions on the tenor banjo fretboard. Photos of the fretboard fingerings aid in learning the proper hand positions. Once in two volumes, this method is now presented in its entirety in this single comprehensive edition. In notation only. 104 pages. ........................................................... $12.95 Hot Licks For Bluegrass Banjo By Tony Trischka. OK63909 Over 650 bluegrass, blues, and jazz licks in Scruggs, single string, and melodic styles. Learn to use licks to create solos, play backup, expand your musical knowledge and understanding of the fingerboard.......................$21.95 How to Play Banjo By Tim Jumper, AM35155 Containing a broad range of styles, the book uses open G tuning and teaches up-picking, picking out a melody, chords, rhythms, accompaniment styles, frailing, and has a special section on bluegrass ........................................................................... $14.95 How to play 5-String Banjo By Pete Seeger, OK61291 This is the basic manual for banjo players at any level. Covers the fundamentals of strumming, hammering-on, and pulling-off. Includes folk and traditional songs all with melody line, lyrics and banjo accompaniment, and solos in standard notation and tab. Third edition 72 pages . ............................................................... $16.95 Tenor Banjo Melody Chord Playing System By Mel Bay, MB93629 “How can I read sheet music and play tenor banjo melody chord solos?” Mel Bay’s own step-by-step method for melody chord performance will show you precisely how it’s done. In notation and tab. Also suitable for the mandola. . ................................. $14.95 Teach Yourself Bluegrass Banjo (w/ CD) By Tony Trischka, OK64988 Teach yourself authentic Bluegrass, with clear instructions from a professional. Covers the basics, bowing and left-handed techniques and solo backup. A section also includes personal advice on performance. Plus a complete section of the best bluegrass songs and tunes to learn from...................................... $17.95 The Original Banjo Case Chord Book By Larry Saudberg., AM34885 Find the banjo chords you need instantly! Handy manual includes many fingerings for each chord, charts for using chords in any key, a complete tuning chart, and more.............................................................. $5.95 TONY TRISCHKA EASY BANJO SOLOS HL 00699056 Homespun Listen & Learn Series Strengthen your skills while building a repertoire of great bluegrass banjo pieces! Tony Trischka has personally chosen twenty traditional banjo solos that will teach you new
ideas and add to your arsenal of licks and techniques. On the CD, Tony performs each tune slowly, then up to speed, providing invaluable tips and explanations as he goes. By the time you have mastered all of these solos, you’ll have acquired the basic skills necessary to play in the styles of Earl Scruggs, Don Reno, Sonny Osborne, and other bluegrass greats. Book & CD Package, 32 pages . ....................... $19.95 RING THE BANJAR Author: Various Authors This history of the banjo is a second edition originally published to coincide with a groundbreaking exhibition of the same name at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Museum. Includes information on the instrument’s enduring popularity, the banjo makers of Boston, instruments from the exhibition, a glossary and bibliography of the banjo, and more....................$24.95 Banjo For Dummies By Bill Evans B0470127627 Banjo For Dummies is the latest book in the line of successful Dummies music titles. It will cover the basics on playing, from picking and strumming techniques to various banjo playing styles (from classic banjo technique to jazz theory). It will include finger patterns, chord positions, chord scales, single string technique, claw hammer picking and strumming, fingerboard charts, and more. Banjo playing is vibrant and evolving, and Banjo For Dummies discusses not only traditional banjo play but the latest style innovations. No other book offers such an accessible “point of entry” for the new banjo fan and offers instruction on the various playing styles. Companion CD featues play-along exercises, songs, riffs, chords, and audio and MP3 files.....$24.95
Bass Books THE BEATLES BASS Series: Signature Licks HL 00695283 Learn the trademark bass lines from rock’s most influential band! This step-by-step breakdown of Paul McCartney’s bass guitar style includes indepth analysis of 16 Beatles’ classics: All My Loving · And Your Bird Can Sing · Come Together · Day Tripper · Getting Better · Hey Bulldog · I Want You (She’s So Heavy) · Michelle · Nowhere Man · Paperback Writer · Polythene Pam · She Came in Through the Bathroom Window · Slow Down · Something · Taxman · You Never Give Me Your Money. Book & CD Package, 48 pages............................................. $22.95 American Basses An Illustrated History & Player Guide Author Jim Roberts, HL00331070 Bass lovers, you are not forgotten. Written by the founding editor and former publisher of “Bass Player Magazine,” this is considered to be the complete information source on American basses and their makers. It includes essays that take you through the actual bass-making process—from concept and design, to the final set-up, to boiling your used bass strings in a light chicken broth and making a hearty soup that may cause garden slugs to hallucinate, 210 pages .. $29.95 Complete Book of Bass Chords By Dana Roth, MB94754 This book is designed as a master reference guide with over 1,200 chord positions based on 36 chord forms. Includes fingerboard diagrams to the 24th fret plus chord
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tion and tab, and the CD features 98 full-demo tracks. 80 pages............................................................. $16.95
BOOKS etc. formulas, and symbols. This system of study enables the bassist to become familiar with the various chord forms and arpeggios, and other applications. The appendix presents 21 additional chords for further reference! All chords are shown in diagram, notation and tab form. Discontinued, while supplies last. . ..................... $19.95 Electric Bass Method by Roger Filiberto MB93234, MB93235 The most widely-used introductory bass method available! Both Volumes I and II present a standard notation approach to reading solo and arpeggio studies for four-string bass. Included in Volume I are the rudiments of playing, plus handy charts of arpeggios featuring major, minor, augmented, diminished, and seventh chords, plus upper harmonic extensions. Volume II continues with studies, scales, walking bass patterns, and more. Applicable to any style of music, this method has gained acceptance as the foundational text for electric bass study world-wide. VOLUME I: ........................................................ $7.95 VOLUME II: ........................................................ $7.95
Dobro & Steel Books Complete Dobro® Player by Stacy Phillips, MB95271BCD Stacy Phillips is an internationally acclaimed soloist and author on Resonator Guitar. This comprehensive book took years to produce and is the culmination of Stacy’s many years of playing the instrument, studying new Resonator techniques and interviewing other Resonator greats. Written in tab only. The double-CD set presents more than 90 minutes of stereo recording featuring Stacy Phillips on Dobro and Paul Howard on guitar. Play-along tracks are included for several of the tunes. Book & Double CD set............................. $39.95 Complete Steel Guitar Method By Roger Filiberto, MB93219 Now complete in one volume, this time-honored method presents the six-string lap steel guitar in E7 tuning. This approach incorporates note reading and melody chord playing. The melody chord approach is that utilized and made famous by New Orleans’ great guitarist and teacher, Roger Filiberto. This book constitutes one of the most practical, well-written methods available for lap steel guitar; it teaches techniques and chord harmony applicable to Hawaiian, bottleneck/slide and even resonator styles. ....................................... $12.95 Dobro® Book By Stacy Phillips: Foreword by Mike Auldridge OK63289 The most complete guide by one of the best-known players, geared for every level. Includes all basic left and right-hand techniques: hammering-on, harmonics, slant bar, playing chords, etc. Special section on Hawaiian music. TAB . ....................................... $19.95
The Art of Hawaiian Steel Guitar By Stacy Phillips, MB94383 “Quite seriously, Mr. Phillips has used skill and impeccable judgment, both in selections of musical works and in accuracy of transcription. He is to be thanked whole-heartedly for carrying on the history of this hauntingly unique instrument”. says Bob Brozman. This book is an excellent study of the history and unique musical stylings of the Hawaiian guitar. Stacy Phillips successfully pinpoints the characteristics of Hawaiian steel technique and performance, and he presents over 60 great Hawaiian guitar solos. A special feature is the inclusion of a superb historical survey of Hawaiian music. Written in notation and tablature; G tuning. DeWitt Scott comments: “There are two types of Hawaiian music, the ‘authentic’ style and the ‘tourist’ style. Stacy is presenting the ‘authentic’ style and this is much needed to keep the Hawaiian music alive.” (With CD)............................................................ $24.95 Learn to Play Bluegrass Dobro® Guitar by Ken Eidson & Tom Swatzell, MB93968BCD In this landmark book, authors Ken Eidson and Tom Swatzell provide basic chord studies plus 25 progressively arranged easy to intermediate bluegrass settings for the Dobro® or resophonic guitar in G tuning. This profusely illustrated method book introduces the player to right-hand rolls and rhythm strums, harmonics, slides, hammer-ons, and slant bar and tremolo techniques. The book includes an introduction to reading standard notation and a segment on special techniques. Reissued with an attached CD recording of all of the material in the book- this is a particularly helpful package for the novice player. 88 pages.................................................. $19.95
Dulcimer Books The Complete Dulcimer Handbook by Mark Biggs, MB94047BCD This book was written as a basic guide and source book for all dulcimer players, from the absolute novice to the most advanced picker. With its 53 songs in various modes and tunings, The Complete Dulcimer Handbook is meant to be used as a songbook, a lesson plan book, and a stepby-step guide from beginner to intermediate or advanced level. The author’s basic premise is that, given this instrument’s relatively brief pedagogical history, “There are no right or wrong ways to play the mountain dulcimer, only harder or easier means of reaching the same ends.” The mountain dulcimer’s history, stringing, tuning, and repair are all covered in this one volume along with chording, strumming, and bowing techniques. Songs and exercises are written in tablature and standard notation. 195 profusely illustrated pages................................................. $24.95 Hammered Dulcimer By Peter Pickow, OK63552 For any hammered dulcimer player, this comprehensive instruction book contains 25 songs, forming a complete repertoire. It features an easy-to-read tablature system, and special sections on tuning, basic skills, embellishments, chord theory, and more. .............................................. $19.95
The Dobro® Workbook Composer/Author: David Hamburger, HL00695167 Teaches licks, techniques and improvisation for lap-style resophonic slide guitar. Covers: scales, licks, songs and examples; hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides, picking techniques; syncopations, rolls, double stops, playing in different keys; and more. The book is in standard notaPHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
Mountain Dulcimer by Mark Biggs, MB93859BCD This book is a collection of traditional folksongs, Irish and American fiddle tunes, adaptations of classical pieces, and original songs. The first section of this book is comprised of the songs on Mark Biggs’ first album, Not Licked Yet. The second section is a collection of selected songs. All songs are in standard notation with suggested chords for accompaniment. All of the songs in this book are settings combining melody lines with chords. Unlike Mark’s other books, Mountain Dulcimer is not intended as a dulcimer primer. Rather, it would best be appreciated by a player of intermediate to advanced capability who wishes to learn how to add chords behind a melody line, or how to use octave and rhythm changes in creating an effective arrangement. 79 pp book & CD........................... $22.95 You Can Teach Yourself® Dulcimer by Madeline MacNeil, MB94304 Madeline MacNeil’s performances are characterized by her effortless vocals and impeccable mountain and hammered dulcimer playing. In this book she reveals some of the secrets of her success with the mountain dulcimer. Early on, she reminds the reader that “the dulcimer is not a toy or a stringed kazoo” but a serious, expressive musical instrument capable of “stretching as far as the imagination.” She endorses both playing by ear and learning to read standard notation. In easily-understood language she manages to explore some very complex, even esoteric concepts, making this a particularly valuable book for the beginning instrumentalist. You Can Teach Yourself® Dulcimer is simply a great fundamental book. Twelve intensive lessons in 95 pp. Standard notation and tablature. Illustrated with photographs and drawings. ............................... $10.95
Guitar Books Absolute Beginners: Guitar AM92615 Absolute Beginners Book & CD packages are the beginner’s picture guide that show you how to: Set up your instrument, Play a repertoire of songs, Take care of your instrument. Book 1................................ $12.95 THE BEATLES HITS - SIGNATURE LICKS HL 00695049 This book/CD pack will help you learn to play licks from 26 Beatles hits, including: All My Loving · Can’t Buy Me Love · Drive My Car · A Hard Day’s Night · Helter Skelter · I Saw Her Standing There · and more. Book & CD Package 96 pages............................................. $24.95 Beginning Fingerstyle Blues By Arnie Berle & M. Galbo, AM71390 Takes you from the fundamentals of fingerpicking to five authentic blues tunes. With graded excersises, illustrated tips, plus standard notation and tab. (with CD)............................................................. $21.95 Beginning Guitar By Artie Traum, AM36997 The basics on tuning, chords, strums, and 1 finger picking- plus photos and chord diagrams- in the complete guide to playing country, folk, blues, and rock for beginning guitarist........................................... $6.95 Bluegrass Guitar By Happy Traum, OK63024 A guitar workbook that covers every aspect of bluegrass playing from simple accompaniment to advanced instrumental. Over 30 bluegrass and traditional songs graded from easy to advanced in both standard music notation and tab. . .............................................. $21.95
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BOOKS etc. Country Guitar by Tommy Flint, BOOK/CD MB96552BCD A fine collection of flatpicking exercises and solos progressively arranged to teach and illustrate the varied styles and techniques of Nashville’s studio guitarists. This book includes tunes in double-stop harmonies, country shuffle rhythm, country ballad style, steel guitar style, “chicken pickin’” style, and more. This Mel Bay Value Line reissue of Tommy Flint’s “classic” country guitar treatise has a lot to offer the beginning to intermediate country style guitarist. Book & CD set.............................. $10.95 Classic Guitar Method by Mel Bay, MB93207 Volume 1 This widely used text presents classical guitar instruction in a logical and clear manner. The student is thoroughly grounded in left- and right-hand technical studies and is acquainted with the works of the masters. In notation only. 48 pp. in each volume......................................................... $6.95 Complete Book Of Alternate Tuning By Mark Hansen, AC72648 Includes hundreds of guitar tunings in all styles, from folk to celtic to rock. Covers artists such as Hedges, Kottke, Sonic Youth, Cooder, CS & N, Pearl Jam and more ........................................................................... $18.95 Complete Chet Atkins Guitar Method by Chet Atkins and Tommy Flint MB93232BCD An updated book & CD edition containing numerous picking studies, chord etudes, and great Atkins-style guitar solos. As an added bonus, this edition features transcriptions of some of Chet’s finest recorded solos written in standard notation and tab................... $24.95 One Guitar, Many Styles A Collection of Solo Pieces in a Variety of Styles for Solid-bodied Electric Guitar by Joe Finn, MB20121BCD Much of today’s electric guitar centers on playing in a band. We learn the chords, the licks, the solos and sometimes a few of the lyrics. Seldom do we get a chance to play a song by ourselves from beginning to end without band mates or singing. This new book by Berklee faculty and renowned recording artist Jon Finn is a collection of pieces in a variety of musical styles written for unaccompanied solo electric guitar. Techniques covered include pick-and-fingers (reminiscent of Chet Atkins), classical (adapted to electric guitar), jazz, blues, pop, two-handed tapping (like Jennifer Batten or Stanley Jordan) and more. The music is accurately and painstakingly transcribed to match the included recordings. The book also includes pictures and detailed information about playing each piece, both from a technical and artistic point of view. If you want to widen your musical horizons while building up repertoire that you can perform by yourself, this book is for you. Intermediate-Advanced, 80 page book & CD. ............................................................................. 22.95 Everything About Guitar Chords By William M. Savidge BS70293 An easy-to-use self-instruction book explaining barre chords, basic chords, jazz chords, chord theory, and substitution. Book 2........................................... $16.95 MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
Everything About Guitar Scales By William M. Savidge, BS70294 Even players with no prior music training, will learn scales and modes, fret positions, fingering patterns, notation, tablature, and more with this easy to use instruction book with something for every guitarist......................... $17.95 The Guitar Case Chord Book In Color AM974171 The Guitar Case Chord Book groups chords in a new way that makes looking up and learning new chords easier for you. Over 170 chords are grouped by family, so the chords you're likely to find together in any one piece are next to each other in the book. You can understand how they are related at a glance. The chord diagrams clearly indicate the position of the root and suggested fingering for each chord. There is also a special section on moveable chords. .................. $7.95 Mel Bay’s Complete Country Guitar Book by Fred Sokolow BOOK/CD MB93935BCD This popular book is an encyclopedia of country picking styles. Included are solos and studies in: Carter style back- up, bluegrass back-up, Carter style lead, Doc Watson style lead, Clarence White style bluesy lead, Atkins/Travis finger-picking style, rockabilly, Nashville lead and Western swing. In notation and tablature. ........................................................................... $24.95 Jazz Guitar Method by Ronny Lee, MB93240 Although first published in the early 60s, this book remains one of the easiest and most practical approaches to jazz guitar on the market today, thoroughly covering the basics of solo jazz guitar performance. Part One addresses solo and melody playing and improvisation, while Part Two focuses on chord rhythm playing and substitutions. The book also contains instruction on scale and chord construction, chord voicing, phrasing, passing tones, and much more. This highly acclaimed study of jazz rhythm chords and their application contains extensive instruction on jazz chord accompaniment and an extensive guide to chord substitution.The user-friendly text utilizes a lesson style format with many “assignments” making it perfect for both individual study and as a classroom text. Written in standard notation with chord symbols and diagrams, this book is highly recommended for anyone who desires a thorough, well-graded jazz guitar course. 112 pages ............................................................................. $14.95 Complete Jazz Guitar Method by Mike Christiansen - MB95384SET If you’re getting into jazz or expanding your jazz chops, this comprehensive approach is for you. From comping and chord voicings to single-note soloing, you will learn, step by step, the tools necessary for playing jazz guitar. The book is easy to understand and contains hundreds of great-sounding playable examples to serve as springboards for applying the concepts to jazz standards or your own compositions. Whether you’re into traditional jazz or fusion, this book has it all. In notation and tablature. CD and DVD included. Multiple Levels................. $34.95 Teach Yourself Bluegrass Guitar (w/CD) by Russ Barenburg, OK64990 Teach yourself authentic Bluegrass, with clear instructions from a professional. Covers the basics, bowing and left-handed techniques and solo backup. A section also includes personal advice on performance. Plus a complete section of the best bluegrass songs and tunes to learn from...................................... $17.95 Mel Bay Modern Guitar Method- Grade 1 by Mel Bay MB93200 The world’s premier method for learning modern plectrum style guitar, time-tested and proven successful in building the theoretic and technical foundation needed
to play in any style. All seven grades of this method are written in standard notation only to encourage better sight reading. In Grade 1, the student guitarist will learn to play solos, duets, scales, and chords in the keys of C, A minor, G and E minor. Even in Grade 1, the student is already exposed to the chord/melody concept of guitar performance. A supplementary study book entitled Grade 1 Studies, two different play-along CD recordings (pop and traditional), and a DVD are available. The companion recordings feature Tommy Flint and William Bay playing in split-track format, with the solo parts performed on the right channel, and the accompaniment or second duet parts played on the left. The student can play along with the full recording, or tune out either channel and play the missing part........................ $7.95 Mel Bay Modern Guitar Method- Grade 2 by Mel Bay, MB93200 Grade 2 explores more complex rhythms in carefully graded solo and duet settings with parallel lessons in music theory- just enough to keep students up to speed in terms of what they are expected to play. The book begins with a review of playing in the key of C major but soon goes to F major/D minor followed by D major/B minor. Written in standard notation only. A companion double CD set is available for this book................................................................ $7.95 Mel Bay Modern Guitar Method- Grade 3 by Mel Bay MB93200 This book begins with the key of A major and immediately introduces right-hand accompaniment concepts before moving on to the relative minor key of F#. Notes in the first position on the first four strings are reviewed before approaching scales, chords and etudes in keys of B-flat major/G minor, E-flat major/C minor, and A-flat major/F minor. Includes theory lessons regarding intervals, harmonized scales, triads, expression marks and syncopation plus techniques of glissando, ascending and descending slurs, and tremolo. Written in standard notation only......................................................... $7.95 EXPANDED EDITION MODERN GUITAR METHOD 3 MB93202EBCD.................................................. $19.95
Mandolin Books Beginning Mandolin Solos by William Bay and Frank Zucco Book/CD MB94884BCD Here’s a wonderfully diverse collection of 56 beginning mandolin solos in notation and tablature with suggested guitar chords. This book makes an excellent supplement to any introductory mandolin method. You’ll notice your progress and gather sight-reading confidence as you read through this carefully graded series of pieces from various ethnic origins. Dix Bruce performs all of the tunes in the book on the companion CD. 44 pages. ........................................................................... $14.95 Bluegrass Mandolin By Jack Tottle. OK62935 The first and only instruction book on bluegrass mandolin. Fully illustrated with detailed instructions from the basics to fancy finger work, backed up by a collection of bluegrass music by Bobby Osborne, Jesse Wakefield, and John Duffy.................................. $24.95 How to Play Mandolin By Jack Tottle. AM35163 A basic instruction book designed to have the student playing music from the very start. Covering traditional bluegrass and folk styles, the book contains information on left and right hand technique, runs, chords, 14 tunes, vocal accompaniment, a discography, and a bibliography. ..................................................... $12.95
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BOOKS etc. Complete Mandolin Method by Mel Bay, MB93221 With the thoroughness expected of a book by Mel Bay, this method presents mandolin technique and notereading in a progressive, step-by-step fashion. Given the diverse applications of this versatile instrument, this method was carefully written to build the musicianship and technique needed to play both classical and contemporary mandolin styles. Music theory concepts and additional playing techniques are introduced as needed. Exercises and tunes are presented in all keys, many in duet format to be played by teacher and student. Notation only. 96 pages........................ $11.95 The Mandolin Chord Book By James Major, AM34729 The most useful chord book yet developed for the mandolin player is always handy with clear readable chord diagrams, grouped by key for easy, speedy reference. 48 pages............................................. $5.95 The Mandolin Chord Book MB93257 Comprehensive and easily understood, this Mel Bay stand-by is arranged in photo-diagram form for maximum ease of use by mandolinists of all playing levels. Major, minor, seventh, diminished, augmented, and ninth chords are shown in photos and diagrams; major seventh, sixth, minor sixth, seventh augmented fifth, and seventh diminished fifth chords are shown in diagram form only......... $4.95 Sam Bush Teaches Mandolin Repertore & Technique Fretted • HL 00695339 Publisher: Homespun Listen and Learn Series One of the most versatile and powerful musicians playing today teaches 8 great repertoire tunes that will help mandolin players develop their style and technique. This lesson covers traditional bluegrass tunes as well as jazz-flavored new-grass originals: Cotton Patch Rag · Tom & Jerry · Leather Britches · Lime Rock · Banjalin · Diadem · Norman and Nancy · and Russian Rag. Book & CD Package. Includes 40-Page Music & Tab book · Level 4.................. $19.95 Mandolin Song Book By Ken Eidson. MB93680 Presents 34 folk favorites arranged in notation and Tab for mandolin solo. Titles include: A-Roving; Aloha Oe; Banks Of the Ohio; Blow Away The Morning Dew; Blow, Ye Winds; Bury Me Out on The Lone Prairie; Chisholm Trail; Crawdad Song; Deep River; Down in The Valley; Goober Peas; Greenland Fishery; and more. Complete lyrics and accompaniment chords are provided....................................................$10.95 PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
Teach Yourself Bluegrass Mandolin (w/CD) OK64994 Teach yourself authentic Bluegrass, with clear instructions from a professional. Covers the basics, bowing and left-handed techniques and solo backup. A section also includes personal advice on performance, plus a complete section of the best bluegrass songs and tunes to learn from...................................... $17.95
Ukulele Books Hawaiian Uke SONGbook by Ken Eidson and Ross Cherednik, MB93776 A superb collection of 53 Hawaiian favorites arranged for uke solo. Presents instruction on chords, “vamping,” and special techniques. Basic chords are summarized and “Rhythmic Strumming, Hawaiian Style” is taught. A section on advanced chords is also included. Although this book is written for the standard ukulele in C tuning, the authors also address how the baritone uke, ukulele-banjo, and tiple can be used with this book. Written in notation and tablature. 108 pp. ........ $12.95 Jumpin’ Jim’s Gone Hollywood Marvelous Movie Songs Arranged for Ukulele Composer/Author: Jim Beloff, HL 00695774 A collection of 32 marvelous movie songs arranged for uke! Includes: As Time Goes By · High Hopes · Honolulu · Hooray for Hollywood · Moon River · My Favorite Things · Over the Rainbow · Pennies from Heaven · Singin’ in the Rain · You Made Me Love You · Young at Heart · and many more! Features an appreciation by noted film historian (and uke player!) Leonard Maltin, a special section on ukulele sightings in the movies, vintage sheet music covers and a chord chart. 80 pages................................................... $14.95 Jumpin’ Jim’s Camp Ukulele Ukulele Solo Artist: Jim Beloff Arranger: Jim Beloff, HL 00695552 Here’s ukulele fun for the whole family! Jumpin’ Jim’s Camp Ukulele is a collection of 40 of some of the best-loved family sing-along songs with easyto-play ukulele arrangements. Tunes include: Clementine · Go Down, Moses · Happy Trails · Home on the Range · The Lion Sleeps Tonight · The Sloop John B. · Take Me Out to the Ballgame · This Land Is Your Land · Waltzing Matilda · You Are My Sunshine · and many others. This songbook features many vintage summer fun photographs, a chord chart, and a basic how-to-play section. 72 pages .............................................. $14.95 JUMPIN’ JIM’S ‘60S UKE-IN HL 00695381 Fretted Artist: Jim Beloff, Arranger: Jim Beloff Jumpin’ Jim’s ‘60s Uke-In is a collection of 25 fab songs from the 1960s arranged for the very first time for ukulele. It includes lots of big Beatles hits (All My Loving · Eight Days a Week · Here Comes the Sun · Michelle · Penny Lane · Something · When I’m Sixty-Four · Yellow Submarine · & more) as well as other classic ‘60s tunes, such as: Daydream Believer · Georgy
Girl · Happy Together · Moon River · Those Were the Days · and more. Features an appreciation by George Harrison, a foreword by Jumpin’ Jim, a chord chart, and a groovy, psychedelic cover. 72 pages............... $14.95 Jumpin’ Jim’s Ukulele Masters: Lyle Ritz Solos - 15 Chord Solos Arranged by the Ukulele Jazz Master Composer/Author: Jim Beloff, HL 00695702 Artist: Lyle Ritz This collection includes 15 magnificent chord solos arranged by the ukulele jazz master, Lyle Ritz. A chord solo is an arrangement where both the melody and harmony of a song are ingeniously captured in the many chord changes. These are some of the most challenging arrangements ever published for the ukulele, and unquestionably, some of the most beautiful. Also features info on creating your own ukulele chord solos, and a CD of all 15 tunes performed by Ritz himself. Songs are arranged for both GCEA- and DGBE-tuned ukes and include: Bluesette · Dream · Honeysuckle Rose · How High the Moon · Lover · Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars · Satin Doll · Where or When · and more. Book & CD Package, 64 pages . ....................... $24.95 Jumpin’ Jim’s Gone Hawaiian Fretted - HL00695389 A collection of 30 of the best-known Hawaiian songs arranged for ukulele. Includes: Tiny Bubbles • Sweet Leilani • Pearly Shells • Aloha Oe • Ukulele Lady • Blue Hawaii • Mele Kalikimaka • My Little Grass Shack • Beyond the Reef • and 21 others. Features a biographical section on some of the most prolific songwriters, including Harry Owens, Johnny Noble and Sonny Cunha. Includes lots of photos and original sheet music covers, a foreword, and a complete ukulele chord chart. ....................................................... $14.95 Jumpin’ Jim’s Ukulele Beach Party Fretted- HL00695658 Here's hot fun in the summertime, anytime! Jumpin' Jim's Ukulele Beach Party is a collection of 26 of your favorite sand 'n' surf tunes arranged for ukulele. Songs include: Heatwave • Surfin' U.S.A. • California Girls • Rock-A-Hula Baby • Where the Boys Are • and more. This songbook also features an appreciation by surf guitar legend Dick Dale as well as other fun bits of uke trivia and a chord chart............................................... $14.95 Jumpin’ Jim’s Ukulele Tips ‘N’ Tunes Ukulele Technique - Fretted - HL00699406 Contents: Aloha Oe • Amazing Grace • America, the Beautiful • Aura Lee • The Band Played On • Beautiful Dreamer • A Bicycle Built for Two (Daisy Bell) • Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home • Buffalo Gals (Won't You Come Out Tonight?) • (Oh, My Darling) Clementine • The Climbing Song • Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes • Give My Regards to Broadway • He's Got the Whole World in His Hands • Home on the Range • I've Been Working on the Railroad • The Key Change Song • Let Me Call You Sweetheart • My Country, 'Tis of Thee (America) • Oh! Susanna • She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain • Sidewalks of New York • The Star Spangled Banner • Swing Low, Sweet Chariot •
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BOOKS etc. When the Saints Go Marching In • While Strolling Through the Park One Day • Yankee Doodle Boy • You Tell Me Your Dream • You're a Grand Old Flag. .$14.95 Jumpin Jim’s Ukulele Masters Herb Ohta - Fretted - Book & CD Package HL00695678 A collection of 26 specially selected standards and originals beautifully arranged by the great ukulele master, Herb Ohta (Ohta-San). The songs are arranged for GCEA (standard tuning) tuned ukuleles. Includes a CD of 15 songs performed by Herb Ohta himself. Songs include: I'll Be Seeing You • Stardust • Sunny • Take the “A” Train • Yesterday • The Very Thought of You • Night and Day • When I Fall in Love • Waikiki Beach • and more. Features a foreword by “Jumpin' Jim” Beloff, a biography of and interview with Herb Ohta, and notes on how to use the book...................................... $24.95 Jumpin’ Jim’s Ukulele Spirit Songs of Inspiration Arranged for the Ukulele -HL00695698 This unique songbook is a collection of 40 great hymns, spirituals and songs of faith, hope and inspiration arranged for the ukulele. Performed alone or with a group, these pieces are easy to play, fun to sing, and sure to raise your spirits! Includes motivational favorites such as: Amazing Grace • Amen • Dona Nobis Pacem • How Great Thou Art • In the Sweet By and By • Let There Be Peace on Earth • Morning Has Broken • What a Wonderful World • Will the Circle Be Unbroken • and dozens more, plus an appreciation by Pat Boone................................ $14.95 Ukulele Chords by Mel Bay MB93269 A handy photo/diagram chord book which shows, in C tuning, the chords in each key. A special section on movable chords is also included. The chords are grouped by type, including major, minor, seventh, diminished, augmented, and more. A summary of where the chords lie on the fretboard is also included. 32 pp... $5.95 Ukulele Method - Chord & Melody Playing by Roy Smeck, MB93461 A D-tuning method written by one of the greatest uke soloists of all time. This fine beginner’s text teaches chords, melody playing, rhythm accompaniment, strumming strokes and techniques, and movable chord forms. The songs appear as melodies in notation with lyrics and diagrams for both rhythm chords and melody/chord playing. Also included are chord exercises by key, a section on introductions and endings, and a section of chord diagrams in three positions. 48 pp. ..................... $7.95 MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
You Can Teach Yourself® Uke by William Bay MB94809 A wonderfully easy, entertaining way to learn the uke! Based on C tuning, this text presents strum-along/ sing-along songs in the keys of C, G, D, F, and B-flat. The video will teach you in a step-by-step manner, and provide hours of fun and enjoyment! You will learn 58 great, all-time favorite uke songs including Peg O’ My Heart and Fascination........................................ $10.95 THE BEATLES FOR UKULELE Artist: The Beatles, HL00700154 Ukulele players can strum, sing and pick along with 20 Beatles classics! Includes: All You Need Is Love • Eight Days a Week • Good Day Sunshine • Here, There and Everywhere • Let It Be • Love Me Do • Penny Lane • Yesterday • and more...........12.95 HOW TO PLAY UKULELE Artist: Larry McCabe, TS260 This simple step-by-step approach from Santorella Publications will not only teach you numerous ukulele solos, but how to accompany songs with many different accompaniment patterns with standard, “most commonly used”, chord progressions.................................. $14.95 Fun with the Baritone Uke MB93266BCD This excellent beginner’s text introduces the beginner to the joy of accompanying songs with the baritone uke with basic chords, strumming patterns, and folk songs. Information on tuning and positioning is also included. Even an absolute beginner should find this book very easy to comprehend........................................... $14.95
Harmonica Books First Lessons Harmonica MB20118SET First Lessons Harmonica is an exciting step-by-step instruction course for the tenhole diatonic harmonica. Subjects covered are: reading music notation; rhythm training; train patterns; folk tunes; blues; bending; vibrato; tongue blocking single notes and octaves; and instruction on all three common harmonica positions (1st, 2nd and 3rd). Book is accompanied by CD recording and DVD of all examples played by author David Barrett along with background music. DVD 37:00 minutes............................................................... $14.95 Easiest Harmonica Book MB94411 A step-by-step method for playing harmonica solos. The format is simple and visually attractive. Through graded lessons, the student is taught how to find and play the individual notes on the diatonic harmonica, as well as learning to read simple musical notation. Includes a diatonic note chart. The songs include chords for accompaniment.................................................... $4.95
BEGINNERS HARMONICA #80500 Teaches “how to choose” and care for your harmonica as well as “how to play” this fun loving instrument. Although we suggest seeking the advice or guidance from someone with experience, the harmonica is majoritively “self-taught” and easy to learn. It’s as simple as “breathe-in” - - “blow out” - - It’s a piece of cake! Just follow the easy lessons in Beginners Harmonica and you’ll be “Jimmy Crack Corn’n” in no time at all. See all the songs you’ll be playing in minutes................ $10.95 Happenin’ Harmonica JT60 Everything from caring for your instrument to repairing your instrument as well as an entire section dedicated to special effects; note bending, playing in octaves or even talking into your harmonica.......................... $9.95 How to Play the Harmonica TS135CD How to Play Harmonica is “The #1 Harmonica Method” on the planet. This comprehensive method published by Santorella Publications uses a step by step, common sense approach in teaching you twenty-five of your favorite songs including, “We’ll Sing In The Sunshine”, which is the perfect song in an ideal key for diatonic harmonica........................................................ $14.95
Reference / History Books 50 YEARS OF THE GIBSON LES PAUL Half a Century of the Greatest Electric Guitar Author: Tony Bacon, HL00330951 This exciting book documents the complete decade-by-decade story of one of the world’s most important and influential electric guitars. The Gibson Les Paul turned 50 years old in 2002, and since its invention, its sweet, urgent sound has been used by a host of major rock players – from Eric Clapton in Cream to Steve Jones of The Sex Pistols, from Joe Walsh in The Eagles to Slash of Guns N’Roses. Unique color photographs feature a multitude of luscious Les Paul models and highlight great players in action with their Les Paul guitars. 60 Years of the Gibson Les Paul is a beautiful, detailed examination of six decades of great guitars and the fine musicians inspired to play them. 160 pages................................................. $22.95 ACOUSTIC STORIES - AcousStories Author Bill Amatneek Sharing personal tales about some of America’s finest musicians with whom string bassist and storyteller Bill Amatneek has worked, contained herein are “generous stories about the culture of the musician.” The images Bill presents to us are so vivid many will never be forgotten. ........................................................... $15.95 Gruhn’s Guide to Vintage Guitars 2nd Edition Author: George Gruhn & Walter Carter, HL00330455 Written by the gurus of welcome guidance, this is the reference book that we, ourselves, use. It is a must for the serious collector or, just those who seek perspective, history and information on the American guitar (includes Gibson mandolins & banjos, too). 582 pages . ........................................................ $27.95
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Archtop Guitars: The Journey from Cremona to New York
BOOKS etc. FUZZ & FEEDBACK Classic Guitar Music of the ‘60s Publisher: Miller Freeman Books, HL 00330573 Everything changed in the Sixties, not least music. At the heart of this mesmerizing decade was the electric guitar. Bent, distorted, reverbed and overloaded, its sound drove some of the most revolutionary music ever made. This colorful book, decked out with 340 color photos and four foldout spreads, traces the guitars, players and music of the ‘60s year by year - from folk-rock to surf to psychedelia, plus jazz, blues and country. A special section features The Beatles and their influential axes. 88 pages . .......................................................... $19.95 A GUITARMAKER’S CANVAS The Inlay Art of Grit Laskin Publisher Backbeat Books, HL 00331098 For more than 30 years, Grit Laskin has been building guitars, and his striking inlay work places his instruments in a class all their own. He is credited with singlehandedly taking the agesold tradition of musical instrument inlay from its purely decorative roots into an art form, a means of expression. In his hands, shell, stone, legal ivory and metal emerge as the palette of a re-invented medium. A sumptuous, full-color-throughout, coffee-table quality tome, this is the first book to document the breadth of his work and the techniques he has devised. Grit Laskin is the first and only musical instrument maker to receive Canada’s prestigious Saidye Bronfman Award for Excellence. The Museum of Civilization, Canada’s equivalent to the Smithsonian, has four Laskin guitars in its permanent collection. Includes an essay on the history of inlay by Chuck Erickson. Photography by Brian Pickell. (Grit’s) work is more than adornment - it’s mind-blowingly interesting. - Bob Taylor, Taylor Guitars 134 pages . ........................................................ $49.95 MARTIN GUITAR MASTERPIECES A Showcase of Artists’ Editions, Limited Editions and Custom Guitars Composer/Author: Dick Boak, HL 00331139 Martin guitars are internationally revered, collected and played by performers, singers, songwriters and by legions of avid collectors and enthusiasts. This book features more than a hundred of Martin’s most desirable guitars, including instruments belonging to Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Joan Baez, Sting and Eric Clapton. Dick Boak enthusiastically outlines his experiences as liaison in these collaborations. They also have a photo of Martin’s millionth instrument, from 2004. Dick Boak is the head of artist relations and publicity at C.F. Martin & Co., collaborating with artists in the design of their Limited Edition and Signature Models. A prolific MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
This book presents the three master guitar craftsmen, John D’Angelico, Jimmy D’Aquisto and John Monteleone, who each grew up in New York and were influenced by the master Cremona violin luthiers Antonio Stradivari, Giuseppe Guarneri and Andrea Amati. Author Rudy Pensa passionately traces these extraordinary handcrafted guitars from their lute predecessors to their current incarnations, which can fetch prices up to half a million dollars while commanding a 10-year waiting list. Archtop Guitars presents the stories behind these magnificent instruments against the stunning photography of the finished products taken by Vincent J. Ricardel ..........$220
artist, luthier and musician in his own right, he is a founder of the Association of Stringed Instrument Artisans, and has organized numerous national instrument-making symposiums. 144 pages .............. $40.00
complete with cross-referenced indexing and full chronological information. The Interactive Fender Bible is a must for everyone from the first-time Fender owner to the seasoned collector.................................... $27.95
2009 OFFICIAL VINTAGE GUITAR MAGAZINE PRICE GUIDE Editors: Alan Greenwood, Gil Hembree, HL00332377 Now celebrating its 20th anniversary, The Official Vintage Guitar Magazine Price Guide continues to be the industry-leading reference for values on vintage and collectible guitars, basses, lap steels, mandolins, ukuleles, banjos, amps, and effects. The expanded 2009 edition spans over 500 pages and includes information on more than 1,400 brands and more than 1,000 photos, plus a detailed look at the “hows” and “whys” of the collectible instrument market. This guide is the only such work to cover all this in one very affordable volume! (while supplies last)... $15.00
INTERACTIVE GIBSON BIBLE Author: Dave Hunter, HL00331979 This package provides an audio visual guide to Gibson’s classic guitars, combining a detailed book listing all important products in Gibson’s history with a DVD. In the DVD’s main feature, author Dave Hunter and guitar legend Carl Verheyen tell the story of Gibson electric guitars while demonstrating original, classic examples of well-known models through classic amps of the period and modern high end boutique combos. They trade licks on a number of classic Les Pauls, the definitive Gibson model, explore the semi-acoustic range including the 335, and shine a light on some more exotic beasts – Firebirds, Explorers, Flying Vs and the like. The complementary Gibson reference book is packed with information and pictures covering the complete Gibson range................................................................. $27.95
2010 Official Vintage Guitar Magazine Price Guide - Softcover Book Series HL00332868 For more than 20 years, The Official Vintage Guitar Magazine Price Guide has been the industry-leading reference for values on vintage and collectible guitars, basses, lap steels, mandolins, ukuleles, amps, and effects. The expanded 2010 edition spans nearly 600 pages and includes information on more than 1,800 brands with more than 1,300 photos, plus a detailed look at the hows and whys of the collectible instrument market. This guide is the only such work to cover all this in one very affordable volume! To date more than 130,000 copies of The Guide have been sold......$29.95 INTERACTIVE FENDER BIBLE Author: Carl Verheyen, Dave Hunter, HL00331761 The Interactive Fender Bible is a two-part package that gives players and collectors a new look at the history and importance of Fender electric guitars and amplifiers. Part One is a broadcast-quality 70-minute DVD in which author Dave Hunter and guitarist Carl Verheyen take you on a tour of the Brian Fischer collection of vintage Fender guitars and amplifiers. Luscious Stratocasters, Twin Reverbs, Telecasters, Champs, and more are showcased, and there is a gallery of 22 gorgeous vintage Fender electrics, from custom color Strats and Teles to DuoSonics, Jaguars, and even a rarely-seen hollowbody LTD. Part Two is Fender Facts, a reference book full of detailed information about every Fender electric guitar and amplifier from 1945 to the present day. Fender Facts brings together the history and specifications of every single Fender electric guitar and amplifier,
THE STRATOCASTER CHRONICLES Author: Tom Wheeler, HL00331056 The world’s most famous guitar had a golden anniversary in 2004, and this official, authorized book/ CD package offers the best photos, quotes, facts and sounds to properly celebrate this achievement. From Buddy Holly to Jimi Hendrix to today’s hottest players, the Fender Stratocaster defines rock’n’roll for generations of fans and players.. ........................................................................... $50.00 John D'Angelico Book Author: Frank W.M. Green, HL00000202 Certainly no name resonates across the spruce and maple boundaries of the classic American guitar like that of John D’Angelico, master guitar builder. Here in personal and cooperative histories, anecdotes, and first-hand accounts, Frank Green has infused the name of the master with life and vitality. Includes a 24-page color section and hundreds of rare photographs. 152 pages......... $29.95
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• Complete Banjo Repair/Larry Sandberg ............ OK63628....... 24.95 • Complete Guitar Repair/Hideo Kaminoto ..........0K62810 ...... 24.95 • Constructing a 5-String Banjo /Roger H. Siminoff .......................................HL00183154 ...... 16.95 • Constructing a Bluegrass Mandolin /R. Siminoff ..................................................HL00699400 ...... 16.95 • Constructing a Solid-Body Guitar /Roger Siminoff ............................................HL00183152 ...... 19.95 • Do-lt-Yourself. Guitar Repair /Pieter J. Fillet . ..................................................AM38530 ....... 5.95 • Guitar Maker’s Manual, The/Jim Williams ...HL00183286 ...... 19.95 • Making An Archtop Guitar/Robert Benedetto (chapter on marketing by Stan Jay & Larry Wexer).HL00000174 .. 39.95 • Steel String Guitar: Construction & Repair, The/Young.18BSY . 15.95
REFERENCE • Ferrington Guitars/From The Design Studios of Skolos/Wedell includes CD. WAS $50, NOW ON SALE..................................*35.95 • From Harp Guitars to the new Hawiian Famliy WAS $40, NOW ON SALE.............................NM9674833........ 29.95 • Chinery Collection - 150 Years of American Guitars WAS $65.00, ON SALE . ..................................HL330254 ......*50.00 • Acquired of the Angels/Paul Schmidt (2nd Edition - expanded & with some color photos)...AOTA...... *45.00 • Ampeg, The Story Behind the Sound/ Hopkins/Moore - Forward by Les Paul.............HL00330289........ 32.95 • Beatles’ Gear - Andy Babiuk..........................HL00331049...... *45.00 • Classic Guitars USA/Willie G Moseley (foreword by Stan Jay) .................................HL00000139........ 19.95 • Flying “V”- The Illustrated history of Modernistic Guitar By Larry Meiners ....................... JKFV........ 19.95 • Gibson Electrics/Duchossoir . .......................HL00704488 ....... 24.95 • The Gibson Burst 1958, '59, '60 ...................HL00000423....... 35.00 • The Gibson 335 Its History and Its Players ..HL00332353....... 29.95 • The Gretsch Book A Complete History/Bacon & Day . ......................HL330226........ 24.95 • Gretsch-The Guitars of The Fred Gretsch Co./Jay Scott . ................................................HL00000142....... 35.00 • Gruhn’s Guide to Vintage Guitars (2nd Edition/Gruhn & Carter) ...........................HL00330455........ 27.95 • The Guild Guitar Book-The Company & The Instruments ’52-’77/Moust .....................HL00330502....... 39.95 • Guitar Legends: The Evolution of the Guitar from Fender to G&L/Fullerton ............HL00000156....... 24.95 • The History & Artistry of National Resonator Instruments - Brozman................................. HL00000154....... 35.00 • Hofner Violin "Beatle" Bass - 2nd Edition .....HL00331360....... 17.95 • Martin Guitars-An Illustrated Celebration of America’s Premier Guitar Maker/Washburn & Johnston - forward by Stephen Stills . ............. 18 BMGI....... 40.00 • Rickenbacker 1931-Present/Richard Smith ..HL00000098....... 35.00 • Fender Classic Moments - 50 Years of Modern Music - Alan di Perna ......................HL00330175 ...... 24.95
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The Fender Bass/Klaus Blasquiz . ................HL00183681........ 9.95 Jazz Guitar - Its Evolution & Its Players. Summerfield .................................................HL00330374....... 39.50 The Ultimate Guitar Book/Tony Bacon . ........HL00330373 ....... 27.50 Vintage Instrument Price Guide - 2010 . .......HL00332868....... 29.95 Washburn - Over 100 years of the fine string ......AM92230....... 29.95 Washburn Prewar Instrument Styles ............ HL00001176....... 45.00
AMPLIFIERS • The Art Of The Amplfier/Michael Doyle . .......HL00330002....... 22.95 • The History Of Marshall: The Illustrated Story Of “The Sound Of Rock”/Doyle . ........................HL00330058....... 32.95
“The World’s Smallest CD Selection” features albums, all of which, without exception, are not only by customers of Mandolin Brothers, but also musicians who each excel in their genre like nothing you have ever heard. All CDs represent our currently most preferred music. We hope that they can become your favorites also.
• Marjorie Thompson, Driving Live. This is the fourth and latest album by this talented fingerstyle singer-songwriter and disciple of Jorma Kaukonen, who, on another album, calls herself “a poster child for the blues.”.. $15. • Howard Emerson, A Tale To Tell. For fleet fingerpicking fireworks and hummable, memorable chord voicings and walking bass you cannot beat Howard Be Thy Name Emerson. Not to be missed.......................... $15. • Gail Frater, Come Away. Hailing from San Francisco and accompanied by local musicians of exceptional caliber including the amazing Pete Kessler on mandolin, Gail redefines old time music by writing and performing (mostly on clawhammer banjo) songs that evoke the thoughts and emotions of our childhoods. This is an album that reveals unexpected nuances every time you hear it.................................................................................$15. • Marla Lewis, We All Laugh in the Same Language. An irrepressible singer-songwriter since the 1970s, through many genres, Marla has settled on songs-for-children-who-appreciate-great-songs. The title track has to date won several awards, and was commended by Pete Seeger, himself. Adults who don’t even have children would find this music compelling............ $15. • Tone Poets, collected by David Grisman, Acoustic Disc ACD-62, a 2-CD set. David, one of our more illustrious customers and an actual legend, knows every one of these recording artists personally and invited them to play (and record) exquisite duets with one another. Their names are a Who’s Who of American acoustic music listed in alphabetical order from Carlo Alonzo and Sam Bush to Martin Taylor and Frank Vignola with 2 McCourys, a Tim O’Brien, Andy Statman, Chris Thiele, Frank Wakefield, Jerry Douglas, Tony Rice and many others in between..This is one of few commercial releases in our collection of mostly independents, and worth every penny of its price................................................................. $19.95 • Little Toby Walker, Cool Hand, and Live at the Bottleneck. Three different albums from the blues and bottleneck stylist about whom John Hammond said “A real killer with fantastic technique. He just knocks me out.” Toby writes nearly all his own tunes. Each album is................. $15. • John Allen Frink, Bed of Roses. John is an interpreter of songs who chooses material that’s perfect for his commanding style. Brilliant guitar arrangements with a vocal range so smooth and professional you’d think he has had a 40-year career singing jazz, like maybe Mel Torme.... $10. • Dan Master, A PassPortrait of the Artist as a Young Dan. Young Dan won the Woody Guthrie Songwriting Contest in 2000 (“No Place for Children,” is on this CD), and was a top finalist in the Boston Folk Festival Songwriting Contest 2005, and “Chardonnay” is likewise here......... $15.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
The descriptions in this sample Vintage News are not complete, and all pieces shown here are, of course, subject to prior sale. OUR PRICES: When two prices are shown, the first number shown after the description is our discount price, while the second number is the “best” price if paid by bank check, money order or wire transfer of funds. Photos of any item are available on request. Not responsible for typographical errors. All items are subject to prior sale.
THE GUITAR OF DA MUNT: 76-8524 C F Martin (used, 1940) 000-28 “herringbone,” #74098, in very good plus restored condition with newer plush lined hard shell case. As we saunter through the Library of Fretted Instruments, we find that, in the annals of “the best guitars ever made,” there is a special listing (with an asterisk) for the prewar Martin 000-28. If you look down at the bottom of the page there’s another asterisk and it says “Ask Eric Clapton,” who is said to use, as his primary acoustic guitar, a 1936 Martin 000-28 herringbone. The sound of this guitar is nothing less than exquisite – it penetrates every pore of the person performing and the audience, in turn, hearing its unique, melodious timbre, is cast into a beige haze of honeyed rays, bestowing wondrous happiness, comfort and rapturous contentment. It’s a lot like nitrous oxide, but without those pesky drilling noises. This guitar plays without either physical or mental energy – it practically plays itself. All this beauty and exceptional usability comes with a price, however. The guitar has been fitted with a new bone nut of fossil ivory and a new ebony belly bridge with a through-saddle of fossil ivory. It has, in addition, new crème bridge pins with tortoise shell color dots. Remaining below it is the slight shadow of the earlier, larger, replacement bridge it once had. The bridge plate underlying that bridge is original but it has been doweled to accommodate the new bridge. It has, in the past, had a neck reset and a refret. The top and the headstock are over sprayed; the back, sides and the back of the neck are refinished. The end pin is broken with the conical base implanted in the tailpin hole and the head in a baggie in the pocket of the case. It could use a new end pin. Tuners are newer replacement Waverlys. The pickguard is replaced but
resides happily under the finish, as they were at the time. One can see the slight outline of a former slightly oversized pickguard. There are two well-repaired cracks below the bridge and the suggestion of a multiple pickguard crack on the treble edge of the pickguard, also well-repaired. These are common. The neck has in the past been shaved to a more modern profile – it is now essentially a “modified V-shape neck” instead of a prewar huge V-shaped neck. It plays with extreme ease. The guitar shows (after its over spraying and refinishing was executed) light normal signs of use – some scuffs, some scratches, some over sprayed chips around the edges of the headstock, and the C F Martin & Co. logo is slightly less vivid because of the overspray. All of this professional restoration notwithstanding what you have here is one of the best sounding, best playing and beautiful short-scale Auditorium-sized guitars of the prewar period, one of only 86 made in 1940 and of 910 made total from 1934 – the year Martin went to 14-fret -to 1944 when they discontinued scalloped bracing. One could reasonably argue that perhaps half of those made were destroyed (203 of them by one person, with an antique axe left to him by his great grandfather), leaving precious few for us lovers of steel, celluloid and wood marquetry to lust after. This guitar has already achieved the status of “legendary” in our showroom. You really need to stop by and try it – just to refresh your memory as to what a great vintage Martin is all about. $25,775 or, at our Cash Discount Price, an even $25,000.
V I N TAG E N E W S S U B S C R I P T I O N We think there are more people who would like to receive THE VINTAGE NEWS on a regular basis. To help defray the costs of production & mailing, we are now making this Item available on a subscription basis. A one-year subscription (minimum 6 bi-monthy issues) is available at $25 per year, within the United States, Canadian $30 and International orders are $40 per year. For International subscriptions, please send, payable in U.S. Dollars, a Check drawn on an American bank, or Credit Card Information. My credit card type is __VISA __AMEX __OPTIMA __MASTER CARD __DISCOVER__JCB (Japan)
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All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
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Travel Directions Being musicians ourselves, we understand that the most important factor in choosing any instrument, in addition to having access to the finest, most world-reknowned brands, is the ability to play and compare a broad selection of them, side by side, and to have all your questions answered about what makes each one different. At Mandolin Brothers’ showroom (a short ferry boat ride from Manhattan, minutes from Newark Airport or the Staten Island bridges) we maintain a stock of hundreds of top professional guitars, banjos, mandolins and basses, including many current new models made by the major manufacturers, plus a large selection of vintage and custom pieces. Many of these instruments go beyond prosaic functionality-they are among the most beautiful, three dimensional American art forms available today. We invite you to come to Staten Island and try them yourself. With life as hectic as it is, and distances as great as they are, you may find it inconvenient to visit us as often as you’d like. Give us a call. We can often ascertain which instrument is appropriate for you from your description of the desired playing characteristics. All telephone/ mail-order instruments except special or custom orders are shipped on approval and may be returned (within 3 days; please refer to “wire transfers” in the right column, for a complete explanation of our return policy).
GENERAL INFO WIRE TRANSFERS AND APPROVAL We can ship any fine instrument in stock ON APPROVAL so that you can try it, without obligation to keep it, for a three day trial period in your home. To do this: a) phone us and reserve the piece you desire so that it doesn’t get sold unexpectedly b) send a money order or a bank check, wire transfer, or phone in your credit card information c) we will ship via UPS and you will have 3 days from delivery to simply let us know if, for any reason, you don’t like the piece. Following 3 days from delivery if we haven’t heard from you the sale is considered “final”. If you are returning it, call us to let us know. When returned via UPS in the same condition as received, we will refund the instrument’s price, excluding shipping. “Wire funds from your bank to our bank in Staten Island, New York after requesting complete Wire Transfer information.”
Mail Order Purchases (only) Come with 3-day Approval. Purchases made in our showroom are "Final Sale" and instruments cannot be returned. Approval applies only when you order an instrument sight unseen. A new instrument and carrying case, shipped on approval must remain factory original, including all papers, warranties and tags, and can in no way be altered. If altered (strap pin, pickup, etc.) approval privilege does not apply, nor does it apply to special or custom orders, delayed payments or layaways.
RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL If you would like to reserve any instrument which is presently on back order with a manufacturer, you may do so simply by mailing in a check or phoning in a $100 credit card debit as “right of first refusal” deposit, which is fully refundable any time you like, prior to your actually approving the instrument. We will notify you when the piece you have chosen arrives, and even then you can still decide whether you wish to take delivery or let this one pass and wait for another one, or get your $100 back. One more thing, and that’s that if the manufacturer has a price increase between the time you’ve left a deposit and the time we receive the instrument, your price is subject to change accordingly (except custom orders by contract).
FROM MANHATTAN VIA STATEN ISLAND FERRY: Take the Staten Island Ferry to Staten Island. Walk up the ramp (along with the rest of the people) and you will see a number of bus ramps. You want Ramp C - the one with the #48 Bus listed on it. Take the #48 Forest Ave bus around 14 minutes, asking the driver to let you off at the corner of Forest and Pelton Avenues. We’re one block further, corner of Forest and Oakland Avenues - #629 Forest Av. OR you can follow the sign for TAXI in the ferry terminal and take a cab that will charge you $10 or $12 (plus tip if you are inclined, and it’s expected) to take you to #629 Forest Ave, corner of Oakland 5 or 6 minutes. See you when you visit. FROM THE HOLLAND TUNNEL BY CAR from Manhattan: Follow signs for NJ Turnpike, take Turnpike Extension to Exit 14A “Bayonne.” After paying toll follow sign (bear right and drive up the ramp) for “Rt. 440.” Having gone over that overpass, immediately follow “right turn for “Rt. 440" sign. Proceed to traffic light and make a left onto Rt. 440. Go straight ahead over Bayonne Bridge. The 2nd Exit is Forest Ave., make a left at the light and we’re about 2 miles on your left side, number 629 Forest Avenue. We’re open Monday-Sat from 10am to 6pm. FROM BROOKLYN: Take the Verrazano Bridge. Stay on highway 278. Exit 1 mile beyond the toll plaza at exit #13, Clove Road. The third traffic light on the service road (top of Incline) is Clove Road. Turn right onto Clove, go 1 mile to a fork in the road at a traffic light and bear right onto Bement Ave. Go to the next light which will be Forest Avenue and make a right. We are one block further at 629 Forest Ave. FROM THE GOETHALS BRIDGE - NEW JERSEY: Take the New Jersey Turnpike to Exit 13. Come over the GOETHALS BRIDGE. The first exit on RT 278 is Forest Ave. Exit the Highway and make a left at the foot of the ramp. Proceed 3.7 miles to our door. We’re on the left side at the corner of Oakland Ave., 629 Forest Avenue. FROM THE OUTERBRIDGE CROSSING- NEW JERSEY: Take Rt. 287 South, which becomes Rt. 440. This will lead to the Outerbridge Crossing. Approximately 4/10 mile after you pay the toll, you will see a right hand exit onto the West Shore Expressway (Rt. 440 North). Take that, go about 7 miles, it will merge to the right onto (Rt. 278) Staten Island Expressway East, (towards Brooklyn). Take that 3.7 miles to exit #13, Clove Road exit. Get off the exit and make a left at the first light (which is Clove Road). Go 1 mile to a fork in the road at a traffic light and bear right onto Bement Ave. Go to the next light which will be Forest Avenue and make a right. We are one block further at 629 Forest Ave. MANDOLIN BROTHERS, LTD.
Mandolin Brothers, Ltd. has a world-wide reputation for stocking only the finest original condition, mint, near mint, and excellent condition vintage instruments (pre 1970). lf you wish to have us handle the sale of an item that you presently own, we are glad to do so. We provide shipping instructions and pre-addressed labels to enable you to ship to us safely. Phone (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585 to discuss potential consignments. We reserve the right to accept for sale only those instruments deemed acceptable to us, as regards to brand, style, condition and originality.
APPRAISALS Mandolin Brothers, Ltd. is recognized as one of the foremost authorities on American vintage fretted instruments. We are recommended by major manufacturers, including Gibson, Martin, Fender, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, Guild, Ovation, National, Dobro, D’Angelico, D’Aquisto, and dozens more as a premiere source of accurate valuations. Mandolin Brothers can appraise your instrument either by personal inspection or by mail. If you prefer a personal inspection (essential in the case of certain pieces where our seeing in person to determine originality is required) you may bring the instrument in or ship it to us. If you wish to bring it in, you can find travel directions on our website. 1. Email appraisals – from photographs and the owners’ description . . . $50 per item. Not every piece can be evaluated this way and we reserve the right to demur in taking on such an evaluation if it absolutely has to be seen and examined. 2. Showroom appraisals of instruments such as acoustic guitars or mandolins. Such pieces cannot generally be "taken apart" (as an electric guitar can) and so less time is involved in “vetting” them. . . $100 per item. 3. Showroom appraisals of instruments that must be examined inside and out, and fully annotated, including vintage Fender and Gibson electrics, prewar flathead Gibson Mastertone banjos, and other instruments that could conceivably have suffered substitution or alteration of parts, components, wiring, routing, refinishing or overspray. These require the full forensic analysis that only our repair shop can provide, involving copious notes and a lengthy written description . . . $150 per item.
REPAIR SHOP Our shop is equipped and staffed to meet your fretted instrument repair needs, including: set-ups, neck resets, refrets, fret dressing, bridges, tremolos, saddles, nuts, pickups, wiring, body, neck and headstock cracks, seam separations and other structural or cosmetic problems. Free estimates will be cheerfully provided.
SALES TAX At this time, we are not required to collect sales tax on an out of state shipment Certain states (NJ and CT among them) do require individuals to submit their local tax to their State Treasurer voluntarily. Until the Federal Government makes legislative changes which would permit individual states to force distant merchants to collect such taxes from their citizens, we will not change our policy. Residents of NY State must add 8.875% (or your local assessment) for sales tax.
Gift Certificates Gift Certificates are available and can be redeemed for merchandise or services without time limit. Gift Certificates are not redeemable for cash.
All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Order Information TELEPHONE NUMBER Please include your daytime, evening, fax and e-mail with every order. PAYMENT Payment in full in U.S. dollars must accompany your order. We accept bank cashiers’ checks, bank money orders, US postal money orders only, wire transfers, MasterCard, Visa, American Express. Diners Club, JCB, Optima and Discover. We also accept personal checks but funds must clear before shipment. Make checks and money orders payable to Mandolin Brothers, Ltd. Credit card orders must include a valid signature.
ACCESSORIES SHIPPING Shipping is via UPS in the US, Canada and most international locations. UPS will not deliver to a PO Box or to an APO/FPO address. Please include street address or rural route directions. Instruments can be shipped Parcel Post. Call us or E-mail us for SHIPPING RATES and details. In the unlikely event of Damage and Shortages in Shipping. Please inspect your order when it arrives. If your shipment arrives damaged, please keep the original packaging and notify us immediately so that we can correct the situation.
BACK ORDERS A temporarily out-of-stock item will be placed on back order and shipped to you when it arrives at our showroom, unless you specify otherwise. Back order status is indicated on your receipt. MANDOLIN BROTHERS®, LTD. CUSTOMER #
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All prices are subject to change, so please call us to confirm.
FAX: (718)816-4416
Just Like Paul’s Hofner, Jimi’s Strat or Roger’s Ric... Mandolin Brothers is “One of a kind.” Come Visit! ... 629 Forest Ave. • S.I., NY 10310 • 718-981-8585 • FREE Vintage News! •
[email protected]. PHONE: (718) 981-3226 or 981-8585
Actual bass photo by Stan Jay
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629 Forest Avenue Staten Island, NY 10310-2576 Phone: (718) 981-3226 / 981-8585 Fax: (718) 816-4416 internet: e-mail:
[email protected] Return Service Requested.
Ltd. Ltd. Ltd.
Photo by V. Amesse Photography
Come Visit!
...the best guitar shop in NY and probably the universe! Tom Brookes, Guitar: An American Life