record keeping. This will allow members to print off their own personal best scores and also. a performance report among
Bowmen Of Lyme Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at Hugh Lameric’s House on 23rd February 2012 The Meeting was attended by; Hugh Lameric
David Irwin
David Palmer
Mark Evans
The Meeting was opened at 8.15pm 1)
The 2012 AGM is to be held at the club hut on Sunday 25th March @ 10.00am A Frostbite Round to take place afterwards.
Have a Go’s The following Have a Go’s were put forward for approval at the AGM. Rangers Evening – Wednesday 20th June 2 Corporate Days – to be discussed.
The following dates have been put forward for the Club Championships; Clout – Sunday 22nd April . Indoor / Outdoor Champs – 13th May Field Champs – Sunday 15th July Outdoor Champs – Sunday 9th September Working parties will be required on the Saturday before both the Clout and Field Championships. In each case the field should be available for the work party from 10 am onwards – anybody wishing to shoot on those days should arrange to shoot after the work party is complete.
Subscriptions – The committee recommend the subscription fees should be as follows; Seniors to increase to £80. Juniors to increase to £40. Fellows to increase to £42.50 It was also proposed that in 2013 the membership fee for seniors should rise to £90 and in 2014 it should rise to £100. Juniors are proposed to stay the same in successive years with
the exception of increases in GNAS fees, whereby the membership fee would have to be adjusted accordingly for both juniors and Fellows. No nominations for Fellows have been made to the committee. 5)
Ground Rent – Field and Target ranges are now being invoiced at the same time. Invoices now to be mailed directly to David Palmer.
Elections of Officers All officers were happy to continue in their posts but reiterated that these positions are elected positions and should anyone wish to apply for a post, they are free to do so. At present David Palmer is Treasurer, David Irwin is Field Officer, John Allen is Records Officer, Mark Evans is Chairman and Website creator, Jon Hampson is CPO and Hugh Lameric is Secretary.
AGM Agenda – The Agenda will be on the website & forwarded to members.
Beginners Lessons. There are 75 people on the waiting list. There are two courses planned in April and May. Cost to be £40 for 4 lessons whether Senior or Junior- to be paid before the course starts.
Competitions – It was proposed that the club should continue in its participation with the Frostbite and Selby and submit two teams.
Constitution Changes - None
Website. The website will soon be getting an update and slight makeover with the addition of online record keeping. This will allow members to print off their own personal best scores and also a performance report amongst other things.
New Hut All the drawing are now complete, the funding is largely in place and the only thing we are now waiting for is the updated lease from the NT. Once the lease has been agreed, planning permission will be sought.
AOB Hugh was thanked for hosting the committee meeting. The club clothing that was requested by the members is now being distributed. The new clothing includes the updated logo that will be used on all official club merchandise and letterhead. The meeting closed at 10.15pm.