2012 Machinery and Equipment Minister's ... - Municipal Affairs

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Ministerial Order L:225/12 i. TABLE OF ...... 1 524. 7.5. 82 056. 1 172.0 4 000 000. 1 829. 8.4. 86 562. 1 465.0 5 000 000. 2 134. 8.7. 112 285. 1 758.0 ...... Header, eight 2” inlet lines c/w eight 2” Masterflow pig receiver valves, temperature and ...

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2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



APPLICATION ................................................................................................ 1 1.001

DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................... 1


CALCULATION OF ASSESSMENT ............................................................................ 1


MINISTERIAL PRESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 1

SCHEDULE A–BASE COST .......................................................................... 3 2.001



........................................................................... 3




TANKS .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.010.100A 2.010.100B 2.010.100C 2.010.100D 2.010.100E 2.010.200 2.010.300 2.010.400 2.010.420 2.010.430 2.010.500 2.010.510 2.010.520 2.010.600 2.010.620 2.010.640 2.010.720 2.010.800 2.010.820

Ministerial Order L:225/12

ABOVE GROUND TANKS – STEEL WELDED .................................................... 4 ABOVE GROUND TANKS – STEEL BOLTED..................................................... 5 SKIDDED STEEL POP TANKS ........................................................................ 5 SKIDDED ABOVE GROUND DOUBLE WALLED, HEATED AND INSULATED STEEL TANKS ........................................................................... 6 SKIDDED CIRCULAR HORIZONTAL DUAL COMPARTMENT STEEL FUEL STORAGE TANK ....................................................................... 6 STAIRWAYS–WALKWAYS–STILES ................................................................ 7 WELDED UNDER GROUND DOUBLE WALLED STEEL TANKS ............................. 7 VARIOUS TANK INSULATION & COATING COSTS ............................................ 8 CALCULATED FIBREGLASS INSULATION (50 MM) FOR VERTICAL STEEL TANKS .......................................................... 9 CALCULATED FIBREGLASS INSULATION (76 MM) FOR VERTICAL STEEL TANKS .......................................................... 9 CALCULATED URETHANE INSULATION (25 MM) FOR VERTICAL STEEL TANKS ........................................................ 10 CALCULATED URETHANE INSULATION (38 MM) FOR VERTICAL STEEL TANKS ........................................................ 10 CALCULATED URETHANE INSULATION (50 MM) FOR VERTICAL STEEL TANKS ........................................................ 11 SKIDDED VERTICAL ABOVE GROUND DOUBLE WALLED FIBREGLASS TANKS ........................................................ 11 FIBREGLASS TANKS–UNDERGROUND ........................................................ 12 CALCULATED URETHANE INSULATION (51 MM) WITH 6.35 MM DIATHON COATING FOR VERTICAL FIBERGLASS TANKS ................... 12 SKIDDED LIQUID PROPANE GAS (LPG) HORIZONTAL STORAGE VESSELS .............................................................. 12 SKIDDED ABOVE GROUND STEEL CHEMICAL STORAGE TANKS ..................... 13 SKIDDED ABOVE PLASTIC CHEMICAL STORAGE TANKS ................................ 13


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


HEATERS, GAUGES, AND SWITCHES ................................................................... 14 2.020.100 2.020.200 2.020.300 2.020.400


TREATERS ................................................................................................................. 16 2.030.100 2.030.200 2.030.300


SKIDDED TWO PHASE VERTICAL SEPARATORS ........................................... 19 SKIDDED THREE PHASE VERTICAL SEPARATORS ........................................ 20 SKIDDED TWO PHASE HORIZONTAL SEPARATORS ....................................... 21 SKIDDED THREE PHASE HORIZONTAL SEPARATORS .................................... 21 SKIDDED VERTICAL CENTRIFUGAL/RECYCLING SEPARATORS ...................... 22 ENVIRONMENTAL SKIDDED LOW STAGE SEPARATOR TANK UNITS................. 23 PRE-FABRICATED ENVIRONMENTAL BATTERY UNITS ................................... 24 SKIDDED LOW FLOW DRIP SEPARATOR ...................................................... 24

FUEL GAS SCRUBBERS .......................................................................................... 25 2.050A 2.050B

FUEL GAS SCRUBBERS–ANSI 150 VALVES .................................................. 25 FUEL GAS SCRUBBERS–ANSI 300 VALVES .................................................. 25


FREE WATER KNOCKOUTS .................................................................................... 26


GAS BOOTS .............................................................................................................. 26


FLARE SYSTEMS ...................................................................................................... 27 2.080.100 2.080.120 2.080.140 2.080.200 2.080.220 2.080.240 2.080.300A 2.080.300B 2.080.300C 2.080.320A 2.080.320B 2.080.320C 2.080.340A 2.080.340B 2.080.340C 2.080.500


VENT STACKS 100 MM (4 IN.) STACK.......................................................... 27 VENT STACKS 150 MM (6 IN.) STACK ......................................................... 27 VENT STACKS 203 MM (8 IN.) STACK.......................................................... 28 FLARE STACKS PILOT & SHOTTUBE 100 MM (4 IN.) STACK ........................... 28 FLARE STACKS PILOT & SHOTTUBE 150 MM (6 IN.) STACK ........................... 29 FLARE STACKS PILOT & SHOTTUBE 200 MM (8 IN.) STACK ........................... 29 FLARE STACKS–MANUAL IGNITER 100 MM (4 IN.) STACK ............................. 30 FLARE STACKS–AUTOMATIC IGNITER 100 MM (4 IN.) STACK ........................ 30 FLARE STACKS–SOLAR IGNITER 100 MM (4 IN.) STACK ................................ 31 FLARE STACKS–MANUAL IGNITER 150 MM (6 IN.) STACK ............................. 31 FLARE STACKS–AUTOMATIC IGNITER (6 IN.) STACK .................................... 32 FLARE STACKS–SOLAR IGNITER (6 IN.) STACK............................................ 32 FLARE STACKS–MANUAL IGNITER 200 MM (8 IN.) STACK ............................. 33 FLARE STACKS–AUTOMATIC IGNITER 200 MM (8 IN.) STACK ........................ 33 FLARE STACKS–SOLAR IGNITER 200 MM (8 IN.) STACK ................................ 34 INCINERATORS ........................................................................................ 34

COMPRESSORS........................................................................................................ 35 2.090.100 2.090.200 2.090.300 2.090.400 2.090.500


SKIDDED VERTICAL TREATERS .................................................................. 16 MECHANICAL–HORIZONTAL ...................................................................... 17 SKIDDED ELECTROSTATIC/DUAL POLARITY–HORIZONTAL TREATERS ........... 18

SEPARATORS ........................................................................................................... 19 2.040.100 2.040.200 2.040.300 2.040.400 2.040.500 2.040.600 2.040.700 2.040.800


TANK HEATERS ........................................................................................ 14 SKIDDED INDIRECT FIRED LINE HEATERS ................................................... 14 TANK GAUGES ......................................................................................... 15 LEVEL SWITCHES ..................................................................................... 15

VAPOUR RECOVERY–BLOWER .................................................................. 35 PACKAGED SINGLE STAGE COMPRESSOR, ELECTRIC DRIVE ........................ 36 PACKAGED SINGLE STAGE COMPRESSOR, GAS DRIVEN .............................. 37 GAS COMPRESSORS–TWO STAGE ELECTRIC DRIVE–PACKAGED .................. 38 GAS COMPRESSORS–TWO STAGE GAS DRIVE–PACKAGED .......................... 39

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


PUMPS ....................................................................................................................... 40 2.100.100 2.100.200 2.100.300 2.100.400 2.100.500 2.100.600 2.100.700


AIR COMPRESSORS ................................................................................................ 44 2.110.100 2.110.200 2.110.300


2.120.300C 2.120.300D

WELLHEAD/MANIFOLDS–WILLIS MANUAL .................................................... 50 WELLHEAD/MANIFOLDS–MASTER FLO MANUAL CHOKE................................ 50 WELLHEAD/MANIFOLDS–WILLIS PNEUMATIC CHOKE.................................... 50 WELLHEAD/MANIFOLDS–MASTER FLO PNEUMATIC CHOKE........................... 51

ORIFICE FITTING AND METER RUNS..................................................................... 52 2.150.100 2.150.200


EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN VALVES (ESD) .................................................... 49 2-WAY PNEUMATIC VALVES ...................................................................... 49 INTERMITTER–TIME CYCLE CONTROLLER .................................................. 49

CHOKES ..................................................................................................................... 50 2.140.100 2.140.200 2.140.300 2.140.400


ELECTRIC DRIVE CHEMICAL INJECTORS ..................................................... 46 AIR OR GAS DRIVEN CHEMICAL INJECTORS ................................................ 46 OSCILLAMATIC CHEMICAL INJECTORS–MORGAN PRODUCTS HD................... 47 OSCILLAMATIC CHEMICAL INJECTORS–MORGAN PRODUCTS PNEUMATIC DIAPHRAGM INJECTORS ......................................................... 47 OSCILLAMATIC CHEMICAL INJECTORS–MORGAN PRODUCTS PNEUMATIC CHEMICAL INJECTORS ............................................................ 48 OSCILLAMATIC CHEMICAL INJECTORS–WILLIAMS INSTRUMENTS .................. 48

CONTROL VALVES ................................................................................................... 49 2.130.100 2.130.200 2.130.300


UTILITY AIR COMPRESSORS ...................................................................... 44 INSTRUMENT AIR COMPRESSORS–RECIPROCATING ................................... 44 INSTRUMENT AIR COMPRESSORS–ROTARY SCREW .................................... 45

CHEMICAL INJECTORS ........................................................................................... 46 2.120.100 2.120.200 2.120.300A 2.120.300B


VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS ....................................................................... 40 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS–END SUCTION ........................................................ 41 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS–VERTICAL INLINE .................................................... 41 ROTARY GEAR PUMPS .............................................................................. 42 PROGRESSIVE CAVITY PUMPS .................................................................. 42 PISTON / PLUNGER PUMPS ....................................................................... 43 WATERFLOOD PUMPS .............................................................................. 43

SENIOR ORIFICE FITTING AND METER RUN ................................................. 52 SIMPLEX ORIFICE FITTING AND METER RUNS .............................................. 53

METERING AND ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 54 2.160.100 2.160.200 2.160.200A 2.160.200B 2.160.300 2.160.400 2.160.500 2.160.600 2.160.700

Ministerial Order L:225/12

MECHANICAL LIQUID METERS.................................................................... 54 MECHANICAL GAS METERS ....................................................................... 54 NATURAL GAS SAMPLERS ......................................................................... 54 GAS MONITORING SYSTEM – H2S .............................................................. 54 LIQUID TURBINE METERS .......................................................................... 55 TOTALIZERS AND ANALYZERS ................................................................... 55 CAPACITANCE PROBES ............................................................................ 56 CHART RECORDERS ................................................................................. 56 TRANSMITTERS ....................................................................................... 57


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


PRODUCTION MANIFOLDS ..................................................................................... 58 2.170.100 2.170.200


PIGGING EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................. 59 2.180.100 2.180.110 2.180.200 2.180.210 2.180.220 2.180.300


SKIDDED CALCIUM CHLORIDE DRYERS....................................................... 63 SKIDDED 2 PHASE GLYCOL DEHYDRATOR .................................................. 64 GLYCOL DEHYDRATOR PACKAGE OPTIONS ................................................ 64

FILTERS ..................................................................................................................... 66 2.240.100 2.240.200 2.240.300


GENERAL SERVICE ENTRANCE ON THE SITE ............................................... 61 THERMO–ELECTRIC GENERATORS ............................................................ 61 REMOTE SYSTEM SELF SUPPORTING RADIO TOWERS ................................. 62 FIRE AND GAS DETECTION SYSTEMS ......................................................... 62

DEHYDRATORS ........................................................................................................ 63 2.230.100 2.230.200 2.230.300


PIG LAUNCHER/RECEIVER TRAPS .............................................................. 59 PIG BALL VALVES-PNEUMATICALLY OPERATED ........................................... 59 PIG ENTRY TEES ...................................................................................... 59 REMOTE TELEMETRY UNITS (RTU) ............................................................. 60 FLOW COMPUTERS (RTU) ......................................................................... 60 PIG BALL VALVES–MANUAL INJECTORS ...................................................... 60

ELECTRICAL SERVICES .......................................................................................... 61 2.190.100 2.190.400 2.190.500 2.190.600


MANUAL PRODUCTION MANIFOLDS–PER WELL ........................................... 58 ROTARY SELECTOR PRODUCTION MANIFOLDS ........................................... 58

PECO LIQUID FILTERS............................................................................... 66 PECO GAS FILTER SEPARATIONS............................................................... 66 PECO DRY GAS FILTERS ........................................................................... 67

LACT UNITS............................................................................................................... 68 2.250.100A 2.250.100B 2.250.200

2” LEASE AUTOMATION CUSTODY TRANSFER (LACT) UNITS ......................... 68 3” LEASE AUTOMATION CUSTODY TRANSFER (LACT) UNITS ......................... 68 114 MM PIPING UNITS............................................................................... 69


SCHEDULE B–ASSESSMENT YEAR MODIFIERS..................................... 70


SCHEDULE C–DEPRECIATION .................................................................. 71




TABLE 1–ANTICIPATED AGE LIFE ......................................................................... 72



SCHEDULE D–ADDITIONAL DEPRECIATION ........................................... 75

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


APPLICATION Pursuant to section 9 of the Regulation, the assessor appointed by the municipality must follow the procedures set out in the 2012 Alberta Machinery and Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines.


DEFINITIONS In the 2012 Alberta Machinery and Equipment Minister’s Guidelines, (a) Act means the Municipal Government Act (RSA 2000 Ch. M-26); (b) assessment year has the meaning given to it in the Regulation; (c) assessment year modifier, means the factor which is applied to the base cost of machinery and equipment in order to adjust its base cost to the assessment year; (d) assessor has the meaning given to it in the Act; (e) base cost means either (i) the value resulting from the formula shown in Schedule A of the 2012 Machinery and Equipment Minister’s Guidelines, or (ii) the value of included costs multiplied by the cost factor; (f) cost factor (cf) means the factor that adjusts included cost (ic) from the year built to the base cost; (g) included costs (ic) means the value of machinery and equipment calculated in accordance with the 2005 Construction Cost Reporting Guide, prior to adjustment by the cost factor; (h) machinery and equipment has the meaning given to it in the Regulation (AR220/2004), as amended.


CALCULATION OF ASSESSMENT The assessment of machinery and equipment in a municipality shall be calculated by: (a) establishing the base cost as prescribed in Schedule A of the 2012 Alberta Machinery and Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines; (b) multiplying the base cost by the appropriate assessment year modifier prescribed in Schedule B of the 2012 Alberta Machinery and Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines to adjust the base cost to the assessment year; (c) multiplying the amount determined in clause (b) by the appropriate depreciation factor prescribed in Schedule C of the 2012 Alberta Machinery and Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines; (d) if applicable, adjusting the amount determined in clause (c) for additional depreciation as prescribed in Schedule D of the 2012 Alberta Machinery and Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines.


MINISTERIAL PRESCRIPTION For the purposes of Minister’s Guidelines and section 1(j) of the Regulation (AR220/2004), it is hereby prescribed that the cost of all computer software, including both basic software and applications software, intended for or used in connection with the monitoring, control or operation of any assessable property shall be included in the base cost of the property which is otherwise assessable.

Ministerial Order L: 228/11



Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines




MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT NOT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A The cost factors in Table 1 and the formula below shall be used to determine the base cost for machinery and equipment that is not described in Schedule A. Formula: Base Cost = ic X cf Where ic = the cost of machinery and equipment determined in accordance with the 2005 Construction Cost Reporting Guide. cf = the cost factor to convert the cost of the machinery and equipment from the year it was constructed in to its cost in 2005.



Year of Construction 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Cost Factor 26.19 27.10 27.61 25.49 21.63 18.83 16.63 13.61 15.10 16.36 15.94 16.13 16.38 16.51 16.53 16.14 15.53 16.07 17.31 18.65 19.56 19.26 19.07 18.53 17.35 17.67 17.50 16.61 15.15 13.88 13.57 13.49 13.38

Year of Construction 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

Cost Factor 11.53 11.03 11.04 10.74 9.64 9.03 8.50 8.40 8.33 8.00 7.72 7.57 7.49 7.42 7.36 7.35 7.31 7.01 6.75 6.50 5.96 6.22 6.10 5.51 5.31 4.90 4.60 4.07 3.38 2.97 2.72 2.47 2.18

Year of Construction 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Cost Factor 1.72 1.61 1.78 1.86 1.81 1.81 1.75 1.72 1.64 1.57 1.49 1.46 1.43 1.39 1.36 1.35 1.31 1.26 1.22 1.22 1.18 1.17 1.14 1.08 1.00 0.89 0.79 0.76 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.75


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines

Year of Construction 1946 2.005

Cost Factor 12.40

Year of Construction

Cost Factor


Year of Construction

Cost Factor


MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A The rates in Schedule A reflect typical costs for field installations of component types. These rates apply to each component type regardless of the exact configuration of the system. The rates for property described in Schedule A must be used to determine the base cost for that property and no changes or adjustments to the rates are permissible. The base cost for machinery & equipment described in Schedule A is determined as follows: 1) select the component category (e.g. Tanks, Steel Bolted); 2) select the specific component (e.g. Size, Type) to identify the base rate; and 3) multiply the base rate by the quantity.






1 barrel (Oil, 42 US Gallons) = 0.158 987 m


Rate includes: Based on a typical flat bottom, cone deck design complete with thief hatch, vacuum relief, clean out door, two 24” manways, earthen berm, and painting. All valves and nozzles terminate with a blind flange. Tank insulation, piping to and from tanks, protective coatings, and tank mixers are not included in the rate. Size 3 (m ) 8.0 14.0 16.0 33.0 48.0 64.0 79.0 119.0 159.0 238.0 318.0 397.0 477.0 636.0 795.0 1 590.0 3 179.0 5 565.0 8 744.0



Diameter (m)

Height (m)

Base Rate ($)

50 90 100 210 300 400 500 750 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 4 000 5 000 10 000 20 000 35 000 55 000

2.36 2.41 2.90 3.05 3.66 3.66 6.55 4.72 6.55 6.55 9.07 9.07 9.07 10.52 11.79 16.76 20.42 24.38 30.48

1.83 3.05 2.44 4.57 4.57 6.10 2.44 7.32 4.88 7.32 4.88 6.10 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 9.75 12.19 12.19

13 423 15 733 16 311 21 553 26 727 32 468 36 552 39 910 57 214 67 445 79 458 95 415 282 156 330 210 378 265 531 694 769 982 937 437 2 407 635

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Based on a typical flat bottom, cone deck design complete with thief hatch, vacuum relief, clean out door, two 24” manways, earthen berm, and painting. All valves and nozzles terminate with a blind flange. Tank insulation, piping to and from tanks, protective coatings, and tank mixers are not included in the rate. Size 3 (m ) 8.0 14.0 16.0 33.0 48.0 64.0 79.0 79.0 119.0 159.0 159.0 238.0 318.0 397.0 477.0 636.0 795.0 1 590.0 3 179.0 2.010.100C


Diameter (m)

Height (m)

Base Rate ($)

2.36 2.41 2.90 3.05 3.66 3.66 6.55 4.72 4.72 9.07 6.55 6.55 9.07 9.07 9.07 10.52 11.79 16.76 20.42

1.83 3.05 2.44 4.57 4.57 6.10 2.44 4.88 7.32 2.44 4.88 7.32 4.88 6.10 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 9.75

13 186 15 187 15 733 20 314 21 253 33 841 42 512 44 625 46 737 67 585 101 388 73 501 92 937 114 085 130 986 146 197 159 507 260 498 459 796

50 90 100 210 300 400 500 (Low) 500 (High) 750 1 000 (Low) 1 000 (High) 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 4 000 5 000 10 000 20 000


Rate includes: Based on a skidded unit circular or rectangle design complete with thief hatch, vacuum relief, clean out door, one 24” manway, painting. All valves and nozzles terminate with a blind flange. Tank insulation, berm, piping to and from tanks and protective coatings are not included in the rate. Size 3 (m ) 8.0 16.0 33.0 64.0

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

50 100 210 400

13 870 16 628 23 153 36 155


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Based on a skidded unit circular design complete with thief hatch, vacuum relief, clean out door, two 24” manways, painting, and standard 250,000 Btu heater for propane or natural gas. All valves and nozzles terminate with a blind flange. Supply and insulation of 50mm of Urethane insulation complete with a sealer. Pressure switches, stairs, stiles, walkways, tank gauges, tank mixers and tank piping including fuel gas piping to and from tanks is not included in the rate. Size 3 (m ) 8.0 16.0 33.0 64.0 2.010.100E


Base Rate ($)

50 100 210 400

33 020 43 080 54 204 79 135


Rate includes: Based on a skidded design complete with thief hatch, vacuum relief, clean out door, two 24” manways, painting, two vents, spill containment box, two 3/4” by 16’ long hoses, ladder and a platform, two pump mounts, two gasboy pumps, two fill limiters, gauge stick and chart. All valves and nozzles terminate with a blind flange. Stairs, stiles, walkways, tank gauges, tank insulation, piping to and from tanks and protective coatings are not included in the rate. Size 3 (m ) 24.0 33.0 47.0



Base Rate ($)

150 210 300

30 102 33 768 35 339

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Excavation for foundation based on 12" depth. Excavated material stockpiled on site. Fill (gravel) for foundation based on 18" depth. Fill (gravel) will come from approximately 15 km away. Concrete pads (6' X 4' X 1') to support stairways, stiles and walkways. Includes structural steel, serrated grating, handrail, toe plate, sand blasting, priming and painting. Stairway

Base Rate (per unit)

Less than 4.3 m of rise 4.3 m to 7.3 m of rise

6 986 9 190

Walkways or platforms

Base Rate (per unit)

1.2 m X 1.2 m (metal)

4 533


Base Rate per unit($)

Per stile over berm


12 131


Rate includes: Based on a skidded unit circular design complete with one 24” manway c/w 6’ extension and cover, and painting. Piping will extend 8’ above tank top and terminate with valves and a blind flange. Two tie-down straps c/w concrete pad for ballast. Volume (gal.) 550 875 1 750 3 500 5 250 7 000 8 750 10 500

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

16 25 50 100 150 200 250 300

18 812 24 682 37 160 44 733 58 031 64 659 69 392 74 126


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Insulation (mm) 50.0 76.0 51.0 6.35 25.0 38.0 50.0 63.0 76.0

Coating Type

Base Rate 2 ($ per m )

Epoxy internal coating Fibreglass, c/w metal cladding Fibreglass, c/w metal cladding Urethane for fibreglass tanks c/w Diathon coating Urethane Insulation, c/w sealer Urethane Insulation, c/w sealer Urethane Insulation, c/w sealer Urethane Insulation, c/w sealer Urethane Insulation, c/w sealer

114.69 109.61 122.81 67.15 56.08 63.55 71.46 78.51 85.68

Rates include: surface preparation, and installation Note:

Use the following formula to find the area of tank to be covered: Horizontal Tank: 2 Area = (2 x 3.14 x r ) + (2 x 3.14 x r x l) Vertical Tank (only one end and the cylinder): 2 Area = (1 x 3.14 x r ) + (2 x 3.14 x r x h) Where: r l h


= = =

radius = ½ of diameter length height

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Size (bbl) 50 90 100 210 300 400 500 (Low) 500 (High) 750 1 000 (Low) 1 000 (High) 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 4 000 5 000 10 000 20 000 2.010.430

Diameter X Height (m x m)

Base Rate ($ per 50 mm)

2.36 x 1.83 2.41 x 3.05 2.90 x 2.44 3.05 x 4.57 3.66 x 4.57 3.66 x 6.10 6.55 x 2.44 4.72 x 4.88 4.72 x 7.32 9.07 x 2.44 6.55 x 4.88 6.55 x 7.32 9.07 x 4.88 9.07 x 6.10 9.07 x 7.32 10.52 x 7.32 11.79 x 7.32 16.76 x 7.32 20.42 x 9.75

1 965 3 030 3 159 5 598 6 910 8 837 9 192 9 844 13 809 14 696 14 692 20 194 22 312 26 120 29 929 36 026 41 664 66 395 104 405


Size (bbl) 50 90 100 210 300 400 500(Low) 500(High) 750 1 000 (Low) 1 000 (High) 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 4 000 5 000 10 000 20 000

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Diameter X Height (m x m)

Base Rate ($ per 76 mm)

2.36 x 1.83 2.41 x 3.05 2.90 x 2.44 3.05 x 4.57 3.66 x 4.57 3.66 x 6.10 6.55 x 2.44 4.72 x 4.88 4.72 x 7.32 9.07 x 2.44 6.55 x 4.88 6.55 x 7.32 9.07 x 4.88 9.07 x 6.10 9.07 x 7.32 10.52 x 7.32 11.79 x 7.32 16.76 x 7.32 20.42 x 9.75

2 202 3 394 3 539 6 272 7 742 9 901 10 299 11 030 15 472 16 465 16 461 22 625 24 999 29 266 33 533 40 364 46 681 74 390 116 977


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Size (bbl) 50 90 100 210 300 400 500(Low) 500(High) 750 1 000 (Low) 1 000 (High) 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 4 000 5 000 10 000 20 000 2.010.510

Base Rate ($ per 25 mm)

2.36 x 1.83 2.41 x 3.05 2.90 x 2.44 3.05 x 4.57 3.66 x 4.57 3.66 x 6.10 6.55 x 2.44 4.72 x 4.88 4.72 x 7.32 9.07 x 2.44 6.55 x 4.88 6.55 x 7.32 9.07 x 4.88 9.07 x 6.10 9.07 x 7.32 10.52 x 7.32 11.79 x 7.32 16.76 x 7.32 20.42 x 9.75

1 005 1 550 1 616 2 864 3 535 4 521 4 702 5 036 7 064 7 518 7 516 10 331 11 415 13 363 15 311 18 430 21 315 33 966 53 412


Size (bbl) 50 90 100 210 300 400 500 (Low) 500 (High) 750 1 000 (Low) 1 000 (High) 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 4 000 5 000 10 000 20 000


Diameter X Height (m x m)

Diameter X Height (m x m)

Base Rate ($ per 38 mm)

2.36 x 1.83 2.41 x 3.05 2.90 x 2.44 3.05 x 4.57 3.66 x 4.57 3.66 x 6.10 6.55 x 2.44 4.72 x 4.88 4.72 x 7.32 9.07 x 2.44 6.55 x 4.88 6.55 x 7.32 9.07 x 4.88 9.07 x 6.10 9.07 x 7.32 10.52 x 7.32 11.79 x 7.32 16.76 x 7.32 20.42 x 9.75

1 140 1 757 1 832 3 246 4 006 5 124 5 330 5 708 8 007 8 521 8 519 11 709 12 937 15 145 17 353 20 888 24 157 38 496 60 535

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Size (bbl)

Diameter X Height (m x m)

Base Rate ($ per 50 mm)

2.36 x 1.83 2.41 x 3.05 2.90 x 2.44 3.05 x 4.57 3.66 x 4.57 3.66 x 6.10 6.55 x 2.44 4.72 x 4.88 4.72 x 7.32 9.07 x 2.44 6.55 x 4.88 6.55 x 7.32 9.07 x 4.88 9.07 x 6.10 9.07 x 7.32 10.52 x 7.32 11.79 x 7.32 16.76 x 7.32 20.42 x 9.75

1 281 1 975 2 060 3 650 4 505 5 761 5 993 6 418 9 003 9 581 9 579 13 166 14 547 17 030 19 513 23 488 27 165 43 288 68 070

50 90 100 210 300 400 500 (Low) 500 (High) 750 1 000 (Low) 1 000 (High) 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 4 000 5 000 10 000 20 000 2.010.600


Rate includes: Based on a skidded unit circular design complete with one 24” manway. All valves and nozzles terminate with a blind flange. Tank insulation, piping to and from tanks and protective coatings are not included in the rate.

Size 3 (m ) 14.0 33.0 48.0 64.0 80.0 119.0

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

90 210 300 400 500 750

17 432 25 165 26 326 27 487 41 911 74 698


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Based on a skidded unit circular design complete with one 24” manway c/w 6’ extension and cover, and painting. Piping will extend 8’ above tank top and terminate with valves and a blind flange. Two tie-down straps c/w concrete pad for ballast. Size 3 (m ) 2.3 4.6 7.9 16.0 32.0 2.010.640


Base Rate ($)

14 29 50 100 200

11 511 12 364 18 363 26 304 36 260


Rates include: preparation and installation Size 3 (m ) 14.0 16.0 33.0 48.0 64.0 80.0 119.0 2.010.720


Base Rate ($)

90 100 210 300 400 500 750

1 856 1 935 2 939 4 233 5 414 6 046 8 460


Rate includes: Based on a skidded horizontal cylinder design complete with two saddle supports, relief, one 16” manway, and painting. Steel ladder and platform is included on larger tanks. All valves and nozzles terminate with a blind flange.

Note: Size 3 (m ) 1.9 3.8 5.7 8.0 19.0 34.0 45.0 68.0 114.0


Tank insulation, piping to and from tanks and protective coatings are not included in the rate. One US gallon equals 3.8 litres.

(US gal.)

Base Rate ($)

500 1 000 1 500 2 000 5 000 9 100 12 000 18 000 30 000

9 907 11 036 16 946 18 640 35 890 56 051 71 771 89 220 109 711

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Steel ladder and Platform Add each 2.010.800

Base Rate ($) 5 453


Rate includes: Based on a skidded unit circular design complete with thief hatch, vacuum relief, clean out door, one 24” manway, tank stand and painting. All valves and nozzles terminate with a blind flange. Tank insulation, piping to and from tanks and protective coatings are not included in the rate.

Size (l) 1 365 2 275 4 550 2.010.820

(Imp. gal.)

Base Rate ($)

300 500 1 000

3 732 4 007 5 278


Rate includes: Based on a skidded unit circular design complete with thief hatch, vacuum relief, clean out door, one 24” manway, tank stand and painting. All valves and nozzles terminate with a blind flange. Tank insulation, piping to and from tanks, secondary containment (steel, plastic or concrete) and protective coatings are not included in the rate. Size (l) 410 819 910 1 000 1 365 2 275 3 412 4 550 6 825

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

(Imp. gal.)

Base Rate ($)

90 180 200 220 300 500 750 1 000 1 500

5 678 6 967 7 046 7 124 7 392 8 661 9 133 11 919 12 928


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines






3 412.14 Btu/h = 1 kW

Rate includes: All piping terminates at unit edge with a block valve and a blind flange. Includes flame arrestor, stack, burners, controls, internal ¾” fuel gas piping, c/w gas regulator, filter and scrubber. Self contained with no electrical service to the unit. Rating (kW) 73 kW & smaller 147 kW 2.020.200


Base Rate ($)

250 000 500 000

6 103 6 948


Rate includes: Skidded Unit, entirely self contained. All piping, which includes inlet, outlet and fuel gas terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes flame arrestor, stack, burners, fire tube, pilot, controls, pressure sustaining valve (PSV), high temperature switch, internal 1” fuel gas piping, c/w a gas regulator, filter and scrubber, pressure and temperature gauge, expansion drum, thief hatch, one 24” manway, and insulated c.w external cover. Electrical Cost for a 100‘ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 american wire gauge (AWG) Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. Note:

3412.14 Btu/h = 1 kW Direct Heaters are considered obsolete

Rating (kW) 22.0 26.4 44.0 73.0 147.0 220.0 293.0 440.0 586.0 879.0 1 172.0 1 465.0 1 758.0



Diameter (mm)

Length (m)

Base Rate ($)

75000 90000 150000 250 000 500 000 750 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 2 000 000 3 000 000 4 000 000 5 000 000 6 000 000

457 457 610 610 660 762 914 1 118 1 219 1 524 1 829 2 134 2 337

0.4 0.5 0.6 2.3 3.5 4.1 4.4 5.6 6.6 7.5 8.4 8.7 8.7

25 424 25 626 28 409 30 291 31 323 36 405 42 308 58 506 67 143 82 056 86 562 112 285 131 592

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Includes guide piping, aluminum gauge head, elbows, brackets and anchor bar. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • One 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for the end device. Type Varec 2500 automatic Varec 6700 Hawkeye Roadside Gauge Board System Sealed mechanical gauge VISI 1310 2.020.400

Base Rate ($) 4 915 3 588 3 613 2 730


Rate includes: Includes tubing, valves and flanges. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • One 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for the end device. Type Roof Mount Static Pressure Sensing

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Base Rate ($) 3 860 3 321


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield vertical self contained treater installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes firetube, flame arrestors, stack, anodes, high level switch, thermostats, valves, ladder, crows nest, one 24” manway, water siphon, thermometer and pressure gauge, two dump valves, level controllers, site glasses, back pressure valve, relief valve, gas meter, oil and water meters, insulation and skid, ¾” fuel gas and instrument gas systems complete with a block valve, regulators, senior orifice fitting and meter run, chart recorder, filter and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. Note:

6.894757 pound force per square inch = 1 kilopascal (kPa)

Diameter (m) 1.22 1.22 1.83 1.83 2.44 2.44 3.05 3.05 1.22 1.22 1.83 1.83 2.44 2.44 3.05 3.05



Height (m)

4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10

6.1 8.4 6.1 8.4 6.1 8.4 6.1 8.4 6.1 8.4 6.1 8.4 6.1 8.4 6.1 8.4

(ft) 20.0 27.5 20.0 27.5 20.0 27.5 20.0 27.5 20.0 27.5 20.0 27.5 20.0 27.5 20.0 27.5

Pressure (kPa) (psi) 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 517 517 517 517 517 517 517 517

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

Base Rate ($) 49 923 59 657 71 124 76 964 87 460 95 247 132 486 138 327 55 763 65 497 76 964 90 591 101 087 106 927 140 273 148 060

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield horizontal self contained treater installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes firetube, flame arrestors, stack, anodes, high level switch, thermostats, valves, ladder, crows nest, one 24” manway, water siphon, thermometer and pressure gauge, two dump valves, level controllers, site glasses, back pressure valve, relief valve, gas meter, oil and water meters, insulation and skid, ¾” fuel gas and instrument gas systems complete with a block valve, regulators, orifice meter run, chart recorder, filter and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. Diameter (m) 1.83 2.44 2.44 2.44 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 1.83 2.44 2.44 2.44 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

(ft) 6 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 6 8 8 8 10 10 10 10

Height (m) 6.1 6.1 7.6 9.1 9.1 12.2 15.2 21.3 6.1 6.1 7.6 9.1 9.1 12.2 15.2 21.3

(ft) 20 20 25 30 30 40 50 70 20 20 25 30 30 40 50 70

Pressure (kPa) (psi) 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 517 517 517 517 517 517 517 517

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

Base Rate ($) 92 928 94 875 120 479 134 106 174 232 189 806 201 783 279 651 102 662 122 129 132 159 149 679 182 019 201 486 213 463 320 921


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield horizontal self contained treater installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes fire tube, flame arrestors, stack, anodes, high level switch, thermostats, valves, ladder, crows nest, one 24” manway, water siphon, thermometer and pressure gauge, two dump valves, level controllers, site glasses, back pressure valve, relief valve, gas meter, oil and water meters, insulation and skid. ¾” fuel gas and instrument gas systems complete with a block valve, regulators, orifice fitting and meter run, chart recorder, filter and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for 480, single phase, 40A power supply. • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. Diameter (m) 1.83 2.44 2.44 2.44 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 1.83 2.44 2.44 2.44 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05


(ft) 6 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 6 8 8 8 10 10 10 10

Height (m) 6.1 6.1 7.6 9.1 9.1 12.2 15.2 21.3 6.1 6.1 7.6 9.1 9.1 12.2 15.2 21.3

(ft) 20 20 25 30 30 40 50 70 20 20 25 30 30 40 50 70

Pressure (kPa) (psi) 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 517 517 517 517 517 517 517 517

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

Base Rate ($) 246 624 268 569 290 810 378 590 412 522 434 467 456 708 566 237 268 569 290 514 301 783 400 357 434 467 456 341 500 474 610 074

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield vertical self contained separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded vertical separator c/w liquid dump valve, controller, site glass, high level switch, one 24” manway, pressure sustaining valve (PSV), pressure and temperature gauges, senior orifice meter run and meter, chart recorder, ¾” instrument gas piping, regulator, filter and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. 862–1896 kPa (125 psi–275 psi) Diameter Height (mm) (in.) (m) 300 400 500 600 750 900 400 500 600 750 900

12 16 20 24 30 36 16 20 24 30 36

5102 kPa (740 psi) Diameter (mm) (in.) 400 500 600 750

16 20 24 30

10204 kPa (1480 psi) Diameter (mm) (in.) 400 500 600 750 400 500 600 750 900

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

16 20 24 30 16 20 24 30 36


Base Rate ($)

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5

54 258 57 557 58 382 60 918 71 018 73 500 62 060 63 087 65 216 75 493 78 119

Height (m)


Base Rate ($)

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

59 364 60 685 63 876 75 340

Height (m)


Base Rate ($)

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5

66 385 68 276 76 067 96 816 73 453 75 804 81 603 104 028 111 097


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield vertical self contained separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded vertical separator c/w two liquid dump valves, two controllers, two site glasses, high level switch, one 24” manway, PSV pressure and temperature gauges, senior orifice meter run and meter, chart recorder, ¾” instrument gas piping, regulator, filter and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. 862–1896 kPa (125 psi – 275 psi) Diameter Height (mm) (in.) (m) 400 500 600 750 900 1 200 500 600 750 900 1 200 1 500

16 20 24 30 36 48 20 24 30 36 48 60

10204 kPa (1480 psi) Diameter (mm) (in.) 400 500 600 900 1 200 400 600 900 1 200


16 20 24 36 48 16 24 36 48

2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Height (m) 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0


Base Rate ($)

7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

66 369 68 238 69 248 85 711 87 243 89 111 71 051 72 178 79 854 88 624 90 274 92 462


Base Rate ($)

7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

75 953 78 866 81 517 108 921 118 003 81 780 87 891 116 356 168 353

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield horizontal self contained separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded horizontal separator c/w two liquid dump valves, two controllers, two site glasses, high level switch, one 24” manway, PSV pressure and temperature gauges, senior orifice meter run and meter, chart recorder, ¾” instrument gas piping, regulator, filter and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. 862–1896 kPa (125 psi–275 psi) Diameter Height (mm) (in.) (m) 600 750 900

24 30 36

10204 kPa (1480 psi) Diameter (mm) (in.) 500 600 750 900 2.040.400

20 24 30 36

3.0 3.0 3.0

Height (m) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0


Base Rate ($)

10.0 10.0 10.0

88 295 98 092 99 529


Base Rate ($)

10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

90 311 99 206 129 268 135 063


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield horizontal self contained separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded horizontal separator c/w two liquid dump valves, two controllers, two site glasses, high level switch, one 24” manway, PSV pressure and temperature gauges, senior orifice meter run and meter, chart recorder, ¾” instrument gas piping, regulator, filter and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. 862-1896 kPa (125 psi–275 psi) Diameter Height (mm) (in.) (m) 600 750 900

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

24 30 36

3.0 3.0 3.0


Base Rate ($)

10.0 10.0 10.0

88 544 98 367 99 808


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



4960 kPa (720 psi) Diameter (mm) (in.) 400 508 508 610

16 20 20 24

9922 kPa (1440 psi) Diameter (mm) (in.) 508 610 762 914 914 2.040.500

20 24 36 36 36

Height (m) 2.30 2.30 3.05 2.3

Height (m) 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 4.60


Base Rate ($)

7.5 7.5 10 7.5

94 894 99 236 101 032 109 438


Base Rate ($)

10 10 10 10 15

103 906 109 826 137 937 143 748 169 266


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield vertical self contained separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded vertical separator c/w two liquid dump valves, two controllers, two site glasses, high level switch, one 24” manway, PSV pressure and temperature gauges, senior orifice meter run and meter, chart recorder, ¾” instrument gas piping, regulator, filter and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. 2

10204 kPa (1480 psi ) Diameter (mm) (in.) 150 200 300 400 600 800 Note:


6 8 12 16 24 32

Height (m) 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.6 3.7 4.6


Base Rate ($)

5.0 5.0 5.0 8.5 12.0 15.0

83 952 85 212 116 936 140 621 236 311 298 126

Use the following table to cross reference American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ratings to working pressure:

Ministerial Order L:225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



WORKING PRESSURE Service Temperature -28.9 to 37.8C (-20 to 100F) ANSI 150 300 600 900 1 500 2 500 2.040.600



1 896 5 102 10 204 14 893 24 821 41 369

275 740 1 480 2 160 3 600 6 000


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes Low Stage Separator Tank Unit c/w sand frac flow back vessel, frac tees, ¾” senior meter run, dry flow meter, sand diffuser, liquid dump valve, controller, site glass, high level switch, one 24” manway, PSV, ladder and platform, scrubber and filter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. Size (bbl)

Base Rate ($) 50 100 330 450 490

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

78 448 107 286 187 326 206 831 208 386


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Standard Unit Rates include: 500 barrel used railway oil tank car horizontal separator, high level and high pressure shut off valves, dry flow recorders and fluid level indicators, flow lines, meter, flare lines, 100mm x12.2m flare stack, scrubber, filter, ignition and arrestor, steel skids and saddles, weir plank pad and installation Heated Unit Rates include: 250mm fire tube, burner and pilot light, 500 barrel used railway oil tank car horizontal separator, high level and high pressure shut off valves, dry flow recorders and fluid level indicators, flow lines, meter, flare lines, 100mm x12.2m flare stack, ignition and arrestor, steel skids and saddles, weir plank pad and installation Treating Unit Rates include: degassers and down comers, spreader pan and baffle plates, individual fluid level gauges for oil, gas and water, 500 barrel used railway oil tank car horizontal separator, high level and high pressure shut off valves, dry flow recorders and fluid level indicators, flow lines, meter, flare lines, 100mm x12.2m flare stack, ignition and arrestor, steel skids and saddles, weir plank pad and installation Companion Storage Tank Rates include: extension of site work, weir, pad and installation, steel skids and saddles, connecting piping to main unit, meters, valves and indicators Low pressure Unit (48kPa)

Lines & Meter Runs (mm)

Base Rate ($)

50 75 50 75 50 75 add each

62 637 65 063 69 915 72 342 89 324 91 749 37 347

Standard Unit unheated Standard Unit unheated Heated Unit Heated Unit Treating Unit Treating Unit Companion Storage Tank

High Pressure Unit (345kPa)

Lines & Meter Runs (mm)

Base Rate ($)


127 438

Standard Unit, Unheated 2.040.800


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, water dump line and drain line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded Low Flow Drip Separator Unit c/w dump valve, controller, two PSV’s, gas dryer(scrubber), gas filter, one manway, methanol pump, meter run, chart recorder, 5 gallon tank, and pressure and temperature gauges.


Design Pressure (kpa)



1 480

Base Rate ($ per unit) 34 502

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded (6’ X 8’) oilfield vertical self contained fuel gas separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded scrubber c/w ¾” liquid dump valves, controller, site glass, high level switch, one manway, pressure and temperature gauges, senior orifice meter run, chart recorder, ¾” instrument gas piping, regulator. No building costs are included. The industry standard is to install a 2’ X 4’ X 5’ high self framing building for a cost of $1853.00 to house the instruments. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices.


Diameter (mm)


Height/Length (m)

152.00 152.00 203.00 203.00

6 6 8 8

0.76 0.91 0.76 0.91

2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0






Base Rate ($) 14 143 14 187 14 224 14 704 15 040


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded (6’ X 8’) oilfield vertical self contained fuel gas separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded scrubber c/w ¾” liquid dump valves, controller, site glass, high level switch, one manway, pressure and temperature gauges, senior orifice meter run, chart recorder, ¾” instrument gas piping, regulator. No building costs are included. The industry standard is to install a 2’ X 4’ X 5’ high self framing building for a cost of $1600.00 to house the instruments. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. Diameter (mm)


102.00 152.00 152.00 203.00 203.00 254.00

4 6 6 8 8 10

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Height/Length (m) 0.61 0.76 0.91 0.76 0.91 0.76


Base Rate ($)

2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

14 056 14 224 14 267 14 785 14 872 15 208


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


FREE WATER KNOCKOUTS Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded (10’ X 15’) oilfield self contained free water knockout separator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded free water knockout c/w two ¾” liquid dump valves, two controllers, two site glasses, high level switch, back pressure control valve, pressure and temperature gauges, senior orifice meter run, chart recorder, ¾” instrument gas piping, regulator. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices.


Diameter (m)


1.83 1.83 2.44 3.05 3.05 3.05

6.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

Length (m) 3.0 4.6 4.6 6.1 9.1 12.2


Base Rate ($)

10.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 30.0 40.0

50 482 67 445 77 342 106 967 125 057 150 284

GAS BOOTS Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded (12’ X 10’) oilfield self contained gas boot installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes skidded vertical separator c/w one 3/4” liquid dump valve, one controller, one site glass, high level switch, pressure and temperature gauges, senior orifice meter run, chart recorder, ¾” instrument gas piping, regulator, filter and scrubber, two 16” manways, guy wires, PSV. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service to the end devices includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for end device power. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for assumed three end devices. Note:


Average heights used are 9.1 to 12.2 m (30 to 40 feet).

Diameter (mm)


Base Rate ($)

600 750 900 1 050 1 200 1 500

24 30 36 42 48 60

23 064 23 555 24 671 28 026 30 826 33 252

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 4” vent stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, , pile foundation, two 4” valves, and three guy wires c/w pile foundation. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 2.080.120


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

16 660 17248 18764 20563 24370 25695 29349 30722


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, water dump line and drain line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 6” vent stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, pile foundation, two 6” valves, and three guy wires c/w pile foundation. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

20 104 21528 23911 26303 30793 32622 36559 38150


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 8” vent stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, , pile foundation, two 8” valves, and three guy wires c/w pile foundation. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 2.080.200


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

23 255 24 468 26 543 28 592 33 654 35 738 39 528 41 155


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 4” flare stack, knockout 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, igniter, foundation, two 4” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid, pilot and shot tube. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5



Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

24 893 25 706 27 729 29 777 34 107 35 910 40 034 41 896

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 6” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, igniter, foundation, two 6” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid, pilot and shot tube. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 2.080.240


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

27 798 29 381 31 996 34 552 39 306 41 472 45 684 47 631


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 8” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, igniter, foundation, two 8” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid, pilot and shot tube. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

31 135 32 573 34 652 37 036 42 334 44 743 48 820 50 798


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 4” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon drum, igniter, foundation, two 4” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid edge, manual igniter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 2.080.300B


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

27 210 28 022 30 070 32 357 36 815 38 745 43 034 45 015


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 4” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, foundation, two 4” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid edge, auto igniter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5



Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

28 985 29 867 32 004 34 312 38 707 40 310 44 606 46 777

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 4” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, foundation, two 4” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid edge, solar igniter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 2.080.320A


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

31 362 32 243 34 296 36 689 41 106 42 946 47 315 49 223


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 6” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, foundation, two 6” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid edge, and manual igniter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.1 15.2 18.2 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

21 759 22 788 24 570 26 313 29 888 31 126 34 178 35 531


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 6” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, foundation, two 6” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid edge, auto igniter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.1 15.2 18.2 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 2.080.320C


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

30 950 32 577 35 273 37 643 43 097 44 908 49 151 51 112


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 6” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, foundation, two 6” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid edge, solar igniter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.1 15.2 18.2 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5



Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

34 363 36 017 38 773 41 546 46 787 48 627 53 068 55 069

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 8” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, foundation, two 8” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid edge, manual igniter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.1 15.2 18.2 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 2.080.340B


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

33 558 35 023 37 350 39 686 45 144 47 675 51 914 54 021


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 8” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, foundation, two 8” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid edge, auto igniter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.1 15.2 18.2 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

35 425 36 986 39 343 41 777 47 141 49 617 53 871 55 914


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained vent stack installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes the following: 8” flare stack, 30 to 50 gallon knockout drum, foundation, two 8” valves, three guy wires c/w pile foundation, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid edge, solar igniter. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.1 15.2 18.2 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 2.080.500


Base Rate ($)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

37 886 39 429 41 770 44 212 49 614 52 082 56 392 58 418


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield vertical self contained incinerator installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Rate includes stack, pile foundation, two 6” valves, three guy wires, pilot assembly, ignitor tube, 1” fuel line and electrical line terminating at bottom of skid, electric ignition. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Height (m) 9.1 12.2 14.3 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 28.6



Base Rate ($)

30 40 47 50 60 70 80 90 94

102 509 114 728 119 310 122 364 141 455 152 146 162 837 174 292 178 110

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded (10’ X 8’) oilfield self contained vapour recovery blower installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Included in the price are: skidded electric driven blower and motor, reciprocating compressor, 1” junior orifice meter run, 3 pen recorder, skid mounted control panel, lube oil tank. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. • Building electrical service to skid edge only. • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, local disconnects Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, variable frequency drive (VFD), gas cooler, RTU, chemical injectors, chemical tank, meters, totalizers, analyzers, control valves, pumps, piping to and from unit and crane are not included.

Size (kW) 1.5 3.7 7.5

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

2 5 10

22 818 31 288 42 499


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield self contained compressor installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Included in the price is a skidded single stage reciprocating compressor c/w electric drive, inlet separator c/w auto drain, PSV, high level switch (HLS), site glass, control panel on the skid, 2” junior orifice meter run c/w 3 pen recorder, lube oil system c/w day tank and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for Power Service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. • Building electrical service to skid edge only. • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, local disconnects Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, gas cooler, RTU, chemical injector, chemical tank, meters, totalizers, analyzers, control valves, blow case, pumps, noise abatement systems, piping to and from units and crane and craneway are not included. Size (kW) 3.7 11.0 18.7 37.3 74.6 111.9



Base Rate ($)

5 15 25 50 100 150

113 369 120 171 138 837 152 941 258 115 355 969

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded (10’ X 8’) oilfield self contained compressor installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Included in the rate is a skidded single stage reciprocating compressor c/w gas drive, inlet separator c/w auto drain, PSV, HLS, site glass, control panel on the skid, 2” junior orifice meter run c/w 3 pen recorder, lube oil and glycol systems c/w day tanks, 1” fuel gas and starting gas lines c/w regulators and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. • Building electrical service to skid edge only. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, gas cooler, RTU, chemical injector, chemical tank, meters, totalizers, analyzers, control valves, blow case, pumps, noise abatement systems, piping to and from units, crane and craneway are not included. Note:

Horsepower (electric) x 0.746 = kilowatt (kW)

Size (kW) 11.0 18.7 37.3 56.0 74.6 93.3 111.9

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

15 25 50 75 100 125 150

128 793 145 965 154 692 257 343 287 894 333 955 393 556


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Pricing is based on a typical skidded oilfield self contained compressor installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Included in the price is a skidded two stage reciprocating compressor c/w electric drive, two separators c/w auto drain, PSV, HLS, site glass, control panel on the skid, 2” junior orifice meter run c/w 3 pen recorder, lube oil system c/w day tank, first and second stage gas cooler (25hp), and scrubber. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. • Building electrical service to skid edge only. • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, local disconnects for one gas cooler (25hp). Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, , RTU, chemical injector, chemical tank, meters, totalizers, analyzers, control valves, blow case, noise abatement systems, piping to and from units and crane are not included. Size (kW) 14.9 37.3 44.8 74.6 93.3 149.2 223.8



Base Rate ($)

20 50 60 100 125 200 300

149 941 167 728 167 915 256 009 297 682 349 624 403 299

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield self contained compressor installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, vapour, water, fuel gas and dump line terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Included in the price is a skidded two stage reciprocating compressor c/w gas drive, two separators c/w auto drain, PSV, HLS, site glass, control panel on the skid, 2” junior orifice meter run c/w 3 pen recorder, lube oil system c/w day tank, first and second stage gas cooler (25hp). Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. • Building electrical service to skid edge only. • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, local disconnects for one gas cooler (25hp). Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, , RTU, chemical injector, chemical tank, meters, totalizers, analyzers, control valves, blow case, noise abatement systems, piping to and from units and crane are not included. Size (kW) 14.9 37.3 44.8 56.0 74.6 93.3 111.9 149.2 223.8 298.0 373.0 448.0 552.0 597.0 671.0 746.0

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

20 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

181 911 196 696 196 696 299 353 329 898 375 959 406 624 438 283 489 922 629 530 774 010 812 029 1 010 444 1 135 108 1 294 353 1 374 357


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield pump installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes pump, base plate, explosion proof electric motor and drive assembly c/w couplings. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, local disconnects. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, gas cooler, piping to and from unit and crane are not included. Inlet (mm) 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150


(in.) 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Motor (kW) (hp) 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.6 2.2 3.7 5.6 7.5 11.2 14.9 18.7 22.4

2.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 3.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0

Base Rate ($) 28 591 28 618 29 098 29 668 33 436 33 916 34 352 36 130 37 080 38 758 39 788 40 798

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield pump installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes pump, base plate, explosion proof electric motor and drive assembly c/w couplings, mechanical seals. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, local disconnects. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, gas cooler, piping to and from unit and crane are not included. Inlet (mm) 38 38 38 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 100 2.100.300

(in.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

Motor (kW) (hp) 1.5 2.2 3.7 1.5 2.2 3.7 2.2 3.7 5.6 7.5 11.2

2.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0

Base Rate ($) 11 676 11 817 11 958 14 670 14 837 15 004 16 720 16 894 17 027 19 850 24 113


Inlet (mm) 50 50 50 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 100

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

(in.) 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

Motor (kW) (hp) 1.5 2.2 3.7 1.5 2.2 3.7 2.2 3.7 5.6 7.5 11.2

2.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0

Base Rate ($) 17 079 17 310 17 840 17 692 17 955 18 335 20 945 21 200 21 514 25 825 32 056


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield pump installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes pump, base plate, explosion proof electric motor and drive assembly c/w couplings, mechanical seals. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, gas cooler, piping to and from unit and crane are not included. Inlet (mm) 38 38 38 63 63 63 75 75 2.100.500

(in.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0

Motor (kW) (hp) 1.5 2.2 3.7 1.5 2.2 3.7 7.5 11.2

2.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 15.0

Base Rate ($) 11 447 11 634 11 822 12 825 13 206 13 588 16 875 17 879


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield pump installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes pump, base plate, explosion proof electric motor, V-Belt Drive and guard assembly, steel rotor and stator, mechanical seals. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, gas cooler, piping to and from unit and crane are not included. Inlet (mm) 50 63 75 100 150 150 150


(in.) 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0

Motor (kW) (hp) 1.5 2.2 2.2 3.7 5.6 7.5 11.2

2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0

Base Rate ($) 13 078 14 521 16 394 18 546 21 341 26 084 30 690

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield pump installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes pump, base plate, explosion proof electric motor, V-Belt Drive assembly, PSV, c/w couplings, equipment skid for 30 HP and greater. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, and piping to and from unit are not included. Type

Motor (kW) (hp)

Simplex Duplex Triplex Triplex Triplex Triplex Quintuplex Quintuplex Quintuplex Quintuplex Quintuplex 2.100.700

3.7 7.5 11.2 22.4 37.3 74.6 22.4 37.3 56.0 74.6 186.5

5.0 10.0 15.0 30.0 50.0 100.0 30.0 50.0 75.0 100.0 250.0

Base Rate ($) 25 673 36 084 33 881 51 141 64 709 99 461 60 664 76 369 97 217 100 105 123 070


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield pump installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes pump, base plate, explosion proof electric motor, V-Belt Drive assembly, PSV, c/w couplings, equipment skid for 30 HP and greater. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD and piping to and from unit are not included. Type Triplex Triplex Triplex Triplex Triplex Triplex Quintuplex Quintuplex Quintuplex Quintuplex

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Motor (kW) (hp) 22.4 44.8 74.6 123.1 149.2 279.8 186.5 223.8 373.0 466.3

30 60 100 165 200 375 250 300 500 625

Base Rate ($) 48 432 56 838 80 682 109 574 139 273 221 576 179 460 210 828 378 504 430 134


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield pump installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminates at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Skidded single stage reciprocating air compressor, electric driver, PSV, air receiver c/w manual drain, high pressure shutdown. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service to motor, motor starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD, and extra air tanks are not included. Size (kW) 0.7 1.5 3.7 7.5 11.2 2.110.200


Base Rate ($)

1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 15.0

7 331 9 580 16 953 23 807 25 533


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes skidded single stage reciprocating air compressor, electric driver, PSV, air receiver, after cooler, dryer, high pressure switch, Control panel on skid. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service to motor, motor Starter, cable, and local disconnects. • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD and extra air tanks are not included. Size (kW) 3.7 7.5 11.2



Base Rate ($)

5.0 10.0 15.0

22 347 29 212 31 917

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes skidded single stage lubricated oil injection air compressor, electric driver, PSV, high pressure switch, after cooler, air dryer, and oil separator c/w a pump. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service to motor, motor Starter, cable, local disconnects. • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD and extra air tanks are not included. Size (kW) 11.2 18.7 37.3 44.7 55.9 74.6

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

15.0 25.0 50.0 60.0 75.0 100.0

30 908 36 413 123 580 127 159 135 372 163 765


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes electric driver, pump and base, PSV, tubing c/w ¾” valve, 5 gallon tank c/w site glass Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service (Single or 3 Phase) to motor, motor starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD and above ground chemical tanks are not included. Single Head–6 mm Motor Phases (kW) (hp) 0.19 0.19 0.37 0.37

0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50

1 3 1 3

Two Heads–6 mm Motor Phases (kW) (hp) 0.19 0.19 0.37 0.37 2.120.200

Base Rate ($)

0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50

10 821 12 747 11 548 13 785

Base Rate ($) 1 3 1 3

11 102 13 021 11 858 14 116


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. All piping such as inlet and outlet lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes pump and base, PSV, tubing c/w ¾” valve, 5 gallon tank c/w site glass Cost for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, VFD and above ground chemical tanks are not included.


Plunger Size (mm)


Base Rate ($)

6 12 19 25 31

0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25

3 691 5 686 6 526 5 851 5 986

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes pump and base, PSV, tubing c/w 3/4" valve, 5 gallon tank c/w site glass. Electrical Cost for a 100' service includes: • Power service (Single or 3 Phase) to motor, motor Starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for above ground chemical tanks are not included. Model HD187-TR1 HD312-TR1 HD312-3K-TR1 HD312-5K-TR1 HD562-TR1 HD562-3K-TR1 HD562-5K HD1062-TR1-SR1S HD1062-3K-TR1-SR1S HD2000-TR1-SR2S 2.120.300B

Base Rate ($) 6 605 6 938 7 272 7 621 6 619 7 694 7 490 10 902 11 788 21 241


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes pump and base, PSV, tubing c/w 3/4" valve, 5 gallon tank c/w site glass. Electrical Cost for a 100' service includes: • Power service (Single or 3 Phase) to motor, motor starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for above ground chemical tanks are not included.

Model D10-316-TR1 D15-PVC-TR1 D25-316-TR1 D40-PVC-TR1

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Base Rate ($) 6 271 6 271 6 212 7 563


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes pump and base, PSV, tubing c/w 3/4" valve, 5 gallon tank c/w site glass. Electrical Cost for a 100' service includes: • Power service (Single or 3 Phase) to motor, motor starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for above ground chemical tank is not included.

Model 55DS-TR1 125-TR1 225DS-TR1 235-TR1 275DS-TR1 325-TR1 335DS-TR1 375-TR1 425DS-TR1-SR1S 435-TR1-SR1S 475DS-TR1-SR1S 3755-TR1 4755DS-TR1-SR1S 3500-TR1 4500DS-TR1-SR1S 880DS-TR1-SR2S 1255DS-TR1-SR2S 5500DS-TR1-SR2S 8500DS-TR1-SR2S 2.120.300D

Base Rate ($) 6 750 6 358 6 314 6 808 7 200 6 880 7 200 7 127 7 998 8 100 8 390 8 870 9 552 9 494 11 280 13 792 14 881 15 665 17 088


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes pump and base, PSV, tubing c/w ¾” valve, 5 gallon tank c/w site glass. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Power service (Single or 3 Phase) to motor, motor starter, cable, and local disconnects. Cost for above ground chemical tanks are not included. Model CP125 CP250 CP500 CRP750 CRP1000 CRP1500


Base Rate ($) 6 750 6 750 6 909 8 332 11 178 12 848

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes reverse acting WKM gate valve, self contained actuator, high/low pressure pilot switch, tubing c/w ¾” valves. Type

Size (mm) (in.)

WKM Ball Valve


60 89 114 168

Base Rate ($)

2 3 4 6

14 669 19 063 30 618 50 254


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical installation. Includes control valve, actuator, positioner, pilot switch, tubing c/w ¾” valves. Additional cost for 2-Way electric actuation are: $240 plus an additional cost for power service of $2590.00. Note:


3–Way Pneumatic Valves are considered obsolete.

Valve size (mm)


25 25 25 38 38 38 50 50 75 75 100 100 150 150

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0

ANSI size

Actuator size

Base Rate ($)

NPT 300 600 NPT 300 600 300 600 300 600 300 600 300 600

30 30 30 34 34 34 40 45 45 45 45 45 70 70

4 926 6 568 6 673 6 832 8 173 9 009 11 669 11 970 15 672 15 960 19 602 20 067 30 618 32 019


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Size (mm)

Base Rate ($) 51.0 76.0 102.0 152.0

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

6 220 7 677 9 275 14 178


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Manual choke includes only the flanged control valve c/w a handwheel. Size (mm) 33 33 33 60 60 60 89 89 89 89 114 114 114 114 2.140.200


ANSI Rating (Inlet)

Base Rate ($)

M-1A M-1A M-1A M-2 M-2 M-2 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-4 M-4 M-4 M-4

600 900/1500 2500 600 900/1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500

2 075 2 075 2 075 4 200 4 380 4 725 8 496 8 496 8 496 10 103 9 422 9 814 9 814 11 703

(in.) 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Manual choke includes only the flanged control valve c/w a hand wheel. Size (mm) 33 33 33 60 60 60 89 89 89 89 114 114 114 114 168 168 168 168


Model (in.) 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6

P-1 P-1 P-1 P-2 P-2 P-2 P-3 P-3 P-3 P-3 P-4 P-4 P-4 P-4 P-6 P-6 P-6 P-6

ANSI Rating (Inlet) 600 900/1500 2500 600 900/1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500

Base Rate ($) 2 707 2 788 2 936 3 776 3 991 4 152 6 450 6 639 6 941 8 225 18 456 18 765 18 724 20 943 38 648 39 562 40 496 44 455


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation.


Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines

Includes a pneumatically operated control valve and linear actuator, tubing c/w ¾” valve. Size (mm) 33 33 33 60 60 60 89 89 89 89 114 114 114 114 2.140.400

Model (in.) 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

M-1A M-1A M-1A PA-2 PA PA M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-4 M-4 M-4 M-4

ANSI Rating (Inlet) 600 900/1500 2500 600 900/1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500

Base Rate ($) 5 732 5 732 5 732 7 863 9 141 9 486 13 506 13 506 13 506 15 105 14 666 15 058 15 058 16 955


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes a pneumatically operated control valve and linear actuator, tubing c/w ¾” valve. Size (mm) 33 33 33 60 60 60 89 89 89 89 114 114 114 114 168 168 168 168

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Model (in.) 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6

P-1 P-1 P-1 P-2 P-2 P-2 P-3 P-3 P-3 P-3 P-4 P-4 P-4 P-4 P-6 P-6 P-6 P-6

ANSI Rating (Inlet) 600 900/1500 2500 600 900/1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500 600 900 1500 2500

Base Rate ($) 5 327 5 549 5 770 7 095 7 316 7 882 11 830 11 999 12 275 14 894 27 192 27 503 27 883 29 746 47 932 47 599 50 812 54 764






Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes orifice fittings and plate, plate holder, flanged meter run, and tubing c/w ¾” valve. ANSI 150 Size (mm) 60 89 114 168 219 273


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4 6 8 10

7 388 9 100 10 967 14 407 18 596 25 576


Base Rate ($)

ANSI 300 Size (mm) 60 89 114 168 219 273

2 3 4 6 8 10

7 898 9 355 11 244 14 856 20 184 27 704

ANSI 600 Size (mm) 60 89 114 168 219 273



Base Rate ($)

2 3 4 6 8 10

8 602 10 314 12 382 18 256 27 615 44 258

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes orifice fittings and plate, plate holder, flanged meter run, and tubing c/w ¾” valve. ANSI 150 Size (mm) 60 89 114 168 219 273


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4 6 8 10

3 019 3 778 4 925 6 474 12 686 15 508


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4 6 8 10

3 061 3 841 5 023 8 763 13 722 16 726


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4 6 8 10

3 131 3 946 5 345 7 517 14 689 22 650

ANSI 300 Size (mm) 60 89 114 168 219 273 ANSI 600 Size (mm) 60 89 114 168 219 273

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes flanged positive displacement meter c/w two isolation valves. Note: The meters below are positive displacement meters for the measurement of brine, production water and oil production. Type

Size (mm) (in.)

Barton Flotrac 306 Barton Flotrac 380 Floco F-2500 Floco 382 NPT Floco 382 600 ANSI Floco 383 NPT Floco 383 600 ANSI 2.160.200

33 33 33 60 60 89 89

1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0

Base Rate ($) 3 599 3 599 4 150 10 133 10 758 12 657 11 571


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes a flanged or threaded gas meter. Type (mm) Romet Romet Dresser Roots Dresser Roots 2.160.200A

48 60 89 114

Size (in.) 1.5 NPT 2 NPT 3” Flanged 4” Flanged

Base Rate ($) 4 244 4 876 8 745 9 686


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes a sample probe, regulator, and small supply panel. Manufacturer Arcco 2.160.200B


Base Rate ($)


7 172


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes a detector, one H2S Sensor, panel, mounting hardware and strobe light. Manufacturer BW Technologies



Base Rate ($)

Big-Rat II

12 192

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes a liquid turbine meter complete with two isolation valves. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for Power Service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Cost for totalizers and analyzers are not included. ANSI 150 Type Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton

Size (mm) 27.0 33.0 48.0 60.0 89.0 114.0


Base Rate ($)

0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00

5 715 5 849 6 009 6 945 7 847 11 102


Base Rate ($)

0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00

5 880 6 148 6 315 7 736 9 002 13 596

ANSI 600 Type Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton 2.160.400

Size (mm) 27.0 33.0 48.0 60.0 89.0 114.0


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Traic communication cables. Type Barton FQ1-11 Halliburton (Local) Clif Mock Halliburton MC–11 Analyzer Halliburton Net Oil 332

Base Rate ($) 3 529 1 573 3 637 10 398

Halliburton Net Oil-332 Analyzer works with a capacitance probe to give a percent(%) of water in an oil stream. The rate does not include the meter or the capacitance probe.

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes probe c/w electrical wiring. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. ANSI 150 Size (mm) 60 89 114


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4

6 725 7 242 7 653


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4

6 805 7 440 8 098

ANSI 300 Size (mm) 60 89 114 2.160.600


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. For the 2 pen recorder-100” wc differential, 1000 psig element pressure rating, chart drive, enclosure and pipe stand. For the 3 pen recorder –100”wc differential, 1000 psig element pressure rating, 200 deg F temperature element, chart drive, enclosure and pipe stand. 5 valve manifold for both recorders. Type 2 Pen Circular–6 900 kPa element 3 Pen Circular–6 900 kPa element


Base Rate ($) 4 177 4 992

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Costs for RTU unit and any extra solar panels are not included Note:

Rates are for Barton, Rosemount or Foxboro types.

Type Differential Pressure Flow Pressure Temperature

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Base Rate ($) 6 340 6 371 5 562


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping and instrumentation terminates at skid edge with a block valve or blind flange. For the initial well: Includes full steel 15’ X 20’ skid, gravel pad, piles, portion of group header, portion of the test header, portion of the pig receiver header, seven block valves, flange and blind flange on inlet and outlet at skid edge, three flanged tees c/w blind flanges for future expansion. No building, heating, lights, process control or electrical required on site. Note:

Size (mm) 60 89 114 168 2.170.200

To determine the total cost of a multi-well manual manifold, multiply the cost per well (below) by the number of wells entering the manifold.


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4 6

28 468 33 789 42 679 54 713


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping and instrumentation terminates at skid edge with a block valve or blind flange. For the 8 wells: Includes full steel 15’ X 20’ skid, gravel pad, piles, 4” Group Header, 2” Test Header, eight 2” inlet lines c/w eight 2” Masterflow pig receiver valves, temperature and pressure indicator, 10 block valves, flange and blind flange on inlet and outlet at skid edge, one test valve , one group valve selector c/w electric auto actuator. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for Power Service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. No building, heating or lights are included. Type Rotary Selector Valve


Base Rate ($) 9 250

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping such as outlet and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes one barrel c/w two block valves, bypass line c/w a block valve, hinged flange closure, bleed and drains. Barrel can be expanded to run a smart pig. Cost does not include riser or steel tank for fluid drainage. Size (mm) 60 89 114 168 219 273 323 2.180.110


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4 6 8 10 12

19 717 23 716 30 508 43 333 58 241 80 777 111 942


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping such as outlet and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Includes one automatic pneumatic pig injector c/w a block valve. Size (mm) 60 89 114 2.180.200


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4

8 160 9 484 14 385


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes one flanged ANSI 600 Pig Entry Tee. Size (mm) 60 89 114

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Base Rate ($)

2 3 4

2 750 4 239 7 520


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes one remote telemetry unit and a 10 watt solar panel. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for Power Service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Manufacturer Itron Itron Metretek Metretek Metretek 2.180.220


Base Rate ($)

CID 2 Port CID 4 Port CPA IMU EC1-II

5 668 5 938 5 563 6 507 7 653


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes one remote telemetry unit, AC power service or a 15 watt @ 12VDC Thermo Electric Generator (see section 2.190.400), or a 10 watt solar panel (see section 2.190.410). Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for Power Service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables.

Manufacturer Barton Daniel Industries Bristol Babcock 2.180.300


Base Rate ($)

Scanner 1140 Series 3000 3305 RTU

15 441 16 788 19 174


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation. Includes one flanged ANSI 600 injector/receiver pig ball valve. Size (mm) 60 89 114 168



Base Rate ($)

2 3 4 6

3 669 4 686 7 386 16 910

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation into an on site existing electrical building. Assume a power source is available at the plant site boundary. The service extension length is 30m (100’). Single phase costs include the following: all material and installation costs for a 24 circuit panel box, main breaker, branch circuit breakers, grounding, trenching, teck cable, termination of the wiring. Unit

Base Rate ($)

Single Phase Service, 120/240V, 101A to 200A* Three Phase Service, 480V, 201A to 400A* Three Phase Service, 480V, 401A to 800A* *Does not include line up to and including the meter. 2.190.200

6 376 18 483 33 187


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation in an outside area. Includes the unit, regulator, 2” X 4’ pipe for mounting the unit, mounting bracket. Electrical cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Unit

Base Rate ($)

10 Watt Solar Panel 20 Watt Solar Panel 2.190.400

1 731 1 854


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation in an outside area. Includes the unit, regulator, 2” X 4’ pipe for mounting the unit, mounting bracket. Electrical cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Unit 15 Watts @ 12 VDC 21 Watts @ 12 VDC 54 Watts @ 12 VDC 108 Watts @ 12 VDC 220 Watts @ 12 VDC

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Base Rate ($) 4 621 10 715 7 432 12 329 22 607


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation in an outside area. Includes sectionalized self supporting tower, tower mounted radio antenna, and four piles. Electrical cost for a 100’ service includes: • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. • One 15 watt @ 12VDC Thermo Electric Generator (TEG) - See Section 2.190.400 Rate for Radio Antennas - Building Mounted Antenna, includes: Antenna 3 feet in height, building mounting bracket, cable from antenna to receiver (assume 100 feet), and installation.

Self–Supporting Height (m) 8.5 11.0 13.4 16.5 20.7


Base Rate ($)

28 36 44 54 68

8 465 8 648 9 582 9 870 11 191

Radio Antennas Building Mounted Antenna 2.190.600



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical oilfield installation in an existing building, and includes all of the devices as noted below. Electrical cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. Unit Fire/Gas detection controller Detection head/sensor – 2 fire/1 gas Horn/siren Warning lights


Base Rate ($) 19 215 10 292 3 614 3 987

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield vertical self contained dehydration installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, fuel gas, glycol and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and a blind flange. Rate includes integral scrubber, two foot bed of glass beads fuel gas scrubber c/w ¾” inlet and outlet, ½” drain c/w valves, one 16” manway. Calcium chloride pellets, scrubber heating coil, two dump valves, one site glass, PSV, locally mounted control panel, temperature and pressure gauges, drying tower, orifice fitting and meter run, and chart recorder. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. • Building electrical service to skid edge only. Costs for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, RTU, transmitters, extra solar panels, chemical injectors, chemical tank, meters, totalizers and analyzers, control valves, pumps and piping to and from unit are not included. Diameter (mm)


300 400 500 600 750

12 16 20 24 30

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Height (m) (ft) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2

27 27 27 27 27

Base Rate ($) 54 359 59 810 63 274 71 746 78 831


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield vertical self contained dehydration installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, fuel gas, glycol and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and a blind flange. Rate includes four trays, integral two phase scrubber, glycol regenerator c/w reboiler, and glycol/glycol exchanger. Installation also includes flame arrestor, firetube, burner and pilot assembly, gas sparger, fuel gas scrubber and controls, standard instrumentation, one glycol pumps, on-skid piping, skid, two PSV’s, chart recorder c/w valve manifold, three temperature and two pressure gauges, orifice fitting and meter run, and chart recorder. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • One 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service for end devices. • Three 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables. • Building electrical service to skid edge only. Costs for self framing building, heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights, extra trays, third phase, standby glycol pump, RTU unit, transmitters, extra solar panels, chemical injectors, chemical tank, meters, totalizers and analyzers, control valves, pumps and piping to and from unit are not included.


Diameter (mm)


300 400 500 600 750

12 16 20 24 30

Height (m) (ft) 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3

14 14 14 14 14

Base Rate ($) 144 605 177 077 198 725 223 894 321 311


The following costs should be added to the glycol dehydrator rates found under Section 2.230.200 ADDITIONAL TRAYS Note:

Each additional 450 mm (18 in.) of vessel height above 4.3 m (14 ft) is assumed to contain one tray. Vessel heights are measured from seam to seam.

Vessel Diameter (mm) 300 400 500 600 700



Rate/Tray ($)

12 16 20 24 30

1 332 1 508 1 698 2 035 3 192

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines




For a third phase, the rates below are added to the scrubber and controls.

Vessel Diameter (mm) 300 400 500 600 700


Rate/Tray ($)

12 16 20 24 30

4 261 4 261 4 261 4 700 4 700


For a standby glycol pump complete with piping and valves, add the rates below.

Vessel Diameter (mm) 300 400 500 600 700

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


Rate ($)

12 16 20 24 30

6 208 6 208 8 060 8 060 10 601


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines





Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, fuel gas, glycol and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and a blind flange. Rate includes filter pressure vessel c/w removable end closure, 1” bypass c/w block valve, 1” drain, 1” purge, Differential pressure gauge (DPI). No instrumentation or PSV included in the price.


Diameter (mm)


168 168 219 219

6.6 6.6 8.6 8.6

Height (mm) (in.) 787 1 168 813 1 422

31 46 32 56

Base Rate ($) 5 978 5 978 6 972 6 972


Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, fuel gas, glycol and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and a blind flange. Rate includes filter pressure vessel c/w removable end closure, 1” bypass c/w block valve, 1” drain, 1” purge, Differential pressure gauge (DPI). No instrumentation or PSV included in the price.


Diameter (mm)


168 168 168 219

6.6 6.6 6.6 8.6

Height (mm) (in.) 1 391 1 772 2 002 2 178

55 70 79 86

Base Rate ($) 15 288 15 362 15 436 20 613

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation. All piping such as inlet, outlet, fuel gas, glycol and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and a blind flange. Rate includes filter pressure vessel c/w removable end closure, 1” bypass c/w block valve, 1” drain, 1” purge, Differential pressure gauge (DPI). No instrumentation or PSV included in the price. Diameter (mm)


168 168 168

6.6 6.6 6.6


Ministerial Order L: 225/12

Height (mm) (in.) 660 1 041 1 270

26 41 50

Base Rate ($) 6 931 7 026 7 108

No instrumental or PSVs have been included in any of the rates. Filters may be applied in the removal of particles and liquid separation such as hydrocarbon fluids, glycols, process fluids, salt water, fresh water, and water solutions as well as filtering and separating gases. Filter pressure vessels can be vertical or horizontal with removable end closures.


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines




2” LEASE AUTOMATION CUSTODY TRANSFER (LACT) UNITS Rates Include: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation complete with 2” inlet and outlet. All piping such as inlet, outlet, prover lines and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Included is a 5 HP booster pump c/w on/off level controls on the supply tank, local on/off, high pressure shut off, variable HP transfer pumps, with high/low pressure and vibration shutoffs, manual on/off, 4” pig launcher, pressure sensor based (PSB), temperature and pressure gauges, nine 2” block valves, 2” back pressure valve, 2” strainer, two 1” prover lines, 2” check valves, two 2” Smith meter runs, and transmitters for discharge pressure. Fire and gas detection is not included. Pump Size (kW) 7.5 11.2 14.9 18.6



Base Rate ($)

10 15 20 25

144 976 146 542 147 685 149 015

3” LEASE AUTOMATION CUSTODY TRANSFER (LACT) UNITS Rates Include: Rate is based on a typical skidded oilfield installation complete with 2” inlet and outlet. All piping such as inlet, outlet, prover lines and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and blind flange. Included is a 5 HP booster pump c/w on/off level controls on the supply tank, local on/off, high pressure shut off, variable HP transfer pumps, with high/low pressure and vibration shutoffs, manual on/off, 4” pig launcher, PSB, temperature and pressure gauges, nine 2” block valves, 2” back pressure valve, 2” strainer, two 1” prover lines, 2” check valves, two 2” Smith meter runs, and transmitters for discharge pressure. Fire and gas detection is not included


Pump Size (kW)


Base Rate ($)

7.5 11.2 14.9 18.6 22.4 29.8 37.3 74.6

10 15 20 25 30 40 50 100

199 539 200 778 201 593 202 596 203 300 204 967 207 775 213 927

Ministerial Order L: 225/12

2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines



Rate includes: Rate is based on a typical skidded (15” X 20”) oilfield installation complete with 3” inlet and outlet. All piping such as inlet, outlet, prover lines and drain lines will terminate at unit edge with a block valve and a blind flange. Included is a 15 HP booster pump c/w on/off level controls on the supply tank, local on/off, high pressure shut off, variable HP transfer pumps, with high/low pressure and vibration shutoffs, manual on/off, 4” pig launcher, PSV, temperature and pressure gauges, nine 3” block valves, 3” back pressure valve, 3” strainer, two 1” prover lines, 3” check valves, two 3” Smith meter runs, 3” X 4” PSV. ¾” sampler loop c/w 3 HP pump and motor, sample points, sample bottles, bottom sediment and water (BS & W) monitor c/w transfer pump shutdown capability. Transmitters for discharge pressure, status of pumps, BS & W. Electrical Cost for a 100’ service includes: • Storage tank two 3C, #10 AWG Teck 90 Triax power cable for power service and two 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for end devices. • LACT bldg six 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Teck 90 Triax power cable for Power service and six 3C, #16 AWG Teck 90 Triac communication cables for end devices. • Power service to booster and main charge pump motors, motor starters, cables and local disconnects. Costs for self framing building ($20,191.00), heating, lighting, plumbing, fire and gas detection, hazard lights and variable frequency drive (VFD) are not included. Note:

LACT units found with pump sizes exceeding 74.6 kW (100 hp) should be considered as special installations and costs obtained.

Pump Size (kW)


Base Rate ($)

7.5 11.2 14.9 18.6 22.4 29.8 37.3 74.6

10 15 20 25 30 40 50 100

236 490 237 728 238 707 239 382 240 251 241 754 244 562 250 714

Ministerial Order L: 225/12


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


SCHEDULE B–ASSESSMENT YEAR MODIFIERS The following assessment year modifiers are for machinery and equipment described in the 2012 Alberta Machinery and Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines. Assessment Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


Assessment Year Modifier 1.12 1.27 1.32 1.28 1.28 1.30 1.34

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2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


SCHEDULE C–DEPRECIATION The depreciation factors for machinery and equipment described in the 2012 Alberta Machinery and Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines are listed in Table 2–Depreciation Factors. Depreciation for machinery and equipment that is not described in Schedule C of the 2012 Alberta Machinery and Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines shall be determined in a manner that is fair and equitable with the depreciation factors listed in Table 2. The anticipated age life for machinery and equipment described in Schedule A is 20 years. The anticipated age life for machinery and equipment located in specific types of property is listed in Table 1. Age refers to the chronological age or the effective age, in years. Chronological age is the actual number of years elapsed from the year the machinery and equipment was built, to the assessment year. Effective age refers to the estimated age of machinery and equipment based on its present condition, design features and engineering amenities. Effective age may be less than, equal to, or greater than actual age. Effective age is determined by examining the present condition, design features and engineering factors of comparable types of machinery and equipment.

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2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


TABLE 1–ANTICIPATED AGE LIFE TYPE OF PROPERTY Acid Plant Brewery Brick Plant Cannery Chemical Plant Cement Plant Coal Processing Plant Distillery Dairy, Creamery Enhanced Oil Recovery Feed or Flour Mill Gas Processing (including sour gas) Gas Injection or Compression Insulation Plant Meat Packing Plant Methanol Plant Oil Sand Processing Plant Oilfield Battery Plywood/OSB*/Wallboard Manufacturing Plant Pulp Mill Pelitizing Plant (Feed) Refinery (Metal) Refinery (Oil) Refinery (Sugar) Roofing Plant Saw or Stud Mill Seed Cleaning Plant Soft Drink Plant Steel Mill Sulphur or Fertilizer Plant Tire Plant Water Flood

ANTICIPATED AGE LIFE OF M & E 20 years 25 years 25 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 25 years 25 years 15 years 25 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 25 years 15 years 15 years 20 years 20 years 15 years 20 years 15 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 25 years 20 years 20 years 15 years 15 years 20 years

*OSB–Oriented Strand Board


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2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


TABLE 2–DEPRECIATION FACTORS–ANTICIPATED AGE LIFE Age (Years) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Note:

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10 15 20 25 30 35 50 60 Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years 75 75 75 73 66 59 53 48 43 40

75 75 75 75 75 71 66 62 58 54 50 47 44 41 40

75 75 75 75 75 75 74 70 66 63 60 57 54 51 49 46 44 42 40

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 72 69 67 64 61 59 57 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 41 40

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 74 71 69 67 64 62 60 58 56 54 53 51 49 47 46 44 43 41 40

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 73 71 69 67 65 63 61 59 58 56 54 53 51 50 48 47 46 44 43 42 41 40

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 74 72 71 70 68 67 65 64 63 62 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 52 51 50 49

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 74 73 72 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 61 60 59 58 57 57 56

Expressed as percentage remaining.


2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines

TABLE 2–Depreciation Factors–Anticipated Age Life (CONT.) Age (Years)

10 Years

15 20 25 30 35 50 60 Years Years Years Years Years Years Years

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Note:


48 47 46 46 45 44 43 42 41 40

55 54 53 52 51 50 49 49 48 47 46 45 45 44 43 42 42 41 40

Expressed as percentage remaining.

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2012 Alberta Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister’s Guidelines


SCHEDULE D–ADDITIONAL DEPRECIATION For any depreciation that is not reflected in Schedule C, the assessor may adjust for additional depreciation provided acceptable evidence of such loss in value exists.

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2012 Machinery & Equipment Assessment Minister's Guidelines ISBN 978-1-4601-0408-8 (Print) ISBN 978-1-4601-0409-5 (Online)