and an e-book, giving you more options than ever to meet the unique needs of
your practice. ... American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons saving
faces|changing ..... A quiz offering the reader two CE credits is included in each ...
Product Catalog 2016–2017
Office Design and Construction for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Basics of Office Surgical Assistin g 4th Edition
Resources for every practice need!
Dental Implant 4th Edition Assisting
Table of Contents
Be sure to check for special product promotions each month!
Patient Education
• To support your busy practice • To educate your staff • To enhance your clinical knowledge
Practice Compliance Practice Management
Clinical Resources
Order Form
The 2016-2017 AAOMS Product Catalog is filled with an array of valuable products for the busy oral and maxillofacial surgery practice. Here are just a few of our featured items: • New Edition! The completely revised Office Design and Construction Manual is loaded with image-filled case studies and information about green building standards. • Coming Soon! Support your clinical staff with updated editions of SASS I: Basics of Office Surgical Assisting and SASS II: Dental Implant Assisting – available in early 2017.
We’re here for you. At AAOMS, our goal is to provide you with high-quality products and services. Please contact us with your comments and ideas for new products. Call 800/822-6637 or e-mail us at
[email protected].
Shop online! Visit our newly enhanced e-store at for an array of products designed especially for AAOMS members and their staff.
See page 14 for ordering information.
PATIENT EDUCATION AAOMS patient education pamphlets and guides increase patient understanding!
See page 4 for money-saving kits!
Patient Education Guides (PEG) Perfect addition to your consulting area! Containing the most current information about OMS treatments and procedures, Patient Education Guides offer in-depth topic descriptions and help patients review key points discussed during consultation.
Topics and order codes: PEG1 PEG2 PEG3 PEG4 PEG5
Dental Implant Surgery Wisdom Teeth Management TMJ Treatment and Surgery Corrective Jaw Surgery Facial Cosmetic Surgery
Space is available on the back of the brochures to imprint your name and office information, allowing you to personalize them and promote your practice. Copyright 2015. Minimum order per title is 25 copies.
Best-selling, fact-filled guides contain detailed illustrations!
MEMBER: QTY. 25-99 $1.75 EA
100/200 $1.50 EA
300/400/500 $1.25 EA
600/700/800 $1.05 EA
900 + $.90 EA
NONMEMBER: QTY. 25-99 $5.25 EA
100/200 $4.50 EA
300/400/500 $3.75 EA
600/700/800 $3.15 EA
900 + $2.70 EA
INSTITUTION: QTY. 25-99 $3.50 EA
100/200 $3.00 EA
300/400/500 $2.50 EA
600/700/800 $2.10 EA
900 + $1.80 EA
Patient Information Pamphlets (PIP) These attractive pamphlets offer concise, patient-friendly descriptions on a variety of oral and maxillofacial surgery topics.
Great patient education vehicles for your waiting room, referrals or community presentations!
Topics and order codes:
P1 Nutrition P2 Obstructive Sleep Apnea TMJ Treatment and Surgery P3 Space is available on the back of each P4 Corrective Jaw Surgery pamphlet for you to imprint your name P5 Treatment of Facial Injury and office information. (Single samples are P6 Facial Cosmetic Surgery available free of charge.) Copyright 2015. P7A Dental Implant Surgery Minimum order per title is 100. P8 Wisdom Teeth Management Member $40/100 P10 Administration of Anesthesia Nonmember $120/100 P12 Head, Neck and Oral Cancer Institution $80/100 P13 MRONJ PCB The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon PS5 Tratamiento de lesiones facials (Treatment of Facial Injury Spanish) PS7A Cirugía de implantes dentales (Dental Implant Surgery Spanish) Four Spanish-language PS8 Cuidado de las muelas del juicio versions available! (Wisdom Teeth Management Spanish) PS12 Cáncer de la cabeza, el cuello y la boca (Head, Neck and Oral Cancer Spanish)
Order online at, or call 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195, fax 770/280-4140
PATIENT EDUCATION AAOMS display racks and our most popular topics available in money saving kits! Pamphlet Display Racks Display your patient education materials in style! Convenient, sturdy clear acrylic display racks with the AAOMS logo are available to professionally display your Patient Information Pamphlets and Patient Education Guides. Each slot holds up to 50 copies of the pamphlet. Racks can be placed on a counter or easily mounted to your waiting room wall.
Patient Information Pamphlets 6-Slot Display Rack Member: $60 / Nonmember: $180 Institution: $120 Order Code: R2
Patient Education Guides 4-Slot Display Rack
Member: $60 / Nonmember: $180 Institution: $120 Order Code: PEGRACK
Patient Information Pamphlet Kit
Kit includes 100 each of the following 6 best-selling PIPs plus a 6-slot display rack
Member: $225
TMJ Treatment and Surgery P3 P5 Treatment of Facial Injury P7A Dental Implant Surgery P8 Wisdom Teeth Management Head, Neck and Oral Cancer P12 PCB The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Nonmember: $675 Institution: $450
Order Code: R2PRE
6-PIP kit (R2PRE) includes display rack
Patient Education Guide Kits PEGSET A kit includes 100 each of Dental Implant Surgery (PEG1), Wisdom Teeth Management (PEG2), TMJ Treatment and Surgery (PEG3) and Corrective Jaw Surgery (PEG4), plus a 4-slot display rack. PEGSET B kit includes 100 each of Dental Implant Surgery (PEG1), Wisdom Teeth Management (PEG2), TMJ Treatment and Surgery (PEG3) and Facial Cosmetic Surgery (PEG5), plus a 4-slot display rack.
Attractive space-saving solution!
See page 14 for ordering information.
Our best selling PEG sets!
Member: $465 Nonmember: $1395 Institution: $930
Order Codes: PEGSET A (includes PEG 4) PEGSET B (includes PEG 5)
PATIENT EDUCATION Expand your patient education activities with these invaluable tools! USA Today Supplement: A Guide to Dental Implants Published with the Friday, October 1, 2004 issue of USA Today, these full-color reprints of the AAOMS supplement teach patients and colleagues about the many benefits of dental implants placed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons. This item is not available to nonmembers.
MEMBER: QTY. 1-250 $.35 EA
251-500 $.30 EA
OVER 500 $.25 EA
251-500 $.50 EA
OVER 500 $.40 EA
Laminated Version of USA Today Supplement: A Guide to Dental Implants (shown in inset below)
Order Code: USA04 (paper supplement)
Durable, full-size, spiral-bound, laminated copies of the supplement on dental implants are a practical, long-lasting addition to your waiting room and handy for presentations.
Member: $45
This item is not available to nonmembers.
Institution: $90 This item is not available to nonmembers.
Order Code: USALAM (laminated version)
Laminated copies available!
The OMS guide to a smile for a lifetime!
Thank your colleagues with AAOMS Gift Certificates – see page 15 for information.
Refer your patients to — The patient focused website filled with additional educational resources on OMS treatments and procedures. Order online at, or call 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195, fax 770/280-4140
PRACTICE COMPLIANCE Stay in compliance with products to make your business life easier! OSHA Exposure Control Training Module USB Drive The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that medical practices file updated bloodborne pathogen exposure control plans annually. OSHA regulations require a written plan for each practice location detailing: • required follow-ups of incidents and • job titles and duties that may expose employees to exposure; infection; • steps to alert employees to biohazards; and • work routines to minimize exposure; • recordkeeping requirements. • how HBV vaccination may be obtained from the employer;
Member: $84 Nonmember: $252 Institution: $168
Order Code: OSHA.TM
This training module is a narrated PowerPoint presentation provided on a USB drive. It is a must-have resource for training your staff and meeting your annual and new employee education requirements. Copyright 2015.
Model Medical Practice OSHA Exposure Control Compliance Plan and Training Keep your employees safe and informed about exposure to medical waste and the proper steps for protection and disposal. This publication, which includes the print manual and a USB drive containing a narrated PowerPoint presentation, provides a comprehensive guide to meeting OSHA requirements in an OMS practice.
Member: $295 Nonmember: $885 Institution: $590
Order Code: OSHA
Copyright 2015.
Complete HIPAA Compliance Plan and Guide This HIPAA guide is designed to help you implement an effective compliance plan. Updated with changes from the HITECH Act, it covers: • penalty provisions; • PHI disclosure requirements for • new business associate rules and requirements; privacy and security; and • breach notifications; • notice of breach.
Member: $424 Nonmember: $1,272 Institution: $848
Order Code: BUNDLE
This manual is a binder of invaluable information accompanied by a USB drive containing guide templates (in 3 different formats) and narrated PowerPoint presentations. The privacy/security training module provides a comprehensive session for staff training. The compliance instructional module on breach notifications rules provides definitions and examples of breach and notification requirements. A Business Associates Agreement adaptable to your practice is also included.. Copyright 2013.
Model Medical Practice Personnel Policy Manual and Workplace Harassment Training Compliance Plan Designed to help you develop your own office policy manual and inform your staff of important workplace related issues, this edition includes: • a training module covering how to recognize and deal with workplace harassment, and instructions for managers on handling complaints and investigations; • a PowerPoint presentation on USB drive designed to fulfill your workplace educational requirements; and Customize • a registration postcard to receive free updates on changes to applicable for your healthcare regulations. practice! Copyright 2014. 6
See page 14 for ordering information.
Includes registration postcard to receive free updates when there are changes to applicable regulations!
Member: $260 Nonmember: $780 Institution: $520
Order Code: MPP
PRACTICE MANAGEMENT AAOMS has all your unique practice needs covered! PRACTICE MANAGEMENT RESOURCE
Office Design and Construction for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Member: $165
ffice Design and Construction for the Oral O and Maxillofacial Surgeon, 3rd Edition Whether building, designing, or retrofitting your office, the latest edition of Office Design and Construction for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon – completely revised for 2016 – will help you define your project, manage schedule and budget, and comply with green building standards. Includes eight, image-filled case studies. Copyright 2016.
Nonmember: $495 Institution: $330
Order Code: ODC-007
New Edition!
Member: $124
Selling Your Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Practice
Nonmember: $372 Institution: $248
There are many legal and business factors involved when considering the sale of your practice. This instructive manual covers the issues in depth, including the initial question of whether you should sell the practice at all. If you have already made the decision to put your practice on the market, learn all of the steps involved, from finding potential buyers and determining basic sale terms to securing the right professional assistance. Legal aspects are also explored, including: • restrictive covenants; • post-sale employment terms;
• security interests; and • how to maximize tax advantages.
Copyright 2014.
Order Code: SELL
Specialty-Specific Edition!
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Buy-Ins and Pay-Outs This valuable resource will guide you through the economic and practical aspects of how to bring on a partner, or how and what to pay a retiring/disassociating partner in an oral and maxillofacial surgery practice. Incorporating all legal and financial factors that affect a practice with the entry or exit of an OMS, each chapter presents a step-by-step process of a buy-in and a pay-out. It reflects the current and changing economics and tax aspects applicable to OMS practices. Appendices include sample language for shareholders’ agreements, employment agreements, and stock option letters discussed in the book. This manual incorporates changes in the law regarding deferred compensation. Copyright 2012.
Retirement Planning for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Have you planned for your financial security when you decide to retire or phase down your practice? Retirement Planning for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon can help make your decision less complicated. This comprehensive publication addresses: • r etirement, estate and pensions plans; • buy-ins and pay-outs; and • ethical issues of practice closure.
Member: $128 Nonmember: $384 Institution: $256
Order Code: BUYPAY
Member: $96 Nonmember: $288 Institution: $192
Order Code: RETR
Sample letters are included for announcing: • a new partnership; • a doctor’s retirement; • notification of a doctor’s death; and • when doctors are discontinuing a practice.
This manual provides information to help you develop the best retirement strategy for your situation. Copyright 2013. Order online at, or call 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195, fax 770/280-4140
PRACTICE MANAGEMENT AAOMS resources for all facets of your practice! Practice Management Manual: A Guide to Managing the OMS Office, 2nd Edition Our comprehensive Practice Management Manual is an essential resource for all OMS practices! Includes information about business start-up and organization, revenue cycle management, strategic planning, retirement, human resources management, risk management, practice marketing, and more! Copyright 2010.
ICD-9 to ICD-10-CM Reference Card The ICD-9 to ICD-10-CM Reference Card puts the new ICD-10-CM codes reliably at your fingertips! This two-sided, laminated chart lists the codes most commonly used by oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the old ICD-9-CM coding system and compares them to their counterparts in the new ICD-10-CM system. With the increased specificity of ICD-10 and its additional diagnosis codes, this guide will become an essential tool for your entire coding and billing staff. Copyright 2014.
Member: $125 Nonmember: $375 Institution: $250
Order Code: PMM-10
Must-have resource!
Member: $35 Nonmember: $105 Institution: $70
Order Code: ICD910CARD
“I bought four for my office – best investment, and my office manager thanked me!”
I nsurance Manual: A Guide to Understanding, Filing and Appealing Claims and OMS Billing and Reimbursement An essential publication for every OMS office! The perfect reference for your coding and billing policies, this “must-have” manual guides you through the process from filing to appeal with its to-the-point information on: • understanding and avoiding • claim filing and reimbursement fraud and abuse regulations; regulations; • providing appropriate documentation; • pertinent Medicare policies; • coding compliance; and • HIPAA regulations; • dealing with managed care policies. Procedure-specific appeal examples, sample letters and denial‑specific flow charts are included. Copyright 2013. New edition coming in 2017!
Insurance Manual: A Guide to Understanding, Filing and Appealing Claims and OMS Billing and Reimbursement E-book
Nonmember: $585 Institution: $390
Order Code: IM-BRM
E-book* Member: $150 Nonmember: $400 Institution: $350 Available online only at *See for system requirements and details.
The Insurance and Billing and Reimbursement e-book contains all of the same valuable information as the print edition, formatted for easy reading on your computer or electronic device*.
Professional Courtesy Policy Template USB Drive Under the Stark regulations, medical practices may only provide professional courtesy in accordance with a bullet point list of rules. To comply, the courtesy policy must also be in writing and approved by the practice’s governing body. This template, provided on a USB drive, furnishes a complete set of Stark compliant policies for the various types of practice entities (corporations, LLCs, sole proprietorships, etc.), together with appropriate adopting resolutions. Copyright 2015. 8
Member: $195
See page 14 for ordering information.
Member: $97 Nonmember: $291 Institution: $194
Order Code: PCPT.CD
CLINICAL PRACTICE MARKETING Promote your practice and your specialty! Surgical Update Reprints Written for the professional dental and medical audience, AAOMS Surgical Updates are peer-reviewed, informative publications that highlight a different oral and maxillofacial surgery topic each issue. A quiz offering the reader two CE credits is included in each issue. These publications are a valuable resource for the oral and maxillofacial surgeon, general dentist, office assistant and medical specialist. Topics and order codes: P59 Alveolar Split Bone Augmentation – Available in late 2016! P58 Position Paper on Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (2014) P57 Creating a Culture of Patient Safety (2013)
UNDER 25 $1.25 EA $3.75 EA $2.50 EA
25-49 $1.00 EA $3.00 EA $2.00 EA
50-99 $.75 EA $2.25 EA $1.50 EA
100-199 $.55 EA $2.20 EA $1.10 EA
200 OR MORE $.50 EA $2.00 EA $1.00 EA
CLINICAL RESOURCES AAOMS is your trusted source for clinical products. AAOMS Parameters of Care: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Fifth Edition This fifth edition of the AAOMS Parameters of Care (ParCare) reflects the contributions of many OMS opinion leaders and includes guidelines for treatment and outcome expectations for 11 designated areas of oral and maxillofacial surgery: • trauma surgery •p atient assessment • temporomandibular joint surgery • a nesthesia in outpatient facilities • diagnosis and management of pathologic •d entoalveolar surgery conditions •d ental and craniomaxillofacial implant surgery • reconstructive surgery • s urgical correction of maxillofacial skeletal deformities • cosmetic maxillofacial surgery • c left and craniofacial surgery Copyright 2012.
ParCare E-book The ParCare e-book contains the same important information as the print edition, formatted for easy reading on your computer or electronic device.*
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Slipcases Organize your journals! Sturdy slipcase holds one year’s worth of issues of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Complimentary labels available for years designated below. Slipcase label order code: JOMS.LB (1984-1995), JOMS.LB2 (1986-1997), JOMS.LB3 (1989-2000), JOMS.LB4 (1992-2003), JOMS.LB6 (2000-2011), JOMS.LB7 (2004-2015), JOMS.LB8 (2016-2027) Order online at, or call 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195, fax 770/280-4140
Member: $100 Nonmember: $300 Institution: $200
Order Code: PARCAR5
E-book* Member: $100 Nonmember: $300 Institution: $200 Online only at *See for system requirements and details.
Member: $37/each Nonmember: $111/each Institution: $74/each
Order Code: JOMS Select complimentary slipcase labels! See list on the left.
CLINICAL RESOURCES OMS Knowledge Update – A comprehensive refresher course on specialty scope. OMS Knowledge Update PDF Series The OMS Knowledge Update Self-Study Program: Volumes 3 and 4 are exclusively downloadable as PDFs. See for system requirements and details.
OMS Knowledge Update, Volume Three Volume Three contains sections on anesthesia, TMJ, pediatric surgery, trauma, cosmetic surgery, infections, and emerging technologies. This program also includes multiple-choice selfassessment questions and annotated suggestions for additional reading. Up to 42 continuing education credits are available upon completion of program requirements. Produced in 2001.
OMS Knowledge Update, Volume Four Volume Four contains sections on pathology and oncology, ambulatory office anesthesia and coexisting disease, physical evaluation and diagnosis and critical care medicine, dentoalveolar surgery and sleep apnea. The program also includes 240 multiple-choice self-assessment questions arranged by topic. Up to 30 continuing education credits are available upon completion of program requirements. Produced in 2006.
OMS Knowledge Update Online OMS Knowledge Update Volume V (OMSKU V)
Available online and on demand!
Get to know OMSKU V, the interactive, online home-study resource. OMSKU V gives you access to articles, videos, slide presentations, interactive tutorials and more, all written by leaders in their areas of expertise. Because you complete the program when and where you want, earning CE credit has never been easier or more convenient than with this innovative online format. Volume V is now complete with 13 chapters in all!
Access chapters on Anesthesia, Cosmetic Surgery, Dental Implants, Head and Neck Infections, History of OMS, Microneurosurgery, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Orthognathic Surgery, Pathology, Patient Assessment, Reconstructive Surgery, TMJ, and Trauma.
See page 14 for ordering information.
Volumes Three and Four now available for download at! VOLUME 3:
Member: $100 Nonmember: $300 Institution: $200 VOLUME 4:
Member: $100 Nonmember: $300 Institution: $200
Visit to preview and purchase this exciting program.
CLINICAL RESOURCES Your one-stop shop for essential clinical products! Member: $95
Office Anesthesia Evaluation Manual, 8th Edition This essential resource helps OMS offices comply with the AAOMS office anesthesia evaluation requirements. It is also helpful to anesthesia assistants who are studying for the Dental Anesthesia Assistant National Certification Examination (DAANCE). The eighth edition includes information on the office anesthesia evaluation program and guidelines, patient evaluation, complications and emergencies, and perioperative patient management emphasizing anesthesia risks. Select algorithms from the American Heart Association’s Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) and AAOMS Parameters of Care on on patient assessment and anesthesia are also included. Copyright 2012. “The OAE Online combines essential information with videos for a total educational experience. It’s a comprehensive and convenient way to help your team comply with state society office anesthesia evaluation requirements and state dental board regulations.” – MICHAEL KLEIMAN, DMD
Nonmember: $285 Institution: $190
Order Code: OAE-8TH
E-book* Member: $95 Nonmember: $285 Institution: $190
Print and E-book Bundle* Member: $158
Office Anesthesia Evaluation E-book and Bundle The OAE e-book contains all of the same information available in the printed manual, formatted for reading on electronic devices.* Buy the print edition and e-book together at one value price!
Nonmember: $474 Institution: $316
Office Anesthesia Evaluation Online The Office Anesthesia Evaluation (OAE) Online Web-based program is the only product available that combines the OAE 8th Edition manual and streaming videos to thoroughly demonstrate anesthesia emergency scenarios.
Available online only at *See for system requirements and details.
A PDF of the manual and MP4 video files can also be downloaded directly to your computer. The supporting video segments – almost a full hour of total content– demonstrate: • proper facilities and equipment; • considerations in administering anesthesia to obese and medically compromised patients; • administration of anesthesia to pediatric patients; • treatment of anesthesia emergencies including syncope, drug allergy, airway management, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, emesis and aspiration, hypotension, hypertension, myocardial infarction, malignant hypothermia, and others. The OAE Online will help OMS offices comply with AAOMS membership requirements and state dental board regulations. It’s also a valuable resource for anesthesia assistants studying for the DAANCE. Copyright 2013
OAE Online* Member: $200 Nonmember: $600 Institution: $400 Available online only at *See for system requirements and details.
Includes videos you can download and a manual you can print!
OMS Reference Guide, 3rd Edition Prepared by the Resident Organization of AAOMS (ROAAOMS), this pocketsized guide is filled with essential information on basic patient care and is a valuable tool for quickly obtaining answers to questions that arise during treatment. It also serves as an organized resource for review of material required for board certification and OMS practice. Copyright 2013.
OMS Reference Guide E-Book and Bundle The e-book offers all of the same essential information as the print edition, in a convenient digital format.
New edition coming soon!
Order online at, or call 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195, fax 770/280-4140
Reference Guide Member and Resident: $45 Nonmember: $135
Order Code: OMSRG
E-book* Member and Resident: $45 Nonmember: $135
Print and E-book Bundle* Member and Resident: $75 Nonmember: $225 Institution: $150
Available online only at *See for system requirements and details.
CLINICAL RESOURCES Products for new assistants or seasoned staff! Surgical Assisting Skills Series (SASS) SURGICAL ASSISTING SKILLS SERIES
SASS1 Basics of Office Surgical Assisting 4th Edition
Member and Professional Allied Staff: $45
SASS I: Basics of Office Surgical Assisting, 4th Edition SASS I: Basics of Office Surgical Assisting, 4th Edition includes all new CDC infection control guidelines, as well as information on patient physical evaluations and preparation for surgical procedures. New edition coming soon!
Nonmember: $135 Institution: $90
Order Code: SASS1
Perfect for the new assistant on your surgical team or the seasoned assistant looking for reference material, Basics of Office Surgical Assisting provides an understanding of infection control; instruments and materials commonly used in the OMS office; office protocols for various procedures; and local anesthetics, from how they work to adverse reactions. Copyright 2017.
SASS 2: Dental Implant Assisting, 4th Edition SASS 2: Dental Implant Assisting, 4th Edition covers the basic science of implantology, types of implants, surgical techniques, complications and postoperative care. The new edition includes information on: • resorbable membranes •b one/implant application • hard and soft tissue grafting • the team approach • sinus augmentation and nerve • patient evaluation repositioning • treatment planning • complications and post-op •p atient prep/operatory set-up New edition considerations • types of implants coming Copyright 2017. soon!
SASS2 Dental Implant Assisting 4th Edition
Member and Professional Allied Staff: $45 Nonmember: $135 Institution: $90
Order Code: SASS2
SASS 3: Advanced Protocols for Medical Emergencies in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Office, 4th Edition SASS 3: Advanced Protocols for Medical Emergencies in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Office, 4th Edition is an essential reference for medical emergency preparedness. Quick tabs provide easy access to emergency protocols by symptom analysis, including: • lost consciousness; • respiratory distress; • chest pains; • cardiac dysrhythmias; and • allergic/drug reactions. Also includes the latest CPR and BLS (basic life support) guidelines. Copyright 2015.
Member and Professional Allied Staff: $79.95 Nonmember: $229.85 Institution: $154.90
Order Code: SASSIII
SASS 3 is suggested additional reading for the Dental Anesthesia Assistant National Certification Examination (DAANCE). To learn more about the exam, visit Thank your colleagues with AAOMS Gift Certificates – see page 15 for information.
See page 14 for ordering information.
ORDER FORM Expedite your order. Order online at! To order by phone: 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195
To order by mail: AAOMS Publications 1650 Bluegrass Lakes Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30004
International Calls: 770/280-4195 To order by fax: 770/280-4140 Order Code
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$300 AND OVER $28.95
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Sales Tax: Illinois residents add 10.25%; Georgia residents add appropriate state and county taxes. Order online at, or call 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195, fax 770/280-4140
(see chart at left)
2017 13
ORDER FORM AAOMS’s many service options make ordering easier than ever! Ordering Information The products in this catalog are available through AAOMS Publications and can be ordered as follows: ORDER ONLINE: To order by phone: 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195 To order by fax: 770/280-4140 To order by mail: AAOMS Publications 1650 Bluegrass Lakes Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30004 E-mail:
[email protected] To reach AAOMS Publications from outside of the United States: International Calls: 770/280-4195 Payment Information All orders must be prepaid. Payment can be made by Visa, MasterCard, American Express or check payable in US dollars to AAOMS Publications. Refund Policy Refunds will be granted for products returned within 30 days of purchase, if returned in the original packaging and with all components intact. Price Changes Prices are subject to change without notice. If this occurs, adjustments will be made to your order. E-books not available for purchase by mail, fax or phone. Order only at
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Name Institution or Practice Name (if applicable) Address City State/Province Postal Code Country Telephone Fax E-mail address
3. n AAOMS Member n Nonmember n Resident (provide info below) Residency Program Name Director and Phone #
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Give the gift of knowledge! Stock up for the Holidays! AAOMS Gift Certificates Available in $25 and $50 denominations, these certificates are redeemable for products through AAOMS Publications via mail orders only. Order Code: CERT.25 ($25 certificate); CERT.50 ($50 certificate)
Visit for a wealth of additional information and materials for AAOMS members. AAOMS Conference Recordings
Complimentary Practice Management Resources
Take the meeting home with you! An extensive collection of audio and video recordings of AAOMS conferences is available for purchase. Visit for more information.
AAOMS offers members a number of downloadable coding, advocacy and position papers. Visit for more information.
Visit the AAOMS Resource Center Booth Whether you’re interested in education, regulatory compliance or a new marketing effort, the AAOMS Resource Center booth has a hands-on display of the latest materials for the busy OMS practice. We hope to see you at the next Dental Implant Conference and Annual Meeting! • Dental Implant Conference December 1-3, 2016 Chicago, IL Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
2016 logo
• A AOMS 99th Annual Meeting, Scientific Sessions and Exhibition October 9-14, 2017 San Francisco, CA
Order online at, or call 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195, fax 770/280-4140
Check out these must-have resources! Visit to find up-to-the-minute information on association programs and services, as well as specialty issues, or call AAOMS headquarters at 800/822-6637, where you can obtain information and assistance on a variety of specialty and association topics.
Office Design and Construction for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, 3rd Edition
See page 7
n and Office Desig n for the Oral io ct ru st n Con acial Surgeo and Maxillof
SASS2 Dental Implant Assisting 4th Edition
f Office Basics ol Assisting a ic rg Su ion 4th Edit
SASS I, II, and III See page 12
Important practice resources on a convenient USB drive
To order visit or call 800/366-6725 or 770/280-4195, or fax 770/280-4140
9700 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Rosemont, Illinois 60018-5701 800/822-6637 fax: 847/678-6286 Email:
[email protected] website: