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Apr 30, 2015 ... They are using multiple strategies to inculcate in our students new expertise spanning .... Other interests are: a) the crystal structural analysis of native and mutant ..... guide the clinical development of new means to inhibit tumor ... its newly identified co-factors (Pokemon, PARP-1, myc, etc) to ERa minimal.
School of Medicine Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Annual Report 2013-2014

GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................... 3-5 RESEARCH AND OTHER SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES .............................................................................. 6-107 RESEARCH INTERESTS.......................................................................................................................................... 7-34 STUDY SECTIONS, ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS AND EDITORIAL SERVICE ........................................ 34-51 RESEARCH GRANTS AND CONTRACT ACTIVITY ................................................................................................. 52-69 PERCENT OF FACULTY SUPPORT ON RESEARCH GRANTS ........................................................................................ 70 TRAINING AND PROJECT GRANTS ....................................................................................................................... 71-72 PARTICIPANTS IN RESEARCH .............................................................................................................................. 73-76 MAJOR COLLABORATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 77-86 ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................................. 86 AWARDS AND HONORS ........................................................................................................................................... 86 INVITED TALKS ................................................................................................................................................ 86-107 TEACHING ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................. 108-121 EDUCATIONAL CREDIT UNITS SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 109-119 TEACHING AWARDS .............................................................................................................................................. 120 POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWS ............................................................................................................................ 120-121 FACULTY DATA ............................................................................................................................................ 122-131 CURRENT FACULTY ....................................................................................................................................... 123-124 NEW FACULTY ...................................................................................................................................................... 125 MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES ................................................................................................... 125-131 THREE YEAR BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................. 132-175 FINANCIAL PLAN ......................................................................................................................................... 176-182


General Description


During the 2013-2014 academic year, the Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology continued to grow its strengths in discovery and education related to the practice of pharmacology. The discovery component of our departmental missions employs basic chemical principles in developing an understanding of cell signaling events, and then applies these insights in the creation of new therapeutic strategies. This past year, the department made significant new advances in understanding fundamental mechanisms of cell and tissue communication, how these events impact on cell growth and function, the creation of new drugs to control these processes and, from this, the generation of new intellectual property (patents) that allows the commercialization of these discoveries. In spite of challenging times, the concerted effort of both faculty and staff in making and communicating seminal research advancements has been rewarded by a continued growth in extramural research support that now totals $18,039,712 annually. The teaching missions of the department are a high priority, thus they both thrive and continue to evolve. Donald DeFranco, Ph.D., has been highly effective in his position as Vice Chair for Education, as has Patrick Pagano, Ph.D., Director of our Molecular Pharmacology Graduate Program. We have continued to restructure and revise the Ph.D. Program in Molecular Pharmacology to be more responsive to student needs and the rapidly evolving training requirements for minting a competitive pharmacologist in the contemporary job market. They are using multiple strategies to inculcate in our students new expertise spanning from synthetic organic chemistry to physiology. In this regard, the Molecular Pharmacology Graduate Program has refocused its areas of specialization to provide additional focus on molecular aspects of signal transduction, cell and organ systems pharmacology, cancer pharmacology and drug discovery. We are especially pleased with student reactions regarding our recent integration of combined clinical simulator- and murine-based “hands-on” training in organ physiology and pharmacology into our graduate curricula. Due to the interest of students outside of the Molecular Pharmacology Graduate Program, we are further expanding these organ physiology and pharmacology teaching missions. Important contributions and leadership have also been lent in graduate education by Guillermo Romero, Ph.D., Associate Director of Graduate Education and Daniel Altschuler, Ph.D., Co-Director of the Molecular Pharmacology course, in addition to our overall departmental faculty. By new mechanisms that regularly evaluate both mentors and students, Drs. DeFranco, Pagano and Freeman have succeeded in reducing our average time for graduation of Ph.D. students to four, and sometimes less than four, years for exceptionally productive students. Departmental faculty are particularly proud of our current outstanding Molecular Pharmacology Ph.D. and M.D./Ph.D. students, who are contributing important new insight into fundamental cell signaling processes, drug actions and drug discovery. Medical education has also thrived under Dr. DeFranco’s leadership. He is one of the most highly esteemed educators and researchers in the Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology and the School of Medicine. Dr. DeFranco, along with Stephan Tofovic, M.D., Ph.D., have dramatically improved the integration of pharmacology instruction into the organ-based, modular instructional approach currently given to Pitt medical students. Additionally, all of the Pharmacology & Chemical Biology faculty participate in the execution of multiple small-group and team-based workshops, focusing on clinically relevant case studies in pharmacology. With constant attention to designing course content, optimal teaching strategies and their execution, we strive to continuously evolve and fulfill our mission to educate medical students and physicians in the conceptual basis for drug selection and administration. Pharmacology & Chemical Biology faculty are also dedicated to inspiring and growing the next generation of young scientists and physicians. Michael Palladino, Ph.D. continues to direct our highly acclaimed summer undergraduate research program, which attracts some of the brightest young, aspiring basic and physicianscientists from around the country. This program is in part funded by the American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, as well as participating School of Medicine centers and departments. Our undergraduate research program supports the summer living and laboratory expenses of students who are interested in a broad range of research themes. These students are matched with a laboratory that fits their 4

general interests and by pursuing a research project become exposed to challenging new laboratory skills, classroom experiences and an opportunity to interact with our internationally renowned departmental investigators. This represents a significant investment of time and resources that pays untold future dividends. The stellar research environment that exists in the Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology is reflected by the high-impact publications and abundant extramural support levels cited in this report. In order to grow and evolve this vibrant environment, new investments are continually being made in the research tools utilized by departmental investigators. Career development and strong mentorship for junior faculty are critical elements for nurturing a healthy future for the department. A new faculty mentoring process was instigated in recent years, whereby the Chair and senior faculty regularly meet with non-tenured and associate professor-level faculty to discuss and strategize how best to pursue career progression and key research objectives. In summary, the practice of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology is unique among basic sciences, as it embraces a broad range of expertise in our efforts to understand fundamental cell communication events, drug-target molecule reactions and, finally, the design, synthesis and therapeutic application of new drugs in patients. This latter effort requires strengths or critical collaborations in computational drug design, synthetic organic chemistry, biophysics, structural biology and organ physiology. Thus, Pharmacology & Chemical Biology maintains strong ties with a variety of basic science and clinical disciplines, while maintaining firm roots in fundamental elements of chemistry, cell and molecular biology, drug actions and drug metabolism. These precepts are exemplified by our premier educational and research missions that include the institution of new educational strategies, the creation of new centers of excellence, the recruitment of stellar new faculty, and the scientific and teaching contributions of our dedicated faculty. We thus invite you to explore in more detail our annual report and, if interested, to join us in fulfilling the departmental mission to excel in education, drug discovery and improved patient care.


Research and Other Scholarly Activities


Research Interests Bruce A. Freeman, Ph.D Professor and Chair Ph.D., University of California, Riverside, 1978 The basic and clinical research activities of the Freeman Laboratory focus on the eukaryotic cell production, reactions and signal transduction properties of oxidizing and free radical inflammatory mediators (e.g., superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide (NO), peroxynitrite, nitrogen dioxide, oxidized/nitrated lipids). In particular, we are interested in the action of these species as both redox signaling mediators under basal conditions and as pathogenic agents in inflammatory diseases. Our observations regarding O2 and NO-derived reactive species have lent new insight into redox-dependent cell signaling and have revealed new therapeutic strategies for treating acute inflammation, metabolic syndrome, respiratory disorders and cardiovascular diseases. In the late 1980s, his group studied the cellular and subcellular organelle production of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. Following the landmark description of endothelial-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) as the free radical NO, the Freeman laboratory pioneered the concept that the inflammatory and signal transduction mediator NO displays unique redox signaling actions following reaction with superoxide, oxidizing fatty acids and heme peroxidases. The “oxidative inactivation” of NO is a kinetically fast reaction, yielding “reactive nitrogen species” as products. This array of reactions of O2-derived species with NO can serve to both impair and transduce NO signaling via non-cGMP dependent mechanisms. There is now a rapidly expanding appreciation that NO-derived reactive species display distinct chemical reactivities and exert cell signaling actions beyond the activation of guanylate cyclase – e.g., via thiol oxidation, electrophilic addition and receptor-dependent reactions. This aspect of redox-related chemical biology is an area that the Freeman laboratory continues to investigate, with the intent of defining the linkages between reactive oxygen species and NO-dependent cell signaling mechanisms. From a translational research perspective, his group is addressing how these interactions impact cell and organ function, with particular directed towards metabolic, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Dr. Freeman's laboratory observed that NO reacts with superoxide (O2-) to yield the potent biological oxidizing and nitrating species peroxynitrite (ONOO-)and its conjugate acid, peroxynitrous acid (ONOOH). Groundbreaking observations were made in this area by Joe Beckman, PhD and Rafael Radi, MD, PhD. Their work showed that peroxynitrite is both a direct oxidant and, after homolytic scission of peroxynitrous acid, yields the potent oxidant hydroxyl radical (OH) and the oxidizing and nitrating species nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (Fig. 1). Also, they identified thiols and carbon dioxide as the principal biological targets of peroxynitrite. It is now known that peroxynitrite accounts for many of the pathogenic actions previously ascribed to its precursors - superoxide (and its products) and NO. Work from many laboratories continues to affirm that peroxynitrite mediates redox cell signaling actions upon the oxidation or nitration of target molecules such as thiols, aromatic amino acids, nucleotides and unsaturated fatty acids – with downstream cell signaling events and reactions of peroxynitrite now appreciated to be a consequence of its potent and unique reactivities. Daniel Altschuler, Ph.D Associate Professor Ph.D. (Biology), University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1989 Dr. Altschuler's laboratory studies mechanisms of signal transduction by the second messenger cAMP in cell proliferation. cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and Exchange protein activated by cAMP (Epac) represent the main effectors of cAMP action. Both pathways converge at the level of the small GTPase Rap1b, via its Epac-mediated activation and PKA-mediated phosphorylation. The role of Rap1 activation (Epac) and 7

phosphorylation (PKA) coordinating the early rate-limiting events in cAMP-dependent cell proliferation are studied using a multidisciplinary approach including molecular and cellular biology techniques in vitro, as well as in vivo validation using transgenic/knock in technologies in endocrine tumor models. Palaniappa Arjunan, Ph.D. Research Instructor Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 1985 Dr. Arjunan determines the structure of macromolecules of biological interest, and then analyses structurefunction relationships. He primarily uses X-ray crystallography to accomplish this. Dr. Arjunan's current research includes the high resolution three-dimensional structure determination of thiamin diphosphate (ThDP)-dependent enzymes, the yeast pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) and pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (PDHc) from Escherichia coli. The refined structure is then used to address long-standing issues regarding the structure and function of thiamin diphosphate-dependent enzymes. The structure determination also includes the structure of PDHc E1 in complex with a covalently bound reaction intermediate analogue. Other interests are: a) the crystal structural analysis of native and mutant ThDP-dependent enzymes, either alone or in complexes with substrates, inhibitors, activators or with other related enzymes and b) development of techniques for the determination and analysis of macromolecular crystal structure. Dr. Alessandro Bisello Associate Professor Laurea (Chemistry), University of Padova, Italy, 1992 The general scientific theme in the laboratory is to define the role of accessory/scaffolding proteins (such as caveolin and EBP50/NHERF1) in the regulation of cellular and tissue functions. Our efforts focus on two specific areas: Role of EBP50/NHERF-1 on vascular remodeling. The Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin Binding Phosphoprotein of 50 kDa (EBP50), also known as NHERF-1 is a PDZ domain-containing scaffolding protein. Our studies show that EBP50 is expressed at low levels in healthy vessels but is up-regulated following arterial injury. EBP50 contributes to the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). The temporal expression of EBP50 following arterial injury and its ability to regulate specific cell cycle proteins and signaling receptors suggest that this adaptor protein plays a key role in the integrated response of VSMC to injury. Current studies aim at determining the role of EBP50 on vascular remodeling. Cellular regulation of the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1R) receptor and its role in regulating beta cell function, proliferation and survival. One of the most promising therapeutic targets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes is the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP-1R). The well documented ability of GLP-1R agonists, either GLP-1 itself or exendin-4, to stimulate glucose-dependent insulin secretion and increase beta cell proliferation and survival led to the approval of exendin-4 for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Our studies show that the GLP-1R interacts with caveolin-1 and this is necessary for the trafficking of the GLP-1R to the cell membrane and directs its localization to lipid rafts. The central hypothesis of this project is that the interaction between GLP-1R and caveolin-1 and its localization in lipid rafts is a fundamental mechanism controlling both the insulinotropic and the proliferative actions of GLP-1 and exendin-4. Dinara Bulgari, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 1993 8

Dr. Bulgari’s research is focused on the mechanisms that regulate the neuropeptide release and activity-induced signaling in nerve terminals. She uses combination of genetic, electrophysiology and imaging techniques to study the native intact synapses in Drosophila model system. Her current research projects include: 1. Mechanisms of dense-core vesicle (DCV) accumulation in peptidergic type III synaptic boutons. This project is stimulated by the discoveries obtained from type Ib boutons. Unlike type Ib boutons, type III peptidergic boutons possess a multitude of DCVs and very few SSVs. These DCVs contain crustacean cardioactive peptide, which triggers crucial developmental behaviors. Type III boutons contain ~7-fold more DCVs than type Ib boutons but DCV axonal transport to both bouton types is similar. The differential accumulation of DCVs in type Ib and III boutons could be due to differences in bouton DCV capacity, not synthesis or delivery. 2. Mechanisms which control exocytosis of DCVs and SSVs. Exploration of the hypothesis that inositol trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) are needed for activity-dependent presynaptic recruitment of CamKII and scaffold protein Bruchpilot. Our CamKII findings raise the question of whether IP3Rs recruit many presynaptic proteins to produce long-term changes in a subset of active zones. Such a mechanism could be involved in generating the heterogeneity in transmission between individual active zones. These studies will continue to transform the understanding of neuropeptide release and signaling in the nerve terminal, which are fundamental to understanding the operation of the nervous system under physiological and pathological conditions. Eugenia Cifuentes-Pagano, Ph.D. Research Instructor Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1994 Dr. Cifuentes-Pagano’s research interests focus on the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of action of novel NADPH oxidase isoforms and their regulation in the vasculature. The phagocyte NADPH oxidase (or respiratory burst oxidase) is a well-characterized reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating system that catalyzes the one-electron reduction of oxygen to O2-, the precursor to a variety of other reactive oxygen species. The NADPH oxidase paradigm is a multi-subunit enzyme complex that includes two membranespanning subunits, p22-phox and nox2, and three cytoplasmic subunits, p40-phox, p47-phox and p67phox. Our laboratory was the first to discover a nox2-based oxidase in the vasculature and to develop specific inhibitors targeting this robust source of ROS. Since that initial discovery, various isoforms of NADPH oxidase have been described which differ from the nox2 system in unique modifications of their nox-subunit amino acid sequence as well as the cytoplasmic components that they require. Besides their structural differences, the various isoforms present differential tissue and cellular distribution. The multi-level complexity of this family of proteins provides an opportunity to develop new tools to dissect the role of each of the isoforms in vascular function and pathology. Donald DeFranco, Ph.D. Professor & Vice Chair, Education Ph.D., Yale University, 1981 Glucocorticoid hormones are widely used as prenatal agents for mothers at risk for preterm delivery and as postnatal agents in premature infants in order to decrease medical complications of prematurity. However, animal and clinical studies suggest that exposure of fetuses to glucocorticoids during development could affect future cognitive function and brain development. Delayed neurological effects of early glucocorticoid exposure may be mediated by reduced neural progenitor cell survival, proliferation or differentiation. We are using a number of in vivo and in vitro models to examine the role of the glucocorticoid receptor protein in survival and 9

function of developing neurons in the cerebral cortex. Both genomic and nongenomic mechanisms of glucocorticoid receptor action are being studied to uncover both short and long-term effects of these hormones. Communication between the epithelial and stromal compartments of the prostate that is mediated by growth factors and cytokines is crucial for the maintenance of prostate growth and function. However, alterations in the expression and response to these factors can occur during prostate cancer progression and alter signaling between these compartments. We are examining various signaling pathways within the tumor microenvironment that mediate cross talk between cells within the stromal compartment and prostate cancer cells. For example, we have identified a prostate stromal cell specific transcriptional coactivator, the Hic-5 protein, that functions in both androgen and vitamin D signaling pathways. Hic-5 influences androgen regulation of paracrine factors in stromal cells. In addition, it is an important mediator of vitamin D response acting to regulate vitamin D metabolism in stromal cells and the antiproliferative response of this vitamin in prostate cancer cells. He is also studying the TGF-beta signaling pathway with a particular interest in understanding the mechanism for its divergent action as both a tumor suppressor and tumor promoter. Recent studies revealed that human prostate cancer associated fibroblasts maintain a secreted activity that limits the migration of prostate cancer cells. However, TGF-beta derived from aggressive prostate cancer cells can block this migration inhibitory activity through activation of an ROS signaling pathway in the cancer-associated fibroblasts. W. Chet de Groat, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania Medical School, 1965 Dr. de Groat is interested in the autonomic nervous system and the neural regulation of pelvic visceral functions. Current studies focus on the reflex control of the urogenital tract and the mechanisms underlying transmission at central and peripheral autonomic synapses. These experiments are designed to examine (1) the neurotransmitters in the reflex pathways, (2) neuroplasticity during postnatal development or following neural injury, (3) the neural pathways responsible for the detection of visceral pain, and (4) the actions of drugs used to treat urogenital dysfunction. Experiments are conducted on a variety of preparations ranging from intact animals to isolated tissues, like spinal cord slices and dissociated neurons. Julie Eiseman, Ph.D. Research Professor Ph.D., Cornell University Medical College, 1980 Research in the Eiseman laboratory is directed at the preclinical evaluation of potential anti-cancer agents. Studies include the determination of the maximum tolerated dose, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and efficacy. The laboratory is also interested in non-invasively measuring compounds with absorbance spectra in the long visible range. Specific studies include the pharmacokinetics and efficacy of the pyrimidine compounds, fluorodeoxycytidine (FdCyd) and gemcitabine (dFdCyd) in combination with a cytidine deaminase inhibitor, tetrahydrouridine in CD2F1 mice and SCID mice with human pancreatic cancer xenografts. The pharmacokinetics and efficacy of tubulin interactive agents including docetaxel, paclitaxel and 6-epidictyostatin are also under investigation. Studies with docetaxel have examined the interaction with 9nitrocamptothecin in an ovarian cancer xenograft (SK-OV3) and a physiological based pharmacokinetic model was developed to describe the disposition of docetaxel. This model will be evaluated for its usefulness in predicting patient docetaxel pharmacokinetics. 10

Dr. Eiseman is interested in understanding the mechanisms involved during photodynamic therapy with Pc 4 and other phototherapeutic agents and use elastic scattering spectrometry to measure changes in drug concentrations and hemoglobin saturation during and following photodynamic therapy. For these studies, we measure the concentrations of the drug and hemoglobin non-invasively as well as through destructive methods such as HPLC and LC/MS-MS. Other agents investigated include a wide range of potential cancer chemotherapeutics including DB-67, CKD602, 2,2-dimethylbutyrate, DA-3003-1, Zebularine, 17-allyl aminogeldanamycin and 17-dimethylaminogeldanamycin. Keri Fogle, Ph.D. Research Instructor Ph.D., Columbia University, 2007 The ATP61 Drosophila model of mitochondrial encephalomyopathies shares common features with human diseases, including Maternally Inherited Leigh Syndrome (MILS) and Neuropathy, Ataxia, and Retinitis Pigmentosa (NARP). Some of the hallmarks of these diseases include neurodegeneration and seizure-like activity that is often unresponsive to commonly-used anti-epileptic drugs. Dr. Fogle is using whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology of the intact fly brain to explore the molecular mechanisms which underlie the neurobiological symptoms in the ATP61 model, specifically the membrane channel complexes which may couple metabolic disruption to neuronal dysfunction and hyperexcitability, and thus represent targets for novel therapeutic interventions. Peter Friedman, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., SUNY Upstate Medical Center, 1975 Studies in Dr. Friedman’s laboratory focus on spatiotemporal regulation of protein-protein interactions governing GPCR signaling and function. We are especially interested in the parathyroid hormone receptor (PTHR), which controls extracellular mineral ion homeostasis and bone turnover. Key advances have been made in understanding cell-specific PTHR signaling, trafficking, and post-translational modifications. Recent observations indicate that PTHR activation, desensitization and endocytosis are mediated through distinct structural states that derive from specific interactions between ligand and receptor. Agonist- or antagonistoccupied receptor states induce discrete conformations with accessibility to intracellular receptor domains. The differential or inducible involvement of these domains in coupling to G proteins may represent a molecular basis for ligand-selective responses not only for the PTHR, but also for other G protein-coupled receptors, and are novel drug targets. Current work is directed at elucidating the molecular and structural mechanisms of how cytoplasmic PDZ proteins such as NHERF1 legislate cell-, ligand-, and stage-specific receptor trafficking. The resulting information will be valuable in understanding mineral ion homeostasis under normal conditions, as well as disordered calcium balance in renal failure, hyperparathyroidism, or osteoporosis. William Furey, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., The State University of New Jersey, 1977 Dr. Furey’s research involves the structure determination and analysis of large biological molecules and complexes by x-ray crystallography, and correlating the results with known functions. The work currently focuses on thiamin (vitamin B1) dependent enzymes and cell cycle regulating enzymes, as well as crystallographic methods development. Results of these studies could lead to development of therapeutic agents directed against pathogenic organisms, and anti-cancer drugs. 11

The pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (PDHc, MW 4.7 million Daltons, 60 protein subunits & 60 active sites for the E. coli version) is present in most organisms and is critical for carbohydrate metabolism where it converts pyruvate, the product of glycolysis, to acetyl-CoA via a complicated process of substrate channeling within the confines of the complex. Structural analyses of the complex and its three major enzymatic components E1 (24 copies), E2 (24 copies), & E3 (12 copies) are underway, and Dr. Furey has already determined high resolution crystal structures for some of the components and reaction intermediates from the E. coli version. The E1 components are rate determining and require thiamin diphosphate as a cofactor, but must interact with a flexible segment [lipoyl domain (LD) and associated lipoamide side chain] on an E2 to transfer the first reaction product, an acetyl group, to the E2 active site. The acetyl group is then transferred to co-enzyme A within the E2 active site, and the product acetyl-CoA is released. The E2 bound lipoamide group (now reduced) then moves to an E3 (FAD dependent) active site, where it is oxidized to restore the initial conditions. Binding of the flexible segment to E1 and E3 subunits is mediated by additional binding to a peripheral subunit-binding domain (PSBD), shown bound to E1. Mechanistic details regarding the catalytic reactions in each active site are sought, as well as identifying structural aspects critical for assembly of the individual components to form the complete multienzyme complex. Specific mutations in some of the components are associated with hereditary diseases in humans, and detailed analyses of the structure-function relationships may suggest development of plausible therapeutic agents to counter the effects of the mutations. Additionally, given the critical nature of this system in overall energy production for cellular function, development of inhibitors binding at any of the catalytic sites, or at sites disrupting protein-protein assembly, may considerably weaken or kill the organism. Lack of appreciable sequence homology between PDHc’s from humans and pathogenic bacteria therefore suggests that effective, pathogen specific antibacterial agents may be developed. Early expression or over expression of Cdc25 proteins can cause the cell to prematurely progress leading to oncogenic effects, making these enzymes exciting targets for anti-cancer drug development. As part of a collaborative effort with Dr. John Lazo’s group, several potent inhibitors of Cdc25 proteins have been discovered, and structural analysis of their complexes with the enzymes are underway to reveal both where and how these inhibitors function. Dr. Furey has crystallized the catalytic domain of Cdc25b and determined its high-resolution structure. His group is currently co-crystallizing the catalytic domain with several inhibitors, as a step towards development of effective anti-cancer agents via structure-based drug design procedures. In collaboration with the Hauptman-Woodward Institute for Medical Research, Dr. Furey's group is developing new computational methods for solving macromolecular crystal structures by automated techniques. This work involves creating and developing a software package BnP, which is a merging of the PHASES package developed in the Furey lab, and the SnB package developed in Buffalo. A simple, graphical user interface is developed to enable automatic creation of an interpretable electron density map starting from observed x-ray diffraction data, with only a few mouse clicks and text field entries required. This will invoke automatic scaling of data, determination of heavy atom/anomalous scatterer sites, refinement and validation of sites, calculation of protein phases, phase refinement, and phase improvement via solvent flattening/negative density truncation. A few more mouse clicks enable automated building of a complete or nearly complete model by interfacing with other externally developed software. The idea is to make it simple for novices to determine good quality crystal structures, while enhancing the productivity of more sophisticated users as well. Ferruccio Galbiati, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., University of Milan, 1996 12

Most cells can not divide indefinitely due to a process termed cellular senescence. Because cancer cells need to escape cellular senescence in order to proliferate and eventually form tumors, it is well accepted that cellular senescence is a powerful tumor suppressive mechanism. In addition, since several molecular changes that are observed in senescent cells occur in somatic cells during the aging process, investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular senescence will also allow us to better understand the more complicated aging process. Thus, molecules that regulate cellular senescence represent potential therapeutic targets for the prevention/treatment of cancer as well as the fight against aging. Our work is directed at unraveling the role of caveolin-1 as a novel mediator of cellular senescence. Caveolin-1 is the structural protein component of caveolae, invaginations of the plasma membrane involved in signal transduction. Caveolin-1 acts as a scaffolding protein to concentrate, organize, and functionally modulate signaling molecules within caveolar membranes. Dr. Galbiati’s laboratory was the first to demonstrate that caveolin-1 plays a pivotal role in oxidative stressinduced premature senescence. We found that oxidative stress upregulates caveolin-1 protein expression through the p38 MAPK/Sp1-mediated activation of the caveolin-1 gene promoter. We also demonstrated that upregulation of caveolin-1 protein expression promotes premature senescence through activation of the p53/p21Waf1/Cip1 pathway by acting as a regulator of Mdm2, PP2A-C, TrxR1 and Nrf2. Moreover, we found that caveolin-1-mediated premature senescence regulates cell transformation and contributes to cigarette smokeinduced pulmonary emphysema, directly linking caveolin-1’s function to age-related diseases. Taken together, these data indicate that caveolin-1 plays a central role in the signaling events that lead to cellular senescence. We are currently investigating, at the molecular level, the signaling pathways that link caveolin-1 function to oxidative stress-induced premature senescence. These investigations will contribute to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and cancerous cell transformation. Eun-Ryeong Hahm, Ph.D. Research Instructor Ph.D., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 2003 Ryan Hartmaier, Ph.D. Research Instructor Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine, 2010 Dr. Hartmaier’s research focuses on the discovery and understanding of genetic changes acquired during breast cancer metastasis. Under the mentoring of Dr. Adrian Lee, Dr. Hartmaier has applied many Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies to paired primary and metastatic tumors (from the same patient). This includes: whole genome paired-end sequencing, exome sequencing, RNA sequencing, and large-insert whole genome mate-pair sequencing. Analysis of this data allows the identification of somatic mutations that occur during breast cancer tumorigenesis, metastasis, and drug resistance. Through many studies, including The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), we know that primary tumors, in general, have acquired an extreme number of mutations during tumorigenesis. The overwhelming majority of these mutations are not ‘driver mutations’ that the tumor relies on for its carcinogenic phenotype. During metastasis, we and others have shown, the primary tumor enters an ‘evolutionary bottleneck’ and the majority of this genetic diversity is lost. Thus, by studying paired primary and metastatic tumors we can effectively find the genetic events driving metastasis and drug resistance. Paired-end sequencing (PES) is the most common NGS strategy and is extremely powerful at detecting single nucleotide variants (SNVs) or small insertions and deletions (INDELs). PES can be used to detect structural variations (SVs) as well but this is mostly limited to ‘unbalanced events’ such as amplifications or deletions. 13

For ‘balanced events’ such as inversions and translocations, detection by PES can be difficult or impossible, particularly when the SV is flanked by a repetitive element. Mate-pair sequencing (MPS), however, is specifically designed to identify SVs even when present in repetitive regions. Below is a theoretical example comparing the ability of PES and MPS to detect an inversion flanked by low-copy repeat (LCR) regions. Combining these different sequencing strategies on paired primary-metastasis tissues allows a comprehensive understanding of the genetic events that occur during metastasis and drug resistance. Jing Hu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph.D., Karolinska Institute, Sweden, 1997 The main focus of Dr. Hu’s research is to understand how posttranslational modifications—particularly by ubiquitin-related modifiers such as SUMO—of cancer-related factors, regulate cellular process in cancer biology and treatment. Through our research we hope to provide a novel angle of understand why chemotherapy often fails. Our goal is to identify novel molecular targets or events that have potential to guide the clinical development of new means to inhibit tumor progression and chemoresistance. One of her research aims is to investigate how HDAC2 (Histone deacetylase 2) promotes tumorigenesis through enhancing substrate sumoylation. HDAC2 is a key regulator of oncogenic processes and is elevated in several human cancers, but how HDAC2 functions to promote carcinogenesis remains elusive. A commonly known feature of HDAC is to remove the acetyl group from an acetylated lysine and, consequently, our view of HDAC has for many years been solely from the deacetylase perspective. Intriguingly, we have found that HDAC2 possesses a deacetylase-independent sumoylation-promoting activivity. To date her lab has identified two sumoylation substrates of HDAC2, including eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E). eIF4E is an mRNA cap-binding factor. As a potent oncogene, eIF4E is found elevated in many human cancer including colorectal cancer (CRC). High levels of eIF4E contribute to carcinogenesis by stimulating protein synthesis of cancer-related genes—genes related to growth, proliferation and apoptosis. We find that sumoylation activates eIF4E-dependent mRNA translation and is required for eIF4E’s anti-apoptotic and oncogenic properties. We further show that HDAC2 promotes sumoylation of eIF4E, resulting in activation of protein translation of a subset eIF4E-target genes. These findings raise the possibility that HDAC2 promotes tumorigenesis through upregulating sumoylation of eIF4E. We are currently validating the functional role of HDAC2 sumoylation activity in intestinal tumorigenesis and dissecting the molecular basis underlying it. She is also interested in uncovering the HDAC mechanism responsible for the limited efficacy of histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) treatment in solid tumors. HDACi is a promising new class of anticancer drugs. Two HDACis—Vorinostat (SAHA) and Romidepsin—are licensed by the United States FDA for the treatment of advanced cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Despite its low clinical efficacy as a single agent, HDACi shows promise in combination therapy in lung cancer patients suggesting that the full therapeutic potential of HDACis will probably be best realized through a combination with other anticancer agents. Currently there are about 10 ongoing clinical trials testing HDACis for colon cancer (ClinicalTrials.gov); therefore it is critical to identify resistance mechanisms that can lead to strategies that increase HDACi therapeutic potential in CRC. We are investigating HDACi resistance from a previously unexplored angle—HDAC2-mediated sumoylation. We hope the information gained from this study could lead to identification of new drug combinations and more rationally designed future trials. Yi Huang, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, 2001 14

Dr. Huang’s research interests focus on the investigation of epigenetic regulation of gene expression in breast cancer. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that changes in the activity of chromatin-modifying enzymes contribute to the uncontrolled cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Importantly, epigenetic changes, unlike mutations or loss of chromosomes, are reversible that provides a rational mechanism for applying small molecule drugs as personalized therapeutics to target these changes in cancer. Our main research objective is to define in depth the mechanisms and biological consequences of functional interplay between chromatinmodifying enzymes in breast cancer development. We are also interested in identifying novel, small molecule reagents that act as selective inhibitors of important chromatin-modifying enzymes to target more specifically the small regions of chromatin and the subset of genes that are associated with most prominent alterations in the breast cancer genome. Our recent work demonstrated that activities of histone lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) and histone deacetylases (HDACs) are functionally linked in breast cancer, especially in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). LSD1 inhibitor in combination with HDAC inhibitor displays superior synergy in blocking growth and metastasis of TNBC cells. We are investigating the precise mechanisms underlying orchestrated LSD1 and HDAC crosstalk in breast cancer and determining how the dysregulated interaction of histone-modifying enzymes leads to aberrant gene silencing and aggressive phenotype of TNBC. We are also studying if targeting LSD1/HDAC crosstalk by novel inhibitors are more efficacious in hindering TNBC growth than current strategies and thus represent a novel targeted therapy for this devastating disease. Another focus of the lab is to determine the role of polyamine biosynthesis pathway in mediating the activity of estrogen receptor signaling in breast cancer. Since the growth of ER positive breast cancer largely relies on the action of estrogen, antagonizing ER or its ligands is one of the most important strategies for breast cancer treatment and prevention. Our recent study demonstrated that inhibition of a key polyamine biosynthesis enzyme, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), diminishes ERa expression that leads to the loss of expression or function of several important ERa target or partner genes including PR, NF-kB and cyclin D1. Loss of ODC disrupts the binding of Sp1 and its newly identified co-factors (Pokemon, PARP-1, myc, etc) to ERa minimal promoter element. Clinically, patients that initially respond to anti-estrogen endocrine therapy will gradually develop resistance. This constitutes a major clinical challenge in breast cancer therapy and prevention. Therefore, development of more effective estrogen receptor modulators is necessary for improving the therapeutic efficacy of breast cancer. We are investigating how ODC mediates the expression and activity of ERa and elucidating the potential role of ODC in endocrine resistance development in breast cancer. Edwin Jackson, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., University of Texas at Dallas, 1979 Purine Pharmacology: Adenosine is an endogenous purine that regulates most physiological systems. We are investigating (using a variety of molecular, analytical, cellular and physiological tools and using several strains of genetically modified animals, as well as conducting studies in patients): 1) the production of adenosine from 3’,5’-cAMP and 2’,3’-cAMP (the cAMP-adenosine pathways); 2) the modulation of adenosine levels by guanosine;3) the roles of adenosine in regulating the sympathetic nervous system, heart, vascular system, kidneys, bladder, brain and immune system;4) the effects of adenosine on cardiac fibroblasts, vascular smooth muscle cells, vascular endothelial cells, glomerular mesangial cells, renal epithelial cells, T cells and B cells; 5) the role of exosomes in adenosine biochemistry; 6) how to modulate the adenosine system with drugs to treat cardiovascular and renal diseases, traumatic brain injury, cancer and HIV infected patients. Cardiovascular and Renal Pharmacology: Our recent studies indicate that NPY1-36 (a peptide released from sympathetic nerves) and PYY1-36 (a peptide released from the intestines) trigger proliferation of and extracellular matrix production by preglomerular vascular smooth muscle cells (PGVSMCs) and glomerular mesangial cells (GMCs) in kidneys from genetically-hypertensive animals, a phenomenon mediated via Y1 receptors and that involves signaling by RACK1 (receptor for activated C kinase 1). Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) metabolizes NPY1-36 and PYY1-36 (Y1 receptor agonists) to NPY3-36 and PYY3-36 (inactive at Y1 receptors). We are investigating whether a new class of antidiabetic drugs (DPPIV inhibitors) may adversely 15

affect the kidneys of hypertensive subjects by preventing the conversion of PYY1-36 and NPY1-36 to less active metabolites and thereby promoting inappropriate cell proliferation and extracellular matrix production. Tija Jacob, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2002 How does the neurotransmitter GABA produce myriad forms of inhibition in the central nervous system (CNS), restraining and shaping electrical activity to prevent anxiety, agitation, seizures, chronic pain and sleep disturbance? The majority of fast synaptic inhibition in the CNS is mediated by GABA type A neurotransmitter receptors (GABAARs) which are Cl- selective ligand-gated ion channels composed of 5 subunits (from up to 17 different subunits), with differential expression across brain regions, cell types and subcellular localization. The Jacob lab’s broad goal is to understand the impact of dynamically regulated GABAAR surface levels and distribution in normal development and pathological conditions. The lab uses a combination of molecular, biochemical, cell biological and live-imaging approaches. GABAAR are the sites of action of many clinically important drugs, including the benzodiazepines (BZ), which are front line treatments for anxiety, insomnia, schizophrenia and epilepsy. The Jacob lab is investigating modulation of GABAAR trafficking and synaptic inhibition by BZ and other GABAergic agents. Another area of research in the lab focuses on the role of GABAergic signaling in CNS development and plasticity. The majority of excitatory synapses in the brain are located at the end of dendritic spines, small protrusions from neuronal processes, with neighboring GABAergic synapses predominantly located on dendritic shafts. We have shown that higher GABAAR surface levels leads to more inhibitory synapses, enhanced inhibitory synaptic transmission and a deficit in mature dendritic spines. Alterations in the excitatory/inhibitory ratio of neuronal signaling, abnormal spine morphology and mutations in GABAAR subunits are associated with many neurological disorders including autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. The Jacob lab is investigating the contribution of GABAergic inhibition to dendritic spine morphology, movement and plasticity. These studies aim to improve understanding of how GABAergic dysfunction contributes to human neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. Yu Jiang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ph.D., Yale University, 1995 Dr. Jiang’s laboratory is interested in intracellular signaling pathways governing cell growth and metabolism. The laboratory’s current research projects concern the signaling mechanism of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). mTOR is a protein ser/thr kinase that plays a key role in translation, autophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis. Its activity is regulated by signals of various origins, including nutrient, growth factor, energy and stress. The laboratory has previously identified FKBP38 that acts as an inhibitor of mTOR. Three projects centering on the role of FKBP38 in mTOR regulation are on-going. The first project concerns the activity of mTOR in mitochondrial function. We have recently found that FKBP38 is involved in recruitment of mTOR to mitochondria. The project investigates the role of the mitochondrial localized mTOR in mitochondrial function and cell senescence. The second project aims at the mechanism of FKBP38 in apoptosis regulation. FKBP38 has been shown to interact with the anti-apoptotic proteins, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL. The project is to determine whether nutrient, growth factor and oxygen levels control the anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL through FKBP38. The third project focuses on the role of primary cilium in mTOR regulation. Primary cilium is a vital cellular organelle that functions as a signaling hub in many eukaryotic cells. mTOR has been recently found to be a key effector of primary cilium-mediated signaling. This project explores the mechanisms through which primary cilium controls mTOR activity. 16

Thomas Kensler, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1976 Research interests in Dr. Kensler’s laboratory focus on the biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in the induction of cancer by chemicals to serve as a basis for the prevention, interruption or reversal of these processes in man. One of the major mechanisms of chemical protection against carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and other forms of toxicity mediated by carcinogens is the induction of enzymes involved in their metabolism, particularly enzymes such as glutathione S-transferases, UDP-glucuronosyl transferases and NAD(P)H:quinone reductase that facilitate the detoxication and elimination of carcinogens. Furthermore, animal studies indicate that induction of these cytoprotective enzymes is a sufficient condition for obtaining chemoprevention and can be achieved in many target tissues by administering any of a diverse array of naturally-occurring and synthetic chemical agents. Our work utilizes animal and cell culture models to elucidate mechanisms of inhibition of aflatoxin hepatocarcinogenesis by dithiolethiones such as oltipraz, isothiocyanates such as sulforaphane and triterpenoids such as CDDO-Im. While induction of glutathione S-transferases clearly play an important role in chemoprevention of aflatoxin hepatocarcinogenesis, ongoing studies are seeking to identify additional genes induced by these agents. The Keap1-Nrf2 signaling pathway is activated by these classes of chemopreventive agents and leads to increased expression of genes that attenuate oxidative stress and inflammation among other actions. Their contributions to protection against carcinogenesis are under investigation. A practical goal of his research has been to develop the tools to test the hypothesis that enzyme induction is a useful strategy for chemoprevention in humans. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the leading cause of cancer death in parts of Asia and Africa and may relate to hepatitis B virus infection and aflatoxin ingestion. Longitudinal surveys and prospective case-control studies in Qidong, P.R. China demonstrate consistent exposure of individuals in this region to aflatoxins and indicate a prime role for aflatoxin in the etiology of liver cancer, respectively. As a consequence, we have conducted clinical chemoprevention trials of oltipraz and other agents in Qidong. The initial randomized, placebo-controlled intervention of oltipraz demonstrated an increased excretion of aflatoxin-mercapturic acid, a derivative of the aflatoxin-glutathione conjugate, in the urine of participants receiving oltipraz. This study highlights the general feasibility of inducing Nrf2-regulated enzymes in humans. Follow-up trials are evaluating more effective agents and are assessing whether protective alterations in aflatoxin metabolism can be sustained for extended periods of time and whether diminished incidence of liver cancer can be achieved in this high-risk population. Nicholas Khoo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2003 Dr. Khoo investigates the basic molecular mechanisms underlying the development of metabolic syndrome and the role of electrophilic lipids, particularly nitro-fatty acids (NO2-FAs) in preventing this pathogenesis. His specific research projects include: 1) Determination of the molecular mechanism(s) responsible for the anti-inflammatory cell signaling actions of electrophilic NO2-FAs resulting in insulin sensitivity. Obesity induces chronic inflammatory responses that are characterized by abnormal cytokine production, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and activation of inflammatory signaling pathways. Preliminary studies demonstrate these inflammatory conditions induce the oxidation and nitration of fatty acids to electrophilic products, specifically NO2-FA derivatives, that serve as potent anti-inflammatory cell signaling mediators. These electrophilic NO2-FA species potently bind peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), inhibit NF-kB activity and induce heme oxygenase (HO)-1. The treatment of NO2-FAs results in 17

improved glucose homeostasis in mouse models of obesity and diabetes. The electrophilic nature of these NO2FA signaling molecules and their anti-inflammatory properties are being examined using cultured mammalian cells as well as mouse models of obesity and diabetes. Additionally, a mass spectrometer approach is being used to characterize the formation of NO2-FA derivatives in insulin responsive tissues from murine models of obesity and diabetes (ob/ob, db/db or high fat diet). This is being complemented by similar approaches in cell culture. Identify molecular signaling pathways modulated by NO2-FA treatment in mice subjected to a high-fat diet. Currently, three putative pathways for the anti-inflammatory actions of electrophilic NO2-FAs are being examined. The signaling pathways of all three PPAR isotypes, NF-kB and HO-1 are being explored in insulinresponsive tissues (adipose, liver and muscle). Define mechanistic roles of all three PPAR isotypes, NF-kB and HO-1 in cultured cells. The knockdown of these putative signaling pathways using si-RNA will be tested in cultured adipocytes, hepatocytes and skeletal muscle cells. Additionally, mouse embryonic fibroblasts isolated from Nrf2 knockout mice will explore the potential mechanism(s) of electrophilic NO2-FA-induced HO-1 expression. 2) Determination of the impact of NO2-FA derivatives on ROS and oxidative stress in insulin-responsive cultured cells and tissues of mouse models of obesity and diabetes. While oxidative stress and ROS are emerging as key culprits in the pathogenesis of obesity-induced insulin resistance, the sources of ROS remain unclear. Emerging studies suggest a link between mitochondrial dysfunction, insulin resistance and diabetic complications, suggesting that mitochondrially derived ROS could play a role in pathogenesis. How does this increase in ROS result in oxidative stress? Is there a decrease in antioxidant enzyme expression and activity in insulin-responsive tissues? These questions are currently being addressed by utilizing cutting edge techniques to detect ROS levels and antioxidant enzyme activity/expression in the cell culture and mouse models of obesity and diabetes described above. 3) The PPAR conundrum- Identification of novel PPAR agonists. The activation of PPARs has been shown to regulate glucose and lipid metabolism. These receptors are molecular targets for a number of marketed drugs. The hypolipidemic fibrates activate the isotype PPARα whereas PPARγ is the molecular target of thiazolidinedione (TZD) class of antidiabetic drugs.γ The activation of PPARγ-dependent downstream signaling has shown to improve insulin sensitivity. Rosiglitazone works as an insulin sensitizer by activating PPARγ and its downstream signaling pathways. Unfortunately, concerns about the severe adverse side effects have drastically limited the use of rosiglitazone despite excellent glycemic control in patients with diabetes. Thus, the development of new therapeutic strategies, such as dual PPARα/γ activators or selective PPARγ partial agonists, that retain their antidiabetic efficacy without adverse side effects are appealing, such as NO2-FAs. In summary, these research interests will generate insights into mechanisms leading to obesity and its associated myriad of health problems and/or diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular complications, which will hopefully elucidate novel preventative and therapeutic strategies. The potential for electrophilic NO2-FA mediated therapy to prevent obesity-induced type 2 diabetes complications, without the known secondary effects exerted by TZDs, is currently being studied. Joan M. Lakoski, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1981 Elucidating the cellular and molecular neuropharmacology of the aging brain is the focus of the Lakoski laboratory. Using multidisciplinary approaches to investigate biogenic amine receptor expression and function, both normal and pathological aging processes are being investigated in young, middle-aged and senescent small animal models. We are investigating the roles of the steroid hormones estrogen and 18

corticosterone on serotonin receptors, their receptor-effector coupling to G-proteins and related signaling transduction cascades, including the 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptor subtypes, and the serotonin neurotransporter (SERT) in discrete brain regions including cortical, hippocampal and midbrain regions; radioligand binding techniques, receptor autoradiography and functional neurochemical assays are among the technical approaches used to study the impact of the circulating hormone environment on the aging serotonergic neuronal system. Related ongoing studies are utilizing in vivo microPET image analysis techniques to elucidate SERT expression and function with respect to aging and hormone treatment. In addition, the impact of selective neurotoxic insults to the dopamine-containing neuronal system is being investigated using behavioral, neurochemical and molecular approaches to better understand how this neurotransmitter system responds and recovers from neuronal injury across the lifespan. Our goal is to contribute new information to understand the biology of central nervous system aging, including normal and neurodegenerative processes, in neurotransmitter systems established as key components in cognitive declines, mood disorders, and stress-related disorders common in the elderly. Ultimately, our aim is to improve the quality of life with advancing age by pharmacological interventions to delay the onset of neuronal decline and/or enhance endogenous repair mechanisms of the biogenic amine neurotransmitter systems. Jack Lancaster, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences, 1974 Dr. Lancaster’s present research interests are in the chemical and physical foundations of the biological actions of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. His most recent project is delineating the cellular functions of dinitrosyliron complexes (DNIC), which show a characteristic signal using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and have been observed in tissues since the 1960’s in a huge variety of pathophysiological conditions. These species contain one iron with two molecules of bound nitric oxide (NO) but the complete molecular structures of these species are essentially unknown, as are possible biological functions. We recently reported data suggesting the cellular origin of the iron and also evidence for two cellular functions, formation of protein nitrosothiols and also protection against cellular injury as a result of hypoxia-induced iron mobilization and consequent oxidative stress (Li et al. J. Biol. Chem. 2014, in press). Adrian Lee, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, England, 1993 Dr. Lee is investigating the endocrine regulation of mammary gland development and progression to mammary cancer. Specifically we are interested in interaction between steroid hormones (estrogen and progesterone) with the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) axis. These endocrine hormones are all critical for normal mammary development, but have also all been implicated in risk for breast cancer and in breast cancer progression. They have shown that IGF-IR and IRSs are hormonally regulated in breast cancer, and we have now found that they are also developmentally and hormonally regulated during normal mammary gland development. We have found in breast cancer cell lines that estrogen can sensitize cells to insulin-like growth factor (IGF) stimulation by increasing expression of many of the IGF signaling components such as the IGF-IR and its downstream signaling intermediates IRS-1 and IRS-2.


They have also found that overexpression of IGF-IR, IRS-1, or IRS-2 causes transformation of mammary epithelial cells in culture, combined with epithelial to mesenchymal transition. We have also created transgenic mice that overexpress IGF-IR, IRS-1 or IRS-2 in the mammary gland and all mice develop mammary tumors. Mammary tumors in these mice show multiple cell lineages and expansion of putative mammary stem/progenitor cells. We are currently investigating how these pathways impact upon stem/progenitor cell renewal and cell fate determination. Edwin Levitan, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., Brandeis University, 1986 The Levitan lab studies biochemical and electrical signaling that controls neuronal and cardiac function with live cell imaging, electrophysiology and molecular biology. Current projects include in vivo imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP) constructs in transgenic Drosophila nerve cells and serotonin in mammalian brain slices to determine how patterned electrical activity and synapses control transmitter release. We are also studying remodeling of rhythmic electrical activity in the heart and midbrain dopamine neurons by therapeutically important hormones and drugs. Most recently, multiphoton microscopy is being used to image vesicular accumulation and release of a psychiatric drug in the brain. Tatyana Mamonova, Ph.D. Research Instructor Ph.D., Kazakh National Academy of Sciences, Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Catalysis and Electrochemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1995 Dr. Mamonova research focuses on molecular modeling of the interactions of the adapter protein EBP50/ NHERF1 with its target ligands, including parathyroid hormone receptor and type II sodium-dependent phosphate co-transporters. The goal of these studies will contribute to our understanding and prediction of conformational reorganization and the structure-function relationships in NHERF1 proteins associated with the ligand binding. The results will provide insights into developing drugs for selective therapeutic applications. Carola Neumann, M.D. Visiting Associate Professor M.D., Ludwig-Maximilian’s University Medical School, Munich, Germany, 1997 Roderick O’Sullivan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph.D., Institute for Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria, 2006 The O’Sullivan lab at the Hillman Cancer Center conducts research into proteins that alter the structural and epigenetic functions of human telomeres. Telomeres are structures at the ends of chromosomes – the integrity of telomeres is an important factor in maintaining genome stability to prevent cancer and accelerated aging. Current efforts in the lab relate to deciphering the relationship between the regulation between chromatin structure and telomere function in the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres pathway. Steffi Oesterreich, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., Humboldt University, Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 1992 The Oesterreich lab includes technicians, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who are trained in a multidisciplinary research environment to work in basic, translational, and clinical aspects of breast cancer research. Specifically, our research projects focus on the role of co-regulator proteins in estrogen response in breast 20

cancer. Estrogen mediates its potent mitogenic effects through the estrogen receptor (ER), which has been a successful target for endocrine therapy in breast cancer. Despite the success of such treatment, de novo or acquired resistance remains a major problem. A better understanding of how ER works is critical for the development of more efficient therapies, and better prediction for who should receive which form of endocrine therapy. Over the last years, many dogmas in hormone response have changed, which has opened many exciting novel research areas. Examples are estrogen-mediated repression of gene transcription, and the role of co-repressors in this process, the close connection between estrogen signaling and epigenetic regulation of gene transcription, and the role of regulatory elements which are located far outside the promoter of the estrogen regulated genes, and which might even be on other chromosomes. We are studying these processes using state-of-the-art molecular and cellular techniques, mouse models, and clinical specimens. The ultimate goal of Dr. Oesterreich's research is to use this knowledge for improved diagnosis and endocrine treatment of breast cancer patients. Patrick J. Pagano, Ph.D. Professor & Vice Chair, Graduate Education Ph.D., New York Medical College, 1991 Dr. Pagano’s research focuses on the modulatory role of the adventitia in vascular function and structure under both physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Dr. Pagano’s laboratory was among the first to identify a non-phagocytic NADPH oxidase in the vascular wall, demonstrating a critical role for essential subunit p67phox in its activity. He subsequently cloned vascular p67phox and illustrated its potent activation at the mRNA and protein level in response to the potent pro-hypertensive hormone angiotensin II. Stemming from these early discoveries, Dr. Pagano was the first to develop specific cell- and tissue-permeant peptidic and adenoviral inhibitor of NADPH oxidase, which is widely considered the most specific NADPH oxidase inhibitor available. These and his other more recently developed inhibitors of novel isoforms of NADPH oxidase are expected to provide a platform for the development of new therapies aimed at treating hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, Dr. Pagano is broadly recognized for his pioneering work examining the role of adventitia-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) and, in particular, superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide in the modulation of vascular tone, inflammation, and remodeling. Michael Palladino, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 2000 The Palladino lab uses Drosophila (the fruit fly) as a genetic model system, as well as mice and human cell culture to study progressive neurological and neuromuscular disorders. We are currently focusing on elucidating the mechanism by which mutations affecting Na/K ATPase, triose phosphate isomerase (TPI), and ATP6 function result in RDP (rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism), glycolytic enzymopthy, and mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, respectively. Our research program is directed toward four main goals 1) discovering and characterizing novel pathways that cause progressive disease, 2) understanding the physiological, cellular and molecular dysfunction that causes dysfunction in vivo, 3) understanding the molecular basis of progressive diseases, and 4) using our animal model system to identify novel therapeutic approaches. Guillermo Romero, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1980 G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) are the largest family of cell surface receptors found in mammalian organisms. These receptors are a major target for drug development. Dr. Romero is interested in the 21

dynamics and traffic of GPCR, with special emphasis on the parathyroid hormone receptor type 1 (PTH1R). His approach is based on the use and development of novel optical techniques to study membrane proteins and their interactions with other cellular components in live cells. Dr. Romero’s research focuses on two main areas: a) the role of the PDZ proteins sodium-hydrogen exchange regulatory factor (NHERF1) and Disheveled-2 in the regulation of the dynamics and traffic of GPCR; and b) the role of phospholipase D in the regulation of receptor traffic and function. Dr. Romero’s approach is based primarily on the analysis of the physical properties of molecules of interest in live cells, using advanced optical techniques such as confocal microscopy, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), total internal reflection microscopy (TIRFM), image correlation spectroscopy (ICS), quantum dots, and others. Using these techniques, Dr. Romero has developed novel methods to examine protein-protein interactions in the temporal domain. For example, he has recently demonstrated that the PTH1R is tethered to the cytoskeleton and accumulates in the vicinity of subjacent actin stress fibers, forming bundles that are highly dynamic structures, moving along these bundles much more rapidly than between them. Because of his interest in traffic, Dr. Romero is actively pursuing new approaches to the study of endocytic processes. To this effect, he recently developed novel methodologies for the purification and preparation of endosomes based on the use of magnetic nanoparticles attached to peptide ligands. In this technique, peptide ligands, such as insulin or epidermal growth factor, are adsorbed to colloidal iron nanoparticles (5-10 nm in diameter) and applied to the external surfaces of cells. These particles are sufficiently small to be internalized via the standard endocytic pathway and, because of the ferromagnetic properties of the colloidal iron, allow for a simple and rapid isolation of the endocytic vesicles containing the particle. He is using this novel technology to study the role of specific proteins in the endocytic pathway in a time-resolved manner. James Roppolo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1970 Dr. Roppolo’s research is concerned with the autonomic nervous system’s control of bladder activity in normal animals and those with central nervous system injuries. A variety of techniques are used to examine, at the level of the lumbosacral spinal cord and brainstem, the various neuronal processes that occur in maintaining normal excretory function. These methods include: (1) anatomical techniques (HRP tracing and immunohisto-chemical techniques) to determine the location of neurons and possible neuropeptides involved in these processes, (2) neurophysiological techniques (evoked potentials, intracellular and extracellular single neuron recordings) to determine the types of neuronal interactions that occur in this system, (3) neuropharmacological techniques (systemic and iontophoretic application of drugs), (4) behavioral techniques and microstimulation of the of the lumbosacral spinal cord. Francisco Schopfer, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001 Dr. Schopfer’s research is focused on the understanding of the biological effects of electrophilic fatty acids. In particular, he studies the mechanism by which nitrated fatty acid activate and signal through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ). This receptor is the target of currently used antidiabetic drugs (thiazolidinediones). The activation of the receptor regulates fat and glucose metabolism, resulting in an overall decrease of glucose levels to normal values in patients with type II diabetes. The targeting of this receptor by 22

nitrated fatty acids results in a decrease of the glucose levels to normal values like thiazolidinediones, but without the known secondary effects exerted by thiazolidinediones. In addition to the intrinsic therapeutic value of nitrated fatty acid, they will aid in the understanding of the biological mechanism involved in PPARγ activation, leading to improved designs of anti-diabetic drugs targeting the PPARγ receptor. The role of the PPARγ receptor in diabetes has been well established. Nonetheless, the role of endogenous signaling molecules on the activation of PPARγ is still unclear and under debate. Nitrated fatty acids are endogenously formed and bind to PPARγ with high affinity rivaling Rosiglitazone (thiazolidinediones), resulting in receptor activation. In addition, nitrated fatty acids covalently modify a critical cysteine (cys285) in the ligand binding pocket of PPARγ, promoting a particular conformational change that results in partial receptor activation. This partial activation results in the expression of a particular subset of genes under PPARγ regulation and a biological outcome that differs from the one obtained when activating the receptor with Rosiglitazone. Dr. Schopfer’s work focuses on understanding the mechanism of this selective activation and how it avoids the side effect presented upon full activation by agonist like Rosiglitazone. Electrophilic fatty acids are constantly formed as fatty acid breakdown products during oxidative stress and as signaling messengers by enzymatic or non enzymatic pathways. Dr. Schopfer studies the formation of biologically relevant electrophiles, in particular nitrated fatty acids, and their signaling mechanisms. The study involves the detection and characterization of novel electrophiles formed during inflammation. Once the molecules are characterized, a chemical synthesis approach is used to generate enough quantities for biological experiments. Electrophiles induce an important cellular response that includes the induction of phase II genes. This will in turn set up a more protective environment against damaging electrophilic molecules. A key player in the initiation of this biological response is the Keap 1/Nrf 2 couple. Keap 1 is usually bound to Nrf 2 in the cytoplasm. Upon formation of electrophiles, Keap 1, which contains several highly reactive cysteine, is targeted, dissociates from Nrf2 and is routed to degradation by the proteosome. These lead to Nrf2 nuclear translocation and activation of phase II genes. In particular, we study the mechanism by which different biologically relevant electrophiles target KEAP 1 and activate Nrf 2 responses. In addition, a more general proteomic approach is use to evaluate and characterize different electrophilic cellular protein targets. Once critical targets are identified using a mass spectrometry approach, a functional study of the modification is performed to determine the relevance and its cellular effects. Sruti Shiva, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2004 Dr. Shiva’s lab focuses on the mechanisms by which reactive nitrogen species (particularly nitrite and nitric oxide) regulate mitochondrial function during hypoxia and ischemia, the factors that influence this regulation and the implications of this regulation on pathology such as ischemia/ reperfusion injury. Active projects in her lab include: The role of heme proteins in regulating nitrite-dependent modulation of mitochondrial respiration. The anion nitrite (NO2-) is an endocrine storage form of nitric oxide (NO) in blood and tissues that can be reduced to bioavailable NO by heme proteins in conditions of low oxygen. In blood, the reduction of nitrite by hemoglobin mediates hypoxic vasodilation. We are interested in understanding how tissue nitrite reductases regulate mitochondrial function. Specifically, myoglobin, when deoxygenated, can efficiently reduce nitrite to NO and this NO subsequently inhibits mitochondrial respiration by binding to complex IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. We are interested in other ways that this interaction between nitrite and myoglobin regulates mitochondrial function as well as characterizing the physiological interplay between mitochondria and myoglobin with nitrite/NO acting as a signaling molecule linking the two. 23

The regulation of mitochondrial function by nitrite during ischemia/reperfusion. Low concentrations of nitrite have been shown to mediate cytoprotection in a number of models of ischemia/reperfusion of the brain, liver, heart and kidney. However, the mechanism of this cytoprotection is not known. The mitochondria play a central role in the progression of ischemia/reperfusion injury. Hence, we are interested in how nitrite regulates mitochondrial function during ischemia/reperfusion. Her lab has recently demonstrated that nitrite administered to animals before or during ischemia/reperfusion modulates mitochondrial function by S-nitrosating thiols on mitochondrial complex I, which leads to decreased reactive oxygen species generation, less oxidative damage of mitochondrial proteins, and prevention of cytochrome c release. We think that these modifications of function prevent mitochondrial dysfunction after reperfusion and lead to cytoprotection. She is currently using isolated mitochondria, the Langendorff isolated and perfused heart, and in vivo ischemia/reperfusion models to further characterize nitrite-dependent cytoprotection, particularly in relation to other cytoprotective programs, such as ischemic preconditioning. Mechanisms of nitrite generation and metabolism. Another focus of the lab is determining the mechanisms by which nitrite is formed and metabolized physiologically. Conventionally, nitrite is thought to be formed by the oxidation of nitric oxide. However, in vivo, the reaction of nitric oxide with oxygenated hemoglobin (which produces nitrate) is more kinetically favorable than the reaction with oxygen to produce nitrite. We have recently identified a role for the multicopper oxidase, ceruloplasmin, as an “NO oxidase” that can compete with the nitric oxide-hemoglobin reaction to oxidize NO to nitrite. We are currently further characterizing the role of ceruloplasmin in regulating nitrite levels in physiology and pathology, and in plasma and tissue. Shivendra Singh, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., Banaras Hindu University, India, 1984 Cancer chemoprevention is a relatively new but rapidly emerging sub-discipline in oncology and signifies the use of natural or synthetic agents to reverse or delay the process of carcinogenesis. Long latency of most epithelial cancers presents a large window of opportunity for intervention to prevent or slow disease progression. The research interests of the Singh laboratory include molecular characterization of novel cancer chemopreventive agents and rational design of mechanism-driven combination chemoprevention regimens. Cellular and transgenic animal models are used to screen potential cancer chemopreventive constituents from dietary and medicinal plants. Cutting edge cellular, molecular biological, Omics (metabolomics and proteomics), structural biology, and imaging techniques (MRI and bioluminescence) are used to (a) determine the mechanism of action of promising cancer chemopreventive agents, (b) monitor effects on cancer progression, and (c) identify biomarkers predictive of tissue exposure and possibly response. Some of the agents under active investigation in the Singh laboratory include: cruciferous vegetable-derived isothiocyanates, garlicderived organosulides, and medicinal plant constituent withaferin A. As an example, recent published work from the Singh laboratory indicates suppression of glycolysis in mammary cancer prevention by withaferin A in a transgenic mouse model (JNCI, In Press, 2013). Likewise, complementary cellular and molecular biological, targeted proteomics, and molecular modeling techniques were used to identify beta-tubulin as a novel target of cancer cell growth arrest by withaferin A (WA). Robert Sobol, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ph.D., Temple University, 1991 DNA damage is implicated as playing a causal role in numerous disease processes. Hence, it is suggested that DNA repair proteins, which maintain the integrity of the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, play a critical role 24

in reducing the onset of multiple disease phenotypes. Conversely, the requirement for DNA repair and genome maintenance in response to radiation and genotoxic chemotherapeutics implicates DNA repair proteins as prime targets for improving response to currently available anti-cancer regimens. Further, cancer-specific DNA repair defects offer novel approaches for tumor-selective therapy. It is now expected that all cancer cells will be found to be defective in some aspect of DNA repair encoded by one of the 150 different proteins that catalyze DNA repair. To help in our understanding and treatment of cancer, geneticists and molecular biologists must explore the detailed consequences of an alteration in each of these repair pathways. It is our expectation that a detailed genetic and mechanistic understanding of the cellular phenotypes associated with specific DNA repair deficiencies will offer the opportunity to identify novel drug targets, optimize and validate new small molecule inhibitors of DNA repair and provide a mechanistic underpinning for the development of tumor selective therapeutic strategies. In Dr. Sobol’s lab, they have identified two compensatory pathways that respond to defects in DNA repair mediated by the base excision repair pathway, including proteins involved in the synthesis and degradation of poly-ADP-ribose (PAR) and those involved in the biosynthesis of NAD+. In particular, we study the convergent roles of DNA Repair, PAR metabolism and NAD+ biosynthesis in response to chemotherapy. Novel approaches to enhance tumor cell cytotoxicity of alkylating agents: Glioblastoma is the most commonly diagnosed brain malignancy and a major cause of cancer related death in the United States. Limited success in the treatment of glioblastoma has been demonstrated with the alkylating agent Temozolomide (TMZ). The overall goals of this project are to discover strategies to circumvent resistance to TMZ and enhance the cytotoxicity and efficacy of this alkylating agent. The base excision repair (BER) pathway provides significant resistance to TMZ by repairing damaged bases but some of the activity of TMZ is due to the accumulation of cytotoxic BER intermediates that result from incomplete or failed repair (termed BER Failure). As the ratelimiting enzyme in BER, DNA polymerase ß (Polß) is important to facilitate repair and to maintain cell survival following DNA damage. Therefore, inhibition of Polß will enhance TMZ response. We posit that BER mediated by Polß is a regulated process that signals BER failure through poly(ADP)ribose (PAR) synthesis and NAD+/ATP depletion by a process that requires activation of PARP1 & PARP2 and is regulated by the enzyme PARG. Specifically, we hypothesize that TMZ efficacy can be increased in glioma cells by increasing posttranslational modification and inhibition of Polß. BER failure-induced cell death results from energy (NAD+ & ATP) depletion due to elevated PAR synthesis mediated by the PARP1/PARP2 BER sensor complex, suggesting that the response to TMZ can be enhanced via increased PAR synthesis or further depletion of cellular NAD+ synthesis and/or deregulation of the BER enzyme PARG. Overall, we are testing the hypothesis that the BER pathway is a determinant of resistance to TMZ and therefore selective targeting of the BER pathway will significantly enhance TMZ efficacy. Development and characterization of isogenic DNA Repair deficient human cell lines: To extend our analysis beyond base excision repair, we have embarked on a large-scale project for the development, characterization and transcriptome analysis of isogenic human cell lines deficient in all known DNA repair genes (>150) in three unique cell backgrounds (glioma, breast cancer and neuronal). These include genes involved in Base Excision Repair, Direct Reversal of Damage, Mismatch Excision Repair, Nucleotide Excision Repair, Homologous Recombination, Non-homologous End-Joining, the modulation of nucleotide pools, DNA polymerases, editing and processing nucleases, the Rad6 pathway, Chromatin Structure, DNA Repair genes defective in diseases and conserved DNA Damage Response genes and Fanconi Anemia/DNA crosslink repair. Further, each will be analyzed for alterations in PAR metabolism and NAD+ biosynthesis. With the expectation that DNA repair capacity impacts basic cellular functions both spontaneously and in response to genotoxic stress, alters the transcriptional and epigenetic landscape and dictates the cellular response to stress, the development of a complete panel of isogenic DNA repair deficient cell lines across multiple backgrounds will be a valuable platform for gene and drug discovery, validation of inhibitor specificity and the identification of response biomarkers and novel targets for gene/drug synthetic-lethality combinations. 25

Ongoing and future projects also include the identification of novel DNA Repair targets for improved chemotherapy response, testing and evaluation of novel DNA repair inhibitors, tumor tissue analysis for defects in expression of enzymes critical for chemotherapy response and evaluating the potential of NAD+ biosynthesis inhibitors in the development and testing of tumor specific, synthetically lethal, chemotherapy combinations. Laura Stabile, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Ph.D., West Virginia University, 1999 Dr. Stabile is interested in the role of growth factors and hormones in the development of human lung cancer. The hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/c-Met pathway and the estrogen pathway both play key roles in the development and progression of lung cancer and represent attractive targeted pathways for drug development. Lung cancer kills more Americans every year than any other type of cancer, and the 5-year survival rate is only 16%. Lung cancer patients are typically diagnosed at a late stage and have very few effective therapeutic options. Thus, new targeted strategies are essential to make an impact on this disease. c-Met is a receptor tyrosine kinase whose activation by HGF can lead to transformation (conversion of a normal cell into a malignant cell) and tumorigenicity (growth of tumors) in a variety of human tissues. Since c-Met and HGF are frequently overexpressed in lung cancer and there is a strong correlation between overexpression and decreased patient survival, the HGF/c-Met signaling pathway is a potential target for tumor control. Primary projects in this area of interest include: 1) studying the development and inhibition of lung carcinogenesis in a novel transgenic mouse model that overexpresses HGF in the airways 2) preclinical development of therapeutic drugs that target this pathway using a variety of techniques such as neutralizing antibodies to HGF, c-Met small molecule inhibitors, c-Met guanidinium-peptide nucleic acid antisense technology and 3) understanding the mechanism of signaling interactions between c-Met and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway. Dr. Stabile has successfully developed a murine model that mimics the overproduction of HGF found in human lung tumors and has shown that a single human HGF neutralizing antibody, L2G7, has profound inhibitory effects on development of lung tumors in this transgenic mouse model. Furthermore, lung tumors with K-ras mutation are resistant to blockage of the HGF pathway using L2G7. In addition, we have recently demonstrated the importance of induction of the cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2)/prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) pathway and subsequent activation of EGFR by HGF in lung cancer cells. Figure 2 describes the signaling pathway of HGF that we are studying and areas of therapeutic intervention. Another aspect of research involves the estrogen pathway in lung cancer. Lung cancer is becoming increasingly common in women and in the U.S. accounts for more female deaths annually than breast cancer and all other gynecological cancers combined. Epidemiological studies show that male-female differences exist in the presentation of lung cancer. These observations suggest the role of estrogens in lung carcinogenesis. Primary projects in this area of interest include: 1) understanding both genomic and non-genomic effects of estrogen in the lung 2) elucidating cross-talk pathways between estrogen and the EGFR and VEGF pathways in the lung 3) understanding the differences in estrogen signaling in lung cancer patients who actively smoked versus those who never smoked and 4) preclinical development of therapeutic drugs that target this pathway such as estrogen antagonists and aromatase inhibitors. Dr. Stabile has demonstrated that estrogen receptors are expressed in both normal lung as well as lung tumor cells and that estrogen promotes the growth of lung tumor cells. The growth stimulation is significantly inhibited in vitro and in vivo with the pure estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182,780 (Faslodex, fulvestrant). In addition, Dr. Stabile has demonstrated that the estrogen receptor pathway can cross-talk with the EGFR pathway and targeting both pathways simultaneously using clinically relevant agents show enhanced antitumor effects compared to targeting either pathway alone. This drug combination is currently being tested in 26

clinical trials. Dr. Stabile is currently interested in elucidating the role of the newly discovered estrogen receptor, GPR30, which is thought to be responsible for some of the non-genomic actions of estrogen. The overall goal for both areas of interest are to test different mechanisms by which these pathways control other growth-promoting proteins in the lung and test both available and novel drugs as single agent or combination therapies using novel animal models of lung cancer to determine how to inhibit these pathways most effectively. Optimal preclinical drugs will ultimately be translated to patient clinical trials. Adam Straub, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, 2008 The overarching goal of the Straub laboratory is to investigate novel redox-controlled cell signaling mechanisms that regulate endothelial and smooth muscle cell biology and cell-cell communication in the microcirculation. Our investigations focus on two important pathways: 1) the mechanisms by which endothelial cell expressed hemoglobin a regulates nitric oxide signaling in the blood vessel wall and 2) the mechanisms by which the intracellular nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) pathway controls basic redox signaling functions in vascular cells. Mechanisms of hemoglobin a-regulated nitric oxide signaling in endothelial cells. Nitric oxide (NO) signaling regulates arterial vascular reactivity in the microcirculation to control peripheral vascular resistance and thus blood pressure. Recently, it was reported for the first time that hemoglobin a is expressed in arterial endothelial cells (ECs), where it is in complex with endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) (Straub et al., Nature 2012). It was demonstrated that endothelial hemoglobin a is enriched at the myoendothelial junction, the point where endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells make contact in resistance arteries and arterioles, where it regulates the effect of NO signaling on vascular reactivity. Mechanistically, hemoglobin a heme iron in the Fe3+ state permits active NO signaling, and this signaling is shut off when hemoglobin a is reduced to the Fe2+ state by endothelial cytochrome B5 reductase 3 (CytB5R3). These data reveal a novel paradigm by which the regulation of intracellular hemoglobin oxidation controls NOS signaling in non-erythroid cells. This paradigm may be relevant to a broad range of other somatic cells discovered to express hemoglobin (i.e. neurons, renal mesangial cells, macrophages, sympathetic nerves, hepatocytes, alveolar epithelial cells, and endometrial cells) and also known to express NOS isoforms. Our studies will be a direct outgrowth of this work, where we will focus on the molecular, cellular, and in vivo contribution of somatic hemoglobins and CytB5Rs as it pertains to vascular physiology and disease. NAD regulation and the NAMPT pathway in vascular physiology and disease Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a fundamentally important molecule critical for many redox reactions in biology. Interestingly, the regulation of NAD+ and NAD(H) is dependent on cell type, which is governed by multiple mechanisms. One mechanism that regulates NAD+ levels is NAMPT, also known as preB cell colony factor (PBEF) or visfatin. Existing both as an extracellular and intracellular protein, NAMPT is a rate-limiting enzyme in the NAD+ biosynthesis pathway and is vital for embryonic development since homozygous knockout mice are embryonic lethal (Revollo et al, 2007). The extracellular form of NAMPT stimulates both NAD+ and non-NAD+ signaling pathways in vascular cells, while intracellular NAD+ generated by NAMPT has been shown to regulate vascular cell longevity and protection against ischemia/reperfusion in the heart through a surtuin-1 dependent pathway (van der Veer et al 2007, Hsu et al, 2009). Although it has been established that intracellular NAMPT can regulate NAD+ levels, the downstream signaling pathways relying on this enzyme with regards to resistance arterial tone regulation remains elusive. Our goal is to better understand the role(s) of this enzyme in the microcirculation and in vascular biology in general.


Ben Van Houten, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., Oak Ridge Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee, 1984 Dr. Van Houten’s laboratory studies the formation and repair of DNA damage in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. We are particularly interested in the structure and function of proteins that mediate nucleotide excision repair and the role of oxidative stress in human disease. Faulty DNA repair can promote mutations, aging, cancer and cell death. The process by which protein components of repair detect damaged or modified bases within DNA is an important but poorly understood type of protein-DNA interaction. The cell contains a series of pathways designed to protect its DNA from environmental and endogenous damage. One of the most remarkable aspects of nucleotide excision repair (NER) is that it can remove a wide range of DNA lesions that differ in chemistry and structure. During bacterial NER UvrA, UvrB and UvrC proteins work together to identify and remove DNA damage. The UvrA and UvrB proteins are believed to recognize damage-induced distortion in the DNA helix rather than the lesion per se. However, detailed studies of the kinetics, thermodynamics and structures of the Uvr proteins have been limited due to their instability. To overcome this problem, UvrA, UvrB and UvrC from the thermophilic bacteria Bacillus caldotenax and Thermotoga maritima were recently cloned and overexpressed. The proteins maintain optimal activity at 65ºC and are amenable to both structural and biophysical studies. The group is collaborating with Bob London’s NMR group at NIEHS for an analysis of the dynamics of UvrB upon ligand binding using NMR techniques. The group is also collaborating with Caroline Kisker, Ph.D. and her group, in Wurtzburg, Germany, on solving protein and protein-DNA structures by X-ray crystallography. We have recently solved a co-crystal structure of UvrB bound to DNA. These complexes are being visualized on DNA using atomic force microscopy, performed Hong Wang, Ph.D., and single-molecule techniques using quantum dot labeling, performed by Neil Kad, Ph.D. at the University of Essex. These tools, combined with site-directed mutagenesis and biochemical analyses, allow for structurefunction studies of the UvrA, UvrB and UvrC proteins, and form a basis for understanding the fundamental molecular processes of NER. The long-term goal is to have a complete understanding of how structural perturbations induced by specific DNA lesions are detected and removed by the NER machinery at the atomic level. Most recently we have begun to extend our studies to similar proteins found in humans. Mitochondria represent an important target of reactive oxygen and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) appears to be an early and sensitive marker of this stress. Many human diseases are associated with reactive oxygen including cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases. Mitochondria are essential organelles for generating ATP during oxidative phosphorylation. The mtDNA encodes 13 polypeptides, 11 involved in electron transport and two serving as subunits of ATP synthase. Damage to mtDNA is repaired, but prolonged oxidant treatment results in persistent mtDNA damage, loss of mitochondrial function and apoptosis. These observations suggest that mtDNA damage is important in the toxicity induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and the hydroxyl radical. Our group is testing the hypothesis that ROS generated in the mitochondria results in mtDNA damage causing a vicious cycle of damage: mtDNA damage causes a decrease in transcription and loss of essential mitochondrial proteins, causing an inhibition of electron transport and subsequent release in more ROS. This process causes further mitochondrial decline and many degenerative diseases associated with aging. We have developed a very sensitive DNA damage assay based on quantitative PCR that allows us to examine damage to nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from as little as 100 microliters of human blood. We are currently examining the role of mtDNA damage and repair in several human diseases including cancer and Friedreich’s ataxia. Jean-Pierre Vilardaga, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ph.D., Free University of Brussels, Belgium, 1996 28

The Vilardaga Laboratory is directed at understanding molecular mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling and trafficking – two key processes in biological signaling in general and, more specifically, in pharmacology and drug research. Adrenergic and peptide receptors, which transmit signals, respectively for small neurotransmitters (such as noradrenaline and dopamine) and larger peptide hormones (vasopressin, parathyroid hormone, parathyroid hormone related peptide), are two well characterized distinct subtypes of GPCRs that serve as useful models for analyzing GPCR mechanisms. The objective of this line of research is to elucidate the general principles of signal transduction from the extracellular ligand binding event to intracellular signaling cascades, which are involved in systems as diverse as neurotransmitter and hormonal signaling. Optical approaches (e.g. FRET, TIRF microscopy) are used to monitor the activation/deactivation steps along the signaling cascades of GPCRs in live cells. This approach revealed fundamental mechanisms of GPCRs signaling and trafficking in live cells for neurotransmitter and peptide hormones such as the PTH, which were published in 2003-2007 in Nature Biotech, Nature Methods, Nature Chemical Biology, the Journal of Biological Chemistry and PNAS. Recently Vilardaga laboratory also discovered the new concept that persistent cAMP production mediated by parathyroid hormone receptor endocytosis may mediate potent catabolic signaling actions via PTH (PNAS 2008, Nature Chem Biol 2009). This prolonged cAMP production from intracellular compartments further indicates that the traditional concept that cAMP production triggered by GPCRs originates exclusively at the cell membrane must be revised. The main focus of my current research aims at determining the origin of the prolonged signaling by GPCRs and its termination. These events and consequent signaling patterns are quite novel and important for cellular signaling. Daniela Volonte, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., University of Milan, Italy, 1996 Tumor development is initiated by a multiplicity of genetic abnormalities. Tumor cells need to escape barriers that limit uncontrolled cell proliferation. One of these barriers is represented by cellular senescence. Cancer cells need to overcome this obstacle to produce a clinically relevant tumor mass. For these reasons, cellular senescence represents a natural tumor suppressor mechanism. Thus, molecules that regulate cellular senescence are potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of cancer and the fight against aging. Caveolae are invaginations of the plasma membrane enriched in cholesterol. Caveolin-1, the structural protein component of caveolar membranes, acts as a scaffolding protein to concentrate and functionally regulate signaling molecules. In recent years, several independent lines of evidence have emerged suggesting that caveolin-1 may function as a "tumor suppressor protein" in mammalian cells. For example, caveolin-1 protein expression has been shown to be absent in several transformed cell lines derived from human mammary carcinomas, including MCF-7. In addition, caveolin-1 mRNA and protein expression are lost or reduced during cell transformation by activated oncogenes, such as v-Abl and H-ras (G12V); caveolae are absent from these cell lines. In addition, the human caveolin-1 gene is localized to a suspected tumor suppressor locus (D7S522; 7q31.1), a known fragile site (FRA7G) that is deleted in many types of cancer. Oxidative stress is a known inducer of cellular senescence. We have shown that up-regulation of caveolin-1 is required for oxidative stress–induced cellular senescence in fibroblasts. To unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying oxidative stress-induced up-regulation of caveolin-1 in senescent cells, Dr. Volonte has shown that oxidants stimulate the activity of the caveolin-1 promoter reporter gene construct in fibroblasts. She has identified Sp1 binding to two GC-boxes as the core mechanism of oxidative stress–triggered caveolin-1 transactivation. In addition, through signaling studies she has shown p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase 29

(MAPK) as the upstream regulator of Sp1-mediated activation of the caveolin-1 promoter following oxidative stress. For the first time Dr. Volonte has delineated the molecular mechanisms that modulate caveolin-1 gene transcription upon oxidative stress bringing new insights into the redox control of cellular senescence in both normal and cancer cells. Thus, cellular senescence may represent one of the molecular mechanisms through which caveolin-1 acts as a tumor suppressor protein. Current efforts are aimed at identifying the signaling molecules which link caveolin-1’s function to cellular senescence. Nobunao Wakabayashi, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., Tohoku University Graduate School, 1959 Loss of cellular homeostasis through exposures to endogenous (e.g., inflammation) and exogenous (e.g., carcinogens) stresses contributes to many diseases including carcinogenesis. The Keap1-Nrf2-ARE signaling pathway evokes an adaptive response to these stresses that serves to enhance cell survival. Through gene expression analyses of the signaling cascade linked to Nrf2, using both Keap1- and Nrf2-disrupted mice, it appears that multiple signaling pathways intersect with Nrf2 signaling. Our research goals are to elucidate novel signaling crosstalk based on genes bearing functional ARE (Nrf2-sMaf recognition enhancer element) in the promoter of target genes and the underlying mechanistic roles of the Keap1-Nrf2 system in protecting against chronic degenerative diseases in vivo. Currently, we are focusing on the role of Nrf2 signaling in tissue repair and regeneration. Bin Wang, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., Anhui Medical University, Hefei, China, 1999 Dr. Wang researches parathyroid hormone receptor trafficking, interaction with the adapter protein EBP50/ NHERF1 and other proteins, and their effects on the signaling in kidney and bone cells. The goal of these studies will contribute to our understanding of mineral ion homeostasis under normal conditions, as well as the pathogenesis of diseases that are related to disordered calcium and phosphorus balance in renal failure, hyperparathyroidism, or osteoporosis. The results will provide insights into developing drugs for selective therapeutic applications. Q. Jane Wang, Ph.D. Associate Professor & Vice Chair, Regulatory Affairs Ph.D., Creighton University, 1995 Dr. Wang’s lab conducts basic and translational research on oncogenic protein kinases in the area of cancer biology. The main focus is on diacylglycerol (DAG)-targeted protein kinases, particularly protein kinase D (PKD) and protein kinase C (PKC) family kinases. DAG is a key second messenger generated in cells in response to the activation of receptor tyrosine kinases and G protein-coupled receptors. It acts to disseminate vital signals from the cell surface to the cell interior. PKD and PKC are primary targets of DAG that regulate many fundamental cellular processes such as cell growth, survival, apoptosis, motility, and protein trafficking. In particular, PKD is at the center of the DAG signaling network, integrating signals from both DAG and PKC. In recent years, PKD has emerged as a promising therapeutic target for several diseases including cancer and heart disease. Deregulated PKD expression and activity have been demonstrated in a variety of pathological conditions, suggesting an active contribution to disease initiation and progression. Dr. Wang’s laboratory seeks to understand both the basic structure of PKD and how different structural domains in PKD interact to regulate its activity and function. We are particularly interested in the C1 domain, 30

the high affinity DAG binding domain shared among all DAG receptors. Our previous studies identified PKD as a high affinity receptor for DAG and defined the structure-activity requirements for the binding of the PKD C1 domain to DAG and phorbol esters. This work has provided the basis for ligand-specific regulation of PKD isoforms. Our long-term goal is to investigate the intra- and intermolecular regulatory mechanisms controlling PKD activity and assess their impact on the function of PKD in intact cells. Ultimately, we seek to solve the 3D structure of this protein. Growing evidence has implicated PKD in the pathogenesis of cancer. Using prostate cancer as a model, we will determine the functional relevance and signaling mechanisms of PKD in cancer. We will elucidate the signaling pathways both upstream and downstream of PKD and identify novel PKD substrates relevant to cancer promotion. In previous studies, we have identified PKD3 as a downstream target of the oncogenic kinase PKCe. We found that PKD3 acts through a hyperactive PKCe/PKD3 pathway to modulate the activity of ERK1/2 and Akt signaling, contributing to the growth and survival of prostate cancer cells. Another active area of research in our lab is to determine the in vivo relevance of PKD signaling to cancer. We use a variety of animal models including mouse xenograft models and transgenic/knock-out mice to determine the role of PKD in prostate cancer initiation, progression, and metastasis. In addition, we also study the cross-regulation between PKD and androgen receptor signaling and its implication in prostate cancer. Our studies have now expanded to other types of solid tumors such as head and neck cancer and pancreatic cancer. In the long run, we seek to validate PKD as a therapeutic target for cancer therapy. In this major research endeavor, we seek to develop potent and selective small molecule inhibitors of PKD as pharmacological tools for dissecting PKD-mediated biological processes and as potential drugs for clinical application. This is an important study in the translation of PKD-targeted therapeutics into the clinic. In collaboration with our colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh Drug Discovery Institute and the Department of Chemistry, we have identified the first potent and selective small molecule PKD inhibitor, CID755673, and subsequently developed a class of unique ATP-noncompetitive inhibitors based on this parental compound. These inhibitors are cell-active and exhibit nanomolar potencies, with high specificity for PKD. Future studies are focused on further developing this series of inhibitors for in vivo and clinical application, and continuing our efforts in new drug discovery. Stacy Gelhaus Wendell, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, 2005 Nitrated and oxidized metabolites of O-3 and O-6 fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) arachidonic acid (AA) and linoleic acid (LA), are potent signaling mediators involved in inflammation and resolution, amongst a variety of other regulatory pathways. These oxidized metabolites are produced by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species as well as through enzymatic pathways including cyclooxygenase (COX), lipoxygenase (LO), and cytochrome P450s (CYP450). Dr. Gelhaus’ research is specifically focused on understanding the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of a specific subgroup of these metabolites; the electrophilic fatty acids. Examples of electrophilic fatty acids include nitrated fatty acids such as nitro-oleic and nitro-linoleic acid or oxidized lipids that contain an a-,ß-unsaturated ketone or epoxide. Electrophilic fatty acid metabolites can exert their effects through the modulation of transcriptional regulatory proteins. Many transcriptional regulatory proteins contain a nucleophilic amino acid residue, such as a cysteine or histidine, to which the electrophilic moiety of the fatty acid can form a reversible Michael addition. Many of these interactions have been described with the nitrated fatty acids, particularly nitro-oleic acid. In terms of cellular signaling, the Freeman lab has described several protein targets of posttranslational nitroalkylation modification, resulting in activation of pro-MMP9, PPARγ and the antioxidant pathway Keap1/Nrf2 and the inhibition of the pro-inflammatory transcription factor NF-kB. 31

The current focus of Dr. Gelhaus’ research is on the mechanism of these electrophilic fatty acids in asthma. Asthma is a complicated disease that much like cancer is comprised of numerous disease states and phenotypes. In many ways it is an umbrella of respiratory diseases that share some similar phenotypes such as airway hyper-responsiveness, increased mucus secretion, increased smooth muscle contraction and decreased airflow. In the most severe of cases, airway remodeling and corticosteroid resistance are not uncommon. It affects over 30 million worldwide and is an economic burden with therapeutic costs upwards of $19 billion dollars per year. While the number of asthmatics in Westernized countries seems to be plateauing, the worldwide number of asthmatics is projected to hit over 100 million by 2025, mostly in low/middle economically developing countries. Dr. Gelhaus is looking at the formation of electrophilic fatty acids in transformed stable cell lines while collaborating with clinicians to study the formation and signaling of electrophilic fatty acids in mild to moderate asthmatic subjects. In this study, subjects undergo a baseline bronchoscopy after which they are placed randomly in one of three groups, control, aspirin, or indomethacin. The thought here is that indomethacin will completely inhibit cyclooxygenase activity; therefore, shunting metabolism to other pathways including lipoxygenase or CYP450. Aspirin will inactivate COX-1, but acetylate COX-2 at S516, thus altering enzymatic activity and the stereochemistry of product formation. Following 5 days of treatment, subjects return for a second bronchoscopy. At each bronchoscopy, blood, urine, bronchoalveolar lavage, and bronchial brushings are taken. The epithelial cells from the brushings can be cultured at the air liquid interface for mechanistic studies and identification of key electrophilic fatty acids. To reach these end goals, the lab utilizes molecular biology and analytical techniques, primarily mass spectrometry, (triple quadrupole and ion trap) to elucidate the structures of novel electrophilic species, accurately detect and quantify key electrophilic fatty acid oxidation products in biological matrices, and establish mechanisms of action in asthma and other lung and airway diseases. Furthermore, the implications of electrophilic fatty acid formation and signaling under inflammatory conditions using animal models are also being determined. Steven Wendell, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., University of Minnesota Steven Woodcock, Ph.D. Research Instructor Ph.D., University of Oregon The biological convergence of reactive oxygen species, nitrate/nitrite and unsaturated lipids produce a variety of nitrated and oxidized lipids, which as redox signaling mediators have been observed to have pluripotent activity in vivo. Dr. Woodcock’s research interests include the synthesis of novel nitrated and oxidized lipids, mechanisms of nitration, and the reactivity of nitroalkenes. We use a combination of synthetic and physical organic chemistry along with biochemistry to help identify and study these species, and to study their production and interactions with a variety of electron-rich biological molecules. These studies support the emerging potential of nitrated lipids as therapeutic agents. In addition we participate in collaborations with other labs to pair our synthetic interests with aspects of nitrated lipid activity in novel arenas, as well as to provided molecular probes for various redox signaling studies. Recent projects have included isotopically labelled standards, phospholipids, nucleic acid-steroid conjugates, and fluorescent and affinity-conjugates as chemical probes.


Cheng Zhang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, P.R. China, 2008 My group focuses on the study of model G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of receptor signaling and to advance our understanding of their pharmacology. GPCRs are a family of cell surface receptors with over 700 members. They transduce signals from extracellular signaling molecules, including hormones and neurotransmitters, to intracellular effectors in order to mediate and regulate a broad spectrum of physiological and pathological processes. GPCRs have been heavily investigated in the pharmaceutical industry, and they constitute 30-40% of current drug targets. Yet the mechanistic details of GPCR signal transduction across the cell membrane are largely poorly understood, in part due to the extraordinary complexity of receptor conformational states associated with different ligands and different signaling outputs. My lab is trying to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying the signal transduction of certain GPCRs through combinatorial approaches, including structural biology approaches, spectroscopic tools, and molecular pharmacology approaches. Current efforts are directed at elucidating the atomic structures of several GPCRs that function in inflammation and calcium metabolism, in complex with their ligands as currently used drugs or potential drug candidates. These structures will reveal the molecular basis of the action of the ligands, as well as the structural elements of receptors that are involved in signal transduction. This information will guide further biophysical and computational studies performed in my lab, or through collaborations, to explore the dynamics and conformational versatility of these receptors and guide structure-based drug design for the development of drugs with improved pharmacological properties. Long-term goals also include the structural characterization of these receptors in complex with their signaling effectors and the characterization of the different pharmacological behaviors of these receptors when coupled with different signaling effectors. The resulting information will greatly advance our understanding of GPCR signaling and GPCR molecular pharmacology, and will be quite valuable for designing new pharmaceuticals used in the treatment and management of inflammatory diseases, bone diseases and cancer. Lin Zhang, Ph.D. Professor Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1995 The immediate goal of Dr. Zhang’s research is to understand how anticancer drugs kill cancer cells, and more importantly, why they fail so often. In the long term, we will attempt to use this knowledge to identify novel molecular targets and treatment strategies to improve cancer chemotherapy and chemoprevention. Cell death in anticancer therapies Our research program has centered on several molecules that control discrete steps of programmed cell death. The first one, PUMA, is a downstream target of the tumor suppressor p53 and a BH3-only Bcl-2 family protein. PUMA is required for DNA damage-induced and p53-dependent apoptosis, and also plays a key role in apoptosis induced by several targeted anticancer drugs. The second one, SMAC, is a mitochondrial apoptogenic protein and a caspase activator. SMAC helps to execute apoptosis induced by anticancer drugs via a mitochondrial feedback loop. Regulators of non-apoptotic cell death, such as the autophagy inducer Beclin 1 and the necrosis regulator RIPK3, have also been studied. Through analyses of these molecules and their associated protein networks, we try to gain deep understanding on how cell death is initiated and executed in human cancer cells, why some cancer cells are not sensitive to anticancer drugs, and what can be done to restore their sensitivity.


Oncogenic stem cells as the target of cancer chemoprevention Prevention of human cancer through the use of chemical agents such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has emerged as a promising strategy to reduce morbidity and mortality of cancer. Our recent studies showed that intestinal stem cells that have acquired oncogenic alterations are targeted by NSAIDs in chemoprevention of colon cancer. We are investigating how NSAIDs trigger apoptosis in such oncogenic stem cells, and if induction of apoptosis is critical for the chemopreventive effects of NSAIDs. We will also determine if apoptosis regulators can be used as markers to predict outcomes of chemoprevention of cancer patients, and if manipulation of apoptosis regulators can be used to improve the chemopreventive effects of NSAIDs. Manipulation of cell death regulators To target PUMA, we have developed a high-throughput screening system for identifying small molecules that can activate PUMA in p53-deficient cancer cells. In collaboration with the Pittsburgh Drug Discovery Institute, we will screen compound libraries to identify novel PUMA inducers. We have also identified and characterized small molecules that mimic the functional domains of PUMA and SMAC. Efforts are undertaken to apply these small molecules to chemotherapy and chemoprevention.

Study Sections, Advisory Committee Memberships and Editorial Service Bruce Freeman, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Associate Editor: Environmental and Nutritional Interactions Editorial Board: Journal of Biological Chemistry General Pharmacology: The Vascular System Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry Critical Care Medicine Grant Reviewer: NCI NIEHS Study Section: Lung Injury, Repair and Remodeling Study Section, Center for Scientific Review Daniel Altschuler, Ph.D. Associate Professor External Reviewer Argentine Society for Science and Technology Ad Hoc Reviewer: Nature Cell Biology Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Endocrinology The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Molecular Biology Reports Molecular Biology of the Cell

Dr. Alessandro Bisello Associate Professor 34

Ad Hoc Reviewer: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute National Institutes of Health Donald DeFranco, Ph.D. Professor Study Section: Biomedical Research and Training (BRT-A) Study Section, NIGMS Editor-in-Chief: Molecular Endocrinology Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer: American Cancer Society March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation National Science Foundation Ad Hoc Reviewer: American Journal of Physiology Biochemical Pharmacology Biochemistry Biotechniques Cancer Research Cell Biology and Toxicology Cytogenetics and Genome Research Endocrinology European Journal of Biochemistry Experimental Neurology Immuno Modulation Journal of American Physiology Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Cell Biology Journal of Cell Science Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Journal of Neurochemistry Journal of Neuroscience Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Molecular Cell Molecular Endocrinology Molecular Biology of the Cell Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Molecular Pharmacology Nature Biotechnology Neurobiology of Disease Neuroscience Oncogene Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA Trends in Cell Biology Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism Science Steroids Urology 35

W. Chet de Groat, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor Editorial Board: Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System Editorial Consultant: Brain Research Journal of Neurophysiology Science Journal of Urology Journal Comparative Neurology European Journal of Pharmacology Experimental Neurology Executive Committee, International Society of Autonomic Neuroscience External Advisory Board, UCLA Center for Neurovisceral Sciences and Women’s Health Member, Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives Faculty, 1000 Biology, Head of Section for the Genito-Urinary and Reproductive Pharmacology Julie Eiseman, Ph.D. Research Professor Grant Reviewer: Veteran’s Administration Merit Review (central and local) NCI, Cancer Drug Development and Therapeutics (CDDT) Study Section, STIR/SBIR Reviewer: Journal of Biological Optics Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology Oncology Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology Clinical Cancer Research Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Molecular Pharmacology Journal of AOAC International Cancer Research Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Peter Friedman, Ph.D. Professor Reviewer: National Science Foundation, Panel on Cellular and Molecular Biology National Science Foundation, Panel on Regulatory Biology Awards Committee: American Physiological Society, Chair, 2005-2007 Study Section: National Institutes of Health, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Study Section Consultant: FDA, novel parathyroid hormone compounds Invited Reviewer: Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Cell Biology 36

Nature Chemical Biology Nature Reviews Rheumatology PLoS One Bone Biochemistry Journal of Bone and Mineral Research American Journal of Physiology Editorial Board: European Journal of Molecular Biology Journal of Biological Chemistry William Furey, Ph.D. Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Journal of Molecular Biology Biochemistry Nature Structure Biology Acta Crystallographica Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA Proteins Journal of Biological Chemistry Protein Science Ferruccio Galbiati, Ph.D. Associate Professor Editorial Board: h Bioscience The Journal of Biological Chemistry Ad Hoc Reviewer: FASEB Journal Aging Cell Cancer Research Molecular Cancer Research Molecular Pharmacology Molecular Endocrinology PLoS ONE Free Radical Biology & Medicine American Journal of Physiology Journal of Cell Science Journal of Neurochemistry Human Genetics Molecular Carcinogenesis European Journal of Cancer Journal of Applied Physiology Experimental Cell Research Journal of Molecular Medicine Proteomics Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Carcinogenesis Cell Research Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer: 37

National Institute of Health, Cellular Mechanisms in Aging and Development (CMAD) Study Section The Association for International Cancer Research (AICR) Jing Hu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Molecular Carcinogenesis Biochemical Pharmacology Neoplasia Editorial Board: American Journal of Cancer Biology Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer: Florida Department of Health: James & Esther King Biomedical Research Program and the Bankhead-Coley Cancer Research Program Yi Huang, M.D. Research Assistant Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Molecular Carcinogenesis Journal of National Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Breast Cancer Research BMC Cancer Cancer Biology & Therapy Medicinal Chemistry Communications PLoS One Cancer Investigation Hormones and Cancer BBA – Molecular Cell Research The Journal of Investigative Dermatology Editorial Board: Frontiers in Epigenomics Cancer and Clinical Research Edwin Jackson, Ph.D. Professor NIH Study Section, Permanent Member: Hypertension and Microcirculation Editorial Board: Hypertension Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Clinical and Experimental Hypertension American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology Cardiovascular Therapeutics Journal Refereeing: American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 38

Biochemical Pharmacology British Journal of Pharmacology Cardiovascular Research Circulation Circulation Research Clinical Cancer Research Clinical and Experimental Hypertension Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Hypertension Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Journal of Clinical Investigation Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Kidney International Molecular Pharmacology Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation PLOS ONE PNAS Tija Jacob, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Journal Refereeing: Neuroscience Molecular Neurobiology Yu Jiang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Study Section: NIH NCI-Transition to Independence (K Grant), ad hoc reviewer Editorial Board: World Journal of Biological Chemistry Ad Hoc Reviewer: BBA Current Molecular Pharmacology Drug Discovery Today Nutrition Research Oncogene Science Journal of Biological Chemistry Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Structure Grant Review: Medical Research Council, England National Science Centre, Poland Department of Defense, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program Review Panel Thomas Kensler, Ph.D. Professor Study Section: NCCAM/NIH Special Emphasis Panel ZAT1 SM (25) – Mechanistic Research on Natural Products Chair, ZRG1 OTC-C (02) Special Emphasis Panel (NIH) Chair, ZRG1 OTC-Y 04 M Special Emphasis Panel (NIH) Editorial Board: 39

Reviews in Mutation Research Carcinogenesis Journal of Biological Chemistry Senior Editor: Cancer Prevention Research Committee Memberships: Society of Toxicology, Disease Prevention Task Force; Chair [2010-2012] Ad Hoc Reviewer: Analytical Biochemistry In Vitro Toxicology Applied Occupational & Environmental Hygiene Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics Journal of Biological Chemistry Biochemical Journal Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Biochemical Pharmacology J. Chromatography B: Biomed. Sci Appl. Biochemistry Journal of Clinical Investigation Cancer Biochemistry Biophysics Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry Cancer Detection and Prevention Journal of Investigative Dermatology Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention Journal of Mass Spectrometry Cancer Prevention Research Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Cancer Research Journal of the National Cancer Institute Carcinogenesis Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology ChemBioChem Journal of Toxicol. and Environ. Health Chemico-Biological Interactions Laboratory Animal Sciences Chemical Biology & Drug Design Molecular Carcinogenesis Chemical Research in Toxicology Molecular Cellular Biology Drug Metabolism and Disposition Molecular Pharmacology Environmental Health Perspectives Mutation Research Environmental & Molecular Mutagenesis Nutrition and Cancer Environmental Research Oncogene Experimental Cell Research Proc. National Academy of Science USA FASEB Journal Proc. Soc. Experimental Biology Free Radical Biology & Medicine and Medicine Free Radical Research Risk Analysis Gene Science Gut Toxicology Hepatology Toxicology Letters International Journal of Cancer Trends in Molecular Medicine Nicholas Khoo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Antioxidants and Redox Signaling Diabetes British Journal of Pharmacology Vascular Pharmacology Free Radical Biology and Medicine PPAR Research PLOS ONE Nitric Oxide Joan M. Lakoski, Ph.D. Professor Study Section: 40

Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunology and Behavior Editorial Board: American Journal of Translational Research Committee Memberships: Travel Awards Selection Committee, National Postdoctoral Association Nomination Awards Committee, National Postdoctoral Association Program Committee, Annual Meeting, National Postdoctoral Association President’s Council, Society for Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (SELAM) International Board Development Committee, Annual Meeting, National Postdoctoral Association Ad Hoc Reviewer: Neuroscience Letters Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Endocrinology Journal of Neuroscience Research International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience Molecular Endocrinology Synapse Psychopharmacology Brain Research Bulletin Neuroscience Life Sciences Journal Neuropharmacology Gastroenterology Environmental Research Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior Journal of Neuroscience Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences Academic Medicine Society for Clinical and Translational Science Cell Biology Education – Life Sciences Education Adrian Lee, Ph.D. Professor Peer Review: Alternate Chair and Member, Career Catalyst Award Review, Susan G. Komen for the Cure Ad Hoc Member, CDMRP Integration Panel Member, CDMPR Breakthrough Proposal Review Member, MUSC Pilot Project Review Ad Hoc Member, SEP:ZCA SRB-C (J1) & (J2), NCI Ad Hoc Member, Komen Tissue Bank Permanent Member, NIH/NCI, Molecular Oncogenesis (MONC) Advisory Board: Scientific Advisory Committee, Susan G. Komen for the Cure Boehringer Ingelheim, anti-IGF inhibitors Editorships: Member, Editorial Board, NPJ Breast Cancer Corresponding Editor, Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation Member, Editorial Board, Hormones and Cancer Member, Frontiers in Endocrinology Editorial Board Editor, Endocrinology Ad Hoc Reviewer: 41

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Cancer Research Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology European Journal of Cancer Cancer Investigation Molecular Endocrinology Cell Growth and Differentiation International Journal of Cancer Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Oncogene Journal of Neurobiology Cancer Breast Cancer Research Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention Biotechniques Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Endocrinology Trends in Biochemical Sciences Molecular and Cellular Biology Biochemistry Growth Hormone & IGF Research Journal of the National Cancer Institute Endocrine-Related Cancer Biomedical Microdevices Nature Clinical Practice Oncology Nature Reviews Cancer Edwin Levitan, Ph.D. Professor Editorial Board: Molecular Endocrinology Study Section: NIH NTRC Study Section Carola Neumann, M.D. Visiting Associate Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Biochemistry Cancer Letter Endocrine-Related Research Immunology Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Leukemia and Lymphoma Mitochondrial DNA Molecular Carcinogenesis Frontiers in Genetics Plos One Cancer Research Current Opinion in Pharmacology Journal of Cellular Biology 42

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Biochemistry Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Endocrinology Oncogene Steffi Oesterreich, Ph.D. Professor Editorial Boards: Endocrinology Endocrine-Related Cancer Frontiers in Epigenomics Hormones and Cancer Study Section: Permanent Member, NIH TCB Study Section Ad Hoc Reviewer: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Cancer Research Molecular Endocrinology Oncogene Cancer Breast Cancer Research Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Molecular and Cellular Biology Cancer Letters Carcinogenesis Clinical Chemistry Experimental Cell Research FEBS Letters Genomics Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Clinical Investigation Journal of Molecular Endocrinology Journal of Molecular Medicine Journal of the National Cancer Institute Molecular Carcinogenesis Molecular Medicine New England Journal of Medicine Nucleic Acid Research NURSA The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Nature Medicine Roderick O’Sullivan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ad Hoc Journal Reviewing: Genome Research Patrick Pagano, Ph.D. Professor Associate Editor: Clinical Science 43

Editorial Board: American Journal of Physiology Cardiovascular Research Free Radical Biology & Medicine Study Section: Permanent Member, NIH/NHLBI Study Section HM RFA Special Emphasis Panel, Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Arterial Stiffening and its Relationship to Development of Hypertension Ad Hoc Reviewer: American Heart Association Ad Hoc Reviewer: American Journal of Physiology Circulation Research Free Radical Biology & Medicine Antioxidants & Redox Signaling Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology Michael Palladino, Ph.D. Associate Professor Editorial Board: Neurobiology of Diseases ISRN Biotechnology Guest Associate Editor: Genetics Ad Hoc Reviewer: Genetics FASEB RNA IUBMB Life Journal of Neuroscience Human Molecular Genetics Cell Metabolism Molecular Cell Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Cell Death and Differentiation BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease PLoS ONE PLoS Biology Neurobiology of Disease Pharmacologic Reviews GENE Genes, Brain and Behavior Brain Research Bulletin Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry Frontiers in Genetics Journal of Cell Science Grant Reviews: United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Chronic Fatigue Initiative Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance 44

Study Section: NIH Neurogenetics (NMG) Study Section NIH NOMD Ad Hoc Panel Member Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer: Wellcome Trust PEIR Grants Wei Qian, Ph.D. Research Instructor Journal Reviews: PLOS One ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters Guillermo Romero, Ph.D. Associate Professor Editorial Board: Frontiers in Endocrinology Ad Hoc Reviewer: BMC Cell Biology Molecular Endocrinology Journal of Cell Biology Endocrinology Journal of Cell Science Cancer Research European Journal of Immunology Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer: National Science Foundation James Roppolo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Journal of Urology, Neurourology and Urodynamics Brain Research Francisco Schopfer, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Grant Reviewer: American Heart Association, Lipid Peer Review Study Group ANII, Uruguay Research Council Study Section: NIH Inflammation and Aging Special Emphasis Panel NIH Review Panel on Botanical Dietary Supplement Research Centers (BDSRC) (P50) Ad Hoc Reviewer: Free Radical Biology and Medicine Journal International Immunopharmacology Life Sciences Free Radical Research Sruti Shiva, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: 45

Cardiovascular Research Free Radical Biology and Medicine Mitochondria Circulation Reserach Journal of Biological Chemistry Antioxidant and Redox Signaling Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences British Journal of Pharmacology Nitric Oxide Biology and Medicine American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Biology Biochemical Journal Cell Metabolism Nature Protocols Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Mitochondrion Journal of Lipid Research FEBS Journal Frontiers: Physiology Redox Biology Grant Reviewer: American Heart Association Review Committee Membranes and Subcellular Organelles Study Section: Ad Hoc Reviewer, Myocardial Ischemia Metabolism NIH/MHLBI Study Section Editorial Positions: Guest Forum Editor, Antioxidant Redox Signaling Editorial Board Member, Redox Biology Shivendra Singh, Ph.D. Professor Study Section Member: Landon Foundation-AACR Innovator Award for Cancer Prevention Research Chemo/Dietary Prevention Study Section Ad Hoc Member, Special Emphasis Panel, ZCA1 SRB-2 (01) DoD, Breast Cancer Research Program Ad Hoc Member, CDP Study Section, NIH Editorial Board: Molecular Pharmacology Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Open Access Pharmacology Journal Journal of Cell Death-Open Access Cancer Prevention Research Clinical Cancer Research Pharmaceutical Research Journal of Cancer Prevention Associate Editor: Molecular Carcinogenesis Ad Hoc Reviewer: Cancer Research Carcinogenesis Prostate Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 46

Urology Clinical Cancer Research External Advisory: Head and Neck SPORE, Emory University, Atlanta, GA Cancer Therapy and Research Center, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX Committee: Data Safety Monitoring Board, PEITC Trial, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN External Advisory Board, University of South Dakota Translation Research Center Robert Sobol, Ph.D. Associate Professor Editorial Board: DNA Repair Journal of Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis Mutation Research – Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis PLoS ONE Editorial Advisory Board: The Open Toxicology Journal Associate Editorial Board: American Journal of Cancer Research Invited Editor: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA Ad Hoc Reviewer: American Journal of Biotechnology Glia Analytical Biochemistry Head and Neck BBA Journal of Biological Chemistry Biochemistry Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Biology of Reproduction Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Brain Pathology Journal of Neuro-Oncology Cancer Journal of Neurochemistry Cancer Cell Journal of Surgical Oncology Cancer Chemotherapy & Pharmacology Leukemia Research Cancer Research Mechanisms of Aging and Development Carcinogenesis Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry Cell Biology & Toxicology Molecular & Cellular Biology Cell Cycle Molecular Cancer Chemical Research in Toxicology Molecular Cell Chemistry & Biology Molecular Pharmacology Clinical Cancer Research Mutation Research Digestive Diseases and Sciences Nature Structural & Molecular Biology DNA & Cell Biology Nucleic Acids Research DNA Repair Oncogene EMBO J PLoS Genetics EMBO Reports PLoS ONE Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis PNAS Environmental and Toxicology & Pharmacology Science Translational Medicine Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs The Open Toxicology Journal FASEB J The Protein Journal FEBS Letters Toxicological Sciences Gene Therapy TIBS Journal of Bacteriology Tumor Biology Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer: 47

NIH Study Section, ZRG1 NIH Study Section, Somatosensory and Chemosensory Systems Gyun Jee Song, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Human Reproduction Journal of Andrology Asian Journal of Andrology Fertility and Sterility Laura Stabile, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Editorial Board: Cancer and Clinical Research Ad Hoc Reviewer: American Journal of Physiology- Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology Steroids Molecular Carcinogenesis Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology Cancer Biomarkers Lung Cancer Cancer Research Clinical Cancer Research Head and Neck Evidence-Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Molecular Endocrinology Journal of Clinical Oncology Oral Oncology Journal of Translational Medicine Grant Reviewer: FAMRI Grant Review Panel Adam Straub, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: American Journal of Physiology Lung and Cellular and Molecular Physiology Cell Calcium Microcirculation PLOS One Free Radical Biology and Medicine American Journal of Pathology Grant Reviewer: Member, Vascular Wall Biology 2 Committee, American Heart Association Member, Blood Pressure Regulation 2, American Heart Association Ben Van Houten, Ph.D. Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Cell Metabolism Chem. Res. Tox. Chemical Biology 48

Chemical Biology Current Biology Free Radical Biology and Medicine Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular Cell Molecular Pharmacology Nucleic Acids Research Oncogene PLoS One PLos Genetics Proceedings National Academy of Sciences Nature Reviews Science Signaling Science Tox Sci Editorial Board: DNA Repair Mutation Research Reviews Molecular Carcinogenesis Committees: NINDS, Scientific Advisor for Specialized Neuroscience Research Program Advisory Board: Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Wurzburg University, Wurzburg, Germany Grant Reviewer: United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Ad Hoc Reviewer, NIH, Cancer Etiology Jean-Pierre Vilardaga, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Nature Chemical Biology Journal of Biological Chemistry Nature Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences American Journal of Physiology Molecular Endocrinology EMBO Report Biochim Biophys Acta Science Signaling Reviewer: NIH: Cell Biology Integrated Review Group European Research Council: Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry Review Group Consulting: Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Board Membership Chair, IUPHAR for PTH Receptors Dario Vitturi, Ph.D. Research Instructor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry 49

American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators Chemical Research in Toxicology Daniela Volonte, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Editorial Board: Landes Bioscience Journal Q. Jane Wang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Editorial Board: PLoS ONE International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Academic Editor: PLoS ONE Reviewer: Chemistry and Biology Journal of Biological Chemistry J Dematol Sci Grant Reviewer: Ad Hoc Member, NIH/CSR, Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology (DMP) Study Section Ad Hoc Member, NIH/CSR, ZRG1 BMCT-C Study Section Reviewer, NIH/CSR, NCI Omnibus Initiative Review Meeting (Drug Discovery) ZCA1RTRB-L (M1) Study SEction Prostate Cancer UK Study Section: NIH/CSR, ZRG1 BMCT-C Study Section Stacy Gelhaus Wendell, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Chemical Research in Toxicology Analytical Chemistry Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids Chemico-Biological Interactions Journal of Clinical Investigation Steven Woodcock, Ph.D. Research Instructor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Synthetic Communications Studies in Natural Products Chemistry Cheng Zhang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ad Hoc Reviewer: Cell and Biology International Molecular Biosystem Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 50

Lin Zhang, Ph.D. Professor Editorial Board: Scientific Reports Current Cancer Drug Targets Associate Editor: Molecular Carcinogenesis Genes & Diseases Ad Hoc Reviewer: BBA Review Cancer BMC Cancer BMC Pulmonary Medicine Cancer Research Clinical Colorectal Cancer Current Cancer Drug Targets DNA Repair International Journal of Cancer Molecular Cancer Molecular Cancer Research Oncogene Oncotarget PloS One Study Section Review Panel Membership: Standing Member, NIH ONC Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology (DMP) Study Section National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Prevention PREVENT Cancer Program’s Special Emphasis Panel American Lung Association Research Grant Review Committee Ad Hoc Review Panel: ZCA1-SLRB-1(J1) SEP: Cancer Biology 1, NCI Omnibus R21/R03 Review Panel


Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology  Research Grant & Contract Activity FY14 Extramural Sponsored Project Funding Army Grants  Foundations, Societies and Associations Funding Industry Grants/Contract NIH Center Grants NIH Contracts NIH Developmental Grants NIH Program Project Awards NIH Research Awards NIH Training Grants Fellowships Veterans Administration and Other Government Awards

$502,204 $1,219,459 $174,221 $855,244 $675,424 $662,601 $718,729 $12,244,247 $184,671 $106,558 $696,353 Total Extramural Funding


FY14 National Institutes of Health Funding National Institute on Aging (NIA) Other NIH National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) National Cancer Institute (NCI) National Institute on Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS) National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Total National Institute of Health Funding 52

$276,086 $39,973 $364,669 $6,232,442 $2,843,866 $506,072 $1,620,996 $2,925,309 check $14,809,414 $3,230,298 $18,039,712

Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology FY14 Extramural Sponsored Project Funding Veterans Administration and Other Government Awards 3.86%

NIH Training Grants 1.02%

Fellowships 0.59%

Army Grants 2.78%

Foundations, Societies and Associations Funding 6.76%

Industry Grants/Contract 0.97%

NIH Center Grants 4.74% NIH Contracts 3.74% NIH Developmental Grants 3.67%

NIH Program Project Awards 3.98%

NIH Research Awards 67.87%


Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology FY14 Funding by NIH Institute National Institute on Aging (NIA) Other NIH 0.3% 1.9% National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) 2.5%

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) 19.8%

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) 10.9%

National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS) 3.4%

National Cancer Institute (NCI) 42.1%

National Institute on Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) 19.2%


Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs



National Institutes of Health

Rap 1b as a Mitogenic Signal in Thyroid







R03TW009001 National Institutes of Health

Exploiting the cAMP pathway in Chagas Disease Therapy







R01GM099775 National Institutes of Health

cAMP effector pathways in TSH signaling



$315,964 $115,717




National Institutes of Health

A Novel Role of Macrophage TSP1-CD47 Signaling in Atherosclerosis








National Institutes of Health

New Strategies to Treat Overactive Bladder








National Institutes of Health

Bladder Nociception: function/central projection of Sympathetic Afferent Pathway







W81XWH-11-1- Department of Defense 0819

An Implantable Neuroprosthetic Device to Normalize Bladder Function after SCI

9/22/2011 10/21/2014





W81XWH-11-1- Department of Defense 0829

Use of Optical Mapping to Evaluate Mechanisms and New Therapies for Bladder Dysfunction

9/30/2011 10/29/2014






National Institutes of Health

Mechanisms/Treatments of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction After Spinal Cord Injury (Project 4)








National Institutes of Health

Mechanisms/Treatments of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction After Spinal Cord Injury (Core B)








National Institutes of Health

Central sites of action for bladder neuromodulation








National Institutes of Health

Roles of Nitric Oxide and Superoxide in Cystitis







Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs




The Role of Estrogen on Urothelial Structure and Signaling Functions as well as Bladder Afferent Activity

11/13/2013 11/12/2015






National Institutes of Health

Molecular signatures associated with prostatic inflammation in rodents models








Baylor College of Medicine

The Chromatin Landscape of Fetal Hypothalamic Neural Stem Cells








National Institutes of Health

Structure based design of novel low molecular weight cMyc Inhibitors








National Institutes of Health

Early Clinical Trials of New Anti-Cancer Agents with Phase 1 Emphasis







HHSN26120110 National Institutes of 0015C Health

Preclinical Pharmacokinetic and Pharmalogical Studies with Anticancer and Other Therapeutic Agents







PY 1-32

Multiple Dose MTD Study in Tumor Bearing Mice







UM1CA186690 National Institutes of Health

NCI ET-CTN Phase I Team Sci JE








Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Human Cancers





Indiana University


$8,630 $

$8,630 -

2013W.CZ0157 Innovation Works 6E-1

Engineered Cationic Antibiotic Peptide (eCAPS)


Magee Womens Research Institute

PC4 FDG 6 Cerv Cancer



$13,325 $

$13,325 -

12/16/2013 12/15/2014

$8,125 $

$8,125 -



National Institutes of Health

Development of Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors of Protein Kinase D

1/1/2010 12/31/2014



National Institutes of Health

Identifying Underlying Mechanisms of Intracellular Changes in Response to Caregiver Stress










Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date


2011 Research Initiative

Wendy Will Case Cancer Fund

Drug Resistance in Breast Cancer

End Date

1/1/2012 12/31/2013

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

$15,000 $

Annual Total Costs $15,000



Drug Resistance University of Michigan

Nitro-fatty Acids and Nrf2 in Vascular Remodeling








National Institues of Health

Vascular Subphenotypes of Lung Disease (Project 3)








National Institutes of Health

Redox-Derived Pulmonary Anti-Inflammatory Mediators



$207,344 $105,881




RIMED Foundation

RIMED Foundation Fellowship-Fazzari





National Institutes of Health

Redox Transduction of Nitric Oxide Signaling





National Institutes of Health

Sustained cAMP signals triggered by internalized PTH receptor: new consequences for cell signaling





National Institutes of Health

EBP50 Regulation of PTH Receptor in Bone




National Institutes of Health

PTH Receptor: Posttranslational Modification and Recycling in Bone



Yale University

PMCA2 Regulates Mammary Gland Involution


R01GM061791 National Institutes of Health






$330,101 $166,033





$213,016 $109,703




$216,926 $111,716







Pyruvate Dehydrogenase E1: Structure-Function Studies






12SDG8800012 American Heart Association

PTRF/Cavin-1, a novel regulator of stress-induced premature senescence of endothelial cells

1/1/2012 12/31/2015





Caveolin 1: a novel modulator of the PP2A/ATM/p53 pathway





National Institutes of Health




Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs


13GRNT165600 American Heart 12 Association








Pitt-UPCI-Lung SPORE Caveolin-1, cigarette-smoke induced cellular senescence Pilot and lung cancer








National Institutes of Health



$195,569 $102,905



R21 CA175202 National Institutes of Health







BCRF 20132014







5P30DK079307 National Institutes of Health

Pittsburgh Center for Kidney Research-Core B








National Institutes of Health

Role of Renal Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV



$220,966 $113,798




National Institutes of Health

Adenosine in Renal Sympathetic Neurotransmission



$211,181 $108,758




National Institutes of Health

The Renal 2,3-cAMP-Adenosine Pathway








National Institutes of Health

The Guanosine-Adenosine Mechanism



$216,214 $113,764




National Institutes of Health

Restoring anti-tumor immunity in the microenvironment of head and neck cancer








National Institutes of Health

Pittsburgh Center for Kidney Research-Core B








National Institutes of Health

Dipyridamole as a Modulator of HIV-1 Inflammation by Adenosine Regulation






Caveolae cellular senescence and atherosclerosis

HDAC2 in HDAC Inhibitor Based Therapy for CRC

HDAC2 in Oncogenesis

Breast Cancer Research BCRF - Huang 2013-2014 Foundation


Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name




Whitehall Foundation



National Institutes of Health


End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs

GABA A receptor dependent regulation of emerging neuronal circuits

1/1/2013 12/31/2015




The Role of FKBP38 in tumorigenesis associated with Tsc deficiency






R21CA169186- National Institutes of 01A1 Health

The role of arachidonic acid in estrogen mediated mTOR activation








Molecular Mechanisms of Chemoprevention: NRF2 Signaling







W81XWH-11-1- Department of Defense 0731

Modulation of estrogen depurination DNA adducts by sulforaphane








National Institute of Health

Role of Nrf2 Crosstalk in Cancer Chemoprevention



$225,922 $111,783




University of Utah

Reductive Stress Induces Proteotoxic Cardiac Disease








Breast Cancer Research Reduction of Estrogen-DNA Adducts in a Clinical Trail Foundation of Broccoli Sprout Beverage








Gilead Foundation

Nitro-fatty Acids Limit Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension







U54GM088491 National Institutes of Health

Computational Models of Infectious Disease Threats



$245,142 $126,248




University of Alabama

Role of WhiB3 in M. Tuberculosis Virulence








National Institutes of Health

CCSG Cancers in Women Supp








National Institutes of Health

IRS-1 and -2 Signaling in Mammary Development and Cancer






National Institutes of Health

Begin Date


Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs



National Institutes of Health

ER Co-Repressor Function of SAFB in Breast Cancer








National Institutes of Health

Cancer Deep Phenotype Extraction from Electronic Medical Records








Department of Defense

Structural Rearrangements in DNA Repair Genes in BC

9/20/2010 10/19/2013





MUSC/Baylor MUSC/Baylor Bridge Bridge Program Program

MUSC/Baylor Bridge Program







SAP# 4100057687

Comm of PA

Tobacco Yr 11 - AL - Proj 13








Susan Komen Cancer Fund

Rationale Combination of Anti-IGF-IR and Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer

7/1/2010 10/13/2015





Cancer Research Breast Cancer Research BCRF Carryover - Subaccount to Lee Foundation


Grant# CA191- Bristol Myers Squibb 012


BCRF 13/14



Breast Cancer Tissue Micro Arrays (TMAs) and MultiOmyx Dataset

9/1/2013 10/31/2013


1R01NS061097 Louisiana State University

Intrinsic currents modulate synaptic integration in dopamine neurons

1/1/2009 12/31/2013



National Institutes of Health

Regulation of Cardiac Kv Channel Expression



National Institutes of Health

Nitric Oxide in Bladder Neural-Epithelial Signaling






Determining the Optimal Use for IGF-IR Inhibitors in Breast Cancer






Breast Cancer Research Impact of Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity (ITH) on Breast Foundation Cancer Prognosis and Response to Therapy







$9,000 $

$9,000 -














Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date

End Date



National Institutes of Health

Channels, Calcium and Peptide Secretion



National Institutes of Health




Liberation of Intracellular Zinc and Neuronal Cell Death






R21DA038384- National Institutes of 01 Health

Multiphoton detection of dopamine and drug release







P30 CA047904 National Institutes of Health

CCSG Dev - Neumann







R01 CA131350 National Institutes of Health

The Role of Peroxirdoxin1 and Reactive Oxygen Species in Breast Tumor Initiation



$227,884 $117,706




Magee Womens Research Institute

Identifying the Kinome Promoting the Phenotype in Mammary Stoma-Associated Fibroblasts

12/16/2013 12/15/2014

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs

$266,267 $110,502


$8,125 $

$8,125 -



National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Skin Cancer - CDP








National Institutes of Health

ER Co-repressor Function of SAFB in Breast Cancer








National Institutes of Health

Ontology-Driven Methods for Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Discovery








National Institutes of Health

Targeted Combination Therapy for Breast Cancer

12/2/2013 11/30/2018






National Institutes of Health

Engineered Microenvironments to Model Effect of Size in Tumor Progression







R01GM099143 University of Michigan

Genetic Predictors of Anti-Estrogen Clinical Activity in Breast Cancer Patients







W81XWH-13-1- Department of Defense 0205

Understudied Orphan Receptors - Novel Treatment Targets in Ovarian Cancer







Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name



SAP# 4100057687

Comm PA

Tobacco Yr 11 - SO - Proj 13


Cancer Research Breast Cancer Research BCRF Carryover - Subaccount to Oesterreich Foundation


BCRF 20122013

Breast Cancer Research Endocrine Resistant Invasive Lobular Carcinoma Foundation



National Institutes of Health

Vascular Phenotypes of Lung Diseases



National Institutes of Health

TSP-1 and ROS: CD47 and SIRP-alpha as Mediators of Vascular Dysfunction



National Institutes of Health

Predoctoral Training in Pharmacological Sciences



National Institutes of Health

Mitochondrial RNA transport as a novel therapy




Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs































1/15/2012 12/31/2014






$9,000 $

$9,000 -


R01GM103369 National Institutes of Health

Protein quality control mechanisms of novel soluble substrates








Louisiana State University

Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of FUS-related amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)








National Institutes of Health

Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of FUS-related amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-GRANT TRANSFER








National Institutes of Health

PTH Receptor: Posttranslational Modification and Recycling in Bone







R01 CA166197 National Institutes of Health

HDAC2 in HDAC inhibitor-based therapy for CRC







Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs



Ethicon, Inc.

Ethicon Corporate Research Agreement

12/15/2007 12/31/2020






National Institutes of Health

New Strategies to Treat Overactive Bladder








National Institutes of Health

Role of Nitric Oxide in Interstitial Cystitis







X81XWH-11-1- Department of Defense 0819

An Implantable Neuroprosthetic Device to Normalize Bladder Function after SCI

9/22/2011 10/21/2014






Central sites of action for bladder neuromodulation







R01 AT006822 National Institutes of Health

Formation of Omega 3-Derived Electrophiles During Inflammation



$240,706 $123,964




American Heart Association

Myoglobin is a Nitrite Reductase that Regulates Mitochondrial Function During Ischemia/Reperfusion

7/1/2009 12/31/2013






National Institutes of Health

Phase II Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Benefits of a Postconditioning in STEMI

2/1/2011 11/30/2013






Department of Defense

Small Molecule, Gas Based Therapies to Prevent Organ Injury from Trauma/Hemorrhage


R01GM082830 National Institutes of Health





National Institutes of Health






Heme Oxygenase Enzymes/Carbon Monoxide in Hepatic Dysfunctions from Hemmorhage






National Institutes of Health

Cardiolipin as a Novel Mediator of Acute Lung Injury (Core D Imaging)

1/3/2014 12/31/2018





National Institutes of Health

RV/PA Recoupling by Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells







National Institutes of Health

Nitrate and Hypoxia Increase Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Insulin Sensitivity







Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs



National Institutes of Health

Vascular Subphenotypes of Lung Disease (Project 2)







P50CA097190- National Institutes of 07S1 Health

Specialized Program of Research Excellence








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer








National Institutes of Health

The Emphysematous Microenviroment Promotes Lung Tumorigenesis and Progression








National Institutes of Health

GPCR Signaling in SCCHN: Intergration with EGFR








National Institutes of Health

Targeting the HGF C Met Pathway in Lung Cancer








National Institutes of Health

Factors for Epigenetic Silencing of Lung Cancer Genes








National Institutes of Health

Epigenetic Changes Link COPD and Lung Cancer







Lung Cancer Trials


Translational Lung Cancer Clinical Trials








National Institutes of Health

Breast Cancer Prevention by Dietary Phytochemicals



$315,674 $162,526




National Institutes of Health

Anticarcinogenic Effect of ITCS Agaginst prostate Cancer 11/14/2003 11/30/2013

$211,803 $105,653



Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs



National Institutes of Health

The Role of PKD3








National Institutes of Health

Breast Cancer Prevention by Ayurvedic Medicine Constituents

$195,237 $100,547




National Institutes of Health

Prostate Cancer Prevention by Diallyl Trisulfide



$204,169 $105,147




National Institutes of Health

Prevention of Prostate Cancer by Sulforaphane








National Institutes of Health

Pilot Clinical-Pathological and Molecular Analysis of Atypical Nevi in Response to BSE-L-Sulforaphane








National Institutes of Health

Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Driving Therapeutic Human Beta Cell Replication








National Institutes of Health

Cancer Center Support Grant








National Institutes of Health

Novel Approaches to Enhance Tumor Cell Cytotoxicity of Alklating Agents








National Institutes of Health

Novel Approaches to Enhance Tumor Cell Cytotoxicity of Alklating Agents (Supp.)








National Institutes of Health

Molecular Markers as Predictors of Outcomes in Gliomas








National Institutes of Health

Transcriptional Signatures of Homologour Recombination Deficiency for Targeted Chemotherapy

9/1/2012 10/31/2014





R44GM087798 National Institutes of Health

DNA Repair Deficient Human Cells for Genomic Variation Analysis



SPORE in Head and Neck Cancer (Project 4)

National Institutes of Health


12/4/2009 11/30/2014











Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs


P50CA090440C National Institutes of Health

Lung SPORE Project 1-1







R21CA184611A National Institutes of Health

(PQA2) Elucidating the link between obesity, inflammation and estrogen signaling in lung cancer risk







HHSN26120100 National Institutes of 0058C Health

The University of Pittsburgh Research Tissue, Data and Biological Specimen Accrual Network Supporting NCIs The Cancer Genome Atlas Project







HHSN26120100 National Institutes of 0058C Health

The University of Pittsburgh Research Tissue, Data and Biological Specimen Accrual Network Supporting NCIs The Cancer Genome Atlas Project







PREVENTION Lung Cancer Research OF LC Foundation

Role of Inflammation in the Action of Aromatase Inhibitors for the prevention of Lung Cancer



$28,798 $

LCD-257864-N American Lung Association

Defining the role of TWIST1 in c-MET Driven Lung Adenocarcinoma




National Institutes of Health

Mechanisms of Intracellular NAMPT-Regulated GSNORin Vessel Wall






National Institutes of Health

Dynamic Clamp Study of Calcium Channels in Nigral Dopamine Neurons






National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Skin Cancer_DRP








National Institutes of Health

DNA Damage Recognition by Nucleotide Excision Repair Proteins

12/1/2012 11/30/2015






National Institutes of Health

Intersection of NER & DNA

PA Comm

Tobacco Year 10 Formula Funds



Early AwardTobacco Yr10

Agency Name


$28,798 -


$3,321 $

$3,321 -






$6,052 $

$6,053 -


1/1/2011 12/31/2013




Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name



Tobacco Yr12

PA Comm


2012 HHMI

Howard Hughes Medical Institute


Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs

Tobacco Year 12-Project 4

1/1/2013 12/31/2014




2012 HHMI Research Training Fellowship Program



$1,027 $

$1,027 -

F32 DK093210 National Institutes of Health

Regulation of Renal Hemodynamics by Adenosine Mediated Coincident




National Institutes of Health

Sustained cAMP signals triggered by internalized PTH receptor: new consequences for cell signaling








National Institutes of Health

PTH Receptor: Posttranslational Modification and Recycling in Bone








Massachusetts General Hospital

Mechanisms of Action of PTH Ligands on the PTHR1 and Implications in Vivo

12/1/2013 11/30/2018






National Institutes of Health

The role of PKD3 in prostate carcinogenesis








National Institutes of Health

Development of novel small molecule inhibitors of protein kinase D

1/1/2010 12/31/2014






National Institutes of Health

SMAC in Chemoprevention of Colon Cancer








National Institutes of Health

PUMA-Mediated Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cells








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer_Project 2_2








National Institutes of Health

Intestinal Stem Cell Survival and Renewal Coordinately Regulated by PUMA and p21








National Institutes of Health

HDAC2 in HDAC Inhibitor Based Therapy for CRC








$53,644 $

$53,644 -

Funding for FY14 (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name

Grant Num

Agency Name


Begin Date

End Date

Annual Direct Costs

Annual F&A Costs

Annual Total Costs



National Institutes of Health

Bid-Mediated Killing of Oncogenic Stem Cells in Chemoprevention








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer_Project 2_2







W81 XWH-12- Department of Defense 1-0228






A Pioneering Approach to Overcome AutophagyMediated Resistance of Lung Cancer to EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors



Percent of Faculty Support on Research Grants – FY14 Altschuler, Daniel


Mamonova, Tatyana

Arjunan, Palaniappa


Neumann, Carola



Oesterreich, Steffi


Bisello, Alessandro Bulgari, Dinara Cifuentes-Pagano, Maria Csanyi, Gabor


O'Sullivan, Roderick




Pagano, Patrick



Palladino, Alicia


De Groat, William


Defranco, Donald


Eiseman, Julie


Flint, Melanie


Palladino, Michael


Qian, Wei


Romero, Guillermo


Roppolo, James


Freeman, Bruce


Schopfer, Francisco


Friedman, Peter


Shiva, Sruti



Siegfried, Jill



Singh, Shivendra



Sobol Jr., Robert


Furey, William Galbiati, Daniela Galbiati, Ferruccio Hahm, Eun-Ryeong


Stabile, Laura


Hartmaier, Ryan


Straub, Adam


Hu, Jing


Van Houten, Bennett


Huang, Yi


Vilardaga, Jean Pierre


Jackson, Edwin


Vitturi Iglesias, Dario


Jacob, Tija


Wakabayashi, Nobunao


Jiang, Yu


Wang, Bin

Kensler, Thomas


Wang, Qiming


Khoo, Nicholas


Wehbi, Vanessa


Lakoski, Joan


Wendell, Stacy


Lancaster Jr., Jack


Wendell, Steven

Lee, Adrian


Woodcock, Steven

Levitan, Edwin


Zhang, Lin






0% 100%

Training and Project Grants (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name




Award Start



Baylor College of Medicine

The Chromatin Landscape of Fetal Hypothalamic Neural Stem Cells








National Institutes of Health

Molecular signatures associated with prostatic inflammation in rodents models








National Institutes of Health

Mechanisms/Treatments of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction After Spinal Cord Injury (Project 4)








National Institutes of Health

Mechanisms/Treatments of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction After Spinal Cord Injury (Core B)








National Institutes of Health

NCI ET-CTN Phase I Team Sci JE








National Institutes of Health

Early Clinical Trials of New Anti-Cancer Agents with Phase 1 Emphasis








National Institutes of Health








National Institutes of Health

Preclinical Pharmacokinetic and Pharmalogical Studies with Anticancer and Other Therapeutic Agents Redox-Derived Pulmonary Anti-Inflammatory Mediators








National Institues of Health

Vascular Subphenotypes of Lung Disease (Project 3)








RIMED Foundation

RIMED Foundation Fellowship-Fazzari








Pitt-UPCI-Lung SPORE Pilot

Caveolin-1, cigarette-smoke induced cellular senescence and lung cancer








National Institutes of Health

Dipyridamole as a Modulator of HIV-1 Inflammation by Adenosine Regulation








National Institutes of Health

Pittsburgh Center for Kidney Research-Core B








National Institutes of Health

Pittsburgh Center for Kidney Research-Core B








National Institutes of Health

Computational Models of Infectious Disease Threats








National Institutes of Health

Cancer Deep Phenotype Extraction from Electronic Medical Records








National Institutes of Health

CCSG Cancers in Women Supp







P30 CA047904

National Institutes of Health

CCSG Dev - Neumann








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Skin Cancer - CDP








National Institutes of Health

Vascular Phenotypes of Lung Diseases








National Institutes of Health

Predoctoral Training in Pharmacological Sciences







Award End Annual DC

Annual F&A

Annual TC

Training and Project Grants (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014) Last Name




Award Start



National Institutes of Health

Cardiolipin as a Novel Mediator of Acute Lung Injury (Core D Imaging)








National Institutes of Health

Vascular Subphenotypes of Lung Disease (Project 2)








National Institutes of Health

Specialized Program of Research Excellence








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer








National Institutes of Health

Novel Approaches to Enhance Tumor Cell Cytotoxicity of Alklating Agents








National Institutes of Health

Novel Approaches to Enhance Tumor Cell Cytotoxicity of Alklating Agents (Supp.)








National Institutes of Health

Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Driving Therapeutic Human Beta Cell Replication








National Institutes of Health

Cancer Center Support Grant








National Institutes of Health








National Institutes of Health








National Institutes of Health

The University of Pittsburgh Research Tissue, Data and Biological Specimen Accrual Network Supporting NCIs The Cancer Genome Atlas Project The University of Pittsburgh Research Tissue, Data and Biological Specimen Accrual Network Supporting NCIs The Cancer Genome Atlas Project SPORE in Head and Neck Cancer (Project 4)








National Institutes of Health

Lung SPORE Project 1-1








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Skin Cancer_DRP








Massachusetts General Hospital

Mechanisms of Action of PTH Ligands on the PTHR1 and Implications in Vivo








National Institutes of Health

Intestinal Stem Cell Survival and Renewal Coordinately Regulated by PUMA and p21








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer_Project 2_2








National Institutes of Health

HDAC2 in HDAC Inhibitor Based Therapy for CRC








National Institutes of Health

SPORE in Lung Cancer_Project 2_2







Award End Annual DC

Annual F&A

Annual TC

Participants in research Graduate Students Courtney Andersen Christopher Barnes Andrea Braganza Anny Caceres Evan Carder Wai Chiu Kenneth Drombosky Andrey Finegersh Harshad Ghodke Emily Harrington Matthew Hedberg Kyle Knickelbein Muwen Kong Anne Lipton Keener Jamie Moroco Nyla Naim David Osei-Hwedieh Dushani Palliyaguru Noah Peyser Bartholomew Roland Mitchell Springer Hilary Stevenson Mohammad Towheed Mark Weir Chen-Shan Woodcock Mark Zimmerman

Title Other Trainee Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Reseacher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Other Trainee Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Reseacher Graduate Student Assistant Grad Student Researcher Graduate Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Researcher Pre Doctoral Fellow

Lab Oesterreich Calero Sobol Romero Wang Palladino Wetzel Homanics Van Houten Oesterreich Grandis Zhang Van Houten Wang Smithgall Altschuler Gladwin Kensler Grandis Palladino Horn Gronenborn Palladino Smithgall Freeman Homanics

Undergraduate Students Eric Amoroso Allison Bennett Tara Brendlinger Sidney Cannon-Bailey Yanbo Chang Jessica Collins Aaron Crain Dennis Curry Emily Cunningham Amina Doghri Gregory Facchine Madalyn Fritch Nicholas Graff Katherine Gubish Harry Hawkins Victoria Hetrick Richard Jones III Charles Kammerer

Title Student Worker Work Study Student Work Study Student Work Study Student Student Worker Student Worker Student Worker Work Study Student Work Study Student Work Study Student Student Worker Student Worker Student Worker Office Assistant Work Study Student Work Study Student Office Assistant Student Worker

Lab Jacob Freeman Palladino Palladino Wang Palladino Palladino Palladino Palladino Palladino de Groat Jacob Jacob Administration Jacob Palladino Administration Palladino


Undergraduate Students Kyoung Kim Su Rim Kim Ivy Kuberry Alexandra Lamonaca Samantha Larsen Eliezer Leibu Breanna Lender Christine Lim Richard Marks Julia McBrien Julie McConnell Jordan McGee Charles Moon III Peter Moonert Daniel Muchnok Taylor Russo Nasir Sharaf Arjun Sharma Alison Zeccola

Title Work Study Student Work Study Student Work Study Student Student Worker Student Worker Student Worker Work Study Student Student Worker Work Study Student Work Study Student Student Worker Work Study Student Work Study Student Student Worker Work Study Student Work Study Student Work Study Student Work Study Student Student Worker

Lab de Groat Palladino Palladino Palladino Palladino Bisselo Palladino Lakoski Palladino Palladino Palladino Palladino Jacob de Groat Palladino de Groat de Groat Palladino Palladino

University Staff Guillermo Barila Stacey Barrick Jennifer Butterfield Samantha Cavolo Stephanie Daugherty Julia Gefter Holly Gergely Delbert Gillespie Jr. Franca Golin Bisello Rebecca Hohmann James Kaczynski Marcia Lewis Barbara Martin Melanie McClain Jeanette McDew Lisa McGreal Charlotte McKinnon Zaichuan Mi Phillip Palmer Virginia Reiner Sonia Salvatore Richard Serventi Richard Smith Patricia Smith Lynda Sorch Aaron Talsma Brian Taylor Liping Wang

Title Research IV Research IV Administrator I Research IV Research III Research Specialist III Administrator III Research Specialist V Research IV Financial II Administrator IV Research IV Administrator III Administrator I Administrator III Financial I Administrator I Research Specialist V Administrator III Administrator I Research Specialist IV Research I Systems / Programmer IV Administrator I Financial III Research Specialist II Systems / Programmer III Research Specialist III

Lab Altschuler Bisello DeFranco Levitan Degroat Altschuler Administration Jackson Freeman Administration Administration DeFranco Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Jackson Lakoski Administration Schopfer Administration Administration Administration Administration Palladino Administration DeFranco


University Staff Shuping Xu Yanmei Yang

Title Research III Research III

Lab Wang Friedman

Researchers Imad Al Ghouleh Myrian Attar Michelle Barbi De Moura Chandra Sekha Bathula Patricia Boley David Boone Megan Brady Chunyu Cao Dionysios Chartoumpekis Nabanita Chatterjee Dongshi Chen Guangming Chen Dongmei Cheng Meghan Delmastro Qingming Fang Susan Farabaugh Marco Fazzari Elise Fouquerel Chenxi Gao Alexandra Gidon Jianxia Guo Rekha Gyanchandani Daniel Hochbaum Frederic Jean-Alphonse Sergei Karnup Tiffany Katz Su Hyeong Kim Joomin Lee Kristen Leslie Jianfeng Li Zhihong Li Lili Liu Zhongmin Liu Jennifer McGarvey Daniel Meijles Lucia Minarrieta Parisa Mousavi Shafaei Melanie Peffer Daniel Ranayhossaini Madhuparna Roy Sanghamitra Sahoo Anuradha Sehrawat Ritis Kumar Shyanti Matthew Sikora

Title Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Scholar Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Visiting Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Visiting Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Visiting Research Associate Visiting Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate

Lab Pagano Neumann Singh Lee Kensler Lee Jacob Huang Kensler Levitan Zhang Hu Jackson Freeman Sobol Jr. Lee Freeman Sobol Jr. Hu Vilardaga Eiseman Lee Lee Vilardaga de Groat Davidson Singh Singh Bisello Sobol Wang Van Houten Galbiati Friedman Pagano Schopfer Neumann DeFranco Pagano Palladino Pagano Singh Singh Oesterreich


Researchers John Skoko III Stephen Slocum William Sneddon Sreeja Sreekumar David Svilar Manuj Tandon Jingshan Tong Mingming Tong Kristal Tucker Jonathan Verrier Avani Vyas Min Wang Rebecca Watters Gonghong Yan Li Yang Yongbei Yu Wenjie Yuan Qiangmin Zhang Xuefeng Zhang Chao-Ming Zhou Fangdong Zou

Title Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Scholar Postdoctoral Scholar Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Research Associate Research Associate


Lab Neumann Kensler Friedman Oesterreich Sobol Wang Zhang Yu Levitan Jackson Singh Zhang Oesterreich Lee Kensler de Groat Jiang Friedman Altschuler Levitan Zhang

Major Collaborations Bruce Freeman, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Fadi Lakkis and Timothy Billiar (University of Pittsburgh): Organ preservation for transplantation Mitchell Fink and Derek Angus (University of Pittsburgh): Anti-inflammatory strategies for treating sepsis/ARDS Robert Squires and David Hackam (University of Pittsburgh):Anti-inflammatory strategies for treating GI surgical patients Mark Gladwin (University of Pittsburgh): Treatment of pulmonary hypertension Daniel Altschuler, Ph.D. Associate Professor Matthias Buck (Cleveland, OH): NMR James Inglese (NIH) Yuri Nikiforov: thyroid cancer Carlos Camacho: MD simulations Mikael Nilsson: thyroid embryology and stem cells Dr. Alessandro Bisello Associate Professor Sam Gellman (University of Wisconsin): novel GLP-1 analogs Dale Mierke (Dartmouth): interaction between EBP50 and Skp2 Dean Madden (Dartmouth) and Zachary Bell (Rice): design, synthesis and characterization of metallo-peptide inhibitors of EBP50 Donald DeFranco, Ph.D. Professor Dr. Gordon Rintoul (Simon Fraser University Vancouver, Canada) Dr. Selma Witchel (Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh) Dr. Elias Aizenman (Department of Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Robert Bowser (Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Charlene Chu (Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Wen Xie (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Zhou Wang (Department of Urology, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Dean Bacich (Department of Urology, University of Pittsburgh) W. Chet de Groat, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor Dr. Naoki Yoshimura (Department of Urology, University of Pittsburgh): Collaborative urologic research in spinal cord injury Dr. Lori Birder (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh): Collaborative urologic research in spinal cord injury Dr. Tony Kanai (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh): New treatment for spinal cord injury 77

Dr. Changfeng Tai (Department of Urology, University of Pittsburgh): Mechanisms underlying neurogenic bladder disorders Dr. Seong-Gi Kim and P. Wang (Radiology-Imaging Center, University of Pittsburgh): Neuroplasticity in the spinal cord Drs. C. Bates and K. Walker (Pediatric Nephrology, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. C. L. Cheng (Department of Urology, Taichung Veterans Hospital): Pharmacology of the lower urinary tract Dr. M. Miyazato (Department of Urology, Japan) Dr. Michael Chancellor (Department of Urology, Beaumont Hospital, Michigan): Use of liposomes in drug delivery Drs. Pradeep Tyagi and M. Kashyap (Department of Urology, University of Pittsburgh): Use of liposomes in drug delivery Dr. G. Salama (Department of Cardiology/Medicine, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Yan Xu (Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Sun Ok Yoon (Department of Neurosciences, Ohio State University) Dr. Yoshio Arai (Department of Radiation Oncology) Dr. Michael Ruggieri (Department of Physiology, Temple University) Julie Eiseman, Ph.D. Research Professor Robert S. Parker, Ph.D. (Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh): Optical pharmacokinetics, modeling and calculations of elastic scattering spectrometer data of Pc4 and motexafin gadolinium; docetaxel pk Peter Wipf, Ph.D. (Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh): Collaborations on preclinical studies of phosphatase inhibitors and tubulin or motor protein interactive small molecules, Protein kinase D small molecule inhibitors Dennis Curran, Ph.D. (Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh): Collaborations on preclinical studies tubulin or motor protein interactive small molecules: 6-epi dictyostatin Billy Day, Ph.D. (School of Pharmacy University of Pittsburgh): Collaborations on preclinical studies of phosphatase inhibitors and tubulin or motor protein interactive small molecules.6-epi dictyostatin Ed Prochownik, M.D. (Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital): Preclinical studies of myc inhibitors Alex Doemling, Ph.D. (School of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh): Tubulycin analogues as anti-cancer agents, MDM2 and MDM4 antagonists Gabrialla Mustata, Ph.D. (Department of Computation Biology, University of Pittsburgh): Computational biology of c-myc inhibitors Jerry Collins, Ph.D. (Developmental Therapeutics, NCI): Studies of pyrimidine nucleosides in xenografts animal pharmacology studies Doug Ross, M.D. (University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD): Mechanisms of drug resistance due to BCRP Nancy Olienik, Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve University/Ireland Cancer Center, Cleveland, OH): Studies on Pc 4 and other silicon phthalocyanines as photodynamic therapeutics and molecular alterations in xenografts following photodynamic therapy Ivana Vucenik, Ph.D. (University of Maryland, Baltimore): IP6 pharmacokinetics and inositol Irving Bigio, Ph.D. (Boston University, Boston, MA): Use of optical pharmacokinetics system (ESS) to measure drugs with absorbance spectra in the long wavelength visible spectra including motexafin gadolineum, motexafin lutetium, PC4, mitoxanthrone Steve Musser, Ph.D. (FDA, Washington, DC): Characterization of metabolites by LC/MS/MS David D’Argenio, Ph.D., (School of Engineering, UCLA, Los Angeles CA): Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling of 17-AAG and DMAG, zebularine, FdC 78

Steven Metallo, Ph.D. (Georgetown University): c-myc inhibitors. Martin R Austwick, Ph.D. (University College London): Pharmacokinetics of photodynamic therapeutics Peter Friedman, Ph.D. Professor Dr. John Wysolmerski (Yale University) Dr. John Scott (HHMI, University of Washington) Dr. Jean-Luc Parent (Sherbrooke, Quebec) Dr. Kevin Xiao (Duke) Dr. Marcel Bruchez (Carnegie-Mellon University) Dr. Manoj Puthenveedu (Carnegie-Mellon University) Dr. Simon Watkins (Department of Cell Biology, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Harry Blair (Department of Pathology , University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Nathan Yates (Department of Cell Biology , University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Tony Ferreira (Department of Computational and Systems Biology, University of Pittsburgh) William Furey, Ph.D. Professor Dr. F. Jordan (Department of Chemistry, Rutgers University): E. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase multi-enzyme complex component structures Dr. Guillermo Calero (Department of Structural Biology, University of Pittsburgh): Production of pyruvate dehydrogenase Dr. Michael Palladino (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): Structural studies of triosephosphate isomerase Dr. J. Conway (Department of Structural Biology, University of Pittsburgh): Cryo-EM studies on pyruvate dehydrogenase Ferrucio Galbiati, Ph.D. Professor Dr. Thomas Kensler (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): Caveolin-1 and Nrf2 Dr. Donald DeFranco (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): Nuclear receptor and caveolin-1 Dr. Patrick Pagano (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): Caveolin-1 and Nox Sruti Shiva (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): caveolin-1 and mitochondrial function Michael Lisanti (Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, The University of Manchester, Manchester, England): cigarette smoke and the tumor microenvironment Jing Hu, Ph.D. Associate Professor Dr. Shihfan Kuan (Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh): Expresion profiles of several Wnt pathway components and regulators in human colon cancer tissues and PDAD (pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma) tissues Dr. Lin Zhang (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): HDAC2, KRAS signaling in colon cancer 79

Dr. Guillermo Romero (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): regulation of Wnt signaling by PTMs of Gsk3 Dr. Gutian Xiao (Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, UPCI): regulation of cancer-related signaling network by PTMs Dr. Daolin Tang (Department of Surgery, UPCI): targeting cancer-related signaling network in PDAC Dr. David Schlaepfer (Department of Reproductive Medicine, Moores Cancer Center, UCSD): FAK field Edwin Jackson, Ph.D. Professor Pat Kochanek, M.D. (Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh): Adenosine in traumatic brain injury Ed Dixon, Ph.D. (Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh): Adenosine in brain dysfunction Elieser Gorelik, Ph.D. (Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh): Role of adenosine in cancer Gerard Apodaca, Ph.D. (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh): Role of adenosine in bladder function Derek W. Gilroy, Ph.D. (Division of Medicine, University College London): Role of adenosine in inflammation Stevan P. Tofovic, M.D., Ph.D.; Center for Clinical Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh): Estradiol metabolites in renal disease Raghvendra K. Dubey, Ph.D. (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Zurich): Vascular biology of estradiol metabolites Lisa Satlin, M.D. (Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine): Purine metabolomics Virginia Miller, Ph.D. (Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic): Estradiol Metabolomics Yu Jiang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Dr. Zhao (Nanjing Medical School, China): Clinical-related studies Dr. Ferro-Novick (University of California, San Diego): Autophagy-related study Dr. Freeman (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Weisz (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Liu (Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh) Edwin Levitan, Ph.D. Professor John Horn (Department of Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh): Dopamine neuron project Elias Aizenman (Department of Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh): Potassium channels and apoptosis David Deitcher (Cornell) and Randy Hewes (Oklahoma): Neuropeptide release in Drosophila Glenn Fishman (NYU): Cardiac potassium channel expression Tatyana Mamonova, Ph.D. Research Instructor Zimei Bu Carola Neumann, M.D. Visiting Associate Professor 80

Drs. Michael Becich, Uma Chandra, Soumya Luthra, Adrian Lee, Steffi Oesterreich: development of a ROSgene signature in basal like breast cancer Dr. Tom Smithgall: Rad51 project Dr. David Dabbs (Magee-Women’s Hospital): Activated phenotype (R21) Dr. Li Lan: helping us visualize and quantify the dynamics between Prdx1 and Rad51 on sites of double strand DNA Drs. Carolyn Anderson and Steven Thorne (University of Pittsburgh): will support us in developing a mouse model allowing imaging of mammary stroma associated fibroblasts in the context of metastasis Drs. David Root and Glenn Cowley (Broad Institute, Boston): will support us in performing a shRNA kinase screen to identify kinases promoting CAFs Drs. Christine Winterbourn and Mark Hampton (University of Otago), Elizabeth Veal (Newcastle University): all PIs are leading in the Prdx field Drs. Li Lan and Liu Yang (UPCI): RAD51 project and telomers and ROS Drs. Adam Feinberg and Philip DeLuc (CMU): PX-OC project and role of Prdx1 in cancer-associated fibroblasts Dr. Shannon Kelleher (Penn State): zinc deficiency in breast cancer, ROS and Prdx1 Roderick O’Sullivan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Kara Bernstein (University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute): The role of RNF4 in the alternative lengthening of telomeres pathway Chris Bakkenist (University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute): Localization of ASF1 to replication forks Genevieve Almouzni (Institut Curie, Paris, France): Deregulation of the histone supply chain leads o activation of the ALT pathway Robert Sobol (University of Southern Alabama): The role of PARP and PARG in telomere maintenance and replication fork stability Matthias Fischer (University of Cologne, Germany): Investigation of ALT in pediatric neuroblastoma Patrick Pagano, Ph.D. Professor P. Michael Bauer (Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh) Aaron Barchowsky (Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of Pittsburgh) Robin Gandley (Magee Women’s Hospital) Jeffrey Isenberg (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh) Xiang Gao (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pittsburgh) Song Li (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pittsburgh) Carlos Camacho (Department of Computational Biology, University of Pittsburgh) Guangjie Cheng (Emory University) Phil Palade (University of Arkansas) Xiao-Ping Yang (Henry Ford Hospital) William Beierwaltes (Henry Ford Hospital) Michael Palladino, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ron Wetzel (University of Pittsburgh): The study of TPI aggregation and involvement in amyloidopathies Andrew Van DeMark (University of Pittsburgh): The study of TPI protein pathogenic structure Peter Andolfatto (Princeton University): collaborate to study pharmacology of Na/K ATPase alpha 81

Brett Kaufman (University of Pennsylvania): small mitochondrial imported RNAs modulate mito DNA copy number Larry Rieter (University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN): Ubiquitin-mediated turnover of the Na/K ATPase Wei Qian, Ph.D. Resarch Instructor Peter Wipf Patricia Opresko Guillermo Romero, Ph.D. Associate Professor Susan Amara (University of Pittsburgh): elucidation of the mechanisms by which amphetamines regulate the uptake of the dopamine transporter Jing Hu (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): project that focuses on the role of HDAC2 in the regulation of the Wnt signaling pathway Shivendra Singh (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh) Robert Sobol (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh) James Roppolo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Seong-Gi Kim (Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh): fMRI brain imaging studies Changfeng Tai (Department of Urology, University of Pittsburgh): Neurourology and pharmacology studies Lori Birder (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh): Neurourology and IC studies Francisco Schopfer, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Eugene Chen (University of Michigan): Study of the mechanisms of PPARgamma activation by nitrated fatty acids Anna Lisa Levonen (University of Kuopio, Finland): Study of the activation of phase 2 genes by nitroalkenes, mainly focusing on KEAP/Nrf2 pathway Sruti Shiva, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jeffrey Isenberg (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh) Mark Gladwin (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh) Anje Cauwels (University of Ghent, Belgium) Tienush Rassaf (University Hospital Aachen, Germany) William Frazier (Washington University, St. Louis, MO) Shivendra Singh, Ph.D. Professor Sruti Shiva (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh) Rohit Bhargava (Department of Pathology, University of Pitstburgh) Rachel Jankowitz (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh) Saumen Sarkar (Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Pittsburgh) 82

Yong Wan (Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, University of Pittsburgh). Robert Sobol, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ben Van Houten (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): PARP activation and the impact on mitochondrial function (SeaHorse) Patty Opresko and Ben Van Houten (University of Pittsburgh) and Marcel Bruchez (Carnegie Mellon University): Development of targeted in vivo protein-encoded DNA damaging agents (specific to telomeres, mitochondria and site-specific nuclear sites) Carlos Camacho (University of Pittsburgh) and Geoff Wahl (Salk): Small molecule inhibitors of PolB/XRCC1 heterodimer formation Ichiro Nakano (OSU): glioma stem cells Charlie Brenner (Iowa): NAD metablomics) Guy Poirier (CHUL Research Center): PARP proteomics Nathan Yates (University of Pittsburgh): PolB and UBE3B interacting proteins Conchita Vens (NKI): PolB in cancer Wim Vermeulen (Erasmus): nucleosome dynamics in BER Alfonso Bellacosa (Fox Chase): development of TDG inhibitors Laura Stabile, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Phouthone Keovahong and Y. P. Peter Di (Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of Pittsburgh): Lung Inflammation Project and KRAS Project Richard Pietras, Edward Garon and Diane Marquez-Garbin (UCLA): clinical trials Jennifer Grandis, Julie Bauman and Ann Marie Egloff (Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh): Head and Neck SPORE Project 4 and R21 submitted Sanja Dacic (Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh): Lung SPORE Project 1 Pamela Hershberger (Roswell Park Cancer Institute and UPCI): Vitamin D and EGFR mutation project Brenda Diergaarde (Department of Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh): Obesity and Lung Cancer Risk – R21 Project and SPORE Project 3 Yan Lin and Brenda Kurland (UPCI Biostatistics): Lung SPORE Project 1 Jill Siegfried (University of Minnesota): Lung SPORE Project 1 and HGF/Estrogen Project Timothy Burns (Division of Hematology-Oncology, University of Pittsburgh): EGFR, MET and estrogen related projects Ahmad Tarhini (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh): clinical trials Lisa Villaruz (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh): clinical trials Guitain Xiao (Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics): NF-ƙB and lung cancer project) Sam Rothstein (Qroni, Inc.): SBIR Award - reformulation of failed tublin inhibitor Adam Straub, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Donald DeFranco (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh) Liza Villanueva (Department of Cardiology, University of Pittsburgh) Edwin Jackson (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh) Ben Van Houten, Ph.D. Professor 83

Marcel Bruchez (Carnegie Mellon University): development of fluorogenic activating peptides for targeted ROS generation Neil Kad (University of Essex, Colchester, UK): Single-molecule studies of bacterial repair proteins (R01 submitted) Peter McHugh (Oxford University): analysis of yeast repair proteins using single molecule techniques (part of competitive renewal) Jung-Hyun Min (Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois): analysis of human DNA damage recognition proteins (XPC-hR23B) by single molecule techniques (basis for competitive renewal) Alan Tomkinson (University of New Mexico): development of anti-DNA ligase drugs, publication model close to submission; collaborative R01 not successful; will reapply Roger Woodgate (NIH, NICHD): Role of nucleotide excision repair on the removal of RNA incorporated in DNA Caroline Kisker (University of Wurtzburg, Wurtzburg, Germany): Structure and function of nucleotide excision repair proteins Charleen Chu (Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh): mitochondrial bioenergetics and Parkinson’s disease Simon Watkins (Department of Cell Biology, University of Pittsburgh): signal molecule analysis of DNA repair enzymes (currently supported by an R01) Dana Bovbjerg and Frank Jenkins: role of stress in ROS generation and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA damage Robert Edwards: Analysis of fatty acid metabolism in ovarian cancer cells (applied for Johnson & Johnson Corporate Office of Science and Technology); also applied to Ovarian Cancer SPORE for pilot funding Patty Opresko: mitochondria and telomere cross-talk (received pilot funding from the Aging Institute) Edward Prochownik: myc and mitochondrial function and dynamics (applied for an R01, successful) Peter Wipf: development of small molecules that induce synergistic killing with cisplatin (invention disclosure) Thomas Carrell (Ludwig Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Germany): XPA structure-function Jean-Pierre Vilardaga, Ph.D. Associate Professor Harvard University, Endocrine Unit Harvard University, Center for Systems Biology University of Wuerzburg (Germany), Institute of Pharmacology University of Barcelona (Spain), Department of Pathology and Experimental Therapeutics University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Department of Pharmacology Daniela Volonte-Galbiati, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Donald DeFranco (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh): role of Caveolin-1 in nuclear receptor signaling Bennett Van Houten, Ph.D. Professor Carolyn Anderson, Barry Edwards: fatty acid metabolism in cancer cells Kara Bernstein: binding of the shu complex to DNA 84

Dana Bovbjerg and Frank Jenkins: role of stress in ROS generation, and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA damage Louis Falo: action mechanisms of radiation toxicity amelioration by a mitochondrially targeted antioxidants Charlee Chu: mitochondrial bioenergetics and Parkinson’s disease Nancy Davidson: analysis of metabolic flux in human breast cancer cell lines Robert Edwards: analysis of fatty acid metabolism in ovarian cancer cells Timothy Greenamyre: mitochondrial DNA damage and Parkinson’s disease Li Lan: use of killer red to examine DNA repair in real time Michael Lotze: mitochondrial bioenergetics and T cell maturation Patty Opresko: mitochondria and telomere cross-talk Edward Prochownik: myc and mitochondrial function and dynamics Simon Watkins: signal molecule analysis of DNA repair enzymes Peter Wipf: XJB protection of oxidant injury to mitochondria Marcel Bruchez (Carnegie Mellon University): development of fluorogenic activating peptides for targeted ROS generation Sheila David (University of California, Davis): analysis of nucleotide excision repair in the removal of oxidative lesions Neil Kad (University of Essex): single molecule studies of bacterial repair proteins Peter McHugh((Oxford University): analysis of yeast repair proteins using single molecular techniques Jung-Hyun Min (Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois): analysis of human DNA damage recognition proteins by single molecular techniques Alan Tomkinson (University of New Mexico): development of anti-DNA ligase drugs Roger Woodgate (NIH, NICHD): role of nucleotide excision repair on the removal of RNA incorporated in DNA Q. Jane Wang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Billy Day (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pittsburgh) Adam Glick (Penn State University) J. Frederic Mushinski (National Cancer Institute) Peter M. Blumberg (National Cancer Institute) Stacy Gelhaus Wendell, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Fernando Holguin, Sally Wenzel and Merrit Fajt (Asthma Instittue, University of Pittsburgh) Donald DeFranco (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh) Natalia Kedishvili (University of Alabama at BIrmimgham) Nathaniel Snyder (Drexel University) Cheng Zhang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Brian Kobilka (Stanford University) Daniel Muller (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Brian Shoichet (UCSF) Kayoung Chung (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) Qianming Chen (Sichuan University, China) Xiang-qun Xie (University of Pittsburgh) 85

Lin Zhang, Ph.D. Professor Xiao-Ming Yin (Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh): Studying apoptosis induced by proteasome inhibitor Cary Wu (Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh): Studying apoptosis caused by chance in extracellular matrix Tao Cheng (Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pittsburgh): Studies of PUMA-knockout mice Robert Schoen (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh): Studying chemoprevention of colon cancer by NSAIDs Wei Zhou (Emory University): Developing molecular markers of lung cancer Chuanshu Huang (New York University): Studying apoptotis induced by anti-cancer drugs Jim Herman (Johns Hopkins University): Studying DNA methylation in lung cancer Gerry Zambetti (St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital): Studies of PUMA-knockout mice Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences: Studying esophageal cancer drug response

Entrepreneurial Activities None.

Awards and Honors Thomas Kensler, Ph.D. Professor Delta Omega Alpha Chapter, The Honorary Public Health Society, 2014 Thomspm Reuters Highly Cited Researcher (top 1% in Pharmacology & Toxicology), 2014 Jack Lancsater, Ph.D. Professor 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award, Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine

Invited Talks Bruce Freeman, Ph.D. Professor and Chair “Redox-Derived Anti-Inflammatory Signaling Mediators.” Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA, February 5, 2012. “Electrophilic Fatty Acid Transduction of Redox Signaling Reactions.” Medical University of South Carolina, Charlestown, SC, March 19, 2012. “Redox-Derived Anti-Inflammatory Mediators.” 33rd Naito Conference on Oxygen Biology: Hypoxia, Oxidative Stress and Diseases, Sapporo, Japan, June 29, 2012. “Formation and Signaling Actions of Electrophilic Fatty Acid Derivatives.” 7th International Conference on the Biology, Chemistry and Therapeutic Application of Nitric Oxide, Edinburg, Scotland, July 25, 2012.


“The Fires of Inflammation Forge New Drugs.” Keynote Speaker, Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, August 16, 2012. “Pulling New Drug Candidates from the Fires of Inflammation.” Wright State University, Dayton, OH, November 29, 2012. “The Fires of Inflammation Driving the Genesis of new Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.” University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, June 3, 2013. “Nitrix Oxide and Nitrite-Mediated Generation of Cell Signaling Mediators.” University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, November 4, 2013. “Formation and Signaling Actions of Electrophilic Fatty Acids.” The Environmental Response IV International Symposium, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, March 1, 2014. “Pleiotropic Anti-Inflammatory Signaling Actions of Redox-Derived Fatty Acid Electrophiles.” Oxidative Stress Conference, Toledo, Spain, October 4, 2014. Daniel Altschuler, Ph.D. Associate Professor Cell Signaling Technology, Massachusetts, April 26, 2012. Gordon Research Conference, Italy, May 20, 2012. School of Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, December 3, 2013. Palaniappa Arjunan, Ph.D. Research Instructor “Structural Features of the Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase E3 Component from the E.coli Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex.” American Crystallographic Assocation Meeting, Boston, MA, July 2012. Dr. Alessandro Bisello Associate Professor “Scaffolding and Remodeling: EBP50/NHERF1 in the Vasculature.” Dartmouth University, April 2012. AHA Scientific Sessions, November 2013. “Coordination of Tissue Remodeling by the PDZ Protein EPB50/NHERF1.” Dartmouth College, July 2014. Donald DeFranco, Ph.D. Professor Department of Microbiology, University of Virginia School of Medicine, April 2012. Department of Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, November 2012. 87

4th International Recent Advances in Health & Medical Sciences/International Conference on Oncology and Anticancer. Cyprus, June 2013. Annual Endocrine Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, June 2013. Rapid Responses to Steroid Hormones International Conference, Erie, PA, September 2013. Symposium Speaker, Society for Basic Urology Resarch Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.

W. Chet de Groat, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor The Neurourology of Pelvic Organs: Peripheral and Spinal Control. In: 1st International Neuro-Urology Meeting, Swiss Continence Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland, June 29, 2012. Mechanism of Action of Sacral Neuromodulation. IN: The Pelvic Floor Forum: Advancing the Treatment of Pelvic Floor Disorders with Sacral Neuromodulation. Sponsored by Medtronic. San Diego, California, March 8, 2013. The Neurology of Pelvic Organs: Peripheral and Spinal Control. IN: 2nd International Neuro-Urology Meeting, Swiss Continence Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland, June 12-15, 2013. Pathophysiology of Detrusor Underactivity. IN: “Detrusor Underactivity Symposium” at the 20th annual meeting of the Japanese Neurogenic Bladder Society, Shizuoka, Japan, September 19, 2013. Mechanisms Underlying the Suppression of Bladder Overactivity by Neuromodulation. Plenary Lecture at the 20th Annual meeting of the Japanese Neurogenic Bladder Society, Shizuoka, Japan, September 20, 2013. Bladder Sensations: Pathways from the Periphery to the Brain. IN: The Nagoya Shinshu, Forum, Shizuoka, Japan, September 21, 2013. Mechanism of Action for Sacral Neuromodulation. IN: The Pelvic Floor Forum: Advancing the Treatment of Pelvic Floor Disorders with Sacral Neuromodulation, Dallas, Texas, January 11, 2014. Pathophysiology of Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction. IN: Penn Urology Symposium: Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments. Supported by Philadelphia Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology (IR-BU), Philadelphia, PA, April 18, 2014. Mechanism of Action of Frequency Block of the PNS. IN: The First World Congress on Mechanisms of Action, Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System. Sponsored by Neurovations Education and Napa Pain Institute, Co-Chairs Elliot Krames and Eric Grigsby, Orlando, Florida, March 29, 2014. Mechanism of Action for Sacral Nerve Stimulation. IN: The First World Congress on Mechanisms of Action, Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System. Sponsored by Neurovations Education and Napa Pain Institute, Co-Chairs Elliot Krames and Eric Grigsby, Orlando, Florida, March 29, 2014

Peter Friedman, Ph.D. Professor 88

CCNY Chemistry Department, February 2012. Hans Prydz Lecture, Norway Centre for Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo, May, 2013. Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington, September, 2013. Sullivan Lecture, Kansas University Medical Center, November, 2013 University of California San Francisco, Endocrine, February 2014 Upstate New York Pharmacology Society, Rochester, NY, March 2015 Ferruccio Galbiati, Ph.D. Associate Professor Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, The University of Manchester, Manchester, England William Furey, Ph.D. Professor “Structural Features of the Dihydrolilpoamide Dehydrogenase E3 Component from the E. coli Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex.” American Crystallographic Association Meeting, Boston, MA, July 2012. “New Flexibility/Fold/Interactions in the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Assembly.” 23rd Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Montreal, Canada, August 2014. Eun-Ryeong Hahm, Ph.D. Research Instructor SNUCRI Symposium, May 2012. Ryan Hartmaier, Ph.D. Research Instructor Identification of Base Pair Mutations and Structural Rearrangements Acquired in Breast Cancer Metastases Including a Novel Hyperactive ESR1-DAB2 Fusion Gene Specifically in Hormone-Resistant Recurrence. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 2014. Jing Hu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor The SUMO Pathway: Attractive Upcoming Cancer Targets? Georgia Health Science University Cancer Center. October 23, 2012. The SUMO Pathway: Attractive Upcoming Cancer Targets? Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine Cancer Center. December 5, 2012. Targeting Deregulated PTM Pathways for the Treatment of CRC and PDAC. Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China, October 29, 2014. 89

Targeting Deregulated PTM Pathways for the Treatment of CRC and PDAC. Cancer Center, Daping Hospital and Research Institute of Surgery Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China, October 30, 2014. Edwin Jackson, Ph.D. Professor Jackson, E.K.: Discovery of the 2’,3’-cAMP-Adenosine Pathway: Does This Mechanism Protect Organs From Injury? Presented to the Department of Pharmacology, University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN, January 25, 2012. Jackson, E.K.: Endogenous Adenosine Contributes to Renal Sympathetic Neurotransmission Via Postjunctional A1-Receptor-Mediated Coincident Signaling. Amercian Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology Podcast. Recorded January 27, 2012. Jackson, E.K., and Gillespie, D.G.: Extracellular guanosine regulates extracellular adenosine levels. Presented to the 66th Annual Fall Conference and Scientific Sessions of the Council for High Blood Pressure Research, Washington, DC, September 21, 2012. Jackson, E.K.: Role of the 2’,3’-Cyclic AMP-Adenosine Pathway in Kidney and Brain Injury. Presented to the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Denver, August 26, 2013. Jackson, E.K., and Gillespie, D.G.: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 regulates proliferation of and collagen synthesis by cardiac fibroblasts. Presented to the 67th Annual Fall Conference and Scientific Sessions of the Council for High Blood Pressure Research, New Orleans, LA, September 12, 2013. Jackson, E.K.: Adenowire for percutaneous coronary intervention. Minneapolis, MN, November 27, 2013.

Presented to Lake Region Medical,

Jackson, E.K., Mi, Z., Tofovic, S.P., and Gillespie, D.G.: The effect of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibition on arterial blood pressure is context dependent. Presented to the 68th Annual Fall Conference and Scientific Sessions of the Council for High Blood Pressure Research, San Francisco, CA, September 11, 2014. Tija Jacob, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Senior Vice Chancellor’s Research Seminar 12/7/2012 “GABAA Receptor Trafficking: Dynamic Inhibition in CNS Health and Disease” Yu Jiang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor “The role of Rheb in mTOR regulation” (2012). 2nd International Bone Biology Symposium, Shihezhi, China. “A novel crosstalk between Bcl-2 and mTOR and its implication in tumorigenesis” (2012). 2nd International Tumor Microenvironment Symposium, Tianjing, China. “The role of FKBP38 in tumor suppression” (2012). University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institution, Pittsburgh, PA. “The role of Npr1 kinase in nitrogen discriminating pathway” (2012). Yeast Genetics Meeting at Princeton, NJ.


“Nutrient signaling in yeast” (2012) Keynote speaker at International Signal Transduction Symposium, Guangzhou, China. “Connecting mTOR to mitochondria” (2013) Brain Institution, Fudan University School of Medicine. Shanghai. “Regulation of mTOR” (2013) National Center for Animal Models, Shanghai. “A crosstalk between life and death_the role of FKBP38 in cell growth and apoptosis” (2013), Dean’s Inaugural Lecture, Suzhou University College of Medicine, Suzhou, China. “The role of FKBP38 in tumor suppression” (2013). Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA. “A novel crosstalk between apoptotic proteins and mTOR” (2013). (Session Chair). 4th World Gene Convention. Haikou, China Gcn2 is an amino acid sensor for TORC1 in yeast. Metabolism, Diet and Disease: Cancer and Metabolism, Washington DC., May 2014. Signaling Mechanism of tumor suppressor folliculin. International Frontier Biological Science Symposium, Chengdu, China, June 2014. Regulation of TOR complex 1 by amino acids. Yeast Genetics Meeting, Seattle, WA, July 2014. Regulation of mTOR. Department of Pathology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, September 2014. Signaling mechanisms of Primary Cilium. Brain Institution, Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, November 2014. Signaling Mechanisms of Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome. International Symposium of Translational Medicine, Nanning, China, November 2014.

Thomas Kensler, Ph.D. Professor Oxidants and Antioxidants in Biology, Alba, Italy, 2012 Oxygen Biology: Hypoxia, Oxidative Stress and Diseases, Sapporo, Japan, 2012 Symposium on “Global Challenges: Environmental Changes”, AACR Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2012 School of Pharmacy Distinguished Lectureship, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2012 School of Pharmacy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2012 Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Laurel, MD, 2012 91

Southern California Chapter, Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Carlsbad, CA, 2012 Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center, Milwaukee, WI, 2012 Department of Structural and Cellular Biology, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, 2012 Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Program, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, 2013 Current Concepts in Epidemiology and Prevention, AACR Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2013 International Workshop on Ageing and Cancer Cell Biology: Convergent and Divergent Molecular Mechanisms, Athens, Greece, 2013 XIII International Congress of Toxicology, Seoul, Korea, 2013 College of Pharmacy, Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, 2013 Gordon Research Conference: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity, Andover, NH, 2013 Department of Food Science, Penn State University, University Park, PA, 2013 C Malcolm Trout Annual Lecture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 2013 Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 2013 Xiangshan Science Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Chemoprevention, Beijing, China, 2013 Aflatoxin Symposium, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 2013 Symposium on “Carcinogenesis and Causes of Human Cancer”, AACR Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Meeting, Washington, DC, 2013 Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, 2013 Miller Lectureship, Weil Cornell Medical School, New York, NY, 2013 Environmental Response IV Conference, Sendai, Japan, 2014 Society for Free Radical Research International Biennial Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, 2014 5th China-US Forum on Frontiers of Cancer Research: Cancer Prevention & Therapy, Zhengzhou, China, 2014 Society for Free Radical Biology & Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2014 Department of Pediatric Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2014 Lunch, Learn, Link. Cancer Prevention and Control Program, SKCCC, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD, 2014 School of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2014 92

FHCRC – China Workshop on Environmental Exposure and Lung Cancer, Seattle, WA, 2014

Nicholas Khoo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Inhibition of obesity-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension by nitro-fatty acids. Presented at PACCM Basic & Translational Research in Lung Disease Conference; Pittsburgh, PA, December 2012. Nitrite and Nitro-Fatty Acids Potential Therapeutics Against Metabolic Syndrome. Presented at Fifth International Meeting on the Role of Nitrite and Nitrate in Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Therapeutics; Pittsburgh, PA, May 2013. Jack Lancaster, Ph.D. Professor Dinitrosyliron Complexes: What May We Know about the Cellular Function of a Tumor Biomarker First Described 50 Years Ago? Gordon Research Conference on Oxygen Radicals: From Detection to Disease, Ventura, California, 2014. A Radical Notion: Specialization is for Insects. 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award, Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Seattle, WA, 2014. Hypoxia-Induced Cellular Nonheme Iron Mobilization and Nitric Oxide: Biological Functions of an Unusual EPR Signal Observed in Tumors 50 Years ago. University of Illinois, Chicago, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, 2014. Joan M. Lakoski, Ph.D. Professor Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “Strategies for Building Effective Research Mentoring Relationships”, Postdoc Retreat, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, April 4, 2012. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “Know Your Kangaroo: The Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00)”, Postdoc Retreat, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, April 4, 2012. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “Crafting a Competitive Career Development Proposal” Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) 2013 Scientific Sessions, American Heart Association, Chicago, IL, April 17, 2012. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “The Inside Story on Decision Making by an NIH Study Section Panel” Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) 2013 Scientific Sessions, American Heart Association, Chicago, IL, April 18, 2012. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “Grant Writing Workshop” Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, May 7, 2012. Workshop: “Crafting Effective Specific Aims” Workshop: “The Inside Story on a NIH Review Panel”


Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “Grant Writing Workshop” Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, May 7, 2012. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “Essential Strategies for Writing Successful Grants”, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, June 1, 2012. Workshop: “Finding the Right Funding” Workshop: “An Inside Look at Grant Reviews” Workshop: “Structure of a Proposal” Workshop: “Writing Your Specific Aims” Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner , “Know Your NRSA”, Grant Writing Conference, New York University, New York, NY, June 20, 2012. Invited Speaker, “Mentoring For Success: Finding a Mentor and Becoming an Effective Mentor”, How to Secure Promotion and Tenure Workshop, The Endocrine Society, Houston, TX, June 22, 2012. Invited Speaker, “An Introduction to Ks – A Dynamic Opportunity to Build Your Research Program”, Career Development Workshop, The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, June 25, 2012. Invited Speaker, “Navigating Through the University and Academic Health Center”, Career Mapping Workshops, Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar, American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC), Potomac, MD, July 7, 2012. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “Writing Effective Specific Aims”, Grant Writing Workshop, 2012 Gilliam Fellows Meeting, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD, August 9, 2012. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “NIH Career Development Award General Workshop: Steps to a Competitive Application (including a mock study section)”, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, September 5, 2012. Workshop: “Steps to a Competitive Application” Workshop: “Know Your NRSA” Workshop: “Know Your K” Workshop: “Know Your Kangaroo” Invited Speaker, “Creating a Dynamic Research Mentoring Relationship: Advising Students and Postdocs”, Faculty Development Program to Enhance Teaching Skills, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, September 14, 2012. Invited Speaker, “Career Planning in Uncertain Times: Utilizing Keystone Habits for Success and Satisfaction”, Postdoctoral Office, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, September 14, 2012. Invited Speaker, “Ethics in Research: A Brief Odyssey”, Early Stage Investigators Workshop, The Endocrine Society, San Francisco, CA, September 29, 2012. Invited Speaker, “Career Path or Career Death: Point/Counter Point”, Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS)/ Group on Faculty Affairs (GFA)/Women Executives in Science & Healthcare (WESH), Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 4, 2012. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “NIH Career Development Award General Workshop: Steps to a Competitive Application”, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Shrewsbury, MA, November 14, 2012. 94

Workshop: “Know Your K” Workshop: “Know Your Kangaroo” Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “NIH Career Development Award General Workshop: Steps to a Competitive Application (including a mock study section)”, Office of Academic Affairs, Columbia University School of Medicine, New York, NY, November 30, 2012. Workshop: “Keys to a Successful K99/R00 Career Development Application” Workshop: “Crafting Effective Specific Aims” Invited Speaker, “Mentor Training: Maximizing Mentoring”, Nurse Mentorship Program, Excela Health, Greensburg, PA, March 5, 2013. Invited Speaker, “Mentee Training: Maximizing Mentoring”, Nurse Mentorship Program, Excela Health, Greensburg, PA, March 5, 2013. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, Mentoring Workshop: “Maximizing Success as a Research Mentor”, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, March 29, 2013. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, Mentoring Workshop, “Exploring the Dynamics of Mentoring for the Research Administrator”, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, March 29, 2013. Invited Speaker, “Preparing for Success: Career Opportunities in the Health Sciences”, La Roche Pittsburgh, PA, April 15, 2013. (Target Audience: Undergraduate Students)


Invited Speaker, “Grant Award Types”, University of Pittsburgh Faculty Development Fellowship Program, Pittsburgh, PA, April 18, 2013. Invited Speaker, “Essential Networking as a Professional”, America’s Next Top Infectious Disease Model: HIV & Influenza Conference hosted by the Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health Annual Conference for Undergraduate Students, Chicago, IL, April 21, 2013. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “Know Your Kangaroo: Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00), NIH Career Development Award Workshop, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, May 1, 2013. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “Know Your NRSA” New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, May 1, 2013. Invited Speaker, “Applying for the NIH Pathway to Independence (K99/R00) Award, Center for Neuroscience, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, May 15, 2013. Invited Presenter, “Maximizing Success in a Dynamic Mentoring Relationship”, Faculty Mentoring Workshop, Center for Neuroscience, West Virginia University, Morgantwon, WV, May 15, 2013. Invited Faculty; “Maximizing Success as a Research Mentee”, 2013 MIDAS Summer Undergraduate Research Program, University of Pittsburgh MIDAS Center of Excellence, Pittsburgh, PA, May 24, 2013. Keynote Address, “Empowering Career Success and Resilience with Dynamic Mentoring”, 2013 Central Florida Careers in Science Symposium, Sanford-Burnham Science Network, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, Orlando, FL, June 21, 2013. 95

Panelist, Session III: “Women in Science”, 2013 Central Florida Careers in Science Symposium, SanfordBurnham Science Network, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, Orlando, FL, June 21, 2013. Invited Faculty; Presenter, “The Power of Mentorship; Roles and Responsibilities of Mentee and Mentors”; Facilitator, “Career Advancement Toolbox”, 2013 Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar, Association of American Medical Colleges, Englewood, CO, July 14 and 15, 2013. Invited Speaker, “Achieving Your Career Goals through Dynamic Mentoring”, Department of Ophthalmology Retreat, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, August 14, 2013. Invited Workshop Presenter “Writing a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Proposal”, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, September 13, 2013. Invited Presenter and Workshop Host, “Discovering the Leader within You: Exploring the Full Spectrum of Science Careers”, held on campus at Morehouse Medical College, Atlanta, GA, September 18, 2013. (Target audience of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) Invited Presentation, “Training Faculty to Mentor Graduate Students”, 2013 GREAT Group Annual Professional Development Meeting, Association of American Medical College, Atlanta, GA, September 19, 2013. Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “NIH Career Development & Training Award Workshops”, TriInstitutional Collaboration Network, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY September 27, 2013. General Workshop: “Steps to a Competitive Application” “Navigating NIH” “Mock Study Section” “15 Steps to the Payline” “Know Your NRSA” “Know Your K” “Know Your Kangaroo” Invited speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “NIH Career Development & Training Award Workshops”, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, North Chicago, IL, September 30, 2013. General Workshop: “Steps to a Competitive Application” “Know Your NRSA” “Know Your K: A Guide to applying for a Career Development Award” Invited Speaker, “Mentoring – A Dynamic Relationship for Career Success and Satisfaction”, Nursing Leadership – It Takes Courage to Lead, Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders, Wyndham Hotel, Gettysburg, PA, October 24, 2013. Invited Speaker and Moderator. “Getting to the Other Side of the Bench: Faculty Positions in Academia”, What Can You Be with a Ph.D? A Science and Career Symposium, New York University Langone Medical Center, November 3, 2013. Invited Speaker and Presenter with Dr. Robert J. Milner, Workshop, “Writing Winning Fellowships – “Know Your Fs”, What Can You Be with a Ph.D? A Science and Career Symposium, New York University Langone Medical Center, November 3, 2013. 96

Invited Speaker with Dr. Robert J. Milner, “NIH Career Development & Training Award Workshops”, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worchester, MA, October 31, 2013. General Workshop: “Steps to a Competitive Application” “Know Your Awards: Know your NRSA Know your K Know Your Kangaroo (Pathways to Independence (K99/R00 Award))” Adrian Lee, Ph.D. Professor “Structural rearrangements in DNA repair genes”. 22nd Breast Cancer Think Tank, Cancun, Mexico, 2012. “Recent failures of anti-IGFIR cancer therapies: A teaching moment for personalized biomarker directed clinical trials”. Pathology Grand Rounds, University of Iowa, Iowa, 2012. “Tumor heterogeneity and evolution: An Achilles heel for precision medicine?” RiMED symposium, Palermo, Italy, 2012. “Role of endocrine hormones in breast cancer” Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012. “Recent failures of anti-IGFIR cancer therapies: A teaching moment for personalized biomarker directed clinical trials”. Eppley Cancer Center, Omaha, NE, 2012. “Recent failures of anti-IGFIR cancer therapies: A teaching moment for personalized biomarker directed clinical trials”. Cedars-Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles, CA, 2012. "IGFs and breast cancer" Insulin, obesity and Cancer, Taormina, Italy, 2013. "Tumor heterogeneity" 22nd Breast Cancer Think Tank, Dominican Republic, 2013. "Applying Personalized Genomic Medicine to Breast Cancer" Center for Integrated Oncology, Cologne, Germany, 2013. "Applying Personalized Genomic Medicine to Breast Cancer" Genomic Medicine Grand Rounds, Dartmouth Medical School, New NH, 2013. “Genomic rearrangements and a novel transcriptional function for BRIP1 in breast cancer.” 23rd Breast Cancer Think Tank, Bonnaire, 2014. “Mutational Evolution and Heterogeneity in Cancer.” 2nd Tsinghua-Pitt symposium, Beijing China, 2014. “Harnessing Big Data in a Large Comprehensive Health Care System.” HIMMS, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014. “Genomic and Transcriptomic Changes in Metastatic Breast Cancer.” Grand Rounds, Case Western Research University, Cleveland, OH, 2014. Carola Neumann, M.D. Visiting Associate Professor 97

Klinik I fuer Innere Medizine, Cologne, Dr. Michael Hallek: “The peroxidase Prdx1 regulates specifically redox-signaling,” March 2012. Stony Brook University, Dept. of Pathology, Dr. Ken Shroyer: “The peroxidase Prdx1 regulates specifically redox-signaling,” March 2012. The Commonwealth Medical College, Dr. Maureen McCloud: “Loss of Prdx1 induces synthetic lethality in breast cells,” November 2013. ROS and Cancer Think Tank. Cold Spring Harbor, 2014. Steffi Oesterreich, Ph.D. Professor “Nuclear Receptors in Ovarian Cancer as therapeutic targets – time to reconsider?” 3rd International Symposium on Ovarian cancer. Pittsburgh, May 2012. “Mechanism of Endocrine Resistance” McArdle Cancer Center, Madison, WI, Oct 2012. “SRC1 - Bridging hormone response in breast and bone” Think Tank, Cancun, Mexico, 2012. “Unique Estrogen Signaling in Lobular Breast Cancer: Translational Significance?” Gordon Research Conference: Hormone Dependent Cancers, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI, July 2013. “Discovery of a Functional SNP in an Estrogen Receptor Binding Site in the IGF1R Gene.” Obesity, Diabetes and Cancer: The Role of Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factors Meeting, Taormina, Italy, 2013. “Invasive Lobular Cancer (ILC): A Different B(r)east.” University of Denver Cancer Center, March 2014. “Bioinformatic Studies to Understand Differences between Pre and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer.” Bonaire, January 2014. “Endocrine Resistance in Lobular Breast Cancer.” Harbin Medical School, Harbin, China, April 2014. “Endocrine Response in Women’s Malignancies.” Charite, Humboldt University, Berlin, August 2014. “Estrogen Response in Lobular Cancer.” Wright State University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dayton, OH, October 2014. “Role of Epigenetics in Endocrine Resistant Breast Cancer.” Fels Institute, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, November 2014. Roderick O’Sullivan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor NIH DNA Repair Video Seminar Series. NIH, Frederick, MD, 2014. Patrick Pagano, Ph.D. Professor 98

University of Mississippi Medical Center, Department of Physiology, “The Vascular Media: Nexus of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation,” Jackson, MS, May 9, 2012. University of Mississippi Medical Center, Center, Center for Excellence in Cardiovascular-Renal Research, “Targeting Oxidative Stress, Bullseye Nox,” Jackson, MS, May 10, 2012. Laboratorio de Biologia Vascular, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad de Cuyo, “Adventitial Control of Vascular Cell Differentiation & Disease via ROS”, Mendoza, Argentina, November 28, 2012 Georgia Regents University, Section of Experimental Medicine, "Sly as a NOX, a Retrospective on the Challenges & Triumphs of Targeted Therapy", Augusta, GA, September 5, 2013. 2013 Redox Biology Center Symposium, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Redox Signaling: A Potential Therapeutic Target for Human Disease, Nox Inhibitor Discovery & Vascular Disease, a Retrospective, Lincoln, NE, October 10, 2013. British Heart Foundation Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre, University of Glasgow, The Quest for Nox Therapeutics, Perspectives on the Challenges, Pitfalls & Triumphs, Glasgow, Scotland, October 16, 2013. Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics (JCET), Jagiellonian University, NOX, a Retrospective on the Challenges & Triumphs of Targeted Therapy, Krakow, Poland, October 18, 2013. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Department of Physiology, New Frontiers in Nox Regulation, From Mechanism to Therapy, Oklahoma City, OK, February 13, 2014.

“Frontiers in Nox Regulation, from Novel Modulators to Nox Inhibitors.” Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Richmond, VA, March 27, 2014.

“New Insights into Nox Regulation, from Mechanism to Therapy.” University of Missouri-Columbia, Health Sciences Center, Department of Pharmacology & Physiology, Columbia, MO, May 6, 2014.

“New Players on the Nox Stage, From Chaperones to Effectors.” Klinikum der Goethe-Universität, Institut für Kardiovaskuläre Physiologie, Vascular Research Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, May 14, 2014. “New Players on the Nox Stage, From Chaperones to Novel Therapies.” The John C. McGiff Memorial Lecture, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, October 2014.

“Modulators and Signaling Pathways Controlling Vascular Nox, From Chaperones to New Inhibitors.” Northeast Ohio Medical University, Department of Integrative Medical Sciences, Dr. Hans G. Folkesson Memorial Seminar Series, Rootstown, OH, November 4, 2014. "New Players on the Nox Stage, From Chaperones to Effectors.” American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Cardiovascular Seminar Series: Redox Signaling in Cardiovascular Disease: NADPH Oxidase and Beyond, Chicago, IL, November 17, 2014. Michael Palladino, Ph.D. Associate Professor 99

“Using Drosophila ATP6[1] to study NARP/MILS mitochondrial disease pathogenesis.” CHOP/University of Pennsylvania MITO Research Affinity Group, 2013. “Genetic Mitochondrial Manipulation Strategies.” UMDF Mitochondrial Medicine, 2014.

Francisco Schopfer, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Invited Speaker, Institute for Environmental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 2012. Invited Speaker Oxygen Club of California World Congress 2012, Alba, Italy. Bioactive Lipids Conference, Puerto Rico, 2013 Mass Spectrometry Course, Department of Medicine, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, 2014 Laboratory of Oxygen Metabolism, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, 2014.

Sruti Shiva, Ph.D. Assistant Professor “Mitochondrial ROS increase platelet activation in Sickle Cell disease.” Society for Free Radical Research International Meeting, London, UK, September 2012. “Nitrite differentially regulates mitochondrial function in hypoxia and normoxia.” Gordon Research Conference on Nitric Oxide, Ventura, California, February 2013. “Platelet mitochondria: From mechanism to biomarker of Disease.” Department of Hematology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2013. “Nitrite modulates mitochondrial function through fusion in normoxia.” International Meeting of the Role of Nitrite in Health and Disease, Pittsburgh, PA,May 2013. “Mitochondrial Fusion and Preconditioning.” International Society of Heart Research World Congress XXI, San Diego, CA, July 2013. TrMAD regional meeting International Nitric Oxide Meeting University of Nevada Reno Mitochondria and Cellular Metabolism Symposium; Montevideo,Uruguay Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and Metabolism Course; Montevideo, Uruguay Shivendra Singh, Ph.D. Professor 100

International Symposium on Recent Advances in Cancer Research: Therapeutics to Chemoprevention, Central University of Gujrat, Gandhinagar, India. Title: Molecular Mechanisms of Mammary Cancer Prevention with Benzyl Isothiocyanate, February 9, 2012. Session Speaker, 4th International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy, Dubai, UAE. Title: Prostate Cancer Prevention with Bioactive Food Components, February 14, 2012. Integrative Medicine Program at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX. Title: Bioactive Food Components and Cancer Chemoprevention, March 20, 2012. Seoul National University Cancer Research Institute Symposium, Innovative Approaches to Explore Novel Druggable Targets, Seoul, Korea. Title: Molecular Targets of Mammary Cancer Prevention with Dietary Benzyl Isothiocyanate, May 16, 2012. 3rd International Cancer Research Symposium: Defining and Translating Science for Disease Prevention and Therapy, Kolkata, India. Title: Energy Crisis in Mammary Cancer Prevention by Withaferin A in a Clinically Relevant Mouse Model, December 19, 2012. Elkin Lecture, Emory University Winship Cancer Institute, Atlanta, GA. Prevention by Dietary Isothiocyanates, January 11, 2013.


Biomarkers of Cancer

University of Texas, Austin, TX. Title: Bioactive Food Components and Cancer Chemoprevention: Cancer Prevention with Dietary Isothiocyanates, March 29, 2013. Phytochemicals and Cancer Prevention. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, April 2014. 5th China-US Forum on Frontiers of Cancer Research, Prevention & Therapy. Zhengzhou, China, October 5-7, 2014 Cancer Preventio. Interdisciplinary Research And Global Outlook (IRAGO) Conference 2014, Tsukuba, Japan, November 2014. Cancer Prevention by Isothiocyanates from Cruciferous Vegetables. The 19th Conference of Japanese Society.for Food Factors, Kagoshima, Japan, November 2014. Robert Sobol, Ph.D. Associate Professor Base excision repair and NAD+ Biosynthesis crosstalk - Understanding and exploiting PARP activationinduced cellular energy modulation. Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada. DNA repair and NAD+ Biosynthesis crosstalk: Understanding and exploiting PARP activation-induced cellular energy modulation. Department of Biochemistry, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, February 8, 2012. DNA repair and NAD+ Biosynthesis crosstalk: Understanding and exploiting PARP activation-induced cellular energy modulation. Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Southern California, March 23, 2012. 101

XRCC1 independent recruitment and function of DNA Polß in response to DNA damage and PARP activation. Gordon Research Conference; DNA Damage, Mutation & Cancer, Ventura, California. Session Chair: Role of PARP in Genomic Stability and Cancer Chemotherapy, March 25-29, 2012. The interplay of PARP1, Polß and XRCC1 in response to DNA Damage. Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology, Center For Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, May 11, 2012. The interplay of PARP1, Polß and XRCC1 in response to DNA Damage. UNT Health Science Center; College of Pharmacy, May 29, 2012. Base excision repair, PARP and NAD+ biosynthesis crosstalk in response to DNA damage. 3rd Erling Seeberg Symposium, Trondheim and Ørland, Norway, June 2012. Exploring the Polß/XRCC1 interface and the regulation of base excision repair. Mutagenesis GRC 2012, Salve Regina College, Newport, RI, August 2012. The interaction and regulation of Polß, XRCC1 and PARP1 in response to DNA damage in tumor cells. EMS 43rd Annual Meeting, Bellevue, WA, September 9, 2012. Coordination of DNA polymerase beta, XRCC1 and PARP1 in DNA repair and cell metabolism. NIEHS, Laboratory of Structural Biology Annual Retreat, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, September 17, 2012. PARP1 - A mediator of genotoxin response pathway crosstalk. University of South Alabama, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Mobile, Alabama, November 8, 2012. PARP1 - A mediator of genotoxin response pathway crosstalk. University of Michigan, Pathology Research Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI, December 13, 2012. PARP1 - A mediator of genotoxin response pathway crosstalk. University of North Texas, Department of Molecular Biology and Immunology Seminar, Denton, TX, February 4, 2013. Proteosome-mediated regulation of base excision repair. LUMC, Department of Toxicogenetics, Leiden, Netherlands, February 4, 2013. PARP, bioenergetics, and base excision repair. Workshop on Mitochondria, Energetics, Epigenetics, Environment, and DNA Damage Response, NIEHS, NIH, RTP, North Carolina, March 25, 2013. Proteosome-mediated regulation of base excision repair. University of South Alabama, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Mobile, Alabama, May 28, 2013. Coordinated response of PARP1 and PARG to facilitate DNA repair pathway choice. FEBS Workshop, Nucleotide Excision Repair and Interstrand Crosslink Repair- From Molecules to Man, Smolenice, Slovakia, June 9, 2013. DNA repair and NAD biosynthesis crosstalk. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Science Research Conference, NAD Metabolism & Signaling, Chicago, IL, July 14-19, 2013.


DNA damage-induced PARP1 hyperactivation negatively regulates glycolysis independently of NAD+ depletion. PARP2013 – 19th International Conference on ADP-ribosylation, Quebec City, Canada, September 6-9, 2013. BER Crosstalk to DSB Repair Pathways. Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS) 2013 Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, September 21-25, 2013. Proteosome-mediated regulation of base excision repair. V-FARM DNA, V Fundamental Aspects of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 31-November 2, 2013. Development of a high throughput Comet platform and its applications. 11th ICEM, Symposium: Comet takes off, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, November 3-6, 2013. Exploring the PARP-interactome in the cellular response to genotoxins. 11th ICEM, Symposium: Survival and death pathways triggered by chemotherapeutics, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, November 3-6, 2013. Proteosome-mediated regulation of base excision repair. University of Toledo, College of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry & Cancer Biology, November 21, 2013. Laura Stabile, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Lung Cancer SPORE Investigators’ Annual Meeting, Rockville, MD, July 2013. Lung Cancer SPORE Investigators’ Annual Meeting, Rockville, MD, July 2014. Adam Straub, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Putting the brakes on nitric oxide signaling: the emerging biology of hemoglobin and methemoglobin reductase in vascular cells. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, March 2014. Ben Van Houten, Ph.D. Professor International Melanoma Working Group Meeting: “Metabolic flexibility in melanoma cells: refocusing the Warburg lens”, March 25-27, 2012, Lansdowne, VA. Department of Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, New York, NY, April 4, 2012. College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY, May 4, 2012 6th DNA repair Workshop, “Watching DNA repair one molecule at a time: the use of single molecule techniques to investigate nucleotide excision repair. “ Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, June 3-7, 2012 73rd Harden Conference - Machines on genes II - The central dogma at the interface of biology, chemistry and physics. “The xeroderma pigmentosum group E mutation (K244E) in DDB2 of a UV-damaged DNA-binding protein (UV-DDB) results in DNA sliding and loss of damage binding specificity” St Anne's College, Oxford, UK, August 19-23, 2012 103

University of Groningen, Holland, Aug. 31, 2012 43rd Annual Meeting of the Environmental Mutagen Society. “Watching nucleotide excision repair, one molecule at a time”, Bellevue, Washington Sept 8-12, 2012. Department of Biochemistry, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, November 13, 2012. Brainstorming Session on Mitochondria, Energetics, Epigenetics, Environment, and DNA Damage Response Workshop. "The effect of mitochondrial damage and dynamics on cellular bioenergetics, mitosis and cellular physiology." RTP, NIEHS, March 25-26, 2013. Department of Animal Biology & Compartive Oncology Seminar Series, University of Pennsylvania, PA, April 17, 2013. Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, October 1, 2013. Department of Genetics, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Holland, October 7, 2013. Scientific Crosstalk, 8th International Graduate School of Life Sciences Symposium. “Watching DNA repair, one molecule at a time: The use of single molecule techniques to investigate nanomachines.” Wurzburg, Germany, October 9-10, 2013. V Meeting in Fundamental Aspects of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis, {Invited Speaker) "Communication between mitochondria and the nucleus - a novel approach to cancer chemotherapy" University of Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, October 31- November 2, 2013. 11th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens (Invited Speaker) "Watching DNA repair one molecule at a time: UV-DDS stoichiometry, dynamics and implications in xeroderma pigmentosum" and 'Watching DNA repair, one molecule at a time: reconstituting nucleotide excision using quantum-dot labeled proteins." Foz Do Iguassu, Brazil, November 3-8, 2013 Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, November 20, 2013.

University of Vermont, Burlington, VT,

5th US-Japan DNA Repair Meeting (Invited Speaker). Watching eukaryotic nucleotide excision repair: one molecule at a time. Naruto, Tokushima, Japan, October 28-31, 2014. Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (Symposium organizer and speaker). Watching Nucleotide Excision Repair Proteins: One Molecule at a Time, Orlando, Florida, September 13-17, 2014. Methods in Protein Structure Analysis 2014: Protein Interactions, Structures, Technologies and Networks, FASEB (Invited Speaker). ''Watching DNA repair one molecule at a time.” Snowmass, CO, July 27August 1, 2014. Machines on Genes, FASEB. ''Watching Nucleotide excision repair proteins: one molecule at a time." Snowmass, CO, June 22-27, 2014. United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation. "Consequences of Mitochondrial DNA Damage: Mitophagy, Loss of Oxidative Phosphorylation and Cell Death," June 4-6, 2014. 104

The Center for Nucleic Acids Science & Technology, Carnegie Mellon University (Invited Speaker), ''Watching DNA Repair: One Molecule at a Time." Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2-3, 2014. DNA Damage, Mutation & Cancer - Gordon Research Conference {Invited Speaker) 'Watching Nucleotide Excision Repair, One Molecule at a Time" Ventura Beach Marriott, Ventura, CA, March 1621, 2014. Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, October 17, 2014. Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Miami, Fl, May 30, 2014. Repair: One Molecule at a Time." Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2-3, 2014. “Watching Nucleotide Excision Repair, One Molecule at a Time.” DNA Damage, Mutation & Cancer Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA, March 16-21, 2014. Jean-Pierre Vilardaga, Ph.D. Associate Professor “Novel Signaling Properties of GPCR.” GPCR in Drug Discovery, 10th Annual Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2012. “Non-Canonical Signaling of GPCR.” The Great Lakes GPCR Annual Retreat, Quebec, Canada, 2013. Keystone Symposia, plenary session GPCRs: Structural Dynamics and Functional Implications, 2014 ENDO 2014 annual meeting, Endocrine Society, 2014. Rudolf Virchow Center for Experimental Biomedicine, University of Würzburg, Germany, 2014. Charité Universitätmedizin Berlin, Symposium on Translational Medicine, Germany, 2014. University of Montreal, Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer, Distinguished Scientist lecture, Canada, 2014. Dario Vitturi, Ph.D. Research Instructor Nitric Oxide – Nitrite/Nitrate Conference, 2014. Nobunao Wakabayashi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gordon Research Conference, Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity, Proctor Academy, Andover, NH August 11-16, 2013.


“The Keap1Nrf2 Signaling Pathway: Role in Disease and Pharmacological Approaches.” The Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine’s Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November 19-23, 2014. The Environmental Response IV, Sendai, Japan, February 28-March 2, 2014.

Q. Jane Wang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Center for Aging Research, Basic Medicine Institute, Beijing University , 2012. FASEB Summer Research Conference, “Lipid Signaling Pathways in Cancer”, Steamboat Springs, CO, 2012. Institute of Molecular Biology, Three Gorges University Medical College, Yichang, Hubei province, China, 2012. New Drug Discovery and Development Center, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China, 2012. Department of Cell Biology, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China, 2012. 5th International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy, Dubai, U.A.E., 2013. GTC 8th Protein Kinases in Drug Discovery, Boston, MA, 2013 Institute of Molecular Biology, Three Gorges University Medical College, Yichang, Hubei province, China, 2013. Translational Cancer Research Forum, Center from Translational Medicine, Key Laboratory of Longevity and Ageing-related Diseases, Ministry of Education, China, and Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, Guanxi, China, 2013. Session 5-1: Targeting Protein Kinases, BIT's 11th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science & Technology, Therapy and EXPO, Haikou, Hainan, China, 2013. Targeted New Therapies, International Symposium on Translational Medicine (ISTM), Nanning, China. Stacy Gelhaus Wendell, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor FASEB Conference on Phospholipid Metabolism and Signaling in Cancer & Inflammation, Niagara Falls, NY, 2014. Nitrate-Nitrite NO Society Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 2014. 17th International Carbonyl Workshop, Skytop, PA, 2014. Lin Zhang, Ph.D. Associate Professor 106

“Role of PUMA in targeted anticancer therapies” Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, June 19, 2012. Invited Speaker and Session Chair, in Second Tianjin Forum on Tumor Microenvironment, Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R. China, June 22-24, 2012. Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, January 18, 2013. Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, P.R. China, June 3, 2013. The Third Military Medical University, Research Institute of Daping Hospital, Chongqing, P.R. China, June 5, 2013. University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, August 5, 2013. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics, University of Iowa, October 15, 2013. The 22nd Asia Pacific Cancer Conference, Tianjin, China, October 31-November 2, 2013. SUNY Stony Brook, December 9, 2013. University of Minnesota Center for Drug Design January 15, 2014 . Nankai University, Tianjin, China, June 27, 2014. International Forum on the Frontier Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, July 5, 2014. International Symposium on Translational Medicine (ISTM), Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China, Nov. 19-21, 2014.


Teaching Activities


Educational Credit Units Summary


University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Page 1 of 3 MS-1 and MS-2

def of unit




MS-3 and MS-4


def of unit






con hrs




Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)

con hrs




Required clerkship AY 13-14

# stu/wks




Acting internship clerkship AY 13-14

# stu/wks





con hrs




Small group - experiential (for physical examination courses only)

con hrs




Elective clerkship(s) where enrollment = 1 or more students AY 13-14

# stu/wks




Precepting (for Clinical Experience courses only)

con hrs





con hrs





con hrs




Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)

con hrs



SP session (e.g., Medical Interviewing courses)

con hrs





Simulator session

con hrs



con hrs







con hrs




SP session

con hrs







Simulator session

con hrs







Course Director





AOC/Longitudinal Curriculum Program Director





Clerkship Director for required clerkship





Elective or Mini-Elective Course Director





Clerkship Co-Director for required clerkship





Course Segment Coordinator

course segment




Clerkship Director for selective clerkship





Course Laboratory Segment/Session Coordinator

course segment




Clerkship Director for ILS selective (base)





Clerkship Director for ILS selective (enrollment)





Clerkship Director for elective clerkship





Clerkship Segment/Session Coordinator

clerkship segment




MS-1 and MS-2 Total ECUs



MS-3 and MS-4 Total ECUs



University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Page 2 of 3 Medical Student Program

def of unit




Graduate Student Program


def of unit





Member, Curriculum Committee






con hrs




Member, Admissions Committee





Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)

con hrs




Member, Promotions Committee





Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)

# stu/wks




Member, Retention Committee





Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor





Member, Scholarly Project Executive Committee












Mentoring other SOM graduate students (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. or M.Sc.)


Applicant Interviewer Coordinator, Undergraduate Medical Education Teaching





GS Academic Advisor






con hrs




Chair, Task Force/Work Group/Subcommittee/or other SOM Committee





Member, Task Force/Work Group/Subcommittee/or other SOM Committee





Member, Evaluation Sub-Committee


Mentoring medical students (e.g., FAST, AOC, or academic advising)


Mentored Scholarly Project (MSP) Mentor








Program Director






Associate Director





Journal Club/Seminar Series Program Director















Summer Research Mentor





Elective Course Research Mentor





Research Mentor, Other (non-MSP)





Longitudinal Clinical Clerkship Precepting






Medical Student Program Total ECUs


Chair: Admissions Committee


Member: Admissions Committee





Member: Program Steering Committee





Chair: Curriculum, Recruiting, Program, or other SOM Committee





Member: Curriculum, Recruiting, Program, or other SOM Committee





Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee





Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee





Graduate Student Program Total ECUs



University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Page 3 of 3

Total for Department MS-1 and MS-2


MS-3 and MS-4


MS Other


MS Total


GS Total


Total ECUs



University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Summary of Faculty ECU's Faculty Name











GS - Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




GS - Other







Altschuler, Daniel GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee GS - Course Director

GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total ECUs:


Bisello, Alessandro MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop) GS - Course Director GS - Lecture GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor GS - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)
















Total ECUs:


Defranco, Donald MS-1, MS-2 - Course Director




MS-1, MS-2 - Lecture




MS-1, MS-2 - Other




MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




MS - Applicant Interviewer




MS - Member, Curriculum Committee




MS - Member, Promotions Committee







GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee




GS - GS Academic Advisor




GS - Lecture













MS - Mentored Scholarly Project (MSP) Mentor

GS - Member: Admissions Committee GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total ECUs:


Degroat, William MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint





University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Summary of Faculty ECU's Faculty Name




Total ECUs:



Eiseman, Julie MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Lecture




Total ECUs:


Flint, Melanie MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)



Total ECUs:

10.3 10.3

Freeman, Bruce MS-1, MS-2 - Lecture




MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee







GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint







GS - Course Director

GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total ECUs:


Friedman, Peter MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




Total ECUs:


Furey, William GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee







GS - GS Academic Advisor




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




GS - Member: Curriculum, Recruiting, Program, or other SOM Committee




GS - Course Director

Total ECUs:


Galbiati, Ferruccio MS-1, MS-2 - Lecture




MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee










GS - Course Director GS - Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)


University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Summary of Faculty ECU's Faculty Name





GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




GS - Other




Total ECUs:


Hu, Jing GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint



Total ECUs:

10.0 10.0

Huang, Yi GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint



Total ECUs:

5.0 5.0

Jackson, Edwin MS-1, MS-2 - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




Total ECUs:


Jacob, Tija Carey GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




Total ECUs:


Jiang, Yu MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




Total ECUs:


Kensler, Thomas GS - Course Director




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




GS - Other




Total ECUs:


Khoo, Nicholas GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint



Total ECUs:

5.0 5.0

Lakoski, Joan MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Lecture





University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Summary of Faculty ECU's Faculty Name




Total ECUs:



Lee, Adrian Vincent GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee




GS - Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint







GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total ECUs:


Levitan, Edwin MS-1, MS-2 - Lecture




MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




Total ECUs:


Neumann, Carola A. GS - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)



Total ECUs:

20.0 20.0

Oesterreich, Steffi MS - Mentored Scholarly Project (MSP) Mentor




GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee




GS - Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint







GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total ECUs:


Pagano, Patrick MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee







GS - GS Academic Advisor




GS - Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




GS - Member: Curriculum, Recruiting, Program, or other SOM Committee




GS - Member: Program Steering Committee




GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor










GS - Course Director

GS - Program Director GS - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)


University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Summary of Faculty ECU's Faculty Name




Total ECUs:



Palladino, Michael GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee







GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




GS - Member: Curriculum, Recruiting, Program, or other SOM Committee




GS - Other







GS - Course Director

GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total ECUs:


Romero, Guillermo MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




MS - Mentored Scholarly Project (MSP) Mentor




GS - Associate Director




GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee




GS - Lecture







GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




GS - Member: Curriculum, Recruiting, Program, or other SOM Committee
















GS - Member: Admissions Committee

GS - Member: Program Steering Committee GS - Other GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor GS - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)

Total ECUs:


Schopfer, Francisco GS - Lecture



Total ECUs:

4.0 4.0

Shiva, Sruti MS-1, MS-2 - Lecture




MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




Total ECUs:


Siegfried, Jill GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint





University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Summary of Faculty ECU's Faculty Name


GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor







Total ECUs:


Singh, Shivendra GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint



Total ECUs:

5.0 5.0

Sobol, Robert GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee







GS - Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint




GS - Other










GS - Course Director

GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor GS - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)

Total ECUs:


Stabile, Laura GS - Lecture



Total ECUs:

4.0 4.0

Straub, Adam MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)







GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total ECUs:


Van Houten, Bennett MS - Mentored Scholarly Project (MSP) Mentor










GS - Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint







GS - Chair: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint Committee GS - Course Director

GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total ECUs:


Vilardaga, Jean MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Lecture





University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Credit Units (AY 13-14) Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Summary of Faculty ECU's Faculty Name


GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint







Total ECUs:


Wang, Qiming MS-1, MS-2 - Small group (e.g., PBL, conference, workshop)




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint







GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total ECUs:


Zhang, Lin GS - Laboratory supervision (e.g., MSTP, Ph.D. & M.Sc.)




GS - Lecture




GS - Member: Comprehensive, Dissertation, Thesis, Preliminary or Reprint







GS - Ph.D. or M.Sc. Mentor

Total Faculty Reporting: 36

Total ECUs:




Total ECU's for Pharmacology and Chemical Biology:



Teaching Awards Joan Lakoski, Ph.D. Professor Member, Academy of Master Educators, 2009-2014 Guillermo Romero, Ph.D. Associate Professor Distinguished Mentor Award, Biomedical Graduate Student Association, 2013-2014

Post-doctoral Fellows Researchers Imad Al Ghouleh Myrian Attar Michelle Barbi De Moura Chandra Sekha Bathula Patricia Boley David Boone Megan Brady Chunyu Cao Dionysios Chartoumpekis Nabanita Chatterjee Dongshi Chen Guangming Chen Dongmei Cheng Meghan Delmastro Qingming Fang Susan Farabaugh Marco Fazzari Elise Fouquerel Chenxi Gao Alexandra Gidon Jianxia Guo Rekha Gyanchandani Daniel Hochbaum Frederic Jean-Alphonse Sergei Karnup Tiffany Katz Su Hyeong Kim Joomin Lee Kristen Leslie Jianfeng Li Zhihong Li Lili Liu Zhongmin Liu Jennifer McGarvey Daniel Meijles

Title Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Scholar Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Visiting Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Visiting Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate 120

Lab Pagano Neumann Singh Lee Kensler Lee Jacob Huang Kensler Levitan Zhang Hu Jackson Freeman Sobol Jr. Lee Freeman Sobol Jr. Hu Vilardaga Eiseman Lee Lee Vilardaga de Groat Davidson Singh Singh Bisello Sobol Wang Van Houten Galbiati Friedman Pagano

Researchers Lucia Minarrieta Parisa Mousavi Shafaei Melanie Peffer Daniel Ranayhossaini Madhuparna Roy Sanghamitra Sahoo Anuradha Sehrawat Ritis Kumar Shyanti Matthew Sikora John Skoko III Stephen Slocum William Sneddon Sreeja Sreekumar David Svilar Manuj Tandon Jingshan Tong Mingming Tong Kristal Tucker Jonathan Verrier Avani Vyas Min Wang Rebecca Watters Gonghong Yan Li Yang Yongbei Yu Wenjie Yuan Qiangmin Zhang Xuefeng Zhang Chao-Ming Zhou Fangdong Zou

Title Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Visiting Research Associate Visiting Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Scholar Postdoctoral Scholar Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Research Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Postdoctoral Associate Research Associate Research Associate


Lab Schopfer Neumann DeFranco Pagano Palladino Pagano Singh Singh Oesterreich Neumann Kensler Friedman Oesterreich Sobol Wang Zhang Yu Levitan Jackson Singh Zhang Oesterreich Lee Kensler de Groat Jiang Friedman Altschuler Levitan Zhang

Faculty Data


Current Faculty Primary Faculty Name Daniel Altschuler Palaniappa Arjunan Alessandro Bisello Dinara Bulgari Eugenia Cifuentes-Pagano Gabor Csanyi W. Chet de Groat Donald DeFranco Julie Eiseman Bruce Freeman Peter Friedman William Furey Ferruccio Galbiati Eun-Ryeong Hahm Ryan Hartmaier Jing Hu Yi Huang Edwin Jackson Tija Jacob Yu Jiang Thomas Kensler Nicholas Khoo Joan Lakoski Jack Lancaster Adrian Lee Edwin Levitan Tatyana Mamonova Carola Neumann Steffi Oesterreich Roderick O’Sullivan Patrick Pagano Michael Palladino Wei Qian Guillermo Romero James Roppolo Francisco Schopfer Sruti Shiva Shivendra Singh Robert Sobol, Jr. Laura Stabile Adam Straub Ben Van Houten Jean-Pierre Vilardaga Dario Vitturi Iglesias Daniela Volonte-Galbiati Nobunao Wakabayashi

Academic Title Associate Professor Research Instructor Associate Professor Reesarch Assistant Professor Research Instructor Research Instructor Distinguished Professor Professor Research Professor Professor and Chairman Professor Professor Associate Professor Research Instructor Research Instructor Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Research Assistant Professor Professor Visiting Professor Professor Professor Research Instructor Visiting Associate Professor Professor Visiting Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Research Instructor Associate Professor Research Assistant Professor Research Assocaite Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Research Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Research Instructor Research Assistant Professor Visiting Research Assistant Professor 123


Academic Title Associate Professor Visiting Research Instructor Research Assistant Professor Visiting Assistant Professor Research Instructor Visiting Assistant Professor Associate Professor

Q. Jane Wang Vanessa Wehbi Stacy Gelhaus Wendell Steven Wendell Steven Woodcock Cheng Zhang Lin Zhang Secondary Faculty Name Carolyn Anderson Christopher Bakkenist Aaron Barchowsky P. Michael Bauer Lori Birder Robert Branch Clifton Callaway Jun Chen Nancy Davidson John Fernstrom Gerald Gebhart Jennifer Grandis Gregg Homanics Jeffrey Isenberg Daniel Johnson Valerian Kagan Anthony Kanai Eric Kelley Thomas Kleyman Yong Lee Chester Mathis Jerome Parness James Perel Bruce Pitt Richard Steinman Dandan Sun Changfeng Tai Pei Tang Margaret Tarpey Sufi Thomas Gonzalo Torres Zhou Wang Wen Xie Yan Xu Naoki Yoshimura


Primary Department

Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Distinguished Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Research Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Emeritus Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor

Radiology Radiation Oncology Env. Occup. Health Surgery Medicine Medicine Emergency Medicine Neurology Medicine Psychiatry Anesthesiology Otolaryngology Anesthesiology Medicine Medicine Env. Occup. Health Medicine Anesthesiology Medicine Surgery Radiology Anesthesiology Psychiatry Env. Occup. Health Medicine Neurology Urology Anes. & Struct. Biol. Anesthesiology Otolaryngology Neurobiology Urology Pharm. Sciences Anesthesthesiology Urology


New Faculty Jack Lancaster, Ph.D., Visiting Professor Cheng Zhang, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor

Membership in Professional Societies Bruce Freeman, Ph.D. Professor and Chair American Association for the Advancement of Science American Chemical Society American Heart Association American Physiological Society American Society for Cell and Molecular Biology American Thoracic Society Biochemical Society Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine Daniel Altschuler, Ph.D. Associate Professor The Endocrine Society Palaniappa Arjunan, Ph.D. Research Instructor American Crystallographic Association Pittsburgh Diffraction Society Dr. Alessandro Bisello Associate Professor American Society for Bone & Mineral Research Endocrine Society American Heart Association Dinara Bulgari, Ph.D. Research Instructor Society for Neuroscience M. Eugenia Cifuentes-Pagano, Ph.D. Instructor American Cancer Society Donald DeFranco, Ph.D. Professor American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Endocrine Society Society for Neuroscience W. Chet de Groat, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor 125

Rho Chi Pharmaceutical Honor Society Philadelphia Physiological Society American Association for the Advancement of Science Sigma Xi American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Society for Neuroscience Pittsburgh Neuroscience Society New York Academy of Sciences Urodynamics Society International Brain Research Organization American Gastroenterological Association International Medical Society of Paraplegia Society for Basic Urologic Research Mid-Atlantic Pharmacology Society American Motility Society International Continence Society The American Autonomic Society The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience (Member of Executive Committee) International Spinal Cord Society Julie Eiseman, Ph.D. Research Professor American Association for Cancer Research FASEB American Association for the Advancement of Science Society of Toxicology SPIE Peter Friedman, Ph.D. Professor American Physiological Society American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology American Society for Bone and Mineral Research American Society of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Endocrine Society Salt & Water Club Society of General Physiologists British Society for Endocrinology International Bone & Mineral Society William Furey, Ph.D. Professor American Crystallographic Association Pittsburgh Diffraction Society New York Academy of Sciences American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Ferruccio Galbiati, Ph.D. Associate Professor American Society of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics American Society of Cell Biology American Physiological Society American Association for Cancer Research Eun-Ryeong Hahm, Ph.D. Research Instructor American Association for Cancer Research Jing Hu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor American Association for Cancer Research Yi Huang, M.D., Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor American Association for Cancer Research Edwin Jackson, Ph.D. Professor American Heart Association American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Council for High Blood Pressure Research Tija Jacob, Ph.D. Assistant Professor American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Society of General Physiologists Society for Neuroscience Yu Jiang, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor American Society for Microbiology American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics American Society of Genetics American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Thomas Kensler, Ph.D. Professor American Association for the Advancement of Science American Association for Cancer Research Society of Toxicology American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Oxygen Society American Chemical Society: Division of Chemical Toxicology Nicholas Khoo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine 127

Biomedical Engineering Society South East Lipid Research Joan Lakoski, Ph.D. Professor American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics The Endocrine Society International Society for Developmental Neuroscience International Society of Neuroendocrinology Serotonin Club Sigma Xi Society for Neuroscience American Endocrine Society Women Executives in Science and Healthcare National Postdoctoral Association Association for Clinical Research Training Society for Clinical and Translational Science Adrian Lee, Ph.D. Professor American Association for Cancer Research International Society of IGF Research The Endocrine Society American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society for Molecular Biology and Molecular Biology Edwin Levitan, Ph.D. Professor Society for Neuroscience Tatyana Mamonova, Ph.D. Research Instructor American Biophysical Society Carola Neumann, M.D. Visiting Associate Professor Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine American Association for Cancer Research Steffi Oesterreich, Ph.D. Professor American Association for Cancer Research The Endocrine Society Women in Endocrinology Women in Cancer Research American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics


Patrick Pagano, Ph.D. Professor American Heart Association Basic Science Council Circulation Council Council for High Blood Pressure Research American Physiological Society American Association for the Advancement of Science Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine International Society for Free Radical Research Michael Palladino, Ph.D. Associate Professor Genetics Society of America Society for Neuroscience American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Guillermo Romero, Ph.D. Associate Professor American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Endocrine Society American Society of Cell Biology James Roppolo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor American Association for the Advancement of Science Society for Neuroscience The New York Academy of Sciences Francisco Schopfer, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor American Heart Association Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine Sruti Shiva, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Society for Free Radical Biology (Elected to Council 2010) Nitric Oxide Society American Heart Association American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Shivendra Singh, Ph.D.

Professor American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Toxicology International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics American Association for Cancer Research


Robert Sobol, Ph.D. Associate Professor American Association for the Advancement of Science American Association for Cancer Research American Society for Microbiology American Society for Cell Biology Environmental Mutagen Society American Chemical Society International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy of Cancer American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Laura Stabile, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor National Lung Cancer Partnership American Association for Cancer Research Association for Women in Science International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Adam Straub, Ph.D. Assistant Professor American Physiological Society Microcirculation Society American Heart Association Nitric Oxide Society Bennett Van Houten, Ph.D. Professor Environmental Mutagen Society American Association for Cancer Research American Chemical Society American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Jean-Pierre Vilardaga, Ph.D. Associate Professor Endocrine Society Biophysical Society American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics American Society for Bone and Mineral Research American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dario Vitturi, Ph.D. Research Instructor Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine American Heart Association Nitric Oxide Society Daniela Volonte, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor American Society of Cell Biology American Association for Cancer Research 130

Nobunao Wakabayashi, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry The Molecular Biology Society of Japan The Japan Biochemical Society American Association for Cancer Research American Society for Microbiology Q. Jane Wang, Ph.D. Associate Professor American society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics American Association for Cancer Research American Association for the Advancement of Science Stacy Gelhaus Wendell, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor American Society for Mass Spectrometry American Chemical Society National Postdoctoral Association Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology American Thoracic Society Steve Wendell, Ph.D. Assistant Professor National Postdoctoral Association Steven Woodcock, Ph.D. Research Instructor American Chemical Society Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine Lin Zhang, Ph.D. Associate Professor American Association for Cancer Research American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics


Three Year Bibliography


Bruce Freeman, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Fukuto JM, SJ Carrington, DJ Tantillo, JG Harrison, LJ Ignarro, BA Freeman, A Chen and DA Wink. Small molecule signaling agents: The integrated chemistry and biochemistry of nitrogen oxides, oxides of carbon, dioxygen, hydrogen sulfide and their derived species. Chemical Research in Toxicology 25:769-793, 2012. Khoo NK, N Cantu-Medellin, JE Devlin, CM St. Croix, SC Watkins, AM Fleming, HC Champion, RP Mason, BA Freeman and EE Kelley. Obesity-induced tissue free radical generation: An in vivo immuno-spin trapping study. Free Radic Biol Med 52:2312-2319, 2012. Nishida M, T Sawa, N Kitajima, K Ono, H Inoue, H Ihara, H Motohashi, M Yamamoto, M Suematsu, H. Kurose, A van der Vliet, BA Freeman, T Shibata, K Uchida, Y Kumagai and T Akaike. Hydrogen sulfide anion regulates redox signaling via electrophile sulfhydration. Nature Chemical Biology 8:714-724, 2012. Rothstein SN, JE Kay, FJ Schopfer, BA Freeman and SR Little. A retrospective mathematical analysis of controlled release design and experimentation. Molecular Pharmaceutics 9:3003-3011, 2012. Bonacci G, PRS Baker, SR Salvatore, D Shores, NKH Khoo, JR Koenitzer, DA Vitturi, SR Woodcock, F Golin-Bisello, MP Cole, S Watkins, C St. Croix, CI Batthyany, BA Freeman and FJ Schopfer. Conjugated linoleic acid is a preferential substrate for fatty acid nitration. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287:4407144082, 2012. Hammond VJ, AH Morgan, S Lauder, CP Thomas, S Brown, BA Freeman, CM Lloyd, J Davies, A Bush, AL Levonen, E Kansanen, L Villacorta,YE Chen, N Porter, YM Garcia-Diaz, FJ Schopfer and VB O’Donnell. Novel keto-phospholipids are generated by monocytes and macrophages, detected in cystic fibrosis, and activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ. J Biol Chem 287:41651-41666, 2012. Villacorta L, L Chang, SR Salvatore, T Ichikawa, J Zhang, D Petrovic-Djergovic, L Jia, H Carlsen, FJ Schopfer, BA Freeman and YE Chen. Electrophilic nitro-fatty acids inhibit vascular inflammation by disrupting LPS-dependent TLR4 signaling in lipid rafts. Cardiovasc Res 98:116-124, 2013. Fajt ML, SL Gelhaus, B Freeman, CE Uvalle, JB Trudeau, F Holguin and SE Wenzel. Prostaglandin D2 pathway upregulation: Relation to asthma severity, control, and TH2 inflammation. J Allergy Clin Immunol 131:1504-1512, 2013. Perez-Rosello T, CT Anderson, FJ Schopfer, YJ Zhao, D Gilad, SR Salvatore, BA Freeman, M Hershfinkel, E Aizenman and T Tzounopoulos. Synaptic Zn2+ inhibits neurotransmitter release by promoting endocannabinoid synthesis. Journal of Neuroscience 33:9259-9272, 2013. Gil M, M Graña, FJ Schopfer, T Wagner, A Denicola, BA Freeman, PM Alzari, C Batthyány and R Durán. Inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PknG by non-catalytic rubredoxin domain specific modification: Reaction of an electrophilic nitro-fatty acid with the Fe-S center. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 65:150161, 2013. Salvatore SR, DA Vitturi, PRS Baker, G Bonacci, JR Koenitzer, SR Woodcock, BA Freeman and FJ Schopfer. Characterization and quantification of endogenous fatty acid nitroalkene metabolites in human urine. Journal of Lipid Research 54:1998-2009, 2013. Vitturi DA, C-S Chen, SR Woodcock, SR Salvatore, G Bonacci, JR Koenitzer, NA Stewart, N Wakabayashi, TW Kensler, BA Freeman and FJ Schopfer. Modulation of nitro-fatty acid signaling: Prostaglandin reductase-1 is a nitroalkene reductase. J Biol Chem 288:25626-25637, 2013. Zhang X, KB Koronowski, L Lu, BA Freeman, S Woodcock and WC deGroat. Nitro-oleic acid desensitizes TRPA1 and TRPV1 agonist responses in adult rat DRG neurons. Experimental Neurology 251:12-21, 2014. 133

Turell L, H Botti, L Bonilla, MJ Torres, F Schopfer, BA Freeman, L Armas, A Ricciardi, B Alvarez and R Radi. HPLC separation of human serum albumin isoforms based on their isoelectric points. Journal of Chromatography B 944:144-151, 2014. Woodcock SR, SR Salvatore, G Bonacci, FJ Schopfer and BA Freeman. Biomimetic nitration of conjugated linoleic acid: Formation and characterization of naturally occurring conjugated nitrodienes. J Org Chem 79:25-33, 2014. Fazzari M, A Trostchansky, FJ Schopfer, SR Salvatore, B Sánchez-Calvo, D Vitturi, R Valderrama, JB Barroso, R Radi and BA Freeman. Olives and olive oil are sources of electrophilic fatty acid nitroalkenes. PLOS ONE 9:e84884, 2014. Kelley EE, J Baust, G Bonacci, F Golin-Bisello, JE Devlin, CM St. Croix, SC Watkins, S Gor, N CantuMedellin, ER Weidert, JC Frisbee, MT Gladwin, HC Champion, BA Freeman and NKH Khoo. Fatty acid nitroalkenes ameliorate glucose intolerance and pulmonary hypertension in high-fat diet-induced obesity. Cardiovascular Research 101:352-363, 2014. Cipollina C, SR Salvatore, MF Muldoon, BA Freeman and FJ Schopfer. Generation and dietary modulation of anti-inflammatorty electrophilic omega-3 fatty acid derivatives. PLOS ONE 9:1-13, 2014. Awwad K, SD Steinbrink, T Frömel, N Lill, J Isaak, A-K Häfner, J Roos, B Hofmann, H Heide, G Geisslinger, D Steinhilber, BA Freeman, TJ Maier and I Fleming. Electrophilic fatty acid species inhibit 5lipoxygenase and attenuate sepsis-induced pulmonary inflammation. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 20:2667-2680, 2014. Charles RL, O Rudyk, O Prysyazhna, A Kamyina, J Yang, C Morisseau, BD Hammock, BA Freeman and P Eaton. Protection from hypertension in mice by the Mediterranean diet is mediated by nitro fatty acid inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase. PNAS 111:8167-8172. Klinke A, A Möller, M Pekarova, T Ravekes, K Friedrichs, M Berlin, KM Scheu, L Kubala, H Kolarova, G Ambrozova, RT Schermuly, SR Woodcock, BA Freeman, S Rosenkranz, S Baldus, V Rudolph and TK Rudolph. Protective effects of 10-nitro-oleic acid in a hypoxia-induced model of pulmonary hypertension. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 51:155-162, 2014. Zhang X, JM Beckel, SL Daugherty, T Wang, SR Woodcock, BA Freeman and WC de Groat. Activation of TRPC channels contributes to OA-NO2-induced responses in guinea-pig dorsal root ganglion neurons. J Physiol 592:4297-4312, 2014. Delmastro-Greenwood M, BA Freeman and SG Wendell. Redox-dependent anti-inflammatory signaling actions of unsaturated fatty acids. Annu Rev Physiol 76:79-105, 2014. Daniel Altschuler, Ph.D. Associate Professor Wang B, Means CK, Yang Y, Mamonova T, Bisello A, Altschuler DL, Scott JD, Friedman PA. Ezrin-anchored protein kinase A coordinates phosphorylation-dependent disassembly of a NHERF1 ternary complex to regulate hormone-sensitive phosphate transport (2012) J Biol Chem. Jul 13;287(29): 24148-63. Kelly LM, Barila G, Liu P, Evdokimova V, Trivedi S, Panebianco F, Gandhi M, Carty SE, Hodak SP, Luo J, Dacic S, Yu YP, Nikiforova MN, Ferris RL, Altschuler DL and Nikiforov YE. Identification of the transforming STRN-ALK fusion as a potential therapeutic target in the aggressive forms of thyroid cancer. PNAS 111:4233-4238, 2014. 134

Palaniappa Arjunan, Ph.D. Research Instructor Chandrasekhar K, Wang J, Arjunan P, Sax M, Park YH, Nemeria N, Kumaran S, Song J, Jordan F and Furey W. Insight to the interaction of the E2 core with peripheral components in the Escherichia coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex via multifaceted structural approaches. J Biol Chem 288:15402-15417, 2013. Wang J, Nemeria N, Chandrasekhar K, Kumaran S, Arjunan P, Reynolds S, Calero G, Brukh R, Kakalis L, Furey W and Jordan F. Structure and function of the catalytic domain of the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase component in Escherichia coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. J Biol Chem 289:15212-15230, 2014. Arjunan P, Wang J, Nemeria N, Reynolds S, Brown I, Chandrasekhar K, Calero G, Jordan F and Furey W. Novel binding motif and new flexibility revealed by structural analyses of a pyruvate dehydrogeneasedihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase subcomplex from the Escherichia coli pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex. J Biol Chem 289:30161-30176, 2014. Dr. Alessandro Bisello Associate Professor Song GJ, Barrick S, Leslie KL, Bauer PM, Alonso V, Friedman PA, Fiaschi-Taesch NM, Bisello A. The Scaffolding Protein EBP50 Promotes Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Neointima Formation by Regulating Skp2 and p21cip1. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012 32(1):33-41. Wang B, Means CK, Yang Y, Mamonova T, Bisello A, Altschuler DL, Scott JD, Friedman PA. Ezrin-anchored protein kinase A coordinates phosphorylation-dependent disassembly of a NHERF1 ternary complex to regulate hormone-sensitive phosphate transport. J Biol Chem. 2012 287(29):24148-63. Song GJ, Leslie KL, Barrick S, Bougoin S, Taboas JM, Bisello A. EBP50 promotes focal adhesion turnover and vascular smooth muscle cells migration. J Mol Cell Cardiol 53:809-819, 2012. Al Ghouleh I, Frazziano G, Rodrigues AI, Csanyi G, Maniar S, St Croix CM, Kelley EE, Egana LA, Song GJ, Bisello A, Lee YJ, Pagano PJ. Aquaporin 1, Nox1 and Ask1 Mediate Oxidant-Induced Smooth Muscle Cell Hypertrophy. Cardiovasc Res. 97:134-142, 2013. Horwitz MJ, Augustine M, Kahn L, Martin E, Oakley CC, Carneiro RM, Tedesco MB, Laslavic A, Sereika SM, Bisello A, Garcia-Ocaña A, Gundberg CM, Cauley JA, Stewart AF. A comparison of parathyroid hormonerelated protein (1-36) and parathyroid hormone (1-34) on markers of bone turnover and bone density in postmenopausal women: the PrOP study. J Bone Miner Res. 2013 Nov;28(11):2266-76. Leslie KL, Song GJ, Barrick S, Wehbi VL, Vilardaga JP, Bauer PM, Bisello A. Ezrin-radixin-moesin-binding phosphoprotein 50 (EBP50) and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB): a feed-forward loop for systemic and vascular inflammation. J Biol Chem. 2013 Nov 6. [Epub ahead of print] Johnson LM, Barrick S, Hager MV, McFedries A, Homan EA, Rabaglia ME, Keller MP, Attie AD, Saghatelian A, Bisello A and Gellman SH. A potent α/β-peptide analogue of GLP-1 with prolonged action in vivo. J Am Chem Soc 136:12848-12851, 2014. Dinara Bulgari, Ph.D. Research Instructor 135

Bulgari D, Hewes RS, Deitcher DL and Levitan ES. Vesicle capture produces differences in nerve terminal neuropeptide stores. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 11:3597-3601, 2014. Li L, Tian X, Zhu M, Bulgari D, Böhme MA, Goettfert F, Wichmann C, Sigrist SJ, Levitan ES and Wu C. Drosophila Syd-1, liprin-α, and protein phosphatase 2A B’ subunit Wrd function in a linear pathway to prevent ectopic accumulation of synaptic materials in distal axons. Journal of Neuroscience 34:8474-8487, 2014.

Eugenia Cifuentes-Pagano, Ph.D. Research Instructor Cifuentes-Pagano E, Csanyi G and Pagano PJ. NADPH oxidase inhibitors: A Decade of Discovery from Nox2ds to HTS. Cell Mol Life Sci. 69(14):2315-25. 2012 Grubisha M, Cifuentes-Pagano E, Hammes S and DeFranco DB. A local paracrine and endocrine network involving TGFβ, Cox-2, ROS and estrogen receptor beta influences reactive stromal cell regulation of prostate cancer cell motility. Mol Endocrinol. 26(6):940-54. 2012 Epub 2012 May 16 Cifuentes-Pagano E, Saha J, Csányi G, Al Ghouleh I, Sahoo S, Rodríguez A, Wipf P, Pagano PJ and Skoda EM. Bridged tetrahydroisoquinolines as selective NADPH oxidase 2 (Nox2) inhibitors. Med. Chem. Commun., 4, 1085-1092, 2013. Cifuentes-Pagano E, Meijles DN and Pagano PJ. The Quest for Selective Nox Inhibitors and Therapeutics: Challenges, Triumphs and Pitfalls. Antioxid Redox Signal 20:2741-2754, 2014. Donald DeFranco, Ph.D. Professor Grubisha MJ, Cifuentes ME, Hammes S, DeFranco DB. A local paracrine and endocrine network involving TGFβ, Cox-2, ROS and estrogen receptor beta impacts reactive stromal cell regulation of prostate cancer cell motility. Mol. Endocrinol. 26, 940-954, 2012. Sen A, De Castro I, DeFranco DB, Deng F-M, Jonathan Melamed3, Kapur J, Raj GV, Rossi R, Stephen R Hammes SR. Paxillin regulates prostate cancer proliferation by serving as a liaison between extranuclear kinase signaling and intranuclear transcription. J Clin. Invest. 122, 2469-2481, 2012. Patel VP, DeFranco DB, Chu CT. Altered transcription factor trafficking in oxidatively stressed neuronal cells. Biochem. Biophys. ACTA 1822, 1773-1782, 2012. Indyk JA, Candido-Vitto C, Wolf IM, Venkatarman S, Munor B, Saladino RA, Witchel SF, DeFranco DB. Altered glucocorticoid signaling in children with critical illnesses: Reduced glucocorticoid receptor protein expression and increased free cortisol concentration. Horm Res Pediatr 79:169-178, 2013. Grubisha MJ, DeFranco DB. Local endocrine, paracrine and redox signaling networks impact estrogen and androgen crosstalk in the prostate cancer microenvironment. Steroids 78:538-541, 2013. Funahashi Y, O’Malley K, Kawamorita N, Tyagi O, DeFranco D, Takahashi R, Gotoh M, Wang Z and Yoshimura N. Upregulation of androgen-responsive genes and transforming growth factor-ß1 cascade genes in a rat model of non-bacterial prostatic inflammation. Prostate 74:337-345, 2014. 136

Tsiarli MA, Monaghan-Nichols AP and DeFranco DB. Differential subcellular localization of the glucocorticoid receptor in distinct neural stem and progenitor populations of the mouse telencephalon in vivo. Brain Research 1523:10-27, 2014. Peffer ME, Chandran UR, Luthra S, Volonte D, Galbiati F, Garabedian MJ, Monaghan-Nichols AP and DeFranco DB. Caveolin-1 regulates genomic action of the glucocorticoid receptor in neural stem cells. Mol. Cell. Biol. 34:2611-2623, 2014. Leach DA, Need EF, Trotta AP, Grubisha MJ, DeFranco DB and Buchanan G. Hic-5 influences genomic and nongenomic actions of androgen receptor in prostate in myofibroblasts. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 384:185-199, 2014. Solomon J, Heitzer MD, Liu TT, Beumer JH, Parise RA, Normolle DP, Leach DA, Buchanan G and DeFranco DB. Vitamin D receptor activity is differentially affected by the coregulator Hic-5 in prostate cancer and stromal cells. Mol. Cancer Res. 12:1166–1180, 2014. Samarasinghe RA, Kanuparthi PS, Greenamyre JT, *DeFranco DB and Di Maio R. Transient muscarinic and glutamatergic stimulation of neural stem cells trigger acute and persistent changes in differentiation. Neurobiol. Disease 70:252-261, 2014. *Corresponding and co-senior author. W. Chet de Groat, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor Buyuknacar, H.S.G., Eser, N., Gocman, C., de Groat, W.C., Kumcu, E.K., Ertug, P.U. and Onder, S. Prejunctional facilitatory effect of a thio-alkylation agent N-ethylmaleimide on neurogenic contactions in rat prostate smooth muscle. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 31:579-585, 2012. Tai, C., Chen, M., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., and de Groat, W.C. Inhibition of bladder overactivity by stimulation of feline pudendal nerve using transdermal amplitude modulated signal (TAMS). British Journal of Urology International, 109:782-787. 2012 Tai, C., Shen, B., Wang, J., Liu, H., Subbaroyan, J., Roppolo, J.R. and de Groat W.C. Bladder inhibition by intermittent pudendal nerve stimulation in cat using transdermal amplitude-modulated signal (TAMS). Neurology and Urodynamics, 31:1181-1184, 2012. Tai, C., Larson, J.A., Ogagan, P.D., Chen, G., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R. and de Groat W.C. Differential role of opioid receptors in tibial nerve inhibition of nociceptive and non-nociceptive bladder reflexes in cats. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 302:F1090-F1097, 2012 Tai, C., P. Ogagan, D., Chen, G., Larson, J., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R. and de Groat, W. C. Involvement of opioid receptors in inhibition of bladder overactivity induced by foot stimulation in cats. Journal of Urology, 188:1012-1016, 2012. Yoshikawa, S., Oguchi, T., Funahashi, Y., de Groat, W.C. and Yoshiumra, N. Glycine transporter type 2 (GlyT2) inhibitor ameliorates bladder overactivity and nociceptive behavior in rats. European Urology, 62:704712, 2012. Zhang, F., Mally, A.D., Ogagan, P. D., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J. R., de Groat, W.C. and Tai, C. Inhibition of bladder overactivity by a combination of tibial neuromodulation and tramadol treatment in cats. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology, 302: F1576-1582, 2012. 137

Zhang, X., Pietra, C., Lovati, E., and de Groat, W.C. Activation of neurokinin-1 receptors increases the excitability of guinea pig dorsal root ganglion cells. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 343: 44-52, 2012. Tai, C., Shen, B., Mally, A.D., Zhang, F., Zhao, S., Wang, J., Roppolo, J. R., and de Groat, W.C., Inhibition of micturition reflex by activation of somatic afferents in posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. Journal of Physiology (London) 590: 4945-4955, 2012. Mally, A.D., Zhang, F., Matsuta, Y., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C. and Tai, C. Combination of foot stimulation and tramadol treatment reverses irritation induced bladder overactivity in cats. Journal of Urology, 188:2426-2432, 2012. Kitta, T., Chancellor, M.B., de Groat, W.C., Kuno, S., Nonomura, K. and Yoshimura, N. Suppression of bladder overactivity by adenosine A2A receptor antagonist in a rat model of Parkinson Disease. Journal of Urology, 187, 1890-1897, 2012. Ikeda Y, Zabbarova IV, Birder LA, de Groat WC, McCarthy CJ, Hanna-Mitchell AT, Kanai AJ. Botulinum neurotoxin serotype A suppresses neurotransmitter release from afferent as well as efferent nerves in the urinary bladder. European Urology, 62:1157-1164, 2012 Yokoyama, H., Oguchi, T., Goins, W.F., Goss, J.R., Nishizawa, O., de Groat, W.C., Wolfe D, Krisky DM, Glorioso J, Yoshimura N. Effects of herpes simplex virus vector-mediated enkephalin gene therapy on bladder overactivity and nociception. Human Gene Therapy. 24: 170-180, 2013. de Groat W. C. and Wickens, C., Organization of the neural switching circuitry underlying reflex micturition. Acta Physiologica, 207: 66-84, 2013. Fitzgerald, J., Ustinova, E., Koronowski, K., de Groat, W.C. and Pezzone, M. Evidence for the role of mast cells in bowel-bladder cross organ sensitization. Autonomic Neuroscience Basic and Clinical, 173: 6-13, 2013. Yu, Y. and de Groat, W.C. Nitric oxide modulates bladder afferent nerve activity in the in vitro urinary bladderpelvic nerve preparation from rats with cyclophosphamide induced cystitis. Brain Research, 1490: 83-94, 2013. Yoshiyama, M., Roppolo, J.R., Takeda, M. and de Groat, W. C. Effects of urethane on reflex activity of lower urinary tract in decerebrate unanesthetized rats. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology, 304: F390F396, 2013. Miyazato M, Oshiro T, Chancellor MB, de Groat WC, Yoshimura N, Saito S. An alpha1-adrenoceptor blocker terazosin improves urine storage function in the spinal cord in spinal cord injured rats. Life Sciences, 98: 12530, 2013. Zhang, F., Zhao, S., Shen, B., Wang, J., Nelson, D.E., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C. and Tai, C. Neural Pathways Involved in Sacral Neuromodulation of Reflex Bladder Activity in Cats. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology, 304:F710-F717, 2013. Matsuta, Y., Schwen, Z., Abhijith, M.D., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C. and Tai C. Effect of methysergide on pudendal inhibition of micturition reflex in cats. Experimental Neurology, 247: 250-258, 2013. 138

Mally, A.D., Matsuta, Y., Zhang, F., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W. C. and Tai, C. Role of opioid and metabotropic glutamate 5 receptors in pudendal inhibition of bladder overactivity in cats. Journal of Urology, 189: 1574-1579, 2013. Matsuta, Y., Mally, A., Zhang, F., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J., de Groat, W. C. and Tai, C., Contribution of opioid and metabotropic glutamate receptor mechanisms to inhibition of bladder overactivity by tibial nerve stimulation. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology, 305: R126-133, 2013. Schwen, Z., Matsuta, Y., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C. and Tai C. Involvement of 5-HT3 receptors in pudendal inhibition of bladder overactivity in cats. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology, 305: F663-F671, 2013. Takahashi, R., Yunoki, T., Naito, S., de Groat, W.C. and Yoshimura, N. Hyperexcitability of bladder afferent neurons associated with reduction of Kv 1.4 α-subunit in rats with spinal cord injury. Journal of Urology, 190: 2296-2304, 2013. Zhang, X., Koronowski, K.B., Li, L., Freeman, B.A., Woodcock, S. and de Groat, W.C. Nitro-oleic acid desensitizes TRPA1 and TRPV1 agonist responses in adult rat DRG neurons. Experimental Neurology, 251: 1221, 2013. de Groat W. C. Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction: From Basic Science to Clinical Management, Foreward to a Special Issue of the International Journal of Urology. 20:3, 2013. de Groat, W.C. Highlights in Basic Autonomic Neuroscience: Contribution of the Urothelium to Sensory Mechansims in the Urinary Bladder. Autonomic Neuroscience, 177: 67-71, 2013. de Groat, W.C. Neural Control of the Urinary Bladder, Chapter 9. IN: Autonomic Failure, A Textbook of Clinical Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System, 5th Edition. Eds. C.J. Mathias and R. Bannister. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. 108-118, 2013. Soler, R. M., Chancellor, M. B., Andersson, K-E., Chapple, C., de Groat, W.C., Drake, M., Lee, R. I., Gratzke, C. Future direction in pharmacotherapy for non-neurogenic male LUTS. European Urology, 64:610-621, 2013. Zhang, X., Koronowski, K.B., Li, L., Freeman, B.A., Woodcock, S. and de Groat, W.C. Nitro-oleic acid desensitizes TRPA1 and TRPV1 agonist responses in adult rat DRG neurons. Experimental Neurology, 251: 1221, 2014. Chen, M.L., Chermansky, C.J., Shen, B., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C. and Tai, C. Electrical Stimulation of somatic afferent nerves in the foot increases bladder capacity in healthy human subjects. Journal of Urology, 191(4): 1009-1013, 2014. Schwen, Z., Matsuta, Y., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C. Inhibition of bladder overactivity by duloxetine in combination with foot stimulation or WAY100635 treatment in cats. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 305: F1663-F1668, 2013. Matsuta, Y., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C., Tai, C. Poststimulation inhibition of the micturition reflex induced by tibial nerve stimulation in rats. Physiological Reports, 2: e00205, 2014.


Cheng, C.L. and de Groat, W.C. Effects of agonists for estrogen receptor α and β on overiectomy-induced lower urinary tract dysfunction in the rat. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 306: F181-F187, 2014. Reese, J., Xiao, Z., Schwen, Z., Matsuta, Y., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C., Tai, C., Effects of duloxetine and WAY100635 on pudendal inhibition of bladder overactivity in cats. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 349: 402-407, 2014. Theriault, O., Poulin, H., Sculptoreanu, A., de Groat, W.C., O’Leary, M.E., Chahine, M., Modulation of peripheral Na+ channels and neuronal firing by n-butyl-p-aminobenzoate. European Journal of Pharmacology, 727:158-166, 2014. Xiao, Z., Reese, J., Schwen, Z., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C., Tai, C., Role of spinal GABAA receptors in pudendal inhibition of nociceptive and nonnociceptive bladder reflexes in cats. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 306: F781-F789, 2014. Yang, G., Wang, J., Shen, B., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C., Tai, C. Pudendal nerve stimulation and block by a wireless controlled implantable stimulator in cats. Neuromodulation, 17: 490-496, 2014. Zhao, S., Yang, G., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C., Tai, C. Effect of non-symmetric waveform on conduction block induced by high-frequency (kHz) biphasic stimulation in unmyelinated axon. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 37: 377-386, 2014. Kullmann, F.A., Daugherty, S.L., de Groat, W.C., and Birder, L.A. Bladder smooth muscle strip contractility as a method to evaluate lower urinary tract pharmacology. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 90: e51807, 2014. Xiao, Z., Rogers, M. J., Shen B.,Wang, J., Schwen Z., Roppolo J.R, de Groat W.C., and Tai C. Somatic modulation of spinal reflex bladder activity mediated by nociceptive bladder afferent nerve fibers in cats. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology, Physiology 307: F673-F679, 2014. Tyagi, P., Smith, P.P., Kuchel, G.A., de Groat, W.C., Birder, L.A., Chermansky, C.J., Adam, R.M, Tse, V., Chancellor, M.B., and Yoshimura, N. Pathophysiology and animal modeling of underactive bladder. International Urology and Nephrology, 46: 11-21, 2014.

Julie Eiseman, Ph.D. Research Professor Parise RA, BN Anyang, JL Eiseman, MJ Egorin, JM Covey and JH Beumer. Formation of active products of benzaldehyde dimethane sulfonate (NSC 281612, DMS612) in human blood and plasma and their activity against renal cell carcinoma lines. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 71:73-83, 2013. Guo J, DM Clausen, JH Beumer, RA Parise, MJ Egorin, K Bravo-Altamirano, P Wipf, ER Sharlow, QJ Wang and JL Eiseman. In vitro cytotoxicity, pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, and metabolism of small-molecule protein kinase D inhibitors, kb-NB142-70 and kb-DN1645-09, in mice bearing human cancer xenografts. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 71:331-344, 2013. Parise RA, JH Beumer, DM Clausen, LH Rigatti, JA Ziegler, M Gasparetto, CA Smith and JL Eiseman. Effects of the aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor disulfiram on the plasma pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and toxicity of benzaldehyde dime. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 72:1195-1204, 2013. 140

Master A, A Malamas, R. Solanki, DM Clausen, JL Eiseman and A Sen Gupta. A cell-targeted photodynamic nanomedicine strategy for head and neck cancers. Mol Pharm 10:1988-1997, 2013.

Peter Friedman, Ph.D. Professor Friedman PA. Bisphosphonates: How Long Is Enough (Update). In: Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (12 ed.), edited by Brunton LL, Chabner BA and Knollmann BC. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. Mamonova T, Kurnikova M, and Friedman PA. Structural basis for NHERF1 PDZ domain binding affinity. Biochemistry 51: 3110-3120, 2012. Wang B, Means CK, Yang Y, Mamonova T, Bisello A, Altschuler DL, Scott JD, and Friedman PA. Ezrinanchored PKA coordinates phosphorylation-dependent disassembly of a NHERF1 ternary complex to regulate hormone-sensitive phosphate transport. J Biol Chem 287: 24148-24163, 2012. Song GJ, Barrick S, Leslie KL, Bauer PM, Alonso V, Friedman PA, Fiaschi-Taesch N, and Bisello A. The scaffolding protein EBP50 promotes vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and neointima formation by regulating Skp2 and p21cip1. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 32: 33-41, 2012. Friedman PA and Bushinsky DA. Renal Tubular Physiology of Calcium Excretion. In: Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism (8 ed.), edited by Rosen CJ. Washington, DC: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 2012. Wang B, Yang Y, Liu L, Blair HC, and Friedman PA. NHERF1 regulation of PTH-dependent bimodal Pi transport in osteoblasts. Bone 52: 268-277, 2013. Friedman PA. Physiological Actions of PTH II: Renal Actions. In: The Parathyroids, 3rd Edition, edited by Bilezikian JP, Marcus R, Silverberg SJ Marcocci C Levine MA and Potts JT Jr. San Diego: Elsevier, 153-174, 2014.

William Furey, Ph.D. Professor Whitley M, W Furey, S Kollipara and A Gronenborn. Burkholderia oklahomensis agglutinin is a canonical two-domain OAA-family lectin: Structures, carbohydrate binding, and anti-HIV activity. FEBS Journal 280:2056-2067, 2013. Chandrasekhar K, J Wang, P Arjunan, M Sax, Y Park, N Nemeria, S Kumaran, J Song, F Jordan and W Furey. Insight to the interaction of the dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (E2) core with the peripheral components in the Escherichia coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex via multifaceted structural approaches. J Biol Chem 288:15402-15417, 2013. Wang J, N Nemeria, K Chandrasekhar, S Kumaran, P Arjunan, S Reynolds, G Calero, R Brukh, L Kakalis, W Furey and F Jordan. Structure and function of the catalytic domain of the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase component in Escherichia coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. J Biol Chem 289:15215-15230, 2014. 141

Patel M, N Nemeria, W Furey and F Jordan. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes: Structure-based function and regulation. J Biol Chem 289:16615-16623, 2014. Arjunan P, J Wang, N Nemeria, S Reynolds, I Brown, K Chandrasekhar, G Calero, F Jordan and W Furey. Novel binding motif and new flexibility revealed by structural analyses of a pyruvate dehydrogeneasedihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase sub-complex from the Escherichia coli pyruvate dehydrogenease multienzyme complex. J Biol Chem 289:30161-30176, 2014.

Ferruccio Galbiati, Ph.D. Associate Professor Zou, H., Volonte, D. and Galbiati, F. 2012. Interaction of caveolin-1 with Ku70 inhibits Bax-mediated apoptosis. PLoS ONE, 7(6):e39379. Volonte, D., Liu, Z., Musille, P.M., Stoppani, E., Wakabayashi, N., Di, Y.P., Lisanti, M.P., Kensler, T.W., and Galbiati, F. 2013. Inhibition of nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) by caveolin-1 promotes stressinduced premature senescence. Mol. Biol. Cell, 24(12):1852-1862. Salem, A.F., Al-Zoubi, M.S., Whitaker-Menezes, D., Martinez-Outschoorn, U.E., Lamb, R., Hulit, J., Howell, A., Gandara, R., Sartini, M., Galbiati, F., Bevilacqua, G., Sotgia, F., and Lisanti, M.P. 2013. Cigarette smoke metabolically promotes cancer, via autophagy and premature aging in the host stromal microenvironment. Cell Cycle, 12(5):818-825. Peffer ME, UR Chandran,, S Luthra, D Volonte, F Galbiati, MJ Garabedian, AP Monaghan and DB DeFranco. Caveolin-1 regulates genomic action of the glucocorticoid receptor in neural stem cells. Mol Cell Biol 34:26112623, 2014. Eun-Ryeong Hahm, Ph.D. Instructor Sakao K, Desineni S, Hahm ER, Singh SV. Phenethyl isothiocyanate suppresses inhibitor of apoptosis family protein expression in prostate cancer cells in culture and in vivo. Prostate. 72:1104-1116, 2012. Xiao D, Bommareddy A, Kim SH, Sehrawat A, Hahm ER, Singh SV. Benzyl isothiocyanate causes FoxO1mediated autophagic death in human breast cancer cells. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e32597 Singh SV, Kim SH, Sehrawat A, Arlotti JA, Hahm ER, Sakao K, Beumer JH, Jankowitz RC, Chandra-Kuntal K, Lee J, Powolny AA, Dhir R. Biomarkers of phenethyl isothiocyanate-mediated mammary cancer chemoprevention in a clinically relevant mouse model. J Natl Cancer Inst. 104(16):1228-1239, 2012. Hahm ER, Singh SV. Withaferin A-induced apoptosis in human breast cancer cells is associated with suppression of inhibitor of apoptosis family protein expression. Cancer Lett. 2012 Aug 27. [Epub ahead of print] Eun-Ryeong Hahm, Kumar Chandra-Kuntal, Dhimant Desai, Shantu Amin, Shivendra V. Singh. Notch Activation Is Dispensable for D, L-Sulforaphane-Mediated Inhibition of Human Prostate Cancer Cell Migration. PLoSONE 7(9) e44957, 2012.


Zhu J, Ghosh A, Coyle EM, Lee J, Hahm ER, Singh SV, Sarkar SN. Differential Effects of Phenethyl Isothiocyanate and D,L-Sulforaphane on TLR3 Signaling. J Immunol. 190(8):4400-4407, 2013. ER Hahm, SV Singh, Autophagy fails to alter withaferin A-mediated lethality in human breast cancer cells. Curr. Cancer Drug Targets, 13(6):640-650, 2013. Sakao K, Hahm ER, and Singh SV. In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of Phenethyl Isothiocyanate Treatment on Vunentin Protein Expression in Cancer Cells. Nut. Cancer. 65(Sl):61-67, 2013 Hahm ER, Lee J, Kim SH, Sehrawat A, Arlotti JA, Shiva SS, Bhargava R and Singh SV. Metabolic alterations in manunary cancer prevention by withaferin A in a clinically-relevant mouse model. J. Natl. Cancer Inst 105(15):1111-1122, 2013. Avani RV, ER Hahm, JA Arlotti, S Watkins, DB Stolz, DP Normolle, D Desai, S Amin, and SV Singh. Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer by D,L-Sulforaphane Is Augmented by Pharmacological Inhibition of Autophagy in a Transgenic Mouse Model. Cancer Res. 73(19):5985-5995, 2013. Antony ML, J Lee, ER Hahm, AI Marcus, V Kuamri, X Ji, Z Yang, P Wipf, G Uechi, NS Yates, G Romero and SV Singh. Growth arrest by the antitumor steroidal lactone withaferin A in human breast cancer cells is associated with covalent binding at cysteine-303 of β-tubulin. J Bio Chem 29:1852-1865, 2014. Hahm ER and SV Singh. Diallyl trisulfice inhibits estrogen receptor-α activity in human breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat 144:47-57, 2014. Tailor D, ER Hahm, RK Kale, SV Singh and RP Singh. Sodium butyrate induces DRP1-mediated mitochondrial fusion and apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells. Mitochondrion 16:56-64, 2014. Hahm ER, K Sakao and SV Singh. Honokiol activates reactive oxygen species-mediated cytoprotective autophagy in human prostate cancer cells. Prostate 74:1209-1221, 2014. Ryan Hartmaier, Ph.D. Research Instructor Coronnello C, R Hartmaier, A Arora, L Huleihel, KV Pandit, AS Bais, M Butterworth, N Kaminski, GD Stormo, S Oesterreich and PV Benos . Novel modeling of combinatorial miRNA targeting identifies SNP with potential role in bone density. PLoS Computational Biology 8:e1002830, 2012. Osmanbeyoglu HU, RJ Hartmaier, S Oesterreich and X Lu. Improving ChIP-seq peak-calling for functional co-regulator binding by integrating multiple sources of biological information. BMC Genomics 13:S1, 2012. Hartmaier RJ, AS Richter, RM Gillihan, JZ Sallit, SE McGuire, J Wang, AV Lee, CK Osborne, BW O’Malley, PH Brown, J Xu, TC Skaar, S Philips, JM Rae, F Azzouz, L Li, J Hayden, NL Henry, AT Nguyen , V Stearns, DF Hayes, DA Flockhart and S Oesterreich . A SNP in steroid receptor coactivator-1 disrupts a GSK3ß phosphorylation site and is associated with altered tamoxifen response in bone. Molecular Endocrinology 26:220-227, 2012. Smith CL, I Migliaccio, V Chaubal, MF Wu, MC Pace, R Hartmaier, S Jiang, DP Edwards, MC Gutiérrez, SG Hilsenbeck and S Oesterreich . Elevated nuclear expression of the SMRT corepressor in breast cancer is associated with earlier tumor recurrence. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 136:253-265, 2012.


Jing Hu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gao C, C Guangming, R Romero, S Moschos, X Xu and J Hu. Induction of Gsk3β ubiquitination is required for the activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. J Biol Chem 289:7099-7108, 2014. Chen LZ, XY Li, H Huang, W Xing, W Guo, J He, ZY Sun, AX Luo, HP Liang, J Hu, X Xu, YS Xu and ZG Wang. SUMO-2 promotes mRNA translation by enhancing interaction between eIF4E and eIF4G. PLoS One 9:e100457, 2014.

Yi Huang, M.D., Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Huang Y, Vasilatos S, Boric L, Shaw PW, Davidson NE. Inhibitors of histone demethylation and histone deacetylation cooperate in regulating gene expression and inhibiting growth in human breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 131:777-89, 2012. Zhu Q, Huang Y, Marton LJ, Woster PM, Davidson NE, Casero RA. Polyamine analogues modulate gene expression by inhibiting LSD1/KDM1 and altering chromatin structure in human breast cancer cells. Amino Acids, 42:887-98, 2012. Sharma SK, Hazeldine S, Crowley ML, Hanson A, Beattie R, Varghese S, Senanayake TMD, Hirata A, Hirata F, Huang Y, Wu Y, Steinbergs N, Murray-Stewart T, Bytheway I, Casero RA, Woster PM. Polyamine-based small molecule epigenetic modulators. Med. Chem. Commun., 3:14-21, 2012. Jin K, Kong X, Shah T, Penet MF, Wildes F, Sgroi DC, Ma XJ, Huang Y, Kallioniemi A, Landberg G, Bieche I, Wu X, Lobie PE, Davidson NE, Bhujwalla ZM, Zhu T, Sukumar S.. HOXB7 renders breast cancer resistant to tamoxifen through activation of the EGFR pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109:2736-41, 2012. Hu D, Zhou Z, Davidson NE, Huang Y, Wan Y. Novel insight into KLF4 proteolytic regulation in estrogen receptor signaling and breast carcinogenesis. J. Biol. Chem., 287:13584-97, 2012. Zhu Q, Jin L, Casero RA, Davidson NE, Huang Y. Role of ornithine decarboxylase in regulation of estrogen receptor alpha expression and growth in human breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 136:57-66, 2012. Katz TA, SV Vasilatos, S Oesterreich, NE Davidson and Y Huang. Inhibition of histone demethylase, LSD2 (KDM1B), attenuates DNA methylation and increases sensitivity to DNMT inhibitor-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat 146:99-108, 2014. Katz TA, Y Huang, NE Davidson and JC Jankowitz. Epigenetic reprogramming in breast cancer: From new targets to new therapies. Annals of Medicine 46:397-408, 2014. Edwin Jackson, Ph.D. Professor Jackson, E.K., Cheng, D., Tofovic, S.P., and Mi, Z.: Endogenous adenosine contributes to renal sympathetic neurotransmission via postjunctional A1-receptor-mediated coincident signaling. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology 302: F466-FF76, 2012. PMC3289416 144

Drabek, T., Janata, A, Jackson, E.K., End, B., Stezoskia, J., Vagnia, V., Janesko-Feldman, K., van Rooijene, N., Samuel A. Tisherman, S.A., Kochanek, P.M.: Microglial depletion using intrahippocampal injection of liposome-encapsulated clodronate in prolonged hypothermic cardiac arrest in rats. Resuscitation 83: 517-526, 2012. Verrier, J.D., Jackson, T.C., Kochanek, P.M., and Jackson, E.K.: The brain in vivo expresses the 2’,3’-cAMPadenosine pathway. Journal of Neurochemistry 122: 115-125, 2012. PMC3371318 Mandapathil, M., Szczepanski, M.J., Harasymczuk, M., Ren, J., Cheng, D., Jackson, E.K., Gorelik, E., Jonas T. Johnson, J.T., Lang, S, and Whiteside, T.L.: CD26 expression and adenosine deaminase activity in regulatory T cells (Treg) and CD4+ T effector cells in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. OncoImmunology 1: 659-669, 2012. PMC3429570 Zhang, L., Franchini, M., Eser, M.W., Jackson, E.K., and Dip, R.: Increased adenosine concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of horses with lower airway inflammation. The Veterinary Journal 193, 268-270, 2012. Prakasam, H.S., Herrington, H., Ropollo, J., Jackson, E.K., and Apodaca, G.: Modulation of bladder function by adenosine turnover and A1 receptor activation. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology 303: F279F292, 2012. PMC3404591 Jackson, E.K., Kochanek, S.J., and Gillespie, D.G.: Dipeptidyl peptidase IV regulates proliferation of preglomerular vascular smooth muscle and mesangial cells. Hypertension 60: 757-764, 2012. PMC3422672 Jackson, E.K., and Gillespie, D.G.: Extracellular 2’,3’-cAMP and 3’,5’-cAMP stimulate proliferation of preglomerular vascular endothelial cells and renal epithelial cells. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology 303: F954-F962, 2012. PMC Journal-in Process Jackson, E.K., Cheng, D., Mi, Z., Verrier, D., Janesko-Fledman, K., and Kochanek, P.M.: Role of A1 receptors in renal sympathetic neurotransmission in the mouse kidney. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 303, F1000-F1005, 2012 Kochanek, P.M., Verrier, J.D., Wagner, A.K. and Jackson, E.K.: The many roles of adenosine in traumatic brain injury. In: Adenosine: A Key Link Between Metabolism and Central Nervous System Activity, Editied by Detlev Boison and Susan Masino, Springer, New York, pages 307-322, 2012 Jackson, E.K., and Gillespie, D.G.: Extracellular 2’,3’-cAMP-adenosine pathway in proximal tubular, thick ascending limb and collecting duct epithelial cells. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 304: F49-F55, 2013. Jackson, E.K., Cheng, D., Jackson, T.C., Verrier, J.D., and Delbert G. Gillespie. Extracellular guanosine regulates extracellular adenosine levels. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 304: C406-C421, 2013. Cheng, D., Zhu, X., Gillespie, G.D., and Jackson, E.K.: Role of RACK1 in the differential proliferative effects of neuropeptide Y1-36 and peptide YY1-36 in SHR versus WKY preglomerular vascular smooth muscle cells. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 304: F770-F780, 2013. Schuler, P.J., Macatangay, B.J.C., Saze, Z., Jackson, E.K., Riddler, S.A., Buchanan, W.G., Hilldorfer, B.B., Mellors, J.W., Whiteside, T.L., and Rinaldo, C.R.: CD4+CD73+ T cells are associated with lower T cell 145

activation and CRP levels and are depleted in HIV-1 infection regardless of viral suppression. AIDS 27:1545– 1555, 2013. . Kochanek, P.M., Dixon, C.E., Shellington, D.K., Shin, S., Bayir, H., Jackson, E.K., Kagan, V.E., Yan, H.Q., Swauger, P.V., Parks, S.A., Rizel, D.V., Bauman, R., Clark, R.S.B., Garman, R.H., Bandak, F., and Jenkins, L.W.: Screening of biochemical and molecular mechanisms of secondary injury and repair in brain after experimental blast-induced traumatic brain injury in rats. Journal of Neurotrauma 30: 920-937, 2013. Saze, Z., Schuler, P.J., Hong, C-S., Cheng, D., Jackson, E.K., Theresa L Whiteside,, T.L.: Adenosine production by human B cells and B cell-mediated suppression of activated T cells. Blood 122: 9-18, 2013. Jackson, E.K., and Gillespie, D.G.: Regulation of cell proliferation by the guanosine-adenosine mechanism: role of adenosine receptors. Physiological Reports 1: e00024, 2013. Jackson, E.K., and Mi, Z.: In Vivo Cardiovascular Pharmacology of 2’,3’-cAMP, 2’-AMP, and 3’-AMP in the Rat. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 346: 190-200, 2013. Erickson, C.E., Gul, R., Blessing, C.P., Nguyen, J., Pulakat, L., Bastepe,M., Jackson, E.K., and Andresen, B.T. The β-blocker nebivolol is a GRK/β-arrestin biased agonist. PLOS ONE 8:e71980, 2013. Verrier, J.D., Jackson, T.C., Gillespie, D.G., Janesko-Feldman, K., Bansal, R., Nave, A-K., Kochanek, P.M., and Jackson, E.K.: Oligodendrocyte expressed CNPase is essential to the extracellular 2’,3’-cAMP-adenosine pathway. GLIA 61: 1595-1606, 2013.. Yoshida, O., Kimura, S., Jackson, E.K., Robson, S.C., Geller, D.A., Murase, N., and Thomson, A.W.: CD39 expression by hepatic myeloid dendritic cells attenuates inflammation in liver transplant ischemia-reperfusion injury. Hepatology 58: 2163-2175, 2013. Jackson, E.K., Cheng, D., Mi, Z., Verrier, J.D., Janesko-Feldman, K., and Kochanek, P.M.: Role of CD73 in renal sympathetic neurotransmission in the mouse kidney. Physiological Reports 1: e00057, 2013. Tofovic, S.P., and Jackson, E.K.: Complexities of oestradiol pharmacology in pulmonary arterial hypertension. European Respiratory Journal 41: 1465-1466, 2013. Whiteside, T.L., and Jackson, E.K.: Adenosine and prostaglandin E2 production by inducible regulatory T cells (iTreg) in human cancer. Frontiers in Immunological 4: 1-8, 2013. Jackson, T.C., Verrier, J.D., Drabek, T., Janesko-Feldman, K., Gillespie, D.G., Uray, T., Dezfulian, C., Clark, R.S., Bayir, H., Jackson, E.K., and Kochanek, P.M.: Pharmacological inhibition of pleckstrin homology domain leucine-rich repeat protein phosphatase is neuroprotective: differential effects of astrocytes. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 347: 516-528, 2013. Forman, M.B., Zhang, J., Wu, S., Mi, Z., Hou, D., and Jackson, E.K.: Development of a novel adenosine eluting guidewire (Adenowire) for coronary vasodilation during percutaneous coronary intervention. EuroIntervention 9: 1323-1332, 2014. Jackson, E.K., Cheng, D., Mi, Z., and Gillespie, D.G.: Guanosine regulates adenosine levels in the kidney. Physiological Reports 2, e12028, 2014.


Jackson, E.K., Gillespie, D.G., Mi, Z., Cheng, D., Bansal, R., Janesko-Feldman, K., and Kochanek, P.M.: Role of 2’,3’-cyclic nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase in the renal 2’,3’-cAMP-adenosine pathway. American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 307: F14-F24, 2014. Forman, M.B., Gillespie, D.G., Cheng, D., and Jackson, E.K.: A novel adenosine precursor 2’,3’-cyclic adenosine monophosphate inhibits formation of post-surgical adhesions. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 59: 2118-2125, 2014. Schuler, P.J., Saze, Z, Hong, C-S., Muller, L., Gillespie, D.G., Cheng, D., Harasymczuk, M., Mandapathil, M., Lang, S., Jackson, E.K., and Whiteside, T.L.: Human CD4+CD39+ regulatory T cells produce adenosine upon co-expression of surface CD73 or contact with CD73+ exosomes or CD73+ cells. Clinical & Experimental Immunology 177: 531-543, 2014. Jackson, E.K., and Mi, Z.: The guanosine-adenosine interaction exists in vivo. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 350: 719-726, 2014. Shein, S.L., Shellington, D.K., Exo, J.L., Jackson, T.C., Wisniewski, S.R., Jackson, E.K., Vagni, V.A., Bayır, H., Clark, R.S.B., Dixon, C.E., Janesko-Feldman, K.L., and Kochanek, P.M.: Hemorrhagic shock shifts the serum cytokine profile from pro-to anti-inflammatory after experimental traumatic brain injury in mice. Journal of Neurotrauma 31: 1386-1395, 2014. Jackson, E.K., Cheng, D., Verrier, J.D., Janesko-Feldman, K., and Kochanek, P.M.: Interactive roles of CD73 and tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase in the renal vascular metabolism of 5’-AMP. American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 307: F680-F685, 2014. Wei, Y., Liao,Y., Zavilowitz, B., Ren, J., Liu, W., Chan, P., Rohatgi, R., Estilo, G., Jackson, E.K., Wang, W.H., and Satlin, L.M.: Angiotensin type 2 receptor (AT2R) regulates ROMK-like K channel activity in renal cortical collecting duct during high dietary potassium adaptation. American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 307: F833-F843, 2014. Tija Jacob, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jacob TC, Michels G, Silayeva L, Haydon J, Succol F, Moss SJ. Benzodiazepine treatment induces subtype specific changes in GABA-A receptor trafficking and decreases synaptic inhibition. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Nov 6;109 (45):18595-600. Petrini EM, Ravasenga T, Hausrat T, Lurilli G, Olcese U, Racine V, Sibarita JB, Jacob TC, Moss S, Benfenati F, Medini P, Kneussel M and Barberis A. Synaptic recruitment of gephyrin regulates surface GABAA receptor dynamics for the expression of iLTP. Nat Commun. 5:3921, 2014. Brady ML, Moon CE and Jacob TC. Using an alpha-Bungarotoxin Binding Site Tag to Study GABA A Receptor Membrane Localization and Trafficking. J Vis Exp. 2014(85). . Yu Jiang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ma D, Bai X, Zou H, Lai Y and Jiang Y. Rheb GTPase controls apoptotis by regulating the interaction of Yan, G. Lai, Y. and Jiang, Y.* (2012). TOR under stress: Targeting TORC1 by Rho1 GTPase. Cell Cycle 11(18):3384-8. 147

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Kensler, T.W., Egner, P.A., Agyeman, A.S., Visvanathan, K., Groopman, J.D., Chen, J-G., Chen, T-Y., Fahey, J.W., and Talalay, P. (2013) Keap1-Nrf2 signaling: A target for cancer prevention by sulforaphane. Topics in Current Chemistry 329: 163-178. Kawamura, T., Wakabayashi, N., Shigemura, N., Huang, C-S., Masutani, K., Tanaka, Y., Noda, K., Peng, A., Billiar, T.R., Okumura, M., Toyoda, Y., Kensler, T.W. and Nakao, A. (2013) Hydrogen gas reduces hyperoxic lung injury via the Nrf2 pathway in vivo. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell. Molec. Physiol. 304: L646-L656. Volonte, D., Liu, Z., Musille, P.M., Stoppani, E., Wakabayashi, N., Di, Y-P., Lisanti, M.P., Kensler, T.W. and Galbati, F. (2013) Inhibition of nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) by caveolin-1 promotes stressinduced premature senescence. Molec. Biol. Cell. 24: 1852-1862.. Vitturi, D.A., Chen, C.S., Woodcock, S.R., Stewart, N., Wakabayashi, N., Salvatore, S.R., Bonacci, G., Koenitzer, J.R., Kensler, T.W., Freeman, B.A., Schopfer, F.J. (2013) Modulation of nitro-fatty acid signaling: Prostaglandin reductase-1 is a nitroalkene reductase. J. Biol. Chem, 288: 25626-25637. Yang, L., Zahid, M., Liao, Y., Rogan, E.G., Cavalieri, E.L., Davidson, N.E., Yager, J.D., Visvanathan, K., Groopman, J.D., Kensler, T.W. (2013) Diminished formation of estrogen depurinating-DNA adducts by sulforaphane or KEAP1 disruption in human mammary epithelial MCF-10A cells. Carcinogenesis 34: 25872592. Wu, F., Stacy, S.L., and Kensler, T.W. (2013) Global risk assessment of aflatoxins in maize and peanuts: Are regulatory standards adequately protective? Toxicol. Sci. 135: 241-250. Uruno, A., Furusawa, Y., Yagishita, Y., Fukuyomi, T., Muramatsu, H., Negishi, T., Sugawara, A., Kensler, T.W. and Yamamoto, M. (2013) The Keap1-Nrf2 system prevents onset of diabetes mellitus. Molec. Cell Biol.33: 2996-3010. Kannan, S., Muthusamy, V.R., Whitehead, K.J., Wang, L., Gomes, A.V., Litwin, S.E., Kensler, T.W., Abel, E.D., Hoidal, J.R. and Rajesekaran, N.D. (2013) Nrf2 deficiency prevents reductive stress induced hypertropic cardiomyopathy. Cardiovasc. Res. 100: 63-73. Liu, M., Reddy, N.M., Higbee, E.M., Potteti, H.R., Noel, S., Racusen, L., Kensler, T.W., Sporn, M.B., Reddy, S.P. and Rabb, H. (2013) The Nrf2 triterpenoid activator, CDDO-imidazolide, protects kidneys from ischemiareperfusion injury in mice. Kidney Internat. doi 10.1038/ki.2013.357. Chen, J.G., Egner, P.A., Ng, D., Jacobson, L.P., Muñoz, A., Zhu, Y.R., Qian, G.S., Wu, F., Yuan, J.M., Groopman, J.D. and Kensler, T.W. (2013) Reduced aflatoxin exposure presages decline in liver cancer mortality in an endemic region of China. Cancer Prev. Res. 6: 1038-1045. Kensler, T.W., Egner, P.A., Agyeman, A.S., Visvanathan, K., Groopman, J.D., Chen, J-G., Chen, T-Y., Fahey, J.W., and Talalay, P. (2013) Keap1-Nrf2 signaling: A target for cancer prevention by sulforaphane. Top. Curr. Chem. 329: 163-178. Chartoumpekis, D. and Kensler T.W. (2013) New player on an old field: the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway as a target for treatment of type 2 diabetes and metabolic disease. Current Diabetes Rev. 9: 137-145. Egner, P.A., Wang, J.B., Zhu, Y. R., Jacobson, L.P., Ng, D., Muñoz, A., Fahey, J.W., Chen, J.G., Chen, T.Y., Qian, G.S., Groopman, J.D., Kensler, T.W. (2013) Prevention of liver cancer in Qidong, China: lessons from aflatoxin biomarker studies. Prog. Chem. 25: 1454-1461. 149

Fahey, J.W. and Kensler, T.W. (2013) Frugal medicine: health-span extension through green chemoprevention. AMA Virtual Mentor 15: 311-318. Groopman, J.D., Kensler, T.W. and Wu, F. (2013) Mycotoxins – occurrence and toxic effects. In: Caballero B. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, third edition, Volume 2, pp. 337-341. Waltham, MA: Academic Press. Strickland, P.T. and Kensler, T.W. (2013) Genesis of cancer: environmental factors. In: Niederhuber, J.E., Armitage, J.O., Doroshow, J.H., Kastan, M.B. and Tepper, J.E. (eds.) Abeloff’s Clinical Oncology, fifth edition, pp.127-141. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone. Chen, J.G., Egner, P.A., Ng, D., Jacobson, L.P., Muñoz, A., Zhu, Y.R., Qian, G.S., Wu, F., Yuan, J.M., Groopman, J.D. and Kensler, T.W. (2013) Reduced aflatoxin exposure presages decline in liver cancer mortality in an endemic region of China. Cancer Prev. Res. 6: 1038-1045. Chen, J.G. and Kensler, T.W. (2014) Perspectives on Statistical Trends: Changing rates for liver and lung cancer in Qidong, China. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 27: 3-6. Bui-Klimke, T.R., Guclu, H., Kensler, T.W., Yuan, J.M. and Wu, F. (2014) Aflatoxin regulations and global pistachio trade: insights from a social network analysis. PLoS One 9: e92149. Wakabayashi, N., Skoko, J.J., Chartoumpekis, D.V., Kimura, S., Boley, P.A., Palliyaguru, D.L., Slocum, S.L., Kentaro Noda, K., Tanaka, Y., Shigemura, N., Fujimuro, M., Yamamoto, M., Kensler, T.W. (2014) Notch-Nrf2 axis: regulation of Nrf2 gene expression by Notch signaling. Molec. Cell. Biol. 34: 653-663. Liu, M., Reddy, N.M., Higbee, E.M., Potteti, H.R., Noel, S., Racusen, L., Kensler, T.W., Sporn, M.B., Reddy, S.P. and Rabb, H. (2014) The Nrf2 triterpenoid activator, CDDO-imidazolide, protects kidneys from ischemiareperfusion injury in mice. Kidney Internat. 85: 134-141. Kensler, K.H., Dolan, P.M., Slocum, S.L., Johnson, N.M., Illic, Z., Sell, S., Groopman, J.D., Kensler, T.W. and Egner, P.A. (2014) Genetic or pharmacologic activation of Nrf2 signaling fails to protect against aflatoxin genotoxicity in hypersensitive GSTA3 knockout mice. Toxicol. Sci. 139: 293-300. Johnson, N.M., Egner, P.A., Baxter, V.A., Sporn, M.B., Wible, R.S., Sutter, T.R., Groopman, J.D., Kensler, T.W. and Roebuck, B.D. (2014) Complete protection against aflatoxin B1-induced liver cancer with a triterpenoid: DNA adduct dosimetry, molecular signature and genotoxic threshold. Cancer Prevention Res. 7: 658-665. Wu, F., Mitchell, N.J., Male, D and Kensler, T.W. (2014) Reduced foodborne toxin exposure is a benefit of improving dietary diversity. Toxicol. Sci., 141: 329-334. Zhang, Y., Xia, J., Li, Q., Yao, Y., Eades, G., Gernapudi, R., Duru, N., Kensler TW.., and Zhou, Q. (2014) NRF2 / long noncoding RNA ROR signaling regulates mammary stem cell expansion and protects against estrogen genotoxicity. J. Biol. Chem. 289: 31310-31318. Skoko, J.J. Wakabayashi, N., Noda, K., Kimura, S. Tobita, K., Shigemura, N., Tsujita Y., Yamamoto, M. and Kensler, T.W. (2014) Loss of Nrf2 in mice evokes a congenital intrahepatic shunt that alters hepatic oxygen and protein expression gradients and toxicity. Toxicol. Sci., 141: 112-119.


Egner, P.A., Chen, J.G., Zarth, A.T., Ng, D.K., Wang, J.B., Kensler, K.H., Jacobson, L.P., Munoz, A., Johnson, J.L., Groopman, J.D., Fahey, J.W., Talalay, P., Zhu, J., Chen, T.Y., Qian, G.S., Carmella, S.G., Hecht, S.S. and Kensler, T.W. (2014) Rapid and sustainable detoxication of airborne pollutants by broccoli sprout beverage: Results of a randomized clinical trial in China. Cancer Prev. Res7: 813-823. Chartoumpekis, D. and Kensler T.W. (2014) The role of the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway in the development and progression of nonlcoholic fatty liver disease. Tirosh, O. (ed.), Liver Metabolism and Fatty Liver Disease. Taylor & Francis Group/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 91-102. Nicholas Khoo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Bonacci G, Baker PR, Salvatore SR, Shores D, Khoo NKH, Koenitzer JR, Vitturi DA, Woodcock SR, Golin-Bisello F, Watkins S, St Croix C, Batthyany CI, Freeman BA, Schopfer FJ. Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a Preferential Substrate for Fatty Acid Nitration. J Biol Chem. 2012 Nov 9. Khoo NKH, Cantu-Medellin N, Devlin JE, St Croix CM, Watkins SC, Fleming AM, Champion HC, Mason RP, Freeman BA, Kelley EE. Obesity-induced tissue free radical generation: An in vivo immunospin trapping study. Free Radic Biol Med, Jun 1;52(11-12):2312-9, 2012. Pride CK, Mo L, Quesnelle K, Dagda RK, Murillo D, Geary L, Corey C, Portella R, Zharikov S, St Croix C, Maniar S, Chu CT, Khoo NK, Shiva S. Nitrite activates protein kinase A in normoxia to mediate mitochondrial fusion and tolerance to ischaemia/reperfusion. Cardiovasc Res. 2013 Nov 5. Khoo NK*, Hebbar S, Zhao W, Moore SA, Domann FE, Robbins ME. Differential activation of catalase expression and activity by PPAR agonists: Implications for astrocyte protection in anti-glioma therapy. Redox Biol, 1(1):70-9, 2013. (*corresponding author) Kamga Pride C, Mo L, Quesnelle K, Dagda RK, Murillo D, Geary L, Corey C, Portella R, Zharikov S, St Croix C, Maniar S, Chu CT, Khoo NK and Shiva S. Nitriteactivates protein kinase A in normoxia to mediate mitochondrial fusion and tolerance to ischaemia/reperfusion. Cardiovasc Res. 2014 Jan 1;101(1):57-68. Kelley EE, Baust J, Bonacci G, Golin-Bisello F, Devlin JE, St Croix CM, Watkins SC, Gor S, Cantu-Medellin N, Weidert ER, Frisbee JC, Gladwin MT, Champion HC, Freeman BA and Khoo NK. Fatty acid nitroalkenes ameliorate glucose intolerance and pulmonary hypertension in high-fat diet-induced obesity. Cardiovasc Res. 2014 Mar 1;101(3):352-63. Khoo NK, Mo L, Zharikov S, Kamga-Pride C, Quesnelle K, Golin-Bisello F, Li L, Wang Y, Shiva S. Nitrite augments glucose uptake in adipocytes through the protein kinase A-dependent stimulation of mitochondrial fusion. Free Radic Biol Med. 2014 May;70:45-53. Schopfer FJ, Freeman BA, Khoo NK. Nitro-oleic acid and epoxyoleic acid are not altered in obesity and type 2 diabetes: reply. Cardiovasc Res. 2014 Jun 1;102(3):518. Jack Lancaster, Ph.D. Professor Su S, Panmanee W, Wilson JJ, Mahtani HK, Li Q, Vanderwielen BD, Makris TM, Rogers M, McDaniel C, Lipscomb JD, Irvin RT, Schurr MJ, Lancaster JR Jr, Kovall RA and Hassett DJ. Catalase (KatA) plays a role in protection against anaerobic nitric oxide in Pseudomonas aeruginosa”. PLoS One 9:e91813, 2014. 151

Li Q, Li C, Mahtani, HK, Du J, Patel, AR, Lancaster JR Jr. Nitrosothiol formation and protection against fenton chemistry by nitric oxide-induced dinitrosyliron complex formation from anoxia-initiated cellular chelatable iron increase.” J Biol Chem 289:19917-19927, 2014. Adrian Lee, Ph.D. Professor Potter AS, Casa AJ, Lee AV. Forkhead box A1 (FOXA1) is a key mediator of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) activity. J Cell Biochem. 2012 Jan;113(1):110-21. PMID: 21882221 Dearth RK, Kuiatse I, Wang YF, Liao L, Hilsenbeck SG, Brown PH, Xu J, Lee AV. A moderate elevation of circulating levels of IGF-I does not alter ErbB2 induced mammary tumorigenesis. BMC Cancer. 2011 Aug 25;11(1):377. PMID: 21867536 Casa AJ, Potter AS, Malik S, Lazard Z, Kuiatse I, Kim HT, Tsimelzon A, Creighton CJ, Hilsenbeck SG, Brown PH, Oesterreich S, Lee AV. Estrogen and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) independently down-regulate critical repressors of breast cancer growth. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2011 May 4. PMID: 21541704 Hartmaier RJ, Richter AS, Gillihan RM, Sallit JZ, McGuire SE, Wang J, Lee AV, Osborne CK, O'Malley BW, Brown PH, Xu J, Skaar TC, Philips S, Rae JM, Azzouz F, Li L, Hayden J, Henry NL, Nguyen AT, Stearns V, Hayes DF, Flockhart DA, Oesterreich S. A SNP in Steroid Receptor Coactivator-1 Disrupts a GSK3β Phosphorylation Site and Is Associated with Altered Tamoxifen Response in Bone. Mol Endocrinol. 2011 Dec 15. PMID: 2217437 Hampton OA, Miller CA, Koriabine M, Li J, Den Hollander P, Carbone L, Nefedov M, Ten Hallers BF, Lee AV, De Jong PJ, Milosavljevic A. Long-range massively parallel mate pair sequencing detects distinct mutations and similar patterns of structural mutability in two breast cancer cell lines. Cancer Genet. 2011 Aug;204(8):447-57. PMID: 21962895 Wang J, Ray PS, Sim MS, Zhou XZ, Lu KP, Lee AV, Lin X, Bagaria SP, Giuliano AE, Cui X FOXC1 regulates the functions of human basal-like breast cancer cells by activating NF-κB signaling. Oncogene. 2012 Jan 16. doi: 10.1038/onc.2011.635 Fu X, Creighton CJ, Biswal NC, Kumar V, Shea M, Herrera S, Contreras A, Gutierrez C, Wang T, Nanda S, Giuliano M, Morrison G, Nardone A, Karlin KL, Westbrook TF, Heiser LM, Anur P, Spellman P, Guichard SM, Smith PD, Davies BR, Klinowska T, Lee AV, Mills GB, Rimawi MF, Hilsenbeck SG, Gray JW, Joshi A, Osborne C and Schiff R. Overcoming endocrine resistance due to reduced PTEN levels in estrogen receptorpositive breast cancer by co-targeting mammalian target of rapamycin, protein kinase B, or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase. Breast Cancer Res 16:430, 2014. Coarfa C, Pichot C, Jackson A, Tandon A, Amin V, Raghuraman S, Paithankar S, Lee AV, McGuire SE, Milosavljevic A. Analysis of interactions between the epigenome and structural mutability of the genome using Genboree Workbench tools. BMC Bioinformatics 15 Suppl 7:S2, 2014. Gough AH, Chen N, Shun TY, Lezon TR, Boltz RC, Reese CE, Wagner J, Vernetti LA, Grandis JR, Lee AV, Stern AM, Schurdak ME, Taylor DL. Identifying and quantifying heterogeneity in high content analysis: application of heterogeneity indices to drug discovery. PLoS One 9:e102678, 2014. Lee AV, Davidson NE. Breast cancer in 2013: Genomics, drug approval, and optimal treatment duration. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 11:71-72, 2014. 152

Pathiraja TN, Nayak SR, Xi Y, Jiang S, Garee JP, Edwards DP, Lee AV, Chen J, Shea MJ, Santen RJ, Gannon F, Kangaspeska S, Jelinek J, Issa JP, Richer JK, Elias A, McIlroy M, Young LS, Davidson NE, Schiff R, Li W, Oesterreich S. Epigenetic reprogramming of HOXC10 in endocrine-resistant breast cancer. Sci Transl Med 6:229ra41. 2014. Edwin Levitan, Ph.D. Professor Lloyd TE, Machamer J, O'Hara K, Kim JH, Collins SE, Wong MY, Sahin B, Imlach W, Yang Y, Levitan, E.S., McCabe BD, Kolodkin AL. The p150(Glued) CAP-Gly domain regulates initiation of retrograde transport at synaptic termini. Neuron. 74:344-360, 2012. Ji H, Tucker KR, Putzier I, Huertas MA, Horn JP, Canavier CC, Levitan ES, Shepard PD. Functional characterization of ether-à-go-go-related gene potassium channels in midbrain dopamine neurons: Implications for a role in depolarization block. Eur J Neurosci 36:2906-2916, 2012. Tucker KR, Huertas MA, Horn JP, Canavier CC, Levitan ES. Pacemaker rate and depolarization block in nigral dopamine neurons: a somatic sodium channel balancing act. J Neurosci 32:14519-14531, 2012. Colgan LA, Cavolo SL, Commons KG, Levitan, ES. Action potential-independent and pharmacologically unique vesicular serotonin release from dendrites. J Neurosci 32:15737-15746, 2012. Lloyd TE, Machamer J, O'Hara K, Kim JH, Collins SE, Wong MY, Sahin B, Imlach W, Yang Y, Levitan, E.S., McCabe BD, Kolodkin AL. The p150(Glued) CAP-Gly domain regulates initiation of retrograde transport at synaptic termini. Neuron. 74:344-360, 2012. Ji H, Tucker KR, Putzier I, Huertas MA, Horn JP, Canavier CC, Levitan ES, Shepard PD. Functional characterization of ether-à-go-go-related gene potassium channels in midbrain dopamine neurons: implications for a role in depolarization block. Eur J Neurosci 36:2906-2916, 2012. Tucker KR, Huertas MA, Horn JP, Canavier CC, Levitan ES. Pacemaker rate and depolarization block in nigral dopamine neurons: a somatic sodium channel balancing act. J Neurosci 32:14519-14531, 2012. Colgan LA, Cavolo SL, Commons KG, Levitan, ES. Action potential-independent and pharmacologically unique vesicular serotonin release from dendrites. J Neurosci 32:15737-15746, 2012. Bulgari D, Zhou C, Hewes RS, Deitcher DL and Levitan E.S. Vesicle capture, not delivery, scales up neuropeptide storage in neuroendocrine terminals. PNAS 111:3597-3601, 2014. Li L, Tian X, Zhu M, Bulgari D, Böhme MA, Goettfert F, Wichmann C, Sigrist SJ, Levitan ES and Wu C. Drosophila Syd-1, Liprin-α and PP2A B' subunit Wrd function in a linear pathway to prevent ectopic accumulation of synaptic materials in distal axons. J Neurosci 34:8474-87, 2014. James RE, Hoover KM, Bulgari D, McLaughlin CN, Wilson CG, Wharton KM, Levitan ES, Broihier HT. Crimpy enables discrimination of pre and postsynaptic pools of a BMP at the Drosophila NMJ. Dev Cell 31:113, 2014 Qian K, Yu N, Tucker KR, Levitan ES, Canavier CC. Mathematical analysis of depolarization block mediated by slow inactivation of fast sodium channels in midbrain dopamine neurons. J Neurophysiol. 2014 Sep 153

3:jn.00578.2014. Tatyana Mamonova, Ph.D. Research Instructor Mamonova T, M Kurnikova and PA Friedman. Structural basis for NHERF1 PDZ domain binding. Biochemistry 51:3110-3120, 2012. Wang B, CK Means, Y Yang, T Mamonova, DL Altschuler, JD Scott and PA Friedman. Ezrin-anchored protein kinase A coordinates phosphorylation-dependent disassembly of a NHERF1 ternary complex to regulate hormone-sensitive phosphate transport. J Bio Chem 287:24148-24163, 2012. Carola Neumann, M.D. Visiting Associate Professor Hance MV, Dole K, Gopal U, Bohonowych JE, Jezierska-Drutel A, Neumann CA, Liu H, Garraway IP, Isaacs JS. Secreted Hsp90 is a novel regulator of the epithelial to mesenchymal transition in prostate cancer, 2012, Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (45):37732-44. Steffi Oesterreich, Ph.D. Professor Phillips S, Richter A, Oesterreich S, Rae JM, Flockhart DA, Perumal NB, Skaar TC. Functional characterization of a genetic polymorphism in the promoter of the ESR2 gene. Horm Cancer 3:37-43, 2012. Hartmaier RJ, Richter AS, Gillihan RM, Sallit JZ, McGuire SE, Wang J, Lee AV, Osborne CK, O'Malley BW, Brown PH, Xu J, Skaar TC, Philips S, Rae JM, Azzouz F, Li L, Hayden J, Henry NL, Nguyen AT, Stearns V, Hayes DF, Flockhart DA, Oesterreich S. A SNP in Steroid Receptor Coactivator-1 Disrupts a GSK3β Phosphorylation Site and Is Associated with Altered Tamoxifen Response in Bone. Mol Endo 26:220-227, 2012. Casa AJ, Potter AS, Malik S, Lazard Z, Kuiatse I, Kim HT, Tsimelzon A, Creighton CJ, Hilsenbeck SG, Brown PH, Oesterreich S, Lee AV. Estrogen and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) independently downregulate critical repressors of breast cancer growth. Breast Cancer Res Treat 132:61-73, 2012. Watters RJ, Benos PV, Oesterreich S. To bind or not to bind - FoxA1 determines estrogen receptor action in breast cancer progression. Breast Cancer Res.14(3):312. 2012. Cerne JZ, Zong L, Jelinek J, Hilsenbeck SG, Wang T, Oesterreich S, McGuire SE. BRCA1 promoter methylation status does not predict response to tamoxifen in sporadic breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Jun 16. Philips S, Rae JM, Oesterreich S, Hayes DF, Stearns V, Henry NL, Storniolo AM, Flockhart DA, Skaar TC. Whole genome amplification of DNA for genotyping pharmacogenetics candidate genes. Front Pharmacol. 2012;3:54. Osmanbeyoglu HU, Hartmaier RJ, Oesterreich S, Lu X. Improving ChIP-seq peak-calling for functional coregulator binding by integrating multiple sources of biological information. BMC Genomics. 13 Suppl 1:S1. 2012 154

Watters RJ, Benos PV, Oesterreich S.To bind or not to bind - FoxA1 determines estrogen receptor action in breast cancer progression. Breast Cancer Res. 2012 Jun 19;14(3):312. Smith CL, Migliaccio I, Chaubal V, Wu MF, Pace MC, Hartmaier R, Jiang S, Edwards DP, Gutiérrez MC, Hilsenbeck SG, Oesterreich S. Elevated expression of the SMRT corepressor in breast cancer is associated with earlier tumor recurrence. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2012. Steinman RA, Brufsky AM, Oesterreich S. Zoledronic acid effectivencess against breast cancer metastases – a role for estrogen in the microenvironment? Breast Cancer Res 2012 14(5):213. Vasilatos SN, Katz TA, Oesterreich S, Wan Y, Davidson NE, Huang Y. Crosstalk between lysine­specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) and histone deacetylases mediates antineoplastic efficacy of HDAC inhibitors in human breast cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 2013 34(6): 1196-207. Henry NL, Skaar TC, Dantzer J, Lil, Kidwell K, Gersch C, Nguyen AT, Rae JM, Desta Z, Oesterreich S, Phillips S, Carpenter JS, Storniolo AM, Stearns V, Hayes DF, Flockhart DA. Genetic associations with toxicityrelated discontinuation of aromatase inhibitor therapy for breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2013 April 138(3):807-16. Hernandez- Hernandez JM, Mallappa C, Nasipak BT, Oesterreich S, lmbalzano AN. The Scaffold attachment factor b1 (Safb1) regulates myogenic differentiation by facilitating the transition of myogenic gene chromatin from a repressed to an activated state. Nucleic Acids Res 2013 Jun 4(11):5704-16. Oesterreich S, Edwards R, Vlad A. Progestins: Pro-senescence therapy for ovarian cancer? Cell Cycle. 2013 Jun 12(11): 1662-3. Osmanbeyoglu HU, Lu, KN, Oesterreich S, Day RS, Benos PV, Coronnello C, Lu X. Estrogen represses gene expression through reconfiguring chromatin structures. Nucleic Acids Res 2013 Sep 1(17):8061-71. Mukhopadhyay NK, Kim J, You S, Morello M, Hager MH, Huang WC, Ramachandran A, Yang J, Cinar B, Rubin MA, Adam RM, Oesterreich S, Di Vizio D, Freeman MR. Scaffold attachment factor B1 regulates the androgen receptor in concert with the growth inhibitory kinase MST1 and the methyltransferase EZH2. Oncogene 2013 Jul 29 [Epub ahead of print] Oesterreich S, Brufsky AM, Davidson NE. Using Mice to Treat (Wo)men: Mining Genetic Changes in Patient Xenografts to Attack Breast Cancer. Cell Rep 2013 Sep 26; 4(6):1061-2. Henry NL, Chan HP, Dantzer J, Goswami CP, Li L, Skaar TC, Rae JM, Desta Z, Khouri N, Pinsky R, Oesterreich S, Zhou C, Hadjiiski L, Philips S, Robarge J, Nguyen AT, Storniolo AM, Flockhart DA, Hayes DF, Helvie MA, Stearns V. Aromatase inhibitor-induced modulation of breast density: clinical and genetic effects. Br J Cancer. 2013 Oct 1; 109:2331-9. Sikora MJ, Cooper KL, Bahreini A, Luthra S, Wang G, Chandran UR, Davidson NE, Dabbs DJ, Welm AL and Oesterreich S. Invasive lobular carcinoma cell lines are characterized by unique estrogen-mediated gene expression patterns and altered tamoxifen response. Cancer Res 74:1463-1474, 2014. Pathiraja TN, Nayak SR, Xi Y, Jiang S, Garee JP, Edwards DP, Lee AV, Chen J, Shea MJ, Santen RJ, Gannon F, Kangaspeska S, Jelinek J, Issa JP, Richer JK, Elias A, McIlroy M, Young L, Davidson NE, Schiff R, Li W and Oesterreich S. Epigenetic reprogramming of HOXC10 in endocrine-resistant breast cancer. Science Transl Med 6:229ra41, 2014. 155

Katz TA, Vasilatos S, Harrington E, Oesterreich S, Davidson NE and Huang Y. Inhibition of histone demethylase, LSD3 (KDM1B), attenuates DNA methylation and increases sensitivity to DNMT inhibitorinduced apoptosis in breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 146:99-108, 2014. Ding Y, Tang S, Liao SG, Jia J, Oestrreich S, Lin Y and Tseng GC. Bias correction for selecting the minimalerror classifier from many machine learning models. Informatics 30:3152-3158, 2014. Roderick O’Sullivan Assistant Professor O’Sullivan RJ and G Almouzni. Assembly of telomeric chromatin to create ALTernative endings. Trends in Cell Biology 14:121-124, 2014. Selected article for 40th year anniversary of Cell Press special “Chromatin & Epigenetics” issue. Bulut-Karslioglu A, De La Rosa-Velázquez AI, Ramirez F, Barenboim M, Onishi-Seebacher M, Arand J, Galán C, Winter GE, Engist B, Gerle B, O’Sullivan RJ, Martens JHA, Walter J, Manke T, Lachner M and Jenuwein T. Suv39h-dependent H3K9me3 marks intact retro-transposons and silences LINE elements in mouse embryonic stem cells. Molecular Cell 55:1-14, 2014. O’Sullivan RJ, Arnoult N, Oganesian, L, Haggblom C, Corpet, A, Almouzni G and Karlseder J. ASF1 depletion induces the characteristics of ALT in primary and cancer cells. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 20: 167-174, 2014. Patrick Pagano, Ph.D. Professor Csányi, G., Yao, M., Al Ghouleh, I., Rodriguez, A.I., Frazziano, G., Xiaojun, H., Kelley, EE., Isenberg, JS., and Pagano, PJ. Thrombospondin-1 Regulates Blood Flow via CD47 Receptor-Mediated Activation of NADPH Oxidase 1. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 32:2966-73 (2012). Al Ghouleh, I., Frazziano, G., Rodriguez, AI, Csányi, G., Maniar, S., St. Croix, C.M., Kelley, E.E., Egaña, L.A., Song, G.J., Bisello, A., Lee, Y.J., and Pagano, P.J. Aquaporin 1, Nox1, and Ask1 mediate oxidant-induced smooth muscle hypertrophy. Cardiovasc. Res. 97:134-142 (2013). Csányi, G., Pagano PJ. Strategies Aimed at Nox4 Oxidase Inhibition Employing Peptides from Nox4 B-Loop and C-Terminus and p22 (phox) N-Terminus: An Elusive Target. Int. J. Hypertens. 2013;2013:842827. Cifuentes-Pagano E, Saha J, Csányi G, Al Ghouleh I, Sahoo S, Rodríguez A, Wipf P, Pagano PJ and Skoda EM. 2013. Bridged tetrahydroisoquinolines as selective NADPH oxidase 2 (Nox2) inhibitors. Med. Chem. Comm. 4, 1085-1092. DOI: 10.1039/C3MD00061C Cifuentes-Pagano E, Meijles DN, Pagano PJ. The Quest for Selective Nox Inhibitors and Therapeutics: Challenges, Triumphs and Pitfalls. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013 Dec 14. [Epub ahead of print]. Al Ghouleh I, Rodríguez A, Pagano PJ, Csányi G. Proteomic analysis identifies an NADPH oxidase 1 (Nox1)mediated role for actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 2 (ARPC2) in promoting smooth muscle cell migration. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Oct 11;14(10):20220-35.


Ranayhossaini DJ, Rodriguez AI, Sahoo S, Chen BB, Mallampalli RK, Kelley EE, Csanyi G, Gladwin MT, Romero G, Pagano PJ. Selective Recapitulation of Conserved and Nonconserved Regions of Putative NOXA1 Protein Activation Domain Confers Isoform-specific Inhibition of Nox1 Oxidase and Attenuation of Endothelial Cell Migration. J Biol Chem. 2013 Dec 20;288(51):36437-50. Frazziano G, Al Ghouleh I, Baust J, Shiva S, Champion HC and Pagano PJ. Nox-derived ROS are acutely activated in pressure overload pulmonary hypertension: Indications for a seminal role for mitochondrial Nox4 Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 306:H197-205, 2014. Yao M, Rogers NM, Csányi G, Rodriguez AI, Ross MA, St Croix C, Knupp H, Novelli EM, Thomson AW, Pagano PJ and Isenberg JS. Thrombospondin-1 activation of signal-regulatory protein-α stimulates reactive oxygen species production and promotes renal ischemia reperfusion injury. J Am Soc Nephrol 25:1171-1186 , 2014. Hahn NE, Musters RJ, Fritz JM, Pagano PJ, Vonk AB, Paulus WJ, van Rossum AC, Meischl C, Niessen HW and Krijnen PA. Early NADPH oxidase-2 activation is crucial in phenylephrine-induced hypertrophy of H9c2 cells. Cell Signal 26:1818-1824, 2014. Cifuentes-Pagano E and Pagano PJ. The Quest for selective Nox inhibitors and therapeutics: challenges, triumphs and pitfalls. Antiox Redox Signal 20:2741-2754, 2014. Rogers NM, Sharifi-Sanjani M, Csányi G, Pagano PJ and Isenberg JS. Thrombospondin-1 and CD47 regulation of cardiac, pulmonary and vascular responses in health and disease. Matrix Biol 37C:92-101, 2014.

Michael J. Palladino, Ph.D. Associate Professor Liu, Zhaohui, Alicia M. Celotto, Guillermo Romero, Peter Wipf, Michael J. Palladino (2012). Genetically encoded redox sensor identifies the role of ROS in degenerative and mitochondrial disease pathogenesis. Neurobiology of Disease, 45(1):362-8. PMCID: PMC3225579. Celotto, Alicia M., Zhaohui Liu, Andrew P. VanDemark, and Michael J. Palladino (2012). A novel Drosophila SOD2 mutant demonstrates a role for mitochondrial ROS in neurodevelopment and disease. Brain and Behavior, 2(4):423-34. PMCID: PMC3432965 Stacy L Hrizo, Isaac J. Fisher,Daniel R. Long, Joshua A. Hutton, Zhaohui Liu, Michael J. Palladino (2013). Early mitochondrial dysfunction leads to altered redox chemistry underlying pathogenesis of TPI deficiency. Neurobiol Dis. 2013 Jan 12. doi:pii: S0969-9961(13)00011-9. Bartholomew P. Roland, Kimberly A. Stuchul, Samantha B. Larsen, Christopher G. Amrich, Andrew P. VanDemark, Alicia M. Celotto, Michael J. Palladino (2013). Evidence of a triosephosphate isomerase noncatalytic function crucial to behavior and longevity. Journal of Cell Science, Jul 15; 126:3151-8. Chiu W, A Towheed and MJ.Palladino (2014). Genetically encoded redox sensors in biomedical science. Methods in Enzymology 542:263-287, 2014. Towheed A, DM Markantone, AT Crain, AM Celotto and MJ Palladino. Small mitochondrial-targeted RNAs modulate endogenous mitochondrial protein expression in vivo. Neurobiology of Disease 69:15-22, 2014. 157

Wei Qian, Ph.D. Research Instructor Qian W, J Wang, V Roginskaya, LA McDermott, RP Edwards, DB Stolz, L Llambi, D Green and B Van Houten. Novel combination of mitochondrial division inhibitor 1 (mdivi-1) and platinum agents produces synergistic pro-apoptotic effect in drug resistant tumor cells. Oncotarget 5:4180-4194, 2014. Guillermo Romero, Ph.D. Associate Professor Wehbi VL, Stevenson HP, Feinstein TN, Calero G, Romero G, Vilardaga JP. Noncanonical GPCR Signaling Arising from a PTH Receptor-Arrestin-Gβγ Complex. PNAS 2013 110:1530-1535. Antony ML, Lee J, Hahm ER, Kim SH, Marcus AI, Kumari V, Ji X, Yang Z, Vowell CL, Wipf P, Uechi GT, Yates NA, Romero G, Sarkar SN, Singh SV. Growth Arrest by the Antitumor Steroidal Lactone Withaferin A in Human Breast Cancer Cells Is Associated with Downregulation and Covalent Binding at Cysteine-303 of βTubulin. J Biol Chem 2013 (epub ahead of print). Vilardaga JP, Romero G, Feinstein TN, Wehbi VL. Kinetics and dynamics in the G protein-coupled receptor cascade. Methods in Enzymology 2013 522:337-363. Antony ML, Lee J, Hahm ER, Kim SH, Markus AI, Kumari V, Ji X, Yang Z, Vowell CL, Wipf P, Uechi GT, Yate, NA, Romero G, Sarkar SN and Singh SV. Growth arrest by the antitumor steroidal lactone Withaferin A in human breast cancer cells is associated with downregulation and covalent binding at cysteine-303 of βtubulin. J Biol Chem 289:1852-1865, 2014. Gao C, Chen G, Romero G, Moschos S, Xu X and Hu J. Induction of Gsk3β-β-TrCP interaction is required for late phase stabilization of β-catenin in canonical Wnt signaling. J Biol Chem 289:7099-108, 2014. Romero, G. The role of the cell background in biased signaling. In Biased Signaling in Physiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Brian J Arey (Editor), Academic Press, Waltham, MA, pp. 41-79. James Roppolo, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Tai, C., Chen, M., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., and de Groat, W.C. Inhibition of bladder overactivity by stimulation of feline pudendal nerve using transdermal amplitude modulated signal (TAMS). British Journal of Urology International, 109:782-787. 2012 Tai, C., Shen, B., Wang, J., Liu, H., Subbaroyan, J., Roppolo, J.R. and de Groat W.C. Bladder inhibition by intermittent pudendal nerve stimulation in cat using transdermal amplitude-modulated signal (TAMS). Neurology and Urodynamics, 31:1181-1184, 2012. Tai, C., Larson, J.A., Ogagan, P.D., Chen, G., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R. and de Groat W.C. Differential role of opioid receptors in tibial nerve inhibition of nociceptive and non-nociceptive bladder reflexes in cats. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 302:F1090-F1097, 2012 Tai, C., P. Ogagan, D., Chen, G., Larson, J., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R. and de Groat, W. C. Involvement of opioid receptors in inhibition of bladder overactivity induced by foot stimulation in cats. Journal of Urology, 188:1012-1016, 2012. 158

Zhang, F., Mally, A.D., Ogagan, P. D., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J. R., de Groat, W.C. and Tai, C. Inhibition of bladder overactivity by a combination of tibial neuromodulation and tramadol treatment in cats. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology, 302: F1576-1582, 2012. Tai, C., Shen, B., Mally, A.D., Zhang, F., Zhao, S., Wang, J., Roppolo, J. R., and de Groat, W.C., Inhibition of micturition reflex by activation of somatic afferents in posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. Journal of Physiology (London) 590: 4945-4955, 2012. Mally, A.D., Zhang, F., Matsuta, Y., Shen, B., Wang, J., Roppolo, J.R., de Groat, W.C. and Tai, C. Combination of foot stimulation and tramadol treatment reverses irritation induced bladder overactivity in cats. Journal of Urology, 188:2426-2432, 2012. Chen G, JA Larson, PD Ogagan, B Shen, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C T. Post-stimulation inhibitory effect on reflex bladder activity induced by activation of somatic afferent nerves in the foot. Journal of Urology 187:338-343, 2012. Schwen Z, Y Matsuta, B Shen, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Inhibition of bladder overactivity by duloxetine in combination with foot stimulation or WAY100635 treatment in cats. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology 305:F1663-F1668, 2013. Schwen Z, Y Matsuta, B Shen, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC deGroat and C Tai. Involvement of 5-HT3 receptors in pudendal inhibition of bladder overactivity in cats. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology 305:F663-F671, 2013. Matsuta Y, AD Mally, F Zhang, B Shen, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Contribution of opioid and metabotropic glutamate receptor mechanisms to inhibition of bladder overactivity by tibial nerve stimulation. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology 305:R126R133, 2013. Matsuta Y, Z Schwen, AD Mally, B Shen, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Effect of methysergide on pudendal inhibition of micturition reflex in cats. Experimental Neurology 247:250-258, 2013. Zhang F, S Zhao, B Shen, J Wang, D Nelson, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Neural pathways involved in sacral neuromodulation of reflex bladder activity in cats. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology 304:F710-F717, 2013. Mally AD, Y Matsuta, F Zhang, B Shen, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Role of opioid and metabotropic glutamate 5 receptors in pudendal inhibition of bladder overactivity in cats. Journal of Urology 189:1574-1579, 2013. Schwen Z, Y Matsuta, B Shen, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Combination of foot stimulation and tolterodine treatment eliminates bladder overactivity in cats. Neurourology and Urodynarnics 33: 12661271, 2014. Xiao Z, MJ Rogers, B Shen, J Wang, Z Schwen, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Somatic modulation of spinal reflex bladder activity mediated by nociceptive bladder afferent nerve fibers in cats. American Journal of Physiology- Renal Physiology 307:F673-F679, 2014.


Zhao S, G Yang, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Effect of non-symmetric waveform on conduction block induced by high-frequency (kHz) biphasic stimulation in unmyelinated axon. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 37: 377-386, 2014. Yang G, J Wang, B Shen, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Pudendal nerve stimulation and block by a wireless controlled implantable stimulator in cats. Neuromodulation 17: 490-496, 2014. Reese J, Z Xiao, Z Schwen, Y Matsuta, B Shen, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and Changfeng Tai. Effects of Duloxetine and WAYl 00635 on pudendal inhibition of bladder overactivity in cats. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 349: 402-407, 2014. Chen M, C Chermansky, B Shen, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Electrical stimulation of somatic afferent nerves in the foot increases bladder capacity in healthy human subjects. Journal of Urology 191:10091013, 2014. Xiao Z, J Reese, Z Schwen, B Shen, J Wang, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Role of spinal GABAA receptors in pudenda! inhibition of nociceptive and non­ nociceptive bladder reflexes in cats. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 306: F781-F789, 2014. Matsuta Y, JR Roppolo, WC de Groat and C Tai. Post-stimulation inhibition of the rnicturition reflex induced by tibial nerve stimulation in rats. Physiological Reports 2: e000205, 2014. Francisco Schopfer, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Rothstein SN, Kay JE, Schopfer FJ, Freeman BA and Little SR (2012) A retrospective mathematical analysis of controlled release design and experimentation. Mol Pharm 9(11):3003-3011. Bonacci G., Baker P.R., Salvatore S.R., Shores D., Khoo N.K., Koenitzer J.R., Vitturi D.A., Woodcock S.R., Golin-Bisello F., Cole M.P., Watkins S., St Croix C., Batthyany C.I., Freeman B.A. and Schopfer F 2012. Conjugated linoleic acid is a preferential substrate for fatty acid nitration. J Biol Chem. 287: 44071-44082. Hammond V.J., Morgan A.H., Lauder S., Thomas C.P., Brown S., Freeman B.A., Lloyd C.M., Davies J., Bush A., Levonen A.L., Kansanen E., Villacorta L., Chen Y.E., Porter N., Garcia-Diaz Y.M., Schopfer F and O'Donnell V.B. 2012. Novel keto-phospholipids are generated by monocytes and macrophages, detected in cystic fibrosis, and activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma. J Biol Chem. 287: 41651-41666. Rothstein S.N., Kay J.E., Schopfer F, Freeman B.A. and Little S.R. 2012. A retrospective mathematical analysis of controlled release design and experimentation. Mol Pharm. 9: 3003-3011. Woodcock, S. R., Bonacci, G., Gelhaus, S. L., and Schopfer, F. J. 2013 Nitrated fatty acids: synthesis and measurement. Free Radic Biol Med 59, 14-26 Vitturi, D. A., Chen, C. S., Woodcock, S. R., Salvatore, S. R., Bonacci, G., Koenitzer, J. R., Stewart, N. A., Wakabayashi, N., Kensler, T. W., Freeman, B. A., and Schopfer, F. J. 2013 Modulation of Nitro-fatty Acid Signaling: PROSTAGLANDIN REDUCTASE-1 IS A NITROALKENE REDUCTASE. J Biol Chem 288, 25626-25637


Villacorta, L., Chang, L., Salvatore, S. R., Ichikawa, T., Zhang, J., Petrovic-Djergovic, D., Jia, L., Carlsen, H., Schopfer, F. J., Freeman, B. A., and Chen, Y. E. 2013 Electrophilic nitro-fatty acids inhibit vascular inflammation by disrupting LPS-dependent TLR4 signalling in lipid rafts. Cardiovasc Res 98, 116-124 Salvatore, S. R., Vitturi, D. A., Baker, P. R., Bonacci, G., Koenitzer, J. R., Woodcock, S. R., Freeman, B. A., and Schopfer, F. J. 2013 Characterization and quantification of endogenous fatty acid nitroalkene metabolites in human urine. J Lipid Res 54, 1998-2009 Perez-Rosello, T., Anderson, C. T., Schopfer, F. J., Zhao, Y., Gilad, D., Salvatore, S. R., Freeman, B. A., Hershfinkel, M., Aizenman, E., and Tzounopoulos, T. 2013 Synaptic Zn2+ inhibits neurotransmitter release by promoting endocannabinoid synthesis. The Journal of Neuroscience 33, 9259-9272 Gil, M., Grana, M., Schopfer, F. J., Wagner, T., Denicola, A., Freeman, B. A., Alzari, P. M., Batthyany, C., and Duran, R. 2013 Inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PknG by non-catalytic rubredoxin domain specific modification: reaction of an electrophilic nitro-fatty acid with the Fe-S center. Free Radic Biol Med 65C, 150161 Cipollina, C., S. R. Salvatore, M. F. Muldoon, B. A. Freeman, and F. J. Schopfer. "Generation and Dietary Modulation of Anti-Inflammatory Electrophilic Omega-3 Fatty Acid Derivatives." PLoS One 9, no. 4 (2014): e94836. Fazzari, M., A. Trostchansky, F. J. Schopfer, S. R. Salvatore, B. Sanchez-Calvo, D. Vitturi, R. Valderrama, et al. "Olives and Olive Oil Are Sources of Electrophilic Fatty Acid Nitroalkenes." PLoS One 9, no. 1 (2014): e84884. Schopfer, F. J., B. A. Freeman, and N. K. Khoo. "Nitro-Oleic Acid and Epoxyoleic Acid Are Not Altered in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: Reply." Cardiovasc Res 102, no. 3 (Jun 1 2014): 518. Turell, L., H. Botti, L. Bonilla, M. J. Torres, F. Schopfer, B. A. Freeman, L. Armas, et al. "Hplc Separation of Human Serum Albumin Isoforms Based on Their Isoelectric Points." J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 944 (Jan 1 2014): 144-51. Woodcock, S. R., S. R. Salvatore, G. Bonacci, F. J. Schopfer, and B. A. Freeman. "Biomimetic Nitration of Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Formation and Characterization of Naturally Occurring Conjugated Nitrodienes." J Org Chem 79, no. 1 (Jan 3 2014): 25-33. Cipollina C and Schopfer F.J. Electrophilic derivatives of omega-3 fatty acids for the cure and prevention of neurodegenerative disorders. Bioactive Nutriceuticals and Dietary Supplements in Neurological and Brain Disease: Prevention and Therapy. 1 st edition. Editors Ronald Ross Watson and Victor R. Preedy. ISBN :9780124114623 eBook ISBN :9780124115293. Publisher Elsevier (2014). Sruti Shiva, Ph.D. Associate Professor Liu S, Yeh TH, Singh VP, Shiva S, Krauland L, Li H, Zhang P, Kharbanda K, Ritov V, Monga SP, Scott DK, Eagon PK, Behari J. β-catenin is essential for ethanol metabolism and protection against alcohol-mediated liver steatosis in mice. Hepatology. 2012 Mar: 55(3):931-40. . Curtis E, Hsu LL, Noguchi A, Geary L, Shiva S. Oxygen regulates tissue nitrite metabolism. Antioxid Redox Signal. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2012 Oct 1; 17(7):951-61. . 161

Navina S, Acharya C, DeLany JP, Orlichenko LS, Baty CJ, Shiva S, Durgampudi C, Karlsson JM, Lee K, Bae KT, Furlan A, Behari J, Liu S, McHale T, Nichols L, Papachristou GI, Yadav D, Singh VP. Lipotoxicity causes multisystem organ failure and exacerbates acute pancreatitis in obesity. Sci Transl Med. 2011 Nov 2;3(107):107ra110. Willaert A, Khatri S, Callewaert BL, Coucke PJ, Crosby SD, Lee JG, Davis EC, Shiva S, Tsang M, De Paepe A, Urban Z. GLUT10 is required for the development of the cardiovascular system and the notochord and connects mitochondrial function to TGFβ signaling. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Mar 15; 21(6):1248-59. Kamga C, Krishnamurthy S, Shiva S. Myoglobin and mitochondria: a relationship bound by oxygen and nitric oxide. Nitric Oxide. 2012 May 15; 26(4):251-8. Cruz JA, Bauer EM, Rodriguez AI, Gangopadhyay A, Zeineh NS, Wang Y, Shiva S, Champion HC, Bauer PM. Chronic hypoxia induces right heart failure in caveolin-1-/- mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012 Jun 15; 302(12):H2518-27. . Neye N, Enigk F, Shiva S, Habazettl H, Plesnila N, Kuppe H, Gladwin MT, Kuebler WM. Inhalation of NO during myocardial ischemia reduces infarct size and improves cardiac function. Intensive Care Med. 2012 Aug; 38(8):1381-91. PMID: 22653370. Totzeck M, Hendgen-Cotta UB, Luedike P, Berenbrink M, Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ, Semmler D, Shiva S, Williams D, Kipar A, Gladwin MT, Schrader J, Kelm M, Cossins AR, Rassaf T. Nitrite regulates hypoxic vasodilation via myoglobin-dependent nitric oxide generation. Circulation. 2012 Jul 17; 126(3):325-34. Ghosh S, Willard B, Comhair SA, Dibello P, Xu W, Shiva S, Aulak KS, Kinter M, Erzurum SC. Disulfide Bond As a Switch for Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Asthma. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2012 Sep 7. [Epub ahead of print] . Mo L, Wang Y, Geary L, Corey C, Alef MJ, Beer-Stolz D, Zuckerbraun BS, Shiva S. Nitrite activates AMP kinase to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis independent of soluble guanylate cyclase. Free Radic Biol Med. 2012 Oct 1; 53(7):1440-50. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2012.07.080. . Chapman AL, Mocatta TJ, Shiva S, Seidel A, Chen B, Khalilova I, Paumann-Page ME, Jameson GN, Winterbourn CC, Kettle AJ. Ceruloplasmin is an endogenous inhibitor of myeloperoxidase. J Biol Chem. 2013; 288(9):6465-77. Cronican AA, Fitz NF, Carter A, Saleem M, Shiva S, Barchowsky A, Koldamova R, Schug J, Lefterov I. Genome-Wide Alteration of Histone H3K9 Acetylation Pattern in Mouse Offspring Prenatally Exposed to Arsenic. PLoS One. 2013; 8(2):e53478. Zhao XJ, Wang L, Shiva S, Tejero J, Wang J, Frizzell S, Gladwin MT. Mechanisms for cellular NO oxidation and nitrite formation in lung epithelial cells. Free Radic Biol Med. 2013; 61C:428-437. Hahm E, Lee J, Kim S, Sehrawat A, Arlotti J, Shiva S, Bhargava R, Singh SV. Metabolic Alterations in Mammary Cancer Prevention by Withaferin A in a Clinically Relevant Mouse Model. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2013; 105 (15):1111-1122. Zhou H, Lai Y, Zhao X, Yan G, Ma D, Cardenes N, Shiva S, Liu Y, Bai X, Jiang Y, Jiang Y. Regulation of Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 by Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL Proteins. J Biol Chem. 2013; 288 (40); 28824-28830. Heid ME, Keyel PA, Kamga C, Shiva S, Watkins SC, Salter RD. Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Induces NLRP3-Dependent Lysosomal Damage and Inflammasome Activation. J Immunol. 2013; 191(10): 5230-5238. . Zharikov S, Shiva S. Platelet mitochondrial function: from regulation of thrombosis to biomarker of disease. Biochem Soc Trans. 2013; 41(1):118-23. 162

Shiva S. Nitrite: A physiological store of nitric oxide and modulator of mitochondrial function. Redox Biology. 2013 ; Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 40-44 Khoo NK, Mo L, Zharikov S, Kamga Pride C, Quesnelle K, Golin Bisello F, Li L, Wang Y and Shiva S. Nitrite augments glucose uptake in adipocytes through the protein kinase A-dependent stimulation of mitochondrial fusion. Free Radic Biol Med 70C:45-53, 2014. Kamga Pride C, Mo L, Quesnelle K, Dagda RK, Murillo D, Geary L, Corey C, Portella R, Zharikov S, St Croix C, Maniar S, Chu CT, Khoo N and Shiva S. Nitrite Activates protein kinase A in normoxia to mediate mitochondrial fusion and tolerance to ischemia/reperfusion. Cardiovasc Res 101:57-68, 2014. Cardenes N, Corey C, Geary L, Jain S, Zharikov S, Barge S, Novelli EM and Shiva S. Platelet bioenergetic screen in Sickle Cell patients reveals mitochondrial complex V inhibition which contributes to platelet activation. Blood 123:2864-2872, 2014. Cauwels A, Rogge E, Vandendriessche B, Shiva S and Brouckaert P. Extracellular ATP drives systemic inflammation, tissue damage and mortality. Cell Death Dis 5:e1102, 2014. Rassaf T, Totzeck M, Hendgen-Cotta UB, Shiva S, Heusch G and Kelm M. Circulating Nitrite contributes to cardioprotection by remote Ischemic reconditioning. Circ Res 114:1601-1610, 2014. Chen BB, Coon TA, Glasser JR, Zou C, Ellis B, Das T, McKelvey AC, Rajbhandari S, Lear T, Kamga C, Shiva S, Li C, Pilewski JM, Callio J, Chu CT, Ray A, Ray P, Tyurina YY, Kagan VE and Mallampalli RK. E3 ligase subunit Fbxo15 and PINK1 kinase regulate cardiolipin synthase 1 stability and mitochondrial function in pneumonia. Cell Rep 7:476-487, 2014. . Hamilton KS, Phong B, Corey C, Cheng J, Gorentla B, Zhong X, Shiva S and Kane LP. T cell receptordependent activation of mTOR signaling in T cells is mediated by Carma1 and MALT1, but not Bcl10. Sci Signal 7:ra55, 2014. Whelan SP, Carchman EG, Kautza B, Nassour I, Mollen K, Escobar D, Gomez H, Rosengart MA, Shiva S and Zuckerbraun BS. Polymicrobial sepsis is associated with decreased hepatic oxidative phosphorylation and an altered metabolic profile. J Surg Res 186:297-303, 2014. Frazziano G, Al Ghouleh I, Baust J, Shiva S, Champion HC and Pagano PJ. Nox-derived ROS are acutely activated in pressure overload pulmonary hypertension: indications for a seminal role for mitochondrial Nox 4. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 306:H197-205, 2014. Shivendra Singh, Ph.D. Professor Hahm, E.R, and Singh, S.V.: Bim contributes to phenethyl isothiocyanate-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells. Mol. Carcinogenesis, 51: 465-474, 2012. Sakao, K., and Singh, S.V.: D,L-Sulforaphane-induced apoptosis in human breast cancer cells is regulated by the adapter protein p66Shc. J. Cell. Biochem., 113: 599-610, 2012. . Antony, M.L., Kim, S.H., and Singh, S.V.: Critical role of p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis in benzyl isothiocyanate-induced apoptotic cell death. PLoS ONE, 7(2): e32267, 2012. . Xiao, D., Bommareddy, A., Kim, S.H., Sehrawat, A., Hahm, E.R., and Singh, S.V.: Benzyl isothiocyanate causes FoxO1-mediated autophagic death in human breast cancer cells. PLoS ONE, 7(3): e32597, 2012. Sakao, K., Desineni, S., Hahm, E.R., and Singh, S.V.: Phenethyl isothiocyanate suppresses inhibitor of apoptosis family protein expression in prostate cancer cells in culture and in vivo. Prostate, 72: 1104-1116, 2012. 163

Kim, S.H., Sehrawat, A., and Singh, S.V.: Notch2 activation by benzyl isothiocyanate impedes its inhibitory effect on breast cancer cell migration. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 134: 1067-1079, 2012. Singh, S.V., Kim, S.H., Sehrawat, A., Arlotti, J.A., Hahm, E.R., Sakao, K., Beumer, J.H., Jankowitz, R.C., Chandra-Kuntal, K., Lee, J., Powolny, A.A., and Dhir, R.: Biomarkers of phenethyl isothiocyanate-mediated mammary cancer chemoprevention in a clinically relevant mouse model. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 104: 1228-1239, 2012. Hahm, E.R., Chandra-Kuntal, K., Desai, D., Amin, S., and Singh, S.V.: Notch activation is dispensable for D,Lsulforaphane-mediated inhibition of human prostate cancer cell migration. PLoS One, 7: e44957, 2012. . Lee, J., Sehrawat, A., and Singh, S.V.: Withaferin A causes activation of Notch2 and Notch4 in human breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 136: 45-56, 2012. Sehrawat, A., Arlotti, J.A., Murakami, A., and Singh, S.V.: Zerumbone causes Bax- and Bak-mediated apoptosis in human breast cancer cells and inhibits orthotopic xenograft growth in vivo. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 136: 429-441, 2012. Powolny, A.A., Bommareddy, A., and Singh, S.V.: Slow but steady progress in cancer chemoprevention with phenethyl isothiocyanate: fulfilled promises and translational challenges. In: Nutraceuticals and Cancer (Sarkar, F.H., ed.), pp. 231-258, Springer, 2012. Singh, S.V., and Singh K.: Cancer chemoprevention with dietary isothiocyanates mature for clinical translational research. Carcinogenesis, 33: 1833-1842, 2012. Chandra-Kuntal, K., Lee, J., and Singh, S.V.: Critical role for reactive oxygen species in apoptosis induction and cell migration inhibition by diallyl trisulfide, a cancer chemopreventive component of garlic. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 138: 69-79, 2013. . Zhu, J., Ghosh, A., Coyle, E.M., Lee, J., Hahm, E.R., Singh, S.V., and Sarkar, S.N. Differential effects of phenethyl isothiocyanate and D,L-sulforaphane on TLR3 signaling. J. Immunol., 190: 4400- 4407, 2013. Sehrawat, A., Kirn, S.H., Vogt, A., and Singh, S.V.: Suppression of FOXQl in benzyl isothiocyanate­mediated inhibition of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human breast cancer cells. Carcinogenesis, 34: 864-873, 2013. Hahm, E.R., and Singh, S.V.: Withaferin A-induced apoptosis in human breast cancer cells is associated with suppression of inhibitor of apoptosis family protein expression. Cancer Lett., 334: 101-108, 2013. Sakao, K., and Singh, S.V.: In vitro and in vivo effects of phenethyl isothiocyanate treatment on vimentin protein expression in cancer cells. Nutr. Cancer, 65(Sl): 61-67, 2013. Kim, S.H., Sehrawat, A., and Singh, S.V.: Dietary chemopreventative benzyl isothiocyanate inhibits breast cancer stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Prev. Res., 6: 782-790, 2013. Hahm, E.R., Lee, J., Kim, S.H., Sehrawat, A., Arlotti, J.A., Shiva, S.S., Bhargava, R., and Singh, S.V.: Metabolic alterations in mammary cancer prevention by withaferin A in a clinically-relevant mouse model J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 105: 1111-1122, 2013. 164

Hahm, E.R., and Singh, S.V.: Autophagy fails to alter withaferin A-mediated lethality in human breast cancer cells. Curr. Cancer Drug Targets, 13: 640-650, 2013. Vyas, A.R., Hahm, E.R., Arlotti, J.A., Watkins, S., Stolz, D.B., Desai, D., Amin, S., and Singh, S.V.: Chemoprevention of prostate cancer by D,L-sulforaphane is augmented by pharmacological inhibition of autophagy. Cancer Res., 73: 5985-5995, 2013. . Yang, Z., Garcia, A., Xu, S., Powell, D.R., Vertino, P.M., Singh, S.V., and Marcus, A.I.: Withania somnifera root extract inhibits mammary cancer metastasis and epithelial to mesenchymal transition. PLoS One,_8: e75069, 2013. Sehrawat, A., and Singh, S.V.: Molecular mechanisms of cancer chemoprevention with benzyl isothiocyanate. In: Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Cancer: Dietary Approaches for Cancer Prevention (Kong, A.N., ed.), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 447-462, 2013. Hahm, E.R., Karlsson, A.I., Bonner, M.Y., Arbiser, J.L., and Singh, S.V.: Honokiol inhibits androgen receptor activity in prostate cancer cells. Prostate, 74: 408-420, 2014. Antony, M.L., Lee, J., Hahm, E.R., Kim, S.H., Marcus, A.I., Kumari, V., Ji, X., Yang, Z., Vowell, C.L., Wipf, P., Uechi, G.T., Yates, N.A., Romero, G., Sarkar, S.N., and Singh, S.V.: Growth arrest by the antitumor steroidal lactone withaferin A in human breast cancer cells is associated with downregulation and covalent binding at cysteine-303 of -tubulin. J. Biol. Chem., 289: 1852-1865, 2014. . Hahm, E.R., and Singh, S.V.: Diallyl trisulfide inhibits estrogen receptor-a activity in humar breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 144: 47-57, 2014. . Vyas, A.R., and Singh, S.V.: Functional relevance of D,L-sulforaphane-mediated induction of vimentin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in human prostate cancer cells. Eur. J. Nutr., 53: 843-852, 2014. Nagalingam, A., Kuppusamy, P., Singh, S.V., Saxena, N.K., and Sharma, D.: Mechanistic elucidation of the antitumor properties of withaferin A in breast cancer. Cancer Res., 74: 2617-2629, 2014. Tailor, D., Hahm, E.R., Kale, R., Singh, S.V., and Singh, R.P.: Sodium butyrate induces DRPl­ mediated mitochondrial fusion and apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells. Mitochondrion, 16: 55- 64, 2014. Kim, S.H., and Singh, S.V.: Mammary cancer chemoprevention by Withaferin A is accompanied by in vivo suppression of self-renewal of cancer stem cells. Cancer Prev. Res., 7: 738-747, 2014. . Stan, S.D., Singh, S.V., Whitcomb, D.C., and Brand, R.E. Phenethyl isothiocyanate inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in a MIAPaca2 xenograft animal model. Nutr. Cancer, 66: 747-755, 2014. . Sehrawat, A., Sakao, K., and Singh, S.V.: Notch2 activation is protective against anticancer effects of zerumbone in human breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 146: 543-555, 2014. Hahm, E.R., Sakao, K., and Singh, S.V.: Honokiol activates reactive oxygen species-mediated cytoprotective autophagy in human prostate cance11 cells. Prostate, 74, 1209-1221, 2014. Vyas, A.R., and Singh, S.V.: Molecular targets and mechanisms of cancer prevention and treatment by withaferin A, a naturally occurring steroidal lactone. AAPS J., 16: 1-10, 2014. . 165

Moura MB, Hahm ER, Van Houten B, Singh SV. The use of Seahorse extracellular flux analyzer in mechanistic studies of naturally-occurring cancer chemopreventive agents. In: Cancer Prevention: Dietary Factors and Pharmacology (Bode AM and Dong Z, eds.), pp. 173-188, Humana Press, Springer Science+ Business Media, New York, 2014 (DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-9227-6). Robert Sobol, Ph.D. Associate Professor Svilar, D., Vens, C., and Sobol, R.W. “Quantitative, real-time analysis of base excision repair activity in cell lysates utilizing lesion-specific molecular beacons” (2012) J. Vis Exp., Aug 6;(66), pii: 4168. Srinivasan, A., Wang, L., Cline, C.J., Sobol, R.W., Xie, X.Q., and Gold,B. “The Identification and Characterization of Human AP Endonuclease-1 Inhibitors” (2012) Biochemistry, 51(31): 6266-6259. Svilar, D., Dyavaiah, M., Brown, A.R., Tang, J.B., Li, J., McDonald, P.R., Shun, T.Y., Braganza, A., Wang, X.H., Maniar, S., St Croix, C.M., Lazo, J.S., Pollack, I.F., Begley, T.J., and Sobol, R.W. “Alkylation Sensitivity Screens Reveal a Conserved Cross-species Functionome” (2012) Molecular Cancer Research; (10): 1580-1596. Li, J., Luthra, S., Wang, X.H., Chandran, U.R., & Sobol, R.W. “Transcriptional profiling reveals elevated Sox2 in DNA Polymerase ß null mouse embryonic fibroblasts” (2012) Am J Cancer Res, 2(6): 699-713. Vens, C., and Sobol, R.W. “Targeting DNA Repair Pathways for Cancer Therapy” in Cell Death Signaling in Cancer Biology and Treatment (2012) Daniel E. Johnson, Editor; Book Series Cell Death in Biology and Diseases, Xiao-Ming Yin, and Zheng Dong, Editors; Springer, New York. Joshi, K., Banasavadi-Siddegowda, Y., Mo, X., Kim, S, Mao, P., Kig, C., Nardini, D., Sobol, R.W., Chow, L.M., Kornblum, H.I., Waclaw, R., Beullens, M., and Nakano, I. “MELK-dependent FOXM1 phosphorylation is essential for proliferation glioma stem cells” (2013) Stem Cells, June; 31(6):1051-63. PMID: 23404835 [PubMed - in process]; Mao P., Joshi, K., Li, J., Santana-Santos, L., Luthra, S., Chandran, U.R., Benos, P.V., Smith, L., DeWang, M., Hu, B., Cheng*, S.Y., Sobol*, R.W., Nakano*, I. “Mesenchymal glioma stem cells are maintained by activated glycolytic metabolism involving aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A3” (2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (*Corresponding Author) May 21; 110(21)8644-9. Kothandapani, A., Sawant, A., Danget i, V.S., Sobol, R.W. and Patrick, S.M. “Epistatic role of base excision repair and mismatch repair pathways in mediating cisplatin cytotoxicity” (2013) Nucleic Acids Research, June 12; 41(15)7332-7343. . Lan L., Nakajima S., Wei L., Sun L., Hsieh C.L., Sobol R.W., Bruchez M., Van Houten B., Yasui A., Levine A.S. “Novel method for site-specific induction of oxidative DNA damage reveals differences in recruitment of repair proteins to heterochromatin and euchromatin.” Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Nov 29. Li, J., Braganza, A., & Sobol, R.W. “Base excision repair facilitates a functional relationship between Guanine oxidation and histone demethylation” (2013) Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, June 20;18(18): 2429-43. Sobol, R.W. “DNA Repair Polymerases” in RNA and DNA Polymerases (2013) Michael Trakselis and Katsu Murakami, Editors; Springer, New York. 166

Williams K, Sobol RW. “Mutation research/fundamental and molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis: Special issue: DNA repair and genetic instability”. Mutation research. (2013); 743-744:1-3. Elise Fouquerel, Jianfeng Li, Andrea Braganza, Zhongxun Yu, Ashley R. Brown, Xiao-hong Wang, Sandy Schamus, David Svilar, Qingming Fang and Robert W. Sobol “Use of RNA interference to study DNA repair” in Genotoxicity and DNA REPAIR: A PRACTICAL APPROACH (2014) L. María Sierra & Isabel Gaivão, Editors; Springer, New York. Laura Stabile, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Stabile LP, Rothstein ME, Keohavong P, Lenzner D, Land SR, Gaither-Davis AL, Kim KJ, Kaminski N, Stabile LP, Dacic S, Land SR, Lenzner D, Dhir R, Aquafondata M, Landreneau RJ, Siegfried JM. Combined analysis of estrogen receptor beta-1 and progesterone receptor expression identifies lung cancer patients with poor outcome. Clin Cancer Res. 2011; Jan 1;17(1):154-64. Dulak AM, Gubish CT, Stabile LP, Henry C, Siegfried JM. HGF-independent potentiation of EGFR action by c-Met. Oncogene. 2011; Aug 18;30(33):3625-35. Xu H, Stabile LP, Gubish CT, Gooding WE, Grandis JR, Siegfried JM. Dual blockade of EGFR and c-Met abrogates redundant signaling and proliferation in head and neck carcinoma cells. Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Jul 1;17(13):4425-38. Siegfried JM, Gubish CT, Rothstein ME, Henry C, Stabile LP. Combining the multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor vandetanib with the anti-estrogen fulvestrant enhances its anti-tumor effect in non-small cell lung cancer. J Thoracic Oncol. 2012 Mar;7(3):485-95. Henry C, Lopez-Chavez A, Stabile LP, Siegfried JM. HGF airway over-expression leads to enhanced pulmonary vascularization without induction of VEGF. Current Angiogenesis. 2012;1:52-63. Stabile LP, Rothstein ME, Cunningham DE, Land SR, Dacic S, Keohavong P, Siegfried JM. Prevention of tobacco carcinogen-induced lung cancer in female mice using antiestrogens. Carcinogenesis. 2012 Nov;33(11):2181-9. Stabile LP, He G, Lui VWL, Henry C, Gubish CT, Joyce S, Quesnelle K, Siegfried JM and Grandis JR. c-Src activation mediates erlotinib resistance in head and neck cancer by stimulating c-Met. Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Jan 15:19:380-392. Song JY, Siegfried JM, Diergaarde B, land SR, Bowser R, Stabile LP, Dacic S, Dhir R, Romkes M and Weissfeld JL. Genetic variations in ESR2 and estrogen receptor-beta expression in lung tumors. Cancer Epidemiology. 2013 Aug; 37:518-522. Ng YK, Lee JY, Khan A, Supko K, Torres SM, Berwick M, Ho J, Siegfried JM and Stabile LP. Pan-erbB inhibition potentiates BRAF inhibitors for melanoma treatment. Melanoma Research 24:207-218, 2014. Stabile LP, Rothstein ME, Gubish CT, Cunningham DE, Lee N and Siegfried JM. Co-targeting c-Met and COX-2 leads to enhanced inhibition of lung tumorigenesis in a murine model with heightened airway HGF. J Thoracic Oncol 9:1285-1293, 2014. 167

Siegfried JM and Stabile LP. Estrogenic steroid hormones in lung cancer. Seminars in Oncology 4:5-16, 2014. Burns TF and Stabile LP. Targeting the estrogen pathway for the treatment and prevention of lung cancer. Lung Cancer Management 3:1-10, 2014.

Ben Van Houten, Ph.D. Professor H. M. Roth, J. Römer, V. Grundler , B. Van Houten , C. Kisker, and I. Tessmer. (2012). The nucleotide excision repair helicase XPB regulates Bax1 DNA incision. DNA Repair. 11(3):286-93. A. M. Gusdon, J.Zhu, B. Van Houten, and C.T. Chu. (2012). ATP13A2 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics through macroautophagy. Neurobiol Dis. 45(3):962-72. E.C. Nakajima, and B. Van Houten. (2012). Metabolic Symbiosis in cancer: refocusing the Warburg lens. Mol. Carcinogenesis [Epub ahead of print] B. Pascucci, T. Lemma, E. Iorio, S. Giovannini, B. Vaz, I. Iavarone, A. Calcagnile, L. Narciso, P. Degan, F. Podo, V. Roginskya, B. M. Janjic, B. Van Houten, M.Stefanini, E. Dogliotti and M. D’Errico. (2012). An altered redox balance mediates the hypersensitivity of Cockayne syndrome primary fibroblasts to oxidative stress Aging Cell. Jun;11(3):520-9. Epub 2012 Apr 5 PubMed. H-Y. Cho, B. Van Houten, X. Wang, L. Miller-DeGraff, J. Fostel, W. Gladwell, L. Perrow, V. Panduri, L. Kobzik, M. Yamamoto, D. A. Bell and S. R. Kleeberger. (2012) Targeted deletion of Nrf2 impairs lung development and oxidant injury in neonatal mice. Antioxidant & Redox Signaling. X. Liang, M.E. de Vera, W.J. Buchser, A. Romo de Vivar Chavez , P. Loughran, D. Beer-Stolz, P. Basse, T.Wang, B. Van Houten , H.J. Zeh, and M. Lotze M. (2012). Inhibiting systemic autophagy during interleukin 2 immunotherapy promotes long-term Tumor regression. Cancer Res Jun 1;72(11):2791-801. Apr 3. PMCID: PMC3417121

J.H. Zhu, A.M. Gusdon, H. Cimen, B. Van Houten, E. Koc, C.T. Chu. (2012).Impaired mitochondrial biogenesis contributes to depletion of functional mitochondria in chronic MPP(+) toxicity: dual roles for ERK1/2. Cell Death Dis. 2012 May24 J.A. Graves , Y. Wang, S. Sims-Lucas , E. Cherok, K. Rothermund , M.F. Branca, J. Elster, D. Beer-Stolz, B. Van Houten, J. Vockley, E.V. Prochownik. (2012). Mitochondrial Structure, Function and Dynamics Are Temporally Controlled by c-Myc. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e37699. A. M. Furda, A. M. Marrangonib, A. Lokshinb , B.Van Houten. (2012). Oxidants and not alkylating induce rapid mtDNA loss and mitochondrial dysfunction. DNA Repair 11(8):684-92. Epub 2012 Jul 4.


C.,Furtado, M. Kunrath-Lima, M.A. Rajão, I.C. Mendes, M.B Moura, P.C. Campos, A.M. Macedo, G.R. Franco, S.D.J.Pena, S.M.R.Teixeira, B. Van Houten, and C.R. Machado. (2012). Functional characterization of 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase of Trypanosoma cruzi. PLoS One ; 7(8):e42484. M. Barbi de Moura, G. Vincent, S. L. Fayewicz, N. Bateman, B. Hood, M. Sun, J. Suhan, S. Duensing, Y. Yin, C. Sander, J. M. Kirkwood, D. Becker, T. P. Conrads, B. Van Houten, and S. J Moschos. (2012). Mitochondrial respiration - an important therapeutic target in melanoma PLoS One 7(8):e40690. 168

J.I. Yeh, A. S. Levine, S. Du, U. Chinte, H. Ghodke, H. Wang, Shi, H, C. L. Hsieh, T. Vu, J. F. Conway, B. Van Houten, and V. Rapić-Otrin (2012). Damaged DNA induced UV-DDB dimerization and its roles on chromatinized DNA repair . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 109(41):E2737-46. S. Brar, J. Meyer, C. Bortner, B. Van Houten, and W. Martin, II (2012). Mitochondrial DNA-depleted A549 cells are resistant to bleomycin. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 303(5):L413-24. A. Furda, A. S. Bess, J. N. Meyer, and B. Van Houten. Analysis of DNA damage and repair in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of animal cells using quantitative PCR. IN Methods Mol Biol. DNA Repair Protocols, Third Edition. Ed. Lotte Bjergbaek Springer Science+Business Medical LLC, NY, NY 920:111-132, 2012. N. M. Kad and B. Van Houten. Dynamics of lesion processing by bacterial nucleotide excision repair proteins. IN: Mechanisms of DNA Repair, in the Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science series. Ed. Paul Doetsch. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Holland, 110:1-24, 2012. C. Kisker, J. Kuppfer, and B. Van Houten. (2013).Prokaryotic Nucleotide Excision Repair. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. Mar 1;5(3):a012591, S. Godin, A. Wier, F. Kabbinavar, D. S. Bratton-Palmer, H. Ghodke, B. Van Houten, A. P. VanDemark, and K.A. Bernstein (2013). The Shu complex interacts with the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament to mediate error-free recombination. Nucleic Acids Res. Apr; 41(8):4525-34. doi: 10.1093/nar/gk\138. Epub2013 Mar4. . C. Hughes, H. Wang, H. Ghodke, M. Simons, A. Towheed, Y. Peng, B. Van Houten, N. Kad (2013). Real time single molecule imaging reveals a direct interaction between UvrC and UvrB on DNA tightropes. Nucleic Acids Res. March 19, May;41(9):4901-12. doi: 10.1093/nar/gk\177. Epub 2013 Mar 19. M. D'Errico, B. Pascucci, E. Iorio, B. Van Houten, and E .Dogliotti (2013). The role of CSA and CSB proteins in the oxidative stress response. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, April 3, May­ Jun;134(5-6):261-9. Y. Maslov, S. Ganapathi, M. Westerhof, W. Quispe, R. R. White, B. Van Houten, E. Reiling, M. Dolle, H. van Steeg, P. Hasty, J. Hoeijmakers, and J. Vijg. (2013). DNA damage in normal and prematurely aged mice. Aging Cell. March 15, 2013 Jun;12(3):467-77. R. Kang, D. Tang, N.E. Schapiro, T. Loux, K.M. Livesey, T.R. Billiar, H. Wang, B. Van Houten, M.T. Lotze, H.J. Zeh HJ. (2013) The HMGB1/RAGE inflammatory pathway promotes pancreatic tumor growth by regulating mitochondrial bioenergetics. Oncogene. PubMed K. M. Nieman, I. L. Romeroa, B. Van Houten, and E. Lengyel (2013). Adipose tissue and adipocytes supports tumorigenesis and metastasis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1831(10):1533-41. M. Sarin, Y. Wang, F. Zhang, K. Rothermund, Y. Zhang, J. Lu, S. Sims-Lucas, D. Beer-Stolz, B. Van Houten, J .Vockley, E.S. Goetzman, J. A. Graves and E.V. Prochownik. (2013). Alterations in c-Myc phenotypes resulting from dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1)-mediated mitochondrial fission. Ce// Death and Disease. Jun 13;4:e670. W. Qian, J. Wang & B. Van Houten. (2013). The role of dynamin-related protein 1 in cancer growth: a promising therapeutic target? Expert Opinion Ther. Targets 17(9): 997-1001 169

P. McKibbin, A. Fleming, M. Toweed, B. Van Houten, C. Burrows, and S. David (2013). Repair of hydantoin lesions and their amine adducts in DNA by base excision repair and nucleotide excision repair. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Sep 18;135(37):13851-61. P.G. Shaw, R.Chaerkady, T. Wang, S. Vasilatos, Yi Huang, B.Van Houten, A. Pandey and N.E. Davidson. (2013). Integrated proteomic and metabolic flux analysis of a cell line model of breast cancer progression. PLoS ONE. Sep 27;8(9):e76220. Vaisman JP, D McDonald, W Huston, L Kuban, Liu, B Van Houten and R Woodgate. Removal of misincorporated ribonucleotides from prokaryotic genomes: an unexpected role for nucleotide excision repair PLoS Genetics(11:e1003878, 2013. Lan L, S Nakajima, L Wei, L Sun, CL Hsieh, RW Sobol, M Bruchez, B Van Houten, A Yasui and A Levine. Novel method for site-specific induction of oxidative DNA damage reveals differences in recruitment of repair proteins to heterochromatin and euchromatin. Nucleic Acids Research 42: 2330-2345, 2014. Van Houten B and C Kisker. Transcriptional pausing to scout ahead for DNA damage. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111:3905-3906, 2014. Ghodke H, H Wang, CL Hsieh, S Woldemeskel, S Watkins, V Rapic-Otrin and B Van Houten. Single molecule analysis reveals human UV-damaged DNA binding protein (UV-DOB) dimerizes on DNA via multiple kinetic intermediates. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111):E1862-1871, 2014. Kang R, D Tang, NE Schapiro, T Loux, KM Livesey, TR Billiar, H Wang, B Van Houten, MT Lotze and HJ Zeh. The HMGB1/RAGE inflammatory pathway promotes pancreatic tumor growth by regulating mitochondrial bioenergetics. Oncogene 33:567-577, 2014. Jenkins FJ, B Van Houten and DH Bovbjerg. Effects on DNA damage and/or repair processes as biological mechanisms linking psychological stress to cancer risk. J Appl Biobehav Res 19:3-23, 2014. Hughes CD, M Simons, CE Mackenzie, B Van Houten and NM Kad. Single molecule techniques in DNA repair: A primer. DNA Repair. 20:2-1, 2014. Kad N and B Van Houten. Investigation of bacterial nucleotide excision repair using single-molecule techniques. Special Issue of DNA Repair 20:41-48, 2014. Machado CR, JP Vieira-da-Rocha, lC Mendes, MA Rajao, L Marcello, M Bitar, MG Drummond, P Grynberg, DA Oliveira, C Marques, B Van Houten and R McCulloch. Nucleotide excision repair in Trypanosoma brucei: specialization of transcription-coupled repair due to multigenic transcription. Mo/ Microbio/ 92(4): 756-776, 2014. . Qian W, J Wang, V Roginskaya, L McDermott, R Edwards, D B Stolz, F Llambi, DR Green and B Van Houten. Novel combination of mitochondrial division inhibitor 1 (mdivi-1) and platinum agents produces synergistic pro-apoptotic effect in drug resistant tumor cells. Oncotarget 5:4180-4194, 2014. Nakajima EC, C Laymon, M Oborski, W Hou, L Wang, JR Grandis, RL Ferris, JM, Mountz, and B Van Houten. Quantifying tumor metabolic heterogeneity in human tumors in real time: 2-DG uptake is highest in hypoxic regions PLoS One 9:e102452, 2014. 170

Barbi de Moura M, R Uppala, Y Zhang, B Van Houten and ES Goetzman. Overexpression of mitochondrial sirtuins alters glycolysis and mitochondrial function in HEK293 cells. PLoS One 9:e106028, 2014. Sanders LH, J McCoy, X Hu, PG Mastroberardino, BC Dickinson, CJ Chang, CT Chu, B Van Houten, JT Greenamyre. Mitochondrial DNA damage: Molecular marker ofvulnerable nigral neurons in Parkinson's disease. Neurobiol Dis. 70:214-223, 2014.. Fouquerel E, EM Goellner, Z Yu, J Gagn, M Barbi de Moura, T Feinstein, D Wheeler, P Redpath, J Li, G Romero, M Migaud, B Van Houten, G G Poirier and RW Sobol. ARTD1/PARP1 negatively regulates glycolysis by inhibiting hexokinase 1 independent of NAD+ depletion. Cell Report 8:1819-1831, 2014. Chen D, L Ming, F Zou, Y Peng, B Van Houten J Yu and L Zhang. p73 depletion unleashes p53- mediated apoptotic response to lethal DNA damage. Oncotarget 5:8107-22, 2014. Jean-Pierre Vilardaga, Ph.D. Associate Professor Hanyu R, Wehbi VL, Hayata T, Moriya S, Feinstein TN, Yoichi Ezura Y, Nagao M, Saita Y, Hemmi H, Notomi T, Nakamoto T, Schipani E, Takeda S, Kaneko K, Kurosawa H, Karsenty G, Kronenberg KM, Vilardaga JP*, Noda, M*. Anabolic action of PTH regulated by the β2-adrenergic receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2012 109:7433-7438. (*Corresponding author). Vilardaga JP*, Gardella, TJ, Wehbi VL, Feinstein TN. Non-canonical signaling of the PTH receptor. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 2012, 33:423-431. (*corresponding author) Vilardaga JP*, Feinstein TN, Romero G, Wehbi VL. Kinetics and Dynamics in the G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling Cascade. In P. Michael Conn, editors: G Protein Coupled Receptors, Methods in Enzymology, UK: Academic Press, 2013, Vol 522, pp. 337-364. Dario Vitruri, Ph.D. Research Instructor Fazzari M, Trostchansky A, Schopfer FJ, Salvatore SR, Sánchez-Calvo B, Vitturi D, Valderrama R, Barroso JB, Radi R, Freeman BA, Rubbo H. Olives and olive oil are sources of electrophilic Fatty Acid nitroalkenes. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 14;9(1):e84884. Daniela Volonte, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Huafei Zou, Daniela Volonte and Ferruccio Galbiati. 2012. Interaction of Caveolin-1 with KU70 inhibits Bax-mediated apoptosis. PloS ONE. 2012;7(6):e39379. Daniela Volonte and Ferruccio Galbiati. 2011. PTRF/cavin-1, a novel regulator of stress-induced premature senescence. J. Biol. Chem. (Report), Aug 19;286(33):28657-61. Ranmal A. Samarasinghe, Roberto di Maio, Daniela Volonte, Ferruccio Galbiati, Marcia Lewis, Guillermo Romero, and Donald B. DeFranco. 2011. Non-genomic glucocorticoid receptor action regulates gap junction intercellular communication and neural progenitor cell proliferation. PNAS USA, Oct 4;108(40):16657-62. 171

4Huafei Zou, Elena Stoppani, Daniela Volonte and Ferruccio Galbiati. 2011. Caveolin-1, cellular senescence and organismal aging. Mech. Ageing Dev., Nov-Dec;132(11-12):533-42. Volonte D, Z Liu, PM Musille, E Stoppani, N Wakabayashi, TW Kensler and F Galbiati. 2012. Inhibition of nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) by caveolin-1 promotes stress-induced premature senescence. Mol Biol Cell. 2013 Jun;24(12):1852-62. Peffer ME, Chanfran UR, Luthra S, Volonte D, Galbiati F, Garabedian MJ, Monaghan AP and DeFranco DB. Caveolin-1 regulates genomic action of the glucocorticoid receptor in neural stem cells. Mol.Cell.Biol. 2014 Jul;34(14):2611-2623, 2014. Nobunao Wakabayashi, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Mitochondrial division ensures the survival of postmitotic neurons by supressing oxidative damege. Kageyama Y, Zhang Z, Roda R, Fukaya M, Wakabayashi J, Wakabayashi N, Kensler TW, Reddy PH, Iijima M, Sesaki H. J Cell Biol. 197, 535-551, 2012. Hydrogen gas reduces hyperoxic lung injury via the Nrf2 pathway in vivo. Kawamura T, Wakabayashi N, Shigemura N, Huang CS, Masutani K, Tanaka Y, Noda K, Peng X, Takahashi T, Billiar TR, Okumura M, Toyoda Y, Kensler TW and Nakao A. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 304:L646-L656, 2013. Inhibition of nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) by caveolin-1 promotes stress-induced premature senescence. Volonte D, Liu Z, Musille PM, Stoppani E, Wakabayashi N, Di YP, Lisanti MP, Kensler TW and Galbitati F. Mol Biol Cell 24:1852-1862, 2013. NRF2 regulates miR-1 and miR-206 to drive tumorigenesis. Singh A, Happel C, Manna S, Acquaah-Mensah G, Carretero J, Kumar S, Nasipuri P, Kraubsz K, Wakabayashi N, Dewi R, Boros L, Gonzales F, Gabrielson E, Wong KK, Girnin G and Biswal S. J Clin Invest 123:2921-2934, 2013. Modulation of nitro-fatty acid signaling: Prostaglandin reductase-1 is a nitroalkene reductase. Vitturi DA, Chen CS, Woodcock SR, Salvatore SR, Bonacci G, Koenitzer JR, Stewart NA, Wakabayashi N, Kensler TW, Freeman BA and Schopfer FJ. J Biol Chem 288:25626-25637, 2013. Wakabayashi N, Skoko JJ, Chartoumpekis DV, Kimura S, Slocum SL, Noda K, Palliyaguru DL, Fujimuro M, Boley PA, Tanaka Y, Shigemura N, Biswal S, Yamamoto M and Kensler TW. Notch-Nrf2 axis: Regulation of Nrf2 gene expression and cytoprotection by Notch signaling. Mol Cell Biol 34:653-663, 2014. Skoko JJ, Wakabayashi N, Noda K, Kimura S, Tobita K, Shigemura N, Tsujita T, Yamamoto M and Kensler TW. Loss of Nrf2 in mice evokes a congenital intrahepatic shunt that alters hepatic oxygen and protein expression gradients and toxicity. Toxicol Sci 141:112-119, 2014.

Q. Jane Wang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor LaValle, C. R., Zhang, L., Xu, S., Eiseman, J. L., and Wang, Q. J. Inducible silencing of protein kinase D3 inhibits secretion of tumor-promoting factors in prostate cancer. Mol Cancer Ther, 11: 1389-99, 2012.


Zou, Z., Zeng, F., Xu, W., Wang, C., Ke, Z., Wang, Q. J., *Deng, F. PKD2 and PKD3 Promote Prostate Cancer Cell Invasion via uPA by Shifting Balance Between NF-κB and HDAC1. J Cell Sci, 2012. [Epub ahead of print] Guo, J., Clausen, D. M., Beumer, J. H., Parise, R. A., Egorin, M. J., Bravo-Altamirano K, Wipf, P., Sharlow, E. R., Wang, Q. J., and *Eiseman, J. L. In vitro cytotoxicity, pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and metabolism of small-molecule protein kinase D inhibitors, kb-NB142-70 and kb-NB184-43, in mice bearing human cancer xenografts. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 2012. [Epub ahead of print] Tandon, T., Wang, L., Xu, Q., Xie, X., Wipf, P., Wang, Q. J. A targeted library screen reveals a new inhibitor scaffold for protein kinase D. PLoS One, 2012, 7(9):e44653, Epub 2012 Sep 18. Guo, J., Clausen, D. M., Beumer, J. H., Parise, R. A., Egorin, M. J., Bravo-Altamirano K, Wipf, P., Sharlow, E. R., Wang, Q. J., and Eiseman, J. L. In vitro cytotoxicity, pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and metabolism of small-molecule protein kinase D inhibitors, kb-NB142-70 and kb-NB184-43, in mice bearing human cancer xenografts. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 71: 331-44, 2013. Tandon, T., Johnson, J., Li, Z., Xu, S., Wipf, P., and Wang, Q. J. New pyrazolopyrimidine inhibitors of protein kinase D as potent anticancer agents for prostate cancer cells. PLoS One, 8(9):e75601, 2013. Gan, H., Wang, G., Hao, Q., Wang, Q. J., and *Tang, H. Protein kinase D promotes airway epithelial barrier dysfunction and permeability through downregulation of claudin-1. J Biol Chem, 288: 37343-54, 2013. Wang, P., Han, L., Shen, H., Wang, P., Lv, C., Zhao, G., Niu, J., Xue, L., Wang, Q. J., Tong, T., and *Chen, J. Protein kinase D1 is essential for Ras-induced senescence and tumor suppression by regulating senescenceassociated inflammation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 111:7683-8, 2014. Vanessa Wehbi, Ph.D. Research Instructor Wehbi VL, Stevenson HP, Feinstein TN, Calero G, Romero G and Vilardaga JP. Noncanoncial GPCR signaling arising from a PTH receptor-arrestin-Gβγ complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci 110:1530-1535, 2013. Vilardaga JP, Romero G. Feinstein TN and Wehbi VL. Kinetics and dynamics in the G protein-coupled receptor signaling cascade. Methods Enzymol 522:337-363, 2013.

Stacy Gelhaus Wendell, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Tracey Lorraine, Sukhai M, Gelhaus S, Taylor D. Postdocs: NPA’s Success. Science 336(6089): 1638. June, 2012. Woodcock S, Bonacci G, Gelhaus SL and Schopfer FJ. Nitrated Fatty Acids: Synthesis and Measurement. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 59: 14-26, 2013. Fajt ML, Gelhaus SL, Freeman B, Uvalle CE, Trudeau JB, Holguin F and Wenzel SE. Prostaglandin D2 pathway upregulation: Relation to asthma severity, control, and TH2 inflammation. J Allergy and Clin Immunol. 2013 Mar 15. pii: S0091-6749(13)00195-4. 173

Delmastro-Greenwood M, Freeman BA and Wendell SG. Redox-dependent anti-inflammatory signaling actions of unsaturated fatty acids. Annual Review of Physiology 76: 79-105, 2014. Wendell SG, Baffi C and Holguin F. Fatty acids and asthma. Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology 133(5): 1255-1264, 2014. Steven Woodcock, Ph.D. Research Instructor Zhang X, Beckel JM, Daugherty SL, Wang T, Woodcock SR, Freeman BA and de Groat WC. Activation of TRPC channels contributes to OA-NO2-induced responses in guinea-pig dorsal root ganglion neurons. J Physiol 592:4297-4312, 2014. Zhang X, Koronowski KB, Li L, Freeman BA, Woodcock SR and de Groat WC. Nitro-oleic acid desensitizes TRPA1 and TRPV1 agonist responses in adult rat DRG neurons. Exp Neurol 251:12-21, 2014. Klinke A, Möller A, Pekarova M, Ravekes T, Friedrichs K, Berlin M, Scheu KM, Kubala L, Kolarova H, Ambrozova G, Schermuly RT, Woodcock SR, Freeman BA, Rosenkranz S, Baldus S, Rudolph V and Rudolph TK. Protective effects of 10-nitro-oleic acid in a hypoxia-induced murine model of pulmonary hypertension. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 51:155-162, 2014. Woodcock SR, Salvatore SR, Bonacci G, Freeman BA and Schopfer FJ. Biomimetic nitration of conjugated linoleic acid: characterization and synthesis of naturally-occurring conjugated dienes. J Org Chem 79:25-33, 2014. Lin Zhang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Livesey, K.M., Kang, R., Vernon, P., Buchser, W., Loughran, P, Watkins, S.C., Zhang, L., Manfredi, J.J., Zeh, H.J., Li, L., Lotze, M.T., and Tang, D. (2012) p53/HMGB1 complexes regulate autophagy and apoptosis. Cancer Research 72: 1996-2005. Qiu, W. Liu, H., Sebastini, A., Sun., Q., Wang, H., Zhang, L. and Yu, J. (2012) An apoptosis-independent role of SMAC in tumor suppression. Oncogene 2012 Jul 2. doi: 10.1038/onc.2012.265. [Epub ahead of print]. Bista, R.K., Uttam, S., Hartman, DJ., Qiu, W., Yu, J., Zhang, L., Brand, R.E. and Liu, Y. (2012) Investigation of nuclear nano-morphology marker as a biomarker for cancer risk assessment using a mouse model. J. Biomed. Opt. 17: 066014. Dudgeon, C., Peng, R., Wang, P., Sebastiani, A., Jian Yu, J., and Zhang, L. (2012) Inhibiting oncogenic signaling by sorafenib activates PUMA via GSK3b and NF-κB to suppress tumor cell growth. Oncogene 31:4848-4858. Sun, J., Sun, Q., Brown, M.F., Dudgeon, C., Chandler, J., Xu, X., Shu, Y., Zhang, L. and Yu, J. (2012) The multi-faceted kinase inhibitor sunitinib induces apoptosis in colon cancer cells via PUMA. PLoS One 7:e43158. Peng, R., Tong, J.S., Li, H., Yue, B., Zou, F., Yu, J. and Zhang, L. (2013) Targeting Bax interaction sites reveals that only homo-oligomerization sites are essential for its activation. Cell Death and Differentiation 174

20:744-754. Zheng, X., He., K., Zhang, L. and Yu, J. (2013) Crizotinib induces PUMA-dependent apoptosis in colon cancer cells. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 12:777-786. Zhang, X., Lu, J., Huang, Y., Zhao, W., Li, J., Gao, X., Venkataramanan, R., Sun, M., Stolz, D.B., Zhang, L. and Li S. (2013) PEG-farnesylthiosalicylate conjugate as a nanomicellar carrier for delivery of paclitaxel. Bioconjugate Chemistry 24:464-472. Qiu, W., Wang, X., Buchanan, M.E., He., K., Sharma, R., Zhang, L., Wang, Q. and Yu, J. (2013) ADAR1 is essential for intestinal homeostasis and stem cell maintenance. Cell Death & Disease 4:e599. He, K., Zheng, X., Zhang, L. and Yu, J. (2013) Hsp90 inhibitors promote p53-dependent apoptosis through PUMA and Bax. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 12:2559-2568. Chen, X.*, Meng, J.*, Yue, W., Yu, J., Yang, J., Yao, Z.+ and Zhang, L.+ (2014) Fibulin-3 suppresses Wnt/βcatenin signaling and lung cancer invasion. Carcinogenesis 35: 1707-1716. Kim, S.Y., Song, X., Zhang, L., Bartlett, D.L. and Lee, Y.J. (2014) Role of Bcl-xL/Beclin-1 in interplay between apoptosis and autophagy in oxaliplatin and bortezomib-induced cell death. Biochemical Pharmacology 88:178-188. Sun, J., Knickelbein, K., He, K., Chen, D., Dudgeon, C., Shu, Y., Yu, J., and Zhang, L. (2014) Aurora kinase inhibition induces PUMA via NF-κB to kill colon cancer cells. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 13: 1298-1308. Leibowitz, B., Wei, L., Zhang, L., Ping, X., Epperly, M., Greenberger, J., Cheng, T, and Yu, J. (2014) Radiation induces acute hematopoietic and gastrointestinal syndrome independently in mice. Nature Communications 2014 Mar 18;5:3494. doi: 10.1038/ncomms4494. Chen, D., Wei, L., Yu, J., and Zhang, L. (2014) Regorafenib inhibits colorectal tumor growth through PUMAmediated apoptosis. Clinical Cancer Research 20: 3472-3484. Xu, Y., Lin, Z., Zhao, N., Zhou, L., Liu, F., Cichacz, Z., Zhang, L., Zhan, Q and Zhao, X. (2014) Receptor interactive protein kinase 3 promotes cisplatin-triggered necrosis in apoptosis-resistant esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells PLoS One. 2014 Jun 24;9(6):e100127. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100127. eCollection 2014.


Financial Plan


Executive Summary I. Mission and Goals The principal goal of the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology is the creation of an intellectual and physical environment in which teaching and research in Pharmacology and Chemical Biology are pursued as one common enterprise. The major responsibilities of the Department are to: (1) educate medical students and physicians in the rationale for drug selection; (2) train contemporary pharmacologists; (3) develop new knowledge in the biomedical sciences; and (4) provide information about existing and emerging drugs to members of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the University of Pittsburgh and the general community. The philosophical approach of the Department is guided by the view that the field of Pharmacology exhibits a unique combination of characteristics that distinguish it from other basic medical sciences. Pharmacology encompasses a broad range of interests extending from the abstract domain of the physical chemistry of ligandreceptor interactions to the therapeutic use of drugs in patients. Thus, Pharmacology has stronger clinical ties than most other basic science disciplines. In the current revised medical curriculum, the faculty inculcates both core pharmacological principles and places them in the context of specific organ systems and bodily functions. Collectively, we provide a key educational experience to both medical and graduate students. Our faculty members also maintain vigorous research programs that are interactive and interdisciplinary. We have bridged with the Department of Chemistry in a unique and constructive manner through our activities in Drug Discovery. The goals of the Department are: • • • • •

To be one of the top five NIH funded Departments of Pharmacology in the USA. To define pharmacological research for the 21st century. To improve the presence of Structural Pharmacology and Drug Discovery at the University of Pittsburgh. To educate premier future basic researchers, physician-scientists and teachers. To enhance the quality of graduate students matriculating and graduating from our PhD program at the University of Pittsburgh.

II. Departmental History and Status: Major growth in the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology occurred within the last 6 years after a new Chair was recruited and new funds were directed to the Department. As evidenced by the tremendous growth in research support funds, faculty publications, numbers of postdoctoral fellows and the number of members on the Graduate Faculty, we have evolved to become one of the top departments in the country based on our extramural research support and our impact on postdoctoral training. Last year we were ranked eighth in the nation for NIH funding among the more than 100 medical school departments and this year we were ranked seventh. Our Department now views its primary peer programs to be the following institutions: Yale University, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virginia, Emory University, University of Texas Southwestern, University of Washington, Washington University, Vanderbilt University and the Johns Hopkins University. III. Strengths: In January 2006, Dr. Bruce A. Freeman was appointed Chair of the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology to lead our strong cohort of well-funded and nationally recognized pharmacologists, cell and chemical biologists and geneticists. The department has about 50 primary faculty and 35 secondary faculty that contribute to the missions of the department. The members of the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology are highly interactive with frequent co-authorship and co-funding. In spite of challenging times, our faculty 177

members are well-funded, with departmental primary faculty currently receiving $7.4 million in total direct annual costs and $10.3 million in total annual costs. During the past five years, the Department has emphasized cell signaling as an area of excellence. These interests address primary themes such as cancer, cardiovascular, renal and neurobiology. We are now extending this research focus to include two new areas of excellence: drug discovery and structural pharmacology. To supplement our training in these areas, the Department of Pharmacology has an NIH Predoctoral Training Grant in Pharmacological Sciences. The faculty also is well recognized for both their Medical School and Graduate School teaching. The prominence of our faculty members is recognized by their important leadership positions with Centers and Institutes, such as the UPCI, the PINDS, the Drug Discovery Institute, the School of Medicine and the University. IV. Initiatives: The Department will initiate a search for two or three new faculty members. The Department also intends to continue to replace aging equipment, renovate laboratory space and in this context, relocate faculty within thematic areas. We will also continue developing a strong interdisciplinary Drug Discovery Program, The Department will continue to partner with the emerging programs in Computational and Structural Biology as we emphasize Structural Pharmacology in faculty recruiting processes. SWOT Analysis Strengths Since John S. Lazo assumed the Chair, the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology has grown from three tenure-stream faculty to 42 faculty of which 22 are either tenured or in the tenure stream. This growth reflects department-initiated recruitment as well as “opportunistic” recruitments in collaboration with the UPCI that have benefited both the UPCI and the University. Thus, six of our current tenure stream faculty members are physically located within the UPCI as well as 9 nontenure stream faculty. One tenure stream faculty member is physically located in the Center for Clinical Pharmacology. Virtually all faculty are well-funded, with the Department currently receiving more than $6.9 million in total direct annual costs, approximately $2.0 million of which is co-credited to the UPCI or the Center for Clinical Pharmacology because the faculty members have appointments and space there. Our research success reflects strong independent investigator-initiated research support, a key factor for the development of future thematic research projects. We have already begun to define areas for interactive intra-institution research teams. During the past five years, the Department has emphasized cellular signaling and communication as an area of excellence. These interests are spread over three existing disease/organ areas: cancer, cardiovascular/renal and neurobiology. We are now intending to complement this research focus on cellular signaling with two new areas of excellence: drug discovery and structural pharmacology. The members of the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology have extensive interactions with other Basic Science Programs. In particular, strong collaborative relationships exist with School of Medicine faculty studying cellular communication and signaling, including faculty from the Departments of Cell Biology and Physiology, Molecular Microbiology and Genetics, Pathology, Neurobiology, and Immunology. Topics of interest range from protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, cell cycle checkpoints, G proteins, receptor biology, cell death, pain, combinatorial chemistry, neurotransmitters, channels and redox signalling. Forceful relationships with clinical elements of the Medical Center also exist. These include strong collaborative projects with the Departments of Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, Pediatrics, Neurology, Urology, Psychiatry and Pathology. The laboratories of members of the Department of Pharmacology house advanced fellows from several clinical units: Pulmonary Medicine, Medical Oncology, Surgery, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. Interactions also exist with the key Centers and Institutes within the Medical Center and Main Campus including the CNUP, UPCI and the Vascular Medicine Institute. These activities reflect the strong commitment of the Department of Pharmacology to engage in translational research and to provide a 178

forum for integrative sciences. The Department considers its role in bridging the basic and clinical sciences of UPMC as a core element of its missions related to fundamental investigation and drug discovery. Active programs reaching out to the Main Campus have also been instituted. Consequently, there are major collaborations between members of the Department of Pharmacology and the Department of Chemistry. Members of the Department also interact with investigators in the Departments of Environmental and Occupational Health, Biological Sciences and Neuroscience, as well as investigators at Carnegie Mellon University, particularly from the National Science Foundation Center for Fluorescence. Because of this multidisciplinary research activity, the Department took a leadership role in the submission of the multimillion dollar Pittsburgh Molecular Target Laboratory application, which is making Pittsburgh an epicenter for academic drug discovery. The Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology was honored that it was selected to receive an NIH Predoctoral Training Grant in Pharmacological Sciences. This was the only new graduate Training Grant for Pharmaceutical Sciences to be awarded by the NIH in 1994. Moreover, our program was one of only a few recently initiated grants to be renewed for a second cycle. The acquisition of this training grant, which supports four students, was a primary goal of the Department for several years and we are proud to have obtained it. In addition to their splendid research record, the faculty has displayed outstanding teaching records, both in the Medical School and Graduate School courses. We believe this is due primarily to placing special emphasis on quality teaching and limiting the student interactions of those teachers rated less effective by the students. Our faculty members have also assumed important leadership positions with Centers and Institutes, such as the UPCI, the School of Medicine and the University. To summarize, we have created:        

Strong research activities and NIH grant support Interactive faculty Interdisciplinary program with the Department of Chemistry NCI funded Program Project on Drug Discovery Funded NIH Predoctoral Training Grant in Pharmacological Sciences NCI funded Specialized Program of Research Excellence in Lung Cancer Focus on Cell Communication, Drug Discovery and Structural Pharmacology Outstanding teachers of medical and graduate students, e.g. Professor de Groat, who is a five-time winner of the School of Medicine “Golden Apple Award”.

Weaknesses During the past five years tenured and non-tenured faculty left the Department. We expect that one of our prized lecturers, Professor de Groat, will select retirement within the next three years. Thus, the Department must continue to recruit new faculty to ensure quality teaching to medical school students and retain the critical mass required to be among the top five programs nationally. The curriculum for medical students is routinely being reviewed so that we can develop more blueprints for teaching pharmacology to medical students. We are encouraged by the medical students who realized the importance of strong pharmacological training not only for scoring highly on board examinations but also for treating patients. A basic introductory lecture series on classical pharmacology is currently deemed essential to the current organ system-based training of medical students. The Department was criticized in the most recent review of its Training Grant that it had too few junior faculty members. To allow the Department to function effectively and to achieve critical mass, additional faculty will be needed.


Currently there are only two program project-type research grants (PO1, P50) within the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology; the national emphasis on specific disease areas lends itself to programmatic efforts and the Department should exploit this. The increased awareness of the productive aspects of linking contemporary chemistry with modern biology also should be an area in which Pharmacology plays a key role. Indeed, we organized a response to an NIH Request for Proposals on Molecular Targets Laboratory, because of the close research links between these two programs. The Department has now focused on Cellular Signaling and Communication as a major theme. We also believe our interest in Drug Discovery and Structural Pharmacology is both timely and institutionally appropriate. In contrast to the Cellular Signaling and Communication, we have not yet reached critical mass in Drug Discovery and Structural Pharmacology. We plan to fortify these areas by recruiting new faculty members in a manner that would complement the academic mission of the University. There are limited amounts of pharmaceutical research dollars awarded to the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology. The Department has not placed enough emphasis on obtaining funding from pharmaceutical organizations but rather has paid more attention to Federal dollars. We are now placing more focus on the commercial sector to support research, but intellectual property issues and data sharing are still hurdles. There continues to be a need for capital investment within the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology to replace aging equipment and to advance our depth in new technological capabilities. The rapid advances in new technologies mandate that new investments be made for our faculty and trainees to maintain our national competitive standing. In summary, we need to:  Maintain critical mass of faculty  Grow and better integrate space and facilities for research  Limited financial research support from pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms and budget cuts at the National Institutes of Health Opportunities During the past four years there has been a remarkable and unprecedented growth in drug discovery and development in the US. Both large pharmaceutical firms and biotechnology companies have invested heavily to exploit this new knowledge. Consequently, major new therapeutic advances directed against important disease groups are now emerging. The completion of the Human Genome Project has increased the number of potential therapeutic targets by more than one order of magnitude. The future challenge will be to identify the drugs that will interact with these emerging biochemical and molecular targets. Because of the unique attributes at the University of Pittsburgh that place Chemistry physically close to Biology, we posit:  There is a unique opportunity for a few academic institutions to participate and profit from this changing paradigm in drug discovery. The Bayh-Dole Act now allows resourceful Universities the opportunity to replace the income lost from managed care with income derived from its intellectual property. A strong Department of Pharmacology is a vital component of such an activity.  There will be a significantly increased industrial and academic need for well-trained graduates from Ph.D. granting programs with a concentration in Pharmacological Sciences and Drug Discovery. A strong Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology is a vital component of such an activity.  Important new knowledge and reagents continue to emerge that are relevant to many biological systems and all aspects of cell communication. A strong Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology is a vital component of such an activity.  Advances in Structural Biology and Bioinformatics should make it possible in the near future to optimize small molecules that are more selective and potent towards their molecular targets. The area of Structural Pharmacology will be grown to be a vital component of the Department of Pharmacology.  Ph.D., D.M.D. and M.D. students will need to become even more cognizant and thoughtful about the highly 180

selective therapies of the future that may be used based on the genetic profile of each patient. A strong Department of Pharmacology is a vital component of such an activity. The University of Pittsburgh is uniquely situated to participate in defining future research and graduate education in Pharmacology and in recruiting to its campus some of the best students. The University of Pittsburgh’s advantages are:  A cohort of dedicated faculty members, who are eager to teach graduate students  The presence of strong existing programs in neuroscience, virology, tumor immunology, cancer biology, developmental biology, structural biology and computational biology  The presence of strong clinical programs  A growing drug discovery enterprise Barriers One of the greatest threats to the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology would be to lose its vigor and enthusiasm during the current downward trend in NIH funding. Currently the program is nationally identified as a model of growth. This has helped in the recruitment of new faculty. Nonetheless, other institutions have become eager to develop programs in drug discovery and to enhance their pharmacology departments. We believe it is likely that they will seek to recruit our valuable faculty. Initiative and Implementation Strategies  To achieve the overall goal of becoming one of the top three Departments of Pharmacology in the next three years, the Department will recruit new faculty members during the next few years. The Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology intends to focus on the three defined areas of research interest previously identified: Cellular Communication, Structural Pharmacology and Drug Discovery. In particular, the Department will continue to partner with the new Drug Discovery Institute, providing unique instrumentation, archived chemical libraries and specialized research services and teaching for members of the University and UPMC.


Financial Statement

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Statement of Revenues and Expenses – June 30, 2014

Hard Money Revenue School of Medicine - ECU Indirect Cost Recovery Direct Grants Endowment Income Other Revenue

Self Discretionary Supporting and Restricted



465,598 2,516,769 6,677,954

465,598 2,516,769 6,677,954 77,272 541,562



77,272 504,432






2,063,159 930,598 515,303 344,374 3,853,434

29,102 831 29,933

136,520 45,476 227,798 43,133 18,963 78,626 550,516

2,098,319 633,387 855,644 500,708 247,756 237,759 4,573,573

4,297,998 678,863 2,043,142 1,059,144 266,719 661,590 9,007,456

Other Expense Transfers (intradepartment) Transfers (interdepartment) Subtotal Other Operating

1,196,855 63,435

38,881 -

553,175 -105,532

2,104,381 -

3,893,292 -42,097
















Total Expense











Total Revenue Expense Medical Faculty Salary Other Faculty Salary Staff Salary Medical Faculty Fringes Other Faculty Fringes Staff Fringes Subtotal Compensation

June 30, 2013 Fund Balance Restricted Net Activity Year to Date Prior Year Settlement Transfer Current Month end Restricted Fund Balance SOM Quasi Endowment Market value – March 2014 Total Available Balances 182

4,089,619 -79,792 4,009,827 1,944,654 5,954,481