AUTHOR: DR. PAUL D. NOLTING. Math Study Skills Textbook for College
Students and High. School Students Preparing for College. TOPICS INCLUDE:.
2014-2015 Catalog
Academic Success Press Inc.
Student Educational Materials, Math Redesign Support, and Training to Improve College Success Math Departments
Learning Resource/Tutor Centers
Math Course Redesign Support Integrating Math Study Skills into Courses Test Anxiety Reduction and Student Motivation New Winning at Math Student Study Skills Text WAM Teachers Manual with Course Redesign Math Study Skills Evaluation Diagnostic Survey Online Math Course Support Website
Learning Assistant and Tutor Training Manual with Individual/Group Tutor Cycle & Disabilities Tutoring Web-Based Test Anxiety Reduction Program Learning Resource Center/Math Lab Kit Math Study Skills Evaluation/Survey Mastering Math DVDs
! !
Disabilities Services
Centers for Teaching and Learning
Math Disability Training and Support Kit My Math Success Plan Student Workbook Math and Disabilities Handbook for Professionals Making the Grade with ADD Student Guide Ten Simple Solutions to Adult ADD
Math Summit: An Institutional Approach Developmental Education Training Sessions Disabilities and Wounded Warrior Training Quality Enhancement Plans Program Evaluation
New Math Study Skills Web Program Academic Success Press, Inc. 3547 53rd Ave. W, PMB 132 Bradenton, FL 34210
Academic Success Press Catalog 2014-15 Since 1985, the Academic Success Press, Inc., senior consultants and team have contributed their expertise to helping institutions and individual educators provide productive learning experiences for their students. Education is the door of opportunity for everyone to achieve their academic and career goals, attain their desired lifestyles, and become educated citizens. In order to realize this opportunity, educators must provide outstanding learning experiences, effective support services, and wise administrative leadership. These attributes help students become independent learners and hard workers. Modern students face more challenges than did any previous generation. In order to succeed, they need modern solutions to modern problems. Our goal is to help each student navigate a successful voyage through college in order to discover success and the meaningful life it can provide. With this goal in mind, we offer numerous products and services that are designed to help students adopt and maintain good academic habits. For more information, please visit us at
In addition to these catalog products, Academic Success Press, Inc., senior consultants also provide training in: Math Curriculum Redesign Retention Initiatives Quality Enhancement Plans Developmental Education Teaching, Assessment & Program Developments Math Study Skills Courses and Web Support Integrating Study Skills into the Classroom Integrating Study Skills into Emporium Model Learning Disabilities, ADHD, TBI Wounded Warriors (Veterans) Retention Effective Use of Student Learning Styles For more information about the senior consultants or professional development opportunities, visit:
Paul and Kim Nolting provide consulting and products to improve student success. Their different backgrounds and areas of expertise blend together to help universities and colleges help their students. A recognized math study skills expert, Paul Nolting coordinated the first U.S National Math Summit to improve the nation’s college math success rates.
Academic Success 2014-15 Educational Material Catalog
Contents New 2014-15 Products Winning at Math Sixth Edition — Student Text
Winning at Math Sixth Edition—Teacher’s Manual Online E-Book
Web-Based Test Anxiety Reduction Program — Download
Math Study Skills Evaluation IV: For Winning at Math and My Math Success Plan
Learning Assistant and Tutor Training Manual—Support System for Online Math Students
10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD — Student Text
Making the Grade with ADD — Student Text
My Math Success Plan—Student Workbook
Math Disability Training and Student Support Kit
Math Study Skills Resources for Students and Faculty Winning at Math Sixth Edition
Winning at Math: Teacher’s Manual 6th Edition
Web-Based Test Anxiety Reduction Program Download
Math Study Skills Evaluation IV: For Winning at Math and My Math Success Plan Mastering Math DVD Package Ten Steps to Taking a Math Test Managing Math and Test Anxiety for Success in Math
Taking Effective Notes in Math Class
Learning Assistance and Tutor Training Manual Learning Resource Center/Math Lab Resource Kit—Support Program for Online Math Students
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College Transition Resources for Students and Faculty
Navigating College: Strategy Manual for a Successful Voyage (student book)
Navigating College eBook
Resources for Students with Disabilities
10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD
Making the Grade with ADD
Math and Disabilities Handbook for Students with LD, ADHD, TBI and Wounded Warriors-ebook
My Math Success Plan—Student Workbook
Math Disability Training and Student Support Kit
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3 Academic Success Press
Guide to Learning Mathematics Winning at Math: Your Through Successful Study Skills AUTHOR: DR. PAUL NOLTING Math Study Skills Textbook for College Students and High School Students Preparing for College BRAND NEW SIXTH EDITION! TOPICS INCLUDE: • Taking notes for an online math class • Online reading strategies • Computer-based test strategies • Strategies for modular-based courses • My Math Success Plan: Create a Personalized Plan for Math Success • How to read an online textbook • How to use math labs, learning resource centers and Emporium centers • How to become a self-motivated learner • How to avoid procrastination • How to reshape your attitude toward math WINNING AT MATH ISBN 978-0-940287-63-1 $29.95 248 Pages
• • • •
• How to develop self-efficacy
• Developing a persistent attitude Winning at Math can be used in a variety of different ways, by a variety of different people. College students taking their first college math course, or any math class thereafter. Faculty to use as a secondary textbook in their math courses and math study skills courses. College professors and counselors to use in college orientation courses College students taking online and Emporium Model math courses
Winning at Math: Teacher’s Manual Online E-Book
A Guide to Integrating Math Study Skills into Different Math Redesigns, Designing Instruction, Syllabi and Course Objectives TOPICS INCLUDE:
• Chapter-by-chapter overview and answer keys • Instructional strategies, learning process, course objectives • Sample syllabi for different types of courses • Integrating math study skills into the math classroom • Integrating math study skills into college success courses
Available for free download with purchase of Winning at Math at • Integrating math study skills into online and Emporium model courses (Click the “Contact Us” button)
2014-15 Catalog
Winning at Math and Math Study Skills Evaluation IV: For My Math Success Plan AUTHOR: DR. PAUL NOLTING Web-Based Math Study Skills Evaluation Computerized math study skills evaluation that can be personalized for each student. Thirty-five questions locate specific learning problems and provide a diagnostic print out with suggestions for improvement based on an overall math study skills score and sub-test scores. Reports suggest chapters and pages to read in Winning at Math and chapters to read in My Math Success Plan. The Five Subtests Include: Study Effectively Memory and Learning Reading and Homework
Classroom Learning Test Anxiety and Test Taking
Program includes an unlimited site license for one campus. Computer Evaluation IV Edition for Winning at Math and My Math Success Plan - ISBN 978-0-940287-67-6 Price: $99.95.
• • • •
Students can use the evaluation diagnostic to help them design effective math study strategies Counselors and advisors can use this evaluation when helping at-risk students pass math courses. Math instructors can encourage their students to take the evaluation and design a study system. Tutors, math learning assistants, or teachers can refer students to the evaluation and then, based on the diagnostic results, provide one-on-one assistance. • Disability/Veteran Coordinators can use evaluation results to recommend study skills and learning accommodations with My Math Success Plan. • Students take the evaluation, print the results and email it to themselves, an instructor, advisor or coordinator. The evaluation results indicate the pages or chapters students need to read first.
Web-Based Test Anxiety Reduction Program w/Manual and Audio Files This program involves printing a brief training manual and listening to or downloading the How to Reduce Test Anxiety audio file to your computer. The training manual discusses the strategies used to reduce test anxiety before and after tests and includes an audio file that helps students practice relaxation techniques. It features four main sections: Introduction, Describing Test Anxiety, Accessing the How to Reduce Test Anxiety CD, and Developing a Practice and Maintenance Schedule Students can use the results from the Test Attitudes Inventory, found in the Winning at Math text, to assess their test anxiety level. This program explains the causes of test anxiety, as well as five easy to learn short-term techniques to provide relief before, during and after a test. Techniques discussed include: Tensing/ Relaxing, Deep Breathing, Visualization, the Palming Method and Positive Self-Statements. The program can be placed on a secure campus website, where students can download the training manual and practice relaxation techniques. An unlimited number of students can download and use the program.
Program: ISBN 978-0-940287-51-8 Unlimited site license for one year Introductory offer- $199.95. This program replaces the How to Reduce Test Anxiety CD. The audio files are streamable on computers and tablets and are also available for download to play on phones and other audio players.
5 Academic Success Press
Mastering Math Video Series:
Available in Web-ready streaming format and on DVD
Featuring Dr. Paul Nolting Many students want to do well in their math classes but do not have a clue how to do so. Student have complained for years about three major math learning concerns: understanding problems during lectures, forgetting the steps during homework (note-taking problems), and test anxiety/math text-taking problems. These DVDs help students develop note-taking strategies for math as well as strategies to manage any anxiety about math or tests that minimizes their efforts to learn. All the DVDs have optional sub-captions. There are three purchasing options: 1. Package of all three DVDs along with a campus site license to place on a college website or server. (Set includes significant discount.) 2. Package of all three DVDs for class, lab learning centers, athletic tutoring, counseling and other student support services. (Set includes significant discount.) 3. Individual DVDs purchased with or without website permission. Mastering Math Three DVD Package (Best Value) Contains all three Mastering Math Videos at a largely discounted price. Videos include Managing Math and Test Anxiety for Success in Math, Ten Steps to Taking a Math Test, Taking Effective Math Notes. Three DVD Package with Web-Stream (Unlimited license for 1 campus): $249.00 (ISBN: 0-940287-50-1) Three DVD Package only : $99.00 (ISBN 0-940287-49-8) Managing Math and Test Anxiety for Success in Math • Explains the meaning, origin, and symptoms of Math Anxiety. (30 minute run time) • Features interviews with students suffering from Math/Test Anxiety, as well as interviews with two leading national experts on Math Anxiety. DVD with Web-Stream (Unlimited license for one campus):$99.00 (ISBN 0-940287-48-x) DVD only: $49.95 (ISBN 0-940287-45-5) Ten Steps to Taking a Math Test • Presents an easy 10 step program specifically designed to help students perform well on their math tests. 15-minute runtime is ideal for quick classroom viewing. • Displays real students demonstrating the techniques as they are being described by Dr. Paul Nolting. DVD with Web-Stream (Unlimited license for one campus): $99.00 (ISBN 0-940287-46-3) DVD only: $35.00 (ISBN 0-940287-43-9) Taking Effective Math Notes • Presents an easy three step guide to taking effective classroom notes. • Walks students through the creation of an organized notebook ideal for test preparation. • Teaches students about both the two and three column note-taking methods. • 18-minute run time is ideal for a quick classroom viewing. DVD with Web-Stream (Unlimited license for one campus): $99.00 (ISBN 0-940287-47-1) DVD only: $35.00 (0-940287-44-7)
2014-15 Catalog
Learning Assistant and Tutor Training Manuals AUTHORS: Kimberly Nolting M.A., ABD; Paul Nolting, Ph.D. This reproducible group of manuals and facilitator assistance guides provides learning assistance managers, tutor coordinators, coordinators of students with disabilities and coordinators of veteran programs the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to train their staff and students. The manuals provide productive learning assistance services for student and faculty use. Research indicates that untrained tutors are ineffective, and students need about 10 hours of training to demonstrate enhanced student success. Tutors working with students with disabilities and Wounded Warriors need specific understanding and skills sets. This manual contains effective training curriculum, which is licensed to be downloaded with unlimited duplications. Volume One: Developing a Mission Statement, Principles and Goals for Learning Resource Centers, Math Labs or Disability Tutor Centers - With Activities
One set in PDF format for $149.95 ISBN: 978-0-940287-64-8
• • • • • • •
Volume Two: Curriculum for Training Learning Assistants (Tutors) • • • • • • •
Introduction The Learning Process Overview Stages of Memory and Learning Forgetting Scenarios for Learning Process: Activity Overview for the Memory Learning Process Student Learning Behavior and Comments that Indicate a Breakdown in Learning
Volume Three: Discovering Your Unique Learning Style and How to Use It • • • • • • •
Self-Analysis of Your Learning Style Overview of Learning Styles Matrices for Group Activity on Study Strategies Tutoring to Different Learning Styles Helping Students Use Their Best Learning Style Reflection Worksheet Final Reflection
Writing a Mission Statement with Principles and Goals The Five Step Process What are your students like? What are their needs? What are the principles for promoting independent learning? How to Develop a Mission Statement Combining the Mission Statement, Principles and Goals into a Working Document Evaluation and Data Collection
Volume Four: Curriculum for Training Learning Assistants, Tutors and Academic Coaches • • • • • • • •
Philosophy and guiding principles Role of the learning assistant, tutor, academic coach Learning Assistance Cycle - One-On-One tutoring Group Learning Assistance Cycle— Tutoring Two to Four Students Online Assistance Cycle - One-On-One Tutoring Questions and Role-Play Critique Facilitating Study Groups Completing the Study
Volume Five: Providing Learning Assistance to Students with Disabilities and Wounded Warriors/ Veterans • • • •
Stages of Memory Review Disabilities Overview and Possible Learning Problems: LD, ADHD, TBI, & PTSD Wounded Warrior/Veteran Overview and Possible Learning Problems Processing Deficits/Study Strategies
7 Academic Success Press
Learning Resource Center/Math Lab Resource Kit (Revised) AUTHORS: Paul Nolting, Ph.D; Kimberly Nolting M.A., ABD This kit provides resources to improve the success of math students. A few of the benefits of the kit include: • • • • • • •
Assessing students’ math study skills with reference to exact text pages to be read when creating an individualized prescription for math success Providing strategies to reduce students’ anxiety Training students to improve their math note-taking Training students to improve test-taking skills Training tutors to help math students become independent learners. Developing math success plans for students with disabilities and veterans Review this material to determine the best practices and resources to improve campus-wide math success
This kit includes:
This kit is designed to help facilitators and tutors make the best of their time as they help students study in learning resource centers and math labs. The kit contains numerous products at discounted prices. Sold separately, items total $442.80 - Kit purchase is $299.95 + $40 shipping and handling. Save $142.85!
• • • • • •
Winning at Math- Two Student Texts My Math Success Plan - Student Text Math Study Skills Evaluation IV: For Winning at Math and My Math Success Plan Mastering Math Three DVD Package: Managing Math Anxiety, Ten Steps to Taking a Math Test, Taking Effective Math Notes Learning Assistance & Tutor Training Manual—unlimited duplication Free Bonus—Math Study Skills Workbook first edition (email for additional information)
It’s no secret that the state math course redesign movement is putting more pressure than ever on Math Labs and Learning Resource Centers. Because many math students are being put into courses they are not prepared for, these centers must be able to help these students become better independent learners. This means that Math Labs and Learning Resource Centers need additional resources in order to provide excellent supplemental support. This kit includes numerous products, which are all built upon a set of specific study skills intended to give students all the tools they need to succeed on their own.
Further Supplements to Improve Math Success These additional products are available to impact even more students: Web-Based Anxiety Reduction Program: Lab students can download their own How to Reduce Test Anxiety CD, manual and time-management chart - unlimited downloads for one year - $199.00. (p. 4) Mastering Math Video Series Webstreams: This includes all three Mastering Math Webstreams. Labs can upgrade to obtain three Webstreams with unlimited access for one campus - $100.00. (p. 5) My Math Success Plan: Lab students with disabilities, wounded warriors, tutors and staff can use these math study skills/disabilities workbooks to improve student success and to better understand the affects of disabilities. Tutors can also use this manual as a training document. - $149.95 (p.11). (Order these products individually on order form)
2014-15 Catalog
eMathReady™—Support Program for Online Math Students AUTHORS: Paul Nolting, Ph.D; Fitzroy Farquharson, Ed.D eMathReady™ is the world’s first Student Online Readiness Certification Program (SORCP™), which not only assesses students’ likelihood for succeeding in an online course, but also provides an indication of the degree to which an individual student possesses the attributes, skills and knowledge that contribute to success as an online learner. eMathReady™ also assesses whether a student planning to take an online course: • • • • • • • •
is an independent or dependent learner, has good computer skills, has sufficient prerequisite skills, is able to learn how to structure learningmath online to match their own learning style, is able to master math competencies in a set time period, has good organizational skills, does not procrastinate, has low math anxiety, is not fearful of taking math tests, and has good reading skills. Email Academic Success Press at
[email protected] to order licenses for your campus or for additional information. PO’s must be faxed to (941) 746-1645 or scanned and emailed to
[email protected] ISBN: 0-940287-69-3 Introductory eMathReady™ pricing is as follows: 100 Students— $500 (repeated orders allowed) 500 Students— $2,000 (repeated orders allowed) Contact Academic Success Press for a campus-site license quote
The flexibility, convenience and growing acceptance of online distance education is creating a new trend in how college students attend classes and earn their degrees. More and more students are gravitating not just towards blended courses where they attend class lectures and participate in online learning activities, but are selecting to enroll in fully online course programs or courses where more than 80 percent of all content is delivered online. According to figures from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Sloan Consortium, an advocacy group for online education, the number of students enrolled in at least one distance education course increased significantly between 2002 and 2007, from 1.1 million to 12.2 million—and the growth spurt doesn’t seem to be slowing down. But, with countless studies showing success rates in online courses of only 50 percent—as opposed to between 70 to 75 percent for comparable face-to-face classes— isn’t it time we asked ourselves some serious questions? Are students online ready? If not, what can institutions do to assure that students are ready to take an online course? Ultimately, eMathReady™ is designed to empower institutions with the ability to prepare their online students for the unique challenges of online learning. It not only assesses the current abilities of students, but also provides specific modules, based upon Dr. Paul Nolting’s Winning at Math textbook, to ensure that students obtain the study skills they need to succeed in the future. This includes units on Organization and Procrastination, Math Learning Skills, Math Test-Taking, Academic Skills, Computer Skills, and Math Learning Styles. Access to the site can be found at To request temporary username/passwords, click on the “Contact Us” button. See ordering information above.
9 Academic Success Press
Navigating College:
E-Book Strategy Manual for New or Returning College Students
AUTHOR: Kimberly Nolting This e-book features chapters and activities for new college students, all based in student persistence research. The e-book can be a stand alone curriculum or infused into other curriculum. It is an excellent supplemental text for writing classes, study skills courses, freshmen orientation courses, and other delivery systems for academic support. Chapters Include: 1. Making Collegial Friends 2. Getting Along With Professors 3. What Is Learning? 4. Settling into a Regular Study Routine 5. Study Strategies 6. Taking Control through Life Management $9.95 per book For More Information email:
[email protected] Available 4-1-2014
7. Attitudes that Nurture College Success 8. Master Math 9. The Commuting College Student 10. Parents As College Students
Reading and Activity Units Include: Exploring Your Learning Profile: personality and learning styles, developing healthy attitudes and self-perceptions, learning the best way for you to study, building a support system.
Getting Engaged in Learning and College: getting along with professors, making collegial friends. What is Learning?: expectations of college learning, self-regulated learning, active learning, deep learning. Designing Study Maps: creating study systems for each class Learning Strategies for Different Academic Courses: studying for history, science, composition, behavioral sciences and math.
Study Schedules: the importance of creating a study schedule and sticking to it, taking on a positive attitude about schedules, learning and organizing material from textbooks
Working in Study Groups: etiquette, group dynamics, strategies to help ingratiate students with fellow group members, class preparation.
Master Math: the importance of college math courses, math-specific study skills, how learning math pays off, how to take effective math notes.
Available for Kindle, Nook, iPad and other tablets
Textbook version of Navigating College is also available. 135 pages, ISBN 0-940287-36-6 - $24.95
2014-15 Catalog
Mathematics and Disabilities Handbook
Guide for Students with LD, ADHD, TBI and Wounded Warriors—e-book
ISBN 0-940287-78-1 $49.95 416 Pages (e-book)
AUTHOR: Paul Nolting, Ph.D. This handbook features research and practical suggestions for math instructors, disability coordinators, veteran coordinators, 505/ADA coordinators, learning resource staff and students with disabilities. Counselors, instructors and disabilities directors who teach or advise students with learning disabilities can use this book as a reference for understanding the impact of the processing deficits on learning math, for interpreting diagnostics, and selecting appropriate accommodations. Academic and student deans, vice presidents or disabilities directors may use this book as a reference for legal issues such as appropriateness of accommodations, course substitutions, testing accommodations, and writing appropriate policies and procedures in light of current legal case studies and laws. Veteran offices can use this to help veterans with TBI and PTSD succeed in college.
For more information please visit
ADD Books by Stephanie Moulton Sarkis
$15.95 ISBN 978-1-60882-184-6 135 pages
Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, Ph.D, is an adjunct assistant professor at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL, and is a psychotherapist. She is a licensed mental health counselor and nationally certified counselor, and has a private counseling practice. Sarkis won an American Psychological Association Outstanding Dissertation Award in 2001. 10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD offers 10 easy ways to better manage your symptoms and live better with ADD. Each chapter takes up an issue pertinent to adults with ADD: “My mind wanders.” “I’m always misplacing things.” “I have trouble keeping friends.” “I have a hard time getting started.” In no more than five to seven pages, the book outlines strategies for each problem that are simple to put into practice. If you’re struggling with adult ADD, the information in this book offers you immediate and lasting rewards: better concentration, sharper memory, enhanced focus, and greater self-confidence.
Making it through four years of undergraduate study is a challenge. It’s even more so for people with attention deficit disorder, or ADD. Keeping track of schedules and deadlines, concentrating on lessons, and completing tasks are all hard-learned skills for people with this condition. Because of these difficulties, students with ADD are more likely to drop out of school or spend extra, costly years pursuing their degrees. This book offers young adults with ADD a comprehensive guide to getting the most out of college life. The simple, easy-to-follow chapters in Making the Grade with ADD will help you handle academic issues such as setting schedules, studying, and mastering note- and test-taking. You’ll get tips for developing a healthy lifestyle, participating in extra-curricular activities, and planning for the years after college.
$16.95 240 Pages ISBN 978-1-57224-554-9
11 Academic Success Press
My Math Success Plan: Individualized Study Strategies to Improve Math Grades AUTHOR: Paul Nolting, Ph.D. This self-help workbook—intended for Wounded Warriors and students with disabilities—allows students to assemble their own individualized study plan from a set of custom-built study strategies. The book breaks down exactly how and when a student’s disability affects his or her ability to learn and process new information. This allows students with disabilities to better understand their learning problems and thereby teach themselves various math study skills, which directly address their unique challenges. Because the book does not involve calculations, students do not need to be good in math to understand the material. Offices of Students with Disabilities or Veteran Centers can use this workbook to improve student success in math.
ISBN 0-940287-61-7 144 Pages
Introductory text price: $24.95 each Introductory text price for 10 or more: $14.95 each My Math Success Plan Printable PDF file: price to print 10 copies - $129.95 ISBN 0-940287-62-5
Topics Include:
How Math is Different and How to Motivate Yourself to Learn Time Management, Study Skills, and Setting Up an Effective Study Schedule
How to Become an Effective Listener & How to Take Good Math Notes How to Improve Your Reading and Homework Techniques
Managing Math Anxiety and Improving Test-Taking Skills
How Test Anxiety Affects Learning Reducing Test Anxiety How to Improve Test-Taking Skills
How Disabilities and Being a Wounded Warrior Affect Math Learning
Understanding the Stages of Memory Symptoms of Learning Disabilities and ADD Traumatic Brain Injuries Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Wounded Warriors and Math Study Strategies/Educational Accommodations Testing Accommodations
Putting It All Together: Developing an Individual College Success Plan
Special Study Skills for Wounded Warriors & Students with Disabilities Students with Disabilities: Making an Individual College Success Plan Wounded Warriors: Making a Math Mission Plan
The My Math Success Plan workbook can also be used as a training guide for tutors and learning resource staff to help students with disabilities (and Wounded Warriors) to improve math success.
2014-15 Catalog
Math Disability Training and Student Support Kit AUTHORS: Paul Nolting, Ph.D; Kimberly Nolting; Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, Ph.D This kit is divided into two sections consisting of Disability Training Resources and Student Support Resources. The disability training resources are for ODS staff, deans, coordinators, faculty, learning specialists, counselors, veteran officials and other staff. The Disability Training Resources focus on how disabilities affect math learning. They also cover characteristics of students with LD, TBI, ADHD, PTSD, and give suggestions for appropriate accommodations, tutor training, math learning skills and course substitution policies and procedures. These resources provide training for coordinators, faculty, counselors, staff and tutors to better understand disabilities and provide improved instruction and accommodations. The Student Support Resources provide direct support for students with disabilities and Wounded Warriors. They focus on assessing math study skills, math study skills training, reducing test anxiety, note taking, test taking, using appropriate accommodations, navigating college and developing a math success plan. Students can use these resources with minimal or no guidance. A student’s math success plan can serve as a documentation of effort for additional accommodations or course substitution.
Sold Separately, items total $634.70 - Kit price is $449.95 + $45.00 shipping and handling. Save $135.70! Price without Math and Disabilities Handbook is $400 + $45 Shipping/handling.
Disability Training Resources Winning at Math Sixth Edition—A student math study skills workbook backed by decades of research. Learning Assistance and Tutor Training Manual—A reproducible training manual to tutor students with disabilities. Facilitator Supplement for Tutor Training—A reproducible support manual for staff training tutors. Making the Grade with ADD—A guide to help ADD and/or TBI students succeed in college. 10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD— Guide to overcoming distractions for ADD and/or TBI students. Math and Disabilities Handbook: LD, ADD, TBI—Resource e-book for disability/ADD, TBI, MTBI, LD, PTSD and Wounded Warriors.
Student Support Resources My Math Success Plan (MMSP)—Ten copies of a workbook that helps students create a math success plan. Math Study Skills Evaluation IV— Math study skills assessment that refers to chapters in MMSP Managing Math and Test Anxiety, Ten Steps to Taking a Math Test, Taking Effective Math Notes—One copy of all three Mastering Math DVDs. Navigating College Textbook—A student strategy manual for college success.
13 Academic Success Press
Academic Success Institutional Support Programs Academic Success and its team of consultants and workshop presenters provide just about any level of support needed for institutions to improve student success. This includes Presentations/Keynote addresses, Workshop Training, Consulting and Program Evaluations. We also consult with colleges on math curriculum redesigns and support services.
The consultants at Academic Success have provided institution support to over 100 colleges and universities on topics such as Integrating Math Study Skills into the Curriculum, Reducing Anxiety, Improving Developmental Education, Improving Instruction, Tutor Training, Math Summits, Improving Self-Efficacy and Disabilities for counselors, administrators and students. For more, visit
The consultants and presenters of Academic Success Press are national experts and Dr. Paul Nolting can be reached at
[email protected].
Presentations/Keynote Addresses
Workshop/Training Session
Workshop/Training Sessions are a combination of a lecture and the involvement of the participants in training exercises. The training will involve individual and group work. An example of this would be a faculty demonstration on how to integrate math study skills into the math classroom.
Presentations are standard lecture format. We present information on a topic of interest with limited audience participation. An example of this would be a lecture on student and faculty learning styles.
Consulting involves the collection of data in a single area of concern and then the use of that data to make decisions on changing institutional processes unique to your college or university. We then provide workshops and training sessions based on these results, putting the newfound information to immediate use. An example of this might include a total review of a math department’s overall effectiveness, followed by a full and detailed report that would suggest improvement strategies and curriculum changes with follow up research.
Program Evaluation
Program Evaluations are a lot like our consulting services, except that they take things one step further. An evaluation involves the review of one or more departments (or even an entire institution) in order to determine institutional effectiveness. Data is collected and then a meeting is held between departments. Finally, workshops and other training services are provided. An example of our evaluation measures might include assisting institutions with their Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) or accreditation processes.
Some of the institutional support areas include:
• Math Curriculum Redesigns
• Integrating Math Study Skills into Math Curriculum and Emporium Model Courses
• Developmental Student Success: A Research and Teamwork Approach
• Reducing Students’ Math and Test Anxiety to Improve Grades.
• Learning Assistance/Tutor Training: Learning Styles and Learning Process
• Integrating Math Study Skills and Anxiety Reduction into Advisement
• Math Summit: Improving the Success of Math Students and Institutional Approach
• Developing a Math Study Skills Course
• Helping Veterans Adjust to College
• Learning Styles and Instruction: Improving Student Success
• Teaching, Tutoring and Accommodations for Students with LD, ADHD and TBI
• Integrating Learning Strategies and Study Skills into the Classroom.
Winning at Math: Your Guide to Learning Mathematics through Successful Study Skills, 6th edition (p.3)
Math Study Skills Evaluation IV: For WAM 6th edition and My Math Success Plan (p. 4)
Web-Based Test Anxiety Reduction Program w/Manual and Audio Files (p.4)
Mastering Math Video Package (p. 5)
DVD + Webstream: 249.00
DVD Only: 99.00 Ten Steps to Taking a Math Test (p. 5)
DVD + Webstream: 99.00
DVD Only: 35.00
Managing Math and Test Anxiety for Success in Math (p. 5)
DVD + Webstream: 99.00
DVD Only: 49.95
Taking Effective Math Notes (p. 5)
DVD + Webstream: 99.00
DVD Only: 35.00
Learning Assistant and Tutor Training Manual (Five Volume Set) (p. 6)
Learning Resource Center/Math Lab Resource Kit (Revised) (p. 7)
299.95 + ($40.00 UPS)
Learning Resource Center/Math Lab Resource Kit (Revised) w/Webstream upgrade (p. 7)
399.95 + ($40.00 UPS)—Support Program for Online Students (p. 8)
Call 1-941-746-1645 for quote
Navigating College Strategy Manual for a Successful Voyage (portfolio book) (p. 9)
Navigating College Strategy Manual eBook (p. 9)
[email protected] for quote
Mathematics and Disabilities Handbook (p. 10)
10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD (p. 10)
Making the Grade with ADD (p. 10)
My Math Success Plan (p. 11)
My Math Success Plan (10 or more copies)
14.95 each
Math Disability Training and Student Support Kit (p. 12)
495.95 + (35.00 UPS)
Math Disability Training and Student Support Kit (without Math and Disabilities Handbook) (p.12)
449.95 + (40.00 UPS)
$7.00 First item (excluding kits); $3.00 each additional item (excluding kits); $40.00 Learning Resource Center /Math Lab Resource Kit. $45.00 Disability Training and Support Kit. Shipping of large orders and bookstore orders will be based on weight and handling charges. Call (choose appropriate number below) for S&H amount if ordering in bulk or if shipping outside the U.S.A. Orders will be shipped either Priority Mail or UPS. UPS requires a physical address. Credit Card and Individual Orders call toll free 1-800-247-6553 or fax to 1-419-281-6883. Book Store Orders should include either a check or money order or indicate the purchase order number. Make checks/M.O.s payable to Academic Success Press, Inc. Send to Academic Success Press, Inc., PMB 132, 3547 53rd Ave. W- Bradenton, Fl 34210. Fax Orders: 1-941-746-1645. Website: Questions? Call 1-941-746-1645. Prices subject to change.
View video clips at:
16 Academic Success Press
Academic Success Press, Inc.
3547 - 53rd Ave. W.
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The Winning at Math text has been proven to increase pass rates in math courses.
Recommended text for:
Math Courses
Math Labs
Study Skills Courses
First-Year Experience Courses
College Success Courses
Emporium Model Courses
Math Study Skills Courses
Modularized Math Courses Program for Online Math Students
Includes a Student Online Math Readiness Survey with six remediation modules. Recommended for: Online Math Courses, Emporium-Based Math Courses, Distance Learning Courses.