Soul Fast - Cindy Trimm. 18. The Bait of Satan - John Bevere. 19. Out of Control &
Loving It - Lisa Bevere. 20. Improving Your Serve - Charles Swindoll. 21.
DURATION: 3 MONTHS • The Year 2013 — 20 + 13 = 33 ▫ This number is very significant in the scriptures • 2013 is our year of Fulfillment ▫ We need to prepare spiritually, physically and mentally for what God is going to do! ONE SIGNIFICANT FOOD ITEM • Meat • Bread • Sweets ONE SIGNIFICANT PERSONAL HABIT • TV • Music • Something you do daily ONE SIGNIFICANT HOUR TO THE LORD EVERYDAY • To Read • To Pray and Meditate KEEP A DIARY OF THE CONSECRATION • Read the Bible Everyday • At least one entire chapter • Pray for at least fifteen (15) minutes every day. • Spend at least five (5) minutes meditating after prayer. SELECT 3 BOOKS TO READ • On Prayer • On Personal Walk • One of Your Choice (Religious) SHARE YOUR FAITH WITH AT LEAST 10 NON-BELIEVERS COVENANT AGREEMENT Every member will sign a covenant agreement and list the significant items that they are giving up during the consecration.
2013 CONSECRATION RECOMMENDED READING LIST 1. Prayer: Basic Training - Warren W. Wiersbe 2. Power Through Prayer - E. M. Bounds 3. Handle With Prayer - Charles Stanley 4. The Necessity of Prayer - E. M. Bounds 5. Alone With God - John F. MacArthur 6. The Weapon of Prayer - E. M. Bounds 7. Honor's Reward - John Bevere 8. Attitude 101 - John Maxwell 9. Who's Holding Your Ladder - Samuel R. Chand 10. The Tale of Three Kings - Gene Edwards 11. Hand Me Another Brick - Chuck Swindoll 12. The Secret Place - Dale Fife 13. Too Busy Not to Pray - Bill Hybels 14. Bishop's Pen The Book - Roberto Jemmott 15. Under Cover - John Bevere 16. Fasting - Jentezen Franklin 17. Soul Fast - Cindy Trimm 18. The Bait of Satan - John Bevere 19. Out of Control & Loving It - Lisa Bevere 20. Improving Your Serve - Charles Swindoll 21. Strength to Stand - T. D. Jakes 22. Spiritual Leadership - J. Oswald Sanders 23. How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth - Gordon D. Fee, Douglas Stuart 24. It's Your Time - Joel Osteen 25. Waiting On God - Andrew Murray 26. Cracking the Churches Culture - Samuel R. Chand 27. The Principles and Power of Vision - Dr. Myles Munroe 28. Rediscovering Holiness - J. I. Packer
2013 Consecration Covenant Pledge I, _______________________, covenant to participate in three months of Consecration for 2013 (January 2nd – March 31st). I do so for the purpose of developing myself spiritually, physically and emotionally for what God is about to do in my life and the life of my church. I covenant to complete the entire 3 months of this consecration as it has been designed to draw me nigh to God. I am fully aware of the benefits of my participation in this consecration. It will provide structure for my walk with Christ and help me to form better habits to become a stronger believer. I am committed to give up one (1) significant food, and one (1) significant personal habit. I commit to spend one (1) hour in prayer, reading the Bible and meditating daily. I will read at least one chapter daily and pray for at least 15 minutes. I will also meditate for at least 5 minutes a day. I will keep a journal of the journey, which will help me to keep track of my daily progress. I acknowledge that some days I may be challenged to follow the plan or find myself with reasons not to participate fully. These days will be added to the end of the three months. I commit to read three (3) books during the 3 months of consecration and to share my faith with at least 10 non-believers during the consecration. Most of all, my passion will be to enjoy my time with God during this consecration. The experience of the coming three months will be a time of growth for me it will enhance me spiritually, emotionally and physically. Significant Food ________________________________________ Significant Personal Habit _________________________________ Covenant Partner _______________________________________ SIGNED _______________________ DATE _______________________