2013 DMSF Birdland Invitational - Iowa Swimming

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30th Annual Birdland Invitational. Des Moines Swimming Federation. June 14-16 , 2013. Birdland Pool (50 Meter). Age Group and Senior Open. ISI SWIMMING ...
30th Annual Birdland Invitational Des Moines Swimming Federation June 14-16, 2013 Birdland Pool (50 Meter) Age Group and Senior Open ISI SWIMMING SANCTION NUMBER: IA-13-49 Held under the sanction of USA Swimming and Iowa Swimming, Inc. (ISI)

RULES: Current USA Swimming and ISI technical and administrative rules will govern this meet. DATES:

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 14, 15 and 16, 2013



  Warm-ups Competition Coach's  Meeting

Saturday Warm-ups


Competition Coach's  Meeting




Competition Coach's  Meeting



Morning -----

Afternoon 1:30PM 3:00PM

Evening -----


2:45PM not before  11:30am not before  12:30pm

--not before  4:00pm not before  5:00pm

  not before  11:30am not before  12:30pm

  not before  3:30pm not before  4:30pm



7:00AM 8:30AM 8:15AM (if  needed) 7:00AM 8:30AM 8:15AM (if  needed)

All warm-up sessions for preliminaries and finals (morning and evening) will be unassigned, general warm-ups. Afternoon sessions will have assigned lanes. Teams will be notified by Tuesday, June 11th if warm-ups are to be split. Saturday and Sunday Finals: Warm-ups for Saturday finals will not start before 4 PM. Warmups for Sunday finals will not start before 3:30 PM. SITE: Birdland Park Swimming Pool, 300 Holcomb Ave., Des Moines, IA 50313 Athletes should be dropped off at the West entrance off of 6th Avenue.

Facility: Outdoor 50-meter, 8 lanes, heated. Water depth 12’ at starting end and 3’8’’ at turning end. Colorado timing system with touch pads and button back up system. Secondary timing of at least 2 manual watches per lane, (club reserves right to use one watch per lane) The competition course has been certified in accordance with Article 104.2.2C(4) or USA Swimming Rules and Regulations. The copy of such certification is on file with USA Swimming. COACHES:

Only currently registered USA Swimming coach members will be permitted on deck in designated areas. Each coach must sign the Coaches Meet Sign-In (App-29) and present a current USA Swimming coach membership card to verify that all certifications are current and on file. Coaches shall wear their coach membership cards so that they are clearly visible to swimmers and meet personnel at all times. WARM-UPS: The ISI mandatory warm-up procedure will be followed in accordance with Section J.XI of the ISI Code Book. All swimmers are to carefully enter the pool using feet first, three point entry. The pool will be cleared 10 minutes prior to competition. All swimmers must be under the supervision of a USA Swimming member coach during warm-up, competition and warm-down. Any swimmer without a coach shall report to the Meet Referee prior to his or her warm-up. The meet referee will assist the swimmer in making arrangements for such supervision, but it is the swimmer’s responsibility to ensure such arrangements are made prior to the start of the meet. RACING STARTS: All swimmers entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: 1. Swimmers must be currently registered as athlete members of USA Swimming in order to compete 2. Swimmers must enter in the age group events corresponding to each swimmer’s age on the first day of the meet. 3. Swimmers entered exclusively in Timed Final events may enter up to 4 individual events per day. Swimmers in prelim/final events may enter no more than 3 individual events on those days. 4. Seed times must be submitted for a 50 meter course. A swimmer’s (or relay’s) seed time can be no faster than the best time the swimmer (or relay) has achieved in an event swum in the same length pool as this meet. Converted times are not allowed. NT will be accepted. 4-HOUR RULE: Pursuant to Article 205.3.1F of USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, the program in all age-group competitions (except championship meets) shall be planned to allow the events for swimmers 12 years and younger to be completed in four (4) hours or less. Total entries shall not exceed 100 splashes per lane per session unless additional splashes do not jeopardize the 4-hour rule. Relays may be scratched if timeline exceeds four (4) hours. ENTRY SUBMISSION: 1. Individual events: $5.50 per event 2. Relays: $12 per relay 3. ISI Swimmer surcharge: $3.00 per swimmer. 4. Handwritten entries (for teams entering more than five swimmers): $2.00 Electronic entries must be submitted in a format compatible with HY-TEK Meet Manager software. Handwritten entries must be submitted on the ISI Meet Entry Form (APP-7). Submit entries along with the appropriate ISI Financial Sheet (APP-8.2). If submitting electronic entries, also send a hardcopy of the entries with the entry fees and financial sheet. Payment shall be by check or money order payable to Des Moines Swimming Federation. All entry fees, including ISI swimmer surcharge fee, can be combined on one check. The host club reserves the right to require payment by money order or cashier’s check. Entry fees are non-refundable; ISI swimmer surcharge fees will be refunded only if the entire meet is cancelled.

ENTRY DATES AND DEADLINES: 1. Entries will be accepted from teams in the Iowa LSC and teams outside the LSC who participated in the 29th Annual Birdland Invitational (CBSC-MW and BLA-MN) beginning on May 13th, 2013 at 12:00pm. 2. Entries will be accepted from all teams beginning May 20th, 2013. 3. Handwritten entries, along with entry fees and financial sheet, must be received by Friday June 7 th, 2013. 4. Electronic entries must be received no later than Sunday June 9th at 12:00pm. A hardcopy of the entries, along with the entry fees and financial sheet, must be received by Tuesday June 11th, 2013. Failure to submit the hardcopy and fees by this deadline will result in all entries being scratched. 5. Entries will not be accepted by fax or phone. LATE ENTRIES: Late entries will not be accepted. SWIMMERS WITH DISABILITIES: Swimmers with disabilities are encouraged to compete. The Information Form for Adapted Competitive Swimmers (APP-21) indicating limitations and requested modifications should be completed and attached to the meet entries. Modifications will be determined by the Meet Referee. The swimmer (or swimmer’s coach) is responsible for providing any equipment or assistants required. See Article 105 of USA Swimming Rules and Regulations. SEND ENTRIES TO: Send electronic entries and print materials to: Greg Temple 4932 Urbandale Ave Des Moines, Iowa 50310 [email protected] All electronic entries will be confirmed via return email. MEET DIRECTORS: Sean Hostetter 515-321-5582 [email protected] Angela Loper 602-565-9688 [email protected] MEET REFEREE: Terry Harding [email protected] OFFICIALS: DMSF welcomes any visiting USA Swimming officials who would like to officiate at this meet. If you are able to officiate please contact the Meet Referee. MEET COMMITTEE: A meet committee consisting of the Meet Director, Meet Referee, a Coach Representative, an Athlete Representative, and a certified Official acting at large will be established in accordance with Section J.X of the ISI Code Book. The committee shall serve as the meet jury to consider any administrative protests filed at the meet. (Protests against judgment decisions can only be considered by the Referee and the Referee’s decision is final.) The committee shall act as a review section in case of an emergency hearing.

MEET OPERATION: 1. Events will be pre-seeded. 2. Positive check-in will be required in the following events. Swimmers who fail to check in by the deadline will be scratched from the event. They will not be allowed to swim the event. • Friday – 400 IM, 800 Free, and 400 Free positive check-in by 2:00 PM. • Saturday – Senior 400 Free and 400 Free Relay check-in no later than 7:45 AM. • Sunday – Senior 1500 Free and 400 Medley Relay check-in no later than 7:45 AM. 3. Swimmers in all events shall report directly to the starting blocks. Swimmers will not be checked in by a Clerk of Course. 4. Events may be combined to facilitate meet operation and separated for results and scoring. 5. All 400m IM, 800m Free, 400m Free (except Senior) and 1500m Free will be swam fastest to slowest, alternating women and men. 6. If names for relay events are included in entries, those names will be on the relay cards at the meet. 7. Except where venue facilities require otherwise, changing into or out of swimsuits other than in the locker rooms or other designated areas is not appropriate and is strongly discouraged. 8. The host is not responsible for providing rest for swimmers between events. If a swimmer has less than 10 minutes between swims, the swimmer or coach should inform the Deck Referee. 9. The top 16 swimmers from the prelim session will qualify for the consolation final and the final heat for the 13-14 and senior divisions. 10. Top 8 relays will be swum with finals. LIMITED ENTRY EVENTS: 1. The 400 IM (Senior, 13-14, 11-12), 800m Free (Senior), 400m Free (13-14, 11-12, 10 and Under) will be limited to the fastest 24 males and 24 females. If less than 24 athletes from one gender enter the event, entries will be accepted to fill open lanes even if this results in an unbalanced mix of male and female athletes. 2. The senior 1500m freestyle will be limited to the fastest 16 males and 16 females. If less than 16 athletes from one gender enter the event, entries will be accepted to fill open lanes even if this results in an unbalanced mix of male and female athletes. 3. Verification of position in these events may be done by calling the entry chairperson after June 9th, 2013 after 12:00pm. 4. Alternate events can be substituted for swimmers failing to make the cut in limited entry events. Refunds will not be given if athlete does not elect to swim another event. SCORING: None AWARDS: Awards will only be given to 12 and Under age groups. Individual Awards: Ribbons will be given to 1st through 8th place finishers. Relay Awards: Ribbons will be given to the top 3 relay finishers. SCRATCHES: ISI scratch rule is in effect for the Timed Final sessions. ISI scratch rule is in effect for ALL RELAYS. ISI scratch rule is in effect for the Prelim/Final events with the exception that (1) A swimmer qualifying for a consolation final or final race will have 30 minutes after the announcement of the qualifiers for that final race in which to scratch; thus the declaration of intent to scratch is not in effect. Reminder that if a swimmer qualifies for a consolation final or final race and fails to compete, he/she will be barred from further competition for the meet. No Shows will not be penalized but will count towards an athlete’s daily total. USA SWIMMING REGISTRATION: USA Swimming athlete registrations submitted at the meet require a $5 fee payable to the host club in addition to the registration fees payable to ISI. Club registrations and non-athlete registrations will not be accepted CAMERAS: USE OF AUDIO OR VISUAL RECORDING DEVICES, INCLUDING CELL PHONES, IS NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME IN CHANGING AREAS, RESTROOMS, OR LOCKER ROOMS.

NO SMOKING: No smoking will be permitted in the pool area. IMAGE AUTHORIZATION: All participants agree to be filmed and photographed by the official photographer(s) and network(s) of ISI and the Des Moines Swimming Federation under the conditions authored by DMSF, and allow event organizers the right to use names, pictures, likenesses, and biographical information before, during or after the meet to promote competitive swimming. All participants agree not to use awards received in this competition for the purpose of trade or financial gain. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: • Programs. Each team will receive a copy of the program. Additional programs will be available for $10. Heat sheets will be $3 per session and free to those who have already purchased a program. • Results. Electronic results will be provided to all ISI teams and any non-ISI team participating in the meet. Final Results will be posted on the ISI website. A hardcopy of the final results may be requested on the ISI Financial Sheet for an additional $5.00. • Concessions. Limited concessions will be available through an outside vendor. DMSF encourages participants to bring their own food and drink. • Swim apparel/merchandise. Splash Multisports will be onsite selling apparel and swim gear. • Spectator information. No admission for spectators. Free parking is available.

30th Annual Birdland Invitational IOWA SWIMMING, INC. SANCTION #IA-13-49 JUNE 14-16, 2013 SESSION 1 Friday, June 14, 2013 Warm-ups 1:30PM & Timed Finals at 3:00PM Girls Event # 1TF 3TF* 5TF* 7TF* 9TF 11TF* 13TF* 15TF* 17TF*




11-12 Senior 13-14 11-12 10&U Senior 13-14 11-12 10&U

200M 400M 400M 400M 200M 800M 400M 400M 400M

Fly IM IM IM IM Free Free Free Free

Boys Event # 2TF 4TF* 6TF* 8TF* 10TF 12TF* 14TF* 16TF* 18TF*

*Positive check-in required for the 400IM, 800Free and 400Free by 2:00 PM. These events are each limited to the fastest 48 swimmers (24 female and 24 male) and will be swum fastest to slowest, alternating women’s and men’s heats.

SESSION 2 Girls Event # 19P* 21P 23P 25P 27P 29P 31P 33P 35P 37TF*

Saturday Morning, June 15, 2013 Warm-ups 7:00AM & Prelims at 8:30AM Age Distance Event Senior 13-14 Senior Senior 13-14 Senior Senior 13-14 Senior Senior

400M 100M 100M 200M 100M 100M 200M 200M 200M 400M

Free Breast Breast Fly Free Free Back IM IM Free Relay

*Positive check-in for Senior 400M Free and 400M Free Relay by 7:45 AM Top 8 relays will swim with finals

30th Annual Birdland Invitational

Boys Event # 20P* 22P 24P 26P 28P 30P 32P 34P 36P 38TF*


Girls Event # 39TF 41TF 43TF 45TF 47TF 49TF 51TF 53TF 55TF 57TF 59TF 61TF 63TF 65TF 67TF 69TF

Girls Event # 19F 21F 23F 25F 27F 29F 31F 33F 35F 37TF*

Saturday Afternoon, June 15, 2013 Warm-ups a minimum of 30 min. after Morning Session Warm-ups not before 11:30AM Competition not before 12:30PM Age Distance Event 11-12 8&U 10&U 11-12 10&U 11-12 8&U 10&U 11-12 10&U 11-12 10&U 11-12 10&U 11-12 11-12

200M 50M 50M 50M 100M 100M 50M 50M 50M 100M 100M 200M 200M 200M 200M 200M

Back Free Free Free Breast Breast Back Back Back Fly Fly Free Free Free Relay Free Relay IM

SESSION 4 Saturday Evening Finals, June 16, 2013 Warm-ups not before 4PM & Competition not before 5PM Age Distance Event Senior 13-14 Senior Senior 13-14 Senior Senior 13-14 Senior Senior

* Top 8 relays will swim with finals

400M 100M 100M 200M 100M 100M 200M 200M 200M 400M

Free Breast Breast Fly Free Free Back IM IM Free Relay

Boys Event # 40TF 42TF 44TF 46TF 48TF 50TF 52TF 54TF 56TF 58TF 60TF 62TF 64TF 66TF 68TF 70TF

Boys Event # 20F 22F 24F 26F 28F 30F 32F 34F 36F 38TF*

30th Annual Birdland Invitational IOWA SWIMMING, INC. SANCTION #IA-13-49 JUNE 14-16, 2013 SESSION 5 Sunday Morning, June 16, 2013 Warm-ups 7:00AM & Prelims at 8:30AM Girls Event # 71P 73P 75P 77P 79P 81P 83P 85P 87P 89TF* 91TF*#




13-14 Senior 13-14 Senior Senior 13-14 Senior 13-14 Senior Senior Senior

100M 100M 200M 200M 200M 100M 100M 50M 50M 400M 1500M

Fly Fly Free Free Breast Back Back Free Free Medley Rel Free

Boys Event # 72P 74P 76P 78P 80P 82P 84P 86P 88P 90TF* 92TF*#

*Positive check-in for Senior 400M Medley Relay and 1500M Free by 7:45 AM Top 8 relays will swim with finals #The 1500M Free will be limited to the fastest 32 swimmers (16 female and 16 male) and will be swum fastest to slowest, alternating women’s and men’s heats.

SESSION 6 Sunday Afternoon, June 16, 2013 Warm-ups a minimum of 30 min. after Morning Session Warm-ups not before 11:30AM Competition not before 12:30PM Girls Event # 93TF 95TF 97TF 99TF 101TF 103TF 105TF 107TF 109TF 111TF 113TF 115TF 117TF 119TF




11-12 8&U 10&U 11-12 8&U 10&U 11-12 10&U 11-12 8&U 10&U 11-12 10&U 11-12

200M 100M 100M 100M 50M 50M 50M 100M 100M 50M 50M 50M 200M 200M

Breast Free Free Free Breast Breast Breast Back Back Fly Fly Fly Medley Rel Medley Rel

Boys Event # 94TF 96TF 98TF 100TF 102TF 104TF 106TF 108TF 110TF 112TF 114TF 116TF 118TF 120TF

30th Annual Birdland Invitational IOWA SWIMMING, INC. SANCTION #IA-13-49 JUNE 14-16, 2013 SESSION 7 Sunday Evening, June 16, 2013 Warm-ups not before 3:30PM & Competition not before 4:30PM Girls Event # 71F 73F 75F 77F 79F 81F 83F 85F 87F 89TF*




13-14 Senior 13-14 Senior Senior 13-14 Senior 13-14 Senior Senior

100M 100M 200M 200M 200M 100M 100M 50M 50M 400M

Fly Fly Free Free Breast Back Back Free Free Medley Rel

* Top 8 relays will swim with finals.

Boys Event # 72F 74F 76F 78F 80F 82F 84F 86F 88F 90TF*


FINANCIAL SHEET - TIMED FINALS MEET NAME: __DMSF Birdland Invitational____________ DATE: June 14-16, 2013 TEAM NAME: ______________________________________________ CODE: _________________ COACHES ATTENDING MEET: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ENTRY CONTACT: Greg Temple ADDRESS: 4932 Urbandale Ave, Des Moines, IA 50310 PHONE: (515) 556-9729


EMAIL: [email protected]







SWIMMERS (Splash Fee)

$ 3.00


$ 5.00



* FINAL RESULTS – Final results will be provided in electronic format & available on the ISI website, unless hard copy is requested along with fees. Mail final results to: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 8/2008