breakdown of production expectations used when evaluating newspapers.
2013 EXPECTATIONS Below is a breakdown of production expectations used when evaluating newspapers.
Expectations key:
Website updates: Newspapers need to produce unique updates that are relevant to that day, not print content held from the previous day. Some print content can go online, but this doesn't qualify as a "news now" update.
— Doesn't meet
1-2 staff members:
6-19 staff members:
√ Meets
0-1: — 2 or more: √
Fewer than 10: — 10 or more: √
3-5 staff members:
Staff of 20 or more:
Fewer than 5: — 5 or more: √
Fewer than 15: — 15 or more: √
Photo galleries: Based on one week. All newsrooms must produce one “seen on scene” gallery a week. For information, see page 7.
Video: Produce consistent video every week. 1-2 staff members:
6-19 staff members:
0 per week: — 1 per week: √
0-2 per week: — 3 per week: √
3-5 staff members:
Staff of 20 or more:
0-1 per week: — 2 per week: √
0-4 per week: — 5 per week: √
Community blogging: Every blog should be updated at least twice every seven days. Blogs need to appear on your website. Simply linking to a blog is not acceptable. 1-2 staff members:
6-19 staff members:
0-1 bloggers: — 2 bloggers: √
0-2 bloggers: — 3 bloggers: √
1-2 staff members:
6-19 staff members:
3-5 staff members:
Staff of 20 or more:
0: — 1: √
0-2: — 3 or more: √
0-1 bloggers: — 2 bloggers: √
0-5 bloggers: — 6 bloggers: √
3-5 staff members:
Staff of 20 or more:
0-1: — 2 or more: √
0-4 : — 5 or more: √
PRINT EVALUATION Platform-appropriate publishing:
Facebook: Newspapers should post content to the Facebook page on weekdays and weekends using scheduled content. 1-2 staff members:
6-19 staff members:
0-1 post per day: —
0-4 posts per day: —
2+ posts per day: √
5+ posts per day: √
3-5 staff members:
20+ staff members:
0-3 posts per day: —
0-5 posts per day: —
4+ posts per day: √
6+ posts per day: √
Coming in print: In each issue you publish, tease at least one item that will appear in an upcoming print issue. Only online: In each issue you publish, tease at least one item that will only appear online. Requirement is the same for all newspapers.
* Note: Community Partner Journalism, Public Service Journalism and callouts will no longer be evaluated. We still encourage the use of ASFs. As for callouts, Design House is placing them in newspapers. Any paper not in Design House is encouraged to use callouts in print and online.
Twitter: Every reporter at each newsroom has a professional Twitter account and tweets twice weekdays and weekends using scheduled content. 0-1 tweet per day, per reporter: —