Sandy Bay Yacht Club. ROCKPORT, MASSACHUSETTS 01966. Board of
Governors. Commodore: Story Reed. Vice Commodore: Margot Hintlian.
Sandy Bay Yacht Club ROCKPORT, MASSACHUSETTS 01966
Board of Governors Commodore: Story Reed Vice Commodore: Margot Hintlian Past Commodore: Ken Kaiser SBYC Treasurer: Frank Hassler SSP Treasurer: Betsy Levick Secretary: Beth Leahy Suzanne Gosselin 2013 Joanne Levin 2015 Earl Meredith 2014 Ed Salas 2014 Andrew Siergiewicz 2015 Frank Simmons 2015 Greg Wilkinson 2014
Benefits of Membership Access to Yacht Club facility including Clubhouse, wharf and floats.
Eligibility to enroll in Junior Sailing Program, Adult Sailing Program or Private Sailing Lessons.
Eligibility to participate in club sponsored races and regattas in several one design and cruising classes.
Participation in club Social events including chowders, weekend coffees, after sailing get togethers, dances, cookouts, potluck suppers.
Club merchandise offered for sale to Club Members.
Use of club owned sailboats, once you are authorized by Club personnel, including Rhodes 19, Bullseyes, and use of row boats
Be a spectator on the waterfront to enjoy being around boats and boating and enjoy watching top flight sailing and racing in and around Sandy Bay.
Manager Ron Petoff Membership Committee Suzanne Gosselin, Chair Lolly Gray 2014 Henrietta Hung 2014 Joanne Lavigne 2014 Marilyn Thompson 2013 Rob Volpe 2013 Keely Webster 2015 Fleet Captains SBYC Fleet Captain: Andrew Siergiewicz Bullseyes: Laura Hallowell & Ben Loiacono Cruising Class: Bill Lee Flying Scots: Chuck Nicolosi & Mike Frigard Rhodes 19 Earl Meredith & Frank Simmons Stars: Ted Engel
Membership Categories - See back of Membership Application Application Process Becoming a member of Sandy Bay Yacht Club is easy. 1.
Obtain a Membership Application from the Club Manager, from a Member of the Membership Committee; or write or call the Club at P.O. Box 37, Rockport, MA 01966, 978-546-9433.
Fill in the application, calculate dues and fees, write a check payable to Sandy Bay Yacht Club for the proper amount and return to the club either in person or by mail. You must obtain the signatures of two club members who are unrelated to each other, and one parent must sign applications for Junior Members.
Completed applications will be posted at the club for one week before action is taken by the Membership Committee. Following election to membership, new members will receive membership cards and a letter of welcome to the club by mail. Orientation will be available from members of the Membership Committee and Club staff for those who desire it.
Race Committee Ed Salas, chair House Committee Earl Meredith & Frank Simmons Social Committee Katy & Steve Fritch Sailing Program Greg Wilkinson Youth Activities Wanda Visnick Finance Committee Margot Hintlian Development Committee Joanne Levin Long Range Planning Joanne Levin
[email protected]
Sandy Bay Yacht Club ROCKPORT, MASSACHUSETTS 01966
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION I apply for Senior A [ ], Senior B [ ], Family [ ], Junior [ ] Membership, subject to the approval of the Membership Committee, and agree to be bound by the By-Laws and Rules of the Club. See reverse side of this application for the Schedule of Dues and Fees and information form for club records. Please submit check for dues with this application. Name of Applicant (Please Print) Winter Address
Summer Address
City Email Signature of Applicant
Website Date
If Junior - Parent's Signature Signatures of Proposers
To save on printing and mailing costs, our annual newsletter is available in the news section of our website. Please indicate how you would like to receive the newsletter: website or paper copy by mail Return to: Membership Committee, Sandy Bay Yacht Club, P.O. Box 37, Rockport, MA 01966 ******************************************************************************************* As one of the Membership Committee, I vouch for the applicant. Signed Date Posted Date Elected
2013 Schedule of Dues and Information Form The information you provide is confidential and for our use only. Please provide the below information for each family member applying, including yourself. Name (Please Print)
Date of Birth
Dues (See below)
TOTAL Senior-A Dues (Age 30 & over as of June 30) Senior-B Dues (Ages 21 to 29 as of June 30) Junior Dues (Ages 8 to 20 as of June 30) Family Dues (2 Parents and 2 or more Juniors)
$278.00 each $139.00 each $80.00 each $695.00
There may be additional fees for lockers and boatowners. Check with the manager for rates and applicability.
Please describe any boats currently owned, including type (inc. manufacturer), length, name and sail number (if applicable).
How did you hear about us?
The Club depends on the talents of its members to provide its many services and activities. Please indicate below any special talents or areas of interest for which you would be willing to volunteer.
Social Committee - Help with dinners, Sunday morning coffees, and other social events. Race Committee - Help out with running races from our Committee Boat. Training provided. Gift Shop Sales - Help sell club merchandise during Sunday morning coffees. House Committee - Help out around the club with cleaning, painting or carpentry. Sailing Program - Help our Sailing Program with administration, transportation, etc. Special Events - Help with running special events Thursday Night Talks - Help organize and/or sponsor our Thursday Night Talk Series. Development/Fundraising
Other (please describe)