2013 Sponsorship Letter PDF

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Sunday, November 17, at 3:00 p.m. We invite you to become a Contributor, Sponsor or. Benefactor. Such a gift would enable us to make this, our 61st ...
P O Box 10936, Beaumont, Tx, 77710 www.beaumontinterfaithchoir.com Dear Friend: The Beaumont Interfaith Choral Society is preparing for its 51st season. Concerts throughout the years would not have been possible without the generous contributions of loyal friends upon whose support we heavily depend. We are proud to announce the 2013-2014 concert under the direction of Gary E. Parks, Choir Director at Trinity United Methodist Church in Beaumont. His selections for this year, with orchestral accompaniment, are: O Magnum Mysterium, Victoria The Heaven’s Are Telling (The Creation), Haydn O Clap Your Hands, All Ye People, Vaughn Williams Gloria in D, Vivaldi The free concert will be presented at First United Methodist Church in downtown Beaumont on Sunday, November 17, at 3:00 p.m. We invite you to become a Contributor, Sponsor or Benefactor. Such a gift would enable us to make this, our 61st presentation of great works of the masters, a reality. Donations are tax deductible. (Our tax number is AUS: EO 77-1968.) The Society is deeply grateful to those who choose to become a vital part in supporting and encouraging the presentation of fine sacred choral music. Gratefully,

Bernie Brown Wynnelle Guidry President Sponsorship Vice President ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please complete lower portion and return to: P.O. Box 10936, Beaumont, TX 77710 Please make check payable to Beaumont Interfaith Choral Society ___Contributor ($10)

___ Sponsor ($25)

___ Memorial

___ Honor

___Benefactor (over $25) Amt. Enclosed $ ___ Anonymous

Name of Contributor/Sponsor/Benefactor to be printed in program: Address:

City, State, Zip

If Memorial or Honor, for whom? Address to be notified: *If you are unable to attend the concert and would like a program, please indicate: _______