Our parish currently has a disused portacabin previously used as a classroom in the old national school in Sag- gart. Th
5th October 2014 27th Sunday of the Year
Newsletter for the Parishes of Saggart - Rathcoole - Brittas & Newcastle Parish Team Fr. Enda Cunningham PP St Mary’s Parochial House Saggart. Tel: 4589209 Mob: 087-1380695 Fr. Aidan Kieran CC 1 The Glebe Peamount Road Newcastle. Tel: 4589230 Mob: 087-6397744 Fr. Aloysius Zuribo C.C. 2 Carrigmore Place Saggart, Co. Dublin Tel. 01-4589209 Parish Pastoral Worker Mr Sean O’Rourke c/o The Parish Office St. Mary’s Parochial House Tel: 4589209 Mob:087-0540695 Fr. Michael Shortall PC 87 Beechwood Lawns Rathcoole Tel: 4587187 Mob: 087 -2861765 Fr. Michael McGowan PC 7 St. Patrick’s Crescent, Rathcoole Tel: 4589210 Parish Secretary Martina Hopkins The Parish Office St. Mary’s Parochial House Opening Hours: 9.30-1.30 Monday to Friday Tel: 4589209 www.saggartparish.com
[email protected]
Eucharistic Adoration Holy Family Church Rathcoole Every Friday 7.30 – 8.30pm Items for Newsletter If you have any items for the newsletter, please contact the Parish Office or email to the addresses given below. Please indicate clearly that the items are for inclusion in the Parish Newsletter. Many thanks.
[email protected] or
[email protected]
We pray for those who have died recently: Bridget McDermott (Saggart) Ignatius Fox (Newcastle) who are recently deceased. We extend our deepest sympathies to their families and friends. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon them.
Census at Masses Next Weekend Saggart/Rathcoole/Brittas A census will be taken of the people who are present at Masses in Saggart, Rathcoole and Brittas next weekend. We are very grateful for the participation of parishioners in this important survey which will update parish records and facilitate better communication. It will only take two minutes of your time.
St Finian’s Parish Pastoral Council Seeking Nominations for New Members After a busy few years in Newcastle, St Finian’s Parish Pastoral Council is now due for renewal. In these challenging times for the Church, the Parish Pastoral Council is the forum where priests and lay people work together to imagine and realise how the Good News will be proclaimed in our parish community in the future. For continuity, a number of the present Parish Council members will stay in place for the coming term but, in looking to the future, we are looking for some new members who will hopefully bring a new perspective and fresh ideas.
Floodlighting St. Finian’s Church, Newcastle The final project that has been undertaken by the current Parish Pastoral Council in Newcastle is the floodlighting of the church building. During the week, some members of the Pastoral Council met with a floodlighting installer to view a test floodlighting of the church building. It was a very impressive sight. We are now awaiting the final quote from the installer and then the Parish Council will decide whether or not to proceed with the project. All going well, the floodlighting will be switched on in conjunction with the lighting up of Newcastle by the ReNewcastle Community group in early December. If and when it is floodlit, the church building will be a wonderful night-time feature in Newcastle Village.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society Saggart Branch Meeting Saggart branch of St. Josephs Young Priests Society will hold an open meeting on Thursday 9th October at 7.30pm in the Parochial House Saggart. Our Church urgently needs vocations to the priesthood. Anyone with an interest in promoting vocations is welcome to attend. This would be a great act of service to the Church
Day for Life
Mass Schedule Saggart: Sunday: 9 am & 11.30 am Weekday: 9.30 am Rathcoole: Saturday Vigil: 6.30 p.m. Sunday: 10 am & 12.00 pm Weekday: 9.30 am Saturday: 10.00 am Brittas: Sunday: 10.30 am Newcastle: Saturday Vigil: 7.00 p.m. Sunday: 10.30 am Weekday: 10.00am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Confession Saggart: Friday, after 9.30am Mass Rathcoole: Saturday after 10.00am Mass Newcastle: Saturday after 7.00pm Mass Baptism Saggart 2.00pm Sunday Rathcoole 4.00 pm Saturday Newcastle 2nd Saturday 4pm Last Sunday 2pm Please contact the Parish Office Marriage Please contact the Parish Office
Holy Family Kids Choir New members are needed for Holy Family Church Kids Choir. Children aged 7—12 years should apply. Practise every Saturday. Contact Heidi 0863084657
Irish Cancer Society Daffodil Centre Volunteers Needed The Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Centres are looking for volunteers to support the Daffodil Centre Nurse by welcoming visitors and showing them the range of information available. If you’d like more information on becoming a trained volunteer, please contact: Catherine McGuinness 01-2316635
[email protected] Closing date for receipt of applications is Sunday 5th October 2014 ReNewcastle Community Group AGM Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place on Thursday 6th November 2014 in the Community Hall, Newcastle at 8.30pm sharp. Residents are encouraged to attend and anyone interested in joining the committee please do come along. The vision of the ReNewcastle Community group is to: Cultivate an active and welcoming community where the residents have a voice, embrace their local environment, celebrate our heritage, promote quality of life, health and well-being and treasure our rural setting. Lordes Pilgrimage on Nationwide RTE’s Nationwide TV programme will broadcast a half an hour documentary on Wednesday next, 8th October dedicated to the recent Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Transmission time 7pm RTE 1 with presenter Mary Kennedy. Pro-Life Campaign National Conference 2014 Saturday 11th October, 1.30 - 4.30pm RDS Concert Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 You are invited to register and come along to the Pro-Life Campaign annual conference in the RDS on Sat. 11th October from 1.30-4.30pm. Guest speakers include Julia Holcomb former girlfriend of Aerosmith leadsinger Steve Tyler, who will share the story of her late term abortion and how she and Steve came to regret it. Places are limited, so please do register ASAP at www.prolifecampaign.ie/conference2014 or call 085-2716066. Admission free, donations welcome.
Message for Day for Life 2014 Protect and Cherish Life Pope Francis knows and loves young people. At World Youth Day in Rio last year, to over three million young people, the Pope said, “young hearts want to build a better world.” He invited them to be “protagonists of transformation” and urged them not to be mere “observers of life, but to get involved. Jesus did not remain an observer, but he immersed himself. Don’t be observers, but immerse yourself in the reality of life, as Jesus did.” We all know heroic young people who are getting involved in the messiness of life – helping the young; the weak, the elderly, the vulnerable - and putting the needs of others above their own. In this year’s Message for Day for Life the Bishops of Ireland, Scotland, England & Wales would like to follow in the footsteps of Pope Francis and invite everyone to get involved in caring for, nurturing and protecting life at every stage and in every condition. To young people especially we want to say “#Livelife!” from its beginning to its natural end. In a ‘throwaway’ culture, it is easy for life to be undervalued. Last year, Donal Walsh, an extraordinary 16-year-old from Kerry in Ireland, suffering from terminal cancer, taught us how to value every second of life and to show gratitude for all that we can so easily take for granted. Donal had “wanted to live, to play for Munster, to travel the whole world to raise children and die when I'm 100” and instead of reacting with anger and despair at the news of his cancer, he embraced life to promote his anti-suicide #Livelife message. He wrote and spoke widely in the media about young people and suicide – urging teenagers to “appreciate what you have, know that there are always other options and help is always there”. His #Livelife message has touched many hearts and changed lives. Every one of us, young and old alike can play our part in the promotion of life. Our every thought, word or action can promote or extinguish life – we all have a valuable contribution to make. Pope Francis tells us that being a protector of life is about, “protecting all creation, the beauty of the created world... It means respecting each of God’s creatures and respecting the environment in which we live.” The pope speaks of “protecting people, showing loving concern for each and every person, especially children, the elderly, those in need, who are often the last we think about.” He emphasises the importance of the family, “husbands and wives first protect one another, and then, as parents, they care for their children, and children themselves, in time, protect their parents.” And of caring for society by “building sincere friendships in which we protect one another in trust, respect, and goodness. In the end, everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it.” Let’s all be builders of a better world and protect life. #Livelife Charity Bridge Night for Fr. Peter McVerry SJ A Charity Bridge Night in aid of the charitable work of Fr. Peter McVerry SJ will be held on Sunday 5th October 2014 at 7.15pm Sharp. The venue is the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel, Clondalkin. All grades catered for. Enquiries: Ann Tel. 01-4589439
Proposal to Donate Parish Portacabin to Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland Working with limited resources Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Ireland provide a range of services and they have a need for extra accommodation. Our parish currently has a disused portacabin previously used as a classroom in the old national school in Saggart. The following outlines how SBHI would put it to good use - at no cost to the parish. The portacabin would assist us greatly in offering course workshops to as many members as possible. Every year during July and August, we run SHINE, an independence training program for our members with Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus. Additional space would help in the following ways: We could offer a greater variety of activities e.g. arts and crafts, computer skills, life skills, music, drama and discussion groups; We could better accommodate our wheelchair users; We could better facilitate the recruitment of the large number of staff and volunteers needed to help with the SHINE program An additional portacabin would greatly help to overcome difficulties such as cancelling meetings due to lack of space. There would be no cost to the parish as SBHI would arrange dismantling, transport, re-installation and fitting out at their premises at Scoil Mochua on the Nangor Road. We would like to give a response to SBHI in the next two weeks. While this is clearly a worthy cause the PPC agreed we would consult first with our parishioners so if you have any questions or comments please contact Fr Enda or a member of the Parish Pastoral Council. Matt O'Sullivan (PPC Chairperson, 087 7533824)