2014-10 ONC-CGCMinutes.pdf - Google Drive

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Columbia Gorge Chapter – Oregon Nordic Club Fall Meeting Minutes October 18, 2014 Tschanz home, The Dalles, OR Present: Ole Helgerson, President; Elliot Solway, Vice President; Lorrie DeKay, Secretary; Skip Tschanz, Treasurer; Janet Tschanz, State ONC Rep; Lloyd DeKay, Webmaster; Yolanda Solway, Jan Stewart, Fred Stewart, Jim Mansfield, Deb Mansfield, Rob Chamberlain, Pedro Tai. Call to order The 3 pm meeting was called to order at 2:40 pm by President Ole Helgerson. Secretary Report (Lorrie): The Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. Treasurer Report (Skip): Balance of $16, 884.71, including the CD and Tilly Jane funds. State ONC (Janet): The September Diamond Lake meeting was cancelled the day of the scheduled event by the State ONC President. He resigned the next day. Tilly Jane Guard Station (Skip): The Chapter operates the guard station under an 8 year permit that is up for renewal this winter. Under the terms of the permit, we rent the cabin to the general public, currently December through May. We rent the cabin from the US Forest Service for $1200, but we can offset the rent with improvements to the building, as we did with the $1400 painting job. We hold a $5,000 bond (in the form of a CD) and have $1,000,000 liability insurance through the State ONC. All changes to the building must be approved by the SHPO and US Forest Service. We have use of the cabin for four weekends during the season, and in the summer. A discussion followed about forming a separate Tilly Jane ONC Chapter in the future. The Tilly Jane Committee was also discussed; currently comprised of Kevin and Skip. Pedro volunteered to serve. President asked for a motion to guide club officers in renewing the contract. Skip moved to renew the contract; Pedro seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Website (Lloyd): The new website based on Word Press has launched October 3. It bypasses the many problems with the former DRUPAL site that he and Dean tried valiantly to fix. The layout of the new site is readily changeable, so if anyone has suggestions for new features or a better layout, let him know. He also reminded members that the most important function of our website is to provide information, especially News and Events, about the organization. Content must be kept fresh. We can help by sending in contributions. The format also allows for any number of contributors or editors to directly add news, events and articles to the site. Contact Lloyd to get set up and trained. WSSB Teacup event (Skip): We donate lunch for the Washington State School for the Blind ski event. This year’s lunch cost $400.00. We discussed how to fund. Club dues barely cover our costs. Skip suggested using Tilly Jane profit funds to cover lunches. President asked for motion to ok doing so. Lloyd so moved, Yolanda seconded, motion passed. Old Business: Pedro asked about the generator. Skip reported that it’s purchased. Discussion followed about where to store it over winter, TJ garage or home of CGC member, no decision. Ole reported on the summer paddle trip from Home Valley to Stevenson. Four double kayaks and two canoes participated in the adventure.

New Business:

Leader Training: Ole reminded us that it's not too late to sign up for the Leader Training, Oct.26th, at O'Conner's in Multnomah Village from 5:00 to 8:30. Enjoy a delicious FREE dinner with GREAT company, fellow ONC-ers. Learn about safety on the ski trails. Improve your own skills. Learn how to help others enjoy X-Country skiing. The training will be led by Shelley Hakanson of Wy'East Nordic and is guaranteed to be lively and entertaining. It would be good if someone from our chapter could attend and report back. If you'd like to attend, contact Ann Truax; 503-756-8891 or [email protected] Also, Ole noted that it’s not too early to start thinking about a kayak adventure next summer in the San Juans. BY-LAWS REVISION Ole led a spirited discussion about the revised bylaws. Lloyd moved to vote on revised bylaws. Skip seconded. Members agreed to vote yea, nay or abstain going around in circle. Pedro- yea; Janet-Abstain; Lloyd-yea; Lorrie-yea; Deb-yea; Jim-yea; Rob-yea; Skip-nay; Fred-nay; Jan-Abstain; Elliot-nay; Yolanda-abstain; Ole-yea. Talley: 7/13 yea; 3/13 nay; 3/13 abstain. Motion carried. ELECTION OF OFFICERS • President; none present willing to serve; • Vice President; none present willing to serve; • Treasurer- Skip Tschanz agreed to serve as Treasurer for another term • Secretary- Lorrie DeKay agreed to serve as Secretary for another term Skip made a suggestion that was not objected to that new officers query membership to see whether anyone not at the meeting would be willing to serve. The Secretary will send out the minutes to the membership ASAP and request those not present at the meeting consider stepping up. ANNOUNCEMENTS Janet is pregnant. Skip is shocked. They will be leading the Upper Bridal Veil Falls hike soon. Stay tuned. MEMBERSHIP DUES should be sent in to Skip. The form is on the website. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm. Good eats followed.