2014 15th Esri India User Conference 2014

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ArcGIS Server Advanced Edition with Adobe Flex & JavaScript APIs Arc Engine with Java SDK Arc Python ArcMap Batch/ Shell Scripts Java Swings ArcSDE

15th Esri India User Conference 2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India

ArcGIS Server Based Storm Surge Forecast by INCOIS Cyclonic Storm ‘HudHud’ N. Kiran Kumar ,Scientist Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) Earth System Science Organisation (ESSO), Ministry of Earth Sciences Govt. of India

2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India


• Introduction to ArcGIS for Storm Surge Forecast • Standard Operating Procedure • Role of ArcGIS for Inputs and Outputs generation • Operational Storm Surge Warnings & Dissemination • Demonstration • Conclusion



Geo-Enabling Digital India

Introduction to ArcGIS for Storm Surge Forecast •

Performs geographic data analysis, data processing & conversions, data management Storm Surge Monitoring System Decision Support Module Prediction of storm surge and extent of inundation Generation of Cyclone Tracks Generation of Probabilistic Tracks Automatic Generation of Surge Maps, Inundation Maps, Symbology Layers, etc.

ArcGIS Tools Used: ArcGIS Server Advanced Edition with Adobe Flex & JavaScript APIs Arc Engine with Java SDK Arc Python ArcMap Batch/ Shell Scripts Java Swings ArcSDE

Geo-Enabling Digital India


ArcGIS Server for Storm Surge Forecast

Geo-Enabling Digital India


geographic data analysis, data processing &

conversions, data management Configure maps  Adjust scale dependencies

and def queries

 Validate label expressions  Publish basemaps

and operational layers

Create Database, Python, Batch/ Shell Scripts  Set

source / target

 Schedule

scripts  Stores & performs conversion to the data

2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India

ArcGIS Server for Storm Surge Forecast

ArcGIS Tools Used:

ArcGIS Server Advanced Edition with Adobe Flex & JavaScript APIs

Arc Engine with Java SDK  Arc Python 

ArcMap  Batch/ Shell Scripts 

 

ArcSDE Adobe Flex Builder, Eclipse

Storm Surge Warning SOP Flow Chart

2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India

IMDannounces announces IMD thecyclonic cyclonic the information information

Createbest best Create track using track using IMDinput input IMD


Surgeheight height Surge


Input to model

Trackof ofthe the Track system from system from IMDthrough through IMD email email

Forcethe the Force model model (ADCIRC) (ADCIRC) usingbest best using track track

Coastalcurrents currents Coastal

Output from model

Position of Position of Cyclone, Cyclone, gusting gusting speed, etc. speed, etc.

Generation Generation ofbulletins bulletins of && notifications notifications

E-mail Dissemination


Inland Inland inundation inundation


Inundationdepth depth Inundation

Every 3 to 6 hours repeat this process

Surge & inundation maps

Threat status

2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India

Inputs and Outputs

2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India

Dissemination of Storm Surge Bulletins



National Level MHA, NDMA, MoES, NDRF Head quarters, IMD & CWC

State Level Principal Secretaries (Revenue) of coastal states

SMS District Level DROs of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasham, and S.P.S Nellore

Web http://www.incois.gov.in/portal/stormsurge


Operational Storm Surge Warning for VSCS HudHud (8-12 October, 2014 ) Model Computed Model Computed Inundation Extent

Geo-Enabling Digital India

First simulation

0530 IST of 08th October 2014

Last simulation

1730 IST of 12th October 2014

Model integration

5 days

Bulletins issued


Maximum storm

2.4m near Pedanagayyapalem,

surge simulated

Puspatirega Mandal, Andhrapradesh


400 m near Pedanagayyapalem,

inundation extent

Puspatirega Mandal,


List Of Storm Surge Forecasts During 2013-2014

Geo-Enabling Digital India


Starting Simulation

Last simulation

No. of bulletins issued


0530 IST of 08th October 2014

1730 IST of 12th October 2014



0530 IST of 9th October 2013

0130 IST of 13th October 2013



1330 IST of 20th November 2013

1630 IST of 22nd November 2013



0230 IST of 23rd November 2013

1100 IST of 28th November 2013



0100 IST of 6th December 2013

0130 IST of 16th December 2013


2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India

Demo # 6


2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India

No. of visitors to HudHud StormSurge Webpages during 8-12 October, 2014

2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India


Model produces good results as compared to the observations of surge height as well as inundation extent and thus can be used for operational storm surge warning during such future events. The results obtained from the model can be used as guidance for the coastal disaster management authority for drawing suitable strategies to mitigate the effects of such events.

2014 Geo-Enabling Digital India