Quiz Bowl Our team of 4-5 students competed against opposing schools answering trivia ... promoting âBlue Shirt Dayâ
THE GOOD NEWS The Alumni Newsletter of Marquette Catholic Schools
A Note From the Development World
2014 was a busy and exciting year for the Marquette Catholic family. We have had two very memorable Fund Steak Dinner retirements: Dan Petesch and Clayton Peterson. We also lost an influential member of the family this year. Joel March 20th & 21st: Sturm was not only a mentor and coach but also a friend. His presence will truly be missed. These individuals had a Magic of Children huge impact on Marquette that will stay with us for many April 9th-11th: Spring years to come. We also have a few very bright additions to our staff: Musical Lexsea Stickrod, Jenna Brown & John Theisen. Lexsea is May 24th: Graduation our K-12 Spanish teacher, Jenna is our Special Needs teacher and John is our Custodial Engineer. With the two Ceremony 2:00 teaching positions, we have expanded our 6-12 Spanish program to a K-12 program and expanded our Special Needs program. We are very excited to have Lexsea, Jenna and John join the Marquette family. Another program that we are developing further is WIN(What I Need). WIN meets 2-3 times per week for 20-30 minutes per day. It allows the students that need help in certain areas to receive it and more advanced students to work on nontraditional areas, such as computer programming. It is a way for the teachers to assist in a specialty area for them and the students to collaborate with other classes to complete a project. WIN was originally introduced to the K-5 grades, but is now moving into the middle school due to the positive reaction from the current students in the program. Marquette Catholic is always striving to provide students with the best opportunity to succeed in the future. Jim Klein - Director of Development Feb. 13th: Activity
Meet the class of 2015
Building for the Future What an exciting time for the Marquette Catholic School!!! Ground has been broken and construction is on its way for the new high school. The $1.6 million dollar project includes a new high school, updates to the MEC, and a face lift to the exterior of the current high school. The new high school will be connected to the existing structure in the parking lot next to Cole Park. The overall project will be completed in three phases. Phase one is the previously mentioned construction. Phase two will be the dismantling of the current middle school building. Phase three will be the construction of a new parish center/lunchroom/gym and an additional 75 vehicle parking lot. This construction will take place in the area where the middle school previously was and on 5th street, which has been recently purchased from the City of Bellevue. The entire project will take 2-3 years to complete. Phase one has been financed by a couple of very generous donors. Phase two and three will be financed through a capital campaign, which will be collaborated with St. Joseph Parish. Marquette Catholic School will need everyone’s help to make this much needed advancement happen. Please contact me if you are willing to contribute to the future of our great school. Jim Klein Director of Development (563) 872-3356
Pastoral Coordinator’s Message Our mission as a church and a faith community in the Catholic tradition is to worship God, to proclaim the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to bring ourselves and others to eternal life. Those of us who are pastors and priests play a vital role in this mission, but so do parents. Parents are the first teachers of their children in matters of faith and probably have more influence on our young people than anyone else. Our system of Catholic education in our schools is the major element in the support of parents and the parish in matters of faith. Catholic Schools are the best instrument we have to not only present students with knowledge but to teach the values and morals of our faith. As alumni of Marquette Catholic, I trust that you have appreciated the foundation you have received here, and continue to support our mission. Your support strengthens our future. God bless you. Fr. Phillip Kruse
Achievements in All Activities Drama The students presented the musical entitled Just Another High School Musical in April. It was humorous to see the parodies performed. Down in Front , a mystery farce was presented in November for three successful nights. Cheerleading The 2014-2015 squad is made up of Anna Schmidt, Hannah Reeg, Madeline Jackson, Amber Krieg and Morgan Muenster. Quiz Bowl Our team of 4-5 students competed against opposing schools answering trivia questions at both Clinton Community College and the Tri-Rivers contests. National Honor Society The NHS continued their support of the activities Marquette holds each year. The 2013-2014 NHS successfully organized and carried out the annual Make-A-Difference Day, Operation NewView and the Spring Blood Drive. We also ran our annual support to end bullying campaign by promoting “Blue Shirt Day” and “Orange Day” and planned activities for the month of October to bring awareness of the effects of bullying. Active NHS members this year included Ryan Reistroffer, Grace Sieverding, Clarice Kies and Haley Lampe (Isaac Ambrosy was inducted as a senior at the end of the 2014 school year). Teachers and staff sincerely appreciate the willingness of these students to serve their school and give younger students a positive example to follow. Cross Country In the 2014 season, our boys were crowned Tri-Rivers Conference Champions with Lucas Schmidt winning the meet. The team also qualified for state and finished 12th. The girls team finished 3rd at the conference meet and 5th at the state qualifying meet. Soccer Marquette Soccer had a great season, ending with a record of 6-8. Of those eight losses, five were against ranked teams, and two were against 2A schools. The season ended with a loss against # 5 ranked West Liberty, 2-1. Losing one starting senior (Ben Lawrence), we look to have a great 2015 season. Football Partnering with Wahlert Catholic High School and Mazzuchelli Middle School in Dubuque, boys from Marquette continue to contribute to the success of these football programs. Volleyball The 2014 volleyball team made it to the state tournament and posted the best record in school history 32-4: led by two seniors, Blake Banowetz and Justine Kalmes. In addition to a state tournament run, Marquette also claimed the Tri-Rivers Conference Tournament crown. Blake Banowetz was named 2nd Team All State, and also personally broke the records for most aces and kills in a season. While we lose two vital pieces, Marquette looks to have a great 2015 season. Girls Basketball The Marquette Varsity basketball team completed the 2013-2014 season with an overall record of 16-7, finishing 8-2 in the Tri-Rivers conference. Grace Sieverding was our lone senior on the team. For the 2014-2015 season, we will have four senior starters returning Nicole Blum, Blake Banowetz, Anne Nolting, and Justine Kalmes. Others returning include senior Carly Jacobs, juniors Anna Ambrosy, Tayler Richman, Erica Timmerman and Caylee Ploessl. Adding to the team is junior Brittany Moore returning from a two year illness, along with sophomores Marissa Schroeder and Taylor Banowetz. Baseball The baseball team finished 13–19 overall and 12-12 in its first year in the new Tri- Rivers Conference. Nate Gerlach (Jr.) was voted 1st Team All Conference and Ethan Yeager(Jr.) was Honorable Mention. The team had three Seniors Shane Weber, John Michel and Isaac Ambrosy provided the team with great leadership throughout the year. Boys Basketball With no returning players from last year, the team finished with a respectable 9-13 overall and 5–5 in conference record. Logan Schroeder(Jr.) was named to the conference 2nd team and Grant Kilburg(Jr.) was an Honorable Mention pick. Shane Weber was the lone senior, but will be missed for his play and leadership abilities. Girls Track & Field Competing with Bellevue Community School, the Marquette athletes were a dominate force on the combined track team. Anne Nolting, Anna Ambrosy and Marissa Schroeder all placed at both Districts and State. Anne recorded an All-state performance, finishing 6th a state 2A in the 100 meter dash. Boys Track and Field Marquette had a competitive boys track and field team this year. Zach Kettmann, Nate Gerlach, Logan Schroeder, Karter Kilburg, & Lucas Schmidt went on to participate in the State level. Lucas recorded an All-state performance, finishing 6th at state in the 3200 meter run. Golf Both the boys’ and girls’ teams had an enjoyable and productive season. Carly Jacobs finished another great season with a trip to state and a shared third place finish. THE
Accomplishments “WE ARE MARQUETTE” was a chant that was loud and proud this year, as we competed at the state level in 10 different events. The teams and individuals that competed at the state level were: Carly Jacobs (Golf), Lucas Frank, Lucas Schmidt, Logan Schroeder, Karter Kilburg, Kelby Mueller, Michael Peters and Sam Peters(Cross Country), Logan Schroeder, Karter Kilburg, Zach Kettmann, Lucas Schmidt and Nate Gerlach(Track and Field), Marissa Schroeder, Anne Nolting, and Anna Ambrosy (Track and Field), Softball, Volleyball, Speech, Music, Dance and Physics. We are proud of all of our students and coaches! I think one thing that Marquette Catholic School can brag most about is the overall “quality” of students. The Catholic Christian morals, values and traditions that are nurtured in our school is unprecedented and something we are proud of!!!
GO MOHAWKS!!!!!! Births 1990 1995 1996 1997 1997 1998 1999 1999 1999 2000 2001 2001
Lisa(Kilburg) and Kevin Hackenmiller, boy Dylan Leo 2001 Kelly(Helmle) and Delali Dow, girl Sydney Victoria 2002 Mike and Amanda Cyze, boy Benjamin Michael 2002 Shelby Kingery and Quint Butt, girl Kasey Jo 2003 Angie(Koenig) and Josh Scheckel, girl Londyn Ila 2003 Carolyn(Bonifas) and Michael Kelly, boy Michael Joseph 2003 Ben and Tiffany Kuhl, boy Braden Benjamin 2004 Phil and Jenni Cloos, girl Evelynn Grace 2005 Peter and Allysen Bonifas, boy Bryce Isaac 2005 Heather(Haxmeier) and Jesse Freiburger, boy Mason Ryan 2007 Andy and Kristian Heinricy, boy Bryson John 2007 Brendan Kueter and Nina Schnee, boy Milo David
Happy Anniversary! 60th Cyril (HR '51) and Marilyn Ploessl 50th Carol (Helmle)('63) and Robert Gerlach 50th Eugene('59) and Janice Bormann 50th Janis(Herrig)('62) and Leo Kilburg 50th Milton(SJ '57) and Karen Deppe 50th Delbert('61) and Judy Ambrosy
Carrie(Gerlach) and Joshua Pitts, girl Harper Lee Lisa(Feller) and T.C. Carstens, boy Hunter Gerald Cory and Stacy Medinger, girl Kinzlee Kay & boy Lane Richard Alicia(Schwager) and Jessie Michels, boy Colten Richard Tiffany(Richman) and Shane Steffen, boy Lincoln Shane Jesse and Jacleen Kueter, boy Joesph Richard Cassie(Kettmann) and Jeremy Kirk, girl Maci Marie Amber(Ambrosy) and Micheal Griebel, boys Gentry & Brooks Abbey(Herrig) and Casey Skrivseth, boy Franky Joe Casey and Shelley Kettmann, girl Hailey Rae Daniel and Tana Herrig, boy Kasen Martin
Dearly Missed †Irma (Hingtgen) Schlegel †Sister Donna Schwager †Robert Heim †Curt Gothard †Lawrence Hartung †John Callaghan †Gregory Michels †Arnold Goetz †Lucas Stephany †Thomas Callaghan †Doris (Gonner) Dyas †Mary (Hipschen) Hurley †Lloyd Keil †Kathleen (Hartung) Kilburg †Annabelle (Lampe) Alford †Fr. Clarence Beckley †Alfred Lampe †Cletus Tebbe †Phyllis (Scheckel) Wagner †Diane (Ploeger) Hager †Thomas V. Schwager †Joel M. Sturm
Marriage 2003 2005 2008 1989 1991 1997
Ryan Kettmann and Jenee' Clasen - September 28, 2013 Ryan Blech and Elizabeth Stierman - September 20, 2013 Josh Bishop and Andrea Kilburg - September 21, 2013 Mark Manders and Tammy DeMott - September 28, 2013 Jason Staner and Tami Stillmunkes - November 2, 2013 Benny Canganelli and Amanda Junk - February 1, 2014
1999 Stephanie Pitts and Christopher Regan - May 3, 2014 2004/2005 Brent Mottet and Alison Huss - October 12, 2013 2006 Heather Heiar and Joshua Rettenmaier - May 10, 2014 2009 Meghan Delaney and William Griebel - July 12, 2014 2009/2009 Brandt Moore and Brooke Ploeger - August 23, 2014 2009/2010 Troy Weber and Liz Schroeder - August 2, 2014
Marquette Catholic School Activity Fund Steak Dinner @ Knight of Columbus Hall February 13, 2015
Marquette High Schools 502 Franklin Street Bellevue, IA 52031
Marquette Catholic School Graduation May 24, 2015 2:00 @ St Joseph Parish
Please update your information by selecting the Alumni Info tab @ www.marquettecatholic.com
MARCH 20 - 21, 2015
Message From Our Principal Hello Marquette Alumni & Friends, I have met a number of you since I arrived here about six months ago. Many of you have children attending Marquette. That in itself speaks volumes about your feelings in regard to the quality of education that you received while attending school here. It is very evident that the Marquette Family has many things to be proud of as I get to know more about the school. The teaching and support staff are a very dedicated, hardworking group. The students have been very respectful and well mannered. The use of technology continues to grow. We have broken ground for the new high school building. I would like to thank the Marquette family and in particular Father Kruse for making me feel welcome and part of this community. If you have been away for a few years, make sure you come back for a visit. Marquette will always appreciate your presence. I hope you enjoyed your Holiday Season. It is always a great time to be with family. God Bless, John Vesely, Principal