Jul 1, 2015 - SpartaJobs, SJSU's official job and internship database .... higher salaries to recruit and retain employe
REPORT COMPLETED BY Daniel Newell Program Manager Workforce & Economic Development
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS John Savercool For his contribution in assisting in the development and analysis of data derived from SpartaJobs, SJSU’s official job and internship database SJSU Career Center Staff Thank you for providing expertise and information to help make this report. SJSU Career Center Team Susan Rockwell Julie Sedlemeyer Andrew Soliz Anita Manuel Catherine Voss Plaxton Christa Bacon Daniel Newell Donna Gilmour Donna Mae Rizando Denise Hamilton Evelyn Ramos Jennifer Espiritu-Perez Jessica Puentes Jill Klees John Salangsang John Savercool Lawren Lutrin Lisa Trikofski Moira Kolasinski Nellie Rochon-Ellis Priscilla Azcueta Rick Partridge Richard Saroyan Thereza Chattmon
TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission and Vision Statement ………………………………………………………………………. 3 Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………... 4 Purpose, Overview & Economic Landscape …………………………………………….…….. 5 Job Development/Creation ………………………………………………………………………. 6 Private and Community Sectors (Non-profit & Government) ……………………….. 6 Faculty/Staff Partnerships …………………………………………………………....... 6 Job and Education Development Initiative (JEDI) ………………………………...... 7 Employment & Workforce Opinions of Knowledgeable Students (EWOKS) ………. 7 Job Fairs and Other Recruitment Events …………….……………………………………………….. 7 SJSU Job Fairs ……………………...……………………………...……………....... 7 Information Sessions ……………………………..……………………………………….. 8 On Campus Interviewing (OCI) …….……………………………………………… 9 Drop-in Interviews …………………………………………………………..................... 9 SJSU Spartan Staffing ……………………………………………………………... 9 New Employers, Recruiters, Jobs & Internships ……………….……………………………………. 9 Job Development Results by College/School ……………………………………………….......... 10 Internships ………………………………………………………………………. 11 Full-time Employment …………………………………………………………....... 11 Industries Hiring SJSU Students through the Career Center ……………………….....12 Job and Internship Survey Results …………..…………………………………………………. 13 Respondents by major ………...………………………………………………....... 13 o Survey Results …………………………………...………………………… 17 o Summary of Statistical Finding …………………………………………… 24 College of Applied Science and Arts …………………………………………………………....... 26 Job and Internship Survey Results …………………………………………………….. 27 Internship Compensation ………………………………………………………………….. 29 College of Business ………………………………………………………………………………... 30 Job and Internship Survey Results …………………………………………………….. 31 Internship Compensation ……………………………………………………………... 33 College of Education ………………………………………………………………………………... 34 Job and Internship Survey Results …………………………………………………….. 35 Internship Compensation ………………………………………………………………….. 37 College of Engineering ………………………………………………………………………………... 38 Job and Internship Survey Results …………………………………………………….. 39 Internship Compensation ……………………………………………………………... 41 College of Humanities and the Arts …………………………………………………………....... 42 Job and Internship Survey Results …………………………………………………….. 43 Internship Compensation …………………………………………………………………. 45 College of Science ………………………………………………………………………………... 46 FY2013/2014 Job and Internship Survey Results ………………………………….. 47 Internship Compensation ………………………………………………………………….. 49 College of Social Science ………………………………………………………………………. 50 Job and Internship Survey Results …………………………………………………….. 51 Internship Compensation …………………………………………………………….. 53 School of Library and Information Science ………………………………………….…………. 54 Job and Internship Survey Results …………………………………………………….. 55 Internship Compensation ………………………………………………………………..… 57 Closing/Forecast …………………………………………………………………………........................ 58
Mission Statement The Career Center promotes professionalism by providing the tools to guide students in making career planning decisions. We satisfy the needs of the employment community and complement the academic curriculum. Our high-touch customer service approach motivates, educates, and empowers students by giving them access to:
Customized consulting services and programs Job and internship opportunities A network of industry professionals and alumni
Vision Statement Integral to the SJSU educational experience, the Career Center is the University's key link to the employment community and Silicon Valley's first choice of diverse and talented student applicants. In collaboration with our employer, community, and campus partners, we apply our career expertise to ignite students' passions and potential in the journey toward career fulfillment.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The economy continues to recover from the “Great Recession.” Unemployment rates are gradually declining. Silicon Valley’s economy shows positive signs of recovery and job availability continues to grow.
The SJSU Career Center experienced an increased demand for recruiting services. The number of employers connecting with SJSU for recruitment has grown significantly. As a result of the improving economy and the SJSU Career Center’s robust job development strategy, job postings increased by 26%, offering over 72,000 jobs and internship opportunities to our students, alumni, and the community in FY 2014/2015. Of those opportunities, 11,218 were internships and 40,111 were full-time. The SJSU Career Center attracted 3,068 new employers, an 11% increase from FY 2013/2014 and 4,932 new recruiters and hiring representatives, a 17% increase over the previous FY. The SJSU Career Center works with tens of thousands of recruiters and hiring representatives locally, nationally, and around the globe. The average annual earned income of students while in school increased by $474 or 4% to an average earnings of $12,051. Approximately 50% of the jobs obtained were internships. The increase in earned income is due to an increase in full-time paid internships as well as increases in employment for high wage jobs, specifically by graduate level engineering students. Some employers have also had to increase initial salary offerings to accommodate the demand in some fields. We have even seen employers in many part-time job industries like the service industry lean toward offering higher salaries to recruit and retain employees. According to a July 2015 poll of 3,602 SJSU students, in FY2014-2015 approximately 74% of students conducted a job search, 59% were currently employed and 53% of those students were new hires within the past 12 months. When polling the 2,672 students who stated that they conducted a job search, 67% had obtained employment and were new hires at some point within the past 12 months. At the time of the survey, 64% were still employed. Based on the Job and Internship Survey results, the SJSU Career Center estimates that approximately 17,000+ students obtained some form of employment in FY 2014-2015 and approximately 10,000+ of those students worked as an intern. Business Insider announced SJSU as the #1 university to get students jobs in Silicon Valley. SJSU is a recruitment choice for tens of thousands of recruiters. The top ten industries represented are 1) engineering, IT, technology 2) business, finance, professional services 3) non-profit, government, public service 4) education 5) communications, advertising, publishing 6) manufacturing & distribution 7) healthcare 8) energy, utilities, urban and regional planning 9) hospitality 10) retail, wholesale. Although the technology and business sectors are prevalent industries in Silicon Valley, the Career Center experienced significant growth in recruitment from various sectors, such as non-profit, education, communications, manufacturing, and healthcare organizations. Daniel Newell Program Manager Workforce & Economic Development San Jose State University (Career Center) Phone: 408.924.6028
[email protected]
PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW The San Josse State Univ versity (SJSU U) Career Center specializes in un niversity recrruitment and d prepares stu udents and allumni for pro ofessional careers. This report sum mmarizes the unique trends of college recruittment at SJSU U to o and d glimpse in nto the job provide an overview market as it pertains to #1 # university y that 1 supplies taleent to Silicon n Valley . Th he SJSU Career Centter analyzes job/internsh j hip data for seasonal, tem mporary, con ntract, part-ttime and full-time em mployment op pportunities. The following an nalysis summ marizes the local l economic laandscape, thee SJSU Careeer Center’s approach an nd strategy to o job develop pment and creation, and d employmeent/salary treends. The report conclludes with a general econ nomic forecast. CAPE ECONOMIIC LANDSC
San ta Clara Coounty The county’s unnemploymennt rate continnues to declline. The cou unty’s Junee 2015 unem mploymentt rate is 4.0% %5 (p), dow wn from 5.2% % in June 22014. Siliconn Valley is expeeriencing a hhealthy econnomy; the reggion conttinues to be a leader in joob creation natioonally. Colllege Graduaate The national uneemploymentt rate for bacchelor’s degrree and highher, 25+ yearrs is 2.5%,6 down from m 3.3% in JJune 2014. [fig 1.0]
Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (FY14/15) ( was w a year off continued decline in nattional, state, and county unemploym ment. National The nation’ss unemploym ment rate con ntinues to decline. Thee nation’s June 2015 unemploym ment rate is 5.3%2, dow wn from 6.1% in Jun ne 2014. State u ent rate conttinues to The state’s unemployme decline. Ca alifornia’s June 2015 unemploym ment rate is 6.2% (P),3 down d from 7.5% in Jun ne 20154.
Empployment reccruitment onn campus andd online refleect similar trrends to thosse seen at loccal, statee, and nationnal levels. Thhe SJSU Carreer Cennter has expeerienced a siggnificant inccrease in the nnumber of joob opportuniities made avvailable to ouur students bby employerrs. SpartaJobbs, the
Carson, Biz. ““The 20 univerrsities that are most likely to land you a job in Silicon Valle ey.” Business In nsider. 13 July.. 2015. Web. 21 1 July 2015. http://www.businessinsider.com/silicon‐valley‐hiring‐ 015‐7 most‐popular‐‐universities‐20 2 United State Bureau of Lab bor Statistics (B BLS). ent Rate – 10 yyears of historical data” BLS. “Unemployme Web. July 2015. 3 Preliminary ffigure for June 2015 4 Labor Market Information Division. “Repo ort 400 C. Monthly Labor Force Data fo or Counties Jun ne 2014 – ployment Development Department (EDD) Revised.” Emp
Statee of California, June 2014. Weeb. 17 July 201 15. http:://www.calmiss.ca.gov/file/lfm month/1506pccou.pdf 5 Labbor Market Info ormation Division. “Report 40 00 C. Montthly Labor Forcce Data for Counties June 20 014 – Revissed.” Employm ment Developm ment Departmeent (EDD) Statee of California, June 2014. Weeb. 17 July 201 15. http:://www.calmiss.ca.gov/file/lfm month/1506pccou.pdf 6 Uni ted State Bureeau of Labor Sttatistics (BLS). higher, 25 “Uneemployment Raate ‐ Bachelor''s degree and h yrs. & & over [data taable, top picks,, Unemploymeent Rate ‐ Bachhelor's degree aand higher, 25 yrs. & over.” B BLS. Web. July 22015.
official SJSU U job databaase and employment recruitment events contiinue to grow w. The trend has remaineed stable the past 48 mon nths and the SJSU Career Center iss optimistic that the trend will remain r stead dy and emp ployers will continue to show stron ng interest in n hiring. JOB DEVE ELOPMENT T/CREATIO ON The SJSU Career C Center leverages a strategic community collaborativ ve approach to t expand jjob and internship devellopment effo orts while developing a greater com mmunity preesence and awareness of o the SJSU Career C Centeer services to the privatte, non-profiit, and goverrnment sectors. Thee SJSU Careeer Center utiilizes partnershipss to attract an nd identify employers. e By working g strategically y in unison with w various sectors and partners, p thee SJSU Career Center is equipped to help job seeekers find meaningful jjob opportun nities while helping indu ustry find the talent neecessary for sustainabilitty and growth. [fig. 2.0]
To hhelp close thhe skill gap, w we concentrrate on interrnship devellopment. Ann effective innternship provvides a platfo form for real--world appliication and academic suuccess and reetention. Privvate Sector The SJSU Careeer Center unnderstands thhat many jobss are created by small buusinesses. Sillicon Vallley is a hub ffor innovatioon—a start-uup haveen. Through various bussiness incubaator proggrams and loocal resourcees, start-ups have greaater access too capital, tecchnology, annd talent. Thesse ingrediennts help stimuulate job groowth in Siliccon Valley aand the greatter Bay Areaa. The SJSU Careeer Center levverages partnnerships withh industry addvocacy orgaanizations likke the Siliccon Valley L Leadership G Group (SVLG G) and San Jose Siliconn Valley Chaamber of Coommerce SVCC) to acccess many pprivate emplooyers. (SJS Com mmunity Secctor (non-prrofit & Govvernment) The university vvalues its parrtnerships w with nonWe proffit and goverrnment organnizations. W deveeloped and m maintain a diiverse collecction of orgaanizational ppartners in Siilicon Valleyy. These partnners supportt SJSU by prroviding acccess to largee groups of eemployers. T They also prrovide suppport servicess to help meeet an array oof job seekker needs. Throough these ppartnerships, we gain greeater acceess to decisioon makers frrom small, m medium, and large emplooyers. Facculty/Staff Pa Partnerships The Career Centter has creatted a listservve for U internshipp coordinatorrs to help centralize SJSU interrnship discuussion and too serve as a pplatform for rresources, innformation, aand collaborration.
The SJSU Career C Center’s job development model leverrages professsional entitiees and associationss to access laarge groups of o employers in n addition to o targeting sp pecific employers in ndividually.
Wheen academiic departmeents and faculty refeer employerrs and job leeads to the S SJSU Carreer Center,, it ensures tthat all SJS SU stud dents/alumn ni have equaal access to emp ployment op pportunitiess and centraalizes recrruitment effforts.
Employment & Workforce Opinions of Knowledgeable Students (EWOKS) Partnering with student clubs and organizations can increase employer referrals and job/internship opportunities. Student leaders are encouraged to refer employers and job leads to the Career Center, the hub for recruitment of SJSU talent. The SJSU Career Center has developed a student advisory committee that will meet four times a year and act as an ambassador network for the SJSU Career Center. This student network may identify, attract, and refer employers to the SJSU Career Center, contributing to job and internship development efforts. The student advisory committee is called Employment and Workforce Opinions of Knowledgeable Students (EWOKS) and consists of various student club, organizational, sorority, and fraternity presidents and leaders.
The SJSU Career Center works with employers to develop a customized talent acquisition strategy to sustain or grow its workforce, leveraging the SJSU student/graduate workforce as well as the workforces of various community partners. The SJSU Career Center has employment specialist liaisons to each SJSU college who work with faculty to prepare job seekers for the workforce. The employment specialists develop relationships and resources for students, faculty, and staff. Through these networks, additional employer referrals are made, contributing to greater job availability. Job & Education Development Initiative (JEDI) To sustain SJSU’s community partnerships, a collaborative of 120+ executive/management level representatives was created with representation from various government, nonprofit, and private sector media organizations. The collaborative focuses on three areas: education, workforce, and economic development. The SJSU Career Center and the Division of Student Affairs deploy the SJSU Job and Education Development Initiative (JEDI). The May 2015 JEDI meeting hosted Council-members Kalra and Peralez as part of a panel discussion and was moderated by Business on the Edge radio talk show host Margaret Jackson from KDOW 1220AM.
The EWOKS was modeled after the Job and Education Development Initiative (JEDI) and has hosted two meetings as of June 2015. Attendees: 43 Organizations represented: 20
JOB FAIRS AND OTHER RECRUITMENT EVENTS SJSU Job Fairs and Forums The SJSU Career Center hosts several targeted fairs each semester. The SJSU Career Center has sold out of each job fair during the last four consecutive years.
Many JEDI organizations refer employers and jobs/internships to the SJSU Career Center, increasing employer engagement and expanding the SJSU Career Center’s job development effort.
Employers: 512 Representatives/Recruiters: 1,459 SJSU Students/Alumni: 6,058 General Public: 89
Attendees: 162 Organizations represented: 75
[fig. 3.0]
[fig.. 3.2]
The numberr of employeers participa ating in jobs fairs has h increased d by 27% frrom 403 to 512 in FY14 4/15.
Thee number off student/alu umni attend dees at job fairs decreaased by app proximately 17% in FY114/15, from 7,298 to 6,0058.
[fig. 3.1]
The decline in pparticipation was due to sspace limiitations. The SJSU Careeer Center couuld not accoommodate thhe demand oof job seekerrs with the aallotted spacce for one jobb fair. Infoormation Sesssions The SJSU Careeer Center offfers employeers the oppoortunity to ppresent their company annd job oppoortunities to potential jobb candidatess as part of a presentationn. This serviice allows empployers to maarket and braand their com mpany whille scouting ffor potential hires. Job seeekers can ask questionns and subm mit resumes.
The numbeer of recruitters and hiring representattives who pa articipated in job fairs increased by b approxim mately 12% from 1,299 to 1,459 in FY13/14. F
[fig.. 3.3]
[fig. 3.4]
speeed-networkinng and open to the generral publlic. Candidat ates are welcoome to interrview withh multiple em mployers. Emp ployers: 18 Inteerviews: 5211 (SJS SU = 431, G General Publiic = 90) Jobss developed d: 354
Employer In nformation Sessions S hav ve declined by approxim mately 10%, serving 23 employers e in FY14/15 compared to o 28 employ yers in FY 13/14. How wever, student/alumni participatio on has increeased by 6% % compared to FY13/14,, from 2,302 to 2,449 parrticipants. The decline in participattion was duee to space limitations. The SJSU Career C Centeer could not accommodaate the deman nd from emp ployers for room reserv vations. Employers served: 23 Students seerved: 2,449 9
On-Campuss Interviewin ng (OCI) OCI is a serrvice offered d to employers interested d in interview wing candidattes on campu us. The SJSU Careeer Center can n reserve inteerview rooms for em mployers to meet with SJSU S students/alu umni in the SJSU S Career Center. Employers are a responsib ble for sourccing. Employers:: 49 Interviews:: 832 Drop-In Intterviews Drop-in Inteerviews is a relatively neew service offered to em mployers an nd students seeeking employment in the serviice industry or a position thatt requires no o experience, no degree, and the emp ployer is willling to proviide on-thejjob training.. The servicee is modeled d after
The service is suuccessful in employing vulnnerable popuulations, inclluding the hoomeless, form merly incarceerated, and ddisabled. Mooving forw ward, the servvice will be offered in partnnership withh Work2Futuure Foundatiion and the M MLK Librarry. By collab borating witth W2F Fou undation, wee will increaase the num mber of recrruitment eveents by 200%. This moodel may also be used in ddeploying reecruitment evvents for tthe San Josee Works initiiative in parttnership withh the Opportu tunity Youthh Partnershipp (OYP). SJS SU Spartan S Staffing The SJSU Careeer Center lauunched the fi first know wn staffing aagency to bee deployed bby a majoor public university. In JJune 2014, thhe SJSU Careeer Center began offerinng staffing soolutions as a service to em mployers, sttudents, and alumni. The service is deeployed in ppartnership w with SlinngShot Connnections and Expandabiliity. The SJSU Careeer Center rreceived a mmendation in Decembeer 2014 for com “Innnovation” as a result of thhis program m. Placcements: 466 Job orders/requ uisites: 26 NEW W EMPLOY YERS, REC CRUITERS S, JOBS & IN NTERNSHIIPS The SJSU Careeer Center traacks job and interrnship openiings made avvailable to oour studdents via SpaartaJobs, the official SJS SU job and internship ddatabase. Job Openings The Career Centter housed 772,715 job opp ortunities in n FY 2014-22015.
218 Interrnships: 11,2 Full--time: 40,111 Part--time: 15,251 Sum mmer/Seasonal: 4,154 On-ccampus: 711 1 Fedeeral Work-sttudy: 154 Volu unteer: 1,116 6
w Recruiters/ s/Hiring Repps New [fig.. 5.4]
Job Posting g Job posting are the num mber of job ad ds in SpartaJobs, the official SJSU job an nd internship p ne job postin ng or ad, can n reflect database. On multiple opeenings. Postings: 19 9,332 (up 26 6%) New Employ oyers [fig. 5.3]
Eachh year, businness represenntatives regiister withh the SJSU C Career Centeer. The chartt above show ws a five yeaar comparisoon. In FY 2001420155, the SJSU Career Cen nter registered 4,9332 new reprresentatives;; a 17% incrrease from m 4,219 repreesentatives iin FY 2014-2015.
e reegister with the t SJSU Each year, employers Career Centter. The precceding chart shows a five year comparison off employer reegistration. In FY 2014--2015, the SJ JSU Careerr Center registered 3,068 3 new em mployers; an a 11% increase fro om 2,755 em mployers in FY F 20132014.
The SJSU Careeer Center houses job oppoortunities in many sectors. The folloowing charrts showcasee the numberr of internshiip and full--time opporttunities madee available to SJSU studdents/alumni via SpartaJoobs, the officcial SJSU U job and innternship dattabase. Emplloyers postting internshhips and jobss self-select tthe colleeges/majors in which to make their jjobs and interrnships availlable. Notee: Not all innternships annd jobs directtly relatte to majors..
Internships [fig. 4.0]
Schoool of Manaagement, Schhool of Globbal Innoovation and L Leadership, Lucas Gradduate Schoool of Businness Colllege of Scien nce (4,999 aavailable interrnships, 17,6600 full-timee jobs) Bioloogical Scieences, Chem mistry, Computer Sciencee, Geoology, Matheematics and Statistics, Metteorology annd Climate Science, Mosss Landding Marinee Labs, Physics and Astrronomy
Full-time Employment E [fig. 4.1]
Colllege of Sociaal Sciences (4,393 availlable interrnships, 14,9970 full-timee jobs) Africcan Ameerican Studiees, Anthropoology, Com mmunicationn Studies, Ecconomics, Envvironmental S Studies, Geoography, Gloobal American Stuudies, Studdies, Historyy, Mexican A Poliitical Sciencee, Psychologgy, Social Sccience, Sociiology and Innterdisciplinnary Social S Science, Urbaan and Regional Planninng Colllege of Applied Sciencee & Arts (4,626 avaiilable internsships, 13,6955 full-time joobs) Aeroospace Studiies (Air Forcce ROTC), H Health Proffessions, Heaalth Sciencee and Recreaation, Hosppitality Mannagement, Joournalism annd Mass Com mmunicationns, Justice Sttudies, Kinessiology, Schoool of Inform mation, Miliitary Sciencee (Army ROT TC), Nursingg, Nutrition,, Food Sciennce, and Packkaging, Occuupational Thherapy, Social Work
College of Engineering E g (6,170 avaiilable internships, 21,484 full--time jobs) Aerospace A g, Aviation and a Technolo ogy, Engineering Biomedical,, Chemical and a Materials tal Engineering g, Civil and Environmen E Engineering g, Computer Engineering g, Electrical En ngineering, General Eng gineering Industrial an nd Systems Engineering E , Mechanical Engineering g College of Business B (6,626 availablle internships, 20,326 full--time jobs) Business B Administrattion, Accoun nting and Fin nance, Managemen nt Informatio on Systems, Marketing and a Decision n Sciences,
manities & tthe Arts (4,3348 Colllege of Hum avaiilable internsships, 13,6355 full-time joobs) Art and Art History,, Dance, Dessign, Englishh and Com mparative Litterature, Hum manities, Lingguistics and Language D Developmentt, Mussic, Philosopphy, Theatre Arts, Radioo, TV, Film m, Animationn/Illustrationn, World Lannguages and Literatures Colllege of Educcation (3,4660 available interrnships, 13,8812 full-timee jobs) Childd and Adoolescent Devvelopment, C Communicatiive Disoorders and S Sciences, Couunselor Educcation, Eduucational Leaadership, Eleementary Edducation, Secoondary Educcation, Speciial Educationn
Information n School (iS School) (2,42 29 available internships, 7,310 full-tiime jobs)
utiliities, urban and regional planningg14 9) hosp pitality15 100) retail, wholesale.
Industries hiring h SJSU U students an nd alumni ffrom the Ca areer Centerr [fig. 5.5]7
Employers from f variouss industries recruit r SJSU U talent. In FY Y 2014-2015 5, the most prominent p industries so ourcing to reecruit from th he SJSU Career Centter were 1) engineering, e , IT, technology8 2) businesss, finance, professional p l 9 services 3) non-profit,, governmen nt, public 5 communiications, service 104) education 5) advertising g, publishing g 116) manuffacturing & distributtion12 7) hea althcare13 8)) energy, 7
Based on selff‐identified ressponses from 8 8,241 unique employers 8 Aerospace, aaviation, bio‐te ech, computer and electronic products, com mputer systemss design and prrogramming, engineering, ITT, and software publishing 9 Accounting, ttax preparation, banking, con nsulting, employment, financial servicces, insurance,, legal 10 Government, human and ssocial services,, law nse, non‐profitt, religious, enforcement, military, defen museums, histtorical sites 11 Advertising, communicatio ons services, public dia, telecommu unications, relations, broaadcasting, med publishing, newspaper, perio odical, book 12 Manufacturring, plastic and d rubber produ ucts, warehouse and delivery 13 Healthcare sservices, hospitals, medical e equipment, medical supplies, pharmaceu uticals, medicine
Envvironmental, p petroleum and coal productss, utilities, wast e managemen nt, mining, tran nsportation 15 Ac commodation,, recreations, ttravel, tourism m
JOB & INTERNSHIP SURVEY RESULTS (FY 2014/2015) According to a July 2015 poll of 3,602 SJSU students, in FY2014-2015 approximately 74% of students conducted a job search, 59% were currently employed and 53% of those students were new hires within the past 12 months. When polling the 2,672 students who stated that they conducted a job search, 67% had obtained employment and were new hires at some point within the past 12 months. At the time of the survey, 64% were still employed. The poll carries an approximate 1.82% margin of error and a 95% confidence level. Based on the Job and Internship Survey results, the SJSU Career Center estimates that approximately 17,000+ students obtained some form of employment in FY 2014-201516 and approximately 10,000+ of those students worked as an intern. Survey Respondents by Major Major Accountancy Advertising Aerospace Engineering African-American Studies Anthropology Applied Anthropology Applied Mathematics, Concentration in Applied and Computational Mathematics Applied Mathematics, Concentration in Economics and Actuarial Science Applied Mathematics, Concentration in Statistics Archives and Records Administration Art, Animation/Illustration Art, Art History and Visual Culture Art, Concentration in Art History and Visual Culture Art, Concentration in Design Studies Art, Concentration in Digital Media Art Art, Concentration in Photography Art, Concentration in Pictorial Art Art, Concentration in Spatial Art Art, Concentration Studio Practice Art, Concentration Studio Practice- Preparation for Teaching Art, Digital Media Art Art, Photography Art, Pictorial Art Art, Spatial Art Athletic Training Aviation Behavioral Science Biological Science Biological Science, Concentration in Ecology and Evolution Biological Science, Concentration in Marine Biology
# of respondents 129 18 37 1 14 2 7 7 1 8 32 6 1 25 10 3 8 1 6 3 4 1 2 0 4 12 26 18 1 2
This figure is based on the 52.23% self‐reported student placement rate and a student enrollment figure of 32k.
Biological Science, Concentration in Microbiology Biological Science, Concentration in Molecular Biology Biological Science, Concentration in Systems Physiology Biological Science, Preparation for Teaching Biological Sciences Biological Sciences, Concentration in Molecular Biology and Microbiology Biological Sciences, Concentration in Organismal Biology, Conservation and Ecology Biological Sciences, Concentration in Physiology Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering, Concentration Biomedical Devices Business Administration Business Administration, Concentration in Accounting Business Administration, Concentration in Accounting Information Systems Business Administration, Concentration in Business Analytics Business Administration, Concentration in Corporate Accounting and Finance Business Administration, Concentration in Entrepreneurship Business Administration, Concentration in Finance Business Administration, Concentration in General Business Business Administration, Concentration in Global Operations Management Business Administration, Concentration in Human Resource Management Business Administration, Concentration in International Business Business Administration, Concentration in Management Business Administration, Concentration in Management Information Systems Business Administration, Concentration in Marketing Chemical Engineering Chemistry Chemistry, Concentration in Biochemistry Child and Adolescent Development Child and Adolescent Development, Preparation for Teaching Chinese Civil Engineering Communication Studies Communication Studies, Preparation for Teaching Communicative Disorders and Sciences Computer Engineering Computer Science Creative Arts Creative Arts, Preparation for Teaching Credential, Education - any specialization Dance Earth Science Economics Economics, Concentration in Applied Economics Education, Concentration in Counseling and Student Personnel Education, Concentration in Special Education Education, Concentration in Speech Pathology Educational Leadership Educational Leadership, Concentration in Administration and Supervision Educational Leadership, Higher Education Administration Electrical Engineering
13 11 12 1 3 7 1 2 23 5 52 37 13 4 33 10 51 18 2 42 32 51 69 89 44 8 15 44 8 1 62 50 1 4 213 184 2 2 2 0 0 35 1 18 6 2 0 0 1 284
Elementary Education, Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction Engineering Engineering, Concentration in Electronic Materials and Devices Engineering, Concentration in Engineering Management English English, Concentration in Creative Writing English, Concentration in Preparation for Teaching English, Concentration in Professional and Technical Writing English, Creative Writing Environmental Studies Environmental Studies, Concentration in Energy Environmental Studies, Concentration in Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Studies, Concentration in Environmental Restoration and Resource Management Environmental Studies, Preparation for Teaching Forensic Science, Concentration in Biology Forensic Science, Concentration in Chemistry French French, Concentration in Preparation for Teaching General Engineering Geography Geology Global Studies Graphic Design Health Science Health Science, Concentration in Health Services Administration History History, Concentration in History Education Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management Human Factor/Ergonomics Humanities, Concentration in American Studies Humanities, Concentration in Asian Studies Humanities, Concentration in European Studies Humanities, Concentration in Liberal Arts Humanities, Concentration in Middle East Studies Humanities, Concentration in Religious Studies Industrial and Systems Engineering Industrial Design Industrial Technology, Concentration in Computer Electronics and Network Technology Industrial Technology, Concentration in Manufacturing Systems Interdisciplinary Studies Interior Design Japanese Journalism Justice Studies Kinesiology Kinesiology, Concentration in Athletic Training Kinesiology, Concentration in Exercise Physiology Kinesiology, Concentration in Sport Management Kinesiology, Concentration in Sport Studies
5 26 5 7 11 4 5 4 2 20 5 1 2 1 12 7 1 0 6 0 3 4 20 45 23 14 1 26 6 1 1 1 3 0 1 52 14 4 7 1 12 2 14 33 40 3 4 3 1
Kinesiology, Preparation for Teaching Liberal Studies, Concentration in Cross-Cultural Studies in Mexican and American Education Liberal Studies, Preparation for Teaching Library and Information Science Life Science, Preparation for Teaching Linguistics Marine Science Mass Communication Master Biotechnology Materials Engineering Mathematics Mathematics, Concentration in Mathematics Education Mathematics, Preparation for Teaching Mechanical Engineering Meteorology Meteorology, Concentration in Climate Science Mexican American Studies Music Music, Concentration in Composition Music, Concentration in Jazz Studies Music, Concentration in Music Education Music, Concentration in Performance Nursing Nursing, Concentration RN to BSN Nutritional Science Nutritional Science, Concentration in Dietetics Nutritional Science, Concentration in Packaging Occupational Therapy Organizational Studies Other Philosophy Physics Physics, Concentration in Computational Physics Physics, Concentration in Modern Optics Physics, Preparation for Teaching Political Science Psychology Psychology, Concentration in Clinical Psychology Psychology, Concentration in Industrial/Organizational Psychology Psychology, Concentration in Research and Experimental Psychology Public Administration Public Health Public Relations Quality Assurance Radio-Television-Film Recreation Recreation, Concentration in International Tourism Recreation, Concentration in Recreation Management Recreation, Concentration in Therapeutic Recreation Science Education
0 0 7 200 1 16 2 4 2 16 5 2 0 100 4 0 0 7 0 0 8 1 20 5 22 5 3 10 2 13 9 7 2 0 1 34 88 7 7 4 10 7 21 1 26 1 0 4 8 1
Social Scien nce Social Scien nce, Preparation for Teach hing (Multiple Subject) Social Scien nce, Preparation for Teach hing (Single Subject) Social Work k Sociology Sociology, Concentration C n in Communiity Change Sociology, Concentration C n in Race and Ethnic Studie es Sociology, Concentration C n in Social Inte eraction Sociology, Concentration C n in Women, Gender G and Sexuality S Stud dies Software En ngineering Software En ngineering, Co oncentration in Cybersecurity Spanish Spanish, Preparation for Teaching Statistics Taxation Teaching En nglish to Spea akers of Othe er Languages Theatre Arts s Theatre Arts s, Preparation n for Teaching g Transportatiion Managem ment Undeclared Urban Plann ning
0 0 2 23 37 6 1 10 1 427 4 8 1 12 10 2 4 0 1 110 3
R FOR F STUDE ENTS ENR ROLLED DU URING FY Y 2014/2015 WHO SURVEY RESULTS OBTAINED D ANY FOR RM OF EM MPLOYMEN NT BETWE EEN JULY 1, 2014 AN ND JUNE 300, 2015 Between Ju uly 1, 2014 to t June 30, 2015, did yoou attempt to obtain a job or internship? ? Answer Op ptions Responsse Resp ponse Percentt Coun nt Yes 74.2% 2672 No 25.8% 930 answered question q 3602 skipped queestion 0
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you obtain any type of job or internship (paid or unpaid)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes 53.2% 1914 No 46.8% 1682 answered question 3596 skipped question 6 What type of job was it? Select all that apply. Answer Options Paid Internship Unpaid Internship Apprenticeship Temporary/Seasonal Student Assistant or Researcher Contract Permanent (career level employment) Other N/A answered question skipped question
Response Percent 45.9% 12.9% 0.6% 19.8% 13.9% 5.8% 13.2% 14.8% 1.6%
Response Count 904 254 11 390 274 115 259 292 32 1968 1634
When you obtained your job or internship between July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015, were you enrolled with SJSU? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes 90.8% 1769 No 7.9% 153 N/A 1.4% 27 answered question 1949 skipped question 1653
Was your employmen nt on-campu us or off-campus? Answerr Options On-ccampus Off-ccampus N/A N answered a question skipped s queestion
Respon nse Perceent 14.5% % 83.0% % 2.5% %
Ressponse Coount 2281 1611 48 11940 11662
Did you typ pically work fu ull-time (35+ hours h per weeek) or part-tim me (under 35 h hours a week)? Answerr Options Respon nse Ressponse Percen nt C Count Full-time Part-time N/A N answered queestion skipped quesstion
40.2% % 55.9% % 3.9% %
7778 11081 76 11935 11667
How did you learn of yourr job or intern nship? Check aall that apply..
Answer Optiions
Responsee Percent
Respoonse Countt
SJSU SpartaJobs SJSU Spartan n Staffing SJSU Job Fairr SJSU Informaation Session/T Tech Talk SJSU WorkA Ability IV Progrram SJSU Drop-in n Interviews Professor/Stafff Friend/family y Non-SJSU job b board/social media search/JJob Fair/other SJSU Career Center service or event not mentioned m N/A Other (please specify) answered queestion skipped questtion
23.1% 2.6% 14.7% 2.1% 0.3% 2.4% 13.9% 33.8% 28.5% 5.5% 10.9%
405 46 259 37 6 43 244 594 501 96 192 259 1757 1845
How did d you learn of your job b or internsh hip?
Do you curreently receive financial fi aid or scholarshipss?
Answer Optiions
Responsee Percent
Respoonse Countt
Yes No N/A answered queestion skipped questtion
41.6% 54.8% 3.6%
1493 1965 129 3587 15
Please indiicate your education lev vel for the 22014/2015 scchool year ((the year that ju ust ended). Answer Op ptions Responsse Resp ponse Percentt Coun nt Freshman 7.6% 273 Sophomoree 8.9% 320 Junior 20.7% 744 Senior 23.5% 847 Graduate prrogram 37.1% 1337 Alumni (if you y graduated before Deec 2014) 0.0% 0 Other 2.2% 81 answered question q 3602 skipped queestion 0 Edu ucation levell
To which colllege or schooll do you belon ng? Select all t hat apply.
Answer Optiions
Responsee Percent
Respoonse Countt
Applied Scien nces and Arts Business Education Engineering Humanities an nd Arts Science Social Sciences International and a Extended Studies iSchool (form merly known ass School of Lib brary &
8.7% 17.8% 2.7% 37.5% 7.4% 10.5% 10.5% 0.7% 5.4%
313 636 96 1345 266 375 375 25 194
Information Science) S Other answered queestion skipped questtion
153 3583 19
Answer Optiions
Responsee Percent
Respoonse Countt
Yes No answered queestion skipped questtion
41.1% 58.9%
1464 2098 3562 40
Responsee Percent
Respoonse Coun nt
32.0% 24.4% 21.9% 20.6% 20.1% 18.8% 17.8% 16.9% 15.8% 14.6%
1090 831 746 702 683 638 606 574 538 498
SJS SU College
Are you currrently unemployed?
Results for to op 15 industriees of interest Answer Optio ons Software Education IT Services Internet Softw ware and Servicces Non-profit Electronic Equ uipment, Instru uments & Com mponents Media Technology Hardware, H Storaage and Peripherals Government Health Care Technology T
Health Care Providers and Services Wireless Teleccommunication n Services Banking Aerospace and d Defense Professional Services S
14.2% 14.1% 13.5% 12.8% 11.9%
482 479 458 436 404
Summary of o Statistical Findings 180 majors and concentratio c ons are represented in thee survey Nearrly 75% of SJSU S studentts conducted d a job searchh within the past 12 monnths Of sttudents who o conducted a job search,, 67% were ssuccessful inn obtaining eemploymentt Nearrly 60% of students that obtained em mployment, ssecured an innternship Of th he students who w secured d a job, 40% of them worrked full-tim me Overr 50% of stu udents who obtained o a jo ob or internshhip learned oof it from ann SJSU Careeer Centter program or service Overr 60% of stu udents survey yed who utillize the SJSU U Career Cennter are undergraduate sstudents 17 Annual income while w in scho ool : $12,05 51 (average)) $6,000 (meedian) Top 15 industriees of interestt by students: 1) Softwaree 2) Educatioon, 3) IT Serrvices 4) Intternet Softw ware and Seervices 5) No on-profit 6) Electronic E E Equipment, Innstruments & Componennts 7) Med dia 8) Techno ology Hardw ware Storagee and Peripheerals 9) Govvernment 100) Health Care Tech hnology 11) Health Caree Providers and a Servicess 12) Wirelesss Telecomm munication S Services 13) Banking B 14)) Aerospace and Defense 15) Professsional Serviices nts VS Grad duate Level Students18: Undergraduate Studen More graduate leevel studentss conducted a job searchh than underggraduate (5% % more) 17
Due to the increase of graduate level stu udents in engin neering, these students are h high wage earn ners and increaase the ed income. average earne 18 These findin ngs are represe entative of com mparing data se ets of 2,184 suurvey participants who selectted their educaation level as freshman, ssophomore, junior or senior d during the lastt academic yeaar and classifyin ng them as und dergraduate sttudents, to 1,328 surve ey participants who selected their education level as gradduate level durring the last acaademic year an nd classifying them as graduate e level.
More graduate level students who conducted a job search in the past 12 months obtained employment than undergraduate (65% undergrad VS 70% grad) The rate of paid internships obtained by graduate level students was more than double that of undergraduate (32% undergrad VS 67% grad) The rate of full-time employment by graduate level students is more than double that of undergraduate (26% undergrad VS 61% grad) The majority of undergraduate students receive financial aid (58% undergrad VS 15% grad) Undergraduate annual income while in school: $9,081 (average) $5,000 (median) Graduate level annual income while in school: $16,642 (average) $7,500 (median) Although more graduate level students conducted a job search in the past 12 months, the employment rate of undergraduate and graduate level students at the time of the survey was nearly the same. This is because more undergraduate students had already secured a job prior to the previous 12 months. It's likely that undergraduate students were already working in parttime or seasonal jobs when entering SJSU.
SURVEY RESULTS FOR STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING FY 2014/2015 FROM THE COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND ARTS. Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you attempt to obtain a job or internship? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
74.8% 25.2%
234 79 313 0
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you obtain any type of job or internship (paid or unpaid)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes No answered question skipped question
59.6% 40.4%
186 126 312 1
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Paid Internship Unpaid Internship Apprenticeship Temporary/Seasonal Student Assistant or Researcher Contract Permanent (career level employment) Other N/A answered question skipped question
20.0% 27.4% 0.5% 25.8% 13.7% 3.7% 13.2% 22.6% 1.6%
38 52 1 49 26 7 25 43 3 190 123
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
On-campus Off-campus N/A answered question skipped question
16.9% 83.1% 0.0%
32 157 0 189 124
What type of job was it? Select all that apply.
Was your employment on-campus or off-campus?
Did you typically work full-time (35+ hours per week) or part-time (under 35 hours a week)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Full-time Part-time N/A answered question skipped question
23.3% 74.6% 2.1%
44 141 4 189 124
How did you learn of your job or internship? Check all that apply. Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
SJSU SpartaJobs SJSU Spartan Staffing SJSU Job Fair SJSU Information Session/Tech Talk SJSU WorkAbility IV Program SJSU Drop-in Interviews Professor/Staff Friend/family Non-SJSU job board/social media search/Job Fair/other SJSU Career Center service or event not mentioned N/A Other (please specify) answered question skipped question
18.8% 2.4% 3.5% 0.6% 0.0% 0.6% 20.6% 41.8% 22.9% 4.1% 11.2%
32 4 6 1 0 1 35 71 39 7 19 30 170 143
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No N/A answered question skipped question
60.7% 36.7% 2.6%
190 115 8 313 0
Do you currently receive financial aid or scholarships?
Please indicate your education level for the 2014/2015 school year (the year that just ended). Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate program Alumni (if you graduated before Dec 2014) Other
8.0% 8.9% 29.4% 41.5% 10.5% 0.0% 1.6%
25 28 92 130 33 0 5
answered question skipped question
313 0
Are you currently unemployed? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
37.1% 62.9%
115 195 310 3
Top 15 industries of interest Health Care Providers and Services Health Care Technology Non-profit
45.9% 28.7% 26.0%
136 85 77
Health Care Equipment and Supplies Education Media Food Products Hotels, Restaurants and Leisure Government Professional Services Pharmaceuticals Other Food and Staples Retailing Personal Products Beverages
25.7% 21.3% 20.6% 18.6% 17.9% 15.5% 13.5% 13.2% 11.8% 10.8% 9.8% 9.1%
76 63 61 55 53 46 40 39 35 32 29 27
Note: Common industries listed under “other” self-reported by students were health/nutrition, fitness, event management, and law. Internship Compensation (based on 32 responses) Average hourly rate: $14.52 Median hourly rate: $11
SURVEY RESULTS FOR STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING FY 2014/2015 FROM THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS. Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you attempt to obtain a job or internship? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
75.2% 24.8%
478 158 636 0
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you obtain any type of job or internship (paid or unpaid)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes No answered question skipped question
49.4% 50.6%
314 321 635 1
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Paid Internship Unpaid Internship Apprenticeship Temporary/Seasonal Student Assistant or Researcher Contract Permanent (career level employment) Other N/A answered question skipped question
41.9% 10.4% 0.9% 21.4% 9.5% 9.8% 17.4% 17.1% 3.1%
137 34 3 70 31 32 57 56 10 327 309
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
On-campus Off-campus N/A answered question skipped question
13.2% 85.2% 1.6%
42 271 5 318 318
What type of job was it? Select all that apply.
Was your employment on-campus or off-campus?
Did you typically work full-time (35+ hours per week) or part-time (under 35 hours a week)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Full-time Part-time N/A answered question skipped question
36.6% 57.7% 5.7%
116 183 18 317 319
How did you learn of your job or internship? Check all that apply. Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
SJSU SpartaJobs SJSU Spartan Staffing SJSU Job Fair SJSU Information Session/Tech Talk SJSU WorkAbility IV Program SJSU Drop-in Interviews Professor/Staff Friend/family Non-SJSU job board/social media search/Job Fair/other SJSU Career Center service or event not mentioned N/A Other (please specify) answered question skipped question
29.1% 2.4% 14.9% 1.7% 0.7% 3.5% 14.5% 37.7% 23.5% 6.9% 8.0%
84 7 43 5 2 10 42 109 68 20 23 46 289 347
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No N/A answered question skipped question
47.7% 48.8% 3.5%
302 309 22 633 3
Do you currently receive financial aid or scholarships?
Please indicate your education level for the 2014/2015 school year (the year that just ended). Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate program Alumni (if you graduated before Dec 2014) Other
6.1% 9.6% 32.2% 35.4% 13.5% 0.0% 3.1%
39 61 205 225 86 0 20
answered question skipped question
636 0
Are you currently unemployed? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
41.6% 58.4%
262 368 630 6
Top 15 industries of interest Banking Media Non-profit
37.8% 27.5% 25.1%
221 161 147
Software IT Services Professional Services Technology Hardware, Storage and Peripherals Government Hotels, Restaurants and Leisure Education Consumer Finance Internet Software and Services Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components Capital Markets Airlines
24.6% 23.6% 22.4% 22.2% 22.1% 21.5% 21.4% 20.3% 18.6% 17.9% 17.6% 17.4%
144 138 131 130 129 126 125 119 109 105 103 102
Internship Compensation (based on 124 responses) Average hourly rate: $18.25 Median hourly rate: $17
SURVEY RESULTS FOR STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING FY 2014/2015 FROM THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION. Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you attempt to obtain a job or internship? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
65.6% 34.4%
63 33 96 0
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you obtain any type of job or internship (paid or unpaid)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes No answered question skipped question
63.5% 36.5%
61 35 96 0
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Paid Internship Unpaid Internship Apprenticeship Temporary/Seasonal Student Assistant or Researcher Contract Permanent (career level employment) Other N/A answered question skipped question
23.0% 11.5% 0.0% 27.9% 18.0% 8.2% 19.7% 16.4% 0.0%
14 7 0 17 11 5 12 10 0 61 35
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
On-campus Off-campus N/A answered question skipped question
24.6% 73.8% 1.6%
15 45 1 61 35
What type of job was it? Select all that apply.
Was your employment on-campus or off-campus?
Did you typically work full-time (35+ hours per week) or part-time (under 35 hours a week)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Full-time Part-time N/A answered question skipped question
18.0% 80.3% 1.6%
11 49 1 61 35
How did you learn of your job or internship? Check all that apply. Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
SJSU SpartaJobs SJSU Spartan Staffing SJSU Job Fair SJSU Information Session/Tech Talk SJSU WorkAbility IV Program SJSU Drop-in Interviews Professor/Staff Friend/family Non-SJSU job board/social media search/Job Fair/other SJSU Career Center service or event not mentioned N/A Other (please specify) answered question skipped question
28.3% 7.5% 9.4% 1.9% 1.9% 3.8% 7.5% 32.1% 26.4% 11.3% 17.0%
15 4 5 1 1 2 4 17 14 6 9 10 53 43
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No N/A answered question skipped question
58.9% 36.8% 4.2%
56 35 4 95 1
Do you currently receive financial aid or scholarships?
Please indicate your education level for the 2014/2015 school year (the year that just ended). Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate program Alumni (if you graduated before Dec 2014) Other
4.2% 6.3% 17.7% 22.9% 46.9% 0.0% 2.1%
4 6 17 22 45 0 2
answered question skipped question
96 0
Are you currently unemployed? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
34.7% 65.3%
33 62 95 1
Top 10 industries of interest Education Non-profit Health Care Providers and Services
83.5% 28.6% 24.2%
76 26 22
Media Hotels, Restaurants and Leisure Professional Services Internet Software and Services Software Other19 Food and Staples Retailing
14.3% 8.8% 8.8% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 6.6%
13 8 8 7 7 7 6
Internship Compensation (based on 12 responses) Average hourly rate: $21.33 Median hourly rate: $18
There were no trends in industries of interest based on the seven students who marked this option and provided open responses.
SURVEY RESULTS FOR STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING FY 2014/2015 FROM THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you attempt to obtain a job or internship? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
79.6% 20.4%
1071 274 1345 0
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you obtain any type of job or internship (paid or unpaid)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes No answered question skipped question
55.6% 44.4%
747 596 1343 2
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Paid Internship Unpaid Internship Apprenticeship Temporary/Seasonal Student Assistant or Researcher Contract Permanent (career level employment) Other N/A answered question skipped question
73.2% 6.3% 0.3% 9.1% 16.2% 4.7% 10.4% 6.5% 0.9%
561 48 2 70 124 36 80 50 7 766 579
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
On-campus Off-campus N/A answered question skipped question
12.5% 84.4% 3.0%
95 640 23 758 587
What type of job was it? Select all that apply.
Was your employment on-campus or off-campus?
Did you typically work full-time (35+ hours per week) or part-time (under 35 hours a week)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Full-time Part-time N/A answered question skipped question
60.4% 36.5% 3.2%
457 276 24 757 588
How did you learn of your job or internship? Check all that apply. Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
SJSU SpartaJobs SJSU Spartan Staffing SJSU Job Fair SJSU Information Session/Tech Talk SJSU WorkAbility IV Program SJSU Drop-in Interviews Professor/Staff Friend/family Non-SJSU job board/social media search/Job Fair/other SJSU Career Center service or event not mentioned N/A Other (please specify) answered question skipped question
27.8% 3.4% 25.4% 3.7% 0.6% 3.4% 11.0% 27.4% 36.5% 6.3% 8.7%
194 24 177 26 4 24 77 191 255 44 61 82 698 647
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No N/A answered question skipped question
22.1% 75.0% 2.9%
296 1006 39 1341 4
Do you currently receive financial aid or scholarships?
Please indicate your education level for the 2014/2015 school year (the year that just ended). Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate program Alumni (if you graduated before Dec 2014) Other
4.5% 6.4% 11.8% 11.7% 64.1% 0.0% 1.6%
60 86 159 157 862 0 21
answered question skipped question
1345 0
Are you currently unemployed? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
42.4% 57.6%
567 771 1338 7
Top 15 industries of interest Software IT Services Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components Internet Software and Services Technology Hardware, Storage and Peripherals Wireless Telecommunication Services
54.0% 32.3% 31.8% 30.2% 25.0% 21.9%
703 421 414 393 326 285
Semiconductors and Semiconductor Equipment Aerospace and Defense Electrical Equipment Energy Equipment & Services Automobiles Construction and Engineering Health Care Technology Biotechnology Airlines
21.1% 21.0% 18.1% 16.3% 16.2% 14.2% 13.3% 13.2% 12.6%
275 274 236 212 211 185 173 172 164
Internship Compensation (based on 469 responses) Average hourly rate: $26.48 Median hourly rate: $25
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you attempt to obtain a job or internship? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
71.4% 28.6%
190 76 266 0
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you obtain any type of job or internship (paid or unpaid)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes No answered question skipped question
50.4% 49.6%
134 132 266 0
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Paid Internship Unpaid Internship Apprenticeship Temporary/Seasonal Student Assistant or Researcher Contract Permanent (career level employment) Other N/A answered question skipped question
19.4% 10.1% 0.7% 35.3% 20.9% 6.5% 11.5% 29.5% 0.0%
27 14 1 49 29 9 16 41 0 139 127
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
On-campus Off-campus N/A answered question skipped question
22.8% 74.3% 2.9%
31 101 4 136 130
What type of job was it? Select all that apply.
Was your employment on-campus or off-campus?
Did you typically work full-time (35+ hours per week) or part-time (under 35 hours a week)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Full-time Part-time N/A answered question skipped question
14.7% 80.9% 4.4%
20 110 6 136 130
How did you learn of your job or internship? Check all that apply. Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
SJSU SpartaJobs SJSU Spartan Staffing SJSU Job Fair SJSU Information Session/Tech Talk SJSU WorkAbility IV Program SJSU Drop-in Interviews Professor/Staff Friend/family Non-SJSU job board/social media search/Job Fair/other SJSU Career Center service or event not mentioned N/A Other (please specify) answered question skipped question
7.4% 1.6% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 17.2% 41.8% 23.8% 3.3% 17.2%
9 2 2 0 0 1 21 51 29 4 21 19 122 144
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No N/A answered question skipped question
57.7% 37.4% 4.9%
153 99 13 265 1
Do you currently receive financial aid or scholarships?
Please indicate your education level for the 2014/2015 school year (the year that just ended). Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate program Alumni (if you graduated before Dec 2014) Other
9.0% 11.3% 27.4% 39.1% 9.8% 0.0% 3.4%
24 30 73 104 26 0 9
answered question skipped question
266 0
Are you currently unemployed? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
46.6% 53.4%
123 141 264 2
Top 15 industries of interest Media Education Other Non-profit Hotels, Restaurants and Leisure Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods Food Products Government Personal Products Internet Software and Services Software Leisure Products Professional Services Health Care Providers and Services Internet and Catalog Retail
42.6% 39.4% 32.5% 30.9% 15.3% 15.3% 14.5% 14.5% 14.5% 14.1% 13.3% 12.9% 11.6% 11.2% 10.4%
106 98 81 77 38 38 36 36 36 35 33 32 29 28 26
Note: Common industries listed under “other” self-reported by students were entertainment, design, gaming, art, museums, film, and writing. Internship Compensation (based on 25 responses) Average hourly rate: $14.30 Median hourly rate: $12
SURVEY RESULTS FOR STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING FY 2014/2015 FROM THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE. Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you attempt to obtain a job or internship? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
69.0% 31.0%
267 120 387 0
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you obtain any type of job or internship (paid or unpaid)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes No answered question skipped question
44.0% 56.0%
170 216 386 1
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Paid Internship Unpaid Internship Apprenticeship Temporary/Seasonal Student Assistant or Researcher Contract Permanent (career level employment) Other N/A answered question skipped question
37.4% 14.0% 0.6% 26.3% 15.1% 7.3% 10.6% 16.8% 3.4%
67 25 1 47 27 13 19 30 6 179 208
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
On-campus Off-campus N/A answered question skipped question
17.2% 78.7% 4.0%
30 137 7 174 213
What type of job was it? Select all that apply.
Was your employment on-campus or off-campus?
Did you typically work full-time (35+ hours per week) or part-time (under 35 hours a week)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Full-time Part-time N/A answered question skipped question
36.4% 59.0% 4.6%
63 102 8 173 214
How did you learn of your job or internship? Check all that apply. Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
SJSU SpartaJobs SJSU Spartan Staffing SJSU Job Fair SJSU Information Session/Tech Talk SJSU WorkAbility IV Program SJSU Drop-in Interviews Professor/Staff Friend/family Non-SJSU job board/social media search/Job Fair/other SJSU Career Center service or event not mentioned N/A Other (please specify) answered question skipped question
17.9% 2.5% 10.5% 1.9% 0.0% 1.9% 19.8% 37.7% 20.4% 4.3% 11.1%
29 4 17 3 0 3 32 61 33 7 18 16 162 225
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No N/A answered question skipped question
49.1% 46.0% 4.9%
189 177 19 385 2
Do you currently receive financial aid or scholarships?
Please indicate your education level for the 2014/2015 school year (the year that just ended). Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate program Alumni (if you graduated before Dec 2014) Other
13.4% 15.0% 24.3% 23.8% 17.3% 3.1% 3.1%
52 58 94 92 67 12 12
answered question skipped question
387 0
Are you currently unemployed? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
47.8% 52.2%
184 201 385 2
Top 15 industries of interest Software IT Services Internet Software and Services Biotechnology Health Care Providers and Services Health Care Technology Education Health Care Equipment and Supplies Technology Hardware, Storage and Peripherals Pharmaceuticals Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components Wireless Telecommunication Services Chemicals Life Sciences Tools and Services Non-profit Aerospace and Defense
40.5% 29.1% 26.9% 25.3% 23.9% 23.4% 18.5% 17.9% 17.7% 17.4% 16.0% 13.3% 13.0% 13.0% 12.2% 12.0%
149 107 99 93 88 86 68 66 65 64 59 49 48 48 45 44
Internship Compensation (based on 54 responses) Average hourly rate: $21.51 Median hourly rate: $21
SURVEY RESULTS FOR STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING FY 2014/2015 FROM THE COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES. Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you attempt to obtain a job or internship? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
75.2% 24.8%
282 93 375 0
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you obtain any type of job or internship (paid or unpaid)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes No answered question skipped question
54.1% 45.9%
203 172 375 0
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Paid Internship Unpaid Internship Apprenticeship Temporary/Seasonal Student Assistant or Researcher Contract Permanent (career level employment) Other N/A answered question skipped question
19.5% 22.4% 1.0% 29.5% 12.4% 5.7% 11.9% 23.8% 2.4%
41 47 2 62 26 12 25 50 5 210 165
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
On-campus Off-campus N/A answered question skipped question
14.6% 84.5% 1.0%
30 174 2 206 169
What type of job was it? Select all that apply.
Was your employment on-campus or off-campus?
Did you typically work full-time (35+ hours per week) or part-time (under 35 hours a week)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Full-time Part-time N/A answered question skipped question
18.5% 77.6% 3.9%
38 159 8 205 170
How did you learn of your job or internship? Check all that apply. Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
SJSU SpartaJobs SJSU Spartan Staffing SJSU Job Fair SJSU Information Session/Tech Talk SJSU WorkAbility IV Program SJSU Drop-in Interviews Professor/Staff Friend/family Non-SJSU job board/social media search/Job Fair/other SJSU Career Center service or event not mentioned N/A Other (please specify) answered question skipped question
20.9% 1.6% 5.3% 1.1% 0.0% 1.6% 16.6% 39.6% 18.2% 2.7% 12.8%
39 3 10 2 0 3 31 74 34 5 24 27 187 188
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No N/A answered question skipped question
57.8% 36.9% 5.3%
216 138 20 374 1
Do you currently receive financial aid or scholarships?
Please indicate your education level for the 2014/2015 school year (the year that just ended). Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate program Alumni (if you graduated before Dec 2014) Other
8.5% 13.3% 26.7% 36.3% 12.8% 0.0% 2.4%
32 50 100 136 48 0 9
answered question skipped question
375 0
Are you currently unemployed? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
37.1% 62.9%
138 234 372 3
Top 15 industries of interest Non-profit Education Government Media Health Care Providers and Services Professional Services Banking Hotels, Restaurants and Leisure Other Health Care Technology Food Products Health Care Equipment and Supplies Real Estate Management and Development Airlines Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Life Sciences Tools and Services
46.1% 45.8% 35.5% 26.5% 23.7% 21.2% 15.6% 15.6% 15.4% 13.7% 13.1% 12.0% 10.9% 10.1% 9.5% 9.2%
165 164 127 95 85 76 56 56 55 49 47 43 39 36 34 33
Note: Common industries listed under “other” self-reported by students were human resources, social work, child development, law, and environment. Internship Compensation (based on 33 responses) Average hourly rate: $16.68 Median hourly rate: $15.05
SURVEY RESULTS FOR STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING FY 2014/2015 FROM THE SCHOOL OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you attempt to obtain a job or internship? Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
59.8% 40.2%
116 78 194 0
Between July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, did you obtain any type of job or internship (paid or unpaid)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes No answered question skipped question
46.4% 53.6%
90 104 194 0
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Paid Internship Unpaid Internship Apprenticeship Temporary/Seasonal Student Assistant or Researcher Contract Permanent (career level employment) Other N/A answered question skipped question
19.8% 33.0% 0.0% 14.3% 7.7% 6.6% 38.5% 9.9% 0.0%
18 30 0 13 7 6 35 9 0 91 103
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
On-campus Off-campus N/A answered question skipped question
3.3% 91.1% 5.6%
3 82 5 90 104
What type of job was it? Select all that apply.
Was your employment on-campus or off-campus?
Did you typically work full-time (35+ hours per week) or part-time (under 35 hours a week)? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Full-time Part-time N/A answered question skipped question
36.7% 62.2% 1.1%
33 56 1 90 104
How did you learn of your job or internship? Check all that apply. Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
SJSU SpartaJobs SJSU Spartan Staffing SJSU Job Fair SJSU Information Session/Tech Talk SJSU WorkAbility IV Program SJSU Drop-in Interviews Professor/Staff Friend/family Non-SJSU job board/social media search/Job Fair/other SJSU Career Center service or event not mentioned N/A Other (please specify) answered question skipped question
11.8% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 0.0% 0.0% 5.9% 17.6% 50.0% 8.8% 17.6%
8 0 0 1 0 0 4 12 34 6 12 28 68 126
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No N/A answered question skipped question
39.2% 56.2% 4.6%
76 109 9 194 0
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes No answered question skipped question
23.6% 76.4%
45 146 191 3
Do you currently receive financial aid or scholarships?
Are you currently unemployed?
Top 15 industries of interest Education Non-profit Other Government IT Services Media Professional Services Internet Software and Services Software Health Care Providers and Services Health Care Technology Internet and Catalog Retail Technology Hardware, Storage and Peripherals Aerospace and Defense Pharmaceuticals
57.3% 45.4% 40.0% 30.3% 22.2% 20.5% 17.8% 16.2% 10.8% 9.2% 9.2% 7.6% 7.6% 6.5% 6.5%
106 84 74 56 41 38 33 30 20 17 17 14 14 12 12
Note: Common industries listed under “other” self-reported by students were libraries and museums.
Internship Compensation (based on 15 responses) Average hourly rate: $17.43 Median hourly rate: $15.00
CLOSING//FORECAS ST The local jo ob market forr college reccruitment has grown significantly s in the past 42 4 months. SJSU Careeer Center stafff works witth thousands of employerrs annually, assisting a theem in identifying, attracting, and a recruiting talent. Below are anecdotal a reccruitment treends experienced d by staff. Potentially High H Deman nd Sectors: Com mputer and so oftware engiineering, prog gramming an nd developm ment Cybeer security Dataa analytics IT seervices Tech hnical writin ng Projeect managem ment and sup pport Recrruiting/talentt acquisition n Mark keting and outreach o Sales Sociial media Educcation (k-12. Special-ed,, nontradiitional schoo ols) Supp ply chain Userr interface Men ntal health Behaavioral theraapy Coun nseling Non-profit services Acco ounting/Aud diting Digiital media Grap phic design Finaancial Planning/Sales Custtomer Success
graddual growth in employm ment of collegge talent is exxpected withh a continuedd demand placed on techhnical talent, business annd professionnal servvices, educattion, non-proofit, governm ment, and communicaations. We haave also expeerienced an iincrease in m manufacturinng empployers regisstered with thhe SJSU Carreer Cennter. The employmennt situation oof current college studdents and reccent college ggraduates loooks brigght and is antticipated to ggrow. Collegge studdents may see increases iin salary offe ferings, resuulting in highher median hhousehold inncome and additional oor flexible em mployment inceentives upon hiring.
Large Silico on Valley tecch companiees and startups have continued to in ncrease theirr presence and recruitm ment efforts on o campus. Continued C