Oct 4, 2014 - Eloisa was the moving force to institute an exciting educational program at the Plainfield Correctional Fa
The Hendricks County Master Gardeners present
2014 Adventures in Gardening October 4, 2014 • Hendricks County 4-H Conference Complex (Danville, IN) Registration Begins at 8 a.m. • Programs Run from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Stephanie Cohen, the “Perennial Diva” Stephanie Cohen has taught herbaceous plants and perennial design at Temple University for over 20 years. She was the founder and director of the Landscape Arboretum at Temple University, Ambler and is a contributing editor for “Fine Gardening”, The HGTV Newsletter. She has lectured coast to coast and appeared on QVC TV as the “Perennial Diva.”
“Native Perennials: Sustainable, Colorful, and Wonderful” Natives for many years never got the praise they deserved. Now natives are in the spot light for several reasons: they fit into our environment, they are a major source of food for our pollinators, they are colorful, and we have finally learned to love them. This seminar will cover both species and cultivars. “The Diva” tells it like it is! Be prepared for the dirt to fly! Free seeds, catalogs and new gardening books at great prices!
“Perennials from Spring to Fall” Stephanie will tell you how to have seasonal displays in your perennial gardens for every season. Develop super impact for spring, summer sizzle, flowers and foliage for fall, and possibly a winter wonderland if you can see it above the snow line.
Jerod Chew, District Conservationist for the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service in Hendricks & Marion Counties “Caring for the Land – The Root of Today’s Conservation Efforts” Take a closer look into the natural resource concerns that we face today and how we are connected to those concerns. Also see what conservation efforts are being emphasized by conservation/agriculture organizations and learn about the implementation of various conservation practices that you can incorporate onto your land.
Bill Fielding, Roadside Services Coordinator IN Department of Transportation “Managing Invasive Species = Survival of Native Species” Learn about the roadside vegetation policy being implemented this year to help battle invasive species while managing the roadsides to support pollinators and other beneficial insects. Successes and failures of the Hoosier Roadside Heritage program will be covered and will give the audience an insight on what to do and what not to do when planning a “Wildflower” site.
Eloisa Garza, Hendricks County Master Gardener “Plainfield Correctional Facility” Eloisa was the moving force to institute an exciting educational program at the Plainfield Correctional Facility (PCF) in 2012. Hendricks County Master Gardeners, PCF officers and staff, offenders work together to create vegetable and flower gardens with a goal of donating 100% of the harvested produce to local food banks.
2014 Adventures in Gardening Registration Form Registration includes continental breakfast and lunch. Please print form information. For additional information, contact Chase Stanley at 317-745-9260.
Name (as to appear on your name tag): _____________________________________________________ Are you a Master Gardener? ____ Yes ____ No Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: (______) ______ - __________
State: _____________
Zip: __________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________
County: ________________________________
Special needs and/or diet: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Select the applicable registration payment:
$35 Early Bird Registration (by Sept. 12)
$45 Registration (by Sept. 26 to guarantee lunch)
Note: Checks should be made payable to Hendricks County Master Gardener, Inc. Mail registration form and payment to Hendricks County Extension Office, Attn: Master Gardeners, PO Box 7, Danville, IN 46122.