Broken Arrow High School. ALL OMEA Band, Jazz & Orchestra. Hotel Site:
Fairfield Inn & Suites – Downtown Tulsa (Main & Archer – 2 blocks North of the
BOK ...
Broken Arrow High School ALL OMEA Band, Jazz & Orchestra Hotel Site: Fairfield Inn & Suites – Downtown Tulsa (Main & Archer – 2 blocks North of the BOK Tower) 111 North Main Street Tulsa, OK 918.879.1800 Wednesday, January 16th 8:00pm Check in to the Fairfield Inn & Suites – Downtown Tulsa
Your parents must transport you to the Hotel (you may NOT drive yourself to the Hotel) Meet in the Lobby of the hotel for Check In Refer to your printed schedule in your folder for the remainder of this event
Attire The school’s dress code is in effect. Please dress comfortably, but professional. No pajama pants or inappropriate T-shirts. Concert Attire will be worn for the Concert. However, we MAY ask the All State Band members to wear a Pride Uniform for the concert. TBD… Food Breakfast is not provided. Bring breakfast items when you check into the hotel. Most other meals are provided. Refer to itinerary as to which meals are and aren’t provided. Personal Items Broken Arrow Public Schools and band directors are not responsible for your personal belongings. We advise against bringing unnecessary entertainment devices (iPods, etc). Conduct Please continue to be mindful of our obligation to uphold our band program’s tradition and character. As always, maintain a “First Class” attitude in all of your interactions with each other and with members from other schools throughout your day. Notes Bring Breakfast & Snack items to the hotel. Breakfast is not included in the OMEA meal package.
Dinner on Friday night will be off site as a “Broken Arrow Group with the HS Wind Ensemble”
After your final rehearsal on Saturday morning, you will need to check out of the hotel and place your luggage in your parent’s vehicle.
Lunch on Saturday is on your own and you will need to have your parents take you to a restaurant to eat lunch.
OMEA is VERY strict about rehearsal attendance. Tardies will result in your removal from the ensemble!
Rooming Assignments Room #1 Kimbrough’s
Room #3
Band Staff
Room #2
Room #4
Alex Kimbrough David Reck Anthony Tomlinson John Zarubin
Room #5
Jon Sawyer Braden Geggie Noah Bagley Jack Thompson