2014 Camper Application - Elbow Lane Day Camp

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MINI CAMPS: 6/16-6/20; 8/18-8/22 -- A modified schedule of camp activities, special events and off-campus trips. A detailed Registration Form will be sent to you ...
ELBOW LANE DAY CAMP –ENROLLMENT 2014 828 Elbow Lane, Warrington, PA 18976 -- (215) 343-2120 -- www.elbowlane.com -- email: [email protected]

DATES: June 23rd - August 15th

Wk #1 (6/23-6/27) Wk #5 (7/21-7/25) Wk #2 (6/30-7/3) Wk #6 (7/28-8/1) Wk #3 (7/7 -7/11) Wk #7 (8/4-8/8) Wk #4 (7/14-7/18) Wk #8 (8/11-8/15) MINI CAMPS: 6/16-6/20; 8/18-8/22 -- A modified schedule of camp activities, special events and off-campus trips. A detailed Registration Form will be sent to you in March. Enrollment weeks/options may be chosen at that time. TUITION: FULL SEASON (8 WEEKS) HALF SEASON (4 WEEKS) 5 WEEKS 6 WEEKS 7 WEEKS

CAMP TRANSPORTATION $4,280.00 2,675.00 3,165.00 3,600.00 3,975.00

OWN TRANSPORTATION $3,800.00 2,435.00 2,865.00 3,240.00 3,555.00

(10% discount for siblings enrolled 5 days per week) MINI CAMP......$320.00/week (No additional charges for special events or trips! This fee also includes extended hours; however, we do not provide camp transportation for these weeks.) CAMP DAY - 9:20 AM to 3:40 PM….NO CAMP JULY 4th! EXTENDED HOURS are available for working parents who are able to provide their own transportation. Morning Ext. Hrs. are from 6:30 to 9:00 AM; Afternoon Ext. Hrs. are from 3:40 to 6:00 PM. The fee for extended hours is based on drop-off and/or pick-up times. The maximum charge is $6.00 per AM or PM session. INCLUDED IN CAMP FEE -- All off-campus trips and special events, camp T-shirt, individual and bunk photo, cookout meal every Wednesday, Pizza Day every Friday, and delicious snack every day. We refrigerate the lunch you provide on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. ***Please see reverse side of this form for Payment Options. Payment in full is due by May 15th. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2014 CAMPER APPLICATION FORM (keep the top portion for your records) Parents Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________


City ____________________________________ State ___________________ Zip _______________________ (

) ________________________ (

) ___________________________ (

Home Telephone

Cell Telephone (Father)

) ______________________ Cell Telephone (Mother)

How did you hear about Elbow Lane? ___________________________________________ Shirt Size Camper's Name


Grade as of Sept. 2014

Birth Date

(S,M,L-Youth or Adult)
















A $250.00 DEPOSIT PER CAMPER IS REQUIRED WITH THIS APPLICATION (refundable until 4/1/14, with the exception of a $40.00 cancellation fee). A detailed registration form will follow in March. Final enrollment options may be chosen at that time.

PAYMENT OPTIONS 2014 The staff at Elbow Lane takes pride in the outstanding day camp experience we offer, at a very competitive price. As stated in the cover letter, there will be a very slight tuition increase for next summer, and some of you will actually be paying less! Once again in 2014, we will continue to be the best value in day camp in Bucks and Montgomery Counties! In the past few years many families have found that planning ahead with a budget may be helpful in making camp tuition more affordable. Below are payment options for 2014 enrollment. We’re offering these plans as a convenience to our families so that with thoughtful planning every family can find a way to budget for camp tuition! Option A – Enroll with a $250 deposit and send the regular $200 scheduled payments on October 1st, December 1st, February 1st, April 1st and pay in full by May 15th. This is the payment plan for ALL families who do not select option “B” or “C”. There is no need to complete the form below if you select Option “A”. Option B – Enroll with a $250 deposit and sign up for monthly EFT (electronic funds transfer) budget payments. EFT is a free service to you, and is completely secure! Complete the form below and let us know the amount you wish to have automatically deducted from your checking account on the 15th of each month, beginning in September and continuing through June – 10 months to make the math easy! A reminder email will be sent to you in advance of each EFT transaction. This is our preferred method of payment as it reduces the fees for credit card transactions. Option C – Enroll with a $250 deposit and sign up for a monthly Credit Card budget payment. Complete the form below and tell us how much to automatically deduct from your Credit Card account on the 15th of each month, beginning in September and continuing through June – 10 months to make the math easy! A reminder email will be sent to you in advance of each Credit Card transaction. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EFT/CREDIT CARD Monthly Payment Enrollment Form I hereby authorize_______________________, my financial institution, to make periodic payments on my behalf from the checking, savings or credit account listed below and transfer it to Elbow Lane Day Camp. CHOOSE ONE (X): ______Checking Account Transfer ______ Credit Card Charge ______Savings Account Transfer __AMEX __ Visa __MasterCard (AMEX preferred)

Bank Routing #_________________________

_______________________________ (Credit Card Number, or call Debbie 215 343-2120)

_____________ (Expiration-month/year)

Account #_____________________________

Monthly Payment Amount__________* th

*This amount will be deducted from the option checked, or charged to your credit card on the 15 of every month, beginning on th th th September 15 , and continuing through June 15 (10 payments). A final payment in full is due by June 15 .

I understand that I am in full control of my payments and I will notify you if at any time I decide to make any changes, discontinue this service, or change or close my credit card or bank account. Name ________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________

City _____________________________________ State ________________ ZIP ___________ Signature _______________________________________________ Date _________________

Elbow Lane Day Camp, d/b/a Two EL, Inc.