Page 1 of 1. Kevin Nehring. for Kerman City Council. My name is Kevin Nehring and I'm running for Kerman City Council. i
Kevin Nehring for Kerman City Council My name is Kevin Nehring and I’m running for Kerman City Council in the 2014 November election. In 2003, my Wife, Lora, and I were living in Fresno, looking for a place to raise our young family. After looking all over Fresno County, we were drawn to Kerman, its schools, its proximity to agriculture, and its rich Valley history. Impressed by the City’s focus on family and community made obvious by Kerman’s many parks, churches and community events - we knew almost immediately that this was the place for us. In 2004 we moved to Kerman and after 10 years, we're here to stay. Lora and I have both taken active roles in serving in the Community in one capacity or another since we've been here. I have served on the Kerman Planning Commission since 2008 and presently serve as the Commission’s Vice Chair. Also, in 2012 I was appointed to the Successor Agency to the City of Kerman Redevelopment Agency as an Oversight Board Member by the Fresno County Board of Supervisors. In a desire to continue serving the City of Kerman, I'm running for City Council. I like Kerman. I'm proud to call Kerman home. I want to take an active part in in the continued growth and management of the City for my family and yours. Please join me in my run for a seat on the City Council. I appreciate your consideration and will be thankful for your vote on November 4th.
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Professional Land Surveyor and Geomatics Engineer, Ca. Lic. #8200 City of Kerman Planning Commissioner, Vice Chair (Dec. 2012 - Present) Member of the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Kerman Redevelopment Agency (Feb. 2012 - Present) City of Kerman Planning Commissioner (Apr. 2008 - Jan. 2012) California Land Surveyors Association, San Joaquin Valley Chapter President (Jan. 2008 - Present) Member of the Board of Directors for the California Land Surveyors Association (Aug. 2010 Present) Vice President / Co-Chair of the Fresno County Sheriff’s Neighborhood Watch Association (Aug. 2010 - Present) Member of the Fresno County Sheriff Citizen Advisory Committee (Sep. 2009 - Present)
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