2014 Committee Meeting Minutes.pdf - Google Drive

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banking over to the co-op. Mark to set up the account with all committee members as. signatories. 12) New Hut. Planning
Bowmen Of Lyme Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at Hugh Lamerick’s House on 13th February 2014 The Meeting was attended by; Hugh Lamerick

David Irwin

David Palmer

Mark Evans

John Allen

The Meeting was opened at 8.19pm 1)

The 2014 AGM is to be held at the club hut on Sunday 23rd March @ 10.00am


Have a Go’s The following Have a Go’s were put forward for approval at the AGM;  


Rangers Evening – Wednesday 25th June (TBC) Potentially 3 Corporate Days; o CDL in August (Full Day TBC).

The following dates have been put forward for the 2013 Club Championships; Clout Field Champs Longbow Champs Outdoor Champs Indoor / Outdoor Champs

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Sunday 27th April Sunday 6th July Sunday 3rd August Sunday 14th September Sunday 5th October

Working parties will be required on the Saturday before both the Clout and Field Championships. In each case the field should be available for the work party from 10 am onwards – anybody wishing to shoot on those days should arrange to shoot after the work party is complete. 4)

Subscriptions – The committee recommend the subscription fees should be as follows; Seniors to increase to Juniors to remain at Fellows to remain at

£100.00 (as agreed at the 2012 AGM) £40.00 £46.50 (inline with GNAS fees)

No nominations for fellowship of the club had been received. Current Membership Levels are as follow; 42 Seniors, 9 Juniors


Ground Rent – The ground rent has been increased by the NT from £180 to £300. Although this is a large increase in percentage terms, it’s worth noting that we lease 2 acres of land.


Elections of Officers All officers were happy to continue in their posts although David Irwin did wonder if someone wanted to take over the position of Field Captain to give him a rest. These positions are all elected positions and should anyone wish to apply for a post, they are free to do so.


AGM Agenda – The Agenda will be on the website & put up in the website. The date of the AGM is already on the club notice board in the club house.


Beginners Lessons. There are currently approx. 30 people currently on the waiting list and as a result, this year we will hosting two beginners courses, one in April and one in May. Cost to remain at £40 for 4 lessons whether Senior or Junior- to be paid before the course starts with a maximum of 8 places on each course.


Competitions – It was proposed that the club should continue in its participation with the Frostbite and Selby and submit two teams.


Constitution Changes – None


Bank Changes – Due to ‘issues’ with our current banking provider, we are going to move our banking over to the co-op. Mark to set up the account with all committee members as signatories.


New Hut Planning Permission has been granted and the park have been notified. Mark has a meeting on the last Wednesday in Feb to discuss logistics. The manager of the park and the clubs main supporter with the park (Emily)have unfortunately now left the Trust so this meeting is to renew relations with the parks management. We currently have £10k to go towards the build of the new club house, we have obtained 2 quotes so far, one being £16k and one being £17k, we are still waiting on a 3rd quote. Either way it is looking like we will have to build the club house. Mark is speaking to the park to discuss the possibility of some assistance from the park in its construction.


AOB AGM minutes for 2013 have yet to be published, this to be addressed before the next AGM. Missing club champs results to be put on the website asap. Hugh was thanked for hosting the committee meeting. The meeting closed at 9.11pm.