2014 GUIDELINES - Gynecologic Oncology Group

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The Gynecologic Oncology Group (“GOG”), along with our Industry. Pharmaceutical Partner(s) announces the availability of research grant(s) for 2014. Eligible ...


The Gynecologic Oncology Group (“GOG”), along with our Industry Pharmaceutical Partner(s) announces the availability of research grant(s) for 2014. Eligible physicians for funding are post fellowship and junior faculty not more than 5 years from completion of the Fellowship.

GUIDELINES This project will afford an opportunity for the Young Investigator to become familiar with the organization and working of the GOG, thereby providing new opportunities for training Young Investigators to become group leaders in the future. Applicants will use the Ancillary Data Committee format (www.gog.org) as part of their application. A letter of support from their Division Chief to carry out this research project should accompany this application.

2013 Winner Emily Ko, MD University of North Carolina

2013 Winner James S. Ferriss, MD Temple University School of Medicine 2013 Awards Sponsored by:

Applications will be due no later than September 01, 2013. Selected individual(s) will be notified by October 30, 2013 and will be asked to attend the 2014 Winter Semi Annual Meeting for award acknowledgement.

The program recipient will be expected to design a clinical project utilizing ancillary data that has already been collected from prior GOG studies in which the primary objectives have been achieved and reported. Ancillary Data information and application format is available through the GOG website. Program recipient will be expected to work closely with the GOG Statistical and Data Center office in Buffalo, New York. The program recipient will be expected to spend time in Buffalo collecting and analyzing the data. This will enable the program recipient to acquaint himself/herself with the group studies and how appreciable contributions can be made from previously reported studies. This project will lead to an oral presentation at the GOG Semi Annual Scientific Session/ Symposium with subsequent publication. There will also be the possibility of presentation at other regional or national meetings with notification of the GOG. The term of the program will be 24 months beginning at the award presentation during the Semi Annual Meeting.

Each completed application should contain the following information:


Name Institution Address Email Ancillary Data Format Application Curriculum Vitae Letter of Support from Division Chief

Philip J. DiSaia, MD William Creasman, MD Steven Waggoner, MD Ginny Filiaci, PhD

FOR A COMPLETE LIST ON ANCILLIARY DATA INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT THE GOG WEBSITE AT: www.gog.org 1. GOG Member Access Login. After you login, you will be on 2. “GOG General Information” page, scroll down to “Downloadable forms, etc”; 3. Click on “Ancillary Study Concept Form”; 4. #1 Download a template; click on “ancconceptform.doc”

DEADLINE 9/01/2013

Ancillary Data Expenses and Costs: The Project does not have a specific dollar amount attached to the project. GOG will cover all travel related expenses (hotel, air, transfers, meals) to and from Buffalo and the Semi Annual Meeting. It is anticipated that two or three trips to Buffalo for data analysis will be necessary during the two year period. Expenses will be reimbursed through the GOG, provided that the appropriate expense voucher and proper back-up materials are submitted to the GOG on a quarterly basis. The Young Investigator is expected to provide GOG with a progress report the first year and their anticipated presentation date. The GOG will then schedule the presentation during the Semi Annual Meeting or Scientific Session. The award recipient will be become a member of the related site meetings (Ovarian, Cervix, etc. workshop) and it is expected that you attend and participate. The appropriate Committee Chair will contact the recipient regarding attendance.

Mail completed projects to: Stacy Horning GOG Development Office 2127 Espey Court, #100 Crofton, MD 21114 Or Email:

[email protected]


Kathy Shumaker at 410-721-7126