Feb 1, 2014 - New Mexico State University. 806-786-3421 ... Colorado State University ... Address. City, State, Zipcode.
Committee Members
Ellen Jordan, Chair Texas A & M AgriLife Extension 972-952-9212 /
[email protected] Luis Mendonca Kansas State University 651-600-1532 /
[email protected]
David Anderson Texas A & M AgriLife Extension 979-845-4351 /
[email protected]
Jeff Mikus Diamond V 806-438-6836 /
[email protected]
Chris Ashworth Elanco 479-462-5492 /
[email protected]
Jerry Olson Zoetis 970-223-7983 /
[email protected]
K. R. Averhoff Blue Sky Farms 806-470-4540 /
[email protected]
Dana Porter Texas A & M AgriLife Extension 806-746-6101 /
[email protected]
Todd Bilby Merck Animal Health 254-434-1777 /
[email protected]
Noa Roman-Muniz Colorado State University 970-491-6022 /
[email protected]
Dwain Bunting ADM (TANC Rep.) 806-543-0002 /
[email protected]
Andy Schaap Little Creek Dairy 806-578-4781 /
[email protected]
Robert Hagevoort New Mexico State University 806-786-3421 /
[email protected]
Paul Tracy DeLaval, Inc. 209-605-0301 /
[email protected]
Joe Harner Kansas State University 785-532-2900 /
[email protected]
Jeff Weyers Vi-Cor 254-967-0061 /
[email protected]
The Overton Hotel &
Conference Center 2322 Mac Davis Lane Lubbock, TX 79401 High Plains Dairy Conference ATTN: Charlotte Bruna 244 Cyclone Lane Waterville, KS 66548
Jim Abacherli South Slope Dairy 575-386-1093 /
[email protected]
888-776-7001 http://www.overtonhotel.com/
March 5 & 6, 2014 AZ
- CO - KS
- OK
- NM
Registration: March 5: 6:30 AM ~ 5:00 PM March 6: 6:30 AM ~ Noon
Seminar Schedule: March 5: 8:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM March 6: 8:00 ~ Noon
Presentations ►Implications of groundwater minerals in dairy cattle nutrition. Charlie Elrod, Vi-COR, Inc. ►Feeding calves for performance. Jon Robinson, Fresno State ►Using technology to improve calf raising. Leon “Sam” Barringer, Merck ►Mastitis in the vital 90 days...what’s the real cost? Mike Overton, Elanco ►TCI - An objective way to benchmark & monitor the effectiveness of your transition management program. Ken Nordlund, University of Wisconsin ►Is shrink robbing your operation of profits? David Green, Diamond V ►Micromachines on dairies - do they have a place? Dave Hutcheson, Animal Agricultural Consulting, Inc. ►Managing stress, anger, anxiety, & depression on dairy farms. Bob Fetsch, Colorado State University ►Dairy outlook & the importance of trade. Mark Stephenson, University of Wisconsin ►Precision dairy monitoring technology opportunities & challenges. Jeff Bewley, University of Kentucky ►Lameness & leg injuries in open lot dairies in Southwestern US. Marina von Keyserlingk, University of British Columbia ►Food morality movement. Kevin Murphy, Food Chain Communications Panel Discussions ►Managing Our Water Resources Jay Lazarus, Glorieta Geoscience, Inc. Chuck Grimes, Independent consultant Scott Johnson, Scott Johnson Farm Service Rapid Fire Topics ►LED lighting. Joe Harner, Kansas State University ►Farm bill dairy decision aid. David Anderson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension ►Economic impacts of employee turnover. David Anderson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension ►Diagnostic & heat stress “Apps”. Todd Bilby, Merck ►Update on HR training & safety programs. Robert Hagevoort, New Mexico State
The Overton Hotel & Conference Ctr. 2322 Mac Davis Lane Lubbock, TX 79401 888-776-7001
Registration Form (Online registration available at: http://www.highplainsdairy.org)
Please PRINT CLEARLY or TYPE (Complete 1 form per person, copy as needed)
Name First Name Preference for Nametag
A block of rooms has been reserved at The Overton Hotel & Conference Ctr. Please ask for the High Plains Dairy Conference block when making reservations. Special room rate is $129 + tax (single or double rooms) Block will be released on 2/18/2014 REGISTRATION To register, complete and return the attached form (1 form for each person who will be attending the conference) along with payment. Make copies of the registration form as needed. The conference fee is $225 for the 1st Registrant and $175 for each additional participant from the SAME DAIRY, if postmarked by February 1, 2014.
Farm / Business Name Address City, State, Zipcode Telephone E-Mail Address Number of Cows Milked
Check the following categories and total for payment: ►1 Conference Registration $225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_________ (must be postmarked by February 1, 2014) ►Each Additional Dairy Member Registration $175 . . $_________ (from the same Dairy postmarked by February 1, 2014) ►1 Conference Registration $250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_________ ►Additional Proceedings ____ copies @ $25 each . . $_________
TOTAL FEES . . . . . . $_______
Payment Options:
After February 1, 2014 the registration fee increases to $250. Fee includes 2 continental breakfasts, 1 lunch, evening reception on March 5th and 1 copy of the conference proceedings. Additional copies of the proceedings may be purchased for $25 each. Full refund of CONFERENCE registration if we are notified on/or before February 15, 2014. Online registration and other conference information is available at: http://www.highplainsdairy.org For questions by phone, please call: 785-532-2370
Check (Make payable to: Texas Animal Nutrition Council)
CREDIT CARDS For security purposes, credit card payments will be accepted on-line http://www.highplainsdairy.org/ or on-site ONLY
Please Mail Registrations to: High Plains Dairy Conference ATTN: Charlotte Bruna 244 Cyclone Lane Waterville, KS 66548 OR FAX: 785-532-2333