Check In @ Peik Gym Warm Up, Stretch, & Divide Into Groups Four 30 Minute Rotations Lunch (Must Provide Your Own) - Q & A w/ Coaches & team 2 Rotations (30 Min each) Performance Routine Rehearsal Walk to Sports Pavilion w/ Coaches Practice rehearsal in the Sports Pavilion Pizza Party & Learn About Official Scoring Golden Gophers Intrasquad Meet Dance Performance at the end of the meet Autographs & Photos with 2013-14 Gopher Team
JENNY HANSEN Assistant Coach
LOUIE JOHNSON Assistant Coach
REGISTRATION - $125 (Cash or Check—Payable to UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA) CAMPER NAME ________________________________________________________________________ AGE ____________________
ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________ CITY _________________________________________________________
STATE ________________
PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN _____________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER ________________________________________________________________________ GYMNASTICS CLUB ______________________________________________________________________ COMPETITIVE LEVEL _____________________________________________________________________
□ X-Small
□ Small
□ Intermediate
□ Medium
□ Large
□ X-Small
□ Small
□ Medium
□ Large
□ Extra Large
I would like to request for the above individual participates in the Gopher Gymnastics camp. All payments are final and refunds cannot be granted. Registrations will not be accepted after Thursday, December 19th at 10:00am. I acknowledge that I have read through the registration procedures and refund policies. I understand that due to limited space submission of this application does not guarantee acceptance into the camp. All attendees will be required to sign an acknowledgment & release waiver prior to participating in the Gopher Gymnastics Camp. Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________
PLEASE RETURN REGISTRATION FORM WITH $125 PAYMENT TO: University of Minnesota Women’s Gymnastics Camp C/O Devin Pacheco—Suite 159 4 Oak Street S.E. • Minneapolis MN 55455