Page 3 of 4. 2014 Perak Latihan PT3 SET3 BI Skema.pdf. 2014 Perak Latihan PT3 SET3 BI
Thousands of people were in the Football Stadium.
They waited in suspense of the most exciting match of
The Annual Soccer Championships. The Tiger and the
1. Tigers
Panthers have qualify for the finals. The game would
2 qualified
begins in a few minutes. The players of both teams ran
3. begin
slow to the field in a single file, with the captains leading
4. slowly
the way. All of them line up in the middle of the field.
5. lined
The King, accompanied with some of the officials,
6. by
walk onto the field. Then he was introduced to the
7. walked
players of both the teams. After the introduction, he
8. introductions
returned to the grandstand. As soon as all the player
were ready, the referee blown the whistle to start the
10. blew
game. There were cheers from the supporters of both teams.
SECTION B: QUESTION 2 (a) MAHARANI TUITION CENTRE (b )experienced teachers and examiners (c) English Language (d) Bahasa Melayu (e) Science (f) Mathematics (g) RM 80 for MAHARANI TUITION CENTRE students (h) RM 100 for other students (i) one-day seminar / 8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. (j) Miss Anne 1
SECTION B: QUESTION 3 (a) True (b) False (c) True (d) False (e)By telephone (f) students who are interested to help to help other students with their problems. (g) i) ’pour your hearts out’ ii) ’peer pressure’ (h) They prefer to talk to someone whom they do not see face-to-face (i) They think the peer facilitators understand them better as they are of the same age group. (j) Accept any suitable answer
SECTION C: QUESTION 4 (a) El Nino causes hot and dry season. (b) El Nino has triggered off forest fires. (c) Evacuation centres are located on higher grounds. (d) Rain / flood / cold temperature (e)
i – triggered ii – preparing iii – wondered iv – foreign tourists
(f) The main crop of Guyana is Cassava (g) Haze keeps the foreign visitors from visiting the Southeast Asia. (h) Boat / helicopters (i) (Accept any suitable answer)
SECTION C: QUESTION 5 (a) Lost all my strength (b) Soldier / army (c) The message the persona is saying to the younger generation is that they must stand up to protect our freedom and independence (d) Yes/No. (Any suitable reason to the response)
school organised a gotong royong exercise ‘Keep Our School Clean’ campaign half past seven in the morning gathered for an assembly class was selected to work on the rock garden cleared the ground of rubbish gathered some rocks and put them togetrher arranged a few flowerpots among the rocks neatly collected some flowering plants and planted them in the flowerpots put small rocks on top of the bigger rocks cemented the rocks together so that they would not fall off checked on the rock garden everyone agreed that the garden looked very nice it did not look overcrowded teachers came to inspect the garden they were pleased with our efforts and praised us for a job well done we were very happy too found out that we enjoyed working together
SECTION D: QUESTION 7 A theme in the novel ‘The Railway Children’ written by Edith Nesbit which interests me is friendship. The children came to the countryside not knowing anyone. Along the way, they made a few good friends. They managed to make friends with the Station Master and the Porter, Mr. Perks. They also made friends with the old gentleman from the train and also his grandson, Jim. The old gentleman was a really good friend. He helped the family a few times. When the children’s mother was ill, he bought the special things needed. The old gentleman also helped to free the children’s father from prison. The children made friends with Jim, the ‘hound’ in red shirt when they rescued him from the train tunnel.