2014 Rate Card

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tratar la epidemia mundial de glaucoma ... Issue Dates: See editorial calendar. 4. .... NOtE:SWFs and FLvs are viewable on Desktop platform but not all mobile ...
2014 Rate Card


Volume 23 • Number 2 Volumen 15 • Número 2






Effective Rate Date: January 2014 for all advertisers.



El potencial individual puede ser clave para Breakthrough studies revive discussion of tratar la epidemia mundial de glaucoma anti-VEGF treatment regimens for AMD


Ver versión en portugués

Anti-VEGF therapy has been a major

Capacitación, educación, breakthrough in the treatment of agepautas, apoyodegeneration. e investigación: related macular Five years en afterlathe approval of imperativos lucha contra theglaucoma. blockbuster drug Lucentis el

1. Ad Unit Image: Wong TY

(ranibizumab, Novartis/Genentech) — El reconowith theCHICAGO pivotal MARINA and cimiento potencial inANCHOR trials, itsdel sister drug Avasdividual es la claveRoche/Genentech) para enfrentar la tin (bevacizumab, epidemia de glaucoma sin has taken mundial a new turn following the tratar, oradora a esta publiresults dijo of theuna CATT. Meanwhile, Eylea cación. (aflibercept, Bayer/Regeneron), also known as VEGF Trap-Eye, hasOlivier, underLa Dra. Mildred M.G. gone thequien phase 3haVIEW and VIEW FACS, sido I reconocida II trials, has been approved by they por su extenso trabajo en Haití U.S. sus Foodlabores and Drug por en Administration el tratamiento and has been submitted for European del glaucoma en países en vías de Union market approval. desarrollo, impartió la Conferencia the new theraen While el Díawelcoming de subespecialidades en piesAmerican as one of the most signifi cant la Glaucoma Society continued on page antes de la reunión conjunta de11la

Tien Yin Wong, MD, said monthly injections are M.G. mostOlivier, effective Dra. Mildred FACS, for AMD treatment but are impartió la Conferencia en el an burden’ on Día‘unsustainable de subespecialidades en patients, physicians and health la American Glaucoma Society care. antes de la reunión conjunta de la American Academy of Ophthalmology y la Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology.

continúa en la página 5



Visit OSNLA.Healio.com Advertising Office: SLACK Incorporated Patrick Duffey Vice President, Sales & Marketing [email protected], ext. 262






Full Page






Half Page






2. Rates: All prices quoted are in U.S. Dollars. a) Earned rates are given to advertisers (parent company and its subsidiaries) based on the total number of pages within a 12-month period. A spread counts as two pages. b) Agency commission: Fifteen percent gross billings on space, color, cover, and preferred position charges. c) Cash discount: Two percent if paid within ten days of invoice date. No discount allowed after this period. 3. Bleed: No charge

4. Special Positions: Page 1: Earned b/w rate plus 50%. Page 3: Earned b/w rate plus 25%. Page 5: Earned b/w rate plus 15%. Pages 7 & 9: Earned b/w rate plus 10%. 5. Online Advertising Rates: Please contact your sales representative for more information. 6. Recruitment/Classified Rates: Please contact your regional sales representative at +1-856-848-1000 for information on available opportunities.

Scott Wright Global Sales Director, Eye Care Group [email protected], ext. 363 Jenna Gentile National Account Manager [email protected], ext. 359 Carolyn Boerner Director of Sales Administration & Support [email protected], ext. 355 6900 Grove Road • Thorofare, NJ 08086-9447 856-848-1000 • 800-257-8290 • Fax 856-848-6091 European Advertising Office: The Point of Difference Limited European Sales Representative: Jeff Wood DD: +44 (0)161 767 9696 Mobile: +44 (0)78 12 12 12 79 Email: [email protected] Dick Bower [email protected] 4 Chase Side Avenue London, SW20 8LU United Kingdom +44 (0)20 8542 3200 • Fax +44 (0)20 8543 3810



Effective Rate Date: January 2014 for all advertisers.

2014 Rate Card: Digital

Discounts 1. Combined Earned Frequency: All insertions of a parent company and its subsidiaries are combined to determine the earned rate. Advertisers may combine space units run in all SLACK publications to achieve maximum rate frequency. 2. Global Continuity Incentive: Advertisements for an individual product are eligible for a discount based upon the number of insertions placed in SLACK publishing’s eye care newspapers (all global editions of Ocular Surgery News plus Primary Care Optometry News). Insertions do not need to be consecutive. This program may not be combined with the Comprehensive Marketing Incentive. a) 3-6 insertions: 10% off b) 7-12 insertions: 15% off c) 13+ insertions: 20% off 3. Comprehensive Marketing Incentive: Advertisers may be eligible for a customized incentive program based upon a total 2014 investment in promotional, marketing and educational services provided through all global print and online editions of SLACK publishing’s eye care newspapers Ocular Surgery News and Primary Care Optometry News and/or associated live non-CME educational events. Contact your sales representative for details. 4. SLACK Corporate Discount: Take advantage of SLACK’s advertising, custom publishing, event management and other marketing services in 2014 and earn valuable discounts in 2015. Spend levels achieved in the year 2014 will determine your Corporate Discount savings in 2015 based on a total net spend.

5. When taking advantage of more than one discount program, discounts must be taken in the following order: Gross Cost: a) Less Global Continuity Incentive or Comprehensive Marketing Incentive b) Less SLACK Corporate Discount c) Less 15% Agency Discount Equals Net Cost

ISSUANCE AND CLOSING 1. Established: 1999 2. Frequency: 6 times/year 3. Issue Dates: See editorial calendar 4. Extensions and Cancellations: a) Extensions: If an extension date for material is agreed upon and material is not received by the Publisher on the agreed date, the advertiser will be charged for the space reserved. b) Cancellations: If, for any reason, an advertisement is canceled after the closing date, the Publisher reserves the right to repeat a former ad at full rates. If the advertiser has not previously run an ad, the advertiser will be charged for the cost of space reserved. Neither the advertiser nor its agency may cancel advertising after the closing date.

EDITORIAL 1. General Editorial Direction: Ocular Surgery News Latin America Edition is a bi-monthly, digital medical newspaper for ophthalmologists, providing timely coverage of scientific meetings and events, with special emphasis on cataract, IOL, refractive surgery, glaucoma treatment, ophthalmic laser surgery, clinical anterior segment issues, retina and ophthalmic business and regulatory news affecting the practice of ophthalmology. Each issue is translated into Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. 2. Average Issue Information: a) Average number of articles per issue: 8-10 b) Average article length: 800 words c) Editorial departments/features: “Complications Consult” 3. Origin of Editorial: a) Staff written: 50% b) Solicited: 10% c) Submitted: 40% d) Peer review: None



Effective Rate Date: January 2014 for all advertisers.

2014 Rate Card: Digital



1. Demographic Selection Criteria: a) Age: N/A b) Prescribing: N/A c) Circulation distribution: Controlled: 99.86% Paid: 0.14% 2. Estimated total distribution for 2014: 21,371/issue

1. Requirements for Advertising Acceptance: Professional and non-professional products or services are accepted, provided they are in harmony with the policy of service to the health care profession and subject to Publisher’s approval. Non-professional product and service advertisers must submit ad copy two weeks prior to closing date. 2. New Product Releases: Accepted on a space available basis. Please submit to your sales representative. 3. Ad Format Placement Policy: a) Format: Within articles b) Are ads rotated?: Yes 4. Ad/Edit Information: 40/60 Ad/Edit Ratio 5. Online Advertising Opportunities: Contact your sales representative or visit Healio.com/Ophthalmology for more information. 6. Additional Advertising Opportunities: a) Split-run advertising: Contact publisher for information 7. Reprint Availability: Yes, email: [email protected].

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Effective Rate Date: January 2014 for all advertisers.

2014 Rate Card: Digital

Ad Specifications

aUDIO Specifications

1. Available Advertising Unit Sizes:

1. File Format: mp3 only (50mb max size)

Ad sizes:

Inches Width

Full Page Half Page Horizontal







10.4775 cm


Height 15.7163 cm




10.4775 cm


7.62 cm

Trim size of publication: 4.125” x 6.1875” (10.4775 cm x 15.7163 cm) 2. File format: High resolution PDF/X-1A (300 dpi) 3. Links: Please supply all urls you want linked in the ad. 4. Disposition of Ad Material: Ad materials will be held for one year from date of last insertion and then destroyed unless instructed otherwise in writing.

Video Specifications 1. Video Format excepted: mp4, mpg, mpeg, mov, ogv, ogg, wmv, avi, flv All video formats will be converted to a FLV video file. FLV to MP4 file for view on mobile devices that do not support FLASH (50mb max size).

contact information Send product insertion orders and ad materials to: Carolyn Boerner Director of Sales Administration & Support

Animated Ad Specifications 1. Advertisers MUST supply a static placeholder file in addition to an animated file. Ad sizes:

Animated File Dimensions Width

Full Page Half Page Horizontal

Placeholder Ad Size



594 px


891 px



Height 6.1875”

594 px


432 px




OSN Latin America/Issue Month c/o SLACK Incorporated 6900 Grove Road Thorofare, NJ 08086-9447, USA [email protected] +1-856-848-1000 x355 Fax: +1-856-848-6091

2. File format: flv, swf or mp4 (50mb max size) 3. Action Script: 3.0 only NOTE: SWFs and FLVs are viewable on Desktop platform but not all mobile devices. 4. Placeholder format: High resolution PDF/X-1A (300 dpi) 5. Links: Please supply all urls you want linked in the ad. 6. Disposition of Ad Material: Ad materials will be held for one year from date of last insertion and then destroyed unless instructed otherwise in writing.
