1985 Dodge Diplomat Police. “New Mexico State Police”. (1:43) #FR-DIP-124 -
$25.95. 1985 Dodge Diplomat Police. “Alaska State Trooper” (1:43).
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Fire & EMS....... 11-13
Police............... 13-19
Taxi..................... 20
Film & TV....... 35-38
Buses. .............38-39
Coca-Cola............. 39
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Welcome our new 2014 Spring Catalog!
This holiday edition is packed with over 800 new items from all of your favorite manufacturers. As always, however, our web site is the BEST place to find our complete offering of over 10,000 items from over 100 manufacturers. We would also like to greet all of our new customers who have just received our catalog for the first time! Our philosophy is to be your “one stop” diecast supplier by offering the largest selection of diecast replicas with prompt service and affordable prices. If you are not a part of our e-news letters, please sign up on our home page. Simply log on to our home page (www.diecastdirect.com) and click on the email newsletter button located in the upper right hand corner. It is quick and easy to sign up and, best of all, it is FREE.
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1941 Chevy Pickup “Texaco Service” (1:87) - NEW! #CMW30367 - $13.95
1941 Chevy Pickup “Mobil Service” (1:87) - NEW! #CMW30368 - $13.95
International Metro Delivery Truck “Charles Chips” (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30369 - $15.95
International Metro Delivery Truck “Jewel Tea Company” (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30370 - $15.95
International Metro Delivery Truck “Taystee Bread” (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30371 - $15.95
International Metro Delivery Truck “Sealtest Milk” (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30372 - $15.95
1941 Chevy Box Truck “Seagram’s 7” (1:87) - NEW! #CMW30362 - $15.95
1941 Chevy Box Truck “Bird’s Eye Frozen Foods” with Reefer (1:87) - NEW!] #CMW30363 - $15.95
1941 Chevy Box Truck “Howard Johnson’s” with Reefer (1:87) - NEW! #CMW30364 - $15.95
1941 Chevrolet Delivery Truck “Western Auto Stores” (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30373 - $15.95
1941 Chevrolet Delivery Truck “Red Owl Grocery Stores” (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30374 - $15.95
1941 Chevrolet Dump Truck (Raven Black with Red Dump Body) (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30377 - $15.95
1941 Chevrolet Stake Bed Truck “Pioneer Corn” (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30375 - $15.95
1941 Chevrolet Stake Bed Truck “Gulf Oil Company” (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30376 - $15.95
1941 Chevrolet Dump Truck (Nassack Gray with Black Dump Body) (1:87) [5/14] #CMW30378 - $15.95
Happy Collecting, Diecast Direct, Inc.
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Borden’s” (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-018 - $34.95
Farm Equip..... 42-45
Construction... 46-48
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Dugan’s Bakery” (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-019 - $34.95
Aviation.......... 52-57
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Sealtest” (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-020 - $34.95
Motorcycles. ........ 57
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
1941 Chevy Stake Bed “Sunkist” (1:87) #CMW30353 - $13.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
1941 Chevrolet Dump Truck “City Coal Company” (1:87) [5/14] 1941 Chevy “Wayerhaeuser #CMW30379 4 Square Lumber” (1:87) $15.95 #CMW30354 - $13.95
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1941 Chevy T/T “Campbell Express” (1:87) #CMW31162 - $16.95
1941 Chevy Box Truck “Sealtest Dairy” (1:87) #CMW30317 - $11.95
1941 Chevy Tanker Truck “Texas Oil” (1:87) #CMW30346 - $13.95
Refrigerated 1940-1960 Aerovan Trailers (2) (1:87) #CMW31160 - $14.95
1941/46 Chevrolet Box Truck 1941/46 Chevrolet Box Truck “Old Dutch Beer” (1:87) “Sunshine Bakery” (1:87) #CMW30332 - $12.95 #CMW30333 - $12.95
International ProStar w/48’ Flatbed Trailer & Tire Load (1:64) [4/14] #FG60-0245 - $79.95
Mack R w/22’ Tandem End Dump Trailers (White/Black) (1:64) [4/14] #FG60-0247 - $104.95
Volvo 670 w/Dry Van Trailer “Mustang Express” (1:64) - NEW! #FG60-0220 - $79.95
Mack R Model w/22’ End Dump Trailer “Sid Kamp Inc” (1:64) [4/14] #FG60-0238 - $69.95
International 8600i Day Cab w/Reefer Trailer Peterbilt 379 3-Axle Day Cab (Heavy Haul Setup) w/Stepdeck Trailer (Red/White) “Western Distributing” (1:64) - NEW! (1:64) #DCP31811 - $59.95 #FG69-0243 - $79.95
International Metro Delivery Truck “Railway Express Agency” (1:87) - NEW! #CMW30358 - $15.95
International Metro Delivery Truck (Red) (1:87) #CMW30360 - $15.95
Semi w/Pup Trailers (2) “UPS” (1:87) #RT4345 - $11.95
International Metro Delivery Truck “Borden’s Dairy Products” (1:87) - NEW! #CMW30356 - $15.95
International Metro Delivery Truck (White) (1:87) #CMW30361 - $15.95
Peterbilt 379 w/53’ Trailer “Case Magnumator II” (1:64) [4/14] #SC-ZJD-1743 - $33.95
International Metro Delivery Truck “US Mail” (Pre-1957) (1:87) - NEW! #CMW30357 - $15.95
Peterbilt 379 w/Chemical Tanker “Liquid Transport” (1:64) - SALE! #DCP32893 - $54.99
International ProStar w/High-Roof Sleeper & 53’ Flatbed Trailer “Koch” (1:64) - SALE! #DCP32677 - $59.99
Peterbilt 379 w/Stepdeck Trailer (Lime Green/Black) (1:64) - NEW! #DCP33086 - $69.95
Volvo 770 w/53’ Trailer “Case International Harvester Parts and Service” (1:64) [4/14] #SC-ZJD-1744 - $33.95 Mack Granite Dump Truck w/Plow “Minnesota D.O.T.” with Chrome Wheels (1:64) - Limited! #FG69-0108C - $34.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
Peterbilt 379 w/Covered Wagon “Dan Ribble” (1:64) - SALE! #DCP32888 - $79.95 Auto-Haulers Series 8 (Set of 2) “Mopar 75th Anniversay” (1:64) - SALE! #M2-36000-08 - $29.99
Peterbilt 387 Case IH “Proud to be a Farmer” (1:64) [3/14] #SC-ZJD-1755 - $34.95
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Peterbilt 379 3-Axle Day Cab (Heavy Haul Peterbilt 379 3-Axle Day Cab (Heavy Haul Setup) w/Stepdeck Trailer “Western” (Blue) Setup) w/Stepdeck Trailer “Goddard” (Blue) (1:64) #DCP31754 - $59.95 (1:64) #DCP31987 - $59.95
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Freightliner Cascadia w/Kentucky Moving Peterbilt 387 w/Kentucky Moving Trailer Trailer “Mayflower” (1:64) - NEW! “Bully Dog” (1:64) - NEW! #DCP33106 - $79.95 #DCP33100 - $79.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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Peterbilt 379 w/Chrome Grain Trailer “Miarer & Sons Show Truck” (1:64) - NEW! #DCP33063 - $84.95
Peterbilt 379 w/Two-Axle Livestock Trailer “Kersplat” (1:64) - NEW! #DCP32977 - $79.95
Peterbilt 379 w/Spread-Axle Flatbed “Mercer-Kenneth Fisher” (1:64) - NEW! #DCP33136 - $79.95
Peterbilt 379 w/Grain Trailer (Black Cherry/Black) (1:64) - NEW! #DCP33143 - $69.95
Peterbilt 379 w/Grain Trailer (Red) (1:64) - NEW! #DCP33144 - $69.95
Peterbilt 379 w/Grain Trailer (Burnt Orange/White) (1:64) - NEW! #DCP33145 - $69.95
Kenworth K100 COE w/Kentucky Moving Van Trailer “East Coast Large Cars” (1:64) #DCP33031 - $69.95
International ProStar w/Chemical Tanker “Carry Transit” (1:64) #DCP32824 - $69.95
Kenworth K100 COE w/Flatbed Trailer & Resin Sack Load (Blue/Lime Green) (1:64) #DCP32967 - $74.95
Peterbilt 379 w/Grain Trailer (White) (1:64) - NEW! #DCP33146 - $69.95
Peterbilt 379 with MAC Square Bottom Three-Axle Coal Trailer “Dave Friend” (1:64) Very Limited! #DCP33079 - $89.95
Kenworth K100 COE w/Kentucky Moving Van Trailer (Orange/Black) (1:64) #DCP33029 - $69.95
Kenworth W900 Day Cab w/Anhydrous Tanker “Iowa Tank Lines” (1:64) #DCP33000 - $74.95
Kenworth K100 COE w/Flatbed Trailer & Resin Jersey Barrier Load (Blue/White) (1:64) #DCP32969 - $74.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Santiam by Beaver (1:64) - Very Limited! #DCP20023 - $79.95
Peterbilt 379 w/Lowboy & Flip Axle “Spike Transportion” (1:64) #DCP32926 - $89.95
Kenworth K100 COE w/Flatbed Trailer & Resin Crate Load (Black/Orange) (1:64) #DCP32968 - $74.95
Kenworth W900 w/2-Axle Livestock Trailer (Red) (1:64) #DCP33026 - $79.95
Mack Pinnacle w/Double 28’ Pup Trailers “UPS” (1:64) #PEM-12-0034-01 - $69.95
International 4300 Eagle (Dark Green Poly) w/Wilson 40’ Livestock Trailer (1:64) #TSR30012 - $64.95
Tractor Trailer “UPS” (1:64) #RT4348 - $24.95
International 8600 T/T (White - Undecorated) w/Single Rear Door (1:64) #SC34549 - $33.95
Peterbilt 379 “AGCO Dealer Parts” (1:64) [3/14] #SC35118 - $37.95
Case IH Peterbilt 387 T/T “If It Ain’t Red” (1:64) #SC-ZJD-1704 - $34.95
Peterbilt 387 (Red - Undecorated) w/Flatbed Trailer (1:64) #SC33621 - $33.95 VW Panel Van (1:64) #GL96080-K - $3.95
New Holland Dealer Truck with T7030 Tractor (1:64) - NEW! #E13835 - $14.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Magnum Tractor Hauling Set - Case-IH Semi-Truck w/2 Tractors (1:64) #E14823 - $29.95
Case-IH Dealer Truck with Kenworth T800 Dump Puma Tractor (1:64) - NEW! Truck (Yellow) (1:64) #E14869 - $15.95 #PEM-M84310 - $39.95
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2013 International Durastar International 4300 Eagle International 4300 Eagle 4400 Flatbed (White/Black) Tractor (Chesnut Poly) (1:64) Tractor (Red) (1:64) - NEW! (1:64) [5/14] NEW! #TSR30015 - $39.50 #TSR30017 - $39.50 #GL29766 - $9.95
International 4300 Eagle (School Bus Yellow) (1:64) NEW! #TSR30009 - $39.50
International 4300 Eagle Tractor (White) (1:64) #TSR30010 - $39.50
International Rollback International Box Truck “Busted Knuckle Garage” “Busted Knuckle Garage” (Set of 4) (1:64) - NEW! (Set of 3) (1:64) - NEW! #SUN2106BK-SET - $24.95 #SUN2112BK-SET - $19.95
Freightliner FLD120 w/48’ Van “Central Transport” (1:54) #FG59-0192 - $44.95
International Work Truck (Set of 4) (1:64) - NEW! #SUN2113D-SET - $24.95
Kenworth T880 w/Tri-Axle Lowboy Trailer (Aztec Gold/Black) (1:50) [4/14] #FG50-3284 - $91.95
Kenworth T880 w/Vactor Kenworth T880 Dump Truck 2100 Plus PD Comboination (Red/Silver) (1:50) [4/14] Sewer Cleaner (White/Blue) #FG50-3279 - $65.95 (1:50) - NEW! #FG50-3278 - $78.95
International COE, Kenworth & Trailer Kenworth W925 Lowboy w/Boat Load (1:50) (Set of 2) “Best Haul Transport Co.” (1:50) #C55709 - $129.95 #C24902 - $89.95
1971 Diamond Reo Tractor (Red) (1:43) - NEW! #AE185813 - $99.95
1947 Chevy Stylemaster Sedan Delivery “Labatt’s” (Red) (1:43) [2 QTR] #BR-BK-136-1 - $199.95
Postal Delivery Van (1:50) #SUN2101D - $6.95
1934 Ford BB-157 Tanker Truck (Red/Black) (1:43) #PH18383 - $24.95
1934 Ford BB-157 Coal Truck (Red/Black) (1:43) #PH18382 - $24.95
Nissan Diesel UD Mixer (Salmon/White) (1:50) #TIN18911-SA - $14.95
1934 Ford BB-157 Stake 1930 Chevy Stake Bed Truck 1934 Ford BB-157 Wrecker Truck (Green/Black) (1:43) (Black) (1:43) Truck (Black) (1:43) #PH18380 - $24.95 #E4941 - $14.95 #PH18381 - $24.95
Ice Cream Truck (1:43) #KIN5253D - $6.95
Tacos Truck (1:43) #KIN5255D - $6.95
Package Truck “UPS” (1:43) #RT4349 - $11.95
Kenworth W900 w/Livestock Trailer (1:43) #NR15243 - $14.95 Kenworth W900 w/Livestock Trailer (1:43) & Cattle (1:32) (1:43) #NR15365 - $29.95
Garbage Truck (Orange) (1:50) #RT38330-OR - $14.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Kenworth T800 w/Nelson Bridge Beam Trailer (1:50) [3 QTR] #SW2037 - Call!
International Prostar w/Great Dane Trailer “UPS” (1:53) #TR-10014001 - $59.95
Kenworth T880 w/Tri-Axle Lowboy “Komatsu” (1:50) [5/14] #FG50-3281 - $91.95
International DuraStar Delivery Truck “Phillips 66” (1:50) - NEW! #FG50-3275 - $59.95
International Box Truck (White - Undecorated) (1:64) #SUN2112WD - $6.95
Peterbilt 379 w/Nelson Bridge Beam Trailer (Red) (1:50) [3 QTR] #SW2035 - Call!
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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Kenworth W900 Double Auto Carrier (Red) Kenworth W900 Double Auto Carrier (Black) (1:43) #NR15213 - $14.95 (1:43) #NR15213BK - $14.95
Kenworth W900 Flatbed w/Long Pipes (White) (1:43) #NR15363A - $14.95
Mack TerraPro w/Front Load Refuse Truck and Bin “Waste Management” (1:34) [4/14] #FG10-4001 - $108.95
Mack Granite Dump Truck (Red/White/Blue) (1:34) [4/14] #FG10-3994 - $108.95
Mack Granite Cement Mixer (Red/White/Blue) (1:34) [4/14] #FG10-3995 - $108.95
1965 Ford F-100 “Good Humor Ice Cream” (1:18) #SS1288 - $79.95
1953 Chevrolet 3100 Ice Cream Truck (White) (1:32) #SM32396WH - $14.95
Mack Granite Material Handler “World of Concrete” w/Form Load (1:34) - SALE! #FG19-3515 - $59.99
Kenworth W900 w/Grain Hauler (1:43) #NR15833 - $14.95
A 1953 Mack B-61 w/Livestock Trailer (1:43) Kenworth W900 Tandem Dump Truck (1:43) #NR16113 - $14.95 #NR15223 - $14.95
International 4200 Bucket International 4200 Auger/ Truck (White) (1:43) Digger Truck (White) (1:43) #NR15913-BUCKET - $11.95 #NR15913-DIGGER - $11.95
Freightliner M2 Box Truck (White) (1:43) #NR16003-BOX - $10.95
A: 1925 Ford Model T Pickup C: 1920 White Motors Pickup E: 1931 Ford Model A Pickup (White) (1:32) (Black) (1:32) (Green) (1:32) #SM32393WH - $14.95 #NR-SS-55113A - $14.95 #NR-SS-55143A - $14.95 B: 1950 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup w/Barrels (1:32) #SM32391GR - $14.95 1954 Chevy “NAPA Auto Parts” (1:25) SALE! #SC54081 - $14.99
D: 1923 Ford Model TT F: 1928 Chevy Pickup Truck Pickup Truck “Saw Mill” (1:32) “Pennzoil” (1:32) #SM32385GR - $14.95 #NR-SS-55003A - $14.95
Fire & EMS
Ford Pick Up w/Horse Trailer (1:43) #NR19413 - $15.95 New! 1966 Cadillac S&S Ambulance (White) (1:87) #AE174802 - $44.95
International 4200 Roll-Back Truck (1:43) #NR15903-ROL - $10.95
Pepsi-Cola 1942 Ford Pickup w/Barrels (1:43) #GB56962 - $12.95
Kenworth W900 Cement Mixer (Yellow/Silver) (1:32) #NR10053 - $19.95
Mack Vision Tractor (Black) (1:32) #NR52793A - $17.95
Peterbilt Box Truck (White) (1:32) #NR10243 - $17.95
2011 Ford Crown Victoria “FDNY” (1:64) [5/14] #GL29772 - $5.95
1960 Mack C Fire Rescue (Red) (1:50) (1:50) #SM32425RD - $19.95
Peter Pirsch & Sons Canopy Cab Pumper “Milwaukee Fire Department” (1:50) #C53606 - $39.95
1960 Mack C Fire Rescue (Yellow) (1:50) (1:50) #SM32425YW - $19.95
1960 Mack C Fire Truck (Red) (1:50) (1:50) #SM32372RD - $19.95
Great Outdoors Pickups (Set of 3) (1:43) #GB56991-SET - $29.95 _
Freightliner w/Reefer Trailer (1:32) [4/14] #RMX1981 - $24.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Fire Aerial Ladder Peter Pirsch & Sons Closed Trucks (Set of 2) (1:50) #KIN7000-SET Fire Aerial Ladder Truck (5”) Cab Sedan “Sarasota, FL” $14.95 (1:50) #C53607 - $39.95 (1:64) #PB9921-2 - $6.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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Fire & EMS
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1957 Chevy Bel Air Fire Chief Car (1:43) - NEW! #KIN5325D - $6.95
1950 Ford 2-Door Coupe Fire Chief Car (Red/Black) (1:43) - NEW! #FR-FRD-107 - $26.95
1960 Miller-Meteor Cadillac Ford E-Series Ambulance “Guardian” Ambulance (1:43) - $5.95 Ea. (White/Gold) (1:43) A: #KIN5259-RD - (Red) #BR-CSV-16 - $159.95 B: #KIN5259-WH - (White)
2011 Chevy Tahoe “Philadelphia Fire Dept.” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-TAH-139 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe “Denver International Airport Fire Dept.” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-TAH-140 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Fire/EMS Ahrens-Fox VC Fire Pumper Ahrens-Fox VC Fire Pumper (Yellow) (1:43) (Red) (1:43) (Red - Undecorated) (1:43) #YM43003 - $19.95 #YM43003RD - $19.95 #FR-TAH-006 - $21.95
1986 Chevrolet G30 Ambulance (1:43) [3/14] #MX-20302-391 - $89.95
Ahrens-Fox N-S-4 Fire Pumper (Red) (1:43) #YM43004 - $19.95
1962 DAF A 1600 Fire Ladder Truck (Red) (1:43) #YM43016 - $19.95
1939 American LaFrance B-550RC Fire Engine (Red) (1:43) #YM43007 - $19.95
1932 Buffalo Type 50 Fire Engine (Red) (1:43) #YM43005 - $19.95
1935 Mack Type 75BX Fire Pumper (Red) (1:43) #YM43001 - $19.95
1939 Packard Fire Engine VW Window Bus “Fire Dept.” (1:43) #SM32400RD - $19.95 1923 Maxim C1 Fire Pumper (1:43) #YM43211RD - $14.95 (1:43) #YM43002 - $19.95 1921 American LaFrance Fire Truck (Red) (1:32) #SM32371 - $19.95 1928 Reo Fire Truck (1:32) #SM32308RD - $19.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Hero Patrol - Series #6A 1951 Ward LaFrance Open (Set of 6) (1:64) Cab Pumper “Perry Fire #JAD14016-SET-6A - $26.95 Dept.” (Red) (1:34) #FG18-3876 - $54.95
1993 Ford Mustang “San Francisco Police Dept.” (1:64) - NEW! #GL42690-B - $4.95
2012 Dodge Charger Police Car (White - Undecorated) (1:64) #GL50752C - $5.95 1924 Chevy 1-Ton Series H Ambulance (1:32) #NR-SS-55073A - $14.95 NYPD Dodge Charger Police NYPD (New York City Police Department) 5-Car Diorama Car (1:43) (1:64) [5/14] #NY71694 - $10.95 #GL56080 - $24.95 1926 Ford Fire Truck “Chicago Fire Dept.” (1:32) #SM32313RD - $19.95
NYPD Road Accessory Pack Chevy 1500 Silverado Pickup “U.S. Forest Service” (4 x NYC DOT Traffic Barrels & 2 x Barriers) (1:64) - NEW! w/Speed Boat & Trailer #GL13068 - $3.95 (1:43) #GB00941 - $14.95
NYC Police Van (1:43) #SUN9951DNY - $5.95
Blues Bros. 23rd Street Diorama (Set of 5) New York City Traffic Scene (5-Car Diorama (1:64) #GL56070 - $26.95 Set) (1:64) [6/14] GL56090-SET - $24.95
1973 Chevy Bel Air “Chicago 1978 Dodge Monaco Police” (1:43) “California Highway Patrol” #IX-PRD235 - $44.95 (1:43) - SALE! #AE169233 - $69.99
1959 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer 2-Door Hardtop Coupe “C.H.P.” (1:43) [3/14] #AE192763 - $79.95
1957 Ford Fairlane Chicago Police Ford Crown Vic. Ford Crown Vic “Raleigh, “C.H.P” (1:43) - NEW! (1:43) #PT9985-CG - $6.95 NC” (1:43) #GB27282 - $14.95 #RC46104 - $7.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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O-Scale 1950 Ford Railroad Police - (1:43)
#FR50-BORDER......... “Border Patrol”.....................................................................$24.95 #FR50-CITY-1............. “City Police” (Gold Shield)...................................................$24.95 #FR50-CITY-2............. “City Police” (Black Shield)..................................................$24.95 #FR50-COUNTY-1...... “County Sheriff’s Department”.............................................$24.95 #FR50-COUNTY-2...... “County Sheriff’s Office”.......................................................$24.95 #FR50-COUNTY-3...... “Sheriff” (6-Point Star)..........................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-1................ “Railroad Police”..................................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-AA.............. “Ann Arbor Railroad Police”.................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-AAR........... “Alaska Railroad Police”......................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-ACL........... “Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Police”...................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-BAR........... “Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Police”.................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-BLE........... “Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Police”.............................$24.95 #FR50-RR-BM............. “Boston & Maine Railroad Police”........................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-BO............. “B&O Railroad Police”.........................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-BRC........... “Belt Railway of Chicago Railroad Police”...........................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CA............. “Chicago & Alton Railroad Police”.......................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CBQ.......... “Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Police”................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CG............. “Central of Georgia Railroad Police”....................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CGW......... “Chicago Great Western Railway Police”............................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CN............. “Canadian National Railways Police”...................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CNJ........... “Central of New Jersey Police”............................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CNW.......... “Chicago and North Western Railroad Police”.....................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CO............. “Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Police”..................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CPR........... “Canadian Pacific Railroad Police”......................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-CV............. “Central Vermont Railway Police”........................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-DH............. “Delaware & Hudson Railroad Police”.................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-DLW.......... “Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Police”..........$24.95 #FR50-RR-DMIR......... “Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Railroad Police”.................$24.95 #FR50-RR-DRGW....... “Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Police”................$24.95 #FR50-RR-DTI............ “Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad Police”..........................$24.95 #FR50-RR-ERIE.......... “Erie Railroad Police”...........................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-FC............. “Frankfort & Cincinnati Railroad Police”...............................$24.95 #FR50-RR-FEC........... “Florida East Coast Railroad Police”....................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-GBW.......... “Green Bay & Western Railroad Police”..............................$24.95 #FR50-RR-GMO.......... “GM&O Railroad Police”......................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-GN............. “Great Northern Railroad Police”.........................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-GTW.......... “Grand Trunk Western Railroad Police”...............................$24.95 #FR50-RR-IC............... “Illinois Central Police”.........................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-KCS........... “Kansas City Southern Railroad Police”..............................$24.95 #FR50-RR-LI............... “Long Island Railroad Police”..............................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-LN.............. “L&N Railroad Police”..........................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-LNE........... “Lehigh and New England Railroad Police”.........................$24.95 #FR50-RR-LV.............. “Lehigh Valley Railroad Police”............................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-MEC.......... “Maine Central Railroad Police”...........................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-MILW......... “Milwaukee Road Railroad Police”.......................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-MKT........... “Missouri-Kansas-Texas (The Katy) Railroad Police”..........$24.95 #FR50-RR-MON.......... “Monon Railroad Police”......................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-MP............. “Missouri Pacific Railroad Police”........................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-MPA........... “Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad Police”.........................$24.95 #FR50-RR-MSTL......... “Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Police”...........................$24.95 #FR50-RR-MTR.......... “Montour Railroad Police”....................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-NH............. “New Haven Railroad Police”..............................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-NKP........... “Nickel Plate Road Railroad Police”.....................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-NP............. “Northern Pacific Railroad Police”........................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-NW............ “Norfolk & Western Railway Police”.....................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-NYC-1....... “New York Central Railroad Police”.....................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-NYC-2....... “New York Central M.O.W. Dept. Supervisor”......................$24.95 #FR50-RR-NYOW....... “New York, Ontario and Western Railroad Police”...............$24.95 #FR50-RR-PLE........... “Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Police”..........................$24.95 #FR50-RR-PRR-1....... “Pennsylvania Railroad Police”............................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-PRR-2....... “Pennsylvania Railroad Yard Superintendent”.....................$24.95 #FR50-RR-PSR........... “Pittsburg & Shawmut Railroad Police”................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-PWV.......... “Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Police”........................$24.95 #FR50-RR-RDG.......... “Reading Lines Railroad Police”..........................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-RFP........... “Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R.R. Police”...........$24.95 #FR50-RR-ROCK........ “Rock Island Railroad Police”..............................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-RUT........... “Rutland Railroad Police”.....................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-SAL........... “Seaboard Air Line Railroad Police”....................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-SF.............. “Santa Fe Railway Police”...................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-SLSF......... “Frisco Railroad Police”.......................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-SOU.......... “Southern Railway Railroad Police”.....................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-SP............. “Southern Pacific Railroad Police”.......................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-SPS........... “Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Police”.....................$24.95 #FR50-RR-SSW.......... “St. Louis Southwestern Railroad Police”............................$24.95 #FR50-RR-TP.............. “Texas & Pacific Railroad Police”.........................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-UP............. “Union Pacific Railroad Police”............................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-VGN.......... “Virginia Railway Police”......................................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-WAB.......... “Wabash M.O.W. Dept. Supervisor”....................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-WM............ “Western Maryland Railroad Police”....................................$24.95 #FR50-RR-WP............ “Western Pacific Railroad Police”........................................$24.95 To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Police Wrecker (1:50) #RT38932P - $24.95
1978 Dodge Monaco “Sheriff” (1:43) [3/14] #AE176546 - $74.95
1973 Dodge Cornet “Monterey Sheriff” (1:43) #MX-20405-152 - $89.95
2009 Chevy Suburban “FBI” (1:43) - SALE! #MP100563 - $19.99
LAPD Ford Crown Victoria Police Car (1:43) #RT8315 - $9.95
Ford Police Interceptor Concept (Black/White) (1:43) #MM79452A - $9.95
2010 Dodge Charger “Lebanon Police” (1:43) #FR-DC-044 - $23.95
2010 Dodge Charger “Mestska Police, Czech Republic” (1:43) #FR-DC-045 - $23.95
2010 Dodge Charger “Nebraska State Patrol 75th Anniversary” (1:43) #FR-PR-140 - $25.95
Ford Crown Victoria “Kansas Highway Patrol 75th Anniversary” (1:43) #FR-PR-128 - $23.95
Ford Crown Victoria “Lexington, KY” (1:43) #FR-PR-136 - $25.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “US Fish & Wildlife Service” (1:43) #FR-PR-142 - $28.95
Ford Crown Victoria “RCMP” Ford Crown Victoria “RCMP” 2011 Chevy Tahoe Police (Retro Black/White) (1:43) (Retro Blue/White) (1:43) “Georgia State Patrol” (1:43) #FR-FCV-106 - $23.95 #FR-FCV-107 - $23.95 #FR-TAH-101 - $26.95
Ford Crown Victoria “Georgia State Police” (1:43) #FR-FCV-103 - $23.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police (Undecorated) (1:43) - $21.95 Ea. E A: #FR-TAH-001 - (White) B: #FR-TAH-002 - (Black) C: #FR-TAH-003 - (Black w/2 __White Doors & White Roof) D: #FR-TAH-004 - (Blue) Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Louisiana State Police 75th Anniversary” (1:43) #FR-TAH-102 - $26.95 2011 Chevy Tahoe Police (Undecorated) (1:43) - $21.95 Ea. E: #FR-TAH-005 - (Silver) F: #FR-TAH-007 - (Black __w/4 White Doors & __White Roof)
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2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Oregon State Police” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-TAH-130 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Alaska State Troopers” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-TAH-137 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “North Carolina Highway Patrol” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-TAH-138 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police 2011 Chevy Tahoe Police 2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Maryland State Police” “Missouri State Patrol” (1:43) “Washington State Patrol” (1:43) #FR-TAH-103 - $26.95 #FR-TAH-105 - $26.95 (1:43) #FR-TAH-110 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Mississippi Highway Patrol” (1:43) #FR-TAH-112 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Minnesota State Patrol” (1:43) #FR-TAH-116 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “O.P.P.” (1:43) #FR-TAH-113 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “New Hampshire State Police” (1:43) #FR-TAH-118 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “U.S. Border Patrol” (1:43) #FR-TAH-115 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “California Highway Patrol” (1:43) #FR-TAH-119 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Iowa State Patrol” (1:43) #FR-TAH-128 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police 2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Ohio State Highway Patrol” “Oklahoma Highway Patrol” (1:43) #FR-TAH-129 - $26.95 (1:43) #FR-TAH-131 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Nevada Highway Patrol” (1:43) #FR-TAH-132 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “San Francisco” (1:43) #FR-TAH-133 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Alabama Highway Patrol” (1:43) #FR-TAH-134 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Amtrak Police K-9” (1:43) #FR-TAH-135 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Philadelphia, PA” (1:43) #FR-TAH-136 - $26.95
2012 Dodge Charger Police “Amtrak Police” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-CHG-108 - $26.95
2012 Dodge Charger Police 2012 Dodge Charger Police “Oregon State Police” “U.S. Customs & Border (1:43) - NEW! Protection” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-CHG-111 - $26.95 #FR-CHG-112 - $26.95
2012 Dodge Charger Police 2012 Dodge Charger Police “Indiana State Police” (1:43) “Michigan State Police” #FR-CHG-102 - $26.95 (1:43) #FR-CHG-101 - $26.95 2012 Dodge Charger Police “Iowa State Patrol” (1:43) 2012 Dodge Charger Police #FR-CHG-106 $26.95 (Undecorated) (1:43) - $21.95 Ea. A: #FR-CHG-001 - (White) B: #FR-CHG-002 - (Black) C: #FR-CHG-003 - (Black w/4 __White Doors & Black Roof) D: #FR-CHG-004 - (Black w/4 __White Doors & White Roof) E: #FR-CHG-005 - (Silver) 2012 Dodge Charger Police (1:43) - $26.95 Ea. F: #FR-CHG-006 - (Granite #FR-CHG-107 - “Missouri State Patrol” __Crystal Dark Gray) #FR-CHG-109 - “Georgia State Patrol” G: #FR-CHG-007 - (Gold) G
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police 2011 Chevy Tahoe Police 2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “Illinois State Police” (1:43) “Texas Highway Patrol” “Arizona Highway Patrol” #FR-TAH-120 - $26.95 (1:43) #FR-TAH-122 - $26.95 (1:43) #FR-TAH-123 - $26.95
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police (1:43) - $26.95 Ea. #FR-TAH-126 - “Virginia State Police” #FR-TAH-127 - “Union Pacific Police K-9”
2011 Chevy Tahoe Police “New Mexico State Police” (1:43) #FR-TAH-124 - $26.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan “San Francisco Police Dept.” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-FRD-101 - $26.95
1949 Ford 2-Door Coupe “Chicago Police Dept.” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-FRD-104 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan “Illinois State Police” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-FRD-102 - $26.95
1949 Ford 2-Door Coupe “North Carolina Highway Patrol” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-FRD-105 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan “New York State Police” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-FRD-103 - $26.95
1950 Ford 2-Door Coupe “Kentucky State Police” (1:43) - NEW! #FR-FRD-106 - $26.95
1985 Dodge Diplomat Police 1985 Dodge Diplomat Police 1985 Dodge Diplomat Police “Nevada Highway Patrol” “Minnesota State Patrol” “Kansas Highway Patrol” (1:43) #FR-DIP-114 - $25.95 (1:43) #FR-DIP-113 - $25.95 (1:43) #FR-DIP-112 - $25.95
1985 Dodge Diplomat Police 1985 Dodge Diplomat Police 1985 Dodge Diplomat Police “New York State Police” “Virginia State Police” (1:43) “Wisconsin State Patrol” (1:43) #FR-DIP-115 - $25.95 #FR-DIP-117 - $25.95 (1:43) #FR-DIP-118 - $25.95
1985 Dodge Diplomat Police 1985 Dodge Diplomat Police 1985 Dodge Diplomat Police “Alaska State Trooper” (1:43) “New Mexico State Police” “Washington, DC” (1:43) #FR-DIP-119 - $25.95 (1:43) #FR-DIP-124 - $25.95 #FR-DIP-127 - $25.95
2011 Chevy Impala Police 2011 Chevy Impala Police 2011 Chevy Impala Police (White - Undecorated) (1:43) (Black/White - Undecorated) (Black - Undecorated) (1:43) #FR-IMP-001 - $20.95 w/4 White Doors & White #FR-IMP-003 - $20.95 Roof (1:43) #FR-IMP-002 - $20.95
2011 Chevy Impala Police “Illinois State Police” (1:43) #FR-IMP-102 - $25.95
2011 Chevy Impala Police “Baltimore, MD” (1:43) #FR-IMP-101 - $25.95
2011 Chevy Impala Police “West Virginia State Police” (1:43) #FR-IMP-103 - $25.95
1985 Dodge Diplomat Police 2011 Chevy Impala Police “Illinois State Police” (1:43) “Montana Highway Patrol” #FR-DIP-103 - $25.95 (1:43) #FR-IMP-104 - $25.95
1985 Dodge Diplomat Police (White 1985 Dodge Diplomat Police 1985 Dodge Diplomat Police Undecorated) (1:43) “Ohio Highway Patrol” (1:43) “Idaho State Police” (1:43) #FR-DIP-001 - $20.95 #FR-DIP-104 - $25.95 #FR-DIP-111 - $25.95 To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Dodge Challenger Police (Black/White) (1:24) [3/14] #MA31342-BK - $16.95
2006 Dodge Challenger Police Concept (Black) (1:18) [3/14] #MA31365-BK - $31.95
1985 Dodge Diplomat Police “Philadelphia, PA” (1:43) #FR-DIP-131 - $25.95 A
Ford Police Interceptor Concept (Undecorated) (1:43) - $16.95 Ea. 1939 Ford Deluxe Police (1:18) 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T A: #MM76924 - (White) [3/14] #MA31366-BK - $31.95 Police (Blue) (1:24) [3/14] B: #MM76925 - (Black w/4 #MA31129-BL - $16.95 __White Doors & White Roof) C D C: Ford Police Interceptor Demo (1:24) #MM76923 - $16.95 1974 Dodge Monaco “Massuchusetts State Police” Ford Crown Victoria Police D: Dodge Charger Promotional Police (1:24) #NR71906 - $14.95 (1:18) [4/14] #AMM1023 - $79.95 Car (White) (1:18) E F #MM73517 - $28.95
1974 Dodge Monaco “Chicago Police” (1:18) #AMM987 - $74.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
E: 2012 Dodge Charger (White - Undecorated) (1:24) #MM76934 - $16.95 1975 Dodge Monaco “Illinois F: 2000 Ford Expedition State Police” (1:18) - NEW! “RCMP” (1:24) #AMM1019 - $69.95 #MM76919 - $16.95
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2011 Ford Crown Victoria “New York City Taxi” (1:64) [6/14] #GL29773 - $4.95
1977 Dodge Monaco Taxi (1:64) #JL39595 - $4.95
1977 Checker Taxi (1:43) [5/14] #GL86041 - $16.95
New York City Checker Taxi (1:43) - NEW! #PT9589NY - $6.95
New York City Minivan Taxi (1:43) - NEW! #PT9871D - $6.95
1957 Chevy Bel Air Taxi (1:43) #KIN5360D - $6.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Taxi “Yellow Cab Co.” (1:43) #AHM43-303 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Taxi “Yellow Cab Co.” (1:43) #AHM43-304 - $26.95
1985 Dodge Diplomat “Yellow Cab Co.” (1:43) #FR-DIP-008 - $25.95
1985 Dodge Diplomat “Chicago Taxi” (1:43) #AHM43-701 - $24.95
1980 Checker Taxi “New York City” (1:43) #WB024 - $29.95
1973 Chevy Bel Air “New York Taxi” (1:43) #IX-PRD234 - $44.95
Chicago Taxi w/Advertising Sign (1:43) #PT9989-CG - $6.95
New York Taxi w/Advertising Sign (1:43) #PT9989D-A - $4.95
New York Taxi w/Taxi Number Sign (1:43) #PT9989D-B - $4.95
1981 Checker A11 Taxi “Los Angeles” (1:18) #SS2503 - $57.95
1977 Checker Taxi Cab (1:18) - NEW! #GL12887 - $59.95
1981 Checker A11 Taxi “Chicago” (1:18) #SS2502 - $57.95
1950 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith “Japanese Imperial” Limousine (1:43) #TSM104313 - $99.95
Daimler DS420 Wedding Car Daimler DS420 ‘Queen Mum’ 1956 Cadillac Series 62 (1:43) [3/14] Car (Claret/Black) (1:43) Presidential Limousine (1:32) #OX-DS001W - $36.95 [2 QTR] #OX-DS004 - $36.95 #SM32356BK - $14.95
1937 Studebaker Hearse (1:43) #PH18375 - $26.95
1938 Mercedes-Benz 770K Sedan (Black) (1:43) #SM43701BK - $29.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
1966 Cadillac S&S Landau Hearse (1:87) - NEW! #AE176631 - $44.95
1966 Cadillac S&S Landau Hearse (1:87) - NEW! #AE181616 - $44.95
1934 Miller-Buick Art Model 1954 Henney-Packard Funeral Coach (1:43) Landaulet Funeral Coach #BR-CSV-12 - $159.95 (1:43) #BR-CSV-17 - $159.95
1957 Rolls-Royce S&S Hearse (1:43) - NEW! #MX-41705-061 - $92.95 A B 1950 Plymouth 4-Door 1941 Chevy Pickup (1:87) Sedan (Channel Green) [3/14] #CMW30366 - $13.95 (1:87) #CMW30330 - $10.95
D 1958 Edsel Citation (1:87) [3/14] - $8.95 Ea.
1938 Mercedes-Benz 770K Convertible (Black) (1:43) #SM43700BK - $29.95
Hummer H2 Stretch Limousine (1:43) - NEW! #AE186351 - $109.95
1958 Cadillac Series 75 1963 Mercedes 600 1968 Rolls-Royce Phantom Limousine Bubble-Top Limousine (Midnight Blue) V MPW Limousine (1:18) “Queen Elizabeth II” (1:43) (1:43) #ALT-183613 - $29.95 #PAR98211 - $174.95 NEW! #TSM114334 - $94.95
Ford Taxi “New York City” (1:43) #RT8948 - $9.95
1941 Packard 180 7-Passenger Limousine (1:43) #EM-P-4301B - $94.95
A: #OX-87ED58001 - (Black & Amber __ Red) B: #OX-87ED58002 - (Yellow & Frost __ White) C: #OX-87ED58003 - (Chalk Pink & __ Frost White) D: #OX-87ED58004 - (Gold Metallic __ & Frost White) Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
1941 Lincoln Continental (1:87) [3/14] - $8.95 Ea. E: #OX-87LC41001 __ __ G: #OX-87LC41003 __ __ __ (Maroon) __ (Pewter Grey) F: #OX-87LC41002 H: #OX-87LC41004 __ __ __ (Spode Green) __ (Rockingham Tan)
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Autos A
1949 Mercury 8 Coupe (1:87) [3/14] - $8.95 Ea.
A: #OX-87ME49001 - (Adelia Green __ & Mogul Green) B: #OX-87ME49002 - (Bermuda __ __ Cream) C: #OX-87ME49003 - (Pirate Red) D: #OX-87ME49004 - (Lima Tan & __ __ Haiti Beige)
1931 Ford Model A Pickup (Black) (1:87) #ATH26420 - $10.95 Motor World Series 10 (12-Car Set) (1:64) #GL96100-SET - $38.95
1949 Mercury 8 Coupe (1:87) [3/14] - $8.95 Ea.
E: #OX-87TH56001 - (Sunset Coral __& Colonial White) F: #OX-87TH56002 - (Peacock Blue __& Colonial White) G: #OX-87TH56003 - (Sage Green __& Colonial White) H: #OX-87TH56004 - (Fiesta Red __& Colonial White)
Auto-Thentics Series 22 (Set of 3) (1:64) - NEW! #M2-31500-22 - $14.95
Auto World Diecast Release 2A (Set of 6) (1:64) [3/14] #AW64011-A - $20.95
Auto World Diecast Release 2B (Set of 6) (1:64) [3/14] #AW64011-B - $20.95
Auto World Detailed Diecast Release 2A Auto World Detailed Diecast Release 2B (Set of 6) (1:64) [3/14] #AW64012-A - $41.95(Set of 6) (1:64) [3/14] #AW64012-B - $41.95
Auto World Licensed Diecast Release 2A Auto World Licensed Diecast Release 2B (Set of 6) (1:64) [3/14] #AW64013-A - $47.95(Set of 6) (1:64) [3/14] #AW64013-B - $47.95
1968 Shelby GT500KR (Set of 2) (1:64) #M2-31600-20-ST3 - $10.95
1999 Pontiac Firebird (1:64) #GL96090-B - $3.95
Auto-Thentics Series 23 (Set of 3) (1:64) - NEW! #M2-31500-23 - $14.95
Auto World Licensed Diecast Release B (Set of 6) (1:64) #AW64003-48B - $47.95
1972 Chevrolet C20 Cheyenne Pickup w/Camper (1:64) #GL29765 - $9.95
1967 Ford Mustang Coupe “Ski Country Special” (Aspen Red w/Black Stripes & Black Vinyl Roof) (1:64) [3/14] #GL29771 - $4.95
1965 Shelby GT350 & GT350R (White w/Blue Stripes) (Set of 2) (1:64) #M2-31600-20-ST2 - $10.95
Auto World Licensed Diecast Release A (Set of 6) (1:64) #AW64003-48A - $47.95
Jeep Cherokee (Metallic Green) (1:64) #JL39592 - $5.95
1965 International 1200 Pickup Truck (Green) (1:64) #JL39590 - $5.95
1983 Jeep Wagoneer (Gold) (1:64) #JL39594 - $5.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Ford F-350 Super Duty Dually Pickup (Blue) (1:64) #E39445 - $6.95
2012 Dodge Ram 2500 Pickup (Black) (1:64) #E46246BK - $5.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Ford F-250 XLT Super Cab and 8’ Bed (1:50) [7/14] - $39.95 Ea. #SW1100-A - (Gray) #SW1100-K - (Black) #SW1100-R - (Red) #SW1100-W - (White)
Ford F-250 XLT Super Crew Cab and 8’ Bed (1:50) [7/14] - $39.95 Ea. #SW1200-A - (Gray) #SW1200-K - (Black) #SW1200-R - (Red) #SW1200-W - (White)
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Chevrolet Corvette Corvair (Concept) (1:43) [4/14] #MX-20302-091 - $92.95
1938 Opel Admiral Cabriolet (Maroon/Ivory) (1:43) [4/14] #MX-41502-031 - $88.95
1953 Ghia New Yorker (Green Metallic) (1:43) [3/14] #MX-20303-052 - $92.95
1965 Buick Sport Wagon (Red/White) (1:43) [3/14] #MX-20206-112 - $89.95
1960 Dodge Polara 2-Door Hardtop Coupe (Metallic Light Lilac) (1:43) [3/14] #AE185458 - $79.95
1954 Pontiac Bonneville Special Dream Car (Bronze) (1:43) - NEW! #AE185594 - $69.95
1963 Ford Thunderbird Italian Fastback Concept (Red Metallic) (1:43) [4/14] #MX-40603-031 - $88.95
1964 Aston Martin DB5 “Shooting Brake by Harold Radford” (1:43) [3/14] #MX-10108-051 - $89.95
1957 Freestone & Webb Design #3206 Saloon (Maroon) (1:43) [3/14] #MX-11705-031 - $92.95
1941 Lincoln Continental (Maroon) (1:43) [3/14] #AC-SD02B - $17.95
1959 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer Convertible (Pink) (1:43) - SALE! #AE184859 - $69.99
1961 Jensen 541S (Red/White) (1:43) [5/14] #MX-41002-061 - $84.95
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1959 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer 2-Door Hardtop Coupe (Red/White) (1:43) NEW! #AE193412 - $79.95
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1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan “U.S. Army” (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-312 - $26.95
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1986 Ford Crown Victoria (Silver/Red) (1:43) - NEW! #MX-20603-402 - $89.95
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1941 Ford Super Deluxe (Seminole Brown) (1:43) #AHM43-203 - $26.95
1941 Ford Super Deluxe (Colony Blue) (1:43) #AHM43-204 - $26.95
1941 Ford Super Deluxe (Black w/Red Wheels) (1:43) #AHM43-205 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan (Bimini Blue Poly) (1:43) #AHM43-301 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan (Black) (1:43) #AHM43-305 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan (Birch Gray) (1:43) #AHM43-306 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan (Sunland Beige) (1:43) #AHM43-308 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan (Sea Mist Green) (1:43) #AHM43-310 - $26.95
1949 Ford 2-Door Coupe (Colony Blue) (1:43) #AHM43-404 - $26.95
1949 Ford 2-Door Coupe (Meadow Green) (1:43) #AHM43-405 - $26.95
1949 Ford 2-Door Coupe 1949 Ford 2-Door Coupe (Midland Maroon Poly) (1:43) (Hawthorne Green Poly) #AHM43-406 - $26.95 (1:43) #AHM43-407 - $26.95
1958 Buick Century Caballero (Pink Metallic) (1:43) - SALE! #AE181427 - $59.99 1957 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible (Red) (1:43) - NEW! #AE186300 - $69.95
Bentley S1 Continental (1:43) - $36.95 Ea.
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1949 Ford 2-Door Coupe (Black) w/Fender Skirts (1:43) #AHM43-408 - $26.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
1985 Dodge Diplomat (1:43) - $19.95 Ea. #AHM43-702 - (Garnet Pearl Metallic) #AHM43-703 - (Glacier Blue Poly)
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2012 Dodge Charger R/T (Copperhead) (1:43) #AHM43-750 - $24.95
2012 Dodge Charger R/T (Jazz Blue) (1:43) #AHM43-752 - $24.95
2012 Dodge Charger R/T (Redline Red) (1:43) #AHM43-751 - $24.95
1955 Chevy Nomad (Blue/White) (1:43) - NEW! #KIN5331-BL - $6.95
1955 Chevy Nomad 1955 Chevy Nomad (Green/White) (1:43) - NEW! (Orange/White) (1:43) - NEW! #KIN5331-GR - $6.95 #KIN5331-OR - $6.95
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2011 Chevy Impala (Gold) (1:43) #AHM43-605 - $19.95
2011 Chevy Impala (Red) (1:43) #AHM43-606 - $19.95
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1963 Ford Galaxie 500 (1:43) #SPK2957 - $74.00
1936 Voisin Aerodine C25 (Black) (1:43) - NEW! #SPK2712 - $74.00
1958 Ford Edsel Citation Coupe (1:43) - NEW! #SPK2960 - $74.00
1938 Buick Limited “Derham” Town Car (Black Leather & Muscovado Poly) (1:43) - NEW! #BR-BC-027 - $129.50
1954 Plymouth Belvedere Suburban Station Wagon (Berkeley Green/Shasta) (1:43) - NEW! #BR-BK-123A - $137.50
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2015 Ford Transit Connect V408 Van (1:43) [3/14] #GL86044 - $13.95
2013 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 10th Anniversary (Billet Silver Metallic) (1:43) [4/14] #GL86046 - $11.95
1959 Ford Thunderbird (Brandywine Red) (1:43) #BR-BK-64B - $129.50
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1936 Stout Scarab (Silver Metallic) (1:43) #BR-BK-78A - $129.50 2014 Ford Transit Jumbo Delivery Van (Black) (1:43) #GL86040 - $12.95
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1950 Studebaker Land Cruiser 4-Door Sedan (1:43) 1955 Chrysler Windsor #BR-BK-104A - $129.50 Station Wagon (Jade Green Poly/Porcelain Green) (1:43) #BR-BK-138A - $133.50
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1973 Chevy Bel Air (Dark Green) (1:43) #IX-PRD233 - $44.95
1931 Daimler Double Six 50 Convertible (Black) (1:43) #IXM040 - $36.95
1971 Stutz Blackhawk Coupe (Silver/Black) (1:43) #IX-PRD035 - $44.95
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1971 Stutz Blackhawk Coupe (Black) (1:43) #IX-PRD015 - $44.95
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1958 Buick Special Convertible (Gray) (1:43) #VIT36261 - $29.95
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1956 Ford Fairline (Yellow/White) (1:43) #WB043 - $31.95
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1930 Cadillac Sedan (1:43) #WB028 - $34.95
1909 Ford Model T Touring (1:43) #WB035 - $32.95
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1953 Ford Crestline Open Convertible (Black) (1:43) #WE42331C-BK - $6.95
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1961 Bentley Continental S2 Park Ward (Silver) (1:43) 1957 Chevy Bel Air Hardtop #YM43214SL - $14.95 (Turquoise) (1:43) #YM94201TQ - $7.95
1948 Ford F1 Pickup (1:43) - $7.95 Ea. #YM94212BK - (Black) #YM94212CR - (Cream) #YM94212RD - (Red)
1979 Pontiac Trans Am (Silver) (1:43) #YM94239SL - $7.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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1953 Ford F-100 Pickup (Black) (1:43) #YM94204BK - $7.95
1957 Chevy Nomad 1955 Ford Crown Victoria (1:43) - $7.95 Ea. (1:43) - $7.95 Ea. #YM94203BL - (Blue/White) #YM94202GR - (Green) #YM94203RD - (Red/White) #YM94202RD - (Red)
1949 Cadillac Convertible (1:43) - $7.95 Ea. #YM94223BL - (Blue) #YM94223BU - (Burgundy)
1957 Ford Ranchero Pickup (1:43) - $7.95 Ea. #YM94215GR - (Green) #YM94215YW - (Yellow)
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1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk (1:43) - $7.95 Ea. #YM94254BK - (Black) #YM94254CL - (Claret)
1957 Mercury Turnpike (White) (1:43) #YM94253WH - $7.95
1955 Ford Thunderbird Convertible (Yellow) (1:32) #ARKO-05521 - $14.95
1948 Lincoln Continental (Yellow) (1:32) #ARKO-24801 - $14.95
1905 Buick Model C Touring (Black) (1:32) #ARKO-60501 - $14.95
1936 Dodge Pickup (Blue) (1:32) #SM32383BL - $14.95
1948 Ford Woody (1:43) - $7.95 Ea. #YM94251BU - (Burgundy) #YM94251TQ - (Turquoise)
1946 Ford Sportsman (Black) (1:32) #ARKO-04601 - $14.95
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1959 Chevy Impala Sedan (White) (1:32) #ARKO-35901 - $14.95
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1950 GMC Pickup (1:43) - $7.95 Ea. #YM94255BL - (Blue) #YM94255RD - (Burgundy)
1933 Cadillac Series 355C V8 Sedan (Red) (1:32) #SM32358RD - $14.95
1963 Studebaker Avanti (Black) (1:32) #SM32301BK - $17.95
1960 Ford Starliner (Orange) (1:26) [3/14] #MA31038-OR - $16.95
1965 Chevy Malibu SS (Yellow) (1:24) [3/14] #MA31138-YW - $16.95
1953 Chevrolet Corvette (White) (1:32) #SM32429WH - $14.95
Mini Countryman (Dark Brown) (1:24) #MA31273-BR - $13.95
Mini Countryman (Blue) (1:24) #MA31273-BL - $13.95
Volkswagen 1600 Notchback (Metallic Grey) (1:24) [3/14] #MA31042-GY - $16.95
1973 Ford F-100 Pickup (Blue/White) (1:25) #FG40-0316 - $49.95
2014 Corvette Stingray Convertible (Yellow) (1:24) #MA31501-YW - $13.95
2014 Corvette Stingray Coupe (Metallic Blue) (1:24) #MA31505-BL - $13.95
1941 Plymouth Pickup (Green) (1:24) #MM73278GR - $16.95
1956 Ford Pickup (Blue) (1:24) #MM73235BL - $16.95
1950 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup (Omaha Orange) (1:25) #MA31952-OR - $13.95
1954 Ford Customline (Peach) (1:32) #ARKO-05401 - $14.95
1964 Ford Galaxie (Blue) (1:32) #ARKO-06401 - $14.95
1948 Chevrolet Aerosedan Fleetline (Beige) (1:32) - NEW! #SM32437BE - $14.95
1932 Cadillac Fleetwood Sedan (Tan) (1:32) #SM32365TN - $14.95
1937 Studebaker Pickup (Burgundy) (1:32) #SM32418BU - $14.95
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1930 Pierce-Arrow Model B (Black) (1:32) - NEW! #SM32329BK - $14.95
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2014 Corvette Stingray (1:18) - $32.95 Ea. #MA31182-BK - (Black) #MA31182-RD - (Red) Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
1935 Duesenberg SJ Speedster Mormon Meteor (Yellow) (1:24) #AM24-DUE-MOR - $299.95
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1978 Ford Mustang II Cobra II (White w/Green Billboard Stripes) (1:18) [6/14] #GL12895 - $59.95
1955 Packard Caribbean (1:18) #YM92618BK - $36.95
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1968 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow (Burgundy) (1:18) [3/14] #PAR98204 - $129.95
1971 Chevrolet Camaro SS350 (Red) (1:18) - NEW! #AMM994 - $74.95 1969 Dodge Superbee (Green) (1:18) #AMM1001 - $79.95
1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1 (Golden 50th Anniversary) (Champagne Gold) (1:18) [3/14] #AMM1029 - $79.95 1969 Dodge Charger (Hemi Orange) (1:18) [4/14] #AMM1026 - $69.95
1967 Ford Mustang Coupe “Lone Star Limited Edition” (Bluebonnet Special) (1:18) [4/14] #GL12893 - $59.95
1970 Dodge Coronet R/T (Red) w/Leather Seats (1:18) #YM92547RD - $39.95
Studebaker 1946-1958 Photo Archive #BK10031 - $36.95
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1969 Dodge Coronet R/T (HEMI 50th Anniversary) (Light Bronze Poly) (1:18) [5/14] #AMM1024 - $69.95
Artisan Collection - 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona Custom (Red w/Black Rear Wing) (1:18) [5/14] #GL19004 - $59.95
Artisan Collection - 1967 Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan (White) (1:18) [5/14] #GL19002 - $59.95
1970 Dodge Challenger R/T (White) (1:18) [4/14] #GL12896 - $59.95
1978 Ford Mustang II Cobra 1967 Ford Mustang Coupe II (Blue w/White Stripes) “Ski Country Special” (Aspen Mercedes-Benz GLK-Class (1:18) [6/14] Red w/Black Stripes & Black (Metallic Black) (1:18) [3/14] #GL12894 - $59.95 Vinyl Roof) (1:18) [4/14] #MA36200-BK - $38.95 #GL12892 - $59.95
Mercedes-Benz GLK-Class (Red) (1:18) [3/14] #MA36200-RD - $38.95
1950 Ford (Bronze) (1:18) #MA31681-BR - $32.95
1971 Audi 100 (1:18) #SM38212BE - $74.95
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1959 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer Convertible (Pewter Polly) (1:18) - NEW! #SS5472 - $103.95
1965 Chevrolet C-10 Stepside Pickup (Light Blue/Ivory) (1:18) #SS1389 - $56.95
1965 Chevrolet C-10 Stepside Pickup (Maroon Irid/Ivory) (1:18) #SS1391 - $56.95
1960 Plymouth Fury Hardtop (Oyster White/Caramel Metallic) (1:18) - NEW! #SS5422 - $103.95
1965 Pontiac GTO (Red) (1:18) [3/14] #SS1808 - $56.95
1965 Pontiac GTO (Carpi Gold) (1:18) [3/14] #SS1809 - $56.95
1952 Nash Ambassador Super Airflyte Farina (Red/White) (1:18) #SS5116 - $103.95
1954 Chevrolet Bel Air Hard 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air Hard Top Coupe (Pueblo Tan & Top Coupe (Bermuda Green India Ivory) (1:18) - NEW! & India Ivory) (1:18) - NEW! #SS1708 - $56.95 #SS1709 - $56.95
1955 Pontiac Star Chief Hard Top (White Mist & Firegold) (1:18) [3/14] #SS5043 - $109.95
1956 Mercury Montclair Hardtop (Lauderdale Blue & Classic White) (1:18) - NEW! #SS5143 - $109.95
1958 Ford Fairlane 500 Closed Convertible (White/Silverstone Blue) (1:18) - NEW! #SS5282 - $103.95
1966 Shelby Mustang GT350 w/Carroll Shelby Signature (Red) (1:18) #SH154-RD - $46.95
1965 Shelby Mustang GT350R w/Race Engine (Red) (1:18) #SH117-RD - $46.95
1970’s Jeg’s Coughlin Camaro Funny Car (1:18) [4/14] #AW1160 - $79.95
1972 Shirley Muldowney Cha Cha Mustang Funny Car (1:18) #AW1113 - $79.95
1965 Ford F-100 Styleside Pickup (Rangoon Red) (1:18) #SS1287 - $56.95
Hurst 1972 Oldsmobile “Official Pace Car” with Linda Vaughn Figure & Platform (1:18) #ACME-1805601 - $149.95
1971 Ford Mustang Funny Car “LA Hooker” (1:18) #AW1106 - $74.95
Fast & Furious Fast Five 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8 (1:64) - SALE! #HW-BDT82 - $4.49
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Need For Speed 1967 Pontiac GTO (1:64) - NEW! #HW-BDT83 - $5.95
Elite One Scooby Doo Mystery Machine w/Scooby & Shaggy Figures (1:50) - NEW! #HW-BCJ81 - $10.95
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Blues Bros. 23rd Street Diorama (Set of 5) (1:64) #GL56070 - $26.95
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Old School (2003) - 1977 Pontiac Trans Am (1:64) #GL44650-B - $4.95
DeLorean DMC 12 “Back to the Future” Part III (1:43) #VIT24013 - $38.95 DeLorean DMC 12 “Back to the Future” Part II (1:43) #VIT24015 - $38.95 Green Hornet Black Beauty (1:43) #VIT24030 - $34.95
1972 Trojan Horse Mustang Funny Car (1:18) - NEW! #AW1122 - $74.95
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Elite One The Flintstones Flintmobile w/Fred & Barney Figures (1:50) - NEW! #HW-BCJ83 - $10.95
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Elite One Dark Knight Rises The Bat Flying Vehicle (1:50) - NEW! #HW-BCJ82 - $10.95
DeLorean DMC 12 “Back to the Future” Part III (Railroad Version) (1:43) #VIT24014 - $38.95
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Elite Back to the Future Time Machine w/Mr. Fusion (1:43) - NEW! #HW-BCK08 - $54.95
Elite Ghostbusters (1986) Ecto 1 (1:43) #HW-W1194 - $49.95
Elite Ghostbusters 2 (1989) Ecto 1A (1:43) #HW-X5495 - $59.95
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Elite A-Team Van w/Mud Deco (1:43) #HW-BCT88 - $54.95
Friends (TV Series 1994-2004) Phoebe Buffay’s 1977 Checker Taxi Cab (1:43) [5/14] #GL86041 - $16.95
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T (1:43) [8/14] #GL86207 - $18.95
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) 1999 Nissan Skyline GT-R (1:43) [8/14] #GL86208 - $18.95
Fast & Furious 6 (2013) 1970 Ford Escort RS2000 Mk1 (1:43) - NEW! #GL86222 - $18.95
The Fast and the Furious (2001) - 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse (1:43) - NEW! #GL86203 - $18.95
The Fast and the Furious (2001) - 1995 Toyota Supra Mk.IV (1:43) - NEW! #GL86202 - $18.95
Elite Dark Knight Rises Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 (1:43) #HW-BCK06 - $51.95
Grease 1948 Ford DeLuxe Convertible (White) (1:43) #MM73841 - $11.95
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) - 1967 Ford Mustang (1:43) [6/14] #GL86211 - $18.95
The Fast and the Furious (2001) - 1970 Dodge Charger (1:43) #GL86201 - $18.95 Charlie’s Angels 1976 Ford Mustang Cobra II w/Farrah Fawcett Figure (1:18) [6/14] #GL12880-B - $74.95
1968 Ford Mustang Bullitt Steve McQueen (1:43) #YM43207GR - $14.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
1955 Pontiac Starchief Convertible “I Love Lucy” (White Mist/Nautilus Blue) (1:18) - NEW! #SS5057 - $129.95
DeLorean “Back to the Future III” (1:24) #WE2444 - $19.95
The Jetson’s Spacecraft (Snap Model Kit) with George, Astro, Base & Stand (1:25) - NEW! #PLL913 - $24.95
DeLorean “Back to the Future II” (1:24) #WE2441 - $19.95
DeLorean “Back to the Future I” (1:24) #WE2443 - $19.95
Elite 1966 Batmobile w/Batman & Robin Figures (1:18) - NEW! #HW-BCJ95 - $149.95
Elite The Dark Knight™ Batmobile™ Tumbler™ with Cape Swatch (1:18) #HW-BCJ99 - $164.95
Dukes of Hazzard Cooter’s 1970 Chevy Camaro (1:18) #JL21958 - $59.95
Elite K.A.R.R. “Knight Automated Roving Robot” (1:18) [4/14] #HW-BCT86 - $129.95
Sons of Anarchy Tow Truck (1:24) [3/14] #MA32305-WH - $14.95
Heritage Ghostbusters Ecto-1 (1:18) - NEW! #HW-BCJ75 - $79.95
Tin Signs (Weathered) [3/14] - $12.95 Ea.
Elite The Love Bug 1962 VW
#DE-1965 - Action Comics No1 #DE-1967 - Detective Comics Herbie (1:18) [5/14] Cover Superman No27 Batman #HW-BCJ94 - $129.95 #DE-1968 - Superman No1 Cover #DE-1966 - Batman No1 Cover Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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Next Page Coca-Cola
Artisan Collection Fast & Furious 6 (2013) 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona Custom (1:18) [7/14] #GL19003 - $59.95
Coca-Cola Tractor Trailer “It’s the real thing” (1:64) #MCC436600 - $34.95
Elvis 1965 Shelby Cobra with Racing Graphics (1:18) #AWSS104 - $69.95
Coca-Cola Tractor Trailer “Coke on Ice” (White) (1:64) #MCC434618 - $34.95
Coca Cola: A History in Photographs 1930-1969 #BK10044 - $36.95 Artisan Collection Supernatural 1967 Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan (1:18) [5/14] #GL19001 - $59.95
Elite Back to the Future Time Machine w/Opening Mr. Fusion & Extras (1:18) [4/14] #HW-BCJ97 - $149.95
Coca-Cola Tractor Trailer Coca-Cola Tractor Trailer “Polar Bears & Moon” (1:87) “Polar Bears & Tree” (1:64) #MCC440682 - $11.95 NEW! #MCC440425 - $38.95
Dukes of Hazzard General Lee 1969 Dodge Charger (1:18) #E32485 - $59.95 Friends (TV Series 1994-2004) Phoebe Buffay’s 1977 Checker Taxi Cab (1:18) NEW! #GL12887 - $59.95
Elite K.I.T.T. The Knight Rider (1:18) #HW-X5469 $121.95
Articulated Bus “MTA - New York City” (1:87) #RT8452 - $11.95
Orion VII Hybrid Electric Transit Bus “MTA - New York City” (1:50) #RT8468 - $19.95
Coach Bus (Assorted Colors) (1:64) - NEW! #KIN7101D - $6.95 Greyhound Roadside Billboard (1:43) #SC84001-G - $14.95
Scenicruiser 4501 Bus “Greyhound” (1960’s Paint Scheme) (1:87) - NEW! - $21.95 A: #CMW33106 - “Special” B: #CMW33107 - “Atlanta” C: #CMW33108 - “San Francisco” Greyhound Buses D: #CMW33109 - “New York” 1914-2000 Photo Archive E: #CMW33110 - “Chicago” GM Silversides Bus #BK10121 - $36.95 “Long Island Railroad” (1:50) - SALE! #MTH30-50064 - $35.95 1950 Chevy School Bus Van Hool C2045 Bus School Bus (1:87) (Yellow) (1:40) “MegaBus” (1:87) #SK1864 - $18.95 #KIN5005-YW #HA131836 - $28.95 $6.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Coca-Cola 1947 Bottle Truck (1:87) - $9.95 Ea. #MCC439954 - (Yellow) #MCC440537 - (Red)
Coca-Cola 1962 Volkswagen Cargo Van (1:87) - $16.95 Ea. #MCC434481 - (Yellow/Red) #MCC439827 - (Red/Cream)
Subway Car “MTA - New York City” (1:87) #RT8555 - $12.95 Tin Sign (Weathered) [3/14] - $12.95 Ea. #DE-1969 - Iron Man Comic Cover #DE-1970 - Captain America Comic Cover #DE-1971 - Spider Man Comic Cover
1950 Mercedes-Benz O 3500 Bus (1:43) #MIN439-360010 - $99.95
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Coca-Cola 1962 Volkswagen Coca-Cola 1962 Volkswagen T1 Pickup (1:43) [4/14] T1 Pickup (1:43) [4/14] #MCC440546 - $16.95 #MCC445738 - $16.95
Coca-Cola 1941 Plymouth Pickup Truck (Red) (1:24) #MCC438068 - $34.95
Coca-Cola 1941 Plymouth Pickup Truck (Yellow) (1:24) #MCC439829 - $34.95
Coca-Cola 1920 White Van (Red/White) (1:32) [5/14] #MCC441761 - $21.95
Coca-Cola 1923 Ford Model TT w/Hand Cart & Cases (Black) (1:32) [5/14] #MCC442453 - $26.95
Vintage School Bus (5”) (1:64) #PB9829D - $6.95
Yellow School Bus (5”) (1:64) #KIN5107D - $6.95
International School Bus (Yellow) (1:53) #RT38337 - $14.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Coca-Cola 1940 Ford Panel Van “The Gift for Thirst” (1:24) #MCC439695 - $34.95 Coca-Cola 1953 Chevy Pickup w/Chest Cooler (Red) (1:32) [5/14] #MCC440664 - $24.95
Coca-Cola 1931 Ford Model A Delivery Van (1:18) #MCC425752 Shop online at www.DiecastDirect.com - 24 Hours a Day! $79.95
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DIVCO Delivery Truck “Borden’s” w/Milkman & Carrier (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-018 - $34.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Dugan’s Bakery” w/Milkman & Carrier (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-019 - $34.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Sealtest” w/Milkman & Carrier (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-020 - $34.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Borden’s” w/Milkman & Carrier (1:43) #AHM43-014 - $34.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck DIVCO Delivery Truck “Twin Pines Farm Dairy, MI” “Rueter Worth Dairy, IL” with w/Milkman & Carrier (1:43) Milkman & Carrier (1:43) #AHM43-002 - $34.95 #AHM43-013 - $34.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck DIVCO Delivery Truck DIVCO Delivery Truck “Hull’s Dairy, PA” w/Milkman “Lilly Farm Dairy” w/Milkman “Early Dawn Co-Operative & Carrier (1:43) Dairy, WV” w/Milkman (1:43) & Carrier (1:43) #AHM43-016 - $34.95 #AHM43-017 - $34.95 #AHM43-015 - $34.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Meadow Gold” (1:43) #AHM43-503 - $29.95
Divco Delivery Truck (White - Undecorated) (1:43) #AHM43-WH - $24.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Dairymen’s League” (1:43) #AHM43-507 - $29.95
Divco Delivery Truck (Cream - Undecorated) (1:43) #AHM43-CR - $24.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Dog Catcher City Pound” w/Dog (1:43) #AHM43-508 - $29.95
Divco Delivery Truck (Black/White - Undecorated) (1:43) #AHM43-BW - $24.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Galliker’s Dairy Products” with Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-001 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Louis Trauth Dairy” with Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-002 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Twin Pines Farm Dairy” with Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-003 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Florence Bros. Dairy” with Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-004 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Parmelee Bros. Dairy, CT” w/Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-005 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Melville Dairy” w/Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-006 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Goodenough’s Dairy” w/ Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-008 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Hull’s Dairy” w/Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-009 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Lilly Farm Dairy” w/Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-010 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck “Rueter Worth Dairy” with Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-011 - $19.95
DIVCO Delivery Truck (White - Undecorated) with Milkman & Carrier (1:87) #AHM87-WH - $19.95
Divco - A History of The Truck & Co. #BK36132 - $29.95 Tin Sign Sealtest Akron Pure Milk #DE-1841 - $12.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Elsie the Cow & Borden’s Collectibles (160 Pages) #SCH-1072 - $29.95
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Farm Equip.
Next Page Farm Equip.
Ford F-350 Super-Duty Versatile Dealership Pickup (1:64) #E16235 - $8.95
Ford F-350 Super Duty Dually Pickup (Blue) (1:64) #E39445 - $6.95
Versatile 4WD 500 Tractor (1:64) #E16227 - $12.95
Versatile 4WD 500 (1:32) NEW! #E16224 - $39.95
Allis-Chalmers D-15 Wide Front w/Beige Wheels (1:16) [4/14] #SC-SCT-477 - $62.95
Allis-Chalmers 6080 Open Station 2WD (1:16) [4/14] #SC-SCT-474 - $69.95
Massey-Ferguson 65 DieselMatic (1:16) [4/14] #SC-SCT-475 - $62.95
Massey-Ferguson 98 Diesel w/Front Headlights (1:16) #SC-SCT-459 - $62.95
Case DC-3 Narrow Front with Umbrella - 75th Anniversary (1:16) [4/14] #SC-ZJD-1751 - $66.95
Case 1570 Tractor w/Duals Red Bale Mover w/Bales Set Precision Elite #2 (1:16) (1:16) #E14891 - $22.95 #E14843 - $202.95
Disk (Red) (1:16) #E14881 - $17.95
Farmall 706 & 806 Tractors (Set of 2) (1:64) #E14868 - $12.95
Farmall 460 Narrow Front Tractor with Sprayer (1:64) #E14887 - $9.95
Farmall 400 Gas Narrow Front Tractor with Canopy (1:16) [4/14] #SC-ZJD-1739 - $62.95
Farmall 504 Gas Wide Front w/Flat Fenders & Wheel Weights (1:16) [4/14] #SC-ZJD-1758 - $62.95
Farmall Super MD Narrow Front Tractor (1:16) #E14867 - $42.95
Farmall 656 Tractor (1:16) NEW! #E14886 - $43.95
International Cub Square Hood Lowboy (1:16) [4/14] #SC-ZJD-1752 - $62.95
Farmall Cub (White) with Sickle Mower (1:16) #SC-ZJD-1733 - $62.95
International 1568 V8 Tractor w/Duals (1:64) - NEW! #E14870 - $9.95
International 1466 Tractor with Duals (1:64) #E14798 - $8.95
International 1566 Tractor “Prestige” (1:16) [4/14] #E14865 - $88.95
2012 Dodge Ram 2500 Pickup (Black) (1:64) #E46246BK - $5.95
Livestock Trailer (Silver) (1:64) #E46247 - $6.95
Grain Trailer (Black) (1:64) #E46252 - $6.95
Dodge Ram Pickup w/Trailer & Hay Bales (1:64) #E14855 - $15.95
Oliver 1950 Diesel Wide Front Tractor (1:16) [4/14] #SC-SCT-458 - $65.95
Case International Harvester 16 Row Planter (1:64) [4/14] #SC-ZJD-1741 - $62.95
1947 Oliver Standard 70 (1:43) #UH6075 - $20.95
1961 David Brown 990 Implematic Tractor (1:43) #UH6083 - $20.95
Dodge Ram Pickup with Case-IH Magnum 180 (1:64) #E14815 - $13.95
Dairy Barn Set w/Dairy Cows & Fencing (1:64) #E12279 - $31.95
Case-IH 8230 Case-IH 9190 Tractor Case Magnumator II Resin Combine (1:64) “Prestige” (1:32) Pulling Tractor (1:16) [4/14] #E14871 - $18.95 #E14877 - $46.95 #SC-ZJD-1742 - $149.95 To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Machine Shed w/Lean-to Playset (1:64) #E12930 - $31.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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Farm Equip.
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New Holland T8.420 Tractor New Holland T8.420 Tractor Blue Bale Mover w/Bales Set “Prestige” (1:32) (1:64) #E13842 - $9.95 (1:16) #E13838 - $23.95 #E13839 - $34.95
New Holland T9.615 Tractor (1:64) #E13845 - $15.95
New Holland 8080 SP Windrower (1:64) #E13841 - $12.95
New Holland 7740 DOT Yellow Tractor w/Mower (1:64) - NEW! #E13846 - $12.95
John Deere 7200 6-Row MaxEmerge Planter w/Dry Fertilizer Tanks (1:64) [5/14] #SC-JDM-257 - $49.95
John Deere Vintage Tractor (1:64) #E46257 - $3.95
John Deere 9560RT (1:64) [3/14] #E45397 - $12.95 John Deere 1770NT 16 Row Planter (1:64) #E45314 - $9.95
John Deere 4450 Authentics Tractor (Assorted Styles) (1:64) - NEW! #E45376 - $16.95 John Deere Harvesting Set (1:64) #E45443 - $36.95
1937 Ford Pickup “John Deere” (1:25) [4/14] #SC16196 - $28.95
2013 Ford F-150 “John Deere Dealership Pickup” (1:16) #E46279 - $22.95 John Deere Tokheim Gas Pump (1:24) #GB66251 - $12.95
John Deere 6210R Tractor (1:64) #E45373 - $8.95
John Deere 2010 Narrow Front Tractor (1:64) #E45349 - $6.95
John Deere 6125R Tractor “Prestige” (1:32) - NEW! #E45369 - $28.95
1968 John Deere 4020 (1:43) #UH152886 - $22.95 John Deere X48S Lawn Tractor Mower (1:43) #E46237 - $5.95
John Deere 2200 Field Cultivator (1:64) #E45355 - $7.95 John Deere MT Narrow Front w/Plow (1:16) [4/14] #SC-JDM-261 - $66.95 John Deere 6210R Tractor “Prestige” (1:32) #E45351 - $30.95
John Deere 1923 Unstyled D (1:64) #E45330 - $5.95
John Deere S690 Combine (1:64) #E45318 - $32.95
John Deere 4960 Tractor (1:64) #E45334 - $7.95
John Deere 1010 Utility Vintage Tractor (1:64) #E46239 - $3.95
John Deere 6030 Tractor (1:64) #E45333 - $7.95
John Deere S680 Combine (1:64) #E45380 - $21.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
John Deere 9560RT Tractor “Prestige” (1:32) - NEW! #E45377 - $38.95
J&M Grain Wagon (Green) (1:64) #E46253 - $8.95
John Deere 4640 Tractor “Prestige” (1:16) #E45374 - $79.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
John Deere S670 Combine w/Lights & Sounds (1:16) #E46070 - $129.95
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Next Page Construction
Schield Bantam C-35 Front Shovel on White WC22 Truck (1:50) - SALE! #SC-CON016 - $59.99
Schield Bantam C-35 Backhoe on White WC22 Truck (1:50) - SALE! #SC-CON017 - $59.99
Schield Bantam C-35 Backhoe Excavator (1:50) - SALE! #SC-CON009 - $39.99
Komatsu GD655-5 Grader (w/Figure, GPS Base & Rover) (1:50) [4/14] #FG50-3264T $91.95
Komatsu GD655-5 Grader with V-Plow & Wing (1:50) - NEW! #FG50-3266 - $76.95 Case TV380 Tracked Skidsteer Loader (1:16) NEW! #E14880 - $48.95
Case SV250 Skidsteer Loader (1:16) - NEW! #E14879 - $44.95
Link Belt 210X3 Excavator (1:50) #E16230 - $28.95
Fits Inside DCP 53’ Van Trailers
Bobcat S750 Skidsteer (1:50) #BOB9132 - $14.95
Toyota Geneo 35 Hybrid Forklift (Blue/Gray) (1:64) #TOM-T16010 - $5.95
Vermeer V-8550 Trencher (1:50) #VE8550 - $39.95
Komatsu GD655-5 Grader w/Ripper (1:50) - NEW! #FG50-3264 - $74.95
Hitachi EH 3500 ACII Dump Truck (2½”) (1:185) #TOM-T16008 - $4.95
John Deere 764 Hi Speed Dozer (1:50) #E15249 - $29.95
Case SV250 Red Power Skidsteer Loader (1:16) - NEW! #E14849 - $49.95
Case 580 Super N Backhoe Loader (1:50) [4/14] #E14888 - $32.95 Case CX210C Excavator (1:50) [4/14] #E14873 - $28.95
Komatsu WA500-7 Wheel Loader (1:50) - NEW! #FG50-3262 - $74.95
Bobcat T300 Skid Steer Loader (3”) (Plastic) (1:32) #E35928 - $6.95
Forklift Truck w/Pallet (1:50) #WE99797-4 - $4.95 Ea.
John Deere 843K Feller Bunch (1:50) #E45207 - $29.95
John Deere 959K Feller Buncher (1:50) #E45094 - $48.95 John Deere 2954D Timber Harvester (1:50) #E45029 - $54.95
John Deere 624K Wheel Loader (1:50) #E15415 - $32.95
John Deere 200C LC Excavator (1:50) #E45226 - $24.95
John Deere 460E Articulated Dump Truck (High Detail) (1:50) - NEW! #E45366 - $39.95
Caterpillar 966K Wheel Loader (1:50) - NEW! #TR10003 - $71.95
John Deere 315SJ Backhoe (1:50) #E45277 - $19.95
Caterpillar 966KXE Wheel Loader w/Advanced Powertrain (1:50) - NEW! #TR10009 - $71.95
Construction Set w/Lowboy & Pickup Construction Set w/Pickup Truck & Trailer Truck (1:43) #NR33075 - $25.95 (1:43) #NR33085 - $16.95 To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Caterpillar D6R Bulldozer (1:50) [6/14] #TR60001 - $65.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Caterpillar 972K Wheel Loader (1:50) - NEW! #TR10005 - $71.95
Caterpillar 950 GC Wheel Loader (1:50) #TR10010 - $71.95
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Next Page Military
Caterpillar 994H Wheel Loader (1:50) [6/14] #TR10008 - $175.95
Caterpiller 988K Wheel Loader w/High Capacity Grapple (1:50) [4/14] #TR10011 - $124.95
Caterpillar 950K Wheel Loader (1:50) - NEW! #TR10007 - $61.95
Caterpillar 966K Wheel Loader (1:87) - NEW! #TR10004 - $24.95
Caterpillar 972K Wheel Loader (1:87) - NEW! #TR10006 - $24.95
Caterpillar 938K Wheel Loader w/Work Tools (1:64) [4/14] #NOR55228 - $59.95
Caterpillar 930K Wheel Loader w/Work Tools (1:64) Figure w/GPS Base & Rover [4/14] #NOR55266 - $59.95 (1:50) [4/14] #FG90-0459 - $16.95
Norscot 2014 Caterpillar Catalog - NEW! #NOR14CAT - FREE with Purchase
CAT PM200 Cold Planer (1:50) #NOR55286 - $99.95
Caterpillar D8T Bulldozer w/Single-Shank Ripper Caterpillar 336D Tracked (1:50) #NOR55299 - $89.95 Excavator w/Scrap Shear (1:50) #NOR55283 - $88.95
BMM Sd.Kfz.139 Marder III German Army 4.PzDiv PzJgAbt 49, Eastern Front, 1943 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HG4106 - $34.95
Sd.Kfz.234/3 Puma German M7 Priest US Army 2nd M36 Jackson South Korean Army LSSAH, Budapest, Armored Div Hell on Wheels, Army, Korea, June 1953 Hungary, February 1945 Sicily, Operation Husky July (1:72) [3/14] (1:72) [3/14] 10th, 1943 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HG5403 - $34.95 #HM-HG4306 - $34.95 #HM-HG4707 - $37.95
Sd.Kfz.231, Eastern Front 1941 (1:72) - NEW! #DRR60599 - $31.95
M36 Jackson ROC Army, Kinmen Island, Taiwan, 1955 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HG5405 - $34.95
M18 Hellcat US Army 827th Tank Destroyer Btn, “Dorothy”, Europe, 1944 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HG6008 - $37.95
Diamond T M3 Half-Track “US Army” (1:72) #FV85043 - $29.95
German Büssing-NAG Type 4500A “France, 1944” (1:72) #FV85061 - $27.95
M3 Lee Tank “U.S. Army, Tunisia, 1942” (1:72) #FV85052 - $26.95
Porsche VK.45.02(P)V German Army 1945 (1:72) #DRR60530 - $32.95
German Hetzer & Soldiers Set “Eastern Front, 1944” (1:72) #FV85054 - $39.95
German Panther Ausf.G & Soldiers “D-Day” (1:72) #FV85073 - $39.95
Caterpillar No. 977 Traxcavator w/Metal Tracks (1:50) #NOR55170 - $44.95
Caterpillar D5K2 Dozer (Track-Type Tractor) (1:50) #NOR55281 - $47.95
Hanomag Sd.Kfz.251 Schutzenpanzerwagen “German Army, Poland, 1944” (1:72) #FV85079 - $29.95 German Tiger I “D-Day” (1:72) #FV85604 - $19.95
Caterpillar 587T Pipelayer w/Metal Tracks (1:50) #NOR55272 - $89.95 Caterpillar 740B Articulated Dump Caterpillar AP655D Asphalt Track Paver Truck w/Tipper Body (1:50) [4/14] w/Canopy (1:50) #NOR55258 - $65.95 #NOR55501 - $79.95 To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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M24 Chaffee US Army 187th M26 Pershing US Army 73rd Airborne Regimental Combat Tank Btn, “Alice”, Korea, Team, Yong-Dong-Po, South 1950 (1:72) [3/14] Korea, April 1951 (1:72) #HM-HG3210 - $34.95 [3/14] #HM-HG3612 - $34.95
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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M10 Wolverine w/8 Figures “US Army, France, 1944” (1:72) #FV85078 - $39.95
Henschel Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger “German Army” (1:72) #FV85086 - $29.95
KMDB T-34 “Soviet Army” (1:72) #FV85083 - $29.95
Model Kit - German Panzer US M4A1 Sherman & III Ausf. (1:72) Soldiers (1:72) #FV87011 - $7.95 #FV85091 - $39.95
M3A1 Half-Track “U.S. Army” Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. G w/Soldiers (1:72) Assault Gun w/Schurzen #FV85105 - $37.95 Side Armor, Eastern Front, 1943 (1:72) #FV85097 - $27.95
Horch 108 Type 1a with 20mm FlaK 38 Gun “European Theater, World War II” (1:72) #HM-HG4504 - $39.95
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer “Italian Military Academy” (1:72) #HM-HG6004 - $34.95
German Self-Propelled Howitzer Wespe (1:72) #FV85096 - $27.95
Marder III (Sd.Kfz.139) Tank Destroyer “7th Panzer Div., 42nd Tank Destroyer Bttn., Russia, 1944” (1:72) #HM-HG4103 - $22.95
Sd. Kfz. 7/2 Halftrack w/ FlaK36 37mm Gun Unidentified Unit, Eastern Front, 1943 (1:72) #FV85101 - $27.95
Sd.Kfz.139 Marder III Tank Destroyer (1:72) #HM-HG4105 - $29.95
Hanomag Sd.Kfz.11 HalfTrack “German Army 4.PzDiv Sd.Kfz.11 3-Ton Half-Track PzJgAbt 49” (1:72) “Poland, 1939” (1:72) #HM-HG5103 - $34.95 #HM-HG5101 - $34.95 Sd.Kfz.173 Jagdpanther “German Army, France, Summer 1945” (1:72) #WM-TK0013 - $19.95
Quad Tractor “Gold Beach, D-Day Plus 2” (1:72) #HM-HG4005 - $44.95
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Alkett Sd.Kfz.166 Brumbar “German Army Sturmpanzer Abt 216, #3, Rome, Italy, 1944” (1:72) #WM-TK0022 - $19.95
Skoda Sd.Kfz.138/2 Hetzer Sd.Kfz.162 Jagdpanzer IV German Army, #5, Ardennes, “German Army, Prague, Belgium, Battle of the Bulge, Czechoslovakia, 1944” December 1944 (1:72) (1:72) #WM-TK0030 - $19.95 #WM-TK0015 - $19.95
UVZ T-72, Iraqi Army, Iraq 2012 (Beige) (1:72) #WM-TK0025 - $19.95
Porsche Sd.Kfz.184 Elefant Sd.Kfz.161 Panzer IV “German Army sPzJgAbt German Army 23.PzDiv 201. 653, Kursk, USSR” (1:72) PzRgt, #432, Kursk, USSR, #WM-TK0026 - $19.95 1943 (1:72) #WM-TK0029 - $19.95
Sturmtiger “German Army 1001st Sturmmorser Kompanie, Drolshagen, Germany, 1945” (1:72) #WM-TK0023 - $19.95
German Self-Propelled Howitzer Wespe “12th SS Panzer Division-Normandy, 1944” (1:72) #FV85022 - $26.95
Henschel Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger German Army sPzAbt 502, #1, USSR, December 1942 (1:72) #WM-TK0031 - $19.95
1937 Studebaker Military Ambulance (Olive Drab) (1:43) #PH18376 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan “Civil Defense” (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-311 - $26.95
1950 Ford 4-Door Sedan “U.S. Army” (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-312 - $26.95
GMC 2½ Ton Cargo Truck (1:32) #FV80085 - $64.95
M3 Half-Track “U.S. Army, Normandy, France, D-Day, 1944” (1:32) #FV81005 - $52.95
Opel Kfz.305 Blitz Ambulance “German Army, France, 1940” w/Driver (1:32) - NEW! #FV80076 - $63.95
USS Indianapolis CA-35 Heavy Cruiser (1:700) #GB09006 - $24.95
USS New Jersey BB-62 Battleship (1:700) #GB09002 - $24.95
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
USS Hornet CV-8 Aircraft Carrier (1:700) #GB09003 - $24.95
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M101 105mm Howitzer “US Army” w/3 Figures (1:32) #FV81013 - $54.95
German Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. B “Eastern Front, 1941” (1:32) #FV81016 - $46.95
U.S. Dodge WC54 4x4 Ambulance (1:32) #FV80086 - $65.95
Volkswagen VW 166 Schwimmwagen “German Army, Normandy, France, D-Day, 1944” (1:32) #FV82002 - $38.95
Gloster Gladiator Mk II (The Hawker Hurricane Mk II RAF Fighter Collection), Duxford, No.34 Sqn “Jimmy Whalen” England (1:72) [3/14] RAF Madras, India, 1944 #C36210 - $50.95 (1:72) [3/14] #C39704 - $50.95 U.S. Army ¼ Ton Truck with Figure (Muddy Version) (1:18) #WE18036W-2 - $59.95
Aviation 1936 Chrysler Airflow “U.S. Army” (1:32) #SM32519 - $17.95 Lockheed L1049G Super Constellation “Eisenhower Columbine III” (1:300) #MP5806-3 - $14.95
Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Hanomag “German Army, Lithuania” (1:32) #FV81019 - $57.95
F-14 Tomcat “Pukin’ Dog” (1:160) #MP5383-2 - $12.95
Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk USAF 37th TFW, 415th TFS Nightstalkers, (1:144) #DRW51051 - $32.95
Douglas DC-6 Western Airlines (N93126) 1958 (1:200) [3/14] #HM-HL5011 - $69.95
Bf 109G Luftwaffe 9./JG 3 Udet, Yellow 6 “Alfred Surau” Bad Worishofen, Germany, September 1943 (1:72) [3/14] #C27103 - $50.95
Supermarine Spitfire Mk II RAF No.118 Sqn, RAF Ibsley, England, May 1941 (1:72) [3/14] #C39206 - $46.95
F9F-5 Panther USN VF-781, T-38A Talon ROCAF (#3812) Dassault Mirage F1CG HAF D109, J.J. MacBrien (RCN), Taiwan (1:72) [3/14] 342 Mira, Greece, 2003 February 1953 (1:72) [3/14] #FA721103 - $59.95 (1:72) [3/14] #FA721011 - $59.95 #FA726007 - $59.95
F11F-1 Tiger USN VA-156 F-86D Sabre Dog USAF BAe Hawk 120D BAe (NH107) 1958 (1:72) [3/14] 498th FIS, Yuma AFB, AZ, Systems, ZJ951 Factory #FA728004 - $62.95 Gunnery and Weapons Meet Demonstrator, Warton, 1956 (1:72) [3/14] England, 2008 (1:72) [3/14] #FA723011 - $56.95 #FA727007 - $59.95
A-4H Skyhawk IDF/AF 109th F-4G Phantom II USAF F-102A Delta Dagger USAF (Valley) Sqn (#03) Ramat 37th TFW, 563rd TFS Wild 16th FIS “#53-1802” Naha David AB, Israel, Yom Kippur Weasels (#69-7582) George AFB, Japan, 1950s (1:72) War, 1973 (1:72) [3/14] AFB, CA, 1908s (1:72) [3/14] [3/14] #HM-HA3111 - $72.95 #HM-HA1422 - $69.95 #HM-HA1981 - $79.95
F-15 Eagle “494 Fighter Sqd.” (1:100) #MP5385-2 - $12.95
P-51 Mustang “Tuskegee” (1:100) - NEW! #MP5342-7 - $11.95
DC-7 Pan American World Bristol Blenheim Mk I RAF Airways (N744PA) “Clipper No.62 Sqn, Arthur Scarf, Pacific Trader”, 1950s RAF Butterworth, Singapore, (1:200) [3/14] (1:72) #C38406 - $69.95 #HM-HL7008 - $79.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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A-26B Invader USAAF 3rd F-5E Tiger II ROCAF F-100A Super Sabre ROCAF BG, 13th BS “#44-34374” “#5206” Taiwan, 1978 (1:72) (#53-1589) “0218”, Taiwan, NAF Atsugi, Japan, October [3/14] 1980s (1:72) [3/14] 1945 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HA3317 - $64.95 #HM-HA2115 - $69.95 #HM-HA3208 - $72.95
Lockheed F-104B Starfighter “ROCAF 3rd TFW, 8th TFS, #4101, Ching Chuan Kang AB, Taiwan” (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HA1058 - $59.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
F/A-18B Hornet USN Blue Angels “#7” 2011 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HA3520 - $72.95
F/A-18B Hornet USN Blue Angels “#7” (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HA3521 - $72.95
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Douglas A-26B Invader USAF 3rd BW, 13th BS (#4434372) Iwakuni AFB, Japan, August 1950 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HA3210 - $72.95
F-16C Fighting Falcon USAF F-5E Tiger IIUSAF 527th 185th FG, 174th FS IA ANG AGRS “#74-1553” (Red 53) The Bats (#85-1547) (1:72) RAF Alconbury, England, [3/14] #HM-HA3820 - $69.95 1976 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HA3319 - $64.95 de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide “British European Airways (BEA)” (1:72) [3/14] #OX-72DR001 - $39.95
de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide “Scottish Airways, G-AGJG” (1:72) [3/14] #OX-72DR003 - $39.95
de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide “Automobile Association, G-AHKV” (1:72) [3/14] #OX-72DR004 - $39.95
de Havilland DH.103 Hornet F.Mk.1 “Far East Training Squadron, RAF Seletar/ Butterworth, 1955” (1:72) [3/14] #OX-72HOR001 - $39.95
de Havilland DH.80 Puss Moth “”Jason II,” Amy Johnson London-to-Tokyo Flight, G-AAZV, 1931” (1:72) [3/14] #OX-72PM001 - $39.95
de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide “Railway Air Services, G-ACPP” (1:72) [3/14] #OX-72DR006 - $39.95
BAe Sea Harrier FA.Mk 2 F-16 ADF Aeronautica Douglas Boston Mk IV Free RNFAA No.801 NAS, ZH799, Militare Italiana 37 Stormo French AF 342 Lorraine RNAS Yeovilton, England, “#MM7240” Birgi AB Siciliy, Sqn, “Hilda Shane”, Vitry en 1999 (1:72) [3/14] 1000 Flgt Hrs Anni. ‘09 Artois, France, 1944 (1:72) #HM-HA4103 - $69.95 (1:72) [3/14] [3/14] #HM-HA4203 - $76.95 #HM-HA3819 - $69.95
F-86F Sabre JASDF 1st Hikotai “#52-7401” Hamamatsu AB, Japan, 1950s (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HA4304 - $67.95
F-86F USAF 51st FIW, 39th FIS “Beautious Butch II” Joseph McConnell Jr, Suwon AB, South Korea 1953 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HA4306 - $67.95
F-35A Lightning II JSF USAF A-20G Havoc USAAF 312th 412th TW, 461st FLTS (#07- BG, 388th BS (#43-21905) 0744) Edwards AFB, CA, “Miss Pam”, New Guinea, 2013 (1:72) [3/14] 1944 (1:72) [3/14] #HM-HA4401 - $79.95 #HM-HA4205 - $76.95
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A “Luftwaffe JG 54” (1:72) #FV85077 - $32.95
Hawker Hart - J9941, 54 Sqn RAF (1:72) #C39604 - $49.95 Nakajima B5N2 “Kate, IJN U.S. P-40B “Pearl Carrier Zuiho” w/Japanese Harbor, 1941” (1:72) WWII Carrier Deck (1:72) #FV85031 - $24.95 #HM-HA2008 - $64.95
German Ju87B-2 “Eastern Front, 1943” (1:72) #FV85059 - $29.95
F-15E Strike Fighter - 391st Fighter Squadron, 366th Fighter Wing, Mountain Home AFB, Arkansas (1:72) #FV85081 - $67.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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de Havilland DH.82A Tiger de Havilland DH.80 Puss de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Moths “Glasmoth” Flight, Moth “Royal Air Force, 1941” 1989” (Set of 3) (1:72) [3/14] Rapide “Swissair” (1:72) [3/14] (1:72) [3/14] #OX-72TM004 - $109.00 #OX-72PM002 - $29.95 #OX-72SP073 - $39.95
de Havilland DH.82A Tiger Moth “Brooklands Aviation, G-ADGV” (1:72) [3/14] #OX-72TM002 - $39.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate/ Frank “IJAAF 103rd de Havilland DH.82A Tiger Sentai, Tomojiro Ogawa, Moth “The de Havilland Itami Airfield, Japan, School of Flying, G-ACDA” 1945” (1:72) [3/14] (1:72) [3/14] #OX-AC042 - $19.95 #OX-72TM003 - $39.95
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Heinkel He 162 Salamander “Luftwaffe JG 1, Germany, 1945” (1:72) #WM-APF0014 - $24.95
Air Tractor AT-502 Agricultural Aircraft (1:64) #NR20643 - $12.95
Fokker Dr.I Triplane Luftstreitkrafte Jasta 6 “Hans FW190A Luftwaffe Kirschstein”, Cappy, France, Sturmstaffel 1 (White 2) April 1918 (1:48) [4/14] “Gerhard Vivroux, Dortmund” #C38305 - $58.95 Germany, February 1944 (1:48) [3/14] #HM-HA7414 - $74.95
P-51D Mustang USAAF 4th FG, 335th FS (#44-72308) “Ridge Runner III”, Pierce McKennon, Spring 1945 (1:48) [3/14] #HM-HA7722 - $74.95
Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX RNLAF 322nd Sqn, Netherlands (1:48) [3/14] #HM-HA8308 - $74.95
Westland Puma HC.Mk RAF Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk VH-60N White Hawk No.33 Sqn, XW220, Kuwait, Helicopter (Olive Green) Helicopter “U.S. Marine One” Operation Desert Storm, (1:60) #NR25567 - $17.95 (1:60) #NR25577 - $17.95 1991 (1:72) [4/14] #C27004 - $62.95 Me 163B Komet “Luftwaffe Eprobungskommando 16, Wolfgang Spate, Bad Zwishenahn, Germany, May 1944” (1:72) [3/14] #OX-AC041 - $19.95
Eurocopter Dauphin HH-65C Helicopter “U.S. Coast Guard” (1:48) #NR25907 - $17.95
Agusta A109 Helicopter “U.S. Coast Guard” (1:43) #NR25507 - $17.95
F4U Corsair USMC VMF213 Hell Hawks, “Eight Ball/Dangerous Dan”, Guadalcanal Island, 1943 (1:48) [3/14] #HM-HA8210 - $77.95 Harley Davidson 1948 Ford Harley Davidson Ford F-350 F-1 w/1942 WLA Flathead w/2004 Electra Glide Police (White) (1:24) [4/14] Miltary (Green) (1:24) [3/14] #MA32186-WH - $18.95 #MA32185-GR - $18.95
P-47M Thunderbolt USAAF North American Mustang Mk 63rd FS (#44-21160) III RCAF No.441 (Silver Fox) “Devastatin Deb”, John Sqn, FZ190, England, May Fahrigner, March 1945 (1:48) 1945 (1:48) [3/14] [3/14] #HM-HA8502 - $74.95 #HM-HA8406 - $76.95
Harley Davidson Ford F-350 Harley Davidson Ford F-150 Pickup w/2002 FXSTB Night Pickup w/2007 XL 1200N Train Motorcycle (1:24) Nightster Motorcycle (1:24) #MA32181-BK - $19.95 #MA32182-BK - $19.95
F6F Hellcat USN VF-15 Satan’s Playmates, “Minsi III” Camping Set w/Cessna 172 “CAG David McCampbell” Skyhawk Float Plane & USS Essex, 1944 Playmat (1:43) (1:32) [3/14] #NR05703A - $19.95 #HM-HA0301 - $219.00
F6F Hellcat Metal Display Stand (1:32) [3/14] #HM-HS0002 - $24.95
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Boeing CH-46 Sea-Knight Helicopter “U.S. Marines” (1:55) #NR25897 - $17.95
Bombardier Ski-Doo MXZ Rev Snowmobile (1:12) #NR44043 - $13.95
Fokker Triplane “Red Baron” (Small) #AUT-AP203 - $149.95
CH-47 Chinook Helicopter “U.S. Army” (1:60) #NR25797 - $17.95
Motorcycles Spitfire PR.Mk XI RAF No.22 Sqn 7th Photo Recon Grp James Blyth, RAF Mount Farm, England, (1:48) [3/14] #HM-HA7606 - $74.96
F4B-4 USN VF-1B High Hats, 1-F-1, USS Saratoga, 1932 (1:48) [3/14] #HM-HA7907 - $74.95
HH-60J Jayhawk Helicopter “U.S. Coast Guard” (1:60) #NR25597 - $17.95
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Tin Sign Norton Motorcycles - Best Road Holder (Weathered) #DE-1953 - $12.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Harley Davidson Ford F-150 STX w/2000 Fat Boy (Orange/Black) (1:24) [4/14] #MA32187-OR $18.95
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B Milkman Figure (White - Undecorated) (1:87) #AHM87-XX - $2.95
55-Gallon Drum Load (2) (1:87) [5/14] #CMW20210 - $7.95
Wheel Set (2-Hole with Complete Tires, Wheels and Axles for 6) (1:87)
Soda Bottles (12) (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-913 - $4.95
A: #TON-WW736 - White - $5.95 B: #TON-WW737 - Chrome - $6.95 C: #TON-WW736 - Gray - $5.95
Soda Machine (1) (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-912 - $9.95 Hand Cart (1) (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-914 - $4.95 Stacked 50-Pound Sacks Load (2) (1:87) [5/14] #CMW20213 - $7.95
Extra Logs (20) (2”) #SK0884 - $5.95
Stacked Wooden Crate Load (2) (1:87) [5/14] #CMW20211 - $7.95
Dairy Barn Set w/Dairy Cows & Fencing (1:64) #E12279 - $31.95
Stacked Shipping Cartons Load (2) (1:87) [5/14] #CMW20212 - $7.95
Machine Shed w/Lean-to Playset (1:64) #E12930 - $31.95
Milk Can Set (3) - Large, Small & Creamer (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-911 - $9.95
Pallets w/Load (2) (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-915 - $4.95
Sacks (5) (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-918 - $4.95 Carpenter Building Set (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-921 - $19.95
Road Repair Set (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-922 - $19.95 Service Truck Set (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-923 - $19.95
Road Work Accessory Pack NYPD Road Accessory Pack (2 Construction Barriers & (4 x NYC DOT Traffic Barrels & 2 x Barriers) (1:64) - NEW! 4 Traffic Barrels) (1:64) #GL13068 - $4.95 #GL13065 - $5.95
Brick Pallets (4) (1:50) - $5.95 Ea. #AHM43-907 - (Red) #AHM43-908 - (Gray)
Garage Accessory Set #1 (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-926 - $24.95 Garage Accessory Set #2 (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-927 - $14.95
Track Gang Set (1:43) - NEW! #AHM43-924 - $14.95
Safety Cones (Orange) (8) (1:50) #AHM43-909 - $4.95 Service Bay Gear (Set of 24) (1:48) #MH581 - $31.95
Pallets (25mm x 37mm) (1.5” x 1”) (1:50) #AHM43-906 - (6) - $2.95 #SK7015 - (50) - $14.95
Utility Workers (6) (1:48) #MP6180 - $11.95
Railroad Ties (24) (1:43) #AHM43-905 - $3.95
Jersey Barriers (2) (1:50) - NEW! #AHM43-910 - $5.95
Masonry Workers (4) with Cement Mixer & Wheel Barrow (1:48) #WS2753 - $21.95
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Dogs (4) (1:43) #AHM43-901 - $9.95
Light Truck Tires - 1950’s Automobile Tires - 1930’s & (20) (4½mm x 17mm) (1:43) 1940’s (20) (3½mm x 16mm) #AHM43-821 - $5.95 (1:43) #AHM43-801 - $5.95 Automobile Tires - 1950’s Automobile Tires - 1950’s Service Station (Whitewall w/Chrome Merchandising Kit Hubcaps) (8) (5mm x 17mm) (12) (1:43) (1:43) #AHM43-804 #AHM43-802 - $5.95 $5.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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Tank Filling Station “Esso” (1:48) - NEW! #MTH30-90405 - $59.95
Freight Transfer Warehouse (1:48) - NEW! #MTH30-90408 - $69.95
Barn (Red/Green Roof) (1:48) - NEW! #MTH30-90407 - $79.95
Tank Filling Station “Sunoco” (1:48) - NEW! #MTH30-90420 - $59.95
Tank Filling Station “Mobil” (1:48) - NEW! #MTH30-90419 - $59.95
Tank Filling Station “Shell” (1:48) - NEW! #MTH30-90472 - $59.95
1:43 Beta Tool Kit (1:43) - NEW! #TSM13AC26 - $24.95
Camping Set w/Cessna 172 Skyhawk Float Plane & Playmat (1:43) #NR05703A - $19.95
Tin Sign - Shell Auto Oil (Weathered) [3/14] #DE-1973 - $12.95
Tin Sign Older & Wiser Speed Shop [3/14] #DE-1962 - $12.95
Tin Sign - Route 66 America’s Main Street (Weathered) #DE-1957 - $12.95
Tin Sign - Older & Wiser Speed Shop - 1930’s Rod #DE-1963 - $12.95
See www.diecastdirect.com for complete line of display cases. Operating Drive-In Diner “Mel’s” (1:48) #MTH30-9188 - $199.95
Extra Logs (10) (4”) #SK7049 - $18.95
American Service Stations 1935-1943 Photo Archive #BK10029 - $36.95
1:18 Auto Display Case (Checked Bottom) (1:18) #P355C-CHECK - $13.95
1:18+ X-Large Display Case (1:18) #P576C - $13.95
Corgi 2014 Catalog (January-June) [3/14] #C14US1 - $4.95
1:18 Four-Post Lift (White/Red) (1:18) - NEW! #GL12888 - $39.95
1:32 Economy Display Case (1:32) #P083C - $4.95
Tin Signs - (Round) (Weathered) - $12.95 Ea. #DE-1926 - Texaco #DE-1964 - Shell Gasoline
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1955 Chevy Pickup with Railroad Tie Load (1:43) - $12.95 Ea. #RR-1955-DH - “Delaware & Hudson Railroad” #RR-1955-GN - “Great Northern Railroad” #RR-1955-MILW - “The Milwaukee Road Railroad”
12-Truck Wall-Mount Display Case (Mirrored Back) [3/14] #CP-12-TT - $179.95
To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
1955 Chevy Pickup (1:43) #AM-1955-11 - “Railway Express Agency” - $12.95 #AM-1955-12 - “Red Cross Mobile Disaster Unit” - $16.95 #AM-1955-18 - “Dairymen’s League” with 3 Milk Urns - $19.95
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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American Truck Series Pickup Trucks O-Scale 1942 Ford Pickup Trucks - (1:43)
#AM-1942-02........“Hubbard Co. Lumber & Hardware”.................... $12.95
O-Scale 1948 Ford Pickup Trucks - (1:43) #AM-1948-01........“Mobil” w/Tire Load............................................. $14.95 #AM-1948-02........“Phillips 66” w/Tire Load..................................... $14.95 #AM-1948-03........“Standard” w/Tire Load....................................... $14.95 #AM-1948-04........“Western Auto” w/Tire Load................................ $14.95 #AM-1948-05........“Madison Hardware Co.”.................................... $12.95 #AM-1948-06........“Amoco” w/Tire Load.......................................... $14.95 #AM-1948-07........“County Road Dept.”........................................... $12.95 #AM-1948-08........“Atlantic” w/Tire Load.......................................... $14.95 #AM-1948-09........“Clark” w/Tire Load............................................. $14.95 #AM-1948-10........“Conoco” w/Tire Load......................................... $14.95 #AM-1948-11.........“Flying A” w/Tire Load......................................... $14.95 #AM-1948-12........“Pan-Am” w/Tire Load......................................... $14.95 #AM-1948-13........“Pennzoil” w/Tire Load........................................ $14.95 #AM-1948-14........“Shell” w/Tire Load.............................................. $14.95 #AM-1948-15........“Sohio” w/Tire Load............................................ $14.95 #AM-1948-16........“Standard” w/Tire Load....................................... $14.95 #AM-1948-17........“American Locomotive Company”...................... $12.95 #AM-1948-18........“Baldwin Locomotive Works”.............................. $12.95 #AM-1948-19........“Fairbanks Morse”.............................................. $12.95 #AM-1948-20........“GM Electro-Motive Division”.............................. $12.95 #AM-1948-21........“U.S. Forestry Service”....................................... $12.95 #AM-1948-22........“A-1 Remodeling” w/Accessories - NEW!........... $24.95 #AM-1948-23........“City Auto Supply” w/Accessories - NEW!.......... $19.95 #AM-1948-24........“Dept. of Public Works” w/Accessories - NEW!.. $24.95 #AM-1948-25........“Plumbing & Heating” Accessories - NEW!......... $14.95 #AM-1948-26........“Goderwis Supply” w/Coal Load - NEW!............. $14.95 O-Scale 1955 Chevy Pickup Trucks - (1:43) #AM-1955-01........“Shell” w/Tire Load.............................................. $14.95 #AM-1955-02........“Esso” w/Tire Load.............................................. $14.95 #AM-1955-03........“Sinclair” w/Tire Load.......................................... $14.95 #AM-1955-04........“Sunoco” w/Tire Load......................................... $14.95 #AM-1955-05........“Union 76” w/Tire Load....................................... $14.95 #AM-1955-06........“Cities Service” w/Tire Load................................ $14.95 #AM-1955-07........“Pure” w/Tire Load.............................................. $14.95 #AM-1955-08........“Richfield” w/Tire Load........................................ $14.95 #AM-1955-09........“Ashland” w/Tire Load......................................... $14.95 #AM-1955-10........“Gulf” w/Tire Load - NEW!.................................. $14.95 #AM-1955-11.........“Railway Express Agency” - NEW!..................... $12.95 #AM-1955-12........“Red Cross Mobile Disaster Unit” - NEW!........... $16.95 #AM-1955-13........“Standard” w/Tire Load - NEW!.......................... $14.95 #AM-1955-14........“Mobil” w/Tire Load - NEW!................................ $14.95 #AM-1955-15........“Western Auto” w/Tire Load - NEW!................... $14.95 #AM-1955-18........“Dairymen’s League” w/3 Milk Urns - NEW!....... $19.95 Railyard Truck Series Pickup Trucks O-Scale 1948 Ford Pickup Trucks - (1:43)
Finally, all railroad 70 railroads are now available on our 1948 Ford F1 pickup! All are available on black pickups while several are available on red or cream. AA, AAR, ACL, BAR, BLE, BM, BO, BRC, CBQ, CG, CGW, CN, CNJ, CNW, CO, CPR, CV, DH, DLW, DMIR, DRGW, DTI, ERIE, FC, FEC, GBW, GMO, GN, GTW, IC, KCS, LI, LN, LNE, LV, MEC, MILW, MKT, MON, MP, MPA, MSTL, MTR, NH, NKP, NP, NW, NYC, NYOW, PLE, PRR, PSR, PWV, RDG, RFP, ROCK, RUT, SAL, SF, SLSF, SOU, SP, SPS, SSW, TP, UP, VGN, WAB, WM, WP _
O-Scale 1950 GMC Pickup Trucks - (1:43) #RR-1950-BM.......“Boston & Maine Railroad”................................. $12.95 #RR-1950-CBQ.....“Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad”............ $12.95 #RR-1950-CN........“Canadian National Railways”............................ $12.95 #RR-1950-CPR.....“Canadian Pacific Railroad”................................ $12.95 #RR-1950-CV........“Central Vermont Railway”.................................. $12.95 #RR-1950-DRGW.“Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad”.......... $12.95 #RR-1950-GTW....“Grand Trunk Western Railroad”......................... $12.95 #RR-1950-NW.......“Norfolk & Western Railway”............................... $12.95 #RR-1950-PRR.....“Pennsylvania Railroad - Philadelphia Region”.. $12.95 To Place an Order Call: 1-800-718-1866 - M-F 9-5pm ET
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
O-Scale 1955 Chevy Pickup Trucks - (1:43)
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#RR-1955-AA........“Ann Arbor Railroad”........................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-ACL......“Atlantic Coast Line Railroad” - NEW!................ $12.95 #RR-1955-AAR.....“Alaska Railroad” [Coming May 2014]................ $12.95 #RR-1955-BAR.....“Bangor & Aroostook Railroad”........................... $12.95 #RR-1955-BLE......“Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad” - NEW!........... $12.95 #RR-1955-BM.......“Boston & Maine Railroad”................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-BO.......“B&O (Baltimore & Ohio) Railroad”..................... $12.95 #RR-1955-BRC.....“Belt Railway of Chicago Railroad” - NEW!........ $12.95 #RR-1955-CBQ.....“Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R.” - NEW!...... $12.95 #RR-1955-CG.......“Central of Georgia Railway” - NEW!.................. $12.95 #RR-1955-CGW....“Chicago Great Western Railway” - NEW!.......... $12.95 #RR-1955-CN........“Canadian National Railways”............................ $12.95 #RR-1955-CNJ......“Central of New Jersey Railroad” - NEW!........... $12.95 #RR-1955-CNW....“Chicago and North Western Railroad”............... $12.95 #RR-1955-CO.......“Chesapeake & Ohio Railway”........................... $12.95 #RR-1955-CPR.....“Canadian Pacific Railroad”................................ $12.95 #RR-1955-CV........“Central Vermont Railway”.................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-DH........“Delaware & Hudson Railroad” - NEW!.............. $12.95 #RR-1955-DLW.....“Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad”.... $12.95 #RR-1955-DMIR....“Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Railway” - NEW!.. $12.95 #RR-1955-DRGW.“Denver & Rio Grande Western R.R.” - NEW!.... $12.95 #RR-1955-DTI.......“Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad”.................... $12.95 #RR-1955-ERIE....“Erie Railroad”.................................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-FC........“Frankfort & Cincinnati Railroad” - NEW!............ $12.95 #RR-1955-FEC......“Florida East Coast Railroad” - NEW!................. $12.95 #RR-1955-GBW....“Green Bay & Western Railroad”........................ $12.95 #RR-1955-GMO....“GM&O Railroad”................................................ $12.95 #RR-1955-GN.......“Great Northern Railroad” - NEW!...................... $12.95 #RR-1955-GTW....“Grand Trunk Western Railroad”......................... $12.95 #RR-1955-IC.........“Illinois Central Railroad”.................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-KCS.....“Kansas City Southern Railroad” - NEW!............ $12.95 #RR-1955-LI..........“Long Island Railroad” - NEW!............................ $12.95 #RR-1955-LN........“L&N Railroad” - NEW!....................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-LNE......“Lehigh and New England Railroad” - NEW!...... $12.95 #RR-1955-LV.........“Lehigh Valley Railroad”...................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-MEC.....“Maine Central Railroad”.................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-MILW...“Milwaukee Road” - NEW!.................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-MKT.....“Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad” - NEW!......... $12.95 #RR-1955-MON....“Monon Railroad” - NEW!................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-MP........“Missouri Pacific Railroad” - NEW!..................... $12.95 #RR-1955-MPA.....“Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad” - NEW!...... $12.95 #RR-1955-MSTL...“Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway” - NEW!.......... $12.95 #RR-1955-MTR.....“Montour Railroad” - NEW!................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-NH........“New Haven Railroad” - NEW!............................ $12.95 #RR-1955-NKP.....“Nickel Plate Road” - NEW!................................ $12.95 #RR-1955-NP........“Northern Pacific Railroad” - NEW!..................... $12.95 #RR-1955-NW.......“Norfolk & Western Railway” - NEW!.................. $12.95 #RR-1955-NYC.....“New York Central System Railroad”.................. $12.95 #RR-1955-NYOW.. “New York, Ontario & Western Railroad” - NEW!.. $12.95 #RR-1955-PLE......“Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad”................... $12.95 #RR-1955-PRR.....“Pennsylvania Railroad”..................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-PSR.....“Pittsburg & Shawmut Railroad” - NEW!............. $12.95 #RR-1955-PWV.....“Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway”.................. $12.95 #RR-1955-RDG.....“Reading Lines Railroad” - NEW!....................... $12.95 #RR-1955-RFP......“Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R.R.” - NEW!.. $12.95 #RR-1955-ROCK..“Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad”.......... $12.95 #RR-1955-RUT.....“Rutland Railroad” - NEW!.................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-SAL......“Seaboard Air Line Railroad” - NEW!.................. $12.95 #RR-1955-SF........“Santa Fe Railway”............................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-SLSF....“Frisco Railroad” - NEW!..................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-SOO.....“SOO Line Railroad” [Coming May 2014]........... $12.95 #RR-1955-SOU.....“Southern Railway” - NEW!................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-SP........“Southern Pacific Railroad”................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-SPS......“Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway”.............. $12.95 #RR-1955-SSW.....“St. Louis Southwestern Railroad” - NEW!......... $12.95 #RR-1955-TP........“Texas & Pacific Railroad”.................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-UP........“Union Pacific Railroad”...................................... $12.95 #RR-1955-VGN.....“Virginian Railway” - NEW!................................. $12.95 #RR-1955-WAB....“Wabash Railroad M.O.W. Dept.” - NEW!........... $12.95 #RR-1955-WM......“Western Maryland Railroad” - NEW!................. $12.95 #RR-1955-WP.......“Western Pacific Railroad” - NEW!..................... $12.95 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.
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Ford C Telesqurt (Red/Black) (1:50) - Very Limited! #ATH90937 - $59.95
Wareh ouse Find! 2011 Chevy Tahoe (1:43) - NEW! - $26.95 Ea. #FR-TAH-139 - “Philadelphia Fire Department” #FR-TAH-140 - “Denver International Airport Fire Dept.”
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