2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual

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Step 3: Part 2, Identify Nondelivery/Nonworking Days (first test administration setup .... students in grade eleven for college readiness in English–language arts  ...
CALIFORNIA Standardized Testing and Reporting Program

2014 Test Administration Setup Manual California Standards Tests California Modified Assessment California Alternate Performance Assessment Standards-based Tests in Spanish

Contact Information STAR Technical Assistance Center 2731 Systron Drive Concord, CA 94518 Phone: 800-955-2954 Fax: 800-541-8455 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.startest.org/

Copyright  2013 by the California Department of Education

STAR Program

Table of Contents Acronyms and Initialisms Used in the STAR Test Administration Setup Manual ................................................................... ii

Introduction............................................................................................................................................................ 1 Using the Online STAR Test Administration Setup Module .............................................................................................. 1 Gaining Access to the Online STAR Test Administration Setup Module ......................................................................... 1 About Test Administration Dates ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Scheduling Dates ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Multiple Test Administrations ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Multiple-Choice Tests (CSTs, CMA, STS, and CAPA) ........................................................................................................... 2 Grades Four and Seven Writing Standards Tests (CSTs and CMA) ..................................................................................... 3 Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Early Assessment Program for Grade Eleven........................................................................................................................ 4 Spring Break .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Late Testers ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 STAR Management System Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 4 About This Manual ................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Module Access and Log On ................................................................................................................................. 5 Steps to Log On ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Use Passwords ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Log On for the First Time ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Change a Password............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Reset a Forgotten Password.................................................................................................................................................. 7 Welcome! Web Page ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 “Change Text Size” ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 “Dashboard Summary” ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Log Off.................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Update Profile Information ................................................................................................................................. 10 Access .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Update School District Contact Information ..................................................................................................................... 13 Update Existing Address Information ............................................................................................................................... 14 Add an Address ................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Use the ADD Functions ...................................................................................................................................... 17 ADD Test Administration Dates ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Step 1: Set Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 Step 2: Identify Noninstructional Days ................................................................................................................................. 20 Step 3: Part 1, Specify Test Dates ....................................................................................................................................... 21 Step 3: Part 2, Identify Nondelivery/Nonworking Days (first test administration setup only) ................................................ 22 Step 4: View Test Admin Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 24 ADD Nondelivery/Nonworking Days .................................................................................................................................. 25

Use the EDIT Functions ...................................................................................................................................... 26 EDIT a Multiple-Choice Administration ............................................................................................................................. 26 EDIT Writing Administration............................................................................................................................................... 27 EDIT EAP Essay Administration ........................................................................................................................................ 27 EDIT the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days Calendar ........................................................................................................... 27

Use the VIEW Functions ..................................................................................................................................... 29 VIEW Test Admin Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 29 VIEW Nondelivery/Nonworking Days................................................................................................................................. 29 VIEW Noninstructional Days .............................................................................................................................................. 29

Appendix: Buttons, Tabs, and Links ................................................................................................................. 30 Buttons and Tabs ................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Links ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

July 2013

2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  i Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

STAR Program Acronyms and Initialisms Used in the STAR Test Administration Setup Manual


California Alternate Performance Assessment California Community Colleges California Department of Education county/district/school California Modified Assessment California Standards Tests California State University Early Assessment Program English–language arts individualized education program multiple choice nonpublic, nonsectarian school State Board of Education Standardized Testing and Reporting STAR Technical Assistance Center Standards-based Tests in Spanish

ii  2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

July 2013

Introduction | What’s New

Introduction The 2014 Test Administration Setup Manual describes the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program Test Administration module, one of the five modules accessible through the STAR Management System. The STAR Management System is accessible from http://www.startest.org/ (select the External Links button on the left navigation bar, and then select the link—presented as the URL— directly under the “STAR Management System” heading to access the Test Administration Setup module). The other modules that make up the STAR Management These sites are intended System are the Order Management module, the Data Corrections for access by district module, the Pre-ID Submission module, and the Extended Pre-ID Data STAR coordinators only. Corrections module, each of which will be described in future manuals.

What’s New Feature Process Change Identify nondelivery/ nonworking days

Description The “Do you want to enter your Nondelivery/Nonworking days now?” dialog box that appeared between Step 3, Part 1 (Specify Test Dates) and Step 3, Part 2 (Identify Nondelivery/Nonworking Days) has been eliminated.

Using the Online STAR Test Administration Setup Module Use the STAR Test Administration Setup module to determine and calculate dates for the school district’s 2014 administration of the California Standards Tests (CSTs), the California Modified Assessment (CMA), the California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA), and the Standardsbased Tests in Spanish (STS). The STAR Management System can also be used to order the Early Assessment Program (EAP) Essay. The EAP is a joint program of the California Department of Education (CDE), the California State University (CSU), and the California Community Colleges (CCC) and is designed to assess students in grade eleven for college readiness in English–language arts (ELA) and mathematics. Note that the EAP multiple-choice ELA and mathematics tests are administered with the CSTs for ELA (Grade 11) and mathematics (Algebra II and Summative High School Mathematics). Also use the STAR Test Administration Setup module to verify contact information and to change delivery and e-mail addresses. Administrations should be entered before December 1, 2013, which is the date materials orders are due.

Gaining Access to the Online STAR Test Administration Setup Module District STAR coordinators may access this module only after the proper designation and security forms have been submitted to the STAR Technical Assistance Center (STAR TAC): • If you are the district STAR coordinator, the following forms must be submitted: – the “Superintendent’s Designation of District STAR Coordinator 2013–14 School Year”; and – the “2013–14 STAR Test (Including Field Tests) Security Agreement for District and Test Site Coordinators” • If you are the STAR coordinator for an independently testing charter school, the following forms must be submitted: – the “Charter School STAR Program Designation, 2013–14 School Year”; and – the “2013–14 STAR Test (Including Field Tests) Security Agreement for District and Test Site Coordinators” July 2013

2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  1 Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

Introduction | About Test Administration Dates

These forms can be downloaded from the Web page at http://www.startest.org/forms.html. These forms can be faxed to 800-541-8455 or mailed to 2731 Systron Drive, Concord, CA, 94518. After these forms are submitted, the district STAR coordinator will receive an e-mail with a username and password that will allow access to the STAR Test Administration Setup module. Please note that the logon credentials will not be sent instantaneously.

About Test Administration Dates Scheduling Dates Test administrations should be entered once the district has finalized its instructional schedule. This may be any time prior to December 1. Test administration dates must be finalized before orders for testing materials may be placed. Test materials orders must be placed by December 1. Once orders have been approved, the dates may not be changed.

Multiple Test Administrations Schools within a district may have a variety of beginning and ending dates of instruction because of multiple tracks. This means a school district may have more than one test administration window. School districts that have assigned students to nonpublic, nonsectarian schools (NPS) on the basis of individualized education program (IEP) team recommendations may need specific test administration windows to accommodate the NPSs. District STAR coordinators must treat each test administration as a distinct testing entity and enter information separately for each. For each test administration, the schedules will vary for delivery of testing materials, actual testing dates, pickup of materials, and reporting. The school district can add new test administration windows at any time or change dates related to a testing window up to the time the district STAR coordinator (or STAR TAC) approves the testing materials order for that particular test administration. After this approval, which will be described with the order management process at a later date, only STAR TAC can edit the test dates. Some dates may not be changed. If school or track schedules are slightly different but the 85 percent date (described in the next section) is within a day or so for schools within the school district and if the district intends to test all schools during the same test window, the school district should set up a single test administration period. School districts should NOT set up multiple test windows with the same dates.

Multiple-Choice Tests (CSTs, CMA, STS, and CAPA) The Test Administration Setup module on the STAR Management System Web site calculates the school district testing window(s) automatically and establishes the date for the administration of the CST and/or CMA writing test(s), if relevant. Table 1. Typical testing periods

The date on which a school (including NPSs), # Instructional Days Test Days program, or track completes 85 percent of its th th 160 124 – 148 day instructional days will determine when the multipleth st 163 127 – 151 day choice tests will be administered. Schools must th st 175 137 – 161 day complete all regular and makeup testing within a th nd 176 138 – 162 day st th 25-day window comprised of 12 instructional days 180 141 – 165 day before and 12 instructional days after the date on which 85 percent of each school’s, program’s, or track’s instructional days are completed. School districts may use all or any part of the 25 days for testing but are encouraged to schedule testing over no more than a 10- to 15-day period to limit the possibility of security breaches and allow time for preparing and returning documents.

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July 2013

Introduction | About Test Administration Dates

Round up any decimal to the next whole number. For example, if a school has 163 instructional days, the testing window is between the 127th and 151st days of instruction: (163 * 0.85 = 138.55 [rounded up to the next whole number, 139] +/- 12) Table 1 shows typical testing periods for a sample of school-year lengths (in number of instructional days). The test administration windows for the CMA, CAPA, and STS are the same as the CST administration window.

Grades Four and Seven Writing Standards Tests (CSTs and CMA) Writing is part of the grades four and seven CST for ELA and CMA for ELA. School districts indicating that they will administer the CSTs and/or the CMA for students in grades four and/or seven will automatically be set up with a writing test administration. WA01–March Administration WA02–May Administration

Test Date March 4 May 6

Makeup March 5 May 7

All schools scheduled to be in session on March 4 must administer the writing tests on March 4, with makeup tests on March 5. All schools not in session on March 4 must administer the writing tests on May 6, with makeup tests on May 7.

• Any students who are absent both days will receive no writing score. • Test and makeup dates for the writing administration will be set automatically on the basis of schedule(s) of instructional days provided by the school district during the setup of the multiple-choice administration. • Schools that are in session on March 4 may not administer the writing test to any students at any other time without prior CDE approval. • The May administration is only available for schools that are not in session on March 4.

Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools The 25-day testing window for nonpublic, nonsectarian schools is determined using the same criteria as for school districts (see page 2). That testing window may coincide with another district test administration. If it does not, a separate test window must be entered for the NPS using the Test Administration Setup module. District STAR coordinators for each school district that has assigned students to NPSs on the basis of IEP team recommendations will continue to be responsible for ordering the testing materials, sending them to the NPSs, receiving the materials back from the NPSs, and returning the materials to the contractor. Do the following to set up the test administration periods for NPSs in which the school district has enrolled students: 1. Contact all NPSs in which the school district has enrolled students and request copies of their 2013–14 instructional calendars. These will be needed to set up the test administration periods for the NPSs. 2. Request that each NPS provide the school district with the dates for its proposed 25-day window. The schools’ proposed windows will need to be verified through the Test Administration Setup module of the STAR Management System. California Education Code section 56366(a)(8)(B) states that, “Each nonpublic, nonsectarian school shall notify the district of residence of a pupil enrolled in the school of its testing period.” 3. Verify that the list of the district’s schools in the “Organization Information” section includes the 0000001 code that is used only to submit test orders and return materials for students the school district assigns to NPSs on the basis of IEP team recommendations. 4. For all NPSs that fit into a test administration period being used for district schools, notify the schools of the testing window. July 2013

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Introduction | STAR Management System Requirements

5. For all NPSs that do not fit into a test administration period being used for district schools, use the instructional calendars provided by the NPSs and set up test administration periods for them.

Early Assessment Program for Grade Eleven Students in grade eleven are offered an opportunity to obtain information about their readiness for college-level English and mathematics at the CSU and CCC by participating in the Early Assessment of Readiness for College English and mathematics—the Early Assessment Program (EAP). One of the benefits of this program is that students can earn an exemption from the CSU and participating CCC English and mathematics placement tests upon admission to the campus. To participate in the Early Assessment Program for English (EAP English), students must take an additional 15 multiple-choice test questions at the end of the CST for ELA (Grade 11) and they also must write an essay. The EAP essay testing window is tentatively scheduled from March 4 through March 31. This will be scheduled automatically if, while setting up test dates in the Test Administration Setup module, the school district indicates that there will be grade eleven students participating in the EAP. A special test administration will be created as EP01 in the system.

Spring Break If spring break occurs within the 25-day window, testing dates may be scheduled before and after the break to comply with the rule that the multiple-choice tests be administered 12 instructional days before and after the 85 percent date. The 25-day window may not be changed. School districts are encouraged to schedule all testing, including makeups, either before or after the spring break, if possible. If it is necessary to schedule some tests before and some tests after the break, schools should take extra precautions with the security of testing materials over spring break.

Late Testers Late testers are school districts that have approved State Board of Education (SBE) waivers to operate nonstandard school years that span fiscal years. The 25-day window for some students in these school districts may be in July and August 2014.

STAR Management System Requirements The STAR Management System uses Internet Explorer (5.5 or higher) running on the Windows operating platform or Safari (version 4.1.3 or higher) running on the Mac operating system. System functionality and screen displays may operate or appear different due to different browser and operating system capabilities. The STAR Management System Web site is optimal when viewed using a resolution of 1280 x 1024. Please note that, because of the nature of multi-tab/window functionality, only one session of any module of the STAR Management System should be open for editing at one time. STAR data records may become inaccurate if, for example, one school’s data are updated from one open browser tab or window and another school’s data are updated from another open browser tab or window.

About This Manual 1. Web site users may notice slight differences between what is displayed on the Web page and what is shown in this manual. 2. Data displayed on the Web pages or forms shown as examples in this manual are for demonstration purposes only and may not reflect valid data. 3. Web pages may appear slightly different under Macintosh, using various versions of Windows, or because of differences in browsers or browser versions. 4. Descriptions of buttons and links found in the Test Administration Setup module are listed in the appendix starting on page 30.

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Module Access and Log On | Steps to Log On

Module Access and Log On District STAR coordinators cannot log on to the STAR Management System until STAR TAC has received the signed “Superintendent’s Designation of District STAR Coordinator” form (from the superintendent) and the district STAR coordinator’s signed “2013–14 STAR Test Security Agreement for District and Test Site Coordinators (Including Field Tests).” Use the Web forms in the “Profile” section to verify contact information and to change delivery and e-mail addresses. Use the Web forms in the “Test Administration” area to establish and update test administration dates for the school district. All district STAR coordinators will receive an e-mail similar to that shown in Figure 1, with a new username and password, but only if they have returned the STAR designation form signed by the superintendent and the security form signed by the district STAR coordinator. From: [email protected] Subject: STAR System User Account - Confidential Dear [District STAR Coordinator name]: Below is the STAR logon account id and temporary password for the 2014 administration. At your earliest convenience, please log onto the STAR Web site at http://[URL] You will be prompted to change your temporary password. User Account Logon: Temporary Password: CDS Code: School District Name:

DC12345 TEMP01 0112345000000 Sample District Name

If you have any questions, please contact the STAR Technical Assistance Center at 800-955-2954 or e-mail us at [email protected]. Thank You. Figure 1. STAR Username and Password e-mail notice

Steps to Log On Follow these steps to log on to the Test Administration Setup module: 1. Open an Internet browser. 2. Go to http://www.startest.org/ and select the External Links button on the left navigation bar. 3. Select the link—presented as the URL—directly under the “STAR Management System” heading. 4. Select the Continue button next to the option “STAR 2014 Administration” to access the Logon Web form shown in Figure 2, on the next page.

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Module Access and Log On | Use Passwords

Figure 2. STAR Management System Logon Web form

5. Enter the username—called “User Account Logon” in the e-mail notice sampled on page 5— and password in the Username and Password fields in the STAR Management System Logon Web form and then select the Logon button. Note that the username and password are case sensitive. • If this is the first logon of the year, follow the instructions in the next section, “Use Passwords,” to use the user account logon name and temporary password provided in the e-mail sent by STAR TAC. You will also choose a personal security question and answer, which can be used to reset a forgotten password. Note that the security answer is case sensitive.

Use Passwords Log On for the First Time Using the temporary password to log on causes the system to prompt the user to change the password and choose a security question to be used to reset a forgotten password. Follow the steps to log on; in this instance, however, selecting the Logon button will send the user to the Change Password Web form shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Change Password Web form

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Module Access and Log On | Use Passwords

To change the password: 1. Enter the temporary password in the Current Password field. 2. Enter the new password in the New Password field. A password must contain a minimum of six characters. 3. Re-enter the new password in the Confirm New Password field. 4. Use the Choose Security Question dropdown list to choose the type of security question to be asked if the password must be reset. A correct response will allow a forgotten password to be reset. 5. Enter the response to the security question in the Enter Security Answer field. Note that the security answer is case sensitive. 6. Select the Change Password button. This will transmit the new password information to the server and call up the Welcome! Web page. See “Update Profile Information” on page 10 of this manual for information on accessing the Profile function. Verify the school district contact and address information and add primary shipping information if it is absent.

Change a Password To change a password, select the Change Password tab button and follow the instructions in the previous section to log on with a new password.

Reset a Forgotten Password Follow these steps if you have forgotten your password: 1. Open an Internet browser. 2. Go to http://www.startest.org/ and select the External Links button in the left navigation bar. 3. Select the link—presented as the URL—directly under the “STAR Management System” heading. 4. Select the Continue button next to the option “STAR 2014 Administration.” 5. Select the Forgot your Password? link under the logon fields to open the Obtain Password Web form. 6. Enter your username and e-mail address in the Obtain Password Web form (Figure 4), and then answer the security question by selecting your previously chosen security question from the Select dropdown list and typing the response in the blank field on the right. (Note that the security answer is case sensitive, and that users have only three attempts at a correct username/password combination before being locked out of the system. If this happens, contact STAR TAC to reset the password for access to the system.) 7. Select the Obtain Password button. 8. You will receive an e-mail containing your user ID and password.

Figure 4. Obtain Password Web form

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Module Access and Log On | Welcome! Web Page

Welcome! Web Page If the logon is correct, the Welcome! Web page will appear (see Figure 7 on page 9). However, if either the username or password has been typed incorrectly, the system will return this message on the Logon Web page: “Invalid User ID or password. User ID and password are case sensitive.” Carefully retype the username and password and then select Logon.

“Change Text Size” In the “Change Text Size” section, shown in Figure 5, you can change the size of the text of the STAR Management System by selecting the appropriate A button to select a desirable text size. This section is usually located above the “Dashboard Summary” on the right. The text size will be “remembered” the next time you log on.

Figure 5. "Change Text Size" buttons

“Dashboard Summary” The “Dashboard Summary” lets district STAR coordinators see instantly which test administrations have been set up. The “Dashboard Summary,” shown in Figure 6, appears on the right side of Web pages and may require some users to scroll to the right to view it.

Log Off

Figure 6. "Dashboard Summary" section

To log off from the STAR Test Administration Setup module, select the Logoff tab button above the navigation bar on any of the Web pages or forms. Be sure to save any changes before logging off, as logging off will cancel any data that have been entered, but not saved, into a Web form.

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Module Access and Log On | Log Off

Navigation tab buttons


Left navigation bar

Figure 7. Welcome! Web page

2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  9

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Update Profile Information | Access

Update Profile Information The Profile information section is populated with information from the “Superintendent’s Designation of District STAR Test Coordinator 2013–14 School Year” form that was submitted to STAR TAC. District STAR coordinators cannot access any aspect of the STAR Management System until STAR TAC has received the signed designation form from the superintendent and the district STAR coordinator’s signed “2013–14 STAR Test Security Agreement for District and Test Site Coordinators (Including Field Tests).” The school district’s information stored in the STAR Management System can only be changed using a link in the “Profile” area on the left navigation bar. Please note that as soon as an order is placed for an administration, details for the schools and test sites within the administration cannot be changed. However, the district’s address and contact information can still be edited.

Access To access the school district’s information, select the Maintain/Update Profile link in the “Profile” section of the left navigation bar. This opens the Profile Web page, shown in Figure 8:

Figure 8. Primary Profile Web page

The fields in the top section, “Organization Information,” are as follows: CDS Code Status Late Testing

The CDE-assigned county/district/school (CDS) code that uniquely describes each organization. Indicates that, on the basis of information received from the CDE, the school district is active. Indicates either “Y” or “N” whether the school district has an approved State Board of Education waiver to operate nontraditional school years (school years that span two fiscal years).

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Update Profile Information | Access

Security Form Received

Designation Form Received

“Y” indicates that the district STAR coordinator has signed and returned the security agreement to STAR TAC. If the security agreement has not been submitted, the district STAR coordinator cannot access this Web site. “Y” indicates that the superintendent has signed and returned the coordinator designation form to STAR TAC. If the designation form has not been submitted, the district STAR coordinator cannot access this Web site.

Under the school district’s information is a sentence that includes a link: “View schools that belong to your district.” Select the embedded link, schools, to view information about the schools in the district (Figure 9). All schools that have any grade between two and eleven and an active CDS code should be listed:

Figure 9. Schools list

Note: The list of schools includes the District Students in NPS school code ending in 0000001, which is used only to set up test administration periods, order materials, and/or return materials for NPSs in which the school district has enrolled students. This code would be used for one or more NPSs that may be included in one or more test administrations. The CDS code used by the school district to set up a test administration for an NPS might look like this on the schools list: District Students in NPS Text (does not change)

9 9 County code

9 9 9 9 District code


0 0 0 0 School code




Users can change the school’s high or low grade from the schools list. For example, a middle school may open its enrollment to students in grade five; the district STAR coordinator would change the school’s low grade from grade six to grade five. Or the middle school may extend its enrollment to students in grade nine; the district STAR coordinator would change the school’s high grade from grade eight to grade nine. Once that task is completed, the progression of screens returns to a Profile view, as shown in Figure 10, where users will use the following steps to change the school district’s correspondence information. Note that the school’s independent charter status (Y/N) and/ or late testing status (Y/N) can only be changed by STAR TAC.

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Update Profile Information | Access

Figure 10. School Profile Web page

To change the school’s low or high grade: 1. Select the Update button next to the school’s name on the schools list shown in Figure 9; or Select the school’s name on the schools list shown in Figure 9; and then select the Update button in the “Organization Information” section on the School Profile Web page to open the Update Organization Profile shown in Figure 11, below.

Figure 11. Update Organization Profile Web form

2. Use the dropdown lists to see a list of grades that can be set as low or high grades. 3. Select a new grade. 4. Either select the Save and Exit button to save changes and move to the next page, which is a secondary Profile Web page, or select Cancel to exit this view without saving changes. 5. Select the Done link to return to the primary school Profile Web page or continue with the next section to change the school’s correspondence address.

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Update Profile Information | Update School District Contact Information

To change the school’s correspondence address: 1. Select the Update button in the “Addresses” section of the Profile Web page for the school. 2. Enter the school’s correspondence information on the Correspondence Address Information data form. This address is where the school would receive STAR-related mail. Fields are the same as those described in the “Update School District Contact Information” section below. Note: Enter data in all fields marked with a red asterisk; otherwise, any other changes will not be written into the database. 3. Either select the Save and Exit button to save changes and move to the next page or select Refresh to reset the Web form’s data to its original state or select Cancel to exit this view without saving changes. 4. On the next page where the address data are displayed, either select the Home tab button to return to the Welcome! Web page or select a link from the left navigation bar to perform a different function.

Update School District Contact Information When the Update button in one of the contact boxes of the “Contacts” section of the primary Profile Web page has been selected, you can change address information for a contact on the online form that appears. Please note that the superintendent or district STAR coordinator name cannot be changed. To change these names, please send an updated Designation form and Security Agreement form to STAR TAC.

Figure 12. Contact Information Web form

Use the following steps to make changes to the school district’s contact information: 1. Log on to the Test Administration Setup module. 2. Select the Maintain/Update Profile link in the “Profile” section of the left navigation bar to access the primary Profile Web page. 3. Select the appropriate Update button in the “Contacts” section.

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Update Profile Information | Update Existing Address Information

4. Make the changes on the data form that appears (like the Contact Information form shown in Figure 12, on the previous page). The following fields are available for change by the district STAR coordinator: • Phone • Street Address line 1 • Extension • Street Address line 2 • Fax • City • E-mail • State • Zip The following fields can be changed only by calling STAR TAC: • Prefix • First Name • Middle Name

• Last Name • Title/Role

5. The numbers in the Phone and Fax fields should be entered without special characters such as hyphens and parentheses. 6. Select Save and Exit to save any changes that have been made and to see the Contact Information Web page, which shows the updated information, or select the Refresh button to reset the form’s data to their original state or select the Cancel button to return to the primary Profile Web page without saving changes. 7. If you selected Save and Exit in the previous step, select the Back button to return to the primary Profile Web page from the Contact Information Web page.

Update Existing Address Information When the Update button has been selected in one of the “Address” boxes of the Profile Web page, you can change address information for a school district on the online form that appears. Please note that changes should not be made to the primary address after the school district’s order has been sent for packaging. If this happens, the following error message will appear: “Because the district order has been sent for packaging, please contact your STAR TAC representative at 800-955-2954 to determine if the delivery can be redirected to the address you are about to enter.”

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Update Profile Information | Add an Address

Figure 13. Address Information Web form

Use the following steps to make changes to the school district’s address information: 1. Log on to the Test Administration Setup module. 2. Select the Maintain/Update Profile link in the “Profile” section of the left navigation bar. 3. Select an Update button in the appropriate “Address” box (correspondence, primary shipping, billing, report shipment, or secondary shipping). If the “Address” box for a particular address type is not displayed it means the address should be added (and not updated). See the next section, “Add an Address,” for this procedure. 4. Enter data into the fields on the data form (like the one in Figure 13), as appropriate. Note: The primary shipping address must be a street address, not a post office box. 5. Enter the numbers in the Phone and Fax fields without special characters such as hyphens and parentheses. 6. Select Save and Exit to save any changes that have been made and move to the next page or use the Refresh button to reset the form’s data to their original state or select the Cancel button to return to the primary Profile Web page without saving changes. 7. On the next page where the address is displayed, either select the Back button to return to the primary Profile Web page or select the Home tab button to return to the Welcome! Web page or select a link from the left navigation bar to perform a different function.

Add an Address The Add New Address link in the “Profile” section of the left navigation bar allows for additional address types to the school district’s information, one address per type. The primary shipping address is the address to which tests are delivered and picked up and reports are delivered.

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2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  15 Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

Update Profile Information | Add an Address

Materials and correspondence will be sent to this address unless otherwise indicated by the school district. Additional optional addresses are as follows: • Report Shipment—where reports are to be delivered if different from the primary shipping address; this address should not be added or changed after May 31 • Secondary Shipping—where supplemental orders are to be delivered if different from the primary shipping address • Billing—where invoices and statements are to be sent Please note that changes should not be made to the primary address after the school district’s order has been sent for packaging. If this happens, the following error message will appear: “Because the district order has been sent for packaging, please contact your STAR TAC representative at 800-955-2954 to determine if the delivery can be redirected to the address you are about to enter.” To change an existing address, follow the procedure outlined in the previous section, “Update Existing Address Information,” on page 14. To add an address: 1. Log on to the Test Administration Setup module. 2. Select the Add New Address link in the “Profile” section of the left navigation bar. 3. Select an address type from the Purpose dropdown list. 4. Enter data into the fields on the data form, as appropriate. 5. Select the Save and Exit button to save any changes that have been made. If required fields were left blank, the data form reappears; the system notes the missing data with red text under the field (for example, “City is required.”) or use the Refresh button to reset the form’s data to their original state or select the Cancel button to return to the primary Profile Web page without saving changes. Note: The primary shipping address must be a street address, not a post office box. 6. On the next page, where the address is displayed, select the Back button to return to the Profile Web page or select the Home tab button to return to the Welcome! Web page or select a link from the left navigation bar to perform a different function.

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Use the ADD Functions | ADD Test Administration Dates

Use the ADD Functions ADD Test Administration Dates There are four steps required in the Test Administration Setup module to calculate each test administration window for the school district: • Step 1: Set parameters. • Step 2: Identify noninstructional days. • Step 3: Part 1, Specify test dates. Part 2, Identify nondelivery/nonworking days. • Step 4: View the test admin summary. Test administrations should be entered once the district has finalized its instructional schedule. This may be any time prior to December 1. Test administration dates must be finalized before orders for testing materials may be placed. Test materials orders are required to be placed by December 1. The district STAR coordinator can add new test administrations at any time or change dates related to the testing window up to the time the district STAR coordinator approves the testing materials order for that particular test administration. After this approval, which will be described with the order management process at a later date, only STAR TAC can edit the test dates.

Be sure to review the calendars for all the schools in a district, including NPSs, to determine the number of test administrations the district will require. Set up a specific test administration period for NPSs if dates for NPSs do not coincide with dates for district schools. See the guidelines on page 3 for more information about whether a separate test administration period should be set up for an NPS.

If the school district will have multiple administration periods, repeat these steps to set up each administration period. Users must complete all four steps before adding additional administrations, although the school district’s nondelivery/nonworking calendar days will be added only once. Use the EDIT function to change nondelivery or nonworking calendar days.

Step 1: Set Parameters 1. Log on to the Test Administration Setup module. 2. In the “ADD” section of the left navigation bar, select the Test Administration link. 3. In the Set Parameters online data form, shown in Figure 14, select the appropriate response from each of the dropdown lists. Note that the dropdown selections made here apply to the single administration being set.

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2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  17 Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

Use the ADD Functions | ADD Test Administration Dates

Figure 14. Set Parameters Web form

Test Admin Type and Number

Pre-ID Type

“Multiple Choice” (MC) is the only option for test administration type; test administrations for the writing test and/or the EAP essay will be set automatically based on the noninstructional days calendar. Numbers should be selected in order of the first test date; that is, select MC01 for the first administration set, MC02 for the next administration set, and so forth. If all schools in the school district will test during a single window, select only MC01. Choose “Answer Documents” to have bar codes with students’ demographic information printed on the test answer documents; choose “Labels” to have the bar codes printed on adhesive labels; or choose “None” to indicate that the school district will not use Pre-ID. Note: If the school district intends to submit a Pre-ID file only for supplemental orders/late labels, choose the “Labels” option.

Will you be administering tests to students in grade 4 or grade 7 during this administration?

Answer “Yes,” and the appropriate writing administration will be set up automatically. Answer “No” if the school district does not include grade four or seven.

Will you want to order the Early Assessment Program (EAP) Essays for 11th grade students testing on this administration?

Answer “Yes,” and the EAP writing administration will be set up automatically. Answer “No,” and no EAP writing administration will be set up.

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Use the ADD Functions | ADD Test Administration Dates

Instruction Start Date

Use the dropdown lists to select a Year, Month, and Day that mark the date of the first day of the school year for schools, programs, or tracks testing during this administration period.

Instruction End Date

Use the dropdown lists to select a Year, Month, and Day that mark the date of the last day of the school year for schools, programs, or tracks testing during this administration period.

4. Select the Next button to save data and move to the next step, “Identify Noninstructional Days” for this administration period or select Cancel to quit the transaction without saving any data and return to the Welcome! Web page.

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2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  19 Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

Use the ADD Functions | ADD Test Administration Dates

Step 2: Identify Noninstructional Days Depending on the start and end dates selected, the calendar representing the identified school year will appear on the Identify Noninstructional Days online data form, shown in Figure 15.

Noninstructional days

Figure 15. Identify Noninstructional Days Web form

Use the school-year calendar to mark the noninstructional days (holidays, breaks, teacher work days, and so forth) for this administration. Noninstructional days are marked in yellow; the calendar months that appear on the online form have weekends marked as noninstructional days by default (colored yellow); weekend days that are within a noninstructional period—for example, most of the weekend days in August in Figure 15—are gray. Dates that are lined out are not part of the district’s school year. To identify noninstructional days for this administration period: 1. Select the number on a white calendar day to choose it as a noninstructional day. Select the number on a yellow calendar day to change it to an instructional day. Note that weekend days are set as noninstructional days by default and cannot be changed. 20  2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

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Use the ADD Functions | ADD Test Administration Dates

2. Repeat for all noninstructional days for this administration period. 3. Select the Back button to return to the previous Web form without saving data on this Web form or select Next to specify test dates or select Cancel to quit the transaction without saving any data and return to the Welcome! Web page. 4. Noninstructional days can be added or edited (but only until the school district’s order is approved by the district STAR coordinator) by selecting the Test Administration link in the “EDIT” section of the left navigation bar.

Step 3: Part 1, Specify Test Dates Using the school calendar specified in Step 2, the STAR Test Administration Setup module calculates the 25-day testing window during which the school district must administer the CSTs, CMA, CAPA, and STS for this administration period. Testing dates for the grades four and seven California Writing Standards Tests (CSTs for Writing) and the California Writing Modified Assessment (CMA for Writing) and the EAP Essay for grade eleven are automatically assigned. Individual days within the testing window that are canceled out, such as weekend days, are not a part of the 25-day testing window. Likewise, a noninstructional date that is within the testing window is not counted as part of the 25-day testing window.

Selected test window end date

Selected test window start date Noninstructional day

Figure 16. Select Test Dates Web form

To select the spring 2014 test dates for this administration period in the Select Testing Window calendar shown in Figure 16: 1. Identify only two dates, the start date and the end date, for the testing window for this administration period. To maximize test security, coordinators should consider limiting each administration period to the shortest time possible. Also note the following: • The testing window may span all or a part of the available test window. • The dates selected for the testing window include makeup testing. 2. Select the number on a white calendar day to choose it as a test window start/end date. Select the number on a yellow calendar day to remove it as a test window start/end date.

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2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  21 Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

Use the ADD Functions | ADD Test Administration Dates

3. Select the Back button to return to the previous Web form without saving data on this Web form or select Next to save the administration dates or select Cancel to quit the transaction without saving any data and return to the Welcome! Web page. Note: If the school district has already set up one or more administrations with the same first testing date, a warning message will appear. 4. Continue to Step 3.

Step 3: Part 2, Identify Nondelivery/Nonworking Days (first test administration setup only) Nondelivery and nonworking days are days on which the school district is closed or unable to accept materials deliveries for any other reason. Choose dates for nondelivery and nonworking days between December 2013 and August 2014 to calculate the date(s) when the school district’s test materials can be delivered. Once dates have been entered as a part of the Getting Started process, nondelivery/nonworking dates can be added or removed by selecting the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days link in the “EDIT” section of the left navigation bar. Remember the following: • Mark nondelivery and nonworking days only. • The noninstructional days used to calculate test administrations may not necessarily coincide with the school district’s nondelivery or nonworking days. • Weekend days are assumed to be nondelivery, nonworking days and cannot be changed from yellow (nondelivery/nonworking) to white (delivery/working). • Noninstructional dates, also set up using the Test Administration Setup module, cannot be changed from this calendar Web form. However, those dates can be marked as nondelivery/ nonworking days or kept as delivery/working days, as appropriate. • This calendar cannot be changed directly by the district STAR coordinator after approving the test order for any administration period. Instead, the district STAR coordinator must contact STAR TAC to make changes to the nondelivery/nonworking days calendar after approval. To edit nondelivery/nonworking days: 1. When the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days Calendar Web form—shown in Figure 17—appears, select the number on a white calendar day to choose it as a nondelivery or nonworking date; select the number on a yellow calendar day to remove it from the nondelivery/nonworking days. At least one date must be selected to complete the creation of the nondelivery/ nonworking days calendar.

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Use the ADD Functions | ADD Test Administration Dates

Nondelivery/ Nonworking days

Figure 17. Select Nondelivery/Nonworking Days Web form

2. Select the Submit button to continue or the Skip button to cancel. If Submit is selected, the next page that will display is the school district’s Test Admin Summary. If Skip is selected, dates will not be set; there will be a message at the bottom of the Test Admin Summary that says, “Certain processing and shipping dates cannot be calculated until Nondelivery / Nonworking days are entered. Visit the Add Nondelivery / Nonworking Days calendar to enter them now.” 3. Nondelivery or nonworking days can be added by selecting the Nondelivery/ Nonworking Days link in the “ADD” section of the left navigation bar. They can be deleted by selecting the Nondelivery/ Nonworking Days link in the “EDIT” section of the left navigation bar.

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2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  23 Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

Use the ADD Functions | ADD Test Administration Dates

Step 4: View Test Admin Summary The system displays the dates of the multiple-choice and writing test administration(s), if applicable, as well as other information, such as the date the test administration was last updated.

March administration, Writing Test window, EAP Essay

Pre-ID Cutoff Dates

Administration 01 test dates, Multiple Choice

Transfer Student Cutoff Date Extended Pre-ID Data Corrections window

Figure 18. Test Admin Summary

If the school district will have multiple administration periods, repeat steps 1 through 3 to set up each administration period. The Test Admin Summary, as shown in Figure 18, will display the information for all test administration periods that have been set up. Note that there is no prompt to set nondelivery or nonworking days after the first test administration has been set up. 1. Select the Print Summary button to print the Test Admin Summary Web page for a record of the school district’s test administration dates. If the school district has more than two test administrations, set the print orientation to “landscape” to print the maximum number of the school district’s multiple test administrations. 24  2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

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Use the ADD Functions | ADD Nondelivery/Nonworking Days

2. Select the Home tab button above the top navigation bar to return to the Welcome! Web page or select the Maintain/ Update Profile link or one of the Test Administration links on the left navigation bar to use other Test Administration Setup functions.

ADD Nondelivery/Nonworking Days Nondelivery and nonworking days are dates on which the school district is closed or unable to accept materials deliveries for any other reason. While setting up the school district’s first test administration, the user had the option to set up the district’s nondelivery/nonworking days calendar in Step 3. If you selected Skip instead of marking dates on the calendar initially, you can add the dates in the nondelivery/nonworking days calendar by using the process described in Step 3 on page 22. To edit nondelivery and nonworking days, follow the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days link in the “EDIT” section of the left navigation bar. See page 27 for instructions on editing nondelivery and nonworking days.

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2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  25 Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

Use the EDIT Functions | EDIT a Multiple-Choice Administration

Use the EDIT Functions Any changes made by using the edit function will affect the multiple-choice tests only; changing the parameters for the multiple-choice tests will not change the scheduled administration dates of the writing test. Only STAR TAC can change the scheduled administration dates of the writing test.

EDIT a Multiple-Choice Administration 1. Log on to the Test Administration Setup module. 2. In the “EDIT” section of the left navigation bar, select the Test Administration link. 3. Select the test administration from the dropdown Test Admin Type and Number list (for example, select “Multiple Choice - MC01”). This will open the Edit Test Administration Web form, shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19. Edit Test Administration Web form

4. If the school district is changing the Pre-ID type or the instruction start and/or end dates, use the appropriate dropdown list to make a change. Then select the Next button to continue or select Cancel to quit the transaction without saving any data and return to the Welcome! Web page. If you select the Next button, the Select Noninstructional Days calendar will appear. 5. On the Select Noninstructional Days calendar, select the number on a calendar day to choose it as a noninstructional day or to change it to an instructional day. Whether or not changes were made to this page of the Web form, select Next to access the Select Test Dates Web form to change the start or end date of this test administration period or to reach the end of the editing process. 6. On the Select Test Dates Web form, select the number on a calendar day to choose it as a testing start or end date. If the instruction start or end dates or noninstructional days were added on the previous pages, the previously chosen start and end dates for this test administration period were overridden by the system. Choose new start and end dates. 7. Select Next to save the changes and view the summary of the new dates. Note that the date and time in the Last Update field have changed, as shown in Figure 20.

Changed date

Original date

Original date

Figure 20. "Last Update" field

8. Select the Print Summary button to print the new summary of dates but be sure to set the print orientation to “landscape” to print the maximum number of the school district’s multiple test administrations if the school district has more than two test administrations. Select the 26  2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

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Use the EDIT Functions | EDIT Writing Administration

Home tab button above the top navigation bar to return to the Welcome! Web page or the Maintain/Update Profile link or one of the Test Administration links on the left navigation bar to use other Test Admin Setup functions.

EDIT Writing Administration Follow steps 1 through 4 of the “EDIT a Multiple-Choice Administration” process, described on page 26, to adjust the Pre-ID type for the writing administration, except in step 1, select either WA01 or WA02 in the Test Admin Type and Number dropdown list. Identify the correct writing administration number by looking it up in the Test Admin Summary. Only the Pre-ID type for the writing administration can be changed using this feature. If necessary, contact STAR TAC to change the scheduled administration of the writing test; for example, if the noninstructional dates are changed to make the current scheduled dates of the writing test noninstructional.

EDIT EAP Essay Administration Follow steps 1 through 4 of the “EDIT Multiple-Choice Administration” process, described on page 26, to adjust the Pre-ID type for the EAP Essay administration, except in step 1, select “Early Assessment Program – EP01” in the Test Admin Type and Number dropdown list. Only the Pre-ID type for the writing administration can be changed using this feature. If necessary, contact STAR TAC to change the scheduled administration of the writing test; for example, if the noninstructional dates are changed to make the current scheduled dates of the writing test noninstructional.

EDIT the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days Calendar Nondelivery and nonworking days are days on which the school district is closed or unable to accept materials deliveries for any other reason. Choose dates for nondelivery and nonworking days between December 2013 and August 2014 to calculate the date(s) when the school district’s test materials can be delivered. Remember: • Mark nondelivery and nonworking days only. • The noninstructional days used to calculate testing windows may not necessarily coincide with the school district’s nondelivery or nonworking days. • Weekend days are assumed to be nondelivery and/or nonworking days and cannot be changed from yellow (nondelivery/nonworking) to white (delivery/working). • Noninstructional dates, also set up using the Test Administration Setup module, cannot be changed from this calendar Web form. However, those dates can be marked as nondelivery/ nonworking days or kept as delivery/working days, as appropriate. • This calendar cannot be changed directly by the district STAR coordinator after approving the test order for any administration period. Instead, the district STAR coordinator must contact STAR TAC to make changes to the nondelivery/nonworking day calendar after approval. To edit nondelivery/nonworking days: 1. Log on to the Test Administration Setup module. 2. In the “EDIT” section of the left navigation bar, select the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days link or select the Add Nondelivery/Nonworking Days link in the error message at the bottom of the Test Admin Summary Web page (“Certain processing and shipping dates cannot be calculated until Nondelivery / Nonworking days are entered. Visit the Add Nondelivery / Nonworking Days calendar to enter them now.”). If the nondelivery/nonworking days calendar was not set up during setup of the first test administration, this action is considered to be “editing” the administration. July 2013

2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  27 Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education

Use the EDIT Functions | EDIT the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days Calendar

3. When the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days Calendar Web form—like the one in Figure 21— appears, select the number on a white calendar day to choose it as a nondelivery or nonworking date or select the number on a yellow calendar day to remove it from the nondelivery/nonworking days. At least one date must be selected to complete the creation of the nondelivery/nonworking days calendar.

Nondelivery/ Nonworking days

Figure 21. Select Nondelivery/Nonworking Days Web form

4. Select the Submit button to continue or the Skip button to cancel. If Submit is selected, the next page that will display is the school district’s Test Admin Summary. If Skip is selected, and no nondelivery or nonworking days have been added, there will be a message at the bottom of the Test Admin Summary that says, “Certain processing and shipping dates cannot be calculated until Nondelivery / Nonworking days are entered. Visit the Add Nondelivery / Nonworking Days calendar to enter them now.” 5. Nondelivery or nonworking days can be added or deleted by selecting the Nondelivery/ Nonworking Days link in the “EDIT” section of the left navigation bar at any time. 6. The next page that will display is the school district’s Test Admin Summary. Select the Print Summary button to print the new summary of dates but be sure to set the browser’s print orientation to “landscape” to print the maximum number of the school district’s multiple test administrations if the district has more than two test administrations. 7. Select the Home tab button above the top navigation bar to return to the Welcome! Web page or select the Maintain/ Update Profile link or one of the Test Administration links on the left navigation bar to use other Test Admin Setup functions.

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Use the VIEW Functions | VIEW Test Admin Summary

Use the VIEW Functions VIEW Test Admin Summary Use the test administration status area to view details about all test administrations that have been set up for the school district. To view test administration details: 1. Log on to the Test Administration Setup module. 2. Select the Test Admin Summary link in the “VIEW” section on the left navigation bar. 3. Select the Print Summary button to print the Test Administration Summary Web page for a record of the school district’s test administration dates. If the school district has more than two test administrations, set the print orientation to “landscape” to print the maximum number of a school district’s multiple test administrations. 4. This is the same summary that was described in the “Step 4: View Test Admin Summary” section of this manual that starts on page 24.

VIEW Nondelivery/Nonworking Days 1. Log on to the Test Administration Setup module. 2. Select the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days link in the “VIEW” section on the left navigation bar. The school district’s Nondelivery/Nonworking Days Calendar, which is the same for all test administrations, will appear. 3. Select the Nondelivery/Nonworking Days link in the “EDIT” section of the left navigation bar or select the Add Nondelivery/Nonworking Days link in the error message at the bottom of the Test Admin Summary Web page (“Certain processing and shipping dates cannot be calculated until nondelivery / nonworking days are entered. Visit the Add Nondelivery / Nonworking Days calendar to enter them now.”) to change the school district’s nondelivery or nonworking days. That process is described on page 27.

VIEW Noninstructional Days 1. Log on to the Test Administration Setup module. 2. Select the Noninstructional Days link in the “VIEW” section on the left navigation bar.

Figure 22. View Noninstructional Days

3. Select a test administration from the Select Test Administration Number dropdown list shown in Figure 22 and then select the Submit button. A test administration includes the MC administration and the writing administration, if present. 4. Select the Test Administration link in the “EDIT” section of the left navigation bar to change an administration’s noninstructional days by editing a multiple-choice administration. That process is described on page 26.

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Appendix: Buttons, Tabs, and Links | Buttons and Tabs

Appendix: Buttons, Tabs, and Links Buttons and Tabs Button



Use this button to … . . . return to the previous Web page or form without saving data (applies to calendar forms); or . . . return to the Profile Web page from a contact or address display page after profile information has been changed.


. . . cancel the transaction and return to the Welcome! Web page.

Change Password (button)

. . . commit to a new password on the New Password Web form. To exit this Web form, select the Home tab button. Use the procedure to “log on for the first time” as described on page 6 to change a password.

Change Password (tab button)

. . . open the Change Password Web form. To exit this Web form, select the Home tab. Use the procedure to “log on for the first time” as described on page 6 to change a password.


. . . move to the logon page for the STAR Management System.

Feedback (tab button)

. . . open a message in the default e-mail application to send a message to the STAR Technical Assistance Center, [email protected].


. . . see a definition of a data field.

Home (tab button)

. . . return to the Welcome! Web page.


. . . gain access to the site after the username and password have been typed in.

Logoff (tab button)

. . . log off from the STAR Management System.


. . . save the data on the Web form and move to the next page of the Web form.


. . . answer negatively to the message in a dialog box.

Obtain Password

. . . reacquire a password after correctly responding to the security question.

Print Summary

. . . print the summary page that shows the dates for a particular administration.


. . . reset the data on the online form to the Web form’s state before data were entered or saved.

Save and Exit

. . . save the updates made to the profile record.


. . . defer adding nondelivery/nonworking days to the administration’s calendar.


. . . add nondelivery/nonworking days to the administration’s calendar.


. . . present data for processing.

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Appendix: Buttons, Tabs, and Links



Use this button to …


. . . go to a Web form where contact or shipping information can be changed.


. . . accept the message in a dialog box.

Links Link text


Add New Address

Found in the “Profile” section on the left navigation bar, this link allows the school district to add additional address types.


Finish a process and return to the Profiles Web page.

Forgot Your Password?

Found on the Logon Web page, select this link to use the process of obtaining a new password for the STAR Management System.

Maintain/Update Profile

Found in the “Profile” section on the left navigation bar, this link lets the school district review district contact information or change contact shipping or e-mail addresses.

Nondelivery/Nonworking Days

Depending on the section of the left navigation bar, this link lets the school district edit the district’s nondelivery or nonworking days (“EDIT” section); or view the school district’s nondelivery/nonworking days (“VIEW” section). Nondelivery and nonworking days are days on which the school district is closed or otherwise unable to accept materials deliveries.

Noninstructional Days

Found in the “VIEW” section of the left navigation bar, this link displays the school district’s noninstructional days. (Use the Test Administration link in the “EDIT” section to edit noninstructional days.)


Found on the Profile Web page, this link allows the school district to view details for schools in the school district.

Terms and Conditions

Found on all pages, this is a link to the STAR Management System’s “Terms and Conditions” popup window.

Test Admin Summary

Found in the “VIEW” section of the left navigation bar, this link displays the test administration dates the school district has set up in the system.

Test Administration

Depending on the section of the left navigation bar, this link lets the user access the Web forms to schedule the test administration window (“ADD” section); or to edit the test administration dates the school district has set up in the system (“EDIT” section).

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2014 STAR Test Administration Setup Manual  31 Copyright © 2013 by the California Department of Education