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Tyler, TX. Grades 9-12 $40. June 11th. Deer Park Mean Green Camp ... the University of North Texas, the University of No
2014 SUMMER CAMPS June 8th

Please check the session you wish to attend. Denton #1 - Mean Green Camp 1-5 PM Denton, TX

Grade 9-12


June 9th

Duncanville Mean Green Camp

8 AM - 12

Duncanville, TX

Grade 9-12


June 9th

Arlington Mean Green Camp

2-6 PM

Arlington, TX

Grades 9-12


June 10th

Mesquite Mean Green Camp

8 AM - 12

Mesquite, TX

Grades 9-12


June 10th

Tyler Mean Green Camp

3-7 PM

Tyler, TX

Grades 9-12


June 11th

Deer Park Mean Green Camp

10 AM-2 PM Deer Park, TX

Grades 9-12


June 11th

Katy Mean Green Camp

4-8 PM

Grades 9-12


June 12th

San Antonio Mean Green Camp

10 AM-2 PM San Antonio, TX

Grades 9-12


June 13th

Round Rock Mean Green Camp

10 AM-2 PM Round Rock, TX

Grades 9-12


July 25th

Dan McCarney Kicking Camp Jamie Kohl, instructor

9 AM - 3 PM Denton, TX

Grades 9-12


July 25th

Denton #2 - "Friday Night Lights"

5-9 PM

Grades 9-12



Katy, TX

Denton, TX

Age ________Grade (Fall 2014)__________________

Address_____________________________________ City____________________________ State____ Zip__________ School Attending (Fall 2014)_____________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian______________________________________ Home/Cell Phone______________________________ RSVP Email_________________________________________ Position (circle): OL TE WR RB QB K/P LB DL DE DB ** Camp confirmation will be emailed to address provided

MONEY ORDERS OR CASH ACCEPTED ONLY. NO refunds for 1-day Mean Green Camps. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT I, the undersigned parent/legal guardian of ____________. authorize my child's participation in the UNT Summer 2014 football camps. It is my understanding that participation in the activities that make up the camp are not without some risk of injury. As such, in consideration of my child's participation in the UNT Summer 2014 football camps , I hereby release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue the Camp, the Athletic Department, the University of North Texas, the University of North Texas System, the school district providing facilities, the State of T exas, or their officers, servants, agents and employees for any and all liability, claims, demands, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by my child, whether caused by negligence of the releases, while participating in activities, or when in, on, or upon the premises where activities are being conducted. I also agree to follow all instructions and procedures in order to maintain the maximum level of safety. I understand that a medica l insurance policy carried by the University of North Texas Summer 2014 camps, if any, will provide only minimal coverage and that I should make sure my child is covered in the event of a serious accident. I also gi ve my permission for any emergency medical care or treatment by a physician, surgeon, hospital, or medical care facility that may be required and accept responsibility for the cost. _______________________________________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian Date

_____________________________________________________________________ Camper's Signature Date

PARENTAL AND PHYSCIANS STATEMENTS FOR FOOTBALL CAMP / or a current school physical (must be within one 1 year of camp date) Camper's Name (please print) __________________________________________________________ Physician: I have examined the heart action, blood pressure, and general physiological condition of the aforementioned camper and believe him to be physically fit to participate in all sports except: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Physicians' Signature or copy of current school year physical Date Parents: In accordance with the rules of the UNT Football Camp, I hereby give my consent for my child to participate in any and all camp activities except_____________________________________. If at any time it is necessary for the aforementioned camper to receive outside or professional medication, I hereby give my consent to the camp to secure transportation as is deemed necessary. I will not hold the camp responsible for any benefits beyond the camp medical insurance program and will secure adequate family insurance coverage if additional protection is desired. Insurance Company Name and Policy Number ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________ *Physician's signature or current school year physical MUST be attached.

Mail form to: North Texas Football Camp (Regular USPS)

(Overnight: Fed EX, UPS, etc)

1155 Union Circle #311397 Denton, TX 76203

1251 South Bonnie Brae Denton, TX 76207

940-565-3653 No online registration. Walk-up registration available. All walk-ups should bring cash or money order and physical to camp site.

Fee includes workout shirt , insurance, and instruction from the North Texas football staff. Items to bring: T-shirt, shorts, grass cleats or turf shoes. North Texas Football Camp is not responsible for any lost or stolen item(s).