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Mar 3, 2014 ... Those actions indicating “Procedures” are from the document, Procedures for End ... FEC Secretary will review procedures and sample memos.
2014 Faculty of Science Faculty Evaluation Committee Schedule of Events (Review Year July 1 2013 to June 30 2014) Due Date March 3, 2014 March 3, 2014 March 17, 2014 April 2, 2014 May 15, 2014

October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014

October 8, 2014

October 15, 2014

Action Required Letter from the Vice Dean to the Chairs notifying them which faculty are at the end of their continuing appointments, probationary periods &/or eligible for tenure [Procedures] (cc to faculty member). Letter from the Vice Dean to those faculty members who are now eligible to apply for promotion to Professor {one‐time notice only} [13.28 & Procedures] (cc to Chair). Letter from the Vice Dean to FSOs who are eligible for promotion {one‐time notice only}. Letter from the Chair to the faculty member regarding eligibility for a conditional application for promotion to Professor [13.30 and Procedures] (cc to Vice Dean). Letter from the faculty member to the Vice Dean indicating his/her wish to be considered for promotion to Professor. [13.29 & Procedures] (cc to Chair). Letters from FSOs indicating they wish to be considered for promotion are also due at this time. Meeting! FEC Secretary to meet with the departmental FEC administrators to discuss upcoming FEC year (eFEC) with meeting to start at 10:00 AM. in Rm 6-176. FEC Secretary will review procedures and sample memos. JCRs will be available on-line. IDQs will be provided in mid July. Memo* to the Vice Dean from the Chair with his recommendations for 2nd probationary appointment or tenure [12.11 & 12.15], including special recommendations for tenure [12.17] (cc to faculty member). Memo to Vice Dean from Chair with his recommendations for no further appointments (cc to faculty/FSO member). Memo to Vice Dean from Chair with his recommendations for FSO continuing appointments (cc to FSO member). If a Chair recommends that no further appointment be offered to the faculty member (or FSO) at the end of a 1st or 2nd probationary period, a copy of all confidential material and the Chair’s Recommendation Summary Letter** (see Procedures Appendix I, A.1. iii.) will be submitted to the Vice Dean [Procedures]. Memo to the faculty member from the Chair indicating his support to the member’s application for promotion to Professor [Procedures] (cc to Vice Dean). Memo to Vice Dean from Chair with his recommendations for FSO promotions (cc to FSO member). If the Chair opposes an application, a copy of all confidential material and the Chair’s Recommendation Summary Letter (see Procedures Appendix I, B.2. iii) will be submitted to the Vice Dean [Procedures]. Summary of confidential material and Chair’s Summary Recommendation Letter from the Vice Dean to the faculty member in cases where the Chair recommends that no further appointment be offered or opposes the faculty member’s application for promotion to Professor [Procedures] (cc to Chair). For FSOs: Summary of confidential material and Chair’s Summary Recommendation Letter from the Vice Dean to the FSO member in cases where the Chair recommends that no further appointment be offered or opposes the FSOs application for promotion (cc to Chair). Sabbatical applications are due in the Vice-Dean’s Office [9.03.1].

October 27, 2014

LOCK DOWN of Annual Reports & Chairs’ Recommendations by Vice-Dean at 4:00pm; contact the FEC Secretary to open the ARs and CRs after this date. Departments must ensure all ARs are signed/locked by staff members.

October 27, 2014

Memo from Chair to staff member for those increment recommendations that are contestable (cc to Vice Dean).

October 28, 2014

November 3, 2014

Annual Reports, Chairs’ recommendations and all supporting documents for increments, tenure and promotion are due in Vice Dean's Office [13.35]. Names of the tenure representatives for the tenure cases are due at the same time. For those recommendations that may be contested, a letter is due from the faculty member to the Vice Dean indicating his/her intention to appear at FEC or submit documentation or both [13.49] (cc to Chair). In addition, materials under clause 13.49 are also due to the Vice-Dean at this time (cc to Chair). FEC members will be granted view access to on-line Annual Reports and Chairs’ Recommendations.

November 10, 2014

Statement from the Chair to the Vice Dean in reply to the faculty member’s contested case submission [13.50] (cc to faculty member).

November 17, 2014

Pre-FEC Meeting! FEC meets to discuss discipline unique matters and related topics. Meeting is scheduled from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in 6-176 CCIS. Review Period! FEC documentation is available for review during this time. Documentation can be taken home. Bulky material (if any) will be available for viewing. FEC meets! FEC meets this week from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day in 3-36 Tory Building.

November 3, 2014

November 21 to December 7, 2014

Dec 8 – 12, 2014 December 16, 2014

FEC Secretary distributes letters to those faculty who may wish to have their tentative FEC decisions reconsidered by FEC [13.64 – 13.66], or considered by PRC (for tenure and promotion only) [13.83 & 13.84].

December 19, 2014

Distribution of remaining letters to faculty from the FEC Secretary regarding tentative FEC decisions. FEC Secretary to notify the PRC Chair, in writing, of contentious tenure or promotion decisions [13.83]. Letter from faculty member to the Vice Dean to request reconsideration of his/her tentative FEC decision [13.68] (cc to Chair) OR letter from faculty member to PRC Chair to request PRC review [13.84]. Note that the faculty member may either choose to have his/her tenure or promotion case considered by the PRC or reconsidered by FEC [13.68 13.84].

December 23, 2014

January 13, 2015

January 21, 2015

If case is reconsidered by FEC, then statement and related documents from faculty member to the Vice Dean regarding his/her reconsideration case is due [13.71] (cc to Chair). If case is reconsidered by FEC, then statement from the Chair to the Vice Dean in reply to the faculty member’s reconsideration case submission is due [13.73] (cc to faculty member). FEC Secretary to email FEC members reconsideration material

January 28, 2015

FEC Reconvenes! FEC reconvenes at 9:00 a.m. 3-36 Tory

January 20 , 2015

* **

All “memos” are templates provided by the FEC secretary; use the appropriate memo template provided at the May meeting. The Chair’s Summary Recommendation Letter shall be written in an anonymized form not identifying the referees.

Call the FEC Secretary with your FEC-related questions at 2-5072. Those actions indicating “Procedures” are from the document, Procedures for End of First Probationary Appointments, Tenure and Application for Promotion to the Rank of Professor; a number in brackets refers to a clause cited in the Faculty Agreement. Modified March 7, 2013.